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The amazing engineering of the largest vessel ever – Interesting Engineering

The Shell Prelude is the biggest thing constructed by man ever put in the water. Displacing more than six aircraft carriers, its hundreds of miles off Australias coast. But the question is is it worth the investment and the engineering?

The Shell Prelude, an engineering marvel, stands as the largest structure ever built by man to be placed in water. This colossal LNG platform, constructed in 2017, is located hundreds of miles off Australias coast. It displaces more water than six aircraft carriers and is secured to the seabed with sixteen of the largest chains ever made.

Despite its impressive size and capabilities, the Prelude has faced significant challenges. Since its inception, it has experienced numerous teething troubles and shutdowns, raising concerns about its operational reliability and long-term viability. These issues have sparked debate about the projects success and the feasibility of such massive undertakings.

The central question remains whether the Shell Prelude marks the dawn of a new era in offshore energy production or if it represents a costly and ambitious experiment gone awry. As the industry watches closely, the future of this giant floating platform will determine its place in the annals of engineering history.

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Predator with toilet seat-shaped head ruled Antarctic swamps in Ice Age – Interesting Engineering

Forty million years before the first dinosaurs, a formidable predator prowled the swampy waters with a skull over two feet long. Known as Gaiasia jennyae, this ancient creature had a distinctive toilet seat-shaped head and would lie in wait with its jaws agape, ready to ensnare any prey that ventured too close.

Describing this newly discovered fossil, co-lead study author Jason Pardo says, Gaiasia jennyaeprobably hung out near the bottom of swamps and lakes. Its got a big, flat, toilet seat-shaped head, which allows it to open its mouth and suck in prey. Pardo talked about Gaiasia jennyae in detail with Interesting Engineering.

The name Gaiasia jennyae honors both the Gai-as Formation in Namibia, where it was discovered, and Jenny Clack, a paleontologist renowned for her work on the evolution of early tetrapodsthe four-limbed vertebrates that evolved from lobe-finned fishes and eventually led to amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Claudia Marsicano from the University of Buenos Aires, the other co-lead author of the study, and her colleagues discovered the fossil. After examining the skull, the structure of the front of the skull caught my attention. It was the only clearly visible part at that time, and it showed very unusually interlocking large fangs, creating a unique bite for early tetrapods.

Three hundred million years ago, Namibia was situated close to the northernmost point of present-day Antarctica, during the tail end of an ice age. While equatorial swamps were drying and becoming forested, swamps near the poles persisted. In these colder regions, older forms of life like Gaiasia thrived.

When asked about what this fossil tells us about the ecosystems that existed 300 million years ago, Pardo tells IE, Large animals need a lot of food. Gaiasia shows that there must have been well-established ecosystems even in these colder areas in the far south.

Pardo describes Gaiasia as a stem tetrapod, telling IE, Gaiasiahas some particular bones and other features that are lost soon after tetrapods evolved. So, the lineage leading toGaiasiamust have gone its own way long before the lineages leading to modern mammals, reptiles, and amphibians evolved.

The tetrapod, although an ancient holdover, was a dominant and abundant predator in its habitat. Pardo explains, Europe and North America were tropical at that time and, in those ecosystems, most archaic tetrapods became rare or extinct starting 307 million years ago as the climate became warmer and drier and as relatives of modern amphibians, reptiles, and mammals became more abundant.

Where archaic tetrapods survive, theyre normally small, rare, and highly specialized. Gaiasia is different: its common, and its the top predator in its environment. Thats unexpected.

Expanding upon the predatory advantage that the animals toilet seat-shaped head provided, Pardo says, In modern animals, a round flat head allows predators to create a vacuum when they open their mouth, pulling food into it. The huge teeth would have been for grabbing and killing prey: fish, freshwater sharks, other tetrapods, and perhaps even smaller Gaiasia.

This discovery offers significant insights into the changing world during the Permian period. When Gaiasia was alive, the southern hemisphere was just coming out of a major ice age. The fact that Gaiasia is so large shows that when the ice melted, these regions immediately became home to diverse ecosystems rather than remaining barren, Pardo concludes.

The study was published in Nature.


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Srishti Gupta Srishti studied English literature at the University of Delhi and has since then realized it's not her cup of tea. She has been an editor in every space and content type imaginable, from children's books to journal articles. She enjoys popular culture, reading contemporary fiction and nonfiction, crafts, and spending time with her cats. With a keen interest in science, Srishti is particularly drawn to beats covering medicine, sustainability, gene studies, and anything biology-related.

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Vatican is going solar, Pope to transition City to 100% green energy – Interesting Engineering

Pope Francis announces his plans to transition the Vatican to 100% solar power to support climate change efforts.

