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Uncovering Uniswap’s Role in the Future of Decentralized Finance – Gadgets Africa

Uniswap is not without its challenges. Scalability issues, increasing competition, and regulatory considerations pose potential obstacles to its future growth. Other innovations in the market are also impacting the growth of DeFi. One such platform can be BitQT App which offers automated trading features suited to everyone.

One of the key contributions of Uniswap to the growth of DeFi is its role in liquidity provision. Liquidity is vital for the functioning of financial markets, and Uniswap allows users to provide liquidity to different token pairs through its automated market maker (AMM) model. This enables anyone to become a liquidity provider and earn fees in return.

Uniswaps decentralized nature also reduces reliance on centralized exchanges, which are often subject to regulatory scrutiny and potential security risks. By utilizing smart contracts and the power of the Ethereum blockchain, Uniswap allows users to trade directly from their wallets, eliminating the need to trust a central authority with their funds.

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Furthermore, Uniswap plays a crucial role in promoting financial inclusivity and accessibility. Traditional financial systems can be exclusionary, leaving many individuals without access to basic financial services. Uniswap democratizes finance by allowing anyone with an internet connection and a cryptocurrency wallet to participate in the DeFi ecosystem.

The unique value proposition of Uniswap lies in its AMM model. Unlike traditional order book exchanges, Uniswap uses a constant product formula to determine the price of tokens based on their relative supply. This eliminates the need for order matching and creates a more efficient trading experience.

Uniswap offers a unique value proposition within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. One of its key features is the automated market maker (AMM) model it employs. Unlike traditional order book exchanges, Uniswap uses a constant product formula to determine the price of tokens based on their relative supply.

The AMM model implemented by Uniswap brings several advantages. First, it enables anyone to become a liquidity provider by contributing funds to liquidity pools. This means that users can easily provide liquidity for different token pairs and earn fees in return. By democratizing liquidity provision, Uniswap has increased the overall liquidity in the DeFi ecosystem, making it more accessible and reducing the reliance on centralized intermediaries.

Another advantage of Uniswaps AMM model is its ability to improve price efficiency and transparency. By relying on a mathematical algorithm, Uniswap ensures that token prices are always in line with the available liquidity in the pool. This reduces the impact of large buy or sell orders on the market, minimizing price slippage and providing users with fairer prices.

Uniswaps AMM model also has implications for reducing market manipulation. The absence of an order book removes the possibility of front-running, a practice where traders take advantage of their knowledge of pending orders to execute trades ahead of others. Uniswaps decentralized and algorithmic approach helps create a more level playing field for all participants, enhancing the overall fairness and integrity of the market.

High network congestion and gas fees have hindered the smooth operation of Uniswap, making it less accessible and cost-effective for users. Scaling solutions, such as Ethereum 2.0 and layer 2 protocols, are being developed to address these challenges and improve the scalability of Uniswap.

Additionally, competition within the DeFi space is increasing rapidly. New protocols and decentralized exchanges are emerging, each offering its unique features and advantages. This competitive landscape poses a challenge to Uniswap as it strives to maintain its position as a leading decentralized exchange.

Regulatory challenges also loom on the horizon for Uniswap. As DeFi gains more attention from regulators, there may be increased scrutiny and calls for compliance. Balancing the decentralized nature of Uniswap with regulatory requirements presents a complex challenge. Finding a middle ground that ensures compliance without compromising the core principles of decentralization will be essential for Uniswaps long-term success.

Despite these challenges, the future outlook for Uniswap remains promising. It has already established itself as one of the most popular and widely used decentralized exchanges in the DeFi ecosystem. The protocols innovative AMM model and commitment to decentralization have garnered a strong user base and community support. Uniswaps future success will depend on its ability to address scalability issues, improve user experience, and stay ahead of the competition through continuous innovation.

Uniswaps impact on decentralized finance (DeFi) has been significant, thanks to its automated market maker (AMM) model and commitment to decentralization. As a decentralized exchange protocol, Uniswap has democratized liquidity provision, improved price efficiency, and reduced market manipulation. However, challenges such as scalability, competition, and regulatory compliance need to be addressed to ensure Uniswaps sustained success.

Feature Photo by Shubhams Web3 on Unsplash

DISCLAIMER: This article is a partnered post and does not substitute for professional advice or help. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility.

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Uncovering Uniswap's Role in the Future of Decentralized Finance - Gadgets Africa

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Understanding The Technology Behind Cryptocurrencies | MENAFN … – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN- CoinXposure) Welcome to the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies, where digital innovation and financial transformation converge. As our society becomes increasingly digital, the technology behind cryptocurrencies has captured the imagination of people around the globe.

