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Google Deepmind AI makes breakthrough in one of hardest tests for artificial intelligence – Medium

Unraveling the mystery of artificial intelligence, Googles Deepmind AI achieves a groundbreaking success in one of the toughest AI tests. Dive into the journey of machines conquering intelligence challenges like never before!

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, Googles Deepmind has carved its path as a trailblazer. Today, we unveil a riveting tale of triumph as the enigmatic Deepmind AI conquers one of the most daunting tests for artificial intelligence. This breakthrough is not just a leap for machines; its a quantum leap for the entire field of AI, pushing the boundaries of what we once thought was possible.

Navigating through the complex labyrinth of artificial intelligence, Googles Deepmind faced a colossal challenge. Imagine a test that demands not just raw computational power but an intricate understanding of nuanced human intelligence. This was the gauntlet thrown, and Deepmind accepted it with vigor, showcasing its prowess in deciphering complexities that were once deemed insurmountable.

In a dazzling display of intellect, Googles Deepmind AI has cracked one of the hardest tests for artificial intelligence. Lets unravel the layers of this breakthrough and understand how its sending shockwaves through the AI community.

The test in question was no ordinary quiz; it was a mind-bending odyssey, designed to push the limits of AI cognition. Deepmind was tasked with navigating intricate mazes of logic, solving abstract problems that mirrored the complexities of human thought processes.

What sets this breakthrough apart is Deepminds ability to add a pinch of humanity to its calculations. It wasnt just about crunching numbers; it was about interpreting context, understanding emotions, and making decisions that resonated with a human touch. This achievement has ignited conversations about the imminent fusion of artificial and emotional intelligence.

The journey from challenge to triumph was no cakewalk for Deepmind. It required an amalgamation of cutting-edge technology, adaptive learning algorithms, and an intuitive understanding of human behavior. Heres how Googles AI juggernaut cracked the code:

Deepmind didnt just follow a static set of rules. Instead, it adapted and evolved, learning from every interaction and refining its algorithms on the fly. This dynamic brainpower allowed the AI to tackle challenges that demanded more than just pre-programmed responses.

What set Deepmind apart was its ability to grasp the subtleties of context. It didnt just process information; it understood the nuances, the shades of meaning, and the emotional undertones that often escape the binary world of traditional AI.

Deepmind embraced the quintessentially human approach of trial and error. It wasnt afraid to make mistakes; in fact, it learned from them. This iterative learning process mimicked the way humans evolve their understanding through experience.

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A: Unlike traditional tests that focus on raw computational power, this test delved into the intricacies of human-like cognition. It required the AI to navigate complex scenarios, understand context, and make decisions with an emotional resonance.

A: Deepmind goes beyond static programming; it learns and adapts dynamically. Its contextual understanding and embrace of trial and error mirror human thought processes, setting it apart from conventional AI.

A: This breakthrough opens the door to a new era where AI not only solves problems but understands them in a more human-like way. It sparks discussions about the integration of emotional intelligence into artificial systems.

The reverberations of Google Deepminds triumph extend far beyond the confines of a research lab. This breakthrough sends a resounding message across industries and academia, triggering a paradigm shift in how we perceive the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

Industries ranging from healthcare to finance are poised to benefit from this newfound intelligence. Imagine medical diagnoses powered by an AI that not only processes data but also understands the emotional context of patients. The financial sector could see a revolution in risk assessment with AI models that learn and adapt in real-time.

As AI becomes more human-like, ethical considerations come to the forefront. How do we ensure responsible AI use? What safeguards are in place to prevent misuse? These questions demand urgent attention as we navigate the uncharted waters of an increasingly intelligent artificial landscape.

Google Deepminds triumph in one of the hardest tests for artificial intelligence is not just a victory for a tech giant; its a triumph for the entire field of AI. As machines evolve to understand and mimic human cognition, we stand at the brink of a future where artificial intelligence is not just a tool but a companion in navigating the complexities of our world.

