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Quantum Computing: An Emerging Threat to Cybersecurity – Medriva

The advent of quantum computers carries a potent threat to data encryption, potentially leading to catastrophic impacts on mission-critical infrastructure. With power utilities, hospitals, banks, and transit systems becoming increasingly digitalized, the menace of quantum hacking looms large. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has issued an alert, underscoring the urgency to prepare for quantum threats. It is vital for organizations to assess their current security posture, develop a quantum roadmap, and implement quantum-safe solutions to defend against these threats.

Quantum computers differ significantly from conventional computers. They possess exponential speed and power, enabling them to break traditional encryption methods in a fraction of the time it would take a regular computer. This immense potential makes quantum computers a significant threat to critical infrastructure, especially for smaller companies and municipal infrastructure operations that might lack the resources to counter such advanced threats.

Preparing for the day when quantum computers can compromise traditional encryption methods, often referred to as Q-Day, is crucial. Organizations must prioritize the protection of high-impact assets. Developing a quantum roadmap and assessing the current security posture are essential steps in preparing for this threat. Utilizing encryption methods and key distribution techniques that ensure data integrity can provide protection against quantum attacks.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has raised concerns about the potential impact of quantum computing on critical infrastructure. It could pose radical global risks with the ability to break public key encryption, potentially leading to the paralysis of national or global critical infrastructure. The report also warns about the acceleration of risks presented by other emerging technologies and the potential for cyberattacks. Criminal actors are already launching attacks on encrypted data in anticipation of cryptographically relevant quantum computers being available.

Quantum computing is also posing significant challenges to corporate security and privacy compliance. Its potential to revolutionize various industries and threaten traditional encryption methods is a cause for concern. Post-quantum cryptography is seen as a potential solution to protect against quantum computing threats. Regulatory bodies in the EU and Canada are assessing the potential impacts of quantum computing on various sectors, underlining the need for quantum-resistant algorithms to safeguard data against the threat of quantum computers.

Quantum computing presents both opportunities and challenges for the modern enterprise. It is expected to help solve complex problems but also poses a risk to traditional cryptographic systems. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has selected four quantum-resistant algorithms for standardization, three of which were contributed by IBM researchers and partners. Organizations are advised to create a quantum readiness roadmap for transitioning to these standards. Becoming quantum-safe involves three critical steps: discovering, observing, and transforming the cryptography infrastructure.

Large Language Models (LLM) are redefining cybersecurity operations. The cybersecurity workforce is expected to grow, reaching its highest number ever with 5.5 million people in cybersecurity jobs. However, cybersecurity teams should be aware of the hidden risks associated with them. The year 2023 had unexpected twists in cybersecurity, driving organizations to plan their security strategies for 2024 and beyond. As quantum computing continues to evolve, its clear that the cybersecurity landscape must adapt to meet the challenges of this new era.

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Quantum Computing: An Emerging Threat to Cybersecurity - Medriva

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Childrenwhocode| Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Computing: A Kid’s Guide – Medium

Have you ever wondered about the future of computers? Imagine a world where computers are like super wizards, solving puzzles and mysteries faster than ever before.

Thats what quantum computing is all about! Its a fascinating journey into a world where computers work in ways that are almost like magic. Lets dive into this adventure and discover what makes quantum computers so special and so cool.

Whats So Special About Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers dont use regular bits like the computer at your home; they use something called qubits. Imagine a coin that can spin and land both heads and tails at the same time. Thats kind of like a qubit! This makes the computer really smart and fast.

Quantum Entanglement: Super Teamwork!

In quantum computing, theres this awesome thing called entanglement. Its as if you had a pair of magic walkie-talkies; whatever you say into one, the other one hears instantly, even if its really far away. This helps quantum computers solve problems super quickly.

Quantum Gates: The Computers Magic Spells

Quantum gates in these computers are like magic spells. They give special instructions to qubits, telling them how to work together to find answers. Its like having a secret code that can unlock any door!

Amazing Quantum Algorithms: Super Formulas!

Quantum computers use really smart formulas called algorithms. These algorithms can do things like protect the internet so your information is safe and find stuff really quickly, much quicker than your computer at home or school.

Quantum Computers Today: Theyre Like Science Fiction!

