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Bullhorn Streamlines Application Delivery and Deployment in the Cloud With CloudBees Java Platform

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire -06/28/12)- JBOSS WORLD -- CloudBees, Inc., the Java Platform as a Service (PaaS) innovation leader, today announced that Bullhorn, the global leader in web-based software for staffing and recruiting agencies, has selected the CloudBees Platform to accelerate their customized application development. Bullhorn serves over 100,000 users in 126 countries. The CloudBees Platform allows Bullhorn to accelerate its develop-to-deploy process for Java web applications -- eliminating the time and resources typically required for deploying applications in the cloud.

"The ROI we've experienced since we began working with CloudBees has been phenomenal. The CloudBees Platform has enabled us to scale dramatically, as it frees up our developers to do what they do best -- build applications to meet customer needs," said Matthew Fischer, VP of Engineering, Bullhorn. "We're committed to providing a high level of service to Bullhorn customers; utilizing the CloudBees Platform we are consistently meeting or exceeding our customers' expectations."

Since utilizing the CloudBees Platform, Bullhorn has delivered 60 customized, cloud-based applications. CloudBees allows Bullhorn's development team to focus on satisfying the specific needs of their customers, rather than allocating valuable time and resources to solving infrastructure maintenance issues that often come with cloud deployments. To date, the CloudBees Platform has already resulted in significant benefits for Bullhorn's organization, including:

Other value Bullhorn has realized from streamlining application development and cloud deployment using the CloudBees Platform include:

"Bullhorn is the type of customer we covet -- a cutting-edge business understanding the significant cost and operational efficiencies which can be gained from deployment in the cloud," said Sacha Labourey, CEO and founder, CloudBees. "Today, Java developers spend far too much time on tasks that are completely outside of their workflow. Bullhorn's services team can now concentrate on delivering quality customer applications, rather than being bogged down in issues that ordinarily plague application deployments."

For more information on Bullhorn's customized application deployment using RUN@cloud, please visit:

About BullhornBullhorn ( creates software and services that improve the way employees and employers come together. For over ten years our innovations have powered the recruiting and staffing operations of fast-growing start-ups up through the world's largest employment brands. Headquartered in Boston, with offices in London and Sydney, Bullhorn's recruiting CRM and social recruiting products serve over 100,000 users across 126 countries. Independently operated, Bullhorn is owned by Vista Equity Partners.

About CloudBees CloudBees ( turbo-charges the way Java applications are built and deployed to meet the rapid pace of business in an on-line and increasingly mobile world. By eliminating the friction caused by provisioning, maintaining and administering complex hardware and software infrastructure, we streamline and accelerate the entire Java application lifecycle from development to deployment. The CloudBees platform provides a set of rich services that are easily consumed by developers allowing them to rapidly build and deploy new business applications with zero IT administrative overhead. Our AnyCloud Service Architecture enables those applications to be easily deployed to any public, regional or enterprise cloud environment. CloudBees serves the needs of a wide range of businesses from small startups that want to focus on quickly creating new on-line businesses to large IT organizations that need to rapidly respond to new business application projects.

Backed by Matrix Partners and Lightspeed Venture Partners, CloudBees was founded in 2010 by former JBoss CTO Sacha Labourey and an elite team of middleware and open source technology professionals.

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ScaleXtreme to Support Google Compute Engine


ScaleXtreme, a leading provider of cloud and server management products, announced coming support for Google Compute Engine. As part of this support, ScaleXtreme customers will be able to monitor, manage, patch and automate deployment of Google Infrastructure-as-a-Service servers.

Were excited to see Google give public cloud computing customers additional choices in who to partner with for infrastructure, said ScaleXtreme CEO Nand Mulchandani. We built ScaleXtreme to handle multiple clouds simultaneously and along with internal enterprise infrastructure. Google Compute Engine, along with services like Amazon EC2, Rackspace, HP Cloud Services, Microsoft Windows Azure and VMware vCloud powered services is making multi-cloud infrastructure a reality for customers, and ScaleXtreme has given customers native support for all these platforms.

