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Beyond the Standard Model: New Spin-Spin-Velocity Experiments Could Rewrite Physics Textbooks – SciTechDaily

Chinese researchers have used solid-state spin quantum sensors to investigate new velocity-related interactions between electron spins, providing valuable data and new insights into fundamental physics. Credit:

A research team led by Academician Du Jiangfeng and Professor Rong Xing from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with Professor Jiao Man from Zhejiang University, has used solid-state spin quantum sensors to examine exotic spin-spin-velocity-dependent interactions (SSIVDs) at short force ranges. Their study reports new experimental findings concerning interactions between electron spins and has been published in Physical Review Letters.

The Standard Model is a very successful theoretical framework in particle physics, describing fundamental particles and four basic interactions. However, the Standard Model still cannot explain some important observational facts in current cosmology, such as dark matter and dark energy.

Some theories suggest that new particles can act as propagators, transmitting new interactions between Standard Model particles. At present, there is a lack of experimental research on new interactions related to velocity between spins, especially in the relatively small range of force distance, where experimental verification is almost non-existent.

The experimental results of the study. Credit: Du et al.

The researchers designed an experimental setup equipped with two diamonds. A high-quality nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensemble was prepared on the surface of each diamond using chemical vapor deposition. The electron spin in one NV ensemble serves as a spin sensor, while the other acts as a spin source.

The researchers searched for new interaction effects between the velocity-dependent spin of electrons on a micrometer scale by coherently manipulating the spin quantum states and relative velocities of two diamond NV ensembles. First, they used a spin sensor to characterize the magnetic dipole interaction with the spin source as a reference. Then, by modulating the vibration of the spin source and performing lock-in detection and phase orthogonal analysis, they measured the SSIVDs.

For two new interactions, the researchers conducted the first experimental detection in the force range of less than 1 cm and less than 1 km respectively, obtaining valuable experimental data.

As the editor remarked, the results bring new insights to the quantum sensing community to explore fundamental interactions exploiting the compact, flexible, and sensitive features of solid-state spins.

Reference: New Constraints on Exotic Spin-Spin-Velocity-Dependent Interactions with Solid-State Quantum Sensors by Yue Huang, Hang Liang, Man Jiao, Pei Yu, Xiangyu Ye, Yijin Xie, Yi-Fu Cai, Chang-Kui Duan, Ya Wang, Xing Rong and Jiangfeng Du, 30 April 2024, Physical Review Letters. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.180801

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Beyond the Standard Model: New Spin-Spin-Velocity Experiments Could Rewrite Physics Textbooks - SciTechDaily

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Quantum Breakthrough: First-Ever SPDC in Liquid Crystals Unveiled – SciTechDaily

Research setup for the generation of photon pairs at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Credit: Tanya Chekhova

A groundbreaking study has demonstrated the use of liquid crystals for efficient and tunable spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), expanding the potential of quantum light sources beyond traditional solid materials.

Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), a key method for generating entangled photons used in quantum physics and technology, has traditionally been restricted to solid materials. However, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) and the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, have recently achieved a breakthrough by demonstrating SPDC in a liquid crystal for the first time. Their findings, published in Nature, pave the way for the development of a new generation of quantum sources that are both efficient and tunable by electric fields.

The splitting of a single photon in two is one of the most useful tools in quantum photonics. It can create entangled photon pairs, single photons, squeezed light, and even more complicated states of light which are essential for optical quantum technologies. This process is known as spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC).

Prof. Maria Chekhova, Head of Research Group Quantum Radiation in her lab at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Credit: Tanya Chekhova

SPDC is deeply linked to central symmetry. This is the symmetry with respect to a point for instance, a square is centrally symmetric but a triangle is not. In its very essence a splitting of one photon in two SPDC breaks the central symmetry. Therefore, it is only possible in crystals whose elementary cell is centrally asymmetric. SPDC cannot happen in ordinary liquids or gases, because these materials are isotropic.

Recently, however, researchers have discovered liquid crystals that have a different structure, the so-called ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals. Despite being fluidic, these materials feature strong central symmetry breaking. Their molecules are elongated and asymmetric. Most importantly, they can be re-oriented by an external electric field.