Right now, big companies are making the first quantum computers. They have to keep them very cold, colder than the North Pole, so they work right. Its like having a piece of space right here on Earth!

Quantum Supremacy: A Big Win!

In 2019, Googles quantum computer did something nobody had ever seen before. It solved a problem faster than the biggest and fastest regular computer. Thats like being able to fly when everyone else is walking!

Challenges for Quantum Computers: Getting Better Every Day

Quantum computers are still learning to be the best they can be. They need to learn how to work without making mistakes, and how to work in warmer places, not just super cold ones. Scientists are working really hard to teach them these things.


Quantum computing is a really exciting adventure. Its like a new world where computers can do things we never thought possible.

Its still growing and getting better, and one day, it might help us do amazing things like curing sicknesses or making our planet cleaner. Its not just something for tomorrow; its happening right now, and its super cool!

A Fun Question for You!

If you had your own quantum computer, what big problem would you want to solve with it? Would you want it to help make the world cleaner, or maybe find new planets? Share your awesome ideas with us, we cant wait to hear them!

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Childrenwhocode| Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Computing: A Kid's Guide - Medium

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It will take some time before quantum computing becomes useful. – Medium

quantum computing becomes the need for next-generation

The public has quickly come to understand over the past four or five years that the exquisite and detailed golden chandeliers, which resemble upside-down, skeletal, multi-tiered metal wedding cakes, are popular and approximate representations of quantum computers. These chandeliers are frequently seen in TV shows and films, frequently in the settings of mad scientist labs or megalomaniacal villain lairs.

But in a real quantum computer, the main component is a cooler called a dilution refrigerator, which combines helium-3 and helium-4 to keep the processors temperature at 0.015 degrees Kelvin, which is quite cold that is, -273.135C or -459.643F. The quantum processor itself is located at the bottom of the chandelier.

Because quantum computers store information in quantum bits or qubits, very low temperatures are required. They comprise a particle, such as an electron, that can exist in two states. When the particle is in superposition, quantum computers, and quantum algorithms can exploit the combined potential energy of the two states.

However, qubits are extremely brittle and cannot be controlled or handled at normal temperatures. Qubits are extremely sensitive and easily disturbed even at very low temperatures. Examples of noise that can disturb them include temperature fluctuations, variations in the earths magnetic field, electromagnetic interference from devices like mobile phones and Wi-Fi terminals, microscopic flaws in quantum gates, and other vibrations or acoustic interferences like the sound of a subway train rumbling or taxis rattling. The quantum state will decohere in response to any of these (and other) circumstances, which will either utterly randomize the data and make it meaningless or wipe it entirely.

Even a small amount of noise can cause decoherence and the qubits to lose their remarkable properties of superposition and entanglement. This long-term problem of noise in a quantum computing environment is making progress toward developing large-scale, fault-tolerant, robust quantum machines more difficult.

Until a quantum system is measured, superposition refers to its capacity to exist in several states simultaneously: It permits several states or locations for quantum things to exist concurrently. This implies that a single thing can exist in two states simultaneously. The essential method of storing data in quantum computers is for particles to be in superposition.

When two or more quantum particles are linked together, even if they are separated by vast, galaxy-spanning distances, any change in one will cause a simultaneous change in the other. This phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement. Quantum computers can do several computations at once because of entanglement, which greatly boosts their processing capacity and accelerates them well beyond the capabilities of even the largest, most sophisticated, and most potent conventional supercomputers.

Thus, the pursuit of a solution or a suite of solutions to reduce noise is proceeding at a rapid speed. Several avenues are being explored, such as physically isolating qubits and creating ever-more-accurate control methods. It has become apparent that, like several other aspects of life, creating fault-tolerant, noise-immune quantum computers by human effort would require some walking before it can be considered a run. Currently, we are in the era of noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices and it appears highly improbable that we will be able totally to tackle the noise problem using the devices and methods of today. It appears that everyone agrees that NISQ devices performance will increase gradually, although significant technical breakthroughs will be required before quantum

Quantum error suppression, error mitigation, and error rectification are some of the methods.