ScaleXtreme provides a single view, unifying the management of an organizations server environment spanning private and public cloud machines, different public cloud providers running on any virtualization platform, and even physical servers. It works with both Windows Server and a variety of Linux-based operating systems and helps users rapidly scale server deployments using templates.

ScaleXtremes products also come equipped with cloud-based patch management automation, which provides customers the ability to schedule, deploy and automate patches for multiple machines, as well as the on-the-go iPhone application that gives system administrators a unified view of their cloud instances through a single, simple interface.

For more information on ScaleXtreme for Google Compute Engine, please visit:

About ScaleXtreme

ScaleXtreme provides powerful, cloud-based server automation products for the modern distributed data center. Built from the ground up to be simple, scalable and social, IT gets a single unified automation platform to build and control physical, virtual and public cloud servers. For more information, visit

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Got old hard drives? Turn them into cloud servers.


When an old system is replaced in the office, usually one of two things happens to it. The IT guys might keep it around as a spare unit, or they will cannibalize it for certain components before giving it the final send off.

Since many computer technologies have changed within the last five years, most components are not worth keeping from much older systems. However, hard drives, while gettingmore capaciousand faster, have used the same interface for about eight years now. The industry sticking with Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) for this long means that you are more likely to find use for the hard drive from an old system than any other type of component.

Of course, since new systems already come with hard drives, the IT storage room tends to fill up with the old ones. These SATA drives technically are usable, so most IT people are loathe to simply throw them away. But it would be nice to find a use for one or two of them, say, as a cloud server, for instance.

Akitio Cloud Hybrid

Pros: Can access from anywhere, use any drive.

Cons: Tools required for setup, interface less than intuitive.

Performance: A

Ease of Use: B+

Features: B+

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Got old hard drives? Turn them into cloud servers.

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Cloud 9 browser-based development environment gets tricked out

Editing JavaScript in the Cloud 9 IDE.

The Cloud 9 Web-based development platform has launched a major update. The new version brings several noteworthy new features like collaborative code editing and offline support. The service has also been enhanced with broader support for running code on the Cloud 9 servers.

Cloud 9 aims to give developers a complete browser-based integrated development environment (IDE). The tool includes project management and version control functionality as well as a sophisticated interactive code editor. Its literally a hosted IDE that loads in a browser tab.

It is designed to integrate tightly with source code repository sites GitHub and BitBucket, making it easy for developers to clone, edit, and push code without ever having to download it to their local filesystem. The concept is ambitious, but delivering an implementation that is fully competitive with native development tooling on the desktop is obviously a major challenge.

For some kinds of projects, Cloud 9 is surprisingly close to achieving feature parity with conventional development environments. It is already well-suited for Node.js programming, an area that was a major focus for the company. The latest improvements will help to make it more viable for additional languages and development frameworks.

The editing experience is largely what you would expect to get in a programming text editor, offering features like syntax highlighting and optional support for Vim key bindings. But Cloud 9 aspires to be more than just an editor. The goal is to allow users to run their code on the server itself so that they can conduct testing during development without having to deploy to a separate test environment.

Cloud 9 is capable of executing Node.js applications on the server side, with full support for breakpoint-based debugging in the Cloud 9 editor. The new version of Cloud 9 has been extended to support running PHP and Ruby code in addition to Node.js projects.

We discussed the new functionality with Ruben Daniels, one of the cofounders of Cloud 9. In order to support server-side code execution, he explained, the Cloud 9 backend was rebuilt so that users would have their own isolated virtualized environment on the server. The new version of Cloud 9 also has a built-in terminal interface that allows users to get full shell access to the remote VM.

In addition to improved support for code execution, Cloud 9 has also gained a number of other new features. The latest version supports real-time collaborative editing in the browserallowing multiple developers to edit the same file at the same time. The experience is a bit like collaborative editing in tools like Google Docs or SubEthaEdit.

Another major new feature is support for offline editing, which allows the user to continue working without an Internet connection. Unlike most of the functionality in Cloud 9, this particular feature requires users to install and run a special client application on their computer that can handle synchronization between the local filesystem and the cloudexisting offline storage mechanisms in browsersaren'tquite up to the task yet.

