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Breaking Barriers in 2024: Next-Gen DPI, AI, and Encrypted Traffic Intelligence to Redefine Network Visibility Featured – The Fast Mode

The anticipation around forthcoming IT and networking trends is high as we enter 2024. There is a lot of talk about Generative AI, sustainable computing and networking, and tightening regulatory landscapes. As bandwidth requirements grow and customer expectations increase, we predict heightened focus on network optimization and personalized QoE. We also expect HD video and immersive content to dominate our digital experiences more than ever. Most important of all, we think 2024 will be the year of next-gen DPI, and heres why:

#1: The rise of big tech and hyperscalers

The top six big tech companies, namely Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Alphabet and Meta are responsible for almost 50% of todays network traffic [1]. These, along with hyperscalers such as Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and AWS herald the era of infinite data, where networks must continuously scale up capacity, security and performance. However, to achieve this, networks need deep traffic visibility. Deep packet inspection (DPI), a cutting-edge traffic detection technology for IP networks, delivers real-time application and threat awareness. ipoque's OEM DPI engine R&SPACE 2 and its VPP-based counterpart R&SvPACE, enable granular detection and classification of applications, protocols and services and support advanced traffic metrics (e.g. application speed, container startup latency and VM data receive and transmit rates). Big tech and hyperscalers can leverage R&SPACE 2 to monitor traditional computing stacks, while R&SvPACE can be used to support VNFs and CNFs such as 5G UPFs, enabling players in this space to optimize workloads and traffic flows, secure applications and infrastructure, and shape content trends.

#2: The AI and machine learning boom

The global market for AI in telecoms is expected to reach USD 38.8 billion by 2031 [2] as operators adopt AI and automation for service improvements and cost reductions. However, increasingly stringent encryption protocols as well as the widespread use of traffic obfuscation and anonymization, challenges AIs efficiency and accuracy by impairing the quality of training data. This subsequently affects the efficacy of AI algorithms in analyzing and predicting network behavior. This is why we think that 2024 will be a big year for next-gen DPI. Next-gen DPI incorporates encrypted traffic intelligence (ETI) which combines ML and DL techniques and advanced caching methods to classify encrypted flows. Next-gen DPI with ETI enables operators to classify traffic, even across emerging encryption protocols and techniques such as TLS 1.3, QUIC and ESNI or when tunneling or when VPN is deployed. With next-gen DPI, operators can execute traffic-aware network management, for example dynamic path selection, intelligent resource allocation for latency-sensitive applications and flexible billing based on individuals resource consumption and QoE requirements.

#3: High-bandwidth mobile services to continue growing

GSMAs annual European Mobile Economy report [3] predicts a surge in demand among 5G subscribers for high-bandwidth services such as high quality gaming, XR and video content, entailing over EUR 198 billion in investments in the region, by year 2030. Most of these emerging applications have begun adopting latest encryption protocols. Again, this calls for next-gen DPI with ETI. With next-gen DPI, operators can gather new and more detailed analyses of encrypted traffic. For example, operators can distinguish on-demand streaming activity from OTT video downloading, and hence optimize routing of video traffic, reducing network costs while keeping tabs on subscriber QoE. Visibility into encrypted video traffic will become even more pertinent as the share of video traffic tops 80% [4] in not so distant future.

#4: Emergence of 5G non-terrestrial network (NTN)

5G experienced rapid rollouts throughout 2023 with around 1.6 billion [5] projected subscriptions worldwide. In 2024, chips compatible with the 3GPPs Release-17, which supports the integration of non-terrestrial network (NTN) technology into the 3GPP's 5G new radio (NR) standard, will become commercially available. This will enable ubiquitous 5G connectivity on standard unmodified smartphones and IoT devices, expanding 5G for rural users and powering various IoT / IIoT use cases in mining, agriculture, logistics, environmental monitoring and disaster response.

The introduction of NTN-NR will need DPI-enabled end-to-end visibility to establish situational and contextual awareness that is needed for seamless handoffs between operator and satellite networks and for applying QoS/QoE policies and improving network adaptability through self-optimizing capabilities. Next-gen DPI will remain indispensable for 5G NTN deployments in identifying underlying applications accurately and reliably to support real-time virtual instances spanning different connectivity technologies and to proactively monitor the performance of each session and application.

#5: Growing appetite for B2B2X offerings

The growing enterprise demand for end-to-end connectivity solutions has fostered operator B2B2X portfolios where players across the value chain - hardware manufacturers, system integrators, security vendors, analytics providers, payment intermediaries - co-create revenues. This however, has its own challenges. Mediating a diverse service portfolio spanning different industries, each characterized by unique customer needs, resource requirements and billing models, requires real-time traffic insights.