In his motu proprio Fratello Sole, an official proclamation of the Pope to the Roman Catholic Church, he diffused his instructions to the Vatican authorities to begin working with Italian officials to turn the Vatican into a green organization, as reported by aciafrica.

The Catholic Church first began publicly addressing climate change with Pope Paul VI, who expressed his concern in 1971 that humanitys exploitation of nature runs the risk of destroying it.

However, most notably and recently, under the stewardship of Benedict XVI two decades ago, the Vatican began diffusing plans to become the first carbon neutral state with the building of the Vatican Forest in Hungary in 2007. That has yet to materialize though. All the same, in 2008, the Vatican installed 2,400 solar panels on the roofs of Vaticans Paul VI Hall, as per aciafrica.

Elected in 2013, climate change, on the positive end, has marked Pope Francis his ten-year tenure as Pope and Head of the Catholic Church. He published Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home a seminal Encyclical Letter based on scientific research in 2015. Addressed to the Catholic community, it presented the climate change as pernicious with dire repercussions. The Vatican then updated its recycling system in 2016.

He opened his latest apostolic letter by harkening back to Laudato Si which encouraged humanity to become aware of its environmental footprint, citing fossil fuels as a persuasive threat to the planet. He then cited his initiative in 2022, by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to put forth all efforts in supporting the global effort to combat climate change. Subsequently, the Vatican adopted electric cars in partnership with Volkswagen in 2023.

In a suite of efforts, Pope Francis has now declared to the Vatican authorities to carry out the next step: to begin constructing a solar plant within the extraterritorial zone of Santa Maria di Galeria that will not only supply power to the Vatican radio station but the entirety of Vatican City with a population estimated around 825 people.

At first glance, as a state, Vatican Citys carbon emissions might appear insignificant, as aciafrica noted, at around a 0.0000443% output in 2022. However, the Vatican as a supporter of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992 continues to demonstrate its commitment to the cause by reducing its carbon footprint as an official state.

There is a need to make a transition to a sustainable development model that reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, setting the goal of climate neutrality. Mankind has the technological means to deal with this environmental transformation and its pernicious ethical, social, economic and political consequences, and, among these, solar energy plays a key role.

And the Vatican intends to be a key player.

Perhaps the Pope should direct the authorities to check out the solar panel booster that The University of Ottawa just studied of the solar cell, as recent innovations would increase its energy output. Go green.


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Maria Mocerino Originally from LA, Maria Mocerino has been published in Business Insider, The Irish Examiner, The Rogue Mag, Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines, and now Interesting Engineering.

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MQ-9B: Powerful US SeaGuardian drone to get NEW precision weapons – Interesting Engineering

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Incs (GA-ASI) MQ-9B SeaGuardian unmanned aerial system (UAS) could soon get smarter weaponry thanks to a new collaboration between GA-ASI and Lockheed Martin.

The defense giant duo will develop Net-Enabled Weapons (NEWs) capability to boost the UAS long-range precision targeting, especially against moving targets. This new capability will also enhance the SeaGuardians Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Targeting (ISR&T) capabilities.

NEWs are a type of air-to-ground precision-guided munitions being developed by several countries. They are an evolution of GPS-guided weapons directed to a specific coordinate set before release.

NEWs have the added capability of receiving updated targeting coordinates in flight via a common datalink and can be tracked by aircraft and other platforms connected to the same network. Previous weapons have utilized datalink to provide updated target information during flight (e.g., AMRAAM).

The development of a common datalink now enables the transfer of weapon control from one platform to another. For example, control can be passed from an aircraft launching the weapons to a ground team with visual contact with an enemy tank formation.

The idea for NEWs originated at the U.S. Air Forces Air Combat Command headquarters in 2003 as a solution to the challenge of attacking moving targets in all-weather, high-threat environments.

The new technology provides expanded sensor targeting applications for the precision targeting of long-range weapons.

SeaGuardians demonstrated persistence coupled with its vast array of precision targeting sensors enables more efficient kill chains, especially in contested environments, GA-ASI explains in its press release.

They added that GA-ASIs MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAS and SeaVue multi-role radar from Raytheon, an RTX business, will effectively leverage Lockheed Martins extensive NEWs expertise to refine further targeting capabilities for future theater deployments.

Initial testing was completed on June 5, 2024, with F/A-18s on the U.S. Navys W-289 test range in Southern California. GA-ASI and Lockheed Martin have been developing Link 16 messages to communicate with weapons in flight using the SeaGuardian Systems Integration Lab (SIL) in preparation for an overwater range test flight.

