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Binance CEO Advises Newbies on Crypto Investments – Crypto Times

Binance CEO Richard Teng offered guidance to beginners in the cryptocurrency market. In the latest post on X, Teng stressed that it is high time to know the basics of blockchain, invest a lot of time in research, and begin with small amounts of money on reliable Internet platforms.

According to his understanding, Teng noted that new users must understand blockchain and cryptocurrencies. He claimed that investors are enabled to make the correct decisions and deal with the convolutions of cryptocurrencies.

Teng recognizes undertaking extensive research and recommends investors do their research on different blockchain networks through DYOR or Do Your Own Research which empowers any person to determine the viability and authenticity of numerous crypto assets.

According to Teng, first-time crypto investors should start slowly by investing small amounts in reliable trading venues enabling learners to get familiar with market conditions and reduce risk-taking potential adequately.

Teng argues that through small investments, people can gradually develop their skills in the investment process. He pointed out that it is crucial to venture into developments in already existing structures that are secure and compliant with the set legal standards to help protect investments.

Also Read: Binance CEO Richard Teng terms Bitcoin Halving 2024 unique

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Binance CEO Advises Newbies on Crypto Investments - Crypto Times

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Information encoding and encryption in acoustic analogues of qubits | Scientific Reports –

A logical phi-bit was generated by replicating the experimental arrangement described in10, the setup consisted of three aluminum rods, approximately 60cm long, arranged in a linear array with a lateral gap of 2mm filled with epoxy. Transducers were used to drive and detect the acoustic field at the ends of the rods. The waveguides are labeled 1, 2, and 3, where waveguide 2 is sandwiched between waveguides 1 and 3. Two driving transducers located on waveguide 1 and waveguide 2 were excited with sinusoidal signals at the primary frequencies ({f}_{1}) and ({f}_{2}), respectively. The third waveguide was not driven. The driving transducers were connected to different function generators and amplifiers and were driven with the same peak-to-peak voltage of 80V. Three detecting transducers were connected to an oscilloscope to measure the voltage (displacement field) generated at the other ends of the waveguides. The detected temporal signals are fast Fourier transformed (FFT) to produce a power spectrum. In the spectral domain, we observed strong peaks associated with the primary frequencies as well as weaker peaks associated with nonlinear vibrational modes supported by the inherently nonlinear system. A logical phi-bit,i, is defined as a nonlinear mode in which frequency can be written as a linear combination of the primary frequencies:



where p and q are integer coefficients.

A single logical phi-bit i is characterized by its frequency but also the corresponding relative phases between the acoustic waveguides. The relative phases between waveguides 1 and 2 and between waveguides 1 and 3 at the phi-bit frequency, ({F}^{(i)}), are written as the phase difference ({varphi }_{12}^{(i)}={varphi }_{2}^{(i)}-{varphi }_{1}^{(i)}) and ({varphi }_{13}^{(i)}={varphi }_{3}^{(i)}-{varphi }_{1}^{left(iright)}), respectively. Here, the phase of the nonlinear mode at the end of waveguide 1 is used as a reference.

The two-phase differences serve as degrees of freedom for representing a logical phi-bit as a two-level system that may be characterized as a 21 vector with complex components. Within this representation, a logical phi-bit is analogous to a qubit. Notably, logical phi-bits co-exist in the same physical space, that is, the space of the physical system. Since logical phi-bits are nonlinear vibrational modes generated from the same driving frequencies, their associated phase differences are correlated to each other. Subsequently, the two-level system representations of multiple phi-bits are also strongly correlated and can be simultaneously manipulated by tuning the driving conditions of the system. Effectively, the state of N logical phi-bits may be represented as a 2N1 complex vector spanning an exponentially scaling space (i.e., a Hilbert space). The representation of the N phi-bit state depends on the choice of the basis of the Hilbert space. The strong nonlinear coupling between the phi-bits enables manipulation of the component of this large complex vector in a parallel manner by changing the driving conditions. Furthermore, the components of the large multi-phi-bit state vector can be used to encode information. Parallel manipulation of these components can be used to encrypt the encoded information. The inverse manipulation can also be used to decrypt the encrypted information in an efficient manner.