Again, next-gen DPI comes into play. Next-gen DPI enables accurate and granular analysis and accounting of operator resources (e.g. bandwidth) and vendor applications, services and hardware (e.g. cloud platform). It also speeds up diagnostics and issue resolution, especially for critical use cases. In smart manufacturing for example, R&SPACE 2, by distinguishing IIoT protocols such as Modbus, Profibus, EtherNet/IP or MQTT, and traffic patterns such as periodicity and low data rates, enable network administrators to prioritize and secure critical machine-to-server communications. Similarly, DPI in fintech can help identify behavioral characteristics such as specific transactional sequences or predictable communication flows between financial servers and clients, before these transactions are routed over low latency, secure pathways.

#6: AI to reimagine network security

In 2024, security vendors will be harnessing the power of AI for threat identification through next-gen DPI. This will help in tackling emerging exploits, for example RDP-related threats, identity-based attacks, spear-phishing and social engineering techniques that largely fly under the radar of traditional security defenses. For instance, last years massive MGM breach saw cybercriminals impersonating as employees and downloading over six terabytes of data from MGMs systems [6]. Next-gen DPI with advanced ML / DL algorithms would have averted the USD 100 million attack by identifying irregularities in application and user behavior. Similarly, in another major breach involving 23andMe [7], attackers used credential stuffing, which could have been detected by DPIs monitoring of unusual locations, devices and patterns of access. Whether it is suspicious traffic from remote C&C centers, or legitimate users accessing malicious domains, 2024 will see next-gen DPI becoming a crucial addition to networks AI-based security artillery.

Data and more data: Why we will always need DPI for network visibility

Complex communication protocols, rise in traffic diversity and the need to keep networks optimized, will all drive the need for real-time traffic visibility, and hence DPI. It is not surprising that the global DPI market will reach USD 6.58 billion by 2028, from just USD 1.32 billion in 2022 [8]. As we usher in 2024, there is no doubt that DPI will continue being at the core of major shifts in the telecom and networking space, delivering unparalleled visibility into every application and service, and keeping players traffic-aware at all times.


[1] What Percentage of Internet Traffic Do Technology Giants Generate?:

[2] AI in Telecommunication Market Research, 2031:

[3] The Mobile Economy Europe 2023 -

[4] Ericsson Mobility Report, November 2023 -

[5] Ericsson Mobility Report, November 2023 -

[6] Casino Giant MGM Expects $100 Million Hit from Hack That Led to Data Breach -

[7] What the 23andMe Data Breach Reveals About Credential Stuffing -

[8] Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Market Size & Trends 2023-2030 -

Originally posted here:
Breaking Barriers in 2024: Next-Gen DPI, AI, and Encrypted Traffic Intelligence to Redefine Network Visibility Featured - The Fast Mode

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Police radio encryption: Rep. LaShawn Ford proposes bill to give accredited media access to real-time police scanners – WLS-TV

CHICAGO (WLS) -- There is a new push to give the media more access to police scanners.

For years, the media could listen to police scanners in real time to keep track of what's going on in Chicago neighborhoods.

However, the City of Chicago recently began encrypting transmissions, putting them on a 30-minute delay.

READ MORE | Chicago officials blocking access to some live radio transmissions with encrypted scanners

In response, State Representative LaShawn Ford has introduced a bill that would require accredited newspapers and FCC licensed broadcasters, like ABC7 Chicago, to have access to real-time scanners.

"The police are not the only people that have to help protect individuals as it relates to public safety," Ford said. "They need partners. It's all hands on deck."

He hopes the bill will be taken up by lawmakers next month.

If passed, the bill would take effect next year.

Read the original post:
Police radio encryption: Rep. LaShawn Ford proposes bill to give accredited media access to real-time police scanners - WLS-TV

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Cyber Intell Solution (CIS) Announces the Issuance of a Patent for Groundbreaking a Proprietary Randomized … – PR Newswire

ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cyber Intell Solution, LLC, a pioneer in software-defined network solutions, announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued patent No 0412583, for their ground breaking encrypted communication platform and related systems and methods, further strengthening the Company's intellectual property position in the cyber technology industry.

CISEN-SDN (Software Defined Network) is a dynamic, flexible solution that supports various network configurations and answers diverse implementation requirements. Agnostic in nature, the SDN networks can be configured as an end-to-end Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) environment or a fusion PQC environment compatible with standard encryption protocols found in most commercially available hardware.

InventorAlexander Purta is recognized for his extensive experience developing, evaluating, and operating innovative cyber technology and encryption protocols to enhance secure digital communication, data exchange, and cyber obfuscation. I am thrilled to be living in an age where every day we have the opportunity to positively impact our society by developing divergent solutions through an indirect and creative approach utilizing innovative cyber technology and encryption protocols, said Alex Purta.


