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Celebrating Ten Years of Encrypting the Web with Let’s Encrypt – EFF

Ten years ago, the web was a very different place. Most websites didnt use HTTPS to protect your data. As a result, snoops could read emails or even take over accounts by stealing cookies. But a group of determined researchers and technologists from EFF and the University of Michigan were dreaming of a better world: one where every web page you visited was protected from spying and interference. Meanwhile, another group at Mozilla was working on the same dream. Those dreams led to the creation of Lets Encrypt and tools like EFFs Certbot, which simplify protecting websites and make browsing the web safer for everyone.

There was one big obstacle: to deploy HTTPS and protect a website, the people running that website needed to buy and install a certificate from a certificate authority. Price was a big barrier to getting more websites on HTTPS, but the complexity of installing certificates was an even bigger one.

In 2013, the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) was founded, which would soon become the home of Lets Encrypt, a certificate authority founded to help encrypt the Web. Lets Encrypt was radical in that it provided certificates for free to anyone with a website. Lets Encrypt also introduced a way to automate away the risk and drudgery of manually issuing and installing certificates. With the new ACME protocol, anyone with a website could run software (like EFFs Certbot) that combined the steps of getting a certificate and correctly installing it.

In the time since, Lets Encrypt and Certbot have been a huge success, with over 250 million active certificates protecting hundreds of millions of websites.

This is a huge benefit to everyones online security and privacy. When you visit a website that uses HTTPS, your data is protected by encryption in transit, so nobody but you and the website operator gets to see it. That also prevents snoops from making a copy of your login cookies and taking over accounts.

The most important measure of Lets Encrypts and Certbots successes is how much of peoples daily web browsing uses HTTPS. According to Firefox data, 78% of pages loaded use HTTPS. Thats tremendously improved from 27% in 2013 when Lets Encrypt was founded. Theres still a lot of work to be done to get to 100%. We hope youll join EFF and Lets Encrypt in celebrating the successes of ten years encrypting the web, and the anticipation of future growth and safety online.

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Celebrating Ten Years of Encrypting the Web with Let's Encrypt - EFF

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Online Privacy at Risk from Awful U.K. Internet Regulation Bill – Reason

When last we visited the UK's long-stewing Online Safety Bill, the issue was the legislation's threat to free speecha common theme of contemporary European lawmaking. But the massive internet regulation bill, which is expected to become law soon, also targets encryption. This has prompted tech companies to warn that Britain's government threatens the privacy of its citizensand the world beyond.

"The Online Safety Bill, now at the final stage before passage in the House of Lords, gives the British government the ability to force backdoors into messaging services, which will destroy end-to-end encryption," the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) warned last week. "If it passes, the Online Safety Bill will be a huge step backwards for global privacy, and democracy itself. Requiring government-approved software in peoples' messaging services is an awful precedent. If the Online Safety Bill becomes British law, the damage it causes won't stop at the borders of the U.K."

Through continuing debate, the Online Safety Bill has undergone changes, though none of them have much improved the legislation. In its current form, the Online Safety Bill allows OFCOM, Britain's communications regulator, to compel service providers and search engines to "provide information about the use of a service by a named individual" and to compel providers "to take steps so that OFCOM are able to remotely access" services and equipment. Under the bill, it is "an offence" to provide "information which is encrypted such that it is not possible for OFCOM to understand it."

"The Bill as currently drafted givesOfcom the power to impose specific technologies (e.g. algorithmic content detection) that provide for the surveillance of the private correspondence of UK citizens," according to a legal analysis of the legislation for Index on Censorship. "The powers allow the technology to be imposed with limited legal safeguards. It means the UK would be one of the first democracies to place a de facto ban on end-to-end encryption for private messaging apps."

To such objections, says EFF, the U.K. government responded: "We expect the industry to use its extensive expertise and resources to innovate and build robust solutions for individual platforms/services that ensure both privacy and child safety by preventing child abuse content from being freely shared on public and private channels."