We illustrate this encryption method in the case of a N=5 phi-bit system. For this, the driving frequencies are taken as ({f}_{1}=62,text{kHz}) and ({f}_{2}=66,text{kHz}). We tune ({f}_{1}) by increments of (Delta nu left(nright)=left(n-1right)*50,text{Hz}) with (nin [text{1,81}]), thus spanning a range of frequency of 0 to 4kHz.

We are considering phi-bits 1 through 5 with corresponding values p and q of (5, 4), (4, 3), (1, 2), (1, 1), and (4, 1), respectively. The phi-bits are selected at random which indicates randomness of the p and q values. In Fig.1a, we report experimentally measured ({varphi }_{12}^{left(iright)}(Delta nu )) and ({varphi }_{13}^{left(iright)}(Delta nu )) for the five selected phi-bits. We note that the phase differences exhibit two different behaviors. The first behavior is associated with a common monotonous variation of the phase differences. The second behavior which is only occurring in the case of phi-bits 4 and 5 takes the form of sharp 180 ((pi)) jumps. The possible physical origin of these two behaviors has been discussed at length in references14. Here we focus on the first behavior by correcting the phase differences by the (pi) jumps to obtain continuous variations for all phi-bits. Moreover, in the case of the first behavior we have shown in15 that the phase differences of the phi-bits relate to the phase differences at the primary frequencies in a linear manner. Indeed, we can write.

$${varphi }_{12}^{left(iright)}left({f}_{1}+Delta nu ,{f}_{2}right)=p{varphi }_{12}left({f}_{1}+Delta nu right)+q{varphi }_{12}left({f}_{2}right)$$


$${varphi }_{13}^{left(iright)}left({f}_{1}+Delta nu ,{f}_{2}right)=p{varphi }_{13}left({f}_{1}+Delta nu right)+q{varphi }_{13}left({f}_{2}right)$$


where p and q are the same coefficients as in Eq.(1).

(a) Experimentally measured ({varphi }_{12}^{left(iright)}(Delta nu )) and ({varphi }_{13}^{left(iright)}(Delta nu )) for the five phi-bits i=1,5. (b) Rescaled and corrected ({varphi }_{12}^{left(iright)}(Delta nu )) and ({varphi }_{13}^{left(iright)}(Delta nu )). See text for details.

In Fig.1b, we rescale the corrected phase differences of the phi-bits by the factor p only, since the ({varphi }_{12}left({f}_{2}right)) and ({varphi }_{13}left({f}_{2}right)) remain constant. The rescaled and corrected phase differences of the five phi-bits behave simultaneously in the same manner. The vertical offset is simply due to the constant ({qvarphi }_{12}left({f}_{2}right)) and ({qvarphi }_{13}left({f}_{2}right)).

Each phi-bit, i, is represented in a two-dimensional Hilbert space, taking the form reminiscent of a Bloch sphere representation:

$$V^{left( i right)} = left( {begin{array}{*{20}c} {sin left( {beta^{left( i right)} } right)} \ {e^{{igamma^{left( i right)} }} cos left( {beta^{left( i right)} } right)} \ end{array} } right).$$


In that representation, for the sake of simplicity, we assume (gamma^{left( i right)} = 0), and

$$beta^{left( i right)} left( {Delta nu left( n right)} right) = Kleft( {varphi_{12}^{left( i right)} left( {Delta nu left( n right)} right) - varphi_{12}^{left( i right)} left( {Delta nu left( {n = 1} right)} right)} right) + frac{3pi }{4}$$


