50 Greatest Jordan Peterson YouTube Videos On The Internet …

Dr. Jordan B. Petersonhas taught me a hell of a lot.

Its no bloody joke, seriously. He did.

My understanding of life, psychology, philosophy, politics, history, my past, my future, my faults, goal setting, religion,relationships, lobsters, language, and social justice warriors is radically different now than it was a few years ago, and that is all thanks to good ol Dr. Peterson.

But thats actually just the tip of the iceberg. Peterson changed my life way beyond making me merely sound smarter in conversations.He helped me in a fundamental way to:

The Observersays hes The closest that academia has to a rock star, and the data backs this up.

He has 9692 supporters on Patreon and2,696 5-star reviews for his book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

He is most famous, however, for his YouTube channel, which boasts 1.4 million subscribers.

Jordan Peterson is a dazzling, electrifying, charismatic, and profound public speaker who has spent a lifetime thinking about the ideas he discusses.

So with that said, below Ive compiled what I consider to be the top 50 greatest Jordan Peterson YouTube videos on the Internet.

If youre new to the work of Peterson, this list will serve as the perfect introductory curriculum. Go through them in any order and just start with the titles that seem most appealing to you.

But even if youre very acquainted with Jordan Petersons work, it doesnt matter, there should still be quite a few uncovered gems in this compilation.

Are you ready to dive in and rescue your father from the underworld? Then strap in bucko, were about to get sorted.

Jordan Petersons practical philosophy and action plan for changing the world begins by sorting yourself out first. The video is like the Jordan Peterson sort yourself out starter pack. It contains great book recommendations.

Note, this and many of his public talks and lectures are available on the Jordan Peterson podcastdefinitely check that out if youre more of a podcast person than a YouTube person.

This lecture describes the way the world is portrayed in deep stories (as a place of action rather than things) and how this sacred, archetypal way of viewing the world canteach us to be wiser.

According to Peterson, when you are inauthentic or act in ways out of alignment with your values, there is an actual feeling of disintegration in your body. If you pay attention to this feeling, and stop doing things that make you feel weak, you will be a far more formidable force in the world.


Jordan Peterson is in the 99th percentile for industriousness in the big five personality test. He is incredibly productive, prolific, and efficient in his field of work, but he still values his family more than anything:

Despite the fact that Im absolutely fascinated by my job and my career and Im in a fortunate position because its an extraordinarily interesting job, ever since I had kids they were the most important thing in my life, and as I get older that just becomes more and more and more clear.

This video, perhaps more than any other, introduced Jordan Peterson to the mainstream viewer. Cathy Newman, a Channel 4 interviewer, attempts to debate Peterson onthe gender pay gap, campus protests, and postmodernism by trying to put words in his mouth.WhenPeterson makes a point, Newman has a habit of replying with So youre saying [inserts something Peterson did not say].

This is a splendid Jordan Peterson interview which contains Petersons first extended psychologicalbreakdown ofthe Cathy Newman interview where he explains the role of herpersona and shadow. After his breakdown, he goes on to discuss the five main ideas in his work, at length.

One of Petersons most important messages is Tell the truth. In this video, Petersonrecalls a hilarious but insightful story where he had to deal with an extremely drunk ex-Hells Angel at 3AM who wanted to sell him a toaster.

Jordan Peterson married hishometown sweetheart and had two children with her. He has also been a practicing clinical psychologist for over 25 years, and many of his clients were in a relationship. In this video, Peterson tells you exactly what to do when your partner does something you dont want them to do its so obvious, yet none of us do it!

Jocko Willink was a Navy SEAL commander in Task Force Bruiser. He fought in the battle of Ramadi, Iraq. Besides his military accolades he has written three books, Extreme Ownership, The Way of the Warrior Kid, and Discipline Equals Freedom. Willink says that he has come to many of the same realizations as Peterson, but through life experience rather than books.

If youre a creative person but have high levels of neuroticism (you are sensitive to negative emotions), Peterson explains that you need to increase your conscientiousness by using a calendar and organizing your time better.

Even though Jordan Peterson is a well-respected teacher at the university of Toronto, when he shot to fame through YouTube he realizedthat he could teach more people with recorded videos than in a pure classroom setting. After starting a Patreon account he set a goal to rent out his own theatre and record a series of lectures on The Bible. They are absolutely incredible, and I would recommend listening to them all.