This is a very important system attribute for SeaGuardian to enable naval long-range targeting CONOPS against high-end threats at much less risk to manned platforms, said GA-ASI President David R. Alexander. We appreciate Lockheed Martins support in helping us prove the NEW technology, which is an important component of our ISR&T capability, he added.

MQ-9B SeaGuardian is a medium-altitude, long-endurance UAS. Its multi-domain capabilities allow it to adapt to different missions. The U.S. has utilized SeaGuardian in recent demonstrations, including Northern Edge, Integrated Battle Problem, and Group Sail.

GA-ASI is an affiliate of General Atomics and a leading designer and manufacturer of reliable RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) systems, radars, electro-optics, and related mission systems. It also develops other well-known products, including the Predator RPA series and the Lynx Multi-mode Radar.

The company has a track record of over eight million flight hours. GA-ASI provides long-endurance, mission-capable aircraft with integrated sensor and data link systems essential for delivering continuous situational awareness. It also develops sensor control and image analysis software, provides pilot training and support services, and designs meta-material antennas.


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Christopher McFadden Christopher graduated from Cardiff University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Geology. Since then, he has worked exclusively within the Built Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Consultancy industries. He is a qualified and accredited Energy Consultant, Green Deal Assessor and Practitioner member of IEMA. Chris’s main interests range from Science and Engineering, Military and Ancient History to Politics and Philosophy.

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New wearable tech turns everyday garments into motion trackers – Interesting Engineering

Conductive threads stitched together could not only allow a fashionable person to adorn clothes as an act of expression but also to capture and record their body movements.

Scientists from the University of Bristol and the University of Bath have collaborated to make strides in this new wearable technology called SeamSleeve.

They undertook an empirical study to develop everyday clothes that can capture and record body movements.

This has been achieved by blending conductive threads into the seams of garments that produce electrical circuits whose resistance changes with the wearers movements.

The ultimate aim was to design an enhanced version of digital clothing which accurately senses and records body movements.

This could apply to various applications such as healthcare and rehabilitation to consumer electronics and sports science, aiming to improve both health outcomes and user experiences.

The wearable technology is striving to outperform the abilities of current motion-sensing devices such as smartphones and smartwatches.

Providing precise movement data could also lead to more efficient monitoring and analysis of physical activities, potentially improving the wearers health and fitness goals.

The study was presented at the Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) conference in Copenhagen earlier today as per a statement by the University of Bristol.

It lays the foundations for e-textile designers and clothing manufacturers to create cutting-edge garments that could enhance exercise, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, the statement noted.

Professor Mike Fraser of the University of Bristols School of Computer Science expressed that the team is excited by the opportunity for clothing manufacturers to implement our designs in sleeves and other garment seams.

Weve shown that common overlocked seams in standard garment constructions can do a good job of sensing movement, he stated.

The design avoids the need for a separate power source by pairing the seam with a charging coil, drawing the energy wirelessly from a mobile phone placed in the pocket.

When low voltages pass through these threads, their resistance changes with the wearers movements, allowing the garment to detect and record subtle changes in posture and motion.

The smart outfit then transmits the data to the wearers phone which is placed in the pocket. Akin to Bluetooth functioning, this serves as both a power source and a data receiver.

AI programmes help in analysing the data on the phones that interpret specific gestures or postures, enabling applications in exercise monitoring, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation.

This means advanced motion sensing garments could be made without altering existing manufacturing processes, Fraser says.

We have also shown that smartphone apps using advanced AI techniques can use this movement data to match body movement to specific postures or gestures such as physiotherapeutic exercises.

The scientists curated a video to demonstrate the functioning of the new wearable technology in everyday clothing.

The video noted that the garment can capture a wide range of body movements while retaining traditional garment design benefits. The approach followed was to develop an interactive garment using seam design.

A second study identified 12 different arm movements with potential applications in physiotherapy exercises beyond the clinic setting.

The study was published earlier today [July 3, 2024] in the Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Stay up-to-date on engineering, tech, space, and science news with The Blueprint.

Shubhangi Dua As a quirky and imaginative multi-media journalist with a Masters in Magazine Journalism, I'm always cooking up fresh ideas and finding innovative ways to tell stories. I've dabbled in various realms of media, from wielding a pen as a writer to capturing moments as a photographer, and even strategizing on social media. With my creative spirit and eye for detail, I've worked across the dynamic landscape of multimedia journalism and written about sports, lifestyle, art, culture, health and wellbeing at Further Magazine, Alt.Cardiff and The Hindu. I'm on a mission to create a media landscape that's as diverse as a spotify playlist. From India to Wales and now England, my journey has been filled with adventures that inspire my paintings, cooking, and writing.