Cyber Intell Solution (CIS) LLC is a cyber security business created by a former member of the UnitedStates Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). CIS offers proprietary hardware and software Cyber Security suite with dynamic, portable commercial off-the-shelf randomized, anonymous solutions for Data-in-Transit, Data-at-Rest, and secure communication to deliver unrivaled protection through multi-dimensional security.

Foundedin2015byAlexanderPurta, CIShasgrownexponentiallyoverthepastfewyears in supportofthe U.S. Military, Department of Defense (DoD), large and small businesses, and humanitarianorganizations worldwide. The issuance of the encrypted network patent represents a noteworthyachievementinthecompany's pursuitofadvancing scientificinnovations.



Ashley Kindig[emailprotected]Source: CyberIntell Solution

SOURCE Cyber Intell Solution

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Cyber Intell Solution (CIS) Announces the Issuance of a Patent for Groundbreaking a Proprietary Randomized ... - PR Newswire

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From Quantum Encryption and AI-Threat Detection to AIOps and Estate Modernisation, Kyndryl A/NZs Practice … – WhaTech Technology and Markets News

As we step into 2024, the technological landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, underscored by escalating cyber threats and a rapid shift towards advanced cloud and AI technologies. Key industry leaders from Kyndryl Australia and New Zealand, including Sandeep Parande, Michael Vincetic, and Justin Ciabotti, share their insights on these emerging trends. Parande highlights the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures like quantum encryption and AI-driven threat detection, emphasizing the importance of cyber resilience. Vincetic discusses the evolving cloud landscape, with a focus on data centre optimisation and the increasing influence of hybrid cloud models. Ciabotti predicts a significant surge in the use of generative AI, underscoring the necessity of robust data strategies to fuel AI advancements. Collectively, these perspectives paint a picture of a year marked by technological advancements, heightened security measures, and an ever-growing reliance on AI and cloud technologies.

Sandeep Parande, Resiliency Practice Leader, Kyndryl Australia and New Zealand

Cyberattacks will become more sophisticated than ever in 2024, which means organisations need to become ever more sophisticated at defending against them. This will require implementing enhanced zero trust architecture and quantum encryption, because unlike conventional techniques, quantum encryption creates uncrackable keys using its proprietary quantum key distribution technology.

But while you can increase your defence with best of the solutions in the market, they are no good unless you have constant vigilance to detect cyber incidents. You cannot have an effective defence if you are not consistently keeping up to date on how cyber threats are morphing: in 2024 that will include more AI and machine-learning enabled cyberattacks, which means we will see more use of AI-driven automated threat detection.

We will also see a big push for cyber education to be rolled out more deeply across all functions of an organisation. An employee does not need to have intrusive credentials or super admin credentials to be a target for hackers: they may in fact be the low hanging fruit that gets hackers into the system.

It will be incumbent on organisations to empower their people with the knowledge and capabilities required to know how to spot unusual or suspicious activity, and to raise the alert. Ultimately, the most significant development for me in 2024 will be organisations recognising - and acting upon - their need to develop greater cyber resilience so they are ready not only to anticipate, protect and detect cyber threats but to recover when the gates are breached.

Increasingly, organisations will run regular tabletop exercises with more employees involved so that when a cyber incident inevitably happens, muscle memory kicks in, calm heads prevail and the organisation recovers quickly and efficiently with minimal damage.

Michael Vincetic, Cloud Practice Leader,KyndrylAustralia and New Zealand

2024 marks an inflection point for the C-suite when it comes to cloud. Many enterprises have already moved up to half their workloads to public cloud.

In turn, IT leaders are either asking themselves how do I optimise my investment and/or realise full value from my cloud investment? or are focused on what to do with the residual, unused technology and technical debt that is left over.

Almost all enterprises have already moved the less complex workloads to public cloud through treatments like lift and shift and rehosting, so in 2024 we will see a renewed focus on data centre optimisation as organisations try to realise cloud-like features within their data centres without having to move their more complex, mission critical assets.

Meanwhile, 5G is enabling computing to stay closer to the edge, which has led hyperscalers to extend their services to exist right within the data centre. All of that means hybrid/distributed cloud is now becoming the norm, and in 2024 we'll see a far more balanced view of cloud usage rather than quickly moving everything to the public cloud.

In 2024 we will see a continued shift towards multiple stakeholders influencing technology buying decisions. What was predominantly the domain of the CIO now includes other key parties, such as CFOs, who are asking important questions about realising the full value of cloud.

CFOs naturally focus on ROI, but we will also see even greater focus on ESG metrics with investment decisions impacted by environmental concerns such as the level of CO2 emissions generated from cloud migrations.