Re-orientation of molecules changes the polarization of the generated photon pairs, as well as the generation rate. Given proper packaging, a sample of such material can be a very useful device because it produces photon pairs efficiently, can be easily tuned with an electric field, and can be integrated into more complex devices.

Using the samples prepared in Jozef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia) from a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal synthesized by Merck Electronics KGaA, researchers at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light have implemented SPDC, for the first time, in a liquid crystal. The efficiency of entangled photon generation is as high as in the best nonlinear crystals, such as lithium niobate, of similar thickness. By applying an electric field of just a few volts, they were able to switch the generation of photon pairs on and off, as well as to change the polarization properties of these pairs.

This discovery starts a new generation of quantum light sources: flexible, tunable, and efficient.

Reference: Tunable entangled photon-pair generation in a liquid crystal by Vitaliy Sultanov, Alja Kavi, Emmanouil Kokkinakis, Nerea Sebastin, Maria V. Chekhova and Matja Humar, 12 June 2024, Nature. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07543-5

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Quantum Breakthrough: First-Ever SPDC in Liquid Crystals Unveiled - SciTechDaily

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University of Alabama focuses on artificial intelligence – WVTM13 Birmingham

University of Alabama focuses on artificial intelligence

Center at University of Alabama concentrates on incorporating artificial intelligences in workplaces

Updated: 9:57 AM CDT Jul 1, 2024

The University of Alabama is opening a new center to focus on artificial intelligence.According to the university, the Alabama Center for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence will be housed in the College of Engineering. It will bring together all the studies on artificial intelligence currently underway across the campus under one roof. The center will focus on advancing AI science, promoting human use of the technology, building a workforce proficient in AI and looking for ways to bring AI to industry.The ALA-AL Center, as it is called, is supported by a $2 million donation. There is no word on when the center will be completed and opened.

The University of Alabama is opening a new center to focus on artificial intelligence.

According to the university, the Alabama Center for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence will be housed in the College of Engineering. It will bring together all the studies on artificial intelligence currently underway across the campus under one roof. The center will focus on advancing AI science, promoting human use of the technology, building a workforce proficient in AI and looking for ways to bring AI to industry.

The ALA-AL Center, as it is called, is supported by a $2 million donation. There is no word on when the center will be completed and opened.

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University of Alabama focuses on artificial intelligence - WVTM13 Birmingham

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AllianceBernstein Names Its First Director of Artificial Intelligence – Funds Society

AllianceBernstein (AB) announced Andrew Chin as the firms first Director of Artificial Intelligence.

As a member of ABs Operating Committee with a 27-year career at the firm, Chin previously served as Head of Investment Sciences and Solutions at AB. Throughout his career, he has held various positions, including Head of Quantitative Research and Data Scientist, and served as the firms Chief Risk Officer for over a decade.

The appointment of Andrew to this new position recognizes our companys progress with AI and its future potential, said ABs Chief Operating Officer, Karl Sprules.

In his previous role, he was Head of Investment Sciences and Solutions and a member of the firms Operating Committee. Additionally, he has held several leadership positions in quantitative research, risk management, and portfolio management in the firms New York and London offices since joining AB in 1997.

Chin holds a Bachelors degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, and an MBA in Finance from Cornell University.

As AI continues to play a fundamental and transformative role in enhancing ABs operational, business, and investment research procedures, and improving efficiency across all corporate functions, we look forward to having an industry veteran like Andrew lead our company into the future in this newly created role, added Sprules.

Chin also appreciated the firms commitment to the new role.

This new role signifies the evolution not only of my professional trajectory at AB but also of the increasingly significant role that data science and artificial intelligence are playing across the financial services industry, said Chin.

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AllianceBernstein Names Its First Director of Artificial Intelligence - Funds Society

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Professional Cleaning – CMM

When one considers technology commonly used in the cleaning industry, autonomous floor scrubbers and smart, Internet of Things-connected dispensers and systems most likely come to mind. Although you may not think about it, these technologies use artificial intelligence (AI).

Machines, integrated circuits, and software used in the cleaning industry tap into AI when they purposely use information to manage and perform cleaning tasks and related operations. When we supply information and purpose to this equipment, we largely control the decisions and outcomes.

