Ann Coulter Roasts Trump Lawyer Who Admitted to Lying About Election …

Provided by Mediaite Ann Coulter

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter mocked former Donald Trump attorney Jenna Ellis by saying her recent admissions are a prime example of how the ex-president pushes lies that his supporters willingly buy into.

A major Trump booster once upon a time, Coulter has been a vocal critic of the ex-president for years, bashing him as a disappointment and a liar whose political stardom is fading. On Thursday, Coulter set her sights on Ellis by asking Do the Trump die-hards ENJOY being lied to?

The New York Times article Coulter flagged refers to the news from Ellis disciplinary hearing before Colorado Judge Bryon Large. In the hearing, Ellis was censured after confessing to knowingly misrepresenting the facts multiple times, back when she helped Team Trump push their false claims that the 2020 election was corrupted by mass fraud.

As the hearing was covered by the media, Ellis took to Twitter to lash out at those trying to falsely discredit me by saying I admitted I lied.

That is FALSE. I would NEVER lie, Ellis continued. Lying requires INTENTIONALLY making a false statement. I never did that, nor did I stipulate to or admit that.

Apparently, Ellis attempt to defend herself failed to make a great impression on Coulter:

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Ann Coulter Roasts Trump Lawyer Who Admitted to Lying About Election ...

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