The breakthrough sparks excitement, raises questions, and paves the way for a future where the line between artificial and human intelligence becomes increasingly blurred. As we applaud Deepminds victory, we also ponder the responsibilities that come with wielding such transformative power. The journey has just begun, and the future promises a tapestry where machines and humanity intertwine in ways we could have only imagined. Google Deepminds breakthrough is not just a testament to technological prowess; its a beacon illuminating the path ahead in the boundless landscape of artificial intelligence.

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Google Deepmind AI makes breakthrough in one of hardest tests for artificial intelligence - Medium

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Deepmind Builds AI System To Solve Complex Geometry Problems – The Tech Report

Google Deepmind has announced a major breakthrough, claiming to have developed a new AI system capable of solving complex geometrical problems. Published on January 17, the research marks a significant development in the improvement of AI systems.

While artificial intelligence has made waves with its ability to solve difficult mathematical problems, geometry continued to pose a challenge. AI systems are known to struggle with the mathematical reasoning required to solve geometry problems.

However, this might now change, with Google Deepminds new AI system solving geometry proofs used to test high-school students at the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Despite being one of the oldest branches of mathematics, geometry has constantly proven difficult for AI systems to work with. This is primarily due to a lack of training data, which would be necessary for the systems to be able to solve challenging logical problems.

AI systems are typically trained using machine learning. This involves engineers providing them with the necessary data on how to complete a task successfully, following which the systems can learn to solve similar problems.

The challenge, however, lies in the limited number of human demonstrations that are available for proving geometry theorems.

To get around the issue, Google Deepmind researchers took up a new, hybrid approach to build AlphaGeometry, the new AI system. The system comprises two key components a neural network and a symbolic AI engine.

The former is an AI-based loosely on the human brain and has played a pivotal role in recent major technological advances.

The symbolic AI engine, on the other hand, uses a series of human-coded rules to represent data as symbols and then reason by manipulating the symbols.

Before deep learning based on neural networks gained popularity and saw significant advancements during the mid-2000s, symbolic AI had been a popular approach for decades.

Gold medalists at the Olympiad have solved 25.9 problems on average, and AlphaGeometry isnt too far behind.

In this case, the researchers synthetically generated 100 million examples of geometry problems. These were similar, but not identical to the problems used in the International Mathematics Olympiad a test where the top-performing students have to solve complex theorems.

The synthesized theorems, along with their proofs, were then used to train the neural network that powers AlphaGeometry. This, along with the systems ability to search through branching points, enabled it to solve complex geometry problems even in the absence of any human input.

Putting AlphaGeometrys capabilities to the test, researchers then had it try to solve 30 problems from the Olympiad.

The AI system successfully solved 25 of these problems a huge improvement compared to past attempts.

For comparison, the previous best method only allowed an AI system to solve 10 of the 30 problems.

So far, most of the excitement surrounding AI has been focused on ChatGPT and other similar large language models.

Deepmind, on the other hand, focused on more practical applications for artificial intelligence, such as breakthroughs in different areas of mathematics and recent developments in weather forecasting.

The new system not only solved the theorems by providing proofs in a way that was understandable by humans but even came up with a new version of one of the theorems.

Considering previous failures in solving complex geometrical problems using AI, this is undoubtedly a major development. The success of the approach adopted also indicates that in domains where theres a lack of training data for deep learning, synthetic data is a viable solution.

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Deepmind Builds AI System To Solve Complex Geometry Problems - The Tech Report

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DeepMind claims geometry breakthrough with ‘Olympiad-level AI’ –

DeepMind said its AlphaGeometry AI model was able to solve complex geometry problems at a level comparable to an Olympiad gold-medalist, showcasing the ability of AI models to use reasoning skills when solving problems.

Google-owned DeepMind has shared details about its latest AI model that is pushing the boundaries of machine-based reasoning in mathematics.

The company said its AlphaGeometry AI system can solve complex geometry problems at a level approaching a human gold-medalist of the International Mathematical Olympiad, a modern-day arena for the worlds brightest high-school mathematicians.