AI has advanced rapidly in recent years due to more computing power, large language models in systems such as ChatGPT, and better algorithms, prompting the question: Whos in control, and what does it all mean?

Interestingly, ChatGPT calls itself a language model, and not a reasoning machine. Humans have supplied the information and, to a large extent, its purpose, and hence, have some degree of control over outcomes.

Language models encode what is reflected in human text rather than offering a deep understanding of it, although they may sometimes project the appearance of such deep understanding, notes the book The Age of AI: And Our Human Future, authored by Henry A.Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher.

So, in many ways, humans still control AI, but with advancing technology, AI has more ability to think, at least within certain limits.

Currently, AI is not good at nonrepetitive tasks. However, it is potentially good at repetitive tasks in professional cleaningsuch as emptying trash, dusting, and floor carewith limits that relate mainly to financial considerations. For example, building the perfect dusting robot would be an expensive undertaking, one most useful where the size of an operation justifies the cost of development.

Employee training is an area where AI is already helpful. Just as airline pilots train on simulators, cleaning workers can receive training using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

In the current environment, with the relatively low cost of entry-level custodians and the modest needs of most jobs, technology solutions will not be top-of-mind in most operations, at least as it relates to the labor pertaining to commercial cleaning endeavors.

However, as helper technologies such as AR and VR become less costly to accessdue to supply and demand market pressures or the ability to rent or lease these serviceshelper or service tech will gradually become a part of the daily lives of many workers.

In addition to training workers, we can apply AI to professional cleaning in various ways, such as:

One definition of intelligence is that it is the purposeful ability to capture, adapt, and use information.

As concerns arise regarding the ability of AI to take over society, causing mischief or worse, its wise to remember that AI arose from human intelligence, not vice versa.

In principle, improving human potential through the practical application of knowledge should precede improving AI, and expanding our workers ability to capture, retain, and build on human knowledge and expand their skill set is a top priority.

Workers imbued with a growth mindset through expanded knowledge can, in turn, help inform, develop, and maintain related AI for better cleaning that is grassroots-driven, customer-centric, and financially attractive.

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Professional Cleaning - CMM

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Applications of artificial intelligence in the analysis of histopathology images of gliomas: a review | npj Imaging –

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This Is My Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) ETF to Buy Right Now – 24/7 Wall St.


Published: July 1, 2024 2:20 pm

Picking the individual winners of the burgeoning artificial intelligence (AI) race is no simple task. But one exchange-traded fund (ETF) that provides investors with exposure to a basket of AI stocks could be the solution.

While many investors struck gold by purchasing shares of NVDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) before the chipmakers stock took off last year, the AI-adjacent company is more of the exception than the rule.

Pure play AI companies, on the other hand, have had less predictable successes, with some like (NYSE: AI) seeing precipitous rises and falls., which produces AI applications for other enterprises, saw its stock surge to $161 per share by late 2020. At the time of writing, shares of the company are now trading for $28.96.

Forecasts suggest that the global AI market could increase exponentially by the early part of the next decade. By some analysts estimates, that growth could be as much as 300 times its 2022 valuation of $39 billion, which would translate to an astounding $1.3 trillion by 2032.

But how do investors identify the likely winners? Rather than picking one or two companies operating in the AI space and simply wishing for the best, ETFs with holdings spread across all facets of the AI industry allow investors to gain exposure to the trend without overexposing themselves to any individual holding.

In this way, not only are these ETFs providing broad exposure to AI with companies offering varying levels of involvement to the technology, but in doing so, these funds are simultaneously reducing overall risk exposure.

And just as ETFs go, the options for ones leveraged to the AI industry are bountiful. However, just like the stocks they hold, not all ETFs are created equally.

There are no fewer than 38 AI-themed ETFs currently trading on the major exchanges in the U.S. Some offer equal weighting, some prefer heavier allocations to the Magnificent Seven stocks. Some are actively managed with portfolio positions constantly shuffled.

They vary considerably by size, too, with some having assets under management (AUM) as low as $532,360 and others reaching as high as $2.72 billion.

But when it comes to finding a fund with the best combination of high growth potential, Big Tech names, diverse AI industry exposure, significant AUM coupled with a modest expense ratio, one ETF in particular takes the cake.

