Case Eagle (QuTech): One of the Wright brothers in quantum technology – News –

Case Eagle, Director of Business Development at The QuTech Institute, will deliver a welcome speech at the RF Technology Event (March 29), along with Jesse Robbers of Quantum Delta NL. Although the event highlights the broad spectrum of radio frequencies, quantum computing is a common thread through the program. And thats not surprising because quantum computing is hot, says Eagle

Sometimes I compare the stage we are in now with quantum computing to the stage in which the Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane, were in 1900. In October of that year, they first flew a rickety self-propelled glider over the shore. They did not reach more than 150 metres. They did not The design was good enough for long trips and still needed years of repair. But Messrs. Wright had a mission. They knew they were about to do something big. That would change the world forever.

The same is true of quantum computing. At QuTech, we are also focused on a mission: the future of information technology. Quantum computers have the tremendous power of exponential computing that will forever change the computing landscape and our society. We are building a nonviable quantum internet based on quantum technology. The laws of nature. It rules out communication interception. Prototypes for quantum computers, the so-called proof-of-concept (POC), are ready and in use. But we are far from achieving that yet.

These POCs that Eijkel is talking about are huge, complex devices that only the professionals can keep up with QuTech. It will take at least another ten to fifteen years before we have a fully functional quantum computer, Eggkel continues. To stick to the Wright brothers metaphor, we can now take a 150-meter flight, but were not ready to fly over the Atlantic.

Eijkel is proud that the Netherlands is an international leader in the development of a potential successor to supercomputers. We show that its possible and that its not just a scientific theory. Were past the thinking stage, but we still have a lot of tough system issues to solve to get a usable computer.

Three QuTech engineers working on the POC (Photo: TU Delft)

To achieve this goal, QuTech works with scientists and industrial partners internationally. Quantum technology also has a geopolitical aspect, explains Eggel. The European Union, the United States and China are all working on their own environmental protection points. Technology is increasingly of strategic importance. We are building technology together. We cannot do it alone. Together you are progressing faster, but we take into account the geopolitical reality.

QuTechs collaboration partners are diverse. Our contacts range from universities, RTOs and multinational companies like Microsoft, Intel or Fujitsu to small innovative startups. The latter group is particularly fond of Eijkel. I have always worked at the interface between science and entrepreneurship. I feel motivated to create an environment in which companies are born. I also see a lot of (young) talent and enthusiasm within QuTech. A number of colleagues from QuTech itself have initiated the successful results that you will also experience at the RF technology event.

The most important message Eijkel wants to give visitors to RF Technology is: Join us! Make sure you dont miss the boat. Quantum technology is developing at lightning speed. Dont think: It will take some time because then it will be too late.

Case Eagle (QuTech): One of the Wright brothers in quantum technology - News -

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