Jordan Peterson says his psychologists licence is as good as gone amid row with regulators – Gript

Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson has said his licence is as good as gone after a higher court in Canada ruled that the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) can compel him to attend what he has called re-education classes.

Peterson said that while in the process of writing two books and preparing for a multi-city tour, he also had to face the dismal reality that in some fundamental sense, Canadas Charter of Rights isnt worth the paper its written on.

Commenting on the consequences of the courts decision to allow a professional to be completed to attend re-education classes he said, professionals in this country can say goodbye to their right to express themselves, politically or otherwise, politically or professionally.

Defending the material that landed him in hot water he said, I dont think that my tweets, some of my tweets, were political in the sense that I was criticizing certain government figures.

Calling Canadain PM Justin Trudeau a WEF puppet he referred to criticisms he had levelled at Trudeaus former chief of staff saying, I suppose you could argue that those were political opinions and fair enough, but I have the right to my political opinions,

Noting criticism he had gotten for his tweets about trans-gender celebrity Elliot (Ellen) Page, he said

I think its incumbent on psychologists with an ounce of integrity to point out the danger of self-deluded, narcissistic, self-destructive celebrities parade their proclivity self-steralise and self-mutilate as a public good,

Peterson said that censorship of freedom of speech in Canada would likely render professional psychologists unable to ask critical questions of clients presenting with gender dysphoria which he said he regarded his remarks as a professional obligation,

Peterson said he has worked very hard to earn and maintain his professional licence and that there had been no complaints made against him until he became a public figure.

Remarking that letting the woke members of the College of Psychologists of Ontario have their way with his professional credentials annoys him deeply he said that he was not dependent on holding onto the licence for financial reasons as he has other income streams.

Im not dependent on that licence anymore. I have other tricks up my sleeve, so to speak anyways, and at some point, Im going to determine that being a member of their pathetic little incestuous, ideologically addled resentment ridden, bureaucratic pea brained, Microsoft club is not worth the effort. he said.

Peterson continued, that these bloody colleges regulatory boards pose a major threat to the free speech and free thought of all Canadians, not just professionals,

Canadians can think for themselves. he said.

Last week Gript reported on the court decision in a case which arose after a series of complaints were made against Peterson in relation to comments he has made on social media and during interviews on popular podcasts like The Joe Rogan Show.

Peterson has said that although the OAPs function is to regulate the relationships between psychologists and their clients, none of those who submitted complaints about him were clients of his.

Law professor Bruce Pardy wrote that the CPO committee did not conduct a disciplinary hearing and never concluded that Peterson committed professional misconduct. Nevertheless, the college has promised that failing to complete the program may result in an allegation of professional misconduct and the commencement of actual disciplinary proceedings.

After the decision was made to allow the CPO to compel Peterson to attend the classes he called for the board to resign and apologise to him.

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Jordan Peterson says his psychologists licence is as good as gone amid row with regulators - Gript

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