Enter the Global X Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF (NASDAQ: AIQ), which has posted an eye-catching 138% gain since its inception in May 2018 and has gained over 17% so far in 2024. According to Global Xs website, the ETF has net assets of $2.08 billion and a total expense ratio of 0.68%.

And while its size and per share appreciation have been impressive so far, it is the funds holdings that should garner a lot of attention. By industry, AIQ spans packaged software, semiconductors, internet software and services, information technology services, telecommunications equipment, internet retail, and industrial conglomerates.

That breadth is expansive, but looking at the names among its top weighted holdings provides more insight into why this ETF is an AI powerhouse:

Of course, those are not all of AIQs holdings, but they are the big names with some of the heaviest weightings. And looking at that list, you can see why the AI ETF was capable of producing such enormous gains for shareholders since it debuted in 2018.

As AI expands out of its earliest phase, when it was constricted to pure play stocks, cloud services, and data centers, the technology is now finding its way into streaming services (Netflix), e-commerce (Alibaba), customer relationship management (Salesforce), and numerous other facets of the economy.

Rather than hoping any one of the aforementioned companies emerges as the biggest winner of the next phase of AI implementation, investing in a fund like the Global X Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF can provide investors with the best of broad exposure and reduced risk.

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Thank you for reading! Have some feedback for us? Contact the 24/7 Wall St. editorial team.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) in mammographic screening in Norway – Open Access Government

Breast cancer is a significant global health concern, with more than 2 million new cases diagnosed and over half a million women dying from the disease annually.(1) Many countries, including Norway, have implemented mammographic screening to detect breast cancer in an early stage of disease development, as an early intervention has clear benefits on the disease outcome. In Norway, all women aged 50 to 69 years are invited to biennial mammographic screening through the national screening program, BreastScreen Norway.(2)

The screening process involves two-view digital mammography independently interpreted by two breast radiologists. Cases of potential malignancy are flagged and discussed in a consensus meeting to decide whether further assessment (recall) is needed. However, the time-consuming task of screening interpretation only returns a rate of examinations positive for breast cancer of about 0.6%, at the same time as there is an increasing shortage of breast radiologists in Norway and globally.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning have been introduced in various healthcare domains, including radiology, to enhance efficiency and improve patient care. Promising results for the use of AI-assisted interpretation in mammographic screening have quickly emerged and several vendors offer solutions for AI-assisted breast cancer detection. Most of these AI algorithms will, based on mammography image analysis, provide a risk of malignancy score a probability of cancer being present in the image or examination. By utilising AI in BreastScreen Norway, we may be able to reduce the interpretation volume for the radiologists without compromising the quality of the screening program. AI can analyse mammograms with high accuracy, reducing the burden of incorrect diagnoses and optimising treatment decisions. AI can also assist in assessing breast density, predicting individual risk levels, and evaluating image quality, providing valuable insights for personalised screening approaches.

In 2018, BreastScreen Norway and the Norwegian Computing Centre set forth to develop an AI algorithm for mammography image interpretation. Through two projects, funded by the Research Council of Norway, mammograms from more than 750,000 screening examinations performed in BreastScreen Norway have been included in the development of an advanced AI algorithm, designed to select mammograms with low suspicion of malignancy.

Mammograms from another 650,000 examinations will be used to further develop the algorithm to become even more robust and reliable. Preliminary results assessing the performance of the current version of the AI algorithm have shown the in-house algorithm to be comparable to commercially available algorithms.(3) To be able to use the in-house algorithm in BreastScreen Norway, its clinical value must be evaluated. This will include long and potentially costly processes to secure that the algorithm complies with EU regulations to achieve CE-marking (Conformit Europenne).

BreastScreen Norways now comprehensive database of mammograms from more than one million screening examinations, enables retrospective studies using commercially available and CE-marked breast AI products for different purposes.