Finally, businesses will focus more on managing service levels to elevate customer experiences, by using automation and AI IT operations (AIOps) to reduce manual processes, improve the developer experience and create a seamless experience and unified observability for the end user.

Justin Ciabotti, Applications, Data & AI Practice Leader,Kyndryl Australia and New Zealand

As widely expected, I anticipate significant growth in the use of generative AI amongst enterprises in 2024. Whilst generative AI is in the news and on the top of everyones mind, only a very small percentage of enterprises currently use it productively.

We expect that to drastically change in 2024 and have prepared ourselves by expanding our partnerships with both Microsoft and AWS to bring generative AI to the enterprises.

AI is as good as the data you have available for it, so we also anticipate seeing further growth in customers investing to prepare their data strategy and foundations in 2024. This includes building more robust and modern data fabrics to have all the right data available for generative AI and large language models.

Finally, I expect to see more application modernisation and migration amongst mature enterprises with legacy infrastructure estates, particularly in industries such as banking, finance, and the public sector. Many have moved the easier workloads and applications to cloud but many of these legacy estates are still running business-critical applications that need modernisation before moving to the cloud and leveraging cloud native technologies.

From Quantum Encryption and AI-Threat Detection to AIOps and Estate Modernisation, Kyndryl A/NZs Practice ... - WhaTech Technology and Markets News

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Johnson County police scanners will soon go silent. What will that mean for transparency? – KCUR

For 13 Johnson County police agencies and hundreds of listeners to police radio scanners and phone apps, Jan. 23 will be Encryption Day.

Law enforcement officials see it as the day they take back control over how much of their operations including sensitive private information on the people they encounter will go out over airwaves to be noted by anyone with the right technology.

Scanner listeners, including some local crime journalists, see it differently.

To them, Encryption Day will be the day the lights dim over police transparency, the day their desktop scanners become expensive paperweights and phone apps all but useless in finding out whats going in real time with local law enforcement.

Once encryption happens, there is no expectation of accountability to the public about any agencys action. At least not in any meaningful way, wrote Cartherine Kost, administrator of the Johnson County KS Community and Police Scanner Group, in an email to the Post.

The public has the right to know what is happening in their communities. We have the right to have oversight of our governmental affairs. Encryption is one less way that we as citizens will be able to observe agencies and demand accountability, she added.

Encryption which blocks listeners from hearing what police and dispatchers say over the radio is nothing new.

Most local agencies already use some encryption on certain tactical channels. The primary channels on which initial calls go out, however, have remained audible for members of the general public to hear if they have scanners.

Thats whats about to change.

Lenexas police department recently announced over the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) that 13 agencies will begin encrypting their primary channels.

Those agencies include Blue Valley School District Police, Shawnee Mission School District Police, and the city police departments of Olathe, Overland Park, Shawnee, Lenexa, Leawood, Merriam, Fairway, Prairie Village, Roeland Park, Mission and Westwood.

The Johnson County Sheriffs office and Kansas Highway Patrol communications will not be encrypted.

This policy will help protect the privacy of those individuals, including victims, witnesses, and suspects, whose personal information is transmitted over a police radio, Lenexa Police wrote on X.

Carlos Moreno


KCUR 89.3

Listening in on police activities dates all the way back to the 1920s, when police communications existed alongside radio stations, and in at least one city, police played Yankee Doodle before their calls because of entertainment requirements from the Federal Radio Commission.

Tech evolved after that. Police adopted short-wave, but people still listened. The CB radio craze of the 1970s drew in another generation of listeners who turned to scanners of the day, many of whom were undeterred by the prospect of having to buy a separate crystal for each channel.

Tech evolved again, with the development of smartphone scanner apps that in more recent years has made listening easier and more accessible.

Then came the summer of 2020, the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the Black Lives Matter protests and the intensified scrutiny of police operations.

Scanners were reportedly used in some instances to alert protesting crowds to police attempts to hem them in, according to online publication Gizmodo.

Police now list several concerns about scanners that they believe validate the decision to encrypt their communications.

High on that list is the idea that criminals use scanners to keep track of and evade police a concept scanning group leaders push back hard against.

Lenexa Police Chief Dawn Layman said there have been times that unmarked police cars have attempted to get close enough to use a grappler a sort of tire lasso to stop a suspects car, only to have the target car suddenly speed up. She believes that was due to scanner descriptions of what was going on.

Agency heads have also been uncomfortable with personal information, exact addresses, mental health references and other information about callers and witnesses going out onto the airwaves.

Overland Park Interim Police Chief Simon Happer put it this way during a presentation to the city councils Public Safety Committee meeting earlier this month: A lot of things groups think are important, I dont know that they are. Is the fact that my next door neighbors had a disturbance between each other really a matter of public need to know?