In a study published in the scientific journal Nature, DeepMind put its AI model through a benchmarking test where it attempted to solve 30 Olympiad geometry problems. The company claims that AlphaGeometry managed to solve 25 within the standard Olympian time limit.

For comparison, the previous state-of-the-art system solved 10 of these geometry problems, and the average human gold medalist solved 25.9 problems, DeepMind said in a blogpost.

DeepMind said AI systems usually struggle with complex problems in geometry and mathematics due to a lack of reasoning skills and training data. The company claims AlphaGeometry combines a neural language model with a rule-bound deduction engine to find solutions to complex geometry problems.

By developing a method to generate a vast pool of synthetic training data 100m unique examples we can train AlphaGeometry without any human demonstrations, sidestepping the data bottleneck, DeepMind said.

The company said the score its AI model achieved demonstrates the growing ability for AI to reason logically and to discover and verify new knowledge.

Solving Olympiad-level geometry problems is an important milestone in developing deep mathematical reasoning on the path towards more advanced and general AI systems, DeepMind said.

We are open-sourcing the AlphaGeometry code and model, and hope that together with other tools and approaches in synthetic data generation and training, it helps open up new possibilities across mathematics, science and AI.

Last month, DeepMind claimed one of its AI models FunSearch found a new answer for an unsolved mathematical problem. The company said this AI model has an automated evaluator to prevent hallucinations, allowing the model to find the best answers for advanced problems.

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DeepMind claims geometry breakthrough with 'Olympiad-level AI' -

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DeepMind’s AlphaMath: AI System Competes at the International Mathematical Olympiad Level – Medriva

Artificial intelligence (AI) is continuously evolving, and Googles DeepMind is leading the way in this domain. Recently, Googles DeepMind has developed an AI system that performs at the level of a gold medalist in the International Mathematical Olympiad. This trailblazing achievement underscores the AIs advanced mathematical reasoning and problem-solving capabilities.

DeepMinds AlphaMath, as the AI system is known, has been trained to solve complex mathematical problems. These are not your everyday math problems, but the ones that are part of the International Mathematical Olympiad a prestigious competition that tests the mathematical prowess of high school students from around the world. The fact that an AI system can compete at this level speaks volumes about its capabilities.

Reports suggest that the AI system has been entered into the upcoming International Mathematical Olympiad, marking a significant milestone at the intersection of AI and mathematics. This is not only an achievement for the team at Google DeepMind but also a testament to the potential of AI in solving intricate mathematical problems.

The development and success of AlphaMath have far-reaching implications for the field of artificial intelligence and its applications in mathematics. As AI continues to advance, it is increasingly being used to solve complex problems across various fields. The success of AlphaMath in solving challenging mathematical problems provides a glimpse into the future of AI and its potential uses in mathematics.

With AI systems like AlphaMath, there is the potential to revolutionize the way mathematical problems are approached and solved. This can have significant implications for fields where complex mathematical problem-solving is crucial, such as physics, engineering, cryptography, and more. The possibilities are endless, and we are just scratching the surface.

While the achievement of AlphaMath is impressive, it is just the beginning. The AIs ability to solve complex mathematical problems opens up new avenues for research and application. AI systems like AlphaMath could potentially assist mathematicians in solving complex problems and making new discoveries in the field.

Furthermore, with the rapid advancement of AI, there is the potential for AI systems to solve even more complex problems in the future. This could lead to significant breakthroughs in various fields that rely on advanced mathematical problem-solving.

In conclusion, the development of Google DeepMinds AI system, AlphaMath, marks a significant milestone in the intersection of AI and mathematics. As AI continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more impressive feats in mathematical problem-solving and other fields.

