It’s The Little Things: The Quantum Future Of Healthcare – Healthcare – UK – Mondaq

27 July 2022

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With 94 million committed by the Treasury towards thesecond phase of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme,advancements in quantum technology look set to revolutionise thefuture of healthcare. From wearable quantum-enabled brain scannersto the development of new drugs using quantum computer simulations,ground-breaking research into the smallest interactions has thepotential to make a massive impact in the medical sector.

While the technologies being worked on now are very much intheir infancy it is already possible to imagine some of theadvances fully-fledged quantum computers may bring to healthcare inthe future.

The content of this article is intended to provide a generalguide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be soughtabout your specific circumstances.

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In 2019 NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) were asked to identify any changes, including changes to legislation, that would help it deliver the ambitions in the NHS Long Term Plan.

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It's The Little Things: The Quantum Future Of Healthcare - Healthcare - UK - Mondaq

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