DUBLIN, Oct. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Smart Cities Market by Strategy, Technology, and Outlook for Solutions, Applications and Services 2020 - 2025" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
This report evaluates the smart cities market including leading vendors and strategies (such as a single vs. multi-vendor centric approach), infrastructure, solutions, applications, and services. The report analyzes market factors driving solution adoption, technology readiness and fitness for use, and other considerations.
The report assesses the aforementioned factors to derive penetration and revenue to forecast market value for the period of 2020 - 2025. The report also analyses the role of technology accelerating digital transformation including AI, edge processing, 5G deployment and usage, and advanced data analytics.
Technological innovation is one of the driving factors for the development of cities. These innovations are also an important support for those searching for new ways to manage resources and deliver services. A lot of smart city technologies are being developed to manage specific issues in energy distribution, energy management, transportation management, and public safety. New generations of sensor networks, big data analytics, and IoT applications are being deployed in public and privately managed physical spaces to meet these requirements, though many challenges remain.
An important focus area for smart cities is technology infrastructure to enable smart utilities (smart grids, sanitation, water, and gas), smarter buildings, and workplaces. Systems and resources are intertwined as mobility, communications, energy, water, platforms, monitoring/control, performance management, predictability and forecasting all merge together. We see great synergy coming in public and corporate collaboration, but it will take up to twenty years to fully develop.
Major initiatives are beginning to make a substantial positive impact as critical milestones are achieved. This includes network and system interoperability, security and privacy controls, and technology integration. For the latter, one of the key areas that we see is the combination of AI and IoT forming "thinking" cities that rely upon the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). Industry verticals we see as early beneficiaries include utilities, public safety, and transportation. Specific AIoT-enhanced smart city solutions within these verticals are poised to improve the overall efficiency and operational effectiveness of delivery systems as well as human capital management.
Select Report Findings:
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Key Topics Covered:
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Smart City Overview2.1 A Global Need for a Smarter Urban Environment2.2 All Cities are "Smart" but some are Smarter than Others
3.0 Smart City Strategy and Planning3.1 Smart City Considerations3.1.1 Existing vs. New City Approach3.1.2 Smart City Development Factors3.1.3 Smart City Services Life Cycle3.1.4 Smart Community Services3.2 Smart City Business Models3.2.1 Build Own Operate (BOO)3.2.2 Build Operate Transfer (BOT)3.2.3 Build Operate Manage (BOM)3.2.4 Open Business Model (OBM)
4.0 Smart City Market Analysis4.1 Smart City Market Drivers4.1.1 High Bandwidth, Low Latency, and Reliable Communications4.1.2 Reduced Energy Consumption with Smart Energy Solutions4.1.3 Active Citizen Engagement Leads to Greater Smart City Support4.1.4 Improving Governance Services and National Security4.1.5 Accelerating Digital Transformation4.1.6 Fostering Urban Development4.2 Smart City Solution Focus Areas4.2.1 Smart Utilities4.2.2 Smart Transportation: Roadways, Vehicles, and Parking4.2.3 Smart Residences, Commercial Buildings, and Workplaces4.2.4 Smart Industries4.3 Specific Smart City Solution Areas4.3.1 Asset Tracking and Control4.3.2 Field and Home Area Network Solutions4.3.3 AI and Big Data supported Smart City Hubs4.3.4 Smart City Applications in Citizen Service4.3.5 Mobility Solutions, Governance, and Security in Smart Cities
5.0 Smart City Technology Analysis5.1 Machine to Machine and Internet of Things5.1.1 Machine to Machine Technologies and Communications5.1.2 Internet of Things in Smart Cities5.2 Smart City Data Management Technologies and Solutions5.3 Artificial Intelligence in Smart Cities5.3.1 Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) in Smart Cities5.3.2 Combined AIoT and Data Analytics in Smart Cities5.4 Metropolitan and Wide Area Communications5.4.1 WiMAX5.4.2 LTE5.4.3 5G5.5 Short Range Communication Technology5.5.1 WiFi5.5.2 RFID5.5.3 Li-Fi5.6 Next Generation Computing support of Smart Cities5.6.1 Edge Based Computing: Localized Processing5.6.2 High Performance and Quantum Computing
6.0 Smart City Development by Region and Country