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DeepMind's AlphaMath: AI System Competes at the International Mathematical Olympiad Level - Medriva

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What next for AI revolution? Inside Google DeepMind, the world’s biggest AI company – Evening Standard

Despite operating at the cutting edge of AI research, hes fairly conservative about his estimates for when well reach the holy grail of artificial general intelligence (AGI) (basically meaning that an algorithm can operate with the same level of mental dexterity as a human). A number of problems remain, he says. Not only in matching the competencies of human reasoning, but also, even when you have this powerful tool, how do you align it effectively, verifiably and safely with what society and what individuals users want out of it? Its the meeting the messy world element: researchers like Bloxwich are still grappling with how to create effective tests for these algorithms and unleashing them, Kohli argues, is a number of scientific steps beyond that. To give an example, if you have an AI system which might be used for healthcare, right? How do you make it interpretable? And who should be able to interpret it's reasoning? Is it the doctors, is it the designers or is it the patients? And there are different forms of interpretability what might be obvious to a clinician, or a machine learning person, might not be obvious to a patient. Making sure that these systems are deployed safely in the real world is a whole research problem in its own right.

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What next for AI revolution? Inside Google DeepMind, the world's biggest AI company - Evening Standard

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"AlphaGeometry: DeepMind’s Breakthrough in Complex Geometry Problem Solving" – Geeks World Wide

DeepMinds AI system, AlphaGeometry, has achieved impressive results in solving complex geometry problems, matching the performance of human Olympiad gold medalists. The system combines a neural language model with a rule-bound deduction engine to find solutions to challenging geometry theorems. By generating a large dataset of random diagrams and relationships between points and lines, AlphaGeometry has demonstrated breakthrough mathematical reasoning abilities.

AlphaGeometry, an AI system developed by DeepMind, has achieved remarkable results in solving complex geometry problems. In a recent paper published in Nature, DeepMind revealed that AlphaGeometry was able to solve 25 out of 30 benchmark geometry problems from past International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) competitions, closely matching the average score of human gold medalists. This achievement brings AI closer to the level of human mathematicians and is considered a significant step towards advancing artificial general intelligence.

DeepMinds AI system, AlphaGeometry, has demonstrated its ability to solve complex geometry problems, achieving similar results to human Olympiad gold medalists. The combination of a neural language model and a rule-bound deduction engine enables AlphaGeometry to find solutions to challenging geometry theorems. DeepMind sees this breakthrough as a significant step towards advancing artificial general intelligence, as it enhances AIs mathematical reasoning abilities. With further improvements, AlphaGeometry may eventually be capable of passing the entire multi-subject Olympiad and contribute to the development of more generalized AI systems.

Featured image source: Unsplash

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"AlphaGeometry: DeepMind's Breakthrough in Complex Geometry Problem Solving" - Geeks World Wide

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Google DeepMind cofounder says AI can act like an entrepreneur and inventor in the next five years – Business Insider India

Mustafa Suleyman, the cofounder of DeepMind, Google's AI division, says that AI will be able to create and run its own business within the next five years.

During a Thursday panel on AI at the 2024 World Economic Forum, the now-CEO of Inflection AI was asked how long it would take for AI to pass an exam akin to the Turing test. Passing would indicate that the technology has achieved advanced, human-like capabilities that some experts call AGI, or artificial general intelligence.

In response, Suleyman said the modern day version of the Turing test would instead be to evaluate whether an AI was capable of acting like an entrepreneur, mini-project manager, and an inventor that could market, manufacture, and sell a product for profit.

He seems to believe that AI will be able to exhibit those business-savvy capabilities before 2030 and inexpensively.

"I'm pretty sure that within the next five years, certainly before the end of the decade, we are going to have not just those capabilities, but those capabilities widely available for very cheap, potentially even in open source," Suleyman said in Davos, Switzerland. "I think that completely changes the economy."

The AI leader's comments are just one of many predictions Suleyman has made about the societal impact of AI as tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT take the world by storm.

Earlier this week, Suleyman told CNBC at Davos that AI is a "fundamentally labor-replacing" tool in the long term.

In a separate interview with CNBC last September, he predicted that everyone in the next five years will have AI assistants that will boost productivity and "intimately know your personal information."

"It will be able to reason over your day, help you prioritize your time, help you invent, be much more creative," Suleyman told CNBC.

