D-Wave Introduces New Hybrid Quantum Solver For Workforce, Manufacturing And Logistics Optimization Problems – The Quantum Insider

Insider Brief

PRESS RELEASE D-Wave Quantum Inc., a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services and the worlds first commercial supplier of quantum computers, announced today at its global Qubits 2024 user conference the launch of a new hybrid quantum solver for nonlinear programs, enabling customers to confront real-world problems of growing complexity. Available now through D-Waves Leap quantum cloud service, D-Wave believes the new solver will help customers solve complex optimization problems of increased scale, pushing past limits of previously available technologies.

The solver supports up to two million variables and constraints, with a tenfold increase in problem size capacity over other D-Wave solvers for certain applications, according to preliminary benchmarking studies. It is part of D-Waves expanding set of commercial quantum optimization offerings, supporting the companys aggressive go-to-market (GTM) growth strategy announced earlier this year. Comprising a combination of hardware, software and professional services, D-Waves solutions are designed to dramatically boost time-to-solution for organizations looking to optimize operational processes and performance.

Ready-to-Use Solutions for Workforce, Manufacturing and Logistics Problems

Real-world problems such as production scheduling have complex interactions between variables. D-Waves new solver excels at handling nonlinear relationships, where the effect of changes to variables on solution quality is complex, giving it an edge over solvers limited to linear relationships. Its user-friendly experience simplifies the translation of real-world problems into hybrid quantum problem-solving methods, and is exceptionally flexible, supporting a wide range of problems more accurately to deliver better results.

These problems include:

Customer Success with Quantum Optimization

Hybrid solvers have been shown to improve solutions to complex optimization problems by bringing together quantum and classical computing resources to explore vast solution spaces more adeptly, and pinpoint answers that are more difficult to calculate than using classical computing methods alone. Over the past year, D-Wave has seen customer use of its hybrid solver portfolio nearly double, which the company believes highlights the growing marketing demand for quantum optimization technology.

We are confident that this solver will simplify and accelerate customers journey to successful quantum technology adoption, helping them more quickly drive return-on-investment, and gain a competitive edge, said Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave. Many organizations are recognizing that their most complex computational problems go well beyond the capabilities of existing solutions. Theyre adopting hybrid quantum solutions to find better answers to transform operations faster and improve the bottom line.

From a logistics standpoint, so many elements go into making our experiences successful.We partnered with D-Wave to tackle the logisticsfor our large-scale tours and events in a whole new way, said Jason Snyder, global chief technology officer at Momentum Worldwide. Its not just about doing things faster or cheaper, but also about being smarter and more sustainable in our approach.For our work, it has helped us make significant progress toward more sophisticated, efficient, and eco-friendly operation models.

D-Wave Introduces New Hybrid Quantum Solver For Workforce, Manufacturing And Logistics Optimization Problems - The Quantum Insider

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