To address the offset in the rescaled and corrected phases of Fig.1b we use ({varphi }_{12}^{(i)}left(Delta nu left(n=1right)right)) as origins as well as the reference for encoding information. In Eq.(4), K is a scaling factor to amplify the range spanned by ({varphi }_{12}^{(i)}). For the sake of simplicity, we have made ({beta }^{left(iright)}) a function of ({varphi }_{12}^{(i)}) only, other forms could be defined as function of ({varphi }_{12}^{(i)}) and ({varphi }_{13}^{(i)}) offering an extra degree of freedom in the manipulation of the phi-bit state vector. At the driving frequency ({f}_{1}=62,text{kHz} ,,text{and},, n=1), ({beta }^{left(iright)}=frac{3pi }{4}) and

$$V^{left( i right)} = frac{1}{sqrt 2 }left( {begin{array}{*{20}c} 1 \ { - 1} \ end{array} } right).$$


Let us consider a system made of five phi-bits, we can define the state of the system as the tensor product of the phi-bits:

$$V = V^{left( 1 right)} otimes V^{left( 2 right)} otimes V^{left( 3 right)} otimes V^{left( 4 right)} otimes V^{left( 5 right)} .$$


This tensor product evaluated at the reference driving frequency takes the form:

$$V^{T} = frac{1}{{2^{5/2} }}left[ {1,, - 1,,- 1,,1,,- 1,,1,,1,,- 1,,- 1,,1,,1,,- 1,,1,,- 1,,- 1,,1,,- 1,,1,,1,,- 1,,1,,- 1,,- 1,,1,,1,,- 1,,- 1,,1,,- 1,,1,,1,,- 1} right].$$


We now consider a new representation of the five phi-bit state vector,

$$widehat{V}= frac{left(1+ {V}^{{prime}T}right)}{2}= left[1,,0,,0,,1,,0,,1,,1,,0,,0,,1,,1,,0,,1,,0,,0,,1,,0,,1,,1,,0,,1,,0,,0,,1,,1,,0,,0,,1,,0,,1,,1 0right]$$


where ({V}^{{prime}T}={{2}^{5/2}V}^{T}).

This new representation of the five phi-bit state corresponds to a change of basis of the Hilbert space. While the vector V is separable, the vector (widehat{V}) is not separable into a tensor product of single phi-bit states. In quantum information science non-separability of multiple qubit states is necessary for establishing quantum correlations between the qubits. In the case of phi-bit based information science, the components of a multi-phi-bit state vector such as Eq.(7) are correlated via the nonlinearity of the physical system. The string of correlated ones and zeros in (widehat{V}) can therefore be employed to encode a message as well as encrypt that message by applying a unitary transformation on (widehat{V}). Here we illustrate this encryption process in the case of a short message encoded using 5 phi-bits. In general, the state vector (widehat{V}) of a N phi-bit system is a 2Nx1 vector with 1 and 0 elements providing sufficient bits for encoding very long messages when N is large. For instance, when N=50 the number of bits available for encoding a message is on the order of 1015. The encryption of a message encoded on this large number of bits would only require a change in the driving condition of the array of waveguides to achieve the encrypting unitary transformation. Such an operation takes approximately a millisecond on the physical system used here, since the speed of sound in the constitutive materials is on the order of a few thousand meters per second.

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Odaseva nabs $54M for its Salesforce data protection platform – SiliconANGLE News

Odaseva Technologies SAS, a startup with a platform that helps enterprises encrypt and back up the data they keep in Salesforce, has closed a $54 million funding round.

The company detailed in its announcement of the raise today that Silver Lake Waterman was the lead investor. F-Prime, Eight Roads, Serena Capital, Eurazeo and Crescent Cove chipped in as well. The round, a Series D investment, brings Odasevas total outside funding to more than $90 million.

This round of funding will help to accelerate our growth into new markets and keep us at the forefront of innovation in the space, said Odaseva founder and Chief Executive Officer Sovan Bin.