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July 2nd, 2024 – Engineering The Trade – tastylive

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Rivian Hires Apple Veteran to Lead its Battery Engineering Team – EV

Written byCludio Afonso|LinkedIn|X

Electric vehicle (EV) maker Rivian has hired a veteran from the tech giant Apple to lead its Battery engineering team. Jeff Alves, who worked at Apple for nearly 11 years, announced on Monday that he has joined the US-based EV manufacturer.

A few weeks ago, Alves shared on Linkedin a farewell message highlighting a few moments from the last decade such as his contribution to the first Apple Watch by leading the charging system development.

I joined Apple in 2013 with a leap of faith.I had no idea what I would be working on, but I was hoping for something fast-paced, and I got it! I contributed to shipping the first Apple Watch by leading the charging system development, Alves wrote.

This all happened within about 18 months of joining lots of whiteboard sessions, numerous emails and meetings, more than a few invaluable lessons learned and a couple of trips to China. I loved this time at Apple and the people I met!, he added.

Alves moved to Cupertino to join Apple as a Lead Hardware System Integration Engineer in 2013. Two years later, he was promoted to Hardware Engineering Manager where he stayed nearly one year before becoming a Senior Manager.

In October 2020, Alves was promoted to Director of Hardware Engineering.

Earlier today, the German media outlet Handelsblatt reported that Rivian and Volkswagen are in talks to expand their recently announced software partnership into hardware collaboration and joint production.

According to sources familiar with the discussions, the deeper cooperation could also potentially involve Volkswagens US electric vehicle (EV) brand, Scout.

Last week, Volkswagen Group said it was set to invest up to $5 billion in the US-based electric vehicle maker Rivian to leverage its technology and form a joint venture.

Written byCludio Afonso|LinkedIn|X

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Snowflake EVP of Engineering Resigns to Pursue New Opportunity By –

Snowflake Inc . (NYSE:), a leader in cloud-based data warehousing and analytics services, announced today the resignation of Grzegorz (Greg) Czajkowski, Executive Vice President of Engineering and Support. Czajkowski will depart from the company effective July 19, 2024, to pursue another opportunity. His resignation was not due to any disagreements with Snowflake's operations, policies, or practices.

The company, headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, is actively seeking a replacement for Czajkowski. In the interim, Thierry Cruanes, Co-Founder of Snowflake, will oversee the engineering and support teams. This transition comes at a time when Snowflake continues to expand its services in the competitive prepackaged software industry.

Czajkowski has been instrumental in Snowflake's growth and his departure marks a significant change in the leadership team. The company has not disclosed where Czajkowski will be employed next. Snowflake's management and the board express their gratitude to Czajkowski for his contributions and wish him well in his future endeavors.

Investors and industry watchers will be closely monitoring Snowflake's search for a new EVP of Engineering, as the role is critical for maintaining the company's innovative edge and market position. The announcement was made in accordance with the SEC regulations and is based on a press release statement. The company's stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol SNOW.

This news comes as Snowflake, which operates without a traditional corporate headquarters and identifies its principal executive office in Montana, continues to adapt to the evolving landscape of cloud services and data management. The company's fiscal year ends on January 31, and it has been known as Snowflake Computing, Inc. prior to a name change in April 2015.

In other recent news, Snowflake Inc. continues to draw significant attention from analysts following a series of developments. UBS maintains a neutral stance on the company, citing increasing competition from Databricks in the data analytics sector. BofA Securities also holds a neutral position, despite recent security concerns, believing that the financial impact from potential refunds will be minimal.

Goldman Sachs maintains a buy rating on Snowflake, highlighting the company's potential in the Generation AI space and its focus on product innovation. Piper Sandler reiterated its Overweight rating on Snowflake, emphasizing positive feedback from large enterprise customers, while Mizuho maintained a Buy rating but adjusted the price target to $180. RBC Capital Markets reduced its price target for Snowflake to $183, maintaining an Outperform rating.

Snowflake has been actively addressing security concerns and making strides in the data cloud market. The company has launched a suite of new AI development tools and announced the launch of Polaris (NYSE:) Catalog, an open catalog for Apache Iceberg, underscoring its commitment to innovation. These recent developments reflect the company's strategic positioning within the data cloud market and its commitment to addressing customer needs and market trends.

As Snowflake Inc. navigates through a pivotal leadership transition, investors may find value in the latest financial metrics and expert analysis. According to InvestingPro, Snowflake holds more cash than debt on its balance sheet, which could provide the company with flexibility in its operations and strategic initiatives during this period of change. Additionally, while 30 analysts have revised their earnings downwards for the upcoming period, it's worth noting that Snowflake has experienced a significant return over the last week, indicating investor confidence may remain strong amidst the executive shuffle.