Although there are clear challenges in the process of creating and manufacturing quantum computers, it is thought that these obstacles can and will be solved. Thats why companies including the likes of Google, IBM, Intel, and Microsoft, having already spent billions of dollars on the technology, are ramping up their R&D investments in the sector, even as specialist startups developing solutions based on a combination of hardware and software for the prevention or mitigation of quantum errors are beginning to emerge.

Everybody involved is aiming to bring about the quantum utility era, in which solving issues needing a lot of processing power would naturally, practically, and economically make use of quantum devices rather than conventional computers. Various methods are being used as part of it. Because quantum computing will enable services to be accessible from anywhere in the globe, several businesses are attempting to integrate it into the cloud. It has indeed already occurred on an experimental scale. On May 4, 2016, about eight years ago, the first five-qubit cloud-access quantum computer in history went online. Within the first week of its launch, 7,000 research scientists signed up for access to the facilities, demonstrating its immediate popularity.

Three primary kinds of solutions have evolved as more has been discovered about the peculiar properties of quantum computing and the numerous challenges associated with managing a computational process based on quantum waves. The first is error suppression, which continuously analyzes whats happening in the quantum circuitry and qubits using the well-known characteristics of classical software and machine-learning algorithms. It then reconfigures the process design to make sure that the information stored in the qubits is better protected.

Error mitigation, the second method, is grounded in the fact that not all noise-induced errors lead to decoherence and, thus, program failure in quantum computing. An analog of echo-cancellation in telecom networks, or a kind of anti-noise filter to limit the propagation of errors, both during the computational process itself and in the final output, may be able to be loaded into a quantum system. However, such a computation will stray into paths that lead nowhere. Such a solution is incomplete since it just estimates noise rather than recognizing every detail of an occurrence, and it is more expensive because it requires running an algorithm several times for it to function.

Utilizing quantum error correction (QEC) is the third option. To minimize and rectify noise, information is encoded into several qubits in this instance. It functions, but to safeguard and manage a single logical qubit, the system has to transport a supercargo of many physical qubits. The ratio of these is often stated as one logical qubit for every 1,000 physical qubits (a very large and expensive overhead), however, some developers have lately said that under certain conditions, the ratios can be as low as 13:1 or even as low as 100:1. That could or might not be practical or profitable, but regardless of the ratio, QEC is costly and exceedingly challenging to operate.

More potent algorithms are also being developed in the meantime; the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA) has shown to be more noise-resistant and applicable in todays constrained and imperfect quantum devices.

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It will take some time before quantum computing becomes useful. - Medium

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Heriot-Watt Scientists Compute With Light Inside Hair-Thin Optical Fibre – AZoQuantum

Scientists at Heriot-Watt University have found a powerful new way to programme optical circuits that are critical to the delivery of future technologies such as unhackable communications networks and ultrafast quantum computers.

Light can carry a lot of information, and optical circuits that compute with light instead of electricity are seen as the next big leap in computing technology, explainsProfessor Mehul Malik, an experimental physicist and Professor of Physics at Heriot-WattsSchool of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

But as optical circuits get bigger and more complex, theyre harder to control and make and this can affect their performance. Our research shows an alternative and more versatile way of engineering optical circuits, using a process that occurs naturally in nature.

Professor Malik and his team conducted their research using commercial optical fibers that are widely used around the world to transport the internet to our homes and businesses. These fibers are thinner than the width of a human hair and use light to carry data.

By harnessing the natural scattering behaviour of light inside anoptical fiber, they found they could programme optical circuits inside the fiber in highly precise ways.

Theresearch is published todayin the prestigious scientific journalNature Physics.

When light enters an optical fiber, it gets scattered and mixed in complex ways, Professor Malik explains. By learning this complex process and precisely shaping the light that enters the optical fiber, weve found a way to carefully engineer a circuit for light inside this disorder.

Optical circuits are critical to the development of future quantum technologies which are engineered on a microscopic level by working with individual atoms or photons particles of light. These technologies include powerful quantum computers with immense processing power and quantum communications networks which cant be hacked.

Optical circuits are needed at the end of quantum communications networks, for example, so the information can be measured after its travelled long distances, Professor Malik explains. They are also a key part of a quantum computer, where they are used for performing complex calculations with particles of light.