A policy enacted a year ago by the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services gave the move toward encryption a final push, by requiring agencies to encrypt a range of biometric and other data by the time of their next audit. That policy only solidified a decision that had already been made in Lenexa, Layman said.

In other cities in the metro, the new policy makes little difference.

Independence, Missouri, for instance, was one of the first departments to encrypt all its channels in 2013 and others, including Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, have also done it, Happer said.

Carlos Moreno


KCUR 89.3

Police officials say they have worked hard to balance the publics right to know with information that, if made public, could damage their operations.

They point to current efforts toward transparency, such as call logs on their websites that give basic real time information on initial dispatch calls and say the normal communications provided through public information officers or talking to officers at the scene is still there.

Scanner enthusiasts, though, predict big downsides to the coming encryption, including more confusion over what is happening which can lead to a lack of trust between police and the public.

When there is a lack of reliable information available, there is no shortage of people who will send bad information out on the rumor mills, sometimes maliciously, writes Kost from the Johnson County scanner community group on Facebook. One only has to browse the NextDoor app and you can see incorrect information in abundance. And incorrect information leads to incorrect assumptions and incorrect actions.

Brett Cooper, who broadcast scanner traffic on the websiteBroadcastify in the 2010s and later set up the restricted channel ScanJoco, echoed that sentiment.

One of the things that worries me is when you get people guessing and throwing out random answers, it leads to rumors and conspiracy theories, he said. People can get really curious and be driving up to a hot scene and it would be really bad for those people not to be in the know.

Another danger is that police departments will have too much decision-making power over what the public knows, thereby eroding public trust, scanner advocates said.

We are only going to hear the information that agencies want us to hear. And in Johnson County, this is an issue, Kost wrote.

Although she said she doesnt believe the county has a bad cop problem, there will be temptations to edit the news.

I think that Johnson County will use encryption as a way to hide the crime and other relevant incidents from public view, Kost wrote. They are eager to maintain those best City to Raise Kids and Best Counties to Live In awards that they like to show off.

There are differing views on the role of civilian scanner enthusiasts.

At times, scanning listeners have been characterized as nosy busybodies looking for gossip about their neighbors. Happer said the public doesnt need to know every police call that goes out.

Its not really anybodys business what happened at my next door neighbors house, unless it was a serious crime, he said at the Overland Park committee meeting this month.

Councilmember Jeff Cox took it further.

Theres a massive gap between people who want information and people who need information, he said, adding the police department should be the ones to decide, not some guy on NextDoor with a scanner in his basement. Lets face it, a whole bunch of people whining about this just want it for entertainment, or to commercialize it as a media scoop, Cox said.

In fact, some scanner listeners say they are filling a journalistic role by answering questions when people hear sirens for calls that may never reach the prime-time news reports.

Kost, the administrator of the 42,000-member Johnson County KS Community and Police Scanner Group, said her group has provided timely information on traffic, road conditions and crashes, as well as events like the school shooting at Olathe East High in 2022.

During that incident, she said, the group was able to provide up-to-date information on where parents could go to be reunited with their children and to quash inaccurate rumors.

She also worries that police decisions to leave out certain crimes like domestic disturbances or drunk driving will be swept under the rug when they involve high-profile residents.

The Lenexa departments media contact, Master Police Officer Danny Chavez, suggested curious scanner listeners and residents can still go to the scene and then call the police department media spokespeople to find out what happened.

Its just they wont have access to hearing it in real time on the scanner. But in terms of transparency, here it is: If youre interested, you can go stand on the sidewalk, record the officers, and perhaps question the police information officer or submit an open records request, he said.

The scanning community is small enough that Chavez and Layman said they did not expect a flood of information requests.

Mike Frizzell, a scanning enthusiast and freelance journalist who frequently files stories for the Johnson County Post, said he often sees onlookers standing on the sidewalk watching when a police search is going on.

With everything encrypted, nobody will know, whats happening, Frizzell said. Well all be standing on the sidewalk looking.

As a journalist, Frizzell said most of the police work-around suggestions are impractical.

The call logs, for instance, would require him to constantly watch a laptop with multiple tabs open for each city.

My scanner goes with me everywhere, he said. When it makes a certain noise, I know I need to pay attention to it. I cant have 10 tabs open, refreshing them every 10 minutes. It would drive a person crazy.

Other times, the logs may not reflect a serious situation that needs to be reported on, he said.

Frizzell showed how Shawnee Polices call log in December made no mention of an armed standoff in which the equivalent of a SWAT team was called out. In that case, a man was charged with attempted capital murder.

Frizzell said he gets a lot of inquiries when people hear sirens, and the scanner helps him know which ones are worth pursuing.