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Cloud 9 browser-based development environment gets tricked out

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Voxware Introduces Cloud-Based Voice Solution


Voxware, a leading provider of voice solutions, today introduced Cloud Voice Management Suite (VMS), a cloud-based voice software solution that empowers organizations to enhance operational productivity, improve accuracy, and better serve their customers without investing in costly IT infrastructure.The benefits of this new offering include:

Our newest offering enables companies who are looking for easy, but high-impact change to implement a robust voice solution that improves productivity, safety, accuracy,and ultimately, customer relationships, said Keith Phillips, President and CEO, Voxware. By leveraging Cloud VMS, organizations are equipped to cost-effectively address their current needs and adapt to changing demands.

Cloud VMS is a fully productized bundle that includes:

Cloud VMS removes the headaches of implementation, maintenance, and updates freeing organizations from relying on heavy internal IT resources, continued Phillips. Customers do not have to manage servers, undergo timely and expensive deployments, or costly upgrades. Instead, we handle the heavy-lifting, allowing organizations to more efficiently realize the advantages that voice solutions provide.

About Voxware

Voxware helps organizations with teams who are on the move to more effectively receive, act on, and communicate information critical to their work. Our hands-free voice solutions enable employees to safely and accurately speed through tasks, thereby boosting operational productivity and improving customer experiences. Whats more, Voxware easily adapts to changes in technology and processes, enabling organizations to quickly address shifting demands without disruptions to the operation.Our innovative approach to voice communication has proven to help our customers increase profitability by cutting costs and enhancing brand loyalty.For more information, please visit

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ScaleXtreme Announces New Server And Application Monitoring Functionality


ScaleXtreme, the leading provider of cloud-based monitoring and systems management, announced early access availability of its new server and application monitoring product with thresholds, alerts and actions.

This new monitoring product gives customers a complete solution to monitor the health of all your cloud, physical and virtual machines all in one place at a glance. Customers can monitor key system metrics (CPU, disk, memory, network, processes), set thresholds and associated alerts and actions based on those thresholds. Customers can create multiple trigger conditions for each metric and the product currently has more than 35 trigger conditions.

Application specific metrics are also fully supported for databases, web servers, application servers on Windows and Linux. This includes specific metrics for network, processes, IO stats, disk usage, physical memory, CPU usage,PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, IIS,MySQL Host,Nginx, Apache and more.

This whole new way of monitoring and managing your datacenter works for both internal enterprise servers as well as public cloud servers such as those at Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Microsoft Windows Azure, HP Cloud Services, and others.

We are excited to add powerful monitoring and alerting capabilities to our rich automation capabilities, said ScaleXtreme CEO Nand Mulchandani. Monitoring is a simple and easy way for customers to start controlling their datacenters. ScaleXtreme will be tying monitoring tightly in with our Big Data insights and automation products to give customers a complete, next-generation solution for managing their datacenters.

Existing ScaleXtreme customers will see the new monitoring and alerting capabilities available immediately and integrated in the application interface. The new functionality is also available to new customers who set up free accounts. Free ScaleXtreme accounts with the new functionality is available at

Learn more about this new functionality with a webinar on Thursday, June 28 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PDT:

About ScaleXtreme

ScaleXtreme provides powerful, cloud-based server automation products for the modern distributed data center. Built from the ground up to be simple, scalable and social, IT gets a single unified automation platform to build and control physical, virtual and public cloud servers. For more information, visit

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Cybercriminals Build Massive Banking Fraud System in the Cloud

Cybercriminals have built a cloud-based fraud system that targeted wealthy people and commercial accounts in bilking primarily European banks of possibly billions of dollars, security vendors say.

The international ring targeted accounts with an average of $300,000 to $600,000, and attempted to transfer as much as $130,000 to bogus business accounts, Intel-owned McAfee said Tuesday. While McAfee did not know how much money was actually stolen, the vendor estimates that it ranged from $75 million to $2.5 billion.

The ring targeted banks in Europe and then expanded to Latin America and more recently the United States, where it had just gotten started, Dave Marcus, director of advanced research and threat intelligence at McAfee Labs, said. McAfee, which investigated the ring's operation over the last six months with Guardian Analytics, is working with law enforcement agencies to shut down the fraudsters.