Companies use Salesforces flagship customer relationship management platform to store information about current and potential buyers. Alongside its CRM platform, the software-as-a-service giant provides several other applications for tasks such as managing marketing campaigns and processing support tickets. Those applications likewise store sensitive customer data.

San Francisco-based Odaseva has developed a platform that promises to help enterprises secure that data. The companys software encrypts information stored in Salesforce to make it unreadable for any hackers who may try to gain access. According to Odaseva, records are scrambled using an internally developed technology dubbed five-layer encryption.

The companys servers secure the Salesforce data they process using the encryption features of both their disk drives and operating system. Information is also scrambled before its sent over the network to block eavesdropping attempts. Separately, each file and database column in a Salesforce environment is encrypted with a cryptographic key provided by the customer, which means Odaseva cant read the data.

The company provides its cybersecurity features alongside a set of tools designed for other data management tasks.

One tool, Backup & Restore, allows enterprises to create a backup copy of their Salesforce data every quarter-hour. If an employee accidentally deletes an important customer record, administrators can restore it through a relatively simple sequence of steps. In the event of broader data loss, the tool can restore the entire contents of a Salesforce environment from the most recent backup.

Salesforce places limits on the amount of data that organizations can keep in its platform. To help customers avoid reaching those limits, Odaseva provides a tool called Data Archiver. It can automatically move infrequently used records from Salesforce to Amazon S3 based on rules defined by administrators. Furthermore, the company offers a second data movement tool that eases the task of streaming Salesforce records to analytics applications.

The platforms feature set is rounded out by a set of regulatory compliance capabilities.Before using customer records from Salesforce to train an artificial intelligence model, companies can leverage Odasevas software to anonymize them. Removing personally identifiable information makes it easier to comply with privacy laws. The platform also eases the task of fulfilling requests from consumers to delete the data that a company stores about them in Salesforce.

Odaseva counts Schneider Electric SE, Michelin and other large enterprises among its customers. The company says that its platform helps those companies secure the data of more than 100 million users. It will use its newly raised funding to expand the platforms feature set.


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Odaseva nabs $54M for its Salesforce data protection platform - SiliconANGLE News

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Cloud Encryption Software Market to witness Huge Growth by CipherCloud, Sophos, Tresorit, Micro Focus – openPR

Cloud Encryption Software Market

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Some of the key players profiled in the study are Cryptomathic (Denmark), Thales e-Security (France), Bitdefender (Romania), Stormshield (France), CipherCloud (United States)., Sophos (United Kingdom), Tresorit (Switzerland), Micro Focus (United Kingdom), Microsoft (United States), Symantec (United States)

Market Overview of Cloud Encryption Software Over the past few years, the increasing awareness about serious threats to digital security, the importance of a diluted authentication process, and the increasing need for protecting data computerization is booming the demand for cloud-based encryption software. Cloud encryption software is a service provided by cloud storage providers where data is transformed using different encryption techniques using algorithms and then store on cloud storage. Encryption use has increase piercingly in the past few years and is organized in a huge number of ways, from encrypting data in databases and file systems to data being transferred over public and internal networks increasing use of encryption software for protecting data has risen up sharply is booming the demand for it in the market.

Market Trends The Demand for in Built Cloud Encryption Solutions

Drivers Increasing Concern Pertaining To Loss Of Critical Data Stringent Regulatory Principles And Data Privacy Compliances Growing Number Of Data Violate And Cyber Thefts The Cloud Encryption Software Market Is Expected To Grow Further.

Challenges Complexity In Effective Management And Usage Of The Encryption Key

Opportunities Rise In Demand For Integrated Data Protection Solutions Among SMEs Cloud Technologies Are Integrated Into The Core Levels Of The IT And Telecom Industry is Boosting the Opportunities of Growth in the Market

If you are involved in the Cloud Encryption Software industry or aim to be, then this study will provide you inclusive point of view. It's vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement.

