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The EARN IT Act is the latest clueless attack on encryption, do not fall for it – Privacy News Online

The latest attack on encryption is here, and its being championed under the cover of surprise surprise a necessary step to protect the children. Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Richard Blumenthal are proposing a new bill called the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act of 2019, abbreviated as the EARN IT Act.

You can read the draft bill here. In essence, if the EARN IT Act is passed, it will create a National Commission on Online Child Exploitation Prevention (NCOCEP) that will be responsible for drafting a set of rules that internet companies must follow in order to continue being eligible for protections under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This is an issue for multiple reasons.

The NCOCEP would be headed by Attorney General Bill Barr, who has already made headlines multiple times for calling on tech companies to build in backdoors to encryption. He is willfully ignorant that such backdoors would only serve to damage trust and doesnt understand the basic concept that a backdoor, once built, can be used by the bad guys as well as the good guys. At its core, the EARN IT Act would give the Attorney General the power to force tech companies like Facebook to build backdoors into their encryption.

None of this commentary is to say that the children dont need protecting they do. The Department of Justice already has the power to crack down on internet companies if they are enabling online child exploitation in fact thats exactly the angle that was used in the takedown of Backpage.

Riana Pfefferkorn, writing for The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, lambasted the proposed law with a comprehensive criticism. She called the EARN IT Act what it really is, a way to ban end-to-end encryption without actually banning it.

The Senator behind the EARN IT Act has previously admitted to the world that he has never even sent an email whats more, hes proud of that fact. Senator Lindsey Graham is a committee member of the Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law but has no demonstrable knowledge of privacy, technology and is actually actively attempting to update the law to damage the two. End-to-end encryption is not something that can be legislated away. End-to-end encryption works as a byproduct of the laws of mathematics, and attempting to legislate that away is utter buffoonery. Alas, what can be expected when we entrust internet policy to people that fundamentally dont care about the internet?

This bill doesnt give the United States government any new powers, it just gives them the ability to strip away protections that keep the internet free. The thought that having such power under a committee that pledges to consider privacy concerns somehow makes it OK is laughable but thats how this latest attack on encryption is really being framed by its perpetrators. Now is the time to act and tell your representatives that the EARN IT Act is a nonstarter. As the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) put it:

EARN IT is anti-speech, anti-security, and anti-innovation. Congress must reject it.

Featured image by Gage Skidmore shared via CC By 2.0 License.

Caleb Chen is a digital currency and privacy advocate who believes we must #KeepOurNetFree, preferably through decentralization. Caleb holds a Master's in Digital Currency from the University of Nicosia as well as a Bachelor's from the University of Virginia. He feels that the world is moving towards a better tomorrow, bit by bit by Bitcoin.

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The EARN IT Act is the latest clueless attack on encryption, do not fall for it - Privacy News Online

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Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduces bill that threatens end-to-end encryption – World Socialist Web Site

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduces bill that threatens end-to-end encryption By Kevin Reed 8 February 2020

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is circulating a discussion draft bill that would use the enforcement of laws against distribution of child sex abuse material (CSAM) as a means of shutting down end-to-end encryption services provided by the big tech companies.

The bill, which is also reportedly being worked on by Senator Richard Blumenthal (Democrat of Connecticut), would create a 15-member bipartisan National Commission on Child Exploitation Prevention that would be responsible for establishing the rules and overseeing the removal of CSAM content from the internet. The law would make the Attorney General the chairman of the commission and give him or her the authority to modify any of its recommendations.

Called the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act of 2019, the bill would make technology companies liable for state prosecution and civil lawsuits for child abuse and exploitation content unless they follow best practices outlined by the commission.

On January 30, Bloomberg published a draft of the bill noting, The draft bill from Graham, the South Carolina Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, mounts a double attack against encrypted services such as Apple Inc.s iCloud and Facebook Inc.s WhatsApp chat. It jeopardizes technology companies immunity to lawsuits by victims for violating child exploitation and abuse statutes and it lowers the standard to bring such cases.

At the heart of the proposed law is an attack on what is known as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which protects providers of computing devices, apps and internet services from liability for content copied or posted by users onto their products. Companies that refuse to follow the commissions best practices will lose their Section 230 protections for any content deemed to violate the content rules set by the commission.

Although the draft bill does not specify any of the rules, it is transparently obvious that it would require law enforcement immediate and unfettered access to devices, communications and cloud accounts. As has been explained by technology experts, the bills references to law enforcement identifying, categorizing, and reporting material related to child exploitation or child sexual abuse would be impossible to do on devices and services with end-to-end encryption.

End-to-end encryption is the popular method used by the consumer technology corporations of protecting electronic communications and data stored on computer devices by using cryptographic keys to block eavesdropping, surveillance and interception of information. The use of end-to-end encryption by the public, corporations and other organizations has been on the rise since the exposures by Edward Snowden in 2013 that the US government was capturing and storing the mobile phone and email communications of the entire population in a massive and illegal electronic dragnet.

Companies such as Apple and Facebook have been deploying end-to-end encryption in their products by default for several years now. Apple has battled publicly with the Justice Department several times since 2014 over demands by the FBI for back-door access to the encrypted iPhones of mass shooters.

In the most recent of these incidents, the shooting at the naval base in Pensacola, Florida, on December 6, it emerged that Apple had actually begun to cave into the demands from Attorney General William Barr and President Donald Trump for law enforcement access and a backdoor to encrypted data and communications.

As reported by Reuters at the time, Apple did in fact turn over the shooters iCloud backups in the Pensacola case, and said it rejected the characterization that it has not provided substantive assistance. Behind the scenes, Apple has provided the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation with more sweeping help, not related to any specific probe by dropping plans to offer consumers the ability to fully encrypt their iCloud backups.

Clearly, Senator Graham, the US Justice Department and others are attempting to exploit public fears and concerns about child sexual abuse as a means of pushing through their agenda for the abolition of encryption that has been underway for five years. As Riana Pfefferkorn of the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School explained, This bill is trying to convert your anger at Big Tech into law enforcements long-desired dream of banning strong encryption. It is a bait-and-switch. Dont fall for it.

Gizmodo, the technology and science site, wrote on January 31, It doesnt take a genius to see where this is going. The federal government, and especially the DOJ, have wanted tech companies to build surveillance backdoors into their end-to-end encrypted messaging services for years. They insist that they are only interested in preventing major crimes like terrorism or sex trafficking, but in reality, building those backdoors would create a convenient pipeline for domestic surveillance.

The technique of exploiting the public disorientation caused by terrorist violence and other criminality by the state to attack fundamental democratic rights has been employed increasingly by the political, law enforcement and national intelligence establishment since the events of September 9, 2001.

The provisions of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act were adopted in 1996 (also known as Title V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996) which state, No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. This section of the 1996 legislation was, in part, a response to the growth of the internet and has been frequently referred to as a key to the flourishing of the World Wide Web and sometimes as The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet.

The intensifying assault on end-to-end encryption is part of the ongoing drive by the state to censor and regulate content on the internet. Democrats, in particular, have led the campaign against big tech with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts and candidate for the partys 2020 presidential nomination, campaigning since March 2019 for a break up of the tech monopolies.

There has also been a steady campaign conducted by the New York Times, under the guise of the fight against so-called surveillance capitalism, to utilize the egregious privacy violations carried out by the tech monopolies to mobilize the public behind government censorship of online content. Significantly, none of these initiatives warn the public about the role of the state and military-intelligence apparatus in utilizing artificial intelligence and the communications infrastructure to spy on the entire population.

2019 has been a year of mass social upheaval. We need you to help the WSWS and ICFI make 2020 the year of international socialist revival. We must expand our work and our influence in the international working class. If you agree, donate today. Thank you.

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Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduces bill that threatens end-to-end encryption - World Socialist Web Site

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Activists write to Facebook against encryption, says it will dent bid to curb child pornography – Hindustan Times

More than 100 child protection organizations, including some from India, have urged Facebook to halt plans for strong encryption of all its platforms, saying the move will deal a blow to attempts to check the spread of child pornography.

The social network is working to extend end-to-end encryption across its social media messaging applications Facebook Messenger and Instagram.

The encryption, the activists have said, will make it almost impossible for law enforcement agencies to access evidence or detect potential abuse.

The letter was sent on February 6 and was initiated by UK-based National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and has been signed by more than 100 organisations. ECPAT International, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), SafeNet, and Child USA are some of the signatories. In India, the Chennai-based Tulir - Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse (CPHCSA) and Mumbai NGO Arpan have signed the letter.

Activists argued that while there was a legitimate interest among users to keep their data safe, Facebook has a responsibility to work with law enforcement agencies to prevent the use of its platform for grooming, sharing of child sex abuse imagery and the coercion of children for producing these imagery.

As child protection experts, we cannot overstate the strength of our concerns If Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct are both seamlessly integrated into large open platforms, abusers will be able to exploit existing design aspects to make easy and frictionless contact with large numbers of children, and then rapidly progress to make end-to-end encrypted messages, the letter reads.

The activists have called upon Facebook to halt the roll-out of the encryption process unless these concerns are addressed. They have also asked Facebook to invest in safety measures to scan for child abuse images, help government agencies with necessary data and consult child protection experts before making design changes on the platform.

As per NCMEC data, in 2018 alone, Facebook registered 16.8 million reports with it about child abuse imagery. In the UK, these reports led to 2,500 arrests. As per NCMEC estimates, if encryption is enforced, it will affect 70% of Facebooks reports, or about 12 million reports.

Strong encryption is critically important to keep everyone safe from hackers and criminals, said David Miles, Facebooks head of safety for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, according to news agency AFP.

The rollout of end-to-end encryption is a long-term project, protecting children online is critically important to this effort and we are committed to building strong safety measures into our plans.

Miles said Facebook was already working with law enforcement, government and technology companies to keep children safe online.

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Activists write to Facebook against encryption, says it will dent bid to curb child pornography - Hindustan Times

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BBB Offers the Following Tips for National Clean Out Your Computer and Safer Internet Day WKTN- A division of Home Town Media – WKTN Radio

Columbus, OH We all share a lot of information when we use the internet.

Our devices communicate with us and with each other for ease of shopping, banking, travel arrangements, and keeping in touch with friends. When online, its important to safeguard your data to help avoid scams, fraud, and identity theft.

For National Clean Out Your Computer Day (February 10) and National Safer Internet Day (February 11), Better Business Bureau and the National Cyber Security Alliance offer the following tips to help secure the privacy of your critical information:

.Share with care. What you post can last a lifetime, so think about who will see your posts and photos, how they will be perceived, and what information they reveal about you.

.Own your online presence. Set the privacy and security settings on web services and devices to your comfort level for information sharing. Its OK to limit how and with whom you share information.

.Value your personal information. Think of your personal information like money: value and protect it. Be careful what sites you visit and be sure you are on a legitimate site before entering personal information. Be especially wary of communications that implore you to act immediately, offer something that sounds too good to be true, or ask for personal information.

.Make your passwords long and strong. Use long passwords with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols eight characters for most accounts, twelve characters for email and financial accounts. Dont use the same password for multiple accounts, especially email and financial. Keep a paper list of your passwords in a safe place, not on or near your computer. Consider using a password vault application.

.Lock down your login. For your online accounts, use the strongest authentication tools available. Your usernames and passwords are not enough; consider two-factor authentication for key accounts like email, banking, and social media, especially for access on mobile devices.

.Dont click on unfamiliar links. Whether at home or at work, dont click on links from unfamiliar sources or unexpected correspondence. One false click can infect a whole computer or a whole business.

.Pay attention to your Internet-connected devices. Smart thermostats, voice control systems, cars, even refrigerators are just the beginning of the growing list of devices that watch our homes and track our location. Read the privacy policy and understand what data is being collected and how it will be used.

.If You Dont Like Personalized Advertising, You Can Opt Out. Weve all encountered those ads that follow us around the web as we shop and explore. These ads are known as interest-based advertising. While some consumers like interest-based advertising for the personalization it provides, if its not your cup of tea, you can opt out by visiting

.Look for the S. When youre browsing the web or shopping online, check to see if the site youre looking at is legitimate with these tips. Then, look in the upper left-hand corner of your web browser for https://. This indicates a website is protected by an extra layer of encryption known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secured.If you are entering personal or financial information into a website, make sure https is present. And if you want to learn more about this type of technology, visit

.Delete Old Apps. Is there a dating app you downloaded last year that you dont use anymore, or an app that provided you with some new recipes that you stopped using? Even though you dont use them anymore, these apps might be collecting data about how you use your device in the background. Declutter your life and delete old apps to help maintain your privacy.

.Update Your Software. Software updates are important because as technology advances, cyber criminals and attackers get better at cracking encryption and stealing your data. So when your phone or your desktop computers operating system prompts you to update your software, dont sleep on it. Update your software to make sure your digital experience is safe and secure.

Charitable organizations also need to be aware of data privacy. Donors and others communicate online with charities via their websites, emails and other online means and need to be informed about what policies are in place to address privacy concerns. BBB Wise Giving Alliance published a blog article containing advice for charities and donors regarding data privacy concerns.

To report a scam, go to BBB Scam Tracker.

Check for more information on how to avoid scams.

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BBB Offers the Following Tips for National Clean Out Your Computer and Safer Internet Day WKTN- A division of Home Town Media - WKTN Radio

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Optical Encryption Market Booming by Size, Revenue, Trends and Top Growing Companies 2026 – Instant Tech News

Verified Market Research offers its latest report on the Optical Encryption Market that includes a comprehensive analysis of a range of subjects such as market opportunities, competition, segmentation, regional expansion, and market dynamics. It prepares players also as investors to require competent decisions and plan for growth beforehand. This report is predicted to assist the reader understand the market with reference to its various drivers, restraints, trends, and opportunities to equip them in making careful business decisions.

Global Optical Encryption Market was valued at USD 2.62 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reachUSD 5.06 Billion by 2026,growing at aCAGR of 8.54% from 2019 to 2026.

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The top manufacturer with company profile, sales volume, and product specifications, revenue (Million USD) and market share

Global Optical Encryption Market: Competitive Landscape

The chapter on competitive landscape covers all the major manufacturers in the global Smart Cameramarket to study new trends and opportunities. In this section, the researchers have used SWOT analysis to study the various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and trends the manufacturers are using to expand their share. Furthermore, they have briefed about the trends that are expected to drive the market in the future and open more opportunities.

Global Optical Encryption Market: Drivers and Restraints

The researchers have analyzed various factors that are necessary for the growth of the market in global terms. They have taken different perspectives for the market including technological, social, political, economic, environmental, and others. The drivers have been derived using PESTELs analysis to keep them accurate. Factors responsible for propelling the growth of the market and helping its growth in terms of market share are been studied objectively.

Furthermore, restraints present in the market have been put together using the same process. Analysts have provided a thorough assessment of factors likely to hold the market back and offered solutions for circumventing the same too.

Global Optical Encryption Market: Segment Analysis

The researchers have segmented the market into various product types and their applications. This segmentation is expected to help the reader understand where the market is observing more growth and which product and application hold the largest share in the market. This will give them leverage over others and help them invest wisely.

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Optical Encryption Market: Regional Analysis :

As part of regional analysis, important regions such as North America, Europe, the MEA, Latin America, and Asia Pacific have been studied. The regional Optical Encryption markets are analyzed based on share, growth rate, size, production, consumption, revenue, sales, and other crucial factors. The report also provides country-level analysis of the Optical Encryption industry.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The report starts off with an executive summary, including top highlights of the research study on the Optical Encryption industry.

Market Segmentation: This section provides detailed analysis of type and application segments of the Optical Encryption industry and shows the progress of each segment with the help of easy-to-understand statistics and graphical presentations.

Regional Analysis: All major regions and countries are covered in the report on the Optical Encryption industry.

Market Dynamics: The report offers deep insights into the dynamics of the Optical Encryption industry, including challenges, restraints, trends, opportunities, and drivers.

Competition: Here, the report provides company profiling of leading players competing in the Optical Encryption industry.

Forecasts: This section is filled with global and regional forecasts, CAGR and size estimations for the Optical Encryption industry and its segments, and production, revenue, consumption, sales, and other forecasts.

Recommendations: The authors of the report have provided practical suggestions and reliable recommendations to help players to achieve a position of strength in the Optical Encryption industry.

Research Methodology: The report provides clear information on the research approach, tools, and methodology and data sources used for the research study on the Optical Encryption industry.

Complete Report is Available @

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Optical Encryption Market Booming by Size, Revenue, Trends and Top Growing Companies 2026 - Instant Tech News

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Federal government warning of voter coercion, foreign election interference through private messaging services –

The federal government is worriedabout the risk of voter coercion and foreign election interference through private messaging services a concern that could pit the right to privacy and free expression against Canada's election laws.

The warning was tucked into a briefing note prepared for President of the Privy Council Dominic LeBlanc about ongoing issues with social media platforms. Private messaging includes Facebook and Instagram message services, WhatsApp groups and WeChat channels.

"As the platforms move towards private/encrypted conversations as the foundation of how they work, concerns have been raised about the capacity of the tools used for private communications to potentially undermine [Canada Elections Act] provisions, or to facilitate the potential for voter coercion or foreign interference," says a briefing note, obtained by CBC News through access to information.

"This will introduce difficult considerations, such as the trade-offs between respecting the privacy of private communications and protecting the integrity of the electoral regulatory regime. There will, additionally, be significant challenges for enforcement."

The briefing note's sections on recommendations and implementation are blacked-out in the copy obtained by CBC News,since they're considered advice to a minister.

The note flags questions about "whether and how to intervene in a quickly changing technological environment" and "how to apply timeless democratic principles (e.g., freedom of expression) in this environment" as ongoing issues for LeBlanc, whose role at the cabinet table includes protecting democratic institutions.

A spokesperson for LeBlanc didn't answer direct questions about what the government plans to do.

"Our government continues to work with social media platforms, including those with messaging systems, and Elections Canada to ensure the integrity of our democratic processes. Canadians have a right to engage in private conversations with their friends and family about politics without limitations or restrictions," said Brandan Rowe in an email.

"We continue to learn from experiences around the world, where different platforms are being used to influence election outcomes."

Taylor Owen is the chair of media, ethics andcommunicationsat McGill University. He said the massively popular chatapp Whatsapp is at the centre of this controversy.

"In part because in many countries, particularly emerging economies, WhatsApp is the primary mode of communication," he said.

"It has been shown to have been abused quite widely in a number of elections and even to incite violence in countries around the world, where messages that were shared through WhatsApp groups spread very quickly and had fairly serious consequences."

Whatsapp which is owned by tech giant Facebook began cracking down after rampant disinformation campaigns in India triggeredlynchings and other violent acts. With about 200 million users, India is WhatsApp's largest market.

Whatsapp users can now only forward a message five times a change the company said is meant to combat "misinformation and rumours."

Owen said the Canadian government showed it took disinformation campaigns seriously before the election when it reformed the rules on advertising. Now, he said, it'sconfronting"the most difficult challenge in this space."

"What do you do with information that is made private, either by the choice of the users or by the technology itself?" he said.

"We haven't had a set of policies that have really gotten that issue yet. Most governments have just dealt with the much easier issues around regulating advertising, better privacy protections, limiting spending in the digital space.

"That is the low-hanging fruit that the Canadian government has already implemented and now, as this document signals, they're heading into the much more tricky terrain."

South of the border, U.S. Attorney General William Barr reignited a debate on encryption when he appealed to Apple to help unlock iPhones linked to a December naval base shooting in Pensacola, Fla.

His comments setthe stage for another fiery debate betweenlaw enforcement and manufacturers over the ethics of installingso-called "back doors" to allow law enforcement agencies to decode encrypted data after obtainingsearch warrants.

Apple has refused, saying in a media statement that "there is no such thing as a backdoor just for the good guys."

Asked by CBC News whether it would consider introducing backdoor access through legislation, LeBlanc's office didn't reply.

Owen saidthe things the government would have to do to break into "end-to-end encrypted communication ... would be so dangerous to the architecture of the internet that depends on that kind of encryption that it is probably not worth entertaining.

"But some sort of regulation or engagement with content that happens in much wider semi-private channels, even if it's perhaps auditing content in that, or some degree of oversight, is something that could probably be done."

Under LeBlanc's predecessor Karina Gould, the Liberal government amended the Canada Elections Act in 2018 to force digital platforms to maintain a public registry of partisan and election advertising leading up to and during the 2019 election campaign.

In the leadup to the election, the government also unveiled what it called a "Declaration of Electoral Integrity" which asked online platforms to address attempts to disrupt the upcoming federal election.

In the days immediately after the federal election, government officials said they did detect attempts to spread misinformation and disinformation during the election campaign but not at a level high enough to trigger a public warning.

Federal government warning of voter coercion, foreign election interference through private messaging services -

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Mobile Encryption Market 2020 Recent Industry Developments and Growth Strategies Adopted by Top Key Players Worldwide and Assessment to 2025 -…

The GlobalMobile Encryption Market2020 report implement in-depth research of the industry with a focus on the current market trends future prospects. The GlobalMobile Encryption Marketreport aims to provide an overview ofMobile Encryption Marketplayers with detailed market segmentation by product, application and geographical region. It also provides market share and size, revenue forecast, growth opportunity. The most recent trending report WorldwideMobile Encryption MarketEconomy by Manufacturers, Regions, kind and application, forecast to 2025 provided byReports and Reportsis an educational study covering the marketplace with detailed analysis.

The report projects the market size by the end of 2025 at an exponential CAGR, by analyzing the historical data for the time period of 2018. The prime objective of this report is to determine Global Mobile Encryption Market status, forecast, growth opportunity, and market size by studying classification such as key players, regional segments type and application.

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The important regions, considered to prepare this report are North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa). The region wise data analyses the trend, market size of each regions Mobile Encryption Market. It also helps to determine the market share, growth prospects and challenges at the regional level. As per the report, the Asia-Pacific will vouch for more market share in following years, emphasizing more in China. India and Southeast Asia regions will also record considerable growth. North America, especially The United States, will still play a significant role up to an extent that changes in United States market might affect the development trend of Mobile Encryption Market Industry. Europe will hold a vital contribution too with impressive CAGR till 2025.

Other than the aforementioned parameters which Mobile Encryption Market report focuses on, another imperative objective of the report is to present the Mobile Encryption Market development across the globe especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central and South America. In the report, the market has been categorized into manufacturers, type, application and regions.


Market OverviewThe global Mobile Encryption market size is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2020 to 2025, with a CAGR of 17.7% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2025 and will expected to reach USD 2698.6 million by 2025, from USD 1405.9 million in 2019.The Mobile Encryption market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive Landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunities analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, area marketplace expanding, and technological innovations.

Market segmentationMobile Encryption market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2015-2025, the growth among segments provide accurate calculations and forecasts for sales by Type and by Application in terms of volume and value. This analysis can help you expand your business by targeting qualified niche markets.By Type, Mobile Encryption market has been segmented into Disk Encryption, File/Folder Encryption, Communication Encryption, Cloud Encryption, Other, etc.By Application, Mobile Encryption has been segmented into BFSI, Healthcare & Retail, Government and Public Sector, Telecommunications and IT, Other, etc.

Regions and Countries Level AnalysisRegional analysis is another highly comprehensive part of the research and analysis study of the global Mobile Encryption market presented in the report. This section sheds light on the sales growth of different regional and country-level Mobile Encryption markets. For the historical and forecast period 2015 to 2025, it provides detailed and accurate country-wise volume analysis and region-wise market size analysis of the global Mobile Encryption market.The report offers in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Mobile Encryption market in important countries (regions), including United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, etc. It also throws light on the progress of key regional Mobile Encryption markets such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.

Competitive Landscape and Mobile Encryption Market Share AnalysisMobile Encryption competitive landscape provides details by vendors, including company overview, company total revenue (financials), market potential, global presence, Mobile Encryption sales and revenue generated, market share, price, production sites and facilities, SWOT analysis, product launch. For the period 2015-2020, this study provides the Mobile Encryption sales, revenue and market share for each player covered in this report.The major players covered in Mobile Encryption are: McAfee(Intel Corporation), Dell, ESET, Blackberry, Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd., T-Systems International, Mobileiron, Symantec Corp, Sophos, IBM, Silent Circle, BeiJing Zhiyou Wangan Tech. Co. Ltd, Adeya SA, Proofpoint, Inc., CSG,Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, etc. Among other players domestic and global, Mobile Encryption market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa and South America separately. Global Info Research analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

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This report studies the Mobile Encryption Marketstatus and outlook of Global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global market, and splits the Mobile Encryption Marketby product type and applications/end industries. These details further contain a basic summary of the company, merchant profile, and the product range of the company in question. The report analyzes data regarding the proceeds accrued, product sales, gross margins, price patterns, and news updates relating to the company.

Thus, this report can be a guideline for the industry stakeholders, who wished to analyze the Mobile Encryption Market and understand its forecast of till 2025. This report helps to know the estimated market size, market status, future prospects, growth opportunity, and main challenges of Mobile Encryption Market by analyzing the segmentations.

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A neural network that learned to predict the behavior of a quantum system – Tech Explorist

A wide range of issues in modern science are tackled through quantum mechanical calculations. The quantum nature of the problems involved improves quantum calculations better-suited to them.

Creating quantum computers is expensive and tedious, and the subsequent gadgets are not ensured to display any quantum advantage. That is, operate faster than a conventional computer. So specialists need devices for anticipating whether a given quantum device will have a quantum advantage.

One of the approaches to execute quantum computations in quantum walks. In simple terms, the technique can be envisioned as a particle traveling in a specific system, which underlies a quantum circuit. On the off chance that a molecules quantum walks starting with one network node then onto the next happens quicker than its classical analog, a device-dependent on that circuit will have a quantum advantage. The quest for such superior systems is a significant errand handled by quantum walk specialists.

In a new study, Russian scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology, and ITMO University have replaced quantum walk experts with artificial intelligence. They trained the machine to recognize networks and tell if a given system will convey quantum advantage. This pinpoints the networks that are good candidates for building a quantum computer.

Scientists used a neural network geared toward image recognition. An adjacency matrix served as the info data alongside the quantities of the input and output nodes. The neural system restored a forecast of whether the old style or the quantum walk between the given nodes would be quicker.

Associate Professor Leonid Fedichkin of the theoretical physics department at MIPT said,It was not obvious this approach would work, but it did. We have been quite successful in training the computer to make free predictions of whether a complex network has a quantum advantage. The line between quantum and classical behaviors is often blurred. The distinctive feature of our study is the resulting special-purpose computer vision, capable of discerning this fine line in the network space.

Scientists also created a tool to simplify the development of computational circuits based on quantum algorithms. The resulting devices will be of interest in biophotonics research and materials science.

Scientists noted,Solving a problem that formally involves finding the quantum walk time from one node to another may reveal what happens to an electron at a particular position in a molecule, where it will move, and what kind of excitation it will cause.

Compared with architectures based on qubits and gates, quantum walks are expected to offer an easier way to implement the quantum calculation of natural phenomena. The reason for this is that the walks themselves are a natural physical process.

The findings are reported in the New Journal of Physics.

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A neural network that learned to predict the behavior of a quantum system - Tech Explorist

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Cryptocurrency Price List – Top 20 Cryptocurrency Prices Today

We have listed the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap and price as an aggregate from top cryptocurrency exchanges. We also have the cryptocurrency price change from the past 24 hours, 7 days and 30 days. Bitcoin is currently the top cryptocurrency so we compare each of the cryptocurrencies on the list to Bitcoin. We also have the cryptocurrency trade volume that have been traded at exchanges (Coinbase, Binance, etc.) over the past 24 hours.

Bitcoin (BTC)Bitcoin was the very first cryptocurrency. Invented by an anonymous person(s) in 2009, it kick-started a revolution of new digital money and decentralized information networks. Bitcoin is likened to digital gold because it has a limited supply and can act as a store of value. It is censorship-resistant, pseudonymous, and an effective means of cross-border payments.

Ripple (XRP)Ripple is a real-time gross settlement network and payment network meant for regulated financial institutions to use. It is meant to streamline the onerous process for banks and eliminate third-parties like clearinghouses. Ripples native currency is called XRP.

Ethereum (ETH)Ethereum is meant to be a decentralized world computer. It works as a general programming platform upon which other blockchain apps can be built. It uses its native currency ether as a way to exchange value and pay for computing power.

EOS (EOS)EOS is also meant to function as a decentralized computing platform. It allows for other decentralized applications of all type to use it to power themselves. It is a competitor to Ethereum and other similar blockchains, much like how Windows OS and Mac OS compete.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH)Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash differs in certain technical elements that allow for more transactions per second on chain. Proponents think it is more important to function as payments system rather than as a store of value.

Litecoin (LTC)Litecoin is one of the earliest cryptocurrencies, as well. It is a non-malicious fork of Bitcoin that gave it high transactions per second and a different mining algorithm. Litecoin is sometimes likened to silver in comparison to Bitcoin as gold. In history, silver was used more frequently for smaller transactions and gold was used less for larger sums.

Binance Coin (BNB)Binance Coin is a utility coin that is integrated in the Binance crypto exchange platform. Investors and traders on Binance can use BNB for discounts on trading fees. It is a major trading pair and is featured on its new decentralized exchange.

Tether (USDT)Tether is a stablecoin. This means that it is pegged to the US dollar and rarely fluctuates beyond a 1:1 ratio. Tether is often used by traders to escape the massive volatility in crypto prices. One USDT is redeemable for 1 USD on select exchanges.

Stellar (XLM)Stellar is an open-source payment network that relies on distributed ledger technology. Stellar is tackling the problem of making cross-border payments faster, cheaper and easier. It connects financial institutions and small businesses in different countries through its software, utilizing its native token Lumen, or XLM, as an intermediary to exchange between different currencies.

Cardano (ADA)Cardano is a protocol-layer blockchain platform that will support decentralized applications and the use of smart contracts. Cardano is aiming to add unique features, such as side chains and atomic swaps, for interoperability with other blockchains. It is also looking to add optional features like KYC/AML for financial institutions to help with regulations.

Tron (TRX)Tron is a blockchain-based platform that is looking to become a place for peer-to-peer sharing of digital entertainment content. It will allow developers to build applications on top of its protocol to introduce a more decentralized way to consume and share media.

Huobi Token (HT)Huobi Token is the native cryptocurrency within the Huobi exchange trading platform. It is modeled after the Binance Coin with a few extra perks. Investors and traders on Huobi get discounts on fees, airdrops of various coins, and can vote on certain decision within the exchange, such as new coin listings.

Monero (XLR)Monero is a privacy-centric cryptocurrency aiming to allow all transactions to be completely anonymous and untraceable. Monero uses highly technical cryptography, such as ring signatures and stealth address, to make it virtually impossible for third-parties to track. By obscuring all addresses and transactions, proponents say it makes for a more useful and fungible currency.

Dash (DASH)Dash is an open-source privacy-centric cryptocurrency that was started in early 2014. Dash is short for digital cash. Its two priorities are privacy and scalability. It uses a coin-mixing process to make transactions harder to trace and uses proof-of-stake to allow for a higher transaction throughput.

Bitcoin SV (BSV)Bitcoin SV stands for Bitcoin Satoshis Vision. It was created after a fork of Bitcoin Cash (which was originally a fork of Bitcoin). Similarly, the Bitcoin SV team wanted to make technical upgrades that allowed the network the capacity to handle an even larger volume of transactions.

IOTA (IOT)The IOTA project is focused on creating a decentralized network for connecting the Internet of Things, like smart devices and vehicles. It is aiming to make nanopayments between machines efficient and automated. It uses a different form of distributed ledger technology called Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

Ontology (ONT)Ontology is an open-source blockchain project that focuses on tackling issues of identity, data storage and data exchange for enterprise use cases. Ontology aims to solve problems that arise around proprietary data for large companies. It was launched in late 2017 by a Chinese company called OnChain.

NEO (NEO)NEO is meant to be a base-layer protocol that acts a platform for other decentralized applications to be built on. NEO is based in China and is sometimes referred to as the Chinese Ethereum. It aims to have better scalability and implement an identity system for all users.

Basic Attention Token (BAT)Basic Attention Token is a utility coin used in an internet browser called Brave that exchanges value between advertisers, web-sites and users in a peer-to-peer fashion. Users can earn money paid directly from advertisers for not blocking ads and websites can earn money directly from users activity on their pages.

Ethereum Classic (ETC)Ethereum Classic is the original version of the Ethereum blockchain. It only appeared following the events of the 2016 DAO Hack. Ethereum Classic was the version that decided not to fork following a dramatic debate within the community. Additionally, unlike its similarly named counterpart, Ethereum Classic has instituted a supply hard cap and remains using a proof-of-work system.

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Cryptocurrency Price List - Top 20 Cryptocurrency Prices Today

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How to buy Cryptocurrency – WorldCoinIndex

Cryptocurrency is mostly bought only with Bitcoin. See our How to buy Bitcoin guide. There are a couple exceptions like Ethereum and Litecoin can be bought with fiat currencies.

Our platform offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies that can be bought with a simple buy/sell widget though a few simple steps.

How do you get a wallet address? Each Cryptocurrency has a website on which you can find the Wallet to download. Once you downloaded the wallet and open it, you will get an wallet address to receive the chosen cryptocurrency. For example an Ethereum address look as follow 0x8F88ba5B3b19106e4C8a68e7885f3e7FcA66c233

Please notice each Cryptocurrency has its own wallet and only download a wallet from the official website of the chosen Cryptocurrency.

If you did not find a buy/sell option at your desired cryptocurrency you can buy the cryptocurrencies through an exchange, a platform where buyers and sellers are co-ordinated through one site. See our exchange list here.

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How to buy Cryptocurrency - WorldCoinIndex

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