Quantum computers are expected to unlock big advances in areas including drug development, climate prediction and space exploration. Machine learning artificial intelligence is another area where optical circuits are used to process vast volumes of data very quickly.

Professor Malik said the power of light was in its multiple dimensions.

We can encode a lot of information on a single particle of light, he explained. On its spatial structure, on its temporal structure, on its colour. And if you can compute with all of those properties at once, that unlocks a massive amount of processing power.

The researchers also showed how their programmable optical circuits can be used to manipulate quantum entanglement, a phenomenon when two or more quantum particles such as photons of light remain connected even when theyre separated by vast distances. Entanglement plays an important role in many quantum technologies, such as correcting errors inside a quantum computer and enabling the most secure types of quantum encryption.

Professor Malik and his research team in theBeyond Binary Quantum Information Labat Heriot-Watt University conducted the research with partner academics from institutions including Lund University in Sweden, Sapienza University of Rome in Italy and the University of Twente in The Netherlands.

The research was funded by QuantERA, a leading European network of 39 public Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) from 31 countries; the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) Austrias national funding agency for industrial research and development and the European Research Council (ERC) the European Unions funding organisation for frontier research.


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Heriot-Watt Scientists Compute With Light Inside Hair-Thin Optical Fibre - AZoQuantum

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The Quantum Threat to Digital Security | Importance of Quantum-Proof Codes – Medriva

The Quantum Threat to Digital Security

Quantum computing, once a theoretical concept, is rapidly becoming a reality. With this progression comes a significant threat to our digital security infrastructure. Traditional encryption methods, which have been the bedrock of cybersecurity for decades, are vulnerable to quantum attacks. As quantum computers gain in power and sophistication, they pose a risk to the current encryption methods, making the need for quantum-proof codes and post-quantum cryptography inevitable.

The Y2Q clock, or years to quantum, is a metaphorical countdown to a time when quantum computers will have the ability to crack modern cryptography. This would render current public-key cryptography useless, potentially exposing sensitive information and disrupting digital security globally. The development of quantum-proof codes and post-quantum cryptography is a race against time, a race to secure our digital future before the Y2Q clock runs out.

To address this imminent threat, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a public contest for post-quantum or quantum-resistant cryptography. The goal was to accelerate the development of new encryption techniques that could withstand quantum attacks. This urgency is further underscored by the passage of the Quantum Computer Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, which mandates government agencies to create a plan for transitioning to these new algorithms.

After a rigorous analysis, NIST selected CRYSTALS-Kyber as a winner, along with three other winners in the category of digital signatures. These algorithms are designed to be resistant to quantum attacks, providing a blueprint for the future of quantum-proof cryptography. However, these algorithms are based on lattice mathematics, a complex field that has its own potential vulnerabilities. Thus, the development of quantum-proof cryptography remains an ongoing challenge.

The transition to post-quantum cryptography is not a simple switch; it will take many years and require a significant overhaul of our current digital security infrastructure. Until then, messages sent with old cryptography may be readable with a future quantum computer. Thus, the need for quantum-proof codes is not just about preparing for the future; its about securing the digital communications we exchange today.

As we stand on the brink of the quantum revolution, it is clear that the future of cybersecurity lies in our ability to develop and implement quantum-proof codes. While the challenge is significant, so too are the opportunities. By embracing this new frontier, we can ensure the security of our digital world for decades to come.

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The Quantum Threat to Digital Security | Importance of Quantum-Proof Codes - Medriva

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Breaking Down Quantum Computing: Implications for Data Science and AI – KDnuggets

Quantum computing has had a transformative impact on data science and AI, and in this article, we will go far beyond the basics.

We will explore the cutting-edge advancements in quantum algorithms and their potential to solve complex problems, currently unimaginable with current technologies. In addition, we will also look at the challenges that lie ahead for quantum computing and how they can be overcome.

This is a fascinating glimpse into a future where the boundaries of technology are pushed to new frontiers, greatly accelerating AI and data science capabilities.

Quantum computing involves specialized computers that solve mathematical problems and run quantum models that are quantum theory principles. This powerful technology allows data scientists to build models related to complex processes such as molecular formations, photosynthesis, and superconductivity.