I cant chase every single one of those. Ill be bankrupt just from buying gas, he said.

Frizzell added that if the situation merits, he prefers going to a scene, where officers and their supervisors recognize him and may answer his questions.

In minor incidents, police might be long gone in the amount of time it takes to drive to the scene, he explained.

Calling is still an option, but at the same time, if there is something major going on, I dont want to be tying up the dispatcher with my little questions that are insignificant when someones potentially getting shot at.

Many police-scanning enthusiasts have been skeptical of the reasons departments say they need to encrypt.

They say they have asked local authorities for specific examples to prove criminals are using scanners to evade the law. Cooper said he has never been contacted by law enforcement officers with concerns about ScanJoCo or Broadcastify.

Several in the scanning community said police can avoid airing sensitive data by using the encrypted channels they already have. But police say thats unworkable for them.

We cannot just ask people to switch to another channel, said Layman, as she held up a police radio. If Im wearing this and my focus is down the street on something and were in the heat of the moment and somebody says switch to Tac Channel 4, I shouldnt be taking my eyes off that to look at my radio to figure out what channel Im on.

Some scanners also said encryption will hurt police recruitment.

Patrick Norris, a scanning listener who lives in Independence, where police radio is already encrypted, said encryption there has already closed a window into the law enforcement world for young people looking for a career.

Thats a fair point, said Frizzell, who started a degree in justice administration after years listening to the scanner growing up. He said he often encounters young people on calls who are interested in policing as a career.

In Independence, encryption has already had a detrimental effect, Norris said.

You are a little bit more involved in the community when youre listening to it, he said. But when you dont know whats going on in your town, then youre just left with, I want to be safe. Or What happened? And you never hear anything.

This story was originally published by the Johnson County Post.

See the original post:
Johnson County police scanners will soon go silent. What will that mean for transparency? - KCUR

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AWS rival Wasabi acquires Curio AI to add intelligence to its unlimited cloud storage offering – VentureBeat

Boston-based Wasabi Technologies, a data storage startup taking on the likes of AWS, GCP and other cloud vendors, today announced it has acquired machine learning platform Curio AI from GrayMeta, the known provider of metadata solutions based in California.

While the companies did not disclose the exact financial terms of the deal, Wasabi did note in a press release that the deal will help enable it to build Curios technology into a new class of AI-powered intelligent storage for the media and entertainment industry.

It plans to tap the intellectual property and Curio team acquired as part of the deal to launch the new offering later this year. Notably, GrayMeta CEO Aaron Edell will also be among the staffers joining Wasabi post the acquisition.He will take up the role of senior vice president of AI and machine learning.

Founded by Carbonite co-founders David Friend and Jeff Flowers in 2017, Wasabi offers hot cloud storage, a universal, one-size-fits-all cloud object storage service that enables organizations to store and instantly access an unlimited amount of data with no complex tiers or egress or API fees.

It treats all the data equally and makes it readily accessible, regardless of whether it is classified as hot (frequently accessed) or cold (infrequently accessed).

Since its launch, the company has roped in more than 40,000 enterprise customers and 13,000 partners, with as many as 13 storage regions located across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. However, theres always room for improvement, which is exactly where Curio AI comes in.

With the acquisition of the ML platform from GrayMeta, Wasabi is moving to strengthen how it makes data accessible to its customers, particularly those in the media and entertainment industry.

Today, studios and creators of all sizes are creating content at a breathtaking pace. More than 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, and streaming services are investing millions to create the next hit. At this rate, the volume of content in the archives is exploding to an unimaginable scale creating a major roadblock in monetization activities. Teams just dont have an efficient, non-manual way to find and use what they need.

An API-first ML platform, Curio AI bridges this gap by generating rich metadata from millions of hours worth of stored video and audio as well as images, scripts and documents. This enables refined and rapid searches for specific media segments.

A video archive without detailed metadata is like a library without a card catalog. This is where AI comes in. AI can find faces, logos, objects, and even specific voices. Without it, finding exactly the segments you are looking for requires tedious and time-consuming manual effort, Friend said in a statement.

While Wasabi has supported integration with Curio since 2019, allowing users to connect their data with the ML platform, the acquisition is expected to result in a more native AI-powered search and discovery experience within the storage layer itself. The company is calling this intelligent storage for the media and entertainment industry.

Like Wasabis standard cloud storage, our Curio AI-powered storage will be simple, fast, reliable, and inexpensive. With the acquisition.., our customers will not only be able to store data but locate and instantly retrieve exactly what they want, the founder explained.

This will ultimately give media organizations a way to unlock value from the massive trove of content stored in their archives, whenever and wherever they want. In other words, no manual digging up of archives.