This constitutes an instruction to the tech industry to "nerd harder" to develop schemes for magically securing privacy while allowing government access to everybody's communications, points out EFF.

Tech companies and communications services that appeal to customers with assurances of privacy protected by end-to-end encryption aren't thrilled by legislative developments in the UK. Firms including Signal, Threema, and WhatsApp wrote an open letter warning that "global providers of end-to-end encrypted products and services cannot weaken the security of their products and services to suit individual governments. There cannot be a 'British internet,' or a version of end-to-end encryption that is specific to the UK."

"The UK Government must urgently rethink the Bill, revising it to encourage companies to offer more privacy and security to its residents, not less," they added.

Some providers have gone further.

Meredith Whittaker, president of U.S.-based Signal, said the service "would absolutely, 100% walk" away from Britain if the UK proceeds with its encryption ban.

Germany-based Tutanota responded, "We will not 'walk out' of UK. We will also not comply with any requests to backdoor the encryption."

"When the Iranian government blocked Signal, we recognized that the people in Iran who needed privacy were not represented by the authoritarian state, and we worked with our community to set up proxies and other means to ensure that Iranians could access Signal," clarified the encrypted messaging service. "As in Iran, we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure that people in the UK have access to Signal and to private communications. But we will not undermine or compromise the privacy and safety promises we make to people in the UK, and everywhere else in the world."

There's actually something of a contest among online services to tell the British government to go to Hell. In April, the Wikimedia Foundation, which publishes Wikipedia, said the online encyclopedia would not comply with the Online Safety Bill's requirements for age checks.

As Wikimedia's resistance to age check requirements suggest, there's rottenness in the Online Safety Bill beyond its attacks on privacy.

"The Online Safety Billestablishes 'duty of care' responsibilities for tech platforms to keep what the government deems 'online harms' (which is broader than just violent or pornographic content) out of the view of children," Reason's Scott Shackford cautioned earlier this year. At that time the bill had just been "made significantly harsher with threats of imprisonment for tech platform managers who run afoul of the complicated regulations."

As I recently noted, attacks on free speech are a cottage industry in the old world. The European Union's Digital Services Act goes into effect this month despite warnings that its restrictions on "hateful content" are nothing more than cover for censorship of online material that government officials dislike.

Comments by European officials threatening to wield the law as a bludgeon against opponents "could reinforce the weaponisation of internet shutdowns, which includes arbitrary blocking of online platforms by governments around the world," 67 organizations protested in a July 26 letter.

The danger in authoritarian legislation passed by nominally liberal democratic countries is that it can be interpreted as a permission slip to restrict civil liberties. That has certainly been the case with Germany's NetzDG law against hate speech, which was rapidly replicated after its passage in 2017.

"NetzDG's reproduction in various hybrid and authoritarian regimes is doubly problematicit is both an indication of authoritarian creep into democratic regimes and an instance of authoritarian learning from democratic regimes," Columbia Law School's Isabelle Canaan argued in a 2021 paper.

Authoritarian laws also create a quandary for companies forced to decide between creating walled gardens for different jurisdictions at great expense, or to default to restrictive rules for everybody.

If Britain enacts the Online Safety Bill, as seems likely, it may prove to be yet another assault on liberty around the worldunless online services stick to their guns and treat the U.K. (and other restrictive regimes) as pariahs whose laws should be defied.

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Online Privacy at Risk from Awful U.K. Internet Regulation Bill - Reason

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Cult of the Dead Cow Launches Encryption Protocol to Save Your Privacy – Gizmodo

The Cult of the Dead Cow, one of the most influential hacktivist groups on the web, announced plans Wednesday to launch an end-to-end encrypted protocol that can be used for app development. cDc is calling its new tool Veilid and, from the initial descriptions, it sounds pretty friggin cool. On the groups website, cDc members wrote:

Come do a hacktivism with the cDc, as we launch a THING that will once again change the world, with the style and chaos that only the herd can bring. Let us bless you with a revolutionary communications system that will disrupt the balance of power.