Information is processed differently from regular computers, transferring data using qubits (quantum bits) rather than in binary form. Qubits are vital in terms of delivering exponential computational power in quantum computing as they can remain in superposition - we will explain this more in the next section.

Using a wide range of algorithms, quantum computers can measure and observe vast amounts of data. The necessary algorithms will be input by the user and the quantum computer will then create a multidimensional environment that makes sense of the various data points to discover patterns and connections.

To gain a better comprehension of computing, it is important to gain an understanding of four key terms; qubits, superposition, entanglement, and quantum interference.


Qubits, short for quantum bits, are the standard units of information used in quantum computing, similar to how traditional computing uses binary bits. Qubits use a principle known as superposition so that they can be in multiple states at one time. Binary bits can only be 0 or 1, whereas Qubits can be 0 or 1, just a part of 0 or 1, or both 0 and 1.

While binary bits are typically silicon-based microchips, qubits can consist of photons, trapped ions, and atoms or quasiparticles, both real and artificial. Because of this, most quantum computers require extremely sophisticated cooling equipment to work at very cold temperatures.


Superposition refers to quantum particles that are a combination of all possible states, and these particles can change and move while the quantum computer observes and measures them individually. A good analogy to explain superposition is the various moments a coin is in the air when it is tossed.

This allows the quantum computer to assess each particle in many ways to find different outcomes. Instead of traditional, sequential processing, quantum computing can run a huge number of parallel computations at once thanks to superposition.


Quantum particles can correlate with each other in terms of their measurements, creating a network known as entanglement. During this engagement, the measurement of one qubit can be used in calculations that are made by other qubits. As a result, quantum computing can solve extremely complex problems and process vast amounts of data.

Quantum Interference

During superposition, qubits can sometimes experience quantum interference, the likelihood of qubits becoming unusable. Quantum computers have measures in place to try to reduce this interference to ensure the results are as accurate as possible. The more quantum interference, the less accurate any outcomes are.

Quantum machine learning (QML) and quantum artificial intelligence (QAI) are two underappreciated, but fast-growing fields within data science. This is because machine learning algorithms are becoming far too complex for traditional computers and require the capabilities of quantum computing to process them effectively. Eventually, this is expected to lead to major advancements in artificial intelligence.

Quantum computers can effectively be trained in the same way as neural networks, adapting physical control parameters to solve problems, such as the strength of an electromagnetic field or the frequency of laser pulses.

An easy-to-understand use case is an ML model that could be trained to classify content within documents, doing so by encoding the document into the physical state of the device so it can be measured. With quantum computing and AI, data science workflows will be measured in milliseconds, as quantum AI models will be able to process petabytes of data and compare documents semantically, providing the user with actionable insights beyond their wildest imagination.

Major players such as Google, IBM, and Intel have invested heavily in quantum computing but as yet the technology is still not deemed a viable and practical solution at a business level. However, research in the field is accelerating and the technical challenges involved with quantum computing will surely be ironed out with machine learning sooner rather than later.

IBM and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) can be credited with unearthing the experimental research that showed it was possible to combine machine learning and quantum computing back in 2019. In a study, a two-qubit quantum computer was used to demonstrate that quantum computing could boost classification supervised learning using a lab-generated dataset. This has paved the way for further research to outline the full potential of this technological partnership.

In this section, we will provide details of the quantum computing projects launched by Google and IBM, giving an insight into the enormous potential of the technology.

Thanks to this ongoing research and education, quantum computing could power machine learning models that can be applied to various real-world scenarios. For example, in finance, activities such as investing in stocks and using AI signals for options trading will be supercharged by the predictive power of quantum AI. Likewise, the advent of physical quantum computers will spur a revolution in terms of using kernel methods for linear classification of complex data.

There are still significant steps that need to be taken before quantum machine learning can be introduced into the mainstream. Thankfully, tech giants such as Google and IBM are providing open-source software and data science educational resources to allow access to their quantum computing architecture, paving the way for new experts in the field.

By accelerating the adoption of quantum computing, AI and ML are expected to take giant leaps forward, solving problems that traditional computing cannot facilitate. Possibly even global issues such as climate change.

Although this research is still in its very early stages, the potential of the technology is quickly becoming apparent and a new chapter of artificial intelligence is within reach.

