What is Quantum Key Distribution? | by Sai Nitesh | Jan, 2024 – Medium

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a method of secure communication that uses principles of quantum mechanics to enable two parties to produce a shared random secret key. This key can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages, providing a secure means of communication.

The fundamental idea behind QKD is based on the principles of quantum superposition and entanglement. In traditional cryptographic systems, the security of the communication relies on mathematical algorithms, whereas QKD leverages the unique properties of quantum particles to achieve its security.

Heres a basic overview of how Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) works:

In quantum mechanics, particles like photons can exist in multiple states at once(superposition). In the context of QKD, a sender (Alice) can encode information in the quantum states of particles (e.g., photons) and send them to the receiver (Bob).

2. Quantum Entanglement:

Entanglement is a quantum phenomenon where particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle is directly related to the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This property is used in some QKD protocols to ensure the security of the key exchange.

3. Measurement:

When Bob receives the quantum states from Alice, he performs measurements on these particles. The act of measurement, according to quantum mechanics, changes the state of the particles. Bob communicates the outcomes of his measurements to Alice over a classical communication channel.

4. Key Generation:

Alice and Bob compare a subset of their measurement outcomes to check for discrepancies. If an eavesdropper (an unauthorized third party) tries to intercept or measure quantum states, the act of measurement will disturb the quantum states, and Alice and Bob will notice inconsistencies.

5. Error Correction and Privacy Amplification:

If they detect any discrepancies, Alice and Bob can discard those bits and perform error correction to generate a final secret key. Additionally, privacy amplification techniques are used to enhance the security of the key.

One of the key advantages of QKD is its ability to provide information-theoretic security, meaning that the security is based on the fundamental laws of physics and not on computational assumptions. However, its important to note that while QKD offers a highly secure method for key distribution, it doesnt address all aspects of secure communication, and additional classical cryptographic protocols are often used in conjunction with QKD to achieve comprehensive security.

References: The information is summarised from multiple online resources.

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See the original post:

What is Quantum Key Distribution? | by Sai Nitesh | Jan, 2024 - Medium

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