Jordan Peterson resists his critics clumsy forced re-education …

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The college has handed down a sentence without even detailing the charges

Published Jan 06, 2023 Last updated 5days ago 4 minute read

Jordan Peterson, the renowned or controversial psychologist (the adjective depends on your point of view and, with Peterson, everyone has a view) has embarked on what is destined to be a titanic battle between himself and the Ontario College of Psychologists.

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The donnybrook reminds me of my Irish brother-in-law, James, and his particular fondness for the colourful word bollocks, with all its many variations. James ran a trucking business and I was once in the back of his car when he was on the phone with a manager complaining about one of his employees.

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Hes nothing but a bollocks who needs a good bollocking and Im the bollocks who can do it, he said.

Everyone got the gist so far?

Anyone who has had any type of job has, at one time, fairly or unfairly, been hauled over the coals and received a good bollocking. But the warning of a bollocking to Peterson by the Ontario College of Psychologists has taken bollockology to a whole new level.

Now, dont get me wrong: I think bollockings can be a necessity.

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Bollockings can be cathartic allowing employer and employee to get over a troubling issue, clean the slate and start afresh. Bollockings can be redemptive an employer chastising an employee by pointing out some transgression or another. And bollockings can also be final Youre sacked, get the hell out of my office.

But Petersons disciplinary warning letter, with its 26 points, various sub-headings including Coaching Program, Coach, Costs and General has entered the realm of bureaucratic bollocking, also known as the eighth circle of hell.

A good bollocking always starts by pointing out where the transgressor has gone wrong: You stupid bollocks, you should have done this, or, You stupid bollocks, you shouldnt have done that.

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In Petersons case, according to documents he posted on Twitter from the college, he appears to have lacked professionalism in public statements on social media and during a Jan. 25, 2022, podcast appearance.

Wheres the detail? Wheres the specifics? What are the charges? What public statements are so egregious as to warrant disciplinary action?

No one likes a wishy-washy bollocking. However, the college goes on to redeem itself in spectacular fashion at Point 2: I (Peterson) hereby undertake to do the following.

One must bow down to the bollocking gods here. Having failed to identity the key charges besides a vague lack of professionalism, the college goes straight into discussing his sentence.

Sentence firstverdict afterwards, said the Red Queen during the trial of the Knave of Hearts for stealing tarts in Alices Adventures in Wonderland.

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The college appears to have taken its cue from the Red Queen regarding sentencing, but at least the Knave knew he was accused of nicking the desserts.

The first part of the Peterson sentencing involves him working with Erika Abner or Gail Siskind to review, reflect or ameliorate his behaviour.

Abner appears to be a lawyer who works with individuals who have experienced professionalism and/or ethical breaches, while a Gail Siskind with the same professional qualifications is a seasoned, thought leader and change agent who helps individuals who have encountered challenges to managing their own conduct.

Its never going to happen, but if Peterson got into an office with either of those people for a session, someone should sell tickets, because it has blockbuster potential.

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His sentencing also includes finishing the coaching program no details on what that involves within six months; the coach and the college registrar can chat about how the program is going, and if the coach gives unfavourable feedback, the registrar can investigate new concerns.

If Mao gave bollockings, this would be a prime example.

Then there are costs. Peterson is fully responsible for any and all costs associated with satisfaction of the terms of this Acknowledgement and Undertaking.

Any and all costs looks worrying, and who is it that has to be satisfied? This is the kind of rider that could cost a fortune.

Meanwhile, the coach gets paid no more than $225 an hour, and that includes meetings, travel time and time spent reviewing files and other material. All paid by Peterson (if he signs the colleges undertaking, which he wont).

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It seems a little unfair to subject an individual to such an intensive, time-consuming bollocking and then expect him to pay for it. However, the college isnt being fair.

Reading the notice of intended disciplinary actions shows that a lot of thought and planning has gone into it. Its a premeditated shot across Petersons bows, a warning that hed better knuckle under and do what the college wants or else. (Peterson has already said there will be no knuckling.)

It may be within the remit of the college to do this, but that doesnt make it right. No one likes being given a fait accompli, especially one which essentially tells them to shut up and pay up.

Instead, the college could have invited Peterson to sit down for a chat, got him into an office and given him a good bollocking. I dont for a moment imagine Peterson taking the bollocking to heart or agreeing with it. There may well be raised voices (or, being psychologists, just tense silences), but at least it would have initiated a conversation.

With its letter, all the college has done is start a war.

National Post

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Jordan Peterson resists his critics clumsy forced re-education ...

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