In mammographic screening, AI-assisted screening can be included in different modes:

Retrospective analyses from BreastScreen Norway show that screening mammograms were assigned to the highest risk score by AI in 86-89% of screen-detected cancer cases.(4,5)

Furthermore, the highest risk score was assigned in 45% of the screenings where an interval cancer was later diagnosed (cancer detected in the period between to screenings, based on patient-experienced symptoms). In a triage scenario defining 50% of the examinations with the highest AI scores as positive and the remaining 50% as negative, 99.3% of the screen-detected and 85.2% of the interval cancer cases were classified as positive, leaving us to assume that only 0.7% of the screen-detected cancers were classified as false negative for cancer by the AI system and 15% of the interval cancers are potentially true interval cancers, i.e. not missed by the previous screen but indeed have become detectable in the period between two mammographic screenings.(6)

Before breast AI can be implemented into clinical practice, available algorithms must be thoroughly tested in clinical studies exploring algorithm performance, safety, and reliability, as well as patient outcomes, and ethical and legal aspects, including discrepancies between AI and radiologists. Several challenges and questions remain, including how to integrate AI in breast cancer screening, what is considered an acceptable threshold at which AI can be trusted as an independent reader alongside a radiologist, and what is the impact of AI on readers consensus, recall, and breast cancer detection rates, as well as whether implementation of AI indeed alleviates the workload of radiologists? A natural next step on the road to implementing AI in BreastScreen Norway is to test AI-assisted image interpretation in a real-life screening environment.

Therefore, BreastScreen Norway is starting a randomised controlled trial, comparing AI-assisted mammographic screening with the current standard of care (independent double reading). The trial aims to test different modes of AI-assisted image interpretation and breast AI products, using AI risk score to stratify examinations for single or double reading.

The use of AI will also open avenues for including additional risk factors in the stratification process during screening, including environmental and behavioral factors and research-based factors such as genetics in an overall genetic risk for breast cancer based on inherited genetic variants (polygenic risk scores, PRS).

An academic collaboration between members of the Oslo Cancer Cluster (OCC), Norwegian hospitals, the University of Oslo and the company Antegenes in Estonia has shown that stratification of women based on genetic risk can identify women at several-fold higher risk for breast cancer before the current screening age.(7) Such information can be leveraged to invite women at high risk into the screening earlier, whilst offering women at very low baseline genetic risk a later age of screening startup. Such scenarios may benefit the overall detection rate and alleviate the burden on the breast radiographers, but such additional approaches will need thorough exploration in comprehensive studies before entering the road towards clinical implementation.

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Illiapolosukhinai: raising the bar in artificial intelligence with innovative developments and strategic partnerships – The National

Theres a new kid on the block stirring up the tech world AI development company Illiapolosukhinai is hitting the scene with innovation and eagerness thats hard to miss. With their latest product developments, these maestros of machine intelligence are leaving no stone unturned in exploring the potential of AI in transforming our lives. Having recently crossed paths with Illiapolosukhinais lifelike AI chatbots and machine learning tools, Ive got some interesting insights to share.

Headquartered in San Francisco, Illiapolosukhinai has positioned itself at the forefront of AI and machine learning development. Founded by a team of esteemed scientific researchers passionate about artificial intelligence, they have one common goal: to harness the power of AI for various industry sectors ranging from healthcare to digital marketing. What sets Illiapolosukhinai apart is their attention to detail and a clear focus on creating AI tools that are user-friendly and adaptable, opening up possibilities for even those who dont come from a tech background.

The team at Illiapolosukhinai offers solutions in advanced machine learning, cognitive computing, and knowledge management. They have developed a range of products that are impacting multiple sectors. For instance, their AI chatbots are dynamically interacting with users, facilitating better customer service in various sectors. Additionally, their machine learning products are playing a crucial role in sectors like healthcare where accurate prediction and understanding of patterns have life-or-death implications.

The road ahead for Illiapolosukhinai looks promising. They have announced an exciting series of collaborations with tech giant Tarasovsf. On the table are plans to integrate Illiapolosukhinais AI capabilities into Tarasovsfs massive tech infrastructure. This partnership not only reaffirms Illiapolosukhinais innovative outlook, but will also create room for groundbreaking advancements in the tech world, potentially reshaping our future digital experiences.

Both Illiapolosukhinai and Tarasovsf are deeply committed to creating innovative, open-source tech tools that are accessible to a wide audience. Through this alliance, they are looking to drive forward the democratization of technology, to ensure that the transformative power of AI is within everyones reach.