Still, he said during the 2024 Davos panel that the term "intelligence" when referring to AI is still a "pretty unclear, hazy concept." He claims the term is a "distraction."

Instead, he believes that researchers should focus on AI's real-life capabilities, such as whether an AI agent can talk to humans and plan, schedule, and organize.

People should step back from the "engineering research-led exciting definition that we've used for 20 years to excite the field" and "actually now focus on what these things can do," Suleyman said.

Suleyman didn't immediately respond to BI's request for further comment via Inflection AI.

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Google DeepMind cofounder says AI can act like an entrepreneur and inventor in the next five years - Business Insider India

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This Dropbox alternative is now as low as $150 for life – Mashable

TL;DR: As of Jan. 21, you can sign up for a lifetime subscription to Internxt cloud storage with 2TB for $149.50 (reg. $599), 5TB for $249.50 (reg. $1,099) or 10TB for $499.50 (reg. $1,599). That's up to 77% in savings.

Following the trend of subscription-based services, lifetime offers shine as an antidote. They take us back to the way things should be, where you only have to pay once to keep a product for life.

Internxt is an outstanding contender for cloud-based storage, offering several tiers of lifetime plans to fit your needs: 2TB at $149.50 (reg. $599), 5TB at $249.50 (reg. $1,099), or 10TB at $499.50 (reg. $1,599).

The platform offers multiple unique layers of security. For one, each photo, video, or document is end-to-end encrypted, meaning only those with explicit permission (like yourself or anyone you share with) can access your files.

Additionally, Internxts code is completely open source, which means anyone can review, audit, and verify there are no hidden functions or vulnerabilities in place. They really show that they have nothing to hide. Well, except for your privacy.

That depends entirely on your needs. Those who are just looking to back up their photos and videos may opt for the 2TB, while anyone who wants to upload their entire digital life might grab the 10TB plan. Here are some approximations of what each plan could store:

2TB: 400,000 pictures, 2,000 video hours, or 2 million MS files.

5TB: 1 million pictures, 5,000 hours of video, or 5 million MS files.

10TB: 2 million pictures, 10,000 hours of video, or 10 million MS files.

With desktop and mobile apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS, plus a browser-based app, youll be able to upload and access files from anywhere.

Mashable Deals

Grab these prices while they last:

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Originally posted here:
This Dropbox alternative is now as low as $150 for life - Mashable

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Best NAS Deals: Save Big on Up to 54TB of Network Storage – CNET

While it's true that cloud storage servicescan offer high-capacity storage, it's also unfortunately true that they can be expensive and slow. That means that something a little more local is a way better idea in some instances. Depending on your budget and needs, you can go for a quick plug-and-play option or a more involved NAS that lets you pick your own storage. Either way, a NAS can often be the best solution for quick, easy and cost-effective storage.

A NAS drive essentially functions as a self-contained cloud, with one or more high-capacity storage drives that anyone on the network can access. While they can be costly up front, they're one of the more efficient ways to keep your organization's data assembled, secure and accessible. Plus, you can often find models on sale for hundreds less than their list prices. We've rounded up some of the best NAS drive deals out there at the moment, and we'll continue to update this page as offers come and go, so be sure to check back often.

With 4TB of storage, this WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra is great for both individuals with serious storage needs, and for smaller businesses looking for a budget-friendly pick. With 1GB of DDR3 memory, it boasts impressive data transfer speeds and the built-in USB 3.0 ports allow you to transfer photos or videos from a camera or flash drive with the touch of a button. It's also compatible with Apple Time Machine so you can back up your files, and with 256 AES volume encryption, you can be confident that your data is safe from prying eyes.

Read our WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra preview.

With 16TB of storage, this two-bay Buffalo TeraStation is a solid midrange drive for both personal and professional use. It supports impressive transfer speeds with a 2.5GbE port, and protects your data with 256-bit drive encryption. Plus, it's compatible with Amazon S3, Dropbox, Azure and OneDrive so you can create a hybrid cloud and sync your data across multiple services.

