Check Point Research Unraveling the Rug Pull: a Million-Dollar … – Check Point Research

By Oded Vanunu, Dikla Barda, Roman Zaikin

In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, recent events have highlighted the ever-present threat of Rug Pullsdeceptive maneuvers that leave investors empty-handed. Our Threat Intel Blockchain system, developed by Check Point, recently sounded the alarm on a sophisticated scheme that managed to pilfer nearly $1 million. Lets delve into the details of this elaborate crypto con and understand how it unfolded.

Check Points Threat Intel blockchain system identified and alerted the following address 0x6b140e79db4d9bbd80e5b688f42d1fcf8ef97798

This address involves in blacklisted activities, our system has begun monitoring the activities associated with the wallet address:

This is the balance of the scammers wallet (15/11/23), This address operated 40 distinctrug pulls and has been stolen almost 1 million dollars!

The scammer (0x6b140e79db4d9bbd80e5b688f42d1fcf8ef97798) tactic is to create tokens based on the latest hypes to lure victims to buy his tokens, for example, the token name GROK 2.0 (0xd4b726c5b5e6f63d16a2050ee3ac4a0f0f81f1d4), possibly derived from a well-known AI system (X GROK), is intended to attract buyers.

The Anatomy of the Scam:

How did this elaborate scam work, and how did it manage to siphon off a substantial sum? Heres a breakdown:

The scammer used 2 different smart contracts to trade and pump the token volume. The first contract address he used is 0x2ef3216e95e2b7c8e378ae64534100e69598f955 which contained the simulated trading function (0x521da65d).

function 0x521da65d

The function 0x521da65d is responsible for selling and buying the token for the scammer, this function has been executed 226 times for just this token. The functions behavior is contingent on the Boolean varg7, which dictates its course, leading to two separate execution routes.

The first route (0x306b) is swapping from WETH cryptocurrency to GROK 2.0 (buying)

As you can see in this image:

And the 2nd route (0x2bac) represents swapping from GROK 2.0 to WETH (selling)

For the second smart contract, the scammer operated using the address 0x4b2a0290e41623fbfeb5f6a0ea52dc261b65e29b, where he executed the function 0xf029e7cf to artificially boost the tokens volume.

function 0xf029e7cf

This function receives five parameters:

decoding the following data sent to this function unveil the following arguments:

Varg0 is the Uniswap router address that the scammer will use to swap the tokens.

Varg1 is the WETH cryptocurrency address, which will be used to swap against the GROK token.

Varg2 is the GROK 2.0 token address.

Varg3 is the amount of the token to swap.

Varg4 is the number of times to swap this token.

Looking deeper into the function we revealed the scammer used the function swapExcatToekensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens from Uniswap Router (varg0) to swap 9 times (varg4) from WETH(varg1) to GROK(varg2) and from GROK to WETH with a total amount of $ 420,000 which pumps the volume of the token and lures traders and bots to buy it.

The swaps loop can be seen in the following screenshot:

In the scams final phase, the scammer withdrew funds from the tokens liquidity pool after attracting a sufficient number of buyers and the token price increase. This is demonstrated by the fact that they removed liquidity from their deceptive tokens on 81 occasions.


As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, staying vigilant and informed is paramount for investors. The recent Rug Pull incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for heightened awareness and due diligence. By understanding the tactics employed by scammers, we can collectively work towards creating a safer and more secure crypto environment.

Its crucial to note that our commitment to safeguarding the crypto community extends beyond mere detection. Check Point researchers are actively monitoring domains associated with the identified scammers wallet address and similar. The Threat Intel Blockchain system, developed by Check Point, continues to accumulate valuable information on emerging threats, and this intelligence will be shared in the coming future. In this collaborative effort, we aim to empower investors with the knowledge needed to navigate the crypto space securely and protect themselves from potential pitfalls. For more information contact us at: [emailprotected]

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Check Point Research Unraveling the Rug Pull: a Million-Dollar ... - Check Point Research

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