Stephen Molyneux is very smart dude with some interesting albeit polarizing views, a bit like Dr. Peterson. This is a wonderful back and forth, and I especially like the section on trauma and addiction.

This has been my favorite podcast of all time.

Joe Rogan after talking withJordan Peterson

There are quite a few Joe Rogan and Jordan PetersonYouTube videos in this list. Honestly, they are all super fascinating, unique, and profound. These are the interviews I listen to over and over. Typically in the realm of the democratic party, this may open your eyes on more than a few matters.

This TED talk will change how youperceive reality. Watch it.

This is a section from the Stephen Molynuex and Jordan Peterson interview, but I think it deserves special mention here. Trauma is something that isnt discussed anywhere near as much as it should be in personal development circles. Jordan Peterson also co-created Self Authoring, a program that helped me considerably in healing my trauma.


I am a huge Sam Harris fan (his podcast is probably my favorite), but he has some differing opinions to Jordan Peterson. In this Jordan Peterson interview, they both set out to have an open conversation about a variety of topics but they ended up getting stuck on how to define what truth is. In some ways, this is a difficult conversation to listen to, but if you want to see two intellectual juggernauts go to battle over a fundamental question, this is absolutely worth listening to.


When you learn about dominance hierarchies, you will begin to see the world through a new lens. Jordan Petersons definition ofwhats real is essentially something that has existed for the longest time. Because dominance hierarchies have been around since before trees, its fair to say they are real. He gets deep into identity politics, andwhere white men and young men fit into the equation.

Even though Petersons ideas are deep and complicated, the way he presents them is often beautifully simple. One of the simplestinterpretations of reality Peterson uses is thatour psychological world is made from chaos and order. In this video, Peterson elaborates to explain what happens in your mind when the unexpected occurs.

Jordan Peterson seems his most impassioned when talking to young people who are full of potential and have the ability to change the world. If you fit this profile (or if youre just a human), watch this in its entirety.

One of the things that most drew me to Jordan Peterson was his willingness to investigate the more mysticalparts of existence and the psycheunlike scientists like Richard Dawkins. This video is one of the finest Iveseen of Petersons where he dives into themystical aspects of being human.

When Jordan Peterson lectures, he doesnt follow ascript. He prefers to think out loud and often goes off in tangents and tells stories to illustrate his point. This is a great anecdote on psychopathy and how we are all more corrupt than we think.

Atheists like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens have extremely compelling arguments for atheism.Theirviewsare incredibly hard to contend with. But even so, for myself and many of my friends, there is something off with the new atheist movement. Jordan Peterson is one of the only scientists Ive seen who does a good job at elaborating on some of the issues with atheism.

You get to pick your damn sacrifice. Thats all. You dont get to not make one.

Jordan Peterson is like an online father figure. Much of his advice comes back to the basics like tell the truth, clean your room, grow up, take responsibility. In this video, Peterson discusses the dangers of remaining immature.

If you suffer from depression or even low moods, this is required viewing. There are many simple factors within your control that you may not be aware of.

In recent years, there have been many authors bashing on IQ, instead preferring to say that emotional intelligence or multiple intelligences are more important. Peterson explains in the video why IQ is still one of the best measuring tools we have to predict success.

The title for this one says it all.

This is possibly the most inspiring Jordan Peterson video in the list. If you stopped putting off doing the things you know you should be doing, what would you be like in 10 years?Truly ask yourself that.

This is part 2 of a longer interview where Petersongoes into the chapter of his book Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street. Petersons daughter had a very serious autoimmune disease which affected over forty joints and gave her severe depression. These problems startedwhenshe was two. Peterson explains how he was able to handle this catastrophe without it pulling him into the depths of hell.

Maajid Nawaz is an ex-Islamic extremist, but now he is reformed anda prominent speaker on political issues. Much of Petersons most popular teachings come under the realm of self-improvement, but this one providesa great discussion that focuses on politics and society.

I have always struggled to self-maintain a good, consistent routine, partly because I didnt see enough value in overcoming my natural tendency to choose flexibility over structure. That was until I watched this clip. Now I use Google Calendar every day.

Inside each of us, we have the capacity for both good and evil. But unless you truly develop and understand your dark side, you may be at its mercy. By accepting it and integrating it, we gain mastery over the unruly yet powerful parts of ourselves and become a better force for good in the world.