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The Cloud Encryption Software Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Application (Disk Encryption, File/Folder Encryption, Database Encryption, Communication Encryption, Cloud Encryption), Deployment Mode (Cloud, On Premise), Services (Professional, Managed), Industry Verticles (BFSI, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Government, Others), Enterprises size (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises), Component (Software, Services)

Regions Covered in the Global Cloud Encryption Software Market: The Middle East and Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Egypt, etc.) North America (United States, Mexico & Canada) South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, etc.) Europe (Turkey, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia).

Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report: - Market Data Segmentation with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and Price Analysis - Detailed overview of Cloud Encryption Software market - Changing market dynamics of the industry and Impact of Influencing Factors - In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application and other major segments etc. - To analyse and forecast the Cloud Encryption Software market, in terms of value and volume. - Which segment has the potential to gain the highest market share? - To help decision maker from new offer perspective and benchmark existing marketing strategy. - Correlate cost structure historical data with key business segments. - Analyse marketing contribution and customer acquisition by up-selling and cross selling. - Identifying Influencing factors keeping Cloud Encryption Software Market Intense, factored with periodic analysis of CR4 & CR8 concentration ratio & HHI Index.

Major Highlights of TOC: Chapter One: Market Overview 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Scope/Objective of the Study

Chapter Two: Executive Summary 2.1. Introduction

Chapter Three: Market Dynamics 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Market Drivers, Trends, Challenges, Opportunities

Chapter Four: Market Factor Analysis 4.1. Porters Five Forces 4.2. Supply/Value Chain 4.3. PESTEL analysis 4.4. Market Entropy Chapter Nine: Methodology and Data Source

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Cloud Encryption Software Market to witness Huge Growth by CipherCloud, Sophos, Tresorit, Micro Focus - openPR

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Garda criticise the use of encryption by social media platforms – The Irish Times

The use of end-to-end encryption by social media companies is making it increasingly difficult for garda to investigate hateful or abusive disinformation, according to a senior officer.

Encryption means law enforcement and prosecutors are unable to gain access to vital evidence while investigating offences, Assistant Commissioner Cliona Richardson said.

She said social media companies place a focus on privacy, meaning, the perpetrator of crime is afforded more protection than the victim; with a ready-made platform to pursue their activity or spread disinformation, with significant access barriers created for them to hide behind, she said.

The use of end-to-end encryption is one of several issues faced by garda while investigating the spread of hateful and abusive disinformation on social media, Ms Richardson told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media which was holding hearings on online disinformation.

End-to-end encryption is now automatic on various social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, making it all but impossible for authorities to gain access to the content of potentially criminal messages, even with a court order.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has previously criticised the roll-out of encryption, arguing it makes it much more difficult to investigate cases of online child sexual abuse.

In her opening statement to the committee on Wednesday, Ms Richardson said it is not realistic nor defensible for social media platforms to cite privacy and freedom of expression as justification for abusive and misleading content.

She said it is incumbent on social media companies to ensure material is appropriate for its recipient audience and has been effectively considered for accuracy.

On the subject of online disinformation and misinformation, the assistant commissioner said there has been increase in false information regarding the accommodation of migrants in certain locations. On occasion, this false information has led to criminality, she said.

Most recent examples include false claims that properties are to be used as accommodation centres and are subsequently targeted in arson attacks.

She said garda are continuing to investigate a number of arson and criminal damage incidents on accommodation rumoured, falsely or otherwise, to be used for immigrants.

In recent years there have been at least 20 such attacks, although they have become less frequent in recent months.

On occasion, garda have had to issue public statements to counter the false information, Ms Richardon said.

In one recent example, false rumours spread online that a child had been the subject of sexual assault by several men in a residential property in Kildare. These false rumours were widely circulated and also shared by a number of agitators, Ms Richardson said.

A group of protesters then gathered at a hotel housing migrants in Kildare. During the incident garda were verbally abused while also being targeted with fireworks and other missiles, she said.

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Garda criticise the use of encryption by social media platforms - The Irish Times

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Dormant Bitcoin miner sends $3m to Binance after 14 years of inactivity –

A rare Satoshi era Bitcoin miner address woke up after being dormant for 14 years, sending over $3 million worth of BTC to Binance.

An early Bitcoin miner moved 50 BTC, equivalent to $3.05 million, marking a rare transaction from the Satoshi era. According to data from Lookonchain, the address 1PDTDm3Jcm sent the funds to Binance on Jun. 27.

Blockchain transaction history indicates that the miner obtained 50 BTC in July 2010, a few months after the Bitcoin network launched.

A miner wallet woke up after being dormant for 14 years and deposited 50 $BTC($3.05M) to #Binance 7 hours ago.

The miner earned 50 $BTC from mining on July 14, 2010.

Address: 1PDTDwpgRPdQaCcp3Th6zaMASgcCcm3Jcm

The Satoshi era address refers to addresses that were active during the early days of the Bitcoin network, specifically from the time when the first cryptocurrency was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 until around 2011, which is when Satoshi Nakamoto mysteriously disappeared.

This is not the first instance of old Bitcoin wallets reactivating. Several addresses from the Satoshi era have shown activity since early 2023. In July of last year, a wallet dormant for 11 years transferred $30 million worth of Bitcoin to other wallets. In August, another wallet moved 1,005 BTC to a new address.

In March 2024, another long-inactive miner transferred funds after 14 years, with part of the transaction ending up at the crypto exchange Coinbase.


Dormant Bitcoin miner sends $3m to Binance after 14 years of inactivity -

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Ripple CTO Says Satoshi Nakamoto Likely Held Huge Amount of XRP. Here’s why – Times Tabloid

David Schwartz, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Ripple, made a noteworthy claim during his 2021 deposition in the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Schwartz suggested that Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin (BTC), likely held a significant amount of XRP in 2017.

This statement has reignited speculation about the connection between XRP and Satoshi Nakamoto. While the details surrounding Nakamotos identity remain a mystery, Schwartzs comments during the legal proceedings have drawn renewed interest.

Schwartzs deposition sheds light on a key difference between Ripple and Bitcoin. He highlighted Ripples concentrated efforts in developing a real-world payment system utilizing XRP. In contrast, no similar focus on building a dedicated payment system was observed for Bitcoin.

Furthermore, Schwartz pointed out that Ripples level of control over XRP distribution grants the company a strategic advantage compared to its competitors. However, he acknowledged the difficulty in definitively tracking Bitcoins distribution due to its decentralized nature.

Despite this acknowledgment, Schwartzs core claim regarding Satoshi Nakamotos potential XRP holdings remains a significant point of discussion.

Schwartzs suggestion has fueled ongoing speculation about a potential link between him and Satoshi Nakamoto. Several past events have contributed to this theory, and Schwartzs recent deposition has only intensified the discussion.

One such coincidence lies in the timelines surrounding the development of XRP Ledger (XRPL) and Satoshi Nakamotos apparent disengagement from the Bitcoin project. In 2011, Nakamoto indicated their intention to pursue other endeavors, which coincided with the year Schwartz expressed interest in exploring new ventures.

Following Nakamotos departure from Bitcoin, a significant development unfolded in 2012. Schwartz, along with Arthur Britto and Jed McCaleb, embarked on the creation of XRPL. The launch of XRPL in the same year as Ripples debut further strengthens the coincidental timeline. Moreover, Ripple adopted XRPL as its core blockchain solution.

Interestingly, historical records show that Satoshi Nakamoto expressed admiration for the initial concept of Ripple, a decentralized payment system proposed by Ryan Fugger in 2004. It is important to clarify that this praise was directed towards the original Ripple concept, not the current XRP iteration developed by Ripple Labs.

Another interesting detail is the date of the pre-released Bitcoin code shared by Satoshi Nakamoto: November 16, 2009. This particular date coincides with Schwartzs birthday. While intriguing, its crucial to remember that these coincidences, along with Schwartzs recent statement, do not provide concrete evidence to confirm his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto.

The ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC has brought David Schwartzs claims regarding Satoshi Nakamotos potential XRP holdings back into the spotlight. While the possibility is intriguing, its essential to distinguish speculation from verifiable evidence.

The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto likely remains a secret, and further developments in the SEC case or independent breakthroughs may be required to shed more light on this ongoing mystery.

Disclaimer: This content is meant to inform and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the authors personal opinions and do not represent Times Tabloids opinion. Readers are urged to do in-depth research before making any investment decisions. Times Tabloid is not responsible for any financial losses.

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Ripple CTO Says Satoshi Nakamoto Likely Held Huge Amount of XRP. Here's why - Times Tabloid

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Physicists create first-ever Bose-Einstein condensate made of molecules – National Science Foundation (.gov)

A team of physicists has successfully created a unique quantum state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) out of molecules. The team is led by Sebastian Will at Columbia University, who received a U.S. National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development award to support his research. The findings were published in the journal Nature.

While BECs have previously been achieved with atoms of a single element, this is the first creation of a molecular BEC. Its greater period of stability will allow scientists to test longstanding theories in quantum phenomena, including superconductivity, superfluidity and more. Molecular BECs also hold the potential to outperform single-element BECs by creating longer-ranging interactions in quantum simulators, allowing for more complicated models.

Credit: Sebastian Will/ Will Lab/ Columbia University

Single-element BECs have expanded the understanding of concepts such as the wave nature of matter and led to the development of technologies such as quantum gas microscopes and quantum simulators.

Researchers plan to use molecular BECs to explore more quantum phenomena, including new types of superfluidity, a state of matter that flows without experiencing any friction. They also hope to use their molecular BEC-based quantum simulator to help guide the development of new quantum materials.

Credit: Sebastian Will/ Will Lab/ Columbia University

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Physicists create first-ever Bose-Einstein condensate made of molecules - National Science Foundation (.gov)

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Why the U.N. declared 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology – Big Think

When you hear the term quantum mechanics, you no doubt think about some weird and counterintuitive stuff things like electrons being both particles and waves or cats being simultaneously dead and alive. However, despite the almost-unbelievable subatomic spookiness, our modern societies would not be possible if quantum mechanics were not true.

In recognition of a century since the theory was developed, the United Nations has declared 2025 to be the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, a year for both celebrating past successes and planning for a future in which people across the globe can benefit from these crucial technologies.

In the late 1800s, physicists had a pretty good handle on the rules governing nature. They had worked out the laws of motion, electromagnetism, and heat. This mastery of physics set into motion the cultural change we call the Industrial Revolution. Yet, a few niggling mysteries remained. For example, the color of light emitted from a glowing steel foundry wasnt as purple as expected.

From this and other observations, physicists realized that the world of the atom acted very differently than the one we experience with our senses. The first baby steps toward understanding this unfamiliar world were taken in 1900, when German physicist Max Planck postulated that the energy carried by light and other electromagnetic waves was related to the waves frequency.

The following decades led to many discoveries and refinements that slowly exposed an atomic world governed by a confusing mlange of seemingly contradictory behaviors. Electrons and light sometimes acted like a tiny baseball and other times like the undulating surface of a pool crowded with children. It was a confusing time.

The situation became greatly clarified in 1925 when Austrian physicist and bon-vivant Erwin Schrdinger wrote down what is now called the Schrdinger equation. This equation successfully described the spectrum of light emitted by atoms, marking the moment when the atom transitioned from a chemical curiosity to an object whose mysterious properties could be harnessed for the betterment of humanity.

Over the past century, our understanding of the quantum realm has grown exponentially, and atomic physics ushered in the age of electronics. Transistors and other semiconductor technologies made our modern world possible. Our command of the atom led to the LEDs that power the screens of our laptops and smartphones. Even the humble laser point, with which we bedevil our cats, is a handheld form of a quantum-driven technology that enables global telecommunications.

And the evolution of quantum technology is far from over. Researchers continue to develop new materials with the potential to create room-temperature superconductors, which would revolutionize how we transport power around the globe. Improvements in the design of solar cells will help us efficiently extract energy from the sun and allow us to combat the dangers inherent in our fossil fuel-based economy.

The understanding of quantum mechanics is also leading to a transformation of the computer industry. Quantum computers, which dont rely on the binary on or off of traditional computers, can solve complex problems that take modern computers years to crack in a fraction of a second. For instance, the cryptographic algorithms that secure credit card transactions and private communications between nation-states are easily broken by quantum computers.

The declaration by the UN of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology both plays homage to the role of quantum theory in developing our modern technological society and looks forward to future innovations. It also will inspire national physics organizations around the world to develop education and outreach programs to teach citizens the impact that this transformational physics has had on humanity.

Over the next year, readers can expect to learn a great deal more about how quantum mechanics has and will continue to impact society.

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Why the U.N. declared 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology - Big Think

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CERN Experiment Reveals Spooky Action at a Distance Persists Between Top Quarks – The Debrief

Quantum entanglement in top quarks has been demonstrated, according to physicists at CERN who say the discovery offers new insights into the behavior of fundamental particles and their interactions at distances that cannot be attained by light-speed communication.

The research, led by University of Rochester professor Regina Demina, extends the phenomenon known as spooky action at a distance to the heaviest particles recognized by physicists and offers important new insights into high-energy quantum mechanics.

Initially discovered almost three decades ago, top quarks are the most massive elementary particles that have been observed. The mass of these unique particles originates from their coupling to the Higgs boson, the famous particle predicted in theory regarding the unification of the weak and electromagnetic interactions. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, this coupling is the largest that occurs at the scale of the weak interactions and those above it.

In the past, quantum entanglement has been observed in stable particles, including electrons and photons. In their new research, Demina and her team demonstrate entanglement between unstable top quarks and their antimatter counterparts, revealing spin correlations that occur over distances that extend beyond the transfer of information at light speed.

The findings present new challenges to existing models and expand our understanding of particle behavior at extreme energies.

The experiment was conducted at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) as part of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Collaboration. CERN is home to the famous Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a device that propels high-energy particles at speeds nearing those of light across a 17-mile underground track.

Given the amount of energy required for the production of top quarks, such processes can only be achieved at facilities like CERN. The results of Deminas recent study could help to shed some light on how long entanglement persists, as well as whether it can be extended to daughter particles or decay products. The research also may help determine whether entanglement between particles can be broken.

Presently, it is believed that the universe was in an entangled state following its initial fast expansion stage. The revelation of entanglement in top quarks may help scientists like Demina better understand what factors may have contributed to the quantum connection in our world becoming diminished over time, ultimately leading to the state in which our reality exists today.

Additionally, the experiments results could have applications in the growing area of quantum information science. While top quarks are not a good fit for use with quantum computers, the recent findings may nonetheless be helpful in providing researchers a better understanding of their entanglement properties, which could also shed light on how quantum connections are either maintained or disrupted.

Ultimately, the new findings made possible by CERN could challenge our current widely accepted understanding of quantum mechanics while setting the pace for future studies of quantum phenomena that may help add missing pieces to the puzzle of our cosmic origins and the fundamental laws that govern reality.

Micah Hanks is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of The Debrief. He can be reached by email Follow his work atmicahhanks.comand on X:@MicahHanks.

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CERN Experiment Reveals Spooky Action at a Distance Persists Between Top Quarks - The Debrief

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