This article aims to glimpse the intricate web of blockchain, cryptography, and decentralized systems that underpin these digital assets.

Join us as we delve into the foundational concepts that drive cryptocurrencies' creation, security, and operation, unraveling the complexities behind this revolutionary financial landscape.

At the heart of cryptocurrencies lies blockchain technology, a revolutionary concept that has transformed how we think about data integrity and decentralization. Imagine an incorruptible digital ledger shared across a network of computers, where transactions are recorded transparently and securely. This is the essence of blockchain.

A blockchain is a chain of blocks, each containing a set of transactions. These blocks are linked sequentially, forming an unchangeable record of all transactions since the inception of the blockchain.

What makes blockchain unique is its decentralized nature instead of relying on a single central authority, it operates on a distributed network of nodes, ensuring consensus and transparency.

Decentralization is achieved through consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS), where participants validate transactions and create new blocks. Cryptographic techniques ensure that once a block is added, it's nearly impossible to alter any past transaction, ensuring the integrity of the entire chain.

This technology isn't limited to financial transactions. Smart contracts, self-executing programs that automatically execute terms of an agreement when conditions are met, expand blockchain's utility to various industries.

In essence, blockchain's basics involve creating a tamper-proof, transparent, decentralized ledger, opening doors to innovation and secure data management across many applications.

With their innovative design, cryptocurrencies have several key components that work harmoniously to enable secure and decentralized digital transactions. These components include:

These mathematical algorithms convert input data (like a transaction) into a fixed-size string of characters. Hash functions play a critical role in securing transactions and blocks on the blockchain.

Public keys are used to receive cryptocurrencies and are shareable, acting as an address for others to send funds. On the other hand, private keys are kept secret and used to access and manage the funds associated with the corresponding public key.

A cryptocurrency wallet is a software application or physical device that stores, sends, and receives cryptocurrencies. Wallets generate unique addresses, derived from public keys, for each transaction to maintain privacy and security.

Transactions involve the transfer of cryptocurrency value between wallets. They include the sender's and recipient's addresses, the amount being transferred, and a digital signature for verification.

In the case of proof of work (pow) cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles. This process validates transactions and adds new blocks to the blockchain, maintaining the network's security and integrity.

These protocols ensure agreement among participants on the state of the blockchain. Different cryptocurrencies use various consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Stake (PoS), Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT).

The fundamental principle behind cryptocurrencies, decentralization, ensures that no single entity or authority has complete control over the network. Instead, power is distributed among participants, enhancing security and trust.

This is a distributed and immutable ledger that records all transactions in chronological order. Each block contains a set of transactions, and the blocks are linked together, forming the blockchain. This technology ensures transparency and eliminates the need for intermediaries.

Self-executing contracts with predefined rules, smart contracts automatically execute actions when certain conditions are met. They extend the functionality of cryptocurrencies beyond simple transactions to include complex agreements and applications.

Cryptographic techniques are used to create digital signatures, which verify the authenticity of transactions and messages. They provide a way to prove ownership and prevent tampering.

Understanding these key components provides insight into the intricate mechanisms that drive cryptocurrencies' functionality, security, and potential to reshape the future of finance and technology.

Mining and Proof of Work (PoW) are integral concepts in cryptocurrencies, particularly for networks like Bitcoin. Let's explore these concepts:

Mining involves validating and adding new transactions to the blockchain. Miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles requiring significant computational effort.

The first miner to solve the puzzle gets the right to add a new block of transactions to the blockchain and is rewarded with newly minted cryptocurrency coins and any transaction fees from the transactions included in that block.

PoW is a consensus mechanism that ensures the security and integrity of the blockchain. It requires miners to demonstrate that they have performed some computational work to add a new block to the blockchain. This work solves a cryptographic puzzle, proving that the miner has invested computational power.

The puzzle's difficulty is adjusted to ensure that new blocks are added to the blockchain consistently, typically every 10 minutes for Bitcoin.

PoW makes it extremely difficult and resource-intensive to alter the history of the blockchain. If an attacker were to attempt to change a transaction in a previous block, they would need to redo the proof of work for all subsequent blocks, which becomes increasingly impractical as more blocks are added.

While PoW effectively secures the blockchain and prevents attacks, it has been criticized for its high energy consumption and potential centralization of mining power by those with the most resources. As a result, alternative consensus mechanisms like Proof of Stake (PoS) have emerged to address some of these concerns.

Mining and Proof of Work are fundamental components of cryptocurrency networks that ensure blockchain systems like Bitcoin's secure and decentralized operation. They play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and enabling trustless transactions.

Transactions are the backbone of cryptocurrencies, enabling the transfer of digital assets from one participant to another on the blockchain. Here's how they work:

A transaction begins when a user initiates the process of sending cryptocurrency from their wallet to another user's wallet. This involves specifying the recipient's address, the amount to be sent, and often a transaction fee.

The transaction is broadcasted to the network, where nodes verify its validity. They ensure the sender has sufficient funds, the transaction adheres to the network's rules, and the cryptographic signatures are correct.

Valid transactions are bundled into a block by miners (in PoW systems) or validators (in PoS systems). This block is then added to the blockchain.

Once the block is added, the transaction is considered confirmed. The number of confirmations indicates how many subsequent blocks have been added to the blockchain after the one containing the transaction. More confirmations increase the transaction's security and finality.

Once confirmed, transactions are virtually irreversible due to the cryptographic nature of the blockchain. Tampering with a secured transaction would require tremendous computational power, making it practically infeasible.

Smart contracts are self-executing programs that automatically execute and enforce the terms of a contract when predefined conditions are met. These conditions are written in code and reside on the blockchain. Here's how smart contracts work:

A user creates a smart contract by writing the contract's terms and conditions in code. These conditions can include various triggers, such as a specific date, a payment, or an external event.

The smart contract code is deployed to the blockchain, becoming part of the distributed ledger. Once deployed, it cannot be altered.

When the predefined conditions of the contract are met, the smart contract executes automatically. For example, if the contract involves a payment, the funds are transferred to the designated party without the need for intermediaries.

Smart contracts eliminate the need to trust intermediaries or counterparties. The code enforces the terms, reducing the possibility of disputes and providing transparency.

Smart contracts have many applications beyond simple transactions, including supply chain management, decentralized finance (DeFi), digital identity verification, and more.

Transactions facilitate the movement of cryptocurrency assets on the blockchain, while smart contracts automate and enforce complex agreements without intermediaries, opening up possibilities for innovation and efficiency.

Several popular cryptocurrencies have gained widespread recognition and adoption in the ever-evolving landscape of digital assets. Here are a few of the most well-known cryptocurrencies:

The first and most famous cryptocurrency is often referred to as digital gold. Bitcoin pioneered the blockchain concept and remained a store of value and a medium of exchange.

Beyond being a cryptocurrency, Ethereum introduced the concept of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). It serves as a platform for developers to create various applications.

Originally launched as a utility token for the Binance exchange, BNB has expanded its use case to include payment for fees, participation in token sales, and more.

Known for its scientific approach to development, Cardano aims to provide a more sustainable and scalable blockchain platform, incorporating advanced features like Proof of Stake.

Boasting high throughput and low transaction costs, Solana aims to support decentralized applications and crypto projects at scale.

Designed for seamless cross-border payments and remittances, Ripple offers fast and low-cost transactions and has partnerships with financial institutions.

It aims to enable different blockchains to interoperate and share information, enhancing scalability and innovation across the blockchain ecosystem.

Initially a meme, Dogecoin has gained a substantial following and is often used for tipping and charitable donations.

Created as alighter version of Bitcoin, Litecoin features faster block generation times and a different hashing algorithm.

Focused on providing secure and tamper-proof data for smart contracts, Chainlink aims to bridge the gap between blockchain technology and real-world data.

These cryptocurrencies represent just a fraction of the vast digital assets available. Each has its unique features, use cases, and community of supporters, contributing to cryptocurrencies' diverse and dynamic landscape.

Given their digital nature and decentralized structure, security and risks are paramount considerations in cryptocurrencies. Here's an overview:

Security Measures:

Cryptocurrencies rely on advanced cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and protect user identities. Public and private keys ensure secure ownership and access.

Distributed networks reduce the risk of a single point of failure, making it more challenging for malicious actors to compromise the entire system.

Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) ensure the validity of transactions and maintain the integrity of the blockchain through network consensus.

Once a transaction is added to the blockchain, it's tough to alter, ensuring a tamper-proof record of all transactions.

Risks and Challenges:

Cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile, leading to substantial gains and significant losses for investors.

The regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies varies widely by jurisdiction and can impact their legality and use.

Exchanges and wallets are vulnerable to hacking attempts, leading to the theft of funds. Security breaches have historically caused significant losses.

The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies makes it challenging to recover lost funds in cases of scams or fraudulent activities.

Unlike traditional financial systems , cryptocurrencies may lack consumer protections and mechanisms for dispute resolution.

If users lose their private key, they may lose access to their cryptocurrency holdings permanently.

Proof of Work-based cryptocurrencies requires significant energy consumption, raising concerns about their environmental impact.

Vulnerabilities in smart contracts or protocol updates could lead to unexpected outcomes or exploits.

Users must educate themselves about the risks and security best practices before engaging with cryptocurrencies. While they offer potential benefits, careful consideration, and risk management are essential to navigate this innovative yet challenging landscape.

Potential Benefits of Cryptocurrencies:

Cryptocurrencies can provide access to financial services for the unbanked and underbanked populations, especially in regions with limited traditional banking infrastructure.

Cryptocurrencies enable seamless cross-border transactions without intermediaries, reducing transfer fees and processing times.

Cryptocurrencies empower individuals by allowing them direct control over their funds and transactions, reducing reliance on centralized financial institutions.

The underlying blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries beyond finance, including supply chain management, healthcare, and more.

Cryptocurrencies offer privacy and security, as transactions are pseudonymous and cryptographic techniques protect user identities.

Drawbacks and Challenges:

Cryptocurrencies' extreme price volatility can lead to substantial financial losses for investors.

The evolving regulatory landscape can lead to uncertainty and potential legal challenges for cryptocurrency users and businesses.

Unlike traditional financial systems, cryptocurrencies may lack consumer protections and mechanisms for dispute resolution.

Exchanges, wallets, and smart contracts are vulnerable to hacking attempts, leading to theft of funds or loss of sensitive information.

Proof of Work-based cryptocurrencies has faced criticism due to their high energy consumption and potential environmental impact.

Some blockchain networks face challenges in handling high transaction volumes, leading to slower processing times and higher fees.

Once a cryptocurrency transaction is confirmed, it's nearly impossible to reverse, which can be problematic in accidental or fraudulent transactions.

While decentralization is a core principle of cryptocurrencies, the lack of regulation can also lead to misuse, scams, and illegal activities.

In assessing cryptocurrencies, it's essential to consider their potential benefits and drawbacks. While they offer exciting possibilities for innovation and financial inclusion, they also come with risks that require careful consideration and risk management.

Future Trends and Developments

Future Trends and Developments in Cryptocurrencies:

Continued efforts to simplify user experiences and enhance usability could drive broader adoption of cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions and investments.

Many central banks are exploring or piloting CBDCs, which could reshape the global financial system and provide a digital equivalent of traditional currency.

Projects like Polkadot, Cosmos, and Ethereum 2.0 aim to improve interoperability between blockchains and increase their scalability to handle more transactions.

The Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem is expected to evolve, potentially expanding to include more traditional financial instruments and services.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) could continue finding new use cases beyond art and collectibles, including gaming, digital identity, and real-world asset representation.

Regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies will likely evolve, providing more precise guidelines for businesses and users and potentially paving the way for more institutional participation.

The cryptocurrency landscape is rapidly evolving, and these trends suggest exciting developments. As technology matures and becomes more widely understood, it has the potential to reshape various aspects of our society and economy.

Cryptocurrencies represent a dynamic fusion of cutting-edge technology and financial innovation. With the foundational concepts of blockchain, cryptography, and decentralization, cryptocurrencies have opened doors to various possibilities beyond traditional financial systems.

While they offer numerous benefits, such as financial inclusion, borderless transactions, and technological advancement, they also present challenges like volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and cybersecurity risks.

As cryptocurrencies evolve, they're shaping the future of finance, commerce, and governance. From the pioneering Bitcoin to the versatile Ethereum and the emerging trends of cbdcs , NFTs, and DeFi, the landscape is marked by constant transformation and innovation.

Embracing this transformative power requires a balanced understanding of the potential benefits and risks and an ongoing commitment to education, security, and responsible engagement.

Whether you're an investor exploring new opportunities, a developer pushing the boundaries of decentralized applications, or an individual seeking financial empowerment, the journey through the world of cryptocurrencies promises to be remarkable.

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Cardano Founder Disputes Claim That Cardano Is a ‘Ghost Chain … – Crypto News Flash

Cardanos Founder Takes a Stand: Charles Hoskinson responded to claims that Cardano is a ghost chain with a humorous tweet and a repost of a detailed argument by user TapTools on August 1. They both provided concrete evidence to disprove the ghost chain narrative.

Twitter user TapTools provided substantial evidence that the ghost chain status attributed to Cardano is unfounded:

Additional statistics were provided in a tweet by the Cardanians:

The Cardano community is recognized for its vibrancy and growth, with more than 4.2 million ADA wallets. TapTools praised the community, highlighting shared values and a vision for decentralization, emphasizing that Cardanos success is driven by more than just statistics.

Innovation, Decentralization, and Market Performance

Cardanos recent launch of the Mithril protocol, aimed at increasing node sync efficiency and blockchain decentralization, underscores its commitment to innovation.

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Marketwise, ADAs price at $0.3056, while down 2.34% in the last 24 hours, still marked a modest increase across the previous week and a 5.64% gain over the past month.

Together, these facts and insights dismiss the ghost chain accusation, showcasing the ADA networks strength and the Cardano communitys dynamism, as reinforced by Charles Hoskinsons tweet:

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Cardano Founder Disputes Claim That Cardano Is a 'Ghost Chain ... - Crypto News Flash

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Bhumi Purohit Receives the 2023 William Anderson Award – – Political Science Now

TheWilliam Anderson Awardis presented annually bythe American Political Science Association (APSA)to honorthe best dissertation in the general field of federalism or intergovernmental relations, state, and local politics.

Bhumi Purohit is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. Her research examines the behavioral and institutional barriers to womens political representation, as well as institutional barriers to public service delivery. Purohits research is based in India and motivated by questions such as: Why do womens interests remain under-represented in politics, even with parity of electoral representation? How do gender biases about women politicians affect public service delivery outcomes in womens constituencies? In her dissertation, she examines this question by examining why and how bureaucracies create barriers for women once they are elected to office, particularly when bureaucrats sit at higher levels of office with the ability to strategically use discretion against lower-level politicians. In summer 2023, she will start as an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at Georgetowns McCourt School.

Citation from the Award Committee:

Laments of Getting Things Done: Bureaucratic Resistance Against Female Politicians in India presents a path-breaking examination of bureaucratic resistance to locally elected women politicians in India. It is the first study to systematically examine the gendered nature of bureaucratic resistance at the local level, three decades after decentralization reforms introduced quotas for women in local elections. Based on new survey data collated among local bureaucrats and female politicians, the thesis demonstrates that bureaucrats exhibit bias against elected female politicians, expecting them to be less effective in implementing policies, less able to organize local communities to pressure the state, and that female elected village heads are significantly more likely than their male counterparts to report bureaucratic resistance. Local bureaucrats are often described as being forced to ration resources and time. This very fine contribution to our understanding of local politics and power in India provides a convincing explanation for how they make such decisions.

APSA thanksthe committee membersfor their service: Professor Louise Tillin (chair) of Kings College London, Dr. Charles R. Hankla of Georgia State University, and Professor Sara Niedzwiecki of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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Bhumi Purohit Receives the 2023 William Anderson Award - - Political Science Now

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The Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Global Data … – Fagen wasanni

Exploring the Role of Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Global Data Protection

Blockchain technology, a term that has become synonymous with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is increasingly being recognized for its potential to revolutionize various sectors beyond finance. One such area where blockchain technology is poised to make a significant impact is in the realm of data protection. As the world becomes more digitized, the need for robust data protection mechanisms has never been more critical. Blockchain technology, with its inherent security features, offers a promising solution to the global data protection challenge.

Blockchain technology is essentially a decentralized, distributed ledger system that records transactions across multiple computers. The technologys primary strength lies in its transparency and immutability. Once data is recorded on a blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted, making it highly resistant to fraud and hacking. This feature is particularly relevant in the context of data protection, where the integrity and security of data are paramount.

In the current digital landscape, data breaches are a significant concern. Traditional centralized databases are vulnerable to hacking, as a single point of failure can lead to the compromise of the entire system. However, blockchains decentralized nature eliminates this risk. Since the data is stored across a network of computers, it is virtually impossible for hackers to manipulate the data. This decentralization not only enhances the security of the data but also ensures its availability even if a part of the network fails.

Moreover, blockchain technology provides a higher level of control over personal data. In a blockchain-based system, individuals can have direct control over their data, deciding who can access it and for what purpose. This feature is a significant departure from the current scenario where individuals often have little to no control over how their data is used by third-party entities.

Blockchain technology also offers potential solutions for data privacy regulations. For instance, the European Unions General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates the right to be forgotten, which requires companies to erase personal data upon request. Implementing this can be challenging with traditional databases, but blockchains transparency and immutability can make it easier to track and delete personal data when required.

However, its important to note that while blockchain technology holds immense potential for enhancing global data protection, it is not a panacea. There are still challenges to be addressed, such as the scalability of blockchain systems and the energy consumption associated with maintaining the blockchain. Additionally, regulatory frameworks need to evolve to accommodate the unique characteristics of blockchain technology.

In conclusion, blockchain technology, with its inherent features of transparency, immutability, and decentralization, offers a promising avenue for enhancing global data protection. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is crucial to explore and harness such innovative technologies to safeguard our data and privacy. While challenges remain, the potential benefits of blockchain technology in data protection are undeniable and warrant further exploration and investment.

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The former President of PayPal embraces crypto again – The Cryptonomist

Recently, PayPals former president expressed new pro-crypto views, specifically reaffirming their commitment to building on Bitcoin Lightning and working to realize its full potential.

He also stresses that the time has come when the world needs a universal open protocol for payments. See below for all the details.

As anticipated, the former president of PayPal recently stated that they are developing systems on Bitcoin Lightning, as he believes the time has come for the world to adopt a universal open protocol for payments.

Previously, David Marcus, who was the former president of PayPal, pointed out that only Bitcoin has the potential to support a truly open protocol for Internet payments.

Although he is famous for his involvement in Facebooks Libra project (later called Diem), it is his extensive experience in the digital payments industry that gives Marcus particular authority.

Since the 2000s, in fact, Marcus has been interested in the world of online payments and founded a company specializing in mobile media monetization.

In addition, in 2008, following the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto, Marcus started Zong, a service that allowed users to pay for items online directly from their cell phones.

Zong was later acquired by PayPal and eBay, and in 2011 Marcus took over as vice president and general manager of PayPals mobile division.

Then, in 2017, David Marcus entered the cryptocurrency world as a board member of Coinbase, leveraging his extensive experience in the digital payments industry gained from PayPal and Facebook.

However, in 2018, Marcus was forced to leave his position at Coinbase due to a conflict of interest stemming from his appointment as head of Facebooks experimental blockchain group.

Despite the above, Marcus interest and support for Bitcoin had been well known for many years, long before his involvement in Libra/Diem and his appointment to Coinbases board of directors in 2017.

Indeed, in a recent interview, Marcus revealed that he had read Bitcoins whitepaper shortly after its publication, although he had not yet delved deeply into it.

Back in 2012, while working at PayPal, Marcus was introduced to blockchain when the company faced a crisis in Argentina due to a government-imposed blockade of money transfers.

It was then that he sensed the potential of Bitcoin as an immutable peer-to-peer payment network. Marcus then attended the 2013 Bitcoin conference in San Jose, California, where he was fascinated by the revolution Bitcoin was bringing to the world of digital payments.

In 2018, he met with Elizabeth Stark, CEO of Lightning Labs, to explore the possibilities of using Bitcoin and the Lightning Network for Facebooks Libra project. However, due to the limitations of the Lightning Network at that time, the idea was shelved.

After leaving Facebook in 2021, Marcus became interested in the Lightning Network again and began developing solutions on LN to make a tool suitable for the masses in 2022.

Today, the former president of PayPal has a clear opinion about Bitcoin and other blockchain-based solutions. According to him, creating a decentralized solution on any blockchain other than Bitcoin would have been a futile exercise.

Marcus also pointed out that only Bitcoin and its underlying assets can effectively support an open protocol for Internet payments in a fully decentralized manner.

The Lightspark team, led by Marcus, shares this perspective. Although there are several technological alternatives to Bitcoin, none of them achieves the same level of decentralization.

It is important to note that decentralization can vary on different levels and has no absolute meaning. Bitcoin is currently the cryptocurrency with the highest degree of decentralization, followed by Ethereum, albeit at a distance.

Many other blockchain-based projects have a lower level of decentralization or, in some cases, none at all. Hence, the real revolution introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in late 2008 and early 2009 was precisely decentralization.

Without this fundamental feature, cryptocurrencies would lose their innovative power and be simply another inefficient technology for transferring value.

Since Bitcoin is currently the most decentralized cryptocurrency available, it is understandable that many see it as the only one capable of truly revolutionizing the industry, although Ethereum remains a strong contender.

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The former President of PayPal embraces crypto again - The Cryptonomist

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Cardano’s Project Catalyst Open to Public for Review: Details – U.Today

Godfrey Benjamin

Cardano's IOHK calling on community review for Project Catalyst

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The Cardano protocol is on a steady run as concerns its developmental efforts with Input Output Hong Kong, (IOHK), the start-up behind the blockchain calling for more direct involvement from the public. Taking to its official Twitter page, IOHK said it wants the community to help review its Project Catalyst experiment.

Project Catalyst is an initiative within the Cardano community that aims to drive community innovation by providing a framework to turn ideas into impactful real-world projects. With chunks of proposals released through this initiative, community members get to decide on key modalities across the board.

In its recent call, IOHK wants the public to make a level 1 review of recent projects before Aug. 3. The start-up also highlighted that level 2 reviews will begin on Aug. 10 and end on Aug. 17. Notably, reviews are also open for Project Catalyst's Fund 10; however, interested reviewers will need to re-register with a supported wallet by Aug. 18.

Recall that U.Today reported earlier that the Project Catalyst Fund 10 recorded new milestones recently, despite the criticism it has faced from some critics in the community. Overall, IOHK is giving these critics an opportunity to help fine tune the proposals through their constructive reviews.

There are thousands of crypto projects around today, with Cardano being one of the most renowned. While all of these projects have their strengths and weaknesses, Cardano has often boasted of decentralization as one of its core strengths, and while it reiterates the on-chain design of the feature, permitting community input is also another way of showcasing this strength.

Leaning toward decentralization is, however, not enough to deter the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from classifying the cryptocurrency as a security in two separate lawsuits filed against the duo of Binance and Coinbase exchanges.

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Cardano's Project Catalyst Open to Public for Review: Details - U.Today

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Ethereum’s dormant ICO investor resurfaces with whopping $3.7 … – Cryptopolitan


Ethereums cryptocurrency community was taken aback by the unexpected return of its initial coin offering (ICO) participant after an eight-year absence. The investor, who had acquired a substantial $2,000ETH during the Genesis phase when the ICO price was just $0.31 per ETH, made headlines by transferring $641ETH, currently valued at a staggering $3.7 million in Read more

Ethereums cryptocurrency community was taken aback by the unexpected return of its initial coin offering (ICO) participant after an eight-year absence.

The investor, who had acquired a substantial $2,000ETH during the Genesis phase when the ICO price was just $0.31 per ETH, made headlines by transferring $641ETH, currently valued at a staggering $3.7 million in the market.

This move has sparked intrigue among crypto aficionados, prompting questions about the motivations behind the investors long-term preservation of holdings and the implications for the market.

The 2014 ICO of Ethereum was a pivotal event in the blockchain industrys infancy, and few could have foreseen the remarkable ascent and widespread acceptance the cryptocurrency achieved over the years.

The re-emergence of this dormant ICO participant has piqued curiosity, with many wondering about the reasons behind such a prolonged holding strategy and its implications on the market dynamics.

The investors decision to opt for Ethereum was driven by the platforms abundant staking potential, offering a way to protect the network while increasing its holdings. Unlike energy-intensive proof-of-work mining, staking relies on the more eco-friendly proof-of-stake consensus process, making it an attractive investment in Ethereums future development. It also reflects the participants faith in the networks ability to maintain decentralization and security within the ecosystem.

While the transfer of $641ETH, worth a remarkable $3.7 million at current rates, has drawn significant attention from the crypto community, it has also raised concerns about its potential impact on the market dynamics in the short term. Nevertheless, the transaction is a testament to Ethereums value and highlights the potential for long-term benefits for early investors.

Hence, this major move has stirred up discussions within the crypto space, with market watchers closely monitoring its implications on Ethereums price and overall market sentiment. Consequently, investors are contemplating the opportunities and risks associated with staking, as it provides a chance to actively participate in the networks growth while securing their investments.

Moreover, the event has also brought attention to the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency investments, with staking gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional mining methods. However, some analysts caution that such a large-scale transfer could lead to short-term volatility in Ethereums price.

The return of Ethereums ICO participants after an eight-year hiatus has generated considerable interest and speculation within the crypto community. The move to stake their holdings showcases the investors long-term faith in Ethereums potential and the networks commitment to decentralization and security.

While the market closely observes the implications of this significant transaction, it serves as a reminder of the rewards and risks that early adopters in the cryptocurrency industry can experience.

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Ethereum's dormant ICO investor resurfaces with whopping $3.7 ... - Cryptopolitan

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The Socialist International (SI) demands the immediate restoration of … – Socialist International

The Socialist International is following the situation in Niger with great concern and strongly condemns the recent military coup in the country.

In effect, this coup constitutes a serious obstacle to the development of a democratic region strongly called for by all the peoples of Africa and embodied in an exemplary manner by a few countries, including the Republic of Niger. Following the recent developments on the political situation in Niger:

1. The SI demands the immediate reinstatement of the democratically elected government led by President Mohamed Bazoum and calls on the military leaders to ensure respect for the will of the people by ensuring the preservation of democratic values and protecting the legitimate government of the country.

2. We urge the soldiers who have chosen to serve the Republic of Niger to respect their oath of service and desist from all attacks on the civilian government and population including foreigners living in the country.

3. The SI reminds political actors, civil society, the army and the security services of the importance of safeguarding the human rights and freedoms of all Nigerien citizens and denounce arbitrary arrests, illegal detentions and kidnappings of certain Nigeriens due to their political opinions.

4. We invite the army and the Presidential guard to unconditionally release comrades Mohamed Bazoum, President of the Republic and his family, Foumakoye Gado, President of the ruling party PNDS-Tarraya, Mahamane Sani Mahamoudou, Minister of Petroleum, Mrs. Ousseini Hadizatou, Minister of Mines, Hama Adamou Souley, Minister of Interior and Decentralization, Oumarou Malam Alma, Minister of Transport and Kalla Moutari, MP.5. We further call on the military to continue to ensure the safety of Nigeriens and their property, and strongly condemn the attacks against the officers of the ruling Party, the PNDS-Tarayya, as well as attacks on their headquarters.

6. We call on all parties, including the military, political parties, civil society, religious and traditional leaders to prioritise peaceful dialogue and respect for the constitutional order.

7. We further call for the mobilisation of all African leaders and stakeholders in Niger to take steps to protect peace and security in Niger and ensure that the country, which has been widely commended as a model of democracy in West Africa, does not regress in its development and democratic path.

8. We reiterate our call on the neighbouring countries of Niger to each play a role of facilitator to restore institutional order in Niger and jointly pursue their common objectives in the fight against terrorism.

9. The SI further commends the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for taking a firm stance against the coup d'tat in Niger and declaring a zero tolerance to military coups in the West African region. The resolute position of ECOWAS reinforces the importance of the respect for democratic principles and rule of law in the West African region. We urge ECOWAS and other organs of the international community, particularly the UN Security Council, to ensure a speedy resolution of the political crisis to ensure a peaceful and orderly reinstatement of civilian governance.

10. At this critical moment, the SI calls on the international community to remain united in supporting democratic institutions and advocating for a peaceful settlement that reflects the will and aspirations of the peoples of Niger.

11. The SI reiterates its call on the international community to work with the leaders and key stakeholders in Niger to ensure an urgent reinstatement of the legitimately elected government led by President Mohamed Bazoum.

12. And finally, the SI remains firm in its commitment to democratic values and principles and stands in solidarity with the people of Niger in these difficult times.


The Socialist International (SI) demands the immediate restoration of ... - Socialist International

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Crypto Trader Says One Ethereum-Based Altcoin Ready To Surge by Double Digits Heres His Target – The Daily Hodl

A trader has identified an altcoin based on Ethereum (ETH) that has the potential to surge by almost 30% from its present price.

Pseudonymous trader Altcoin Sherpa tells his 196,400 Twitter followers that Maker (MKR) has demonstrated immense strength given the downbeat market environment.

According to the analyst, the governance token of the Maker ecosystem could surge to above $1,700 if it overcomes the resistance level of around $1,330.

MKR: What other alts look like this one in these market conditions? Not many. I was wrong on these areas being a stalling point, its shown immense strength. break this level and $1700-ish would be my next area up.

MKR is trading at $1,315 at time of writing.

Next up is Altcoin Sherpas thoughts on Bitcoin (BTC). The trader says that if the flagship crypto asset manages to climb back above the $29,750 resistance level, it could return to the $30,000 $32,000 range.

BTC: Fairly key area around here, lots of the four-hour exponential moving averages (EMAs) all clumped together and the range low. IF price is accepted back here and continues above $30,000, I think that the recent price action was just a deviation and were going to still be back in the eternal range.

BTC is trading at $29,498 at time of writing.

Over the medium term, Altcoin Sherpa says that he expects Bitcoin to reach up to $40,000 if it manages to surge above the current range convincingly.

Id like to see price continue with more strength and more time before I feel comfortable, though. Could easily reject around here and just go back below this range and dump.

Personally, I still think that this goes to $35,000 $40,000 in the midterm though and Im still bullish until shown otherwise. Not going all in quite yet though, more just spot long (always) and chilling in most active trades.

The analyst also offers his outlook on the blockchain oracle Chainlink (LINK). He says that Chainlink is a strong altcoin and he would consider buying opportunities at roughly between $5.50 and $7.50.

LINK: Still at the equilibrium of this range. 450 days of accumulation, this one is strong. I think its a pretty safe altcoin overall, would consider layering bids between here and the range low at $5.50 and just sitting on it.

LINK is trading at $7.62 at time of writing.

Generated Image: Midjourney

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Crypto Trader Says One Ethereum-Based Altcoin Ready To Surge by Double Digits Heres His Target - The Daily Hodl

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