The Buddha taught that we should be mindful of our thoughts and emotions. Jordan Peterson has a similar idea related to psychoanalytic theory. If you watch your fantasies, youll find little sub-personalities loaded with a core of emotion which you can investigate and follow into diverging paths. When you watch your fantasies, youll be able to know thyself.

In this third conversation between Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, they are far more familiar with each other. Joe also challenges many of the points he disagrees with Peterson on which forces Peterson to explain himself better.

How much better would the social world be if we listened to each other? Not just hear each other talk, or read each others comments, but actually listen. Peterson explains how we might do that in this video.

When I was an art student, all I wanted to do was figure out how I might make a living from my passion. This was the goal I had. As I got older, however, I realized that the best thing I could do was split myfinancial acquisition from my passion. If you have any creative aspirations, you will get a ton of value from this relatively short video.

If you are a fan of HighExistence, psychedelics being used as healing tools should not be a new concept for you. Hearing Jordan Peterson breakdown the psychological literature on psychedelics in a lecture about The Bible, however, is simply mind-blowing.


This is quite an awkward interview and Jordan Peterson doesnt come across the best according to many people. But its controversial and Peterson raises some important questions that most people are too afraid to ask, especially while being filmed.

I thought psychoanalysis and dream interpretation was pretty stupid before I encountered Jordan Peterson. Since then Ive taken an interest in books like The Denial of Death, and have even done some dream interpretation through journalling. I found the experience very healing and recommend you watch this video and give it a try yourself.

This is just a classic talk by Peterson on living a meaningful life. Every time youre feeling a little aimless, give this a watch. After being covered by outlets like Fox News, the Toronto Star,and York Times forsharing his thoughts about enforced monogamy videos like this should be making the rounds.

If you think fighting with your partner is bad for your relationship, think again. In fact, a little bit of fighting will stop things from getting too predictable. However, there is a line where too many negative interactions compared to positive interactions will negativelyimpact the relationship.

Have you ever been addicted to something? Drugs? Alcohol? Food? Nicotine? Pornography? If so, youll know just how difficult it is to give up. In this video, Peterson explains how addictions work in your brain, thus giving you some guidance on how you might give them up.

This doesnt cover tons of new ground, but it is a great Jordan Peterson interview. I especially like the way the two dissect topics on history and philosophy.

Russel Brand and Jordan Peterson in the same room having a discussion about life what couldnt you love about that? Brands views are based on compassion, love, spirituality, revolution, and change. Peterson, on the other hand, has a slightly sterner approach: dont fix whats not broken. I always love hearing conversations between two smart people who see the world inradicallydifferent ways. Though he focuses on many experiences from the Cold War era, he still can tackle modern spirituality with his usual charisma.

Just when we thought Hitler couldnt get any more evil, good ol Dr. Peterson explains how he was.

Ive been learning in recent months about the dangers of being too nice. Im naturally very agreeable and lack assertiveness and negotiation ability. It was Jordan Peterson who first alerted me to the dangers of being too nice, and told him to stand up straight. Im glad I listened.

When Ive experimented withplant medicine like psilocybin and ayahuasca, I have often heard the voice of my conscience. I wrote about that here. One thing Jordan Peterson does regularly is have a conversation with his own conscience, just as I did on plant medicine. Its an incredibly powerful technique. In this video, Peterson explains how he does it. MaybeDonald Trump should see this!

In this lecture, from the bigger lecture series Maps of Meaning, Peterson breaks down the psychological narrative of the Buddha and even makes the claim that Buddha had PTSD before his enlightenment. If youre at all interested in Buddhism and spirituality in general, by listening to this lecture, many of your loose incoherent ideas will come together.

Bret Weinstein is abiologist and evolutionary theorist, hearing him and Jordan Peterson dive deep into biology here is not only fascinating,but its also necessary.

This is the second conversation between Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson. In their first talk (listed earlier as number 16) they got caught up on the notion of truth and ended up in a debate where neither would concede. This discussion focuses more on Petersons claims about mythology. Sam Harris raises some fantastic counter-arguments, as per usual. Which side are you on?

Aubrey Marcus is a self-improvement badasssimilar to Joe Rogan, hes someone whos combined many different elements of life advancement (plant medicine, meditation, fitness, entrepreneurship) to create a really epic lifestyle.

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50 Greatest Jordan Peterson YouTube Videos On The Internet ...

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