According to Edell, the intelligent offering, set to debut in spring 2024, will be the most significant advance in the storage industry since the invention of object storage. However, not many specifics have been shared just yet. Questions sent by VentureBeat remained unanswered at the time of writing.

I look forward to working with Dave and the exceptional team he has built to write a new future for the media and entertainment industry, he added.

According to Markets and Markets, the global cloud storage market size is projected to grow from $78.6 billion in 2022 to $183.7 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 18.5%. This growth will be driven by the rising volume of data within enterprises and by the cost and compliance benefits offered by cloud solutions.

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AWS rival Wasabi acquires Curio AI to add intelligence to its unlimited cloud storage offering - VentureBeat

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Storage news ticker January 24 Blocks and Files – Blocks & Files

Apples Vision Pro virtual reality headset can be fitted with up to a terabyte of flash storage to store the content its wearers will no doubt want to engage with.

Tech specs were revealed by Apple on its website and the $3,499 base priced pair of extremely fancy glasses come with 256 GB of NAND the same as the MacBook Air on which Im typing this article. They can be upgraded to 512 GB for another $200 and 1 TB for $400.

Cloud and backup storage provider Backblaze has hired David Ngo as chief product officer (CPO). He was previously global CTO for Metallic, Commvaults SaaS-based backup service. Ngo will guide overall product direction for existing customers as well as emerging needs as the firm continues moving upmarket.Backblaze has more than 500,000 customers and 3 EB of data storage under management.

Falconstor has announced the availability of StorSafe v11.13 including StorSight FalconStors hybrid cloud data protection management console tailored for IBM Power environments that span on-premises to multi-cloud instances. It says StorSafe v11.13 brings significant enhancements, solidifying its position as the de facto standard for IBM Power data protection and recovery optimization, including expanded support for Power10.Furthermore, marketing expert Victoria Grey has left the CMO role at Nexsan and joined FalconStor as its head of marketing. Grey says she is a fractional CMO. Its promising news for Falconstor and rewarding for the efforts of CEO Todd Brooks and his team.

NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.11 has expanded backup, recovery, and monitoring capabilities:

Nexsan has downsized its NV10000 unified array with an entry-level NV6000 for small and medium business customers and added immutable snapshots to its Unity OS. The NV10000 was launched in April 2022 and is a 2RU x 24-slot chassis extensible with up to eight JBODS with a maximum of 480 drives. It supports both disk and SSD, with a FASTier SSD caching facility, and can be deployed in an all-flash configuration. Nexsan also supplies E-series high-density/high-capacity and Beast high-density arrays, and the Assureon archival array.

Andy Hill, Nexsans EVP, said in astatement: If data is the new oil, it is more imperative than ever to make sure you protect your organizations data from being siphoned off by the unscrupulous.The latest release of the Unity OS, v7.0, adds an immutable snapshot feature. It already had S3 object-locking support and disk-to-disk-backup-capabilities via Assureon integration.

The NV6000 chassis is twice the size of the NV10000 enclosure at 4RU with 60 drive bays. There can be two 4RU JBOD expansion chassis, taking the drive count total to 180. The base chassis holds a maximum of 1.12PB raw capacity while adding in the two expansion JBODs takes that to 3.36PB. The bigger NV10000 goes up to 9.6PB with disk drives and 368PB with NVMe SSDs.

Data access protocols consist of SAN (Fiber Channel, iSCSI), NAS (NFS, CIFS, SMB 1.0 to 3.0, FTP) and S3 object. Connectivity support includes 16/32GB FC, and 10/25/40/100GbE. There is up 20GB/sec bandwidth and two redundant controllers, redundant power supplies and RAID.

NAKIVO tells us: The Unity NV6000, designed as a mid-tier unit, caters to the needs of small to mid-market end-users. This decision aligns with our commitment to providing cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. Our NV10000 model, equipped with NVMe SSDs, is ideal for users with higher performance requirements. Notably, the NV10000 remains competitively priced, typically about 30% less than similar offerings from Pure, NetApp, and Isilon. By differentiating the NV6000 and NV10000 in this manner, we ensure that our product lineup meets a diverse range of customer needs while maintaining exceptional value in both segments.

AI and Nvidia distribution specialist PNY and PEAK:AIO have signed a distribution agreement, aiming to provide AI infrastructure systems to professionals in EMEA, with details in a PNY blog. It says: This partnership will allow them to harness the full potential of AI to benefit froma complete solution keeping GPUs fast, priced for AI and simple to use.

Seagate issued its fifth annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) report. It outlines Seagates continued progress in the areas of Representation, Inclusion, Social impact, and Equity (RISE).