What is unique about the fraud was the amount of automation used, a feat made possible through the use of cloud computing, Marcus said. The combination of remote servers and an intimate knowledge of banking transaction systems made it possible to automate the theft, rather than simply stealing user names and passwords and having someone manually transfer money from a computer.

"The automated nature of these attacks really require that kind of server/cloud functionality," Marcus said. "It can't all take place on the host [computer]. All of the logic and all of the sophistication really does reside on that [cloud] server."

McAfee first discovered the fraudsters operating in Italy, and later followed them to Germany, the Netherlands and other countries in Europe. In March, the ring was found operating in Colombia and one server was later traced to the United States. "It looks like it [the ring] just started making the transition to the U.S.," Marcus said.

The fraud started with an email cleverly disguised to look like it came from the recipient's bank. Clicking on a link in the message downloaded the malware that would later use web-injects to steal the information needed to perform fund transfers. Web-injects are fake pages or form fields launched while a person is on an online banking site.'

McAfee, which dubbed the investigation "Operation High Roller" because of the wealthy victims, found 60 servers processing thousands of attempted thefts. Most of the transfers were for less than $10,000, with the highest reaching $130,000.

The fraudsters used common Zeus and SpyEye malware platforms as the base of the malicious code, which was customized for each targeted bank. Once the malware stole the needed information, transfers were performed via the control servers, which were even able to obtain the information needed to bypass smartcard readers often used in Europe for two-factor authentication. "We have not seen this level of sophistication before," Marcus said.

Besides the use of the cloud, the fraudsters had an impressive knowledge of how banking transaction systems worked. McAfee wasn't able to determine how the criminals gained that level of understanding. "You can't make a fraudulent transaction look like a valid transaction, if you don't know what you're doing," Marcus said. "And these guys know what they're doing."

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Cybercriminals Build Massive Banking Fraud System in the Cloud

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Online Tech Hosts Webinar on Overcoming Cloud-Based Healthcare Mobility Challenges


Online Tech is hosting an informative webinar on cloud-based healthcare mobility challenges on Tuesday, July 17 at 2 P.M. ET. Smartphone and tablet devices are outpacing PCs as the primary tool to access email and Internet. This webinar will encourage healthcare and other organizations to embrace the mobile channel to keep their customers and employees engaged.

The free webinar will presented by Richard Mendis, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of AnyPresence and April Sage, Director of Healthcare Vertical for Online Tech. Mendis will discuss how the path to cloud-based mobility is within reach even though becoming mobile-enabled has traditionally been complex and cost prohibitive. Sage will discuss the advantages and compliance issues of using cloud platforms to facilitate mobile interaction with ePHI (electronic protected health information).

Richard Mendis has spent over 16 years in the software and information services industry, most recently serving as the Vice President of Solution Management at SAP, where he led product management of SAPs carbon and energy management suite. Presently, Richard serves as Chief Marketing Officer of AnyPresence, which he co-founded in 2010. AnyPresence is the only zero-footprint mobile platform that offers non-technical users the ability to assemble and deploy HTML5 mobile and desktop apps and native iOS and Android apps without having to write code or complete a software install.

April Sage has been involved in the IT industry for over two decades, initially founding a technology program in the pre-Windows era. In 2000, April founded a bioinformatics company that supported biotech, pharma, and bioinformatic companies in the development of research portals, drug discovery search engines, and other software systems.

To find out more about the webinar and register via GoToMeeting, click here.

The following healthcare IT webinars may also be of interest. FDA Regulation of Mobile Health Devices Healthcare Security Vulnerabilities A to Z to Achieving HIPAA Compliance

Online Tech has hosted over 20 webinars in the last two years and this is their ninth focusing specifically on health IT. To view the slides and video recording of all previously recorded webinars please click here.

About Online Tech

Online Tech, the Midwests premier managed data center operator, serves a growing demand for data and computing capacity in small and mid-size businesses. Through its SAS 70 and SSAE 16 data centers, Online Tech delivers a range of high availability hosting including Michigan colocation, managed dedicated servers, private cloud hosting, and disaster recovery. Online Techs Michigan data centers operate under SSAE 16 compliance, allowing its clients to meet all of their PCI compliant hosting, HIPAA compliant hosting, and SOX compliant hosting needs. For more information, visit or call (877) 740-5028.