Nahla Davies is a software developer and tech writer. Before devoting her work full time to technical writing, she managedamong other intriguing thingsto serve as a lead programmer at an Inc. 5,000 experiential branding organization whose clients include Samsung, Time Warner, Netflix, and Sony.

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Breaking Down Quantum Computing: Implications for Data Science and AI - KDnuggets

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The Quantum Computing Cryptopocalypse Ill Know It When I See It – Security Affairs

The Quantum Computing Cryptopocalypse Ill Know It When I See It

Can quantum computing break cryptography? Sure, it can. Can it do it within a persons lifetime? Yes. In fact, it will likely achieve this sometime within your career. Will it be a cryptopocalypse, as some experts suggest? Possibly. Advances in quantum computing mean that we dont necessarily have to wait for a large quantum computer running at supercooled strengths at sufficient qubits to run Shors algorithm (the best-known algorithm for factoring large numbers). There are newer, more sophisticated techniques on the table, such as combinations of attacks that can do what one brute force thing cant. So, it might not be time to panic, but it certainly is time to recognize that the threats and the benefits of quantum computing are here now, and security professionals need to ensure that they and the organization they work for are fully prepared.

These are just some of the thoughts that Johna Till Johnson, CEO at Nemertes Research, and Bob Burns, Chief Product Security Officer at Thales, shared with me on the latest episode of the Security Sessions podcast. Quantum has been discussed and theorized for years, and like the sudden rise of AI and generative technology that seemed to happen in early 2023, efficient and cost-effective use of quantum computing may also jump to a critical mass, and sooner than expected, despite its long voyage of research and development.

Bob asks, for example, What happens if we find that quantum computing actually can be used as a multistage step to break the factoring that doesnt involve Shors algorithm? What if we make incremental improvements or chain multiple results from a quantum computer thats realizable today? Those are the types of thoughts that keep him up at night. They are a testament to peoples relentless desire for innovation, as well as their abilities to advance by developing techniques, products, and solutions that werent even foreseen when the technology was first introduced.

You can say such things about almost any technology, of course the personal computer, the internet, and the smartphone they all became much more versatile than their inventors ever foresaw. But Johna provides an example of how this evolution in breaking cryptography happened just recently: researchers from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm used recursive training AI combined with side-channel attacks to crack one of NISTs quantum-resistant algorithms. In this case, it measured out-of-band information, specifically temperature changes corresponding to the processing inside the machine.

This has direct and ominous implications on what is known as a Q-Day that point in time when quantum computers can render all current encryption methods meaningless, as PCMagazine succinctly puts it. But as Bob points out, for calculating a Q-Day, I look at all my data, and I take the biggest amount of data that I want to keep the longest amount of time, and I predict how long it might take me to make that transition. But when my Q-Day ends up being, lets say, ten years away, my concern will be that someone forces that up to three of four years.

But both Johna and Bob point out that quantum computing is not all doom and gloom. There are lots of good reasons to deploy quantum computing, and many arent what most people think they are. Basically, Johna says they can solve problems for which the answer isnt the best or the only, but good enough by some consistent definition of good enough, for example, policy hardening. Whether this refers to a technical policy, a cybersecurity policy, or even a geopolitical policy, its helpful to know all the answers. In the latter case, a government might need to identify all the possible things it can do that will not result in war with a particular country. Thats the kind of thing that a classical computer with AI cant answer very well, but a quantum computer can because it effectively computes all the possible scenarios and outcomes at once. Its not great at telling you which of those scenarios is the absolute best, but it can help decision-makers draw a line to say, anything above this line, we dont go to war, and thats good enough.

Essentially, this is about taking on the category of problems that we dont even try to solve right now because theyre too hard; they require a technique of solving all possible scenarios at once and cherry-picking the ones that come above some definition of good enough. And those are all the problems that quantum can solve. Johna concludes, Once you let your imagination go with that, policy hardening is just kind of the tip of the iceberg.

About the author: Steve Prentice

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The Quantum Computing Cryptopocalypse Ill Know It When I See It - Security Affairs

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Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP Sitting at High-Risk Profit Levels, Warns Crypto Analytics Firm Santiment – The Daily Hodl

Crypto analytics firm Santiment says that three of the largest crypto networks by market cap now have more than 80% of their existing supplies in profit.