From a tech enthusiasts perspective, it is fascinating to see the developments in the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Undeniably, Illiapolosukhinai is translating this futuristic science into practical tools that carry the potential to change ways we interact with technology. Their user-focused approach, their innovative collaborations, and their commitment to open-source projects have spurred noteworthy advancements, influencing not only the tech community, but potentially the world at large. With exciting prospects on the horizon, one can only anticipate whats next for Illiapolosukhinai in their futuristic voyage.

Liam Nguyen is a tech enthusiast and writer with a genuine passion for all things related to technology and the web. At the age of 32, Liam has already carved out a niche for himself as a go-to source for insights on emerging tech trends, gadget reviews, and practical advice for navigating the digital age. With a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from a well-known tech university, Liam combines his technical expertise with a clear, accessible writing style.

Starting his career as a software developer, Liam quickly realized that his true calling was in demystifying technology for the masses. He transitioned to tech journalism, where he now serves as a contributor to a popular online technology news platform. In his articles, Liam covers a broad spectrum of topics, from the latest smartphone releases to in-depth guides on cybersecurity, aiming to keep his readers informed and ahead of the curve.

Liams approach to writing is grounded in the belief that technology should empower and connect people. He has a particular interest in open-source projects and the democratization of technology, themes that frequently appear in his work. Liams ability to explain complex technical concepts in an engaging and straightforward manner has endeared him to a diverse audience, from tech aficionados to novices looking to get the most out of their devices.

Aside from his written work, Liam is active in online tech communities, participating in forums and social media discussions. Hes also been known to guest lecture at his alma mater, sharing his journey and inspiring the next generation of tech enthusiasts.

Liams dedication to the tech community and his knack for clear communication make him an influential voice in the tech and web category, always eager to explore how technology can make our lives better and more connected.

Originally posted here:
Illiapolosukhinai: raising the bar in artificial intelligence with innovative developments and strategic partnerships - The National

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Are Elon Musk’s concerns of AI-surged unemployment a real concern? – The Jerusalem Post

After 28 years spent literally or figuratively in Silicon Valley, Ive grown increasingly concerned about AIs potential to cause widespread, permanent unemployment. So I clambered out of the valley and into the Ivory Tower to share my fears with Israels leading economists. Turns out, the view from the Tower is wildly different from the Valley. Not a good thing.

The view from the Valley is that AI will achieve human-level intelligence within a few years, leading to rising unemployment.

Leopold Aschenbrenner, a former superintelligence researcher at OpenAI, says: We are building machines that can think and reason. By 2025/26, these machines will outpace many college graduates. By the end of the decade, they will be smarter than you or I; we will have superintelligence, in the true sense of the word... That doesnt require believing in sci-fi; it just requires believing in straight lines on a graph.

Avital Balwit, chief of staff at Anthropic, says: I am 25. These next three years might be the last few years that I work. I stand at the edge of a technological development that seems likely, should it arrive, to end employment as I know it.

Consequently, tech rivals like Sam Altman, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk agree on the need to prepare for permanent mass unemployment with universal basic income.

Whos right? I hope its the economists, but Id wager on the technologists for three reasons:

The Great Crash of 1929 saw 90% of the stock markets value vanish. A few days prior, the prominent economist, Irving Fisher, pronounced that stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. Economists have missed every crash since, prompting the IMF to conclude that economists are notoriously poor at spotting a crisis coming, and that there is little evidence that forecasts at horizons of two to five years contain much predictive content.

Add technology to the mix, and the economists record goes from notoriously poor to comical. McKinsey, for example, pronounced that mobile phones will never be a mass market, while Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman predicted the Internets impact would be no greater than the fax machines. In retrospect, Krugman conceded that most macroeconomics of the last 30 years was spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst.

In contrast, technologists have an impressive record in predicting key milestones decades in advance. Writing in the 80s and 90s, computer scientist Ray Kurzweil accurately forecasted to within a couple of years the arrival of the Internet, smartphones, voice recognition, self-driving cars, and virtual reality. In 1990, he predicted that human-level AI would arrive in 2029, a prognostication that has since catapulted from preposterous to prescient.