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Zulahoo Selects ViaWest for Cloud Hosting Solution

DENVER, CO--(Marketwire -06/27/12)-

ViaWest, one of the largest privately-held data center, cloud computing and managed services providers in North America, announces it has been selected by Zulahoo to provide on-demand cloud computing services with its KINECTed Cloud platform. Zulahoo is an Internet start-up community commerce portal focused on promoting secure and private collaboration services. As a company anticipating rapid growth, Zulahoo was looking for a scalable and flexible cloud-based solution.

With a need to move from its existing physical infrastructure, Zulahoo required a partner that could provide a cloud solution with the ability to scale rapidly and affordably. After considering a variety of cloud vendors, Zulahoo selected ViaWest for its flexible virtual environment and personalized support. With expert assistance from ViaWest's engineering team, Zulahoo was able to seamlessly move from a physical to virtual environment, reducing its hosting costs. In addition, the availability of ViaWest's monitoring platform allows Zulahoo to manage growth by tracking usability and determining when additional on-demand resources, such as CPE storage and processing power, should be added.

"ViaWest has made our relationship not just about the services they provide, but about the partnership they developed with our team," states Jon Prichard, Chief Executive Officer of Zulahoo. "As we prepare to grow our company, the ability to scale on-demand was a top concern in selecting a hosting solution. ViaWest not only provides the training and tool sets to manage growth, but their superior level of customer support is at the foundation of their success. There are many options for cloud solutions in the marketplace but the level of interaction and support ViaWest provides ensures our needs are always top of mind."

"Rapidly growing organizations like Zulahoo are faced with multiple decisions to consider for their IT infrastructure," continues Jason Carolan, Chief Technology Officer of ViaWest. "ViaWest offers two resilient cloud platforms, a community cloud and a hosted private cloud, both of which provide the right mix between elasticity, price, and performance."

"A partnership with ViaWest provides scalability, around the clock customer support and analysis of how efficiently customers are using the services they have selected," adds John Greenwood, Regional Vice President of Sales and General Manager for ViaWest. "The Texas region has seen tremendous growth from all types of clients including hosting, cloud computing, service providers and enterprises -- all requiring reliable configurations tailored to their unique requirements."

ViaWest's KINECTed Cloud offers a dynamic pool of computing, storage and networking resources without incurring ongoing personnel or capital expenses. With two different platforms, a Xen-based hypervisor cloud or a VMware-based platform, ViaWest provides a flexible environment that supports usage demands.

For more information on ViaWest, please visit

About ViaWest

ViaWest is one of the largest privately held data center service providers in North America. They provide colocation, complex hosting, cloud and managed services to businesses of all sizes nationwide. ViaWest owns and operates 22 enterprise-class data center facilities in Colorado, Texas, Oregon, Utah, and Nevada, delivering high-quality, flexible solutions designed to support customers' unique business needs. For additional information on ViaWest, please visit or call 1-877-448-9378. Follow ViaWest on LinkedIn, Twitter or visit their YouTube channel.

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ChicagoMicro – Technology, Software

25-06-2012 15:02 ChicagoMicro Offers their Services to Every Sector: Non-Profit, Education, Businesses of all sizes & Cloud Based Services Check them Out at: & Let them Know JunoWallet Sent you! Lately their main focus has been on helping customers who are growing at a fast rate & need aa lot of server space & a lot of data to the cloud, They provide data centers & also adequate licensing for things from Adobe & Microsoft Hottest thing they offer right now is Apple dual Core towers & Gen8 HP servers rack (intelligent servers) If your Growing business is in need of Network Monitoring Services (NMS) make sure you check Chicago Micro a look Their Managed Services Solutions Include: -Network Monitoring Services (NMS) -Internet Service Provider (ISP) Services and Data Circuit Provisioning -Daily Data Back-Up Monitoring -Co-location Facilities -Offsite Data Storage -SPAM Filtering Services

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ChicagoMicro - Technology, Software

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