The Total Supply in Profit metric measures what percentage of coins are currently in profit compared to the last time they moved, and sometimes correlates with price trends.

According to Santiment, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and XRP have 83%, 84% and 81% of their supplies in profit, surpassing their average that range between 55% and 75% and placing these coins in high-risk profit territory.

Santiment says the assets last hit this level in March 2022.

Bitcoin (83%), Ethereum (84%), and XRP Ledger (81%) have their respective supplies in historically high risk profit levels compared to their averages that hover in the 55%-75% range dating back to 2018.

Santiment says cryptocurrency prices can still go up because of positive developments in the industry, including the approval of a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the US, but the firm says a lower percentage of the supplies in profit would be a bullish indicator for the crypto assets.

Crypto can absolutely still climb due to more exposure from ETFs and other positive news. But ideally, a great signal to watch that would imply continued long-term growth would be a breach below 75% of their supplies in profit once again.

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Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP Sitting at High-Risk Profit Levels, Warns Crypto Analytics Firm Santiment - The Daily Hodl

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Ethereum Staking hits new high: over 29 million ETH locked, worth $71 billion – Medium

Ethereum Staking hits new high: over 29 million ETH locked, worth $71 billion

Ethereum 2.0's introduction of staking has transformed the network, offering users an avenue to actively contribute to its security while earning rewards. Stakers commit ETH as collateral, receiving incentives for validating transactions and supporting the blockchain's integrity.

This milestone underscores the community's belief in Ethereum's long-term potential. With $71 billion at stake, participants not only contribute to network stability but also position themselves to benefit from potential asset appreciation.

As Ethereum solidifies its role in decentralized finance, staking becomes a cornerstone of the broader DeFi landscape. However, participants should stay informed about associated risks, such as market volatility and protocol changes.

In conclusion, Ethereum's record-breaking 29 million ETH staked, valued at $71 billion, marks a pivotal moment. Staking is not only shaping the network's future but also providing participants with a compelling way to engage actively and reap rewards.

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Ethereum Staking hits new high: over 29 million ETH locked, worth $71 billion - Medium

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Ethereum looks to end 18-month losing streak vs. Bitcoin – Cointelegraph

Bitcoin (BTC) stayed near monthly lows into the Jan. 20 Wall Street open as Ether (ETH) faced key resistance.

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView tracked ongoing BTC price weakness after a trip to $40,600 overnight.

This marked Bitcoins lowest levels since Dec. 18 amid an atmosphere of nerves as bulls repeatedly failed to reclaim lost ground.

Analyzing the status quo, Michal van de Poppe, founder and CEO of MN Trading, joined a popular narrative calling for a BTC price floor in the mid-$30,000 zone.

Perhaps were there already for Bitcoin, but it seems likely that well test lower before we can have a reversal back up, he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Popular trader and analyst Rekt Capital continued the theory, arguing that Bitcoin was now fulfilling classic moves normally seen before block subsidy halvings. As Cointelegraph reported, this calls for a retreat over the coming month before the halving eventin April.

Meanwhile, salesalso spiked during the latest dip, with a giant batch of 59,000 BTC moving on-chain for the first time in the last three to six months.

As noted by popular social media commentator Ali on X, these coins had an average acquisition cost of $26,000, resulting in a realized profit of nearly $900 million.

Previously,research also attributed the comedown from $49,000 last week to whale selling.

Turning to altcoins, it was ETH/BTC on the radar as the pair faced a long-term downward trendline.

Related:Bitcoin daily RSI hits 4-month lows, with BTC price still up 70%

Having made swift advances against Bitcoin since last week, Ether passed 0.06 BTC before consolidating near that level, its highest since April 2022.

This consolidation is occurring at a resistance trendline, above the 200-day moving average cloud, Caleb Franzen, senior analyst at Cubic Analytics, wrote in part of his latest X analysis.

An accompanying chart showed the trendline in place as resistance since September 2022.

Referencing other data, Franzen earlier this week predicted that ETH/USD would continue to beat BTC/USD going forward.

This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.

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Ethereum looks to end 18-month losing streak vs. Bitcoin - Cointelegraph

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