The difference? The economy is governed by the butterfly effect, while technology is governed by Moores Law, which posits that computational power doubles every two years.

Kurzweil calculated roughly how much compute is needed for each milestone he envisaged, and predicted their realization at the point where these needs intersect with the exponential progression of Moores Law. His track record isnt perfect, but no economist can hold a candle to it.

The second reason is that I find the economists arguments unconvincing. One explanation they offer for their equanimity is that, despite the rise of AI, unemployment has not risen at all. Yet nobody expected generative AI to move the macroeconomic needle so quickly; and in smaller, bellwether sectors, the needle is buried in the red. Freelance job boards, for example, have seen massive drops in demand for writers, web developers, graphic designers, and engineers.

More importantly, when a macroeconomic signal does emerge, I expect it to show that AI augments people rather than making them dispensable right up to the point where it dispenses with them. By way of analogy, consider the story of Bob, a mediocre manager. In Act 1, Bob hires Sam, a wunderkind, who boosts the quality and quantity of Bobs deliverables. The big boss is happy. In Act 2, Sam has learned the ropes and is able to fly solo. Bob looks expensive and incompetent by comparison. In Act 3, Bob gets canned. The End.

The second explanation offered for their poise is that weve seen this movie before and it has a happy ending. Theres full employment today even though 99% of the pre-industrial jobs have vanished. Stay calm and carry on.

But, unlike the industrial revolution, where machines replaced our brawn and we found jobs using our brains, todays machines are set to outperform our brains. What part of our being will we use to earn a living once that happens?!

Oh, and the industrial revolution triggered a century of catastrophic hardship, including mass displacement of skilled workers, and a rush for raw materials that fueled colonialism and wars that claimed tens of millions of lives. Not a movie we want to take our kids to.

AI is approaching human-level performance across the spectrum of intellectual endeavors. At its current rate of progress, AI will soon project onto your screen a talking-head that will shape-shift to be your lawyer, graphic designer, doctor, software engineer you name it. As a rule of thumb, therefore, we should assume that any job that can be done over Zoom today can be done by an AI tomorrow. Ive encountered no credible counterargument to this.

Which leads to my second rule of thumb: employers will replace humans with AI whenever theres a buck to be made. That is the true lesson from the industrial revolution. Ive heard no credible counterargument to this either.

Silicon Valley has tunnel vision. Taken together, you see why, on balance, Id wager on Silicon Valleys predictions for what AI will soon do. But Id never trust the Valley to tell society how to adapt or prepare. When it comes to the societal implications of its technologies, Silicon Valley is spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst. Indeed, recent years have seen devastating unintended consequences of the Valleys innovations, from skyrocketing teen suicides to the radicalization of our society.

Tech titans casually toss out slogans like universal basic income as though UBI is a panacea for the coming age. I favor UBI, but they seem oblivious to the monumental challenges it entails, including staggering costs, elusive sources, and complex second-order effects. Moreover, the societal problems born of mass unemployment wont end with any universal income, let alone a basic one. We need the full engagement by the Ivory Tower, leveraging the expertise of economists, political scientists, and sociologists to navigate these intricate issues.

In the coming years, AI is likely to achieve superhuman intelligence and drive rising unemployment. To my knowledge, no one has articulated a convincing case for how such AI can coexist with full employment, and so we must prepare accordingly. Yet those who see the gathering storm are ill-equipped to prepare for it, while those who know how to prepare dont see it coming.

Aesops Fable tells of two men, one blind, the other lame. Alone they cant survive, so the lame man climbs onto the blind mans back, and united they can navigate safely.

The moral is clear: we cant rely solely on economists predictions or Silicon Valleys optimism. We need technologists who understand AIs potential, economists who can model its impacts, and policymakers who can implement solutions.

The clock is ticking. Our choices today will shape whether AI becomes humanitys greatest achievement or, like the golem of Jewish lore, a force that turns on its master.

The writer is CEO and co-founder of Lemonade (NYSE: LMND), and chairman of the MOSAIC Policy Institute, whose mission it is to ensure that Artificial Intelligence benefits all of Israels society.

See the rest here:
Are Elon Musk's concerns of AI-surged unemployment a real concern? - The Jerusalem Post

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