InvestingPro Data shows Snowflake's market cap stands at $47.47 billion, reflecting the company's substantial presence in the cloud-based data warehousing market. Despite not being profitable over the last twelve months, analysts predict the company will turn a profit this year. This forward-looking optimism is also mirrored in Snowflake's robust revenue growth of 32.85% for the last twelve months as of Q1 2023, showcasing the company's ability to expand its revenue streams effectively.

For those considering a deeper dive into Snowflake's financial health and future prospects, InvestingPro offers additional insights. There are 7 more InvestingPro Tips available that provide a comprehensive analysis of Snowflake's financial position and market potential. Interested readers can enhance their investment strategies by using the coupon code PRONEWS24 to get up to 10% off a yearly Pro and a yearly or biyearly Pro+ subscription, unlocking a wealth of expert financial information.

This article was generated with the support of AI and reviewed by an editor. For more information see our T&C.

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Propulsion engineer is charged with obstructing probe of deadly 2017 US military plane crash – Toronto Star

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Propulsion engineer is charged with obstructing probe of deadly 2017 US military plane crash - Toronto Star

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Certifications That Can Boost Your Data Science Career in 2024 – KDnuggets

In today's data science landscape, how does one set themselves apart from the competition? Certifications in data science can greatly enhance your career by proving your skills and creating new job opportunities in 2024. Data science certificates help to gain knowledge about data science. They also help to validate our skills in this field. Lets take a look at some of the best certifications out there.

Candidates passing the Certified Analytics Professional certification demonstrate proficiency in analytics. The candidate needs a bachelors degree and five years of experience in analytics to write this exam. A master's degree and three years of experience or seven years of non-analytics experience are also sufficient. The exam includes topics such as data preparation and model building.

Cost: $375 for members, $575 for non-members Validity: 3 years

The Google Certified Professional Data Engineer certification proves one's skills in developing and designing Google Cloud Platform data processing systems. The candidates should have knowledge of data engineering and the practical usage of Google Cloud products. No formal qualifications are explicitly stated but applicants are expected to have at least three years of working experience in the relevant field. One of those years should be specifically dedicated to developing and implementing concepts related to Google Cloud.

Cost: $200 USD Validity: 2 years

The Azure Data Scientist Associate certification verifies abilities in implementing and operating machine learning solutions on Azure technologies. The exam is designed to check proficiency in ML, NLP and computer vision. It also shows how Azure's vast toolbox and services may lead to the development of scalable and successful machine learning systems. One should have enough knowledge and skills in data science concepts and proficiency in Python.

Cost: $165 Validity: 2 years

The SAS Certified Data Scientist certification shows that the candidate is able to use SAS for data analysis. In order to progress to the AI & Machine Learning Professional or Advanced Analytics certification, one has to clear the Advanced Programming and Data Curation Professional exams. This test measures the understanding and expertise of the candidate on various aspects related to the data analysis process. These skills include aggregation, transformation, and cleaning of data.

Cost: $180 Validity: 3 years

The topics covered in the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate online course equip learners with skills that would enable them to practice data science. The program participants can enroll in several online classes that can become useful as ones foundation in pursuing a career in data science. Beginner courses include overviews of data exploration and visualization. The program also includes modules focused on advanced areas within data science, such as data analysis with Python and data visualization with R.

Cost: $ 234 Validity: Credentials do not expire

The Cloudera Certified Professional Data Engineer certification consists of several aspects of data engineering within a big data environment. It equips candidates with the expertise needed to design robust and scalable data pipelines for large scale data processing. Candidates seeking this certification should possess an understanding of data engineering principles and be well versed in big data technologies.

Cost: $400 Validity: 2 years

The Senior Data Scientist certificate recognizes individuals who show proficiency in modeling machine learning and data science. The Senior Data Scientist certification comes with criteria that candidates need to fulfill to obtain the certification. A masters degree in a related field, including computer science, statistics, mathematics or related subjects, is one of these. Candidates must also have at least five years worth of work experience dealing with data science work.

Cost: $775 Validity: 3 years

It is highly essential to gain certification to enhance your data science career in 2024 since it will help to verify credibility, enhance the reputation of the worker, and open new opportunities for promotions. In that regard, these certifications will help you prove that you are a competent data science worker capable and willing to solve problems.

Jayita Gulati is a machine learning enthusiast and technical writer driven by her passion for building machine learning models. She holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Liverpool.

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Certifications That Can Boost Your Data Science Career in 2024 - KDnuggets

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