This WD drive is primarily designed for home use and personal storage but still boasts a substantial 20TB storage capacity. It plugs directly into your home Wi-Fi router and allows you to access your data from anywhere with an internet connection using the companion My Cloud Home apps. The drive's Mirror Mode keeps your data secure by automatically duplicating any files stored on one drive and backing it up on the other.

If you need something with a bit more capacity and features, the WD Expert Series can hold up to four hard drives and SSDs and comes with two Ethernet ports for redundancy. Even better, this deal includes four 4TB WD REDs to get you going, so it's a good option if this is your first NAS. It comes with a 1.6 GHz Marvell Armada 388 Dual-Core processor and 2GB RAM, so about what you'd expect for a NAS at this price point.

This deal is on the same NAS as the previous WD Cloud Expert, except it comes preloaded with four 14TB HDDs, giving you 56TB of total space. So why would you pick this over the other? Well, it might be cheaper to go for the 24TB deal and buy four 14TB HDDs later, but if you'd rather skip straight to the highest capacity, then go with this deal. Just note that this NAS drive requires a special order and will take between two and four weeks to ship.

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Best NAS Deals: Save Big on Up to 54TB of Network Storage - CNET

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Googles data egress offer no such thing as a free migration? –

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has announced it will annul data egress charges for customers that say they want to leave the cloud provider.

However, the move is explicitly aimed at customers that will move away from Google. That means there are limits to who might benefit, with concerns over the time period allowed to migrate data off Googles systems.

Having said that, the small print also suggests customers that do not fulfil the headline criteria may be able to take advantage of no egress charges.

We look at what Google is actually offering.

Ordinarily, all outward cloud traffic termed egress in cloud storage is invoiced by quantity of data downloaded, whether back to an on-site location, elsewhere to another application, or to another cloud.

GCPs move now allows it to stand apart from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure by not making such a charge, but only in certain very specific circumstances.

In a notice posted last week, GCP told customers that if they want to quit Google and not have to pay egress fees as they do, they must fill out the Google Cloud Exit form.

Following that, Google will review the request and let them know when they can download their data without charge, being very clear it is in anticipation of terminating [the] Google Cloud agreement. After that, the customer has 60 days to migrate their data.

So, the key stipulation is that to take advantage of the waiving of egress fees, the customer must have declared they want to leave GCP.

To do so, they have to fill in a form under the Google Cloud Exit programme. After that, the Google team responsible will tell the customer when they can initiate the migration, and thats when the 60-day limit applies.

The offer only applies to customers on the Premium Tier Network Service Tier, and Google reserves the right to audit customer movement of data away from Google Cloud to ensure compliance with terms and conditions.

Having said that, the Google FAQ says its team will review cases where customers want to migrate some of their data and dont want to leave Google Cloud.

Google doesnt elaborate on what that means, but for some customers, perhaps it means that if they have the leverage, they might be able to convince Google to waive egress charges under other circumstances.

In waiving egress charges upon customer contract termination, GCP is conforming with a European measure voted in last summer under the framework of the Data Act that obliges cloud suppliers to facilitate data migration, particularly when they are constrained by contractual clauses imposed unilaterally.

This isnt a question of lowering costs for transfer of data out of Google Cloud in the framework of a classic use case, said Franois Denis, cloud consulting director for France-based integrator, Wenvision.

It does, in fact, apply only where the customer has stated that they plan to totally quit Google Cloud, for data hosted under certain services BigQuery, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, Datastore, Filestore, Spanner, and Persistent Disk for customers of premium-level services, and that the offer has successfully passed validation by Google.

Denis said its an offer that looks like it puts Google in the vanguard and AWS and Azure may soon follow suit, but it is likely to benefit very few customers.

A duration of 60 days in the context of an infrastructure of reasonable size is actually quite short, said Denis. And in the context of a project that involves cloud egress, the most important costs arent those involved in leaving the cloud, but rather the actual migration costs themselves, such as technical details, planning, organisational change and building teams for the new environment.

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Googles data egress offer no such thing as a free migration? -

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