In his prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger drew so many well-earned rebukes from the judge that some speculated he was intentionally going for a mistrial.
Nope. He was fighting like a banshee. He just has a really bad case.
Of course, it was his own decision to charge the then-17-year-old Rittenhouse with murder for shootingthree psychopathic criminalswho were attacking him at the BLM/Antifa riots in Kenosha last year. (That, by the way, is a more accurate summary of the evidence than anything Binger said.)
In his closing argument, Binger decided to ignore his loser case and argue an entirely different case, for which no evidence had been adduced. Binger posited that Rittenhouse was an active shooter like at Sandy Hook Elementary or Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Forget that Rittenhouse was not at a grade school, but in the middle of a riot that did$50 millionin damage to the town of Kenosha. Forget that rioters were beating up random people they encountered, including a71-year-old manprotecting a mattress store from being looted, who had his jaw and nose broken by a water bottle filled with concrete hurled by unarmed protesters.
Name one active shooter in history who strolled about with a gun for hours, not shooting anyone until he was chased, cornered, and assaulted. Rittenhouse had a gun not becausehewas violent, but because the protesters were, as the evidence abundantly demonstrated.
Fires burn around downtown during a second night of rioting on August 24, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, one day before the Rittenhouse shootings occurred. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Kyle Rittenhouse on the night of the shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on August 25, 2020. (Adam Rogan/The Journal Times via AP)
But according to Binger, the collection of mental patients, domestic violence offenders, and pedophiles attacking Rittenhouse were heroes, just trying to stop the active shooter!
Thus, Binger said:
I want you to keep in mind that weve all read stories and heard about heroes that step in to stop an active shooter, or to give their life tosave others. In fact, many people in Wisconsin went out and got carry and conceal weapon permits just so that they could be there in case there was an active shooter, and wanting to stop them.
Yes, apparently Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz were in Kenosha that night to feed the hungry and minister to orphans when, out of nowhere, Rittenhouse WHO ONCE POSTED SOMETHING JUVENILE ON TIKTOK! decided to start randomly shooting innocents!
If Binger had tried to introduce what do we call it again? evidencethat the men attacking Rittenhouse were Boy Scouts doing good works, the defense could have introduced the bales of evidence that were being withheld from the jury. The colorful backgrounds of Rittenhouses assailants were properly kept out of evidence, inasmuch as he wouldnt have known about their multiple prior crimes when he shot them.
Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger gives his closing argument during Kyle Rittenhouses trial on November 15, 2021, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Sean Krajacic-Pool/Getty Images)
But its pretty sleazy for a prosecutor to rely on the jurors ignorance of excluded evidence to paint a picturehe knows to be falseof the men who attacked the defendant and their pure-as-snow motives.
The first degenerate criminal Rittenhouse shot, Joseph Rosenbaum, out on bond for domestic battery, had been released from a mental institution that very day. He was a convicted felon for anally and orally raping five boys ranging in age from 9 to 11 years old.
Luckily for Binger, the jury was not told any of that. So he was free to fantasize about the humanitarian impulses surging through the pedophile mental patient when he lunged at Rittenhouse, shouting F**k you! (attested to by two witnesses). Rosenbaum, Binger told the jury, was only trying tostop the defendant from pointing his gun or shooting anyone.
Yes, and then he planned to collect alms for the poor.
So concerned was Rosenbaum with keeping everybody safe that he screamed at the defendant and other armed civilians, If I catch any of you f****** alone, Im going to f****** kill you. (Thats according to two witnesses at trial.)
Anthony Huber, who swung a skateboard at the head of the fallen Rittenhouse, was also a convicted felon for two separate instances of domestic violence, including holding a knife to his brothers stomach and threatening to gut him like a pig.
But the prosecutormade damn surethat the jury would never hear about that, not asking a state witness about Hubers character, specifically in order to prevent the defense from introducing evidence of his violent crimes. This allowed Binger to tell the jurors in closing that Huber was merely trying to be a hero and stop an active shooter and protect others.
Yes, protection is practically Gut-You-Like-a-Pigs middle name!
Gaige Grosskreutz is the one who admitted under oath that Rittenhouse didnt shoot until Grosskreutz pointed a Glock at his head. (Admitted in the sense of:There wasvideo, so to say otherwise would have been perjury.)
Grosskreutz is acareer criminal with police recordsfor domestic abuse, prowling, trespass, two DUIs, felony burglary, and two charges of carrying a firearm while intoxicated. All this was kept from the jury. Assured that jurors had no knowledge of Grosskreutzs anti-social past, Binger told them that when Grosskreutz chased Rittenhouse and pulled a gun on him, he was running to try and help.
A demonstrator holds a sign with images of the three men Kyle Rittenhouse shot, while protesting outside of the Kenosha County Courthouse as the jury listens to closing arguments in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse on November 15, 2021, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)
The deranged individual called Jump Kick Man, who did a dropkick directly at Rittenhouses head, was never identified so, sadly, his undoubtedly exciting rap sheet is unavailable.
But hes a hero too!
Heres Bingers version of the freaks and felons making near-simultaneous runs at Rittenhouse, as he sat, where hed fallen, in the middle of the street:
And that crowd was full of heroes. And that crowd did something that honestly Im not sure I wouldve had the courage to do. If I see a guy running up the street with an AR-15 and I hear he just shot somebody, my first instinct is not to approach. Anthony Huber was different. Jump Kick Man was different. Gaige Grosskreutz was different.
This is theprosecutorcalling stranglers, burglars, and elderly abusers heroes!
The only monster in this sea of angels, according to Binger, was Rittenhouse. The prosecutor alerted the jury to Rittenhousessick and darkpast: His TikTok account has the profile name 4doorsmorewhores and the tagline, Bruh, Im just trying to be famous.
On the other hand, theres no evidence Rittenhouse violently attacked family members, burgled homes, or raped little kids. (At the same age, Grosskreutz wasbeating up his grandmother. Thats the prosecutors hero.)
Kyle Rittenhouse waits for the jury to enter the room to continue testifying during his trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on November 10, 2021. (Sean Krajacic/The Kenosha News via AP)
Democrats are defunding the police and installing prosecutors who refuse to bring charges against violent, marauding lunatics.
Any positive comment about Rittenhouse on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter led to an immediatesuspension. GoFundMerefusedto allow Rittenhouses friends to raise money for his defense. People who didcontributewere hunted down,doxxed, andfired. The same people who wanted to give Guantanamowar criminals civilian trialsthink an American who refused to acquiesce in his own murder didnt deserve legal representation.
Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial so that no one will dare stand in the way of the lefts shock troops ever again.