7.0 Smart City Value Chain and Application Analysis7.1 Smart City Ecosystem Analysis7.2 Smart City Product and Service Provider Opportunity Analysis7.2.1 Smart City Network Service Providers7.2.2 Smart City Integrators7.2.3 Smart City Product Vendors7.2.4 Smart City Managed Service Providers7.3 Equipment vs. Software and Service based Approach
8.0 Smart City Vendor and Service Provider Analysis8.1 2020 Imaging8.2 ABB8.3 Accela8.4 Accenture8.5 Aclara8.6 Aclima8.7 Advantech8.8 Aeris Communications8.9 AGT International8.10 Airspan8.11 Airtel8.12 Alibaba8.13 Allegro8.14 Ally8.15 Alstom SA8.16 Altair Semiconductor8.17 Alvarion8.18 Amazon8.19 Ambience Data8.20 AMCS8.21 AMD8.22 America Movil8.23 Amplia Soluciones SL8.24 Analog Devices Inc.8.25 Apple8.26 Appyparking8.27 Altran8.28 Arista Networks Inc.8.29 ARM Holdings8.30 Ascom8.31 Asus8.32 AT&T8.33 Atos8.34 Autogrid8.35 Ayyeka8.36 Azavea8.37 Baidu Inc.8.38 Banyanwater8.39 Barbara IoT8.40 Bentley Systems8.41 Blackberry Ltd8.42 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH8.43 Breezometer8.44 Bridj8.45 Broadcom Corporation8.46 BT Group8.47 Blyncsy8.48 Calthorpe Analytics8.49 Capgemini8.50 Cavium Inc.8.51 China Mobile8.52 China Unicom8.53 Ciena Corporation8.54 CIMCON Lighting8.55 Cisco8.56 Citrix Systems8.57 Cityflo8.58 Citymapper8.59 Civicsmart8.60 Clarity Movement Co.8.61 Cobham Wireless8.62 Colt8.63 Compology8.64 Contus8.65 Cradlepoint8.66 Cubic Corporation8.67 CyanConnode8.68 Dassault Systems8.69 Delta Controls8.70 Dispatchr8.71 Double Map8.72 DOVU8.73 Elichens8.74 Emagin8.75 Emerson Electric Co8.76 Enel8.77 Energyworx8.78 Enevo8.79 ENGIE8.80 Ericsson8.81 Evopark8.82 EZparking8.83 Fathom8.84 Filament8.85 Flamencotech8.86 Flowlabs8.87 Fluentgrid8.88 GE8.89 Getmy Parking8.90 Google8.91 Gridcure8.92 HCL Technologies Ltd8.93 HFCL8.94 Hitachi8.95 Honeywell8.96 HPE8.97 Huawei8.98 IBM8.99 Infarm8.100 Inrix8.101 Inspira8.102 Intel8.103 Intelizon Energy8.104 Inventum Technologies8.105 Itron8.106 Johnson Controls8.107 Kapsch Group8.108 Koninklijke Philips NV8.109 KORE Wireless8.110 LG CNS8.111 Libelium8.112 Logic Ladder8.113 Mapillary8.114 Maven Systems8.115 Meter Feeder8.116 Metrotech8.117 Microsoft8.118 Mindteck8.119 Miovision8.120 Mobike8.121 Moovel8.122 Moovit8.123 NEC8.124 Neighborland8.125 Nokia8.126 Nordsense8.127 NTT DATA8.128 One Concern8.129 Oorja On Move8.130 Opendatasoft8.131 Opusone8.132 Oracle Corporation8.133 Panasonic8.134 Parkwhiz8.135 Passport8.136 Phoenix Robotix8.137 Plume Labs8.138 Proclivis Technology Solutions8.139 Purplewifi8.140 QInfra Solutions8.141 Qualcomm Incorporated8.142 Quality Theorem8.143 Rachio8.144 Remix8.145 Ridlr8.146 Rubicon8.147 SAP8.148 Schneider Electric SA8.149 Sentiance8.150 Siemens AG8.151 Sierra Wireless8.152 Sigfox8.153 Signify8.154 Soofa8.155 Spacetime Insight8.156 Spatial Labs, Inc.8.157 Spice Digital8.158 Spot Hero8.159 Stae8.160 Streetlight Data8.161 Swiftly8.162 Takadu8.163 Tantalum8.164 Telefonica8.165 Telensa8.166 Toshiba8.167 Tractebel8.168 Trafi8.169 Transit Labs8.170 Transit Screen8.171 Transloc8.172 Trilliant8.173 Understory8.174 UrbanFootprint8.175 Urbee8.176 Urbiotica (Spain)8.177 Utilidata8.178 Valor Water Analytics8.179 Varentec8.180 Veniam8.181 Veolia8.182 Verizon8.183 Videonetics Technologies8.184 Vodafone8.185 Volocopter8.186 Watersmart8.187 Where Is My Transport8.188 Wipro8.189 Worldsensing SL8.190 Zagster8.191 Zenysis8.192 Zerocycle8.193 ZiFF Technologies
9.0 Smart Cities Market Forecast 2020 - 20259.1 Global Smart Cities Market 2020 - 20259.1.1 Smart Cities Market in Aggregate9.1.2 Smart Cities Market by Technology9.1.3 Smart Cities Market by Application9.1.4 Artificial Intelligence Market in Smart Cities9.1.5 IoT Market in Smart Cities9.1.6 5G Market in Smart Cities9.1.7 Cloud Computing Market in Smart Cities9.1.8 Big Data Analytics Market in Smart Cities9.1.9 Quantum Computing Market in Smart Cities9.1.10 Edge Computing Market in Smart Cities9.1.11 High-Performance Computing Market in Smart Cities9.2 Regional Smart Cities Market Forecast 2020 - 2025
10.0 Smart City Market Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations10.1 Advertisers and Media Companies10.2 Artificial Intelligence Providers10.3 Automotive Companies10.4 Broadband Infrastructure Providers10.5 Communication Service Providers10.6 Computing Companies10.7 Data Analytics Providers10.8 Immersive Technology (AR, VR, and MR) Providers10.9 Networking Equipment Providers10.10 Networking Security Providers10.11 Semiconductor Companies10.12 IoT Suppliers and Service Providers10.13 Software Providers10.14 Smart City System Integrators10.15 Automation System Providers10.16 Social Media Companies10.17 Workplace Solution Providers10.18 Enterprise and Government
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/19qwu7
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