Black Holes are Proof for Holographic Universe Revealed by Quantum – Analytics Insight

Researchers use quantum computing to find whats in black holes for a holographic universe.

The holographic universe is a scientific concept discovered by Einstein. Its based on string theories that are related to concepts of quantum gravity. The holographic universe says that the mind and five senses project physical reality holographically. A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.

Holographic duality is a mathematical conjecture that connects theories of particles and their interactions with the theory of gravity. Black holes warp space-time because of their immense mass. The gravity of the black hole exists in 3D but we see it as projected through particles. Researchers are attempting to use quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to gain a better understanding of holographic duality. Its the first systematic survey for quantum computing to matrix quantum mechanics and addressing future problems also.

The holographic duality theory could hold the secret link between particle physics the study of tiny particles that make up all matter. Enrico Rinaldi said connecting the two different theories is a longstanding issue in physics, something people have been trying to do since the last century, and Einsteins theory of general relativity, which states that gravity arises from the curvature of space and time.

According to the journal PRX Quantum, published by the University of Michigan, scientists looking for support for this holographic duality suggests that what happens mathematically in a system that represents particle theory will have a similar effect on a system that represents gravity and solving such a quantum matrix model could unveil information about gravity itself.

Rinaldi suggests that by understanding the properties of this particle theory through numerical experiments, we understand something about gravity. Unfortunately, its still not easy to solve the particle theories. And thats where the computers can help.

This might connect the two theories in the idea that the motions of particles in a two-dimensional plane above the black hole reflect the 3D motions of the black hole, almost like a holographic projection. Its a concept called holographic duality.

Thats the concept researchers are hoping to test. First, use quantum computing to simulate particles that represent a projection of a black hole, then use machine learning to analyze how the particles interact with each other. The researchers hope the process will offer them insight into how both the particles and the black hole work.

While the thought of holographic duality and matrix models may bring to mind movies such as Interstellar and the Matrix. holographic duality could go beyond 3D. Some scientists even suggest that the universe could be a projection of something with even more dimensions. Researchers believe that the results of their study show an important benchmark for future work on quantum and machine learning algorithms that can be used to study quantum gravity through the idea of holographic duality. This method could show a new path towards revealing more.

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Black Holes are Proof for Holographic Universe Revealed by Quantum - Analytics Insight

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