Conservative media is lying to you. Ann Coulter encourages GOP split from Trump – The Boston Globe

Conservative media commentator Ann Coulter, once a fan of former Republican president Donald Trump and now a harsh critic, took another swipe at him this week.

In a podcast, she said, You dont need to suck up to Trump any more, conservative talk radio hosts, talk TV hosts, Republicans running for office. Hes done. Hes over.

In a tweet linking to the podcast, she also told followers, Conservative media is lying to you about Trumps popularity.

Coulter made similar points in a January column in which she declared, No one wants Trump. Hes fading faster than Sarah Palin did and she was second place on a losing presidential ticket.

She has also called Trump abjectly stupid and a liar and con man, Newsweek reports.

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Conservative media is lying to you. Ann Coulter encourages GOP split from Trump - The Boston Globe

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