Seagate, with about 30,000 employees in fiscal 2023 = spanning 41 locations across the globe and countless cultures says it holds an unwavering commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. It says it is dedicated to championing a core value of inclusion in every facet of its operations.

Veritas Technologies says the Veritas Application Mobility Service makes it easier for enterprises to migrate or deploy new applications in the public cloud by automating the process, claiming this reduces the time needed from months to as little as 15 minutes. The service is now available to all customers and includes support for Azure. There is a 60-day trial at no cost and participants gain access to best-practice application configuration templates generated by the service to automatically instantiate their applications in the cloud. As the service is based on Veritas Alta Enterprise Resiliency, they will get built-in application resiliency as part of their trial license. The trial can be converted into a paid subscription.

TD SYNNEX has a new distribution agreement with cloud storage provider Wasabi covering the EMEA region. The portfolio is now live for TD SYNNEX partners in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, and Benelux, with remaining countries in the distributors European footprint to follow in the coming weeks. This partnership expands upon the existing Wasabi and TD SYNNEX agreement in the United States.

Western Digital stock rose 5.2 percent in value after Morgan Stanley raised its price target from $52 to $73, stating: The valuation disparity between Western Digital and peers is extremely compelling, particularly in light of the second-half separation of the memory business, which should unlock the sum of the parts values. Business is getting better at a rapid rate, and there are pluses and minuses to the NAND cycle.

Software RAID supplier Xinnor has a strategic partnership with European HPC integrator MEGWARE, which can use Xinnors xiRAID engine, designed to handle the high level of parallelism of NVMe SSDs. Andr Singer, CEO at MEGWARE, said: We invested time in qualifying Xinnors xiRAID, as demand for faster storage has never been higher and we can satisfy it with a very elegant solution like xiRAID. Customers interested in evaluating the system based on xiRAID can physically and remotely access MEGWAREs demo lab in Germany.

A3 Communications, the storage PR specialist, has created a storage technology milestone infographic covering the last 20 years:

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Storage news ticker January 24 Blocks and Files - Blocks & Files

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Global Cloud Monitoring Market Analysis Report 2023-2030 – Market Set to Reach USD 9.37 Billion by 2030, with … – GlobeNewswire

Dublin, Jan. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Cloud Monitoring Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Type (Cloud Storage Monitoring, Database Monitoring, Website Monitoring), Service Model, Enterprise Size, Industry Vertical, Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2023-2030" report has been added to's offering.

The global cloud monitoring market size is anticipated to reach USD 9.37 billion by 2030. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.9% from 2023 to 2030. Factors such as the growing complexity of cloud environments, the increasing size of datasets, and the need for better visibility and control over cloud resources are expected to drive market growth. Moreover, the growing adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud environments presents significant growth opportunities for the market.

Cloud computing brought a major transformation in the IT industry, which led to new challenges for managing and monitoring cloud environments. Many businesses are increasingly adopting cloud-based applications, and infrastructure that needs effective cloud monitoring solutions is becoming increasingly important. Cloud computing offers several advantages to businesses of all sizes, including scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and access to a wide range of services and applications. However, this shift to cloud computing has also introduced new complexities in managing and monitoring IT infrastructure. The need for effective cloud monitoring solutions has become more crucial as critical applications and data are being entrusted to the cloud.

Many businesses operate in multi-cloud or hybrid cloud environments, combining various cloud providers or integrating with on-premises infrastructure. Cloud monitoring solutions offer an integrated view across these diverse environments, simplifying management and monitoring. Since 2020, most IT leaders have planned to distribute workloads across multiple clouds, leading to the rise of multi-cloud systems in the cloud monitoring market.

Cloud Monitoring Market Report Highlights

Key Attributes:

Key Topics Covered:

Chapter 1. Methodology and Scope

Chapter 2. Executive Summary

Chapter 3. Cloud Monitoring Market Variables, Trends & Scope3.1. Market Lineage Outlook3.2. Industry Value Chain Analysis3.3. Market Dynamics3.4. Cloud Monitoring Market Analysis Tools3.4.1. Industry Analysis - Porter's Five Forces3.4.2. PESTEL analysis

Chapter 4. Cloud Monitoring Market: Type Estimates & Trend Analysis4.1. Cloud Monitoring Market: Key Takeaways4.2. Cloud Monitoring Market: Movement & Market Share Analysis, 2022 & 20304.3. Cloud Storage Monitoring4.4. Database Monitoring4.5. Website Monitoring4.6. Virtual Network Monitoring4.7. Virtual Machine Monitoring

Chapter 5. Cloud Monitoring Market: Service Model Estimates & Trend Analysis5.1. Cloud Monitoring Market: Key Takeaways5.2. Cloud Monitoring Market: Movement & Market Share Analