Jordan Peterson To Testify To Congress On Government Collusion With Banks – The Daily Wire

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson will testify on Capitol Hill this week for a House hearing on allegations of government collusion with banks to snoop on the private financial information of U.S. citizens, The Daily Wire has learned.

The Thursday hearing will be held by the House Judiciary Committees Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which is chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). Jordan announced in January of this year that his committee obtained documents that show the federal government flagged monetary transactions using terms associated with former President Donald Trump for financial institutions.

We now know the federal government flagged terms like MAGA and TRUMP, to financial institutions if Americans completed transactions using those terms, Jordan said in a post to X. What was also flagged? If you bought a religious text, like a BIBLE, or shopped at Bass Pro Shop.

In addition to being a DailyWire+ host, Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, best-selling author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto.

Ever since February of 2022, when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act to freeze money to members of the Freedom Convoy who protested restrictive COVID-19 measures and vaccine mandates, Peterson has raised concerns about government abuse of the financial system.

When a top official said accounts will be frozen, Peterson warned on X that it meant the government can now steal your money with the collusion of the banks because you provided financial support to a protest against the government. If you think this is a good idea you deserve what [is] coming to you.

Peterson continued to speak out about the controversy in posts to social media. Your seizure of Canadian bank accounts was the worst single act of the most reprehensible government in Canadian history, he said in a post to X in February 2023.

Concerns about federal law enforcement targeting political and religious expression protected by the Constitution as well as protecting civil liberties are certain to be topics of discussion during the hearing on Thursday.

In addition to Peterson, the witnesses who are expected to attend include:Brian Knight, senior research fellow and director of Innovation and Governance at George Mason Universitys Mercatus Center at George Mason University; Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom; and Norbert Michel, vice president and director of the Cato Institutes Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives.

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Jordan Peterson To Testify To Congress On Government Collusion With Banks - The Daily Wire

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