Creating Dracula for The Last Voyage of the Demeter

According to Cult members, Veilid is an open-source, peer-to-peer, mobile-first networked application framework, with a flagship secure messaging application named VeilidChat. Application frameworks of this sort are flexible software packages that can be iterated on and changed by infusing new code into them. Developers who want to create new programs with the same privacy protections will be able to build off of Veilids open source structures.

People should be able to build relationships, learn, create, and build online without being monetized, the Veilid website says. With Veilid, the user is in control, in a way that is approachable and friendly to everyone, regardless of technical ability.

Cult members say their protocol is built from the same digital DNA as the Tor browser and the chat app Signal and will be used to create new ways for folks to communicate, share files, and generally surf the web while simultaneously protecting their privacy. The idea is to offer users an escape from the constant data collection and monetization that undergirds most web interactions (also commonly referred to as surveillance capitalism).

It makes sense that the Cult of the Dead Cow is behind what could be an awesome invention since cDc is, itself, pretty awesome. Formed in 1984 and named after an abandoned slaughterhouse in Lubbock, Texas, where its early hacker congregants used to hang out, cDc has released a large number of free software projects over the years and has counted as members a number of people who went on to serve quite influential roles in tech and outside of it. Included in that pantheon are Peter Zeitko (aka Mudge, who went on to become Twitters top security chief and then whistleblower), as well as former presidential candidate Beto ORourke, who dabbled in the groups activities as a youth.

Its very rare you come across something that isnt selling your data, said Katelyn Bowden, a recent cDc inductee and one of the developers behind the project, in an interview with the Washington Post. We are giving people the ability to opt out of the data economy Give the power back to the users, give them agency over their data, and screw these people that have made millions selling period information.

Veilid isnt quite ready for primetime yet, though it will be soon. The protocols creators plan to hold a launch party at 2023's DEFCON, the annual cybersecurity conference, in Las Vegas, next week. In the meantime, developers say you can also support their project by buying some related merch online.

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Cult of the Dead Cow Launches Encryption Protocol to Save Your Privacy - Gizmodo

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Cult of the Dead Cow Develops Encryption System for Messaging … – TickerTV News

A renowned group of technology activists, Cult of the Dead Cow, has shifted its focus towards developing a system that enables the creation of messaging and social networking apps without retaining users personal data. The group has created a coding framework called Veilid, which allows app developers to build applications for mobile devices and the web using strong encryption. Veilid aims to provide secure end-to-end encryption for messaging, file sharing, and social networking apps passing fully encrypted content between devices. Similar to decentralized networks like BitTorrent, Veilid gets faster and more efficient as more devices join and share the load.

The project aims to address growing concerns about user privacy and government surveillance. Veilid offers an alternative to apps that collect detailed personal information for targeted advertising or product pitching. However, the challenge lies in convincing developers to design apps compatible with Veilid, as the potential revenue streams from these apps are limited the absence of detailed user information.

Veilid enters a market where users are increasingly dissatisfied with platforms like Twitter and Facebook and are searching for more secure alternatives. It also provides support to those opposing governments attempts to weaken encryption with laws requiring content disclosure. Notably, tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Signal have threatened to withdraw services in the UK if the proposed Online Safety Bill is implemented without changes.

Veilid is a significant release Cult of the Dead Cow, the oldest and most influential hacking group in the US. The group includes cybersecurity experts who have been at the forefront of discovering and addressing security flaws in widely used software. Veilids development is driven members such as Peiter Zatko, known as Mudge, and Christien Rioux, who have significant experience in cybersecurity and hacking.

The Veilid framework, developed Rioux, aims to simplify the process of using encryption for app developers and users. The project seeks to make secure messaging and social networking as user-friendly as popular platforms like Facebook, leveraging the power of mobile devices to create a decentralized cloud.

Veilids potential impact on protecting user privacy and advancing secure communications is significant. By developing apps that do not collect personal data and are encrypted from end to end, it offers an alternative to the prevailing surveillance business model.

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Alarming drop in device encryption in UK companies despite over … – Bdaily News

Member Article

Lack of encryption and loss of devices containing sensitive information responsible for data breaches at more than a third (35%) of organisationsIntent to increase encryption on removable devices almost trebles in a year, according to Apricorn research

A significant drop in the encryption of data on devices within UK companies has been revealed through annual research carried out by Apricorn, the leading manufacturer of software-free, 256-bit AES XTS hardware-encrypted USB drives. This trend is having a clear impact on the security of critical information. Lack of encryption was cited by 17% of the security leaders surveyed as having been a main cause of a data breach within their organisation a steady rise from 12% in 2021. Lost or misplaced devices containing sensitive data had caused a breach at 18%; this is a risk that can be mitigated through encryption.

According to Apricorns research, only 12% of organisations currently encrypt data on all laptops, compared with 68% in 2022, while 17% encrypt data on all desktop computers, down from 65% last year. Its a similar story for mobile phones with 13% encrypting on all, versus 55% in 2022; USB sticks with 17% encrypting today, down from 54%; and portable hard drives a drop to just 4% from 57%.

While the decline in encryption is alarming, the good news is that there is a big jump in the percentage of security leaders saying they do not currently encrypt but plan to in the future an average increase across all devices from 12% to 23%. In particular, there is a major rise in those intending to boost the use of encryption on removable devices: 48% plan to either introduce or expand encryption on portable hard drives, up from 16% in 2022. For USB sticks, the figure has risen to 42% from 20%.

Jon Fielding, Apricorns managing director EMEA, says: Businesses appear to have gone backwards in terms of protecting critical data when its being shared, handled and stored on devices. This is creating unacceptable risk. Encryption renders information unintelligible to anyone not authorised to access it whatever happens to the device, and whoever might get their hands on it. IT leaders do have the intention to expand their usage of encryption to remediate the gap, but this needs to happen sooner rather than later.

Responses to a question around the biggest problems associated with implementing a security plan for remote/mobile working may point to a reason behind the decline in encryption. Of the surveyed security leaders who have mobile/remote workers, 22% say they have no control over where company data goes and where it is stored, with 14% admitting they dont have a good understanding of which data sets need to be encrypted.

There appears to be some confusion over where enterprise data is, and what needs to be encrypted, suggests Jon Fielding. This highlights the importance of having visibility over data but also the implementation of a company-wide policy that requires all information to be encrypted automatically, as standard. This will ensure that nothing manages to slip through the net.

For companies that have increased their implementation of encryption over the last year, the main reasons stated were the ability to securely share files (20%), the protection of lost and stolen devices (18%), and the avoidance of regulatory fines (14%). Encryption is also seen as having a key part to play in meeting eligibility criteria for cyber insurance. When asked what tools and strategies they incorporated into employee usage policies in order to comply, two of the top answers cited were the requirement to encrypt data at rest (25%) and on the move (22%).

Jon Fielding adds: Companies recognise the benefits of applying encryption, and are well aware that neglecting to do so exposes sensitive and confidential data to the risk of compromise or loss. Despite this, data is not being adequately protected. This needs to be addressed: other findings from our research have shown an increase in employees exposing corporate data to a breach either unintentionally or with malicious intent. This makes it more important than ever that encryption is in place as a last line of defence.

The research was conducted by Censuswide with 201 security decision makers (manager level +) of large companies in the UK between 30.03.2023 06.04.2023. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles and are members of The British Polling Council.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Apricorn .

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Exploiting nonlinear scattering medium for optical encryption, computation and machine learning –

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Can one see through a scattering medium like ground glass? Conventionally, such a feat would be deemed impossible. As light travels through an opaque medium, the information contained in the light becomes "jumbled up," almost as if undergoes complex encryption. Recently, Professor Choi Wonshik's team from the IBS Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics (IBS CMSD) has discovered a way to utilize this phenomenon in optical computing and machine learning.

Since 2010, several previous studies have attempted to harness information lost due to scattering media, such as biological tissues, using mathematics. This has been typically done by employing optical operators such as linear scattering matrices, which can be used to determine the input-output relationships of photons as they undergo scattering.

This topic has been of primary research interest for Professor Choi's team from the IBS CMSD, and they have published many works that combine both hardware- and software-based adaptive optics for tissue imaging. Some of their work was demonstrated in new types of microscopes that can see through scattering media with high opacity, such as mouse skulls, as well as perform deep 3D-imaging of tissues.

However, things become much more complex when nonlinearity enters the equation. If a scattering medium generates nonlinear signals, it can no longer be represented simply by a linear matrix, as the principle of superposition is violated. Moreover, measuring the nonlinear input-output characteristics becomes a daunting challenge, setting a demanding stage for research.

This time, Professor Choi's team has achieved yet another scientific breakthrough. They became the first to discover that the optical input-output response of a nonlinear scattering medium can be defined by a third-order tensor, as opposed to a linear matrix. The findings are published in the journal Nature Physics.


Third-order tensor is a mathematical object used to represent relationships between three sets of data. In simple terms, it is an array of numbers arranged in a three-dimensional structure. Tensors are generalizations of scalars (0-order tensors), vectors (1st-order tensors), and matrices (2nd-order tensors) and are commonly used in various fields of mathematics, physics, and engineering to describe physical quantities and their relationships.

To demonstrate this, the team utilized a medium comprised of barium titanate nanoparticles, which generate nonlinear second harmonic generation (SHG) signals due to the inherent noncentrosymmetric properties of barium titanate. These SHG signals emerge as a square of the input electric field through the second harmonic process, causing cross-terms when multiple input channels are activated simultaneously, disrupting the linear superposition principle. The researchers devised and experimentally validated a novel theoretical framework involving these cross-terms in a 3rd-order tensor.

To illustrate this, the researchers measured cross-terms by isolating the difference between the output electric fields produced when two input channels were activated simultaneously, and when each channel was activated separately. This necessitated an additional 1,176 measurements set by the possible combinations of two independent input channels, even with just 49 input channels.

"The effort required to detect cross-terms from weak nonlinear signals was significant," noted Dr. Moon Jungho, the study's lead author.


The tensor derived from the nonlinear scattering medium has a higher rank than matrices of linear scattering media, hinting at its potential as a scalable physical operator. The team demonstrated this through the real-world implementation of nonlinear optical encryption and all-optical logic gates.

First, the team successfully demonstrated that nonlinear scattering media can be used for the optical encryption process. When specific image information is input into the media, the output second harmonic wave signals are displayed as random patterns, akin to a series of encryption processes. Conversely, by performing an inverse operation of the 3rd-order tensor representation of the second harmonic wave, the original input information can be retrieved through a decryption process.

Utilizing the inverse operation of the tensor input-output response, they decoded original signals from randomly encoded SHG signals, which offers enhanced security over standard optical encryption that uses linear scattering media.

Furthermore, the integration of digital phase conjugation allowed the researchers to showcase all-optical AND logic gates that activate only when two specific input channels are simultaneously activated. This approach offers potential advantages over silicon-based logic, including reduced energy consumption and light-speed parallel processing capabilities.

This research is expected to open up new frontiers in the realms of optical computing and machine learning. "In the burgeoning field of all-optical machine learning, nonlinear optical layers are key in enhancing model performance. We are currently investigating how our research could be integrated into this field," stated Professor Choi.

More information: Jungho Moon et al, Measuring the scattering tensor of a disordered nonlinear medium, Nature Physics (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02163-8

Journal information: Nature Physics

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Watch: Zscaler’s Ken Urquhart Talks Decryption & The Future of … – Executive Gov

As the field of quantum computing advances, new opportunities and threats are emerging. One key threat federal leaders are focusing on is decryption.

Its all about decryption. Its all about cracking your secrets, saidDr. Ken Urquhart, global vice president of 5G strategy at Zscaler, in a recentvideo interview with Executive Mosaics Summer Myatt.

But right now, Dr. Urquhart said were not quite at the stage of being able to crack quantum encryption.

So lets look at where we are today we dont have enough qubits to do really interesting things with most of the algorithms. To crack RSA encryption, we had one group say about 6,000 qubits. Are we there yet? No we may hit about 1,000 this year and now were going to go for 4,000. Still not at 6,000 qubits, he shared.

Dr. Urquhart said that based on estimates from physicists and quantum experts, we may not achieve full-scale quantum computing capabilities for another 50 years. But despite this, those in the quantum field are still working to find new algorithms that are stronger and less likely to be cracked using quantum or classical computing.

Turns out you can build encryption algorithms for quantum computing that are just as hard to break as encryption algorithms in classical computing, he said. In fact, there was one algorithm for quantum encryption that would be considered unbreakable on a quantum computer that turned out you could break on a classical computer pretty quickly.

Watch Dr. Urquhartsfull video interview here to learn more about quantum effects and when they may start to impact our world.

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Watch: Zscaler's Ken Urquhart Talks Decryption & The Future of ... - Executive Gov

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Encryption Keyboard Market Revenue Analysis and Industry … – University City Review

A latest extensive market study titled Encryption Keyboard Market enfolds a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the global market, allowing everyone to understand all-inclusive information associated with the latest market improvements. The report sets out the important statistical data about the market that has been presented in an organized format including charts, graphs, tables, and illustrations. The report explains how the market growth has been unfolding over the recent past and what would be the future market projections during the anticipated period from 2023 to 2029. The research divides the global Encryption Keyboard market into different segments of the global market based on product types, applications, key players, and leading regions.

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The research focuses on an in-depth competitive landscape, market drivers, growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production. Furthermore, the report reviews their financial status by assessing gross margin, profit, sales volume, production cost, pricing structure, revenue, and growth rate. With this report, you will be to understand your competitors business structures, strategies, and prospects. An overview of all the products developed by the key industry players and the respective product application scope has been mentioned in the global Encryption Keyboard market study report.

Key Parameters Which Define The Competitive Landscape of The Global Encryption Keyboard Market:

The report also imparts figures appertaining to CAGRs from a historical and forecast point of view. The report offers an executive summary of the market and issues a clear picture of the scope of the market to the report readers analyzes the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity, and challenge, restraints, and risks. It strategically analyzes each submarket with respect to individual growth trend and their contribution to the global Encryption Keyboard market.

Some of the major industry players that are listed in the report include:

On the basis of product type, the market is segmented into:

On the basis of application, the market is bifurcated into:

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Global Optical Encryption Market Size and Forecast | ADVA Optical … – University City Review

New Jersey, United States Our latest report on the Global Optical Encryption market provides an in-depth analysis of the market size, trends, drivers and restraints, competitive landscape and growth opportunities. It covers the market value, volume, and future growth prospects across the globe along with the demand and production of optical encryption solutions.

The report provides an essential overview of the current market conditions, along with an extensive evaluation of the competitive landscape of the optical encryption market. The report further includes insights into the industrys competitive strategies and value chain dynamics, current market trends and developments, and global opportunities and risks. Additionally, it provides an understanding of the current and future competitive strategies of key market players and how they will shape the competitive landscape of the market. The report presents accurate data regarding the market share, revenue, price and volume of each segment and sub-segment. Finally, it also offers crucial information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market performance.

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Key Players Mentioned in the Global Optical Encryption Market Research Report:

In this section of the report, the Global Optical Encryption Market focuses on the major players that are operating in the market and the competitive landscape present in the market. The Global Optical Encryption report includes a list of initiatives taken by the companies in the past years along with the ones, which are likely to happen in the coming years. Analysts have also made a note of their expansion plans for the near future, financial analysis of these companies, and their research and development activities. This research report includes a complete dashboard view of the Global Optical Encryption market, which helps the readers to view in-depth knowledge about the report.

ADVA Optical Networking SE, Ciena Corporation, ECI Telecom Ltd., Nokia Corporation, Huawei Technologies CO, Infinera Corporation, Microsemi Corporation, Acacia Communications, Arista Networks, Cisco System, Inc.

Global Optical EncryptionMarket Segmentation:

Optical Encryption Market, By Encryption Layer

OTN-Layer 1 MACsec-Layer 2 IPsec-Layer 3

Optical Encryption Market, By Data Rate

Less than 10G Greater than 10G and less than 40G Greater than 40G and less than 100G Greater than 100G

Optical Encryption Market, By Vertical

Banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) Government Healthcare Data center and cloud Energy and utilities Others

For a better understanding of the market, analysts have segmented the Global Optical Encryption market based on application, type, and region. Each segment provides a clear picture of the aspects that are likely to drive it and the ones expected to restrain it. The segment-wise explanation allows the reader to get access to particular updates about the Global Optical Encryption market. Evolving environmental concerns, changing political scenarios, and differing approaches by the government towards regulatory reforms have also been mentioned in the Global Optical Encryption research report.

In this chapter of the Global Optical Encryption Market report, the researchers have explored the various regions that are expected to witness fruitful developments and make serious contributions to the markets burgeoning growth. Along with general statistical information, the Global Optical Encryption Market report has provided data of each region with respect to its revenue, productions, and presence of major manufacturers. The major regions which are covered in the Global Optical Encryption Market report includes North America, Europe, Central and South America, Asia Pacific, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, GCC countries, and others.

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What to Expect in Our Report?

(1) A complete section of the Global Optical Encryption market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.

(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Global Optical Encryption market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.

(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Global Optical Encryption market.

(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Global Optical Encryption market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.

(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Global Optical Encryption Market report.

Key Questions Answered in the Report:

(1) What are the growth opportunities for the new entrants in the Global Optical Encryption industry?

(2) Who are the leading players functioning in the Global Optical Encryption marketplace?

(3) What are the key strategies participants are likely to adopt to increase their share in the Global Optical Encryption industry?

(4) What is the competitive situation in the Global Optical Encryption market?

(5) What are the emerging trends that may influence the Global Optical Encryption market growth?

(6) Which product type segment will exhibit high CAGR in future?

(7) Which application segment will grab a handsome share in the Global Optical Encryption industry?

(8) Which region is lucrative for the manufacturers?

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You can now import and convert sensitive Excel files into client-side encrypted Google Sheets – Devdiscourse

Google has introduced an exciting new feature that will change the way you handle sensitive Excel files. Available in open beta, the new feature lets you import and convert sensitive Excel files into client-side encrypted Google Sheets.

Client-side encryption ensures that the encrypted Excel file remains unchanged even after the conversion into Google Sheets. Most importantly, data privacy remains in the hands of the user throughout the entire process.

With this update, you can import encrypted .xslx Excel file types only. Although additional Excel and tabular file types are not currently supported, Google may expand the range of compatible file formats in future updates.

Secondly, during the import process, certain unsupported Excel features in Sheets will be ignored. Google has set a maximum file size limit of 20MB for imported Excel files. Additionally, the maximum number of cells that can be imported is set at 5 million.

Google Workspace administrators can enable client-side encryption at the domain, organizational unit (OU), or group levels by navigating to the Admin console > Security > Access and data control > Client-side encryption.

The new feature is rolling out gradually to Rapid and Scheduled Release domains, starting August 1, 2023, and may take up to 15 days for the feature to be visible to all users.

The ability to import and convert sensitive Excel files into client-side encrypted Google Sheets will be available to Google Workspace Enterprise Plus, Education Standard, and Education Plus customers, this powerful tool is set to transform how organizations handle sensitive data and enhance overall data security.

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You can now import and convert sensitive Excel files into client-side encrypted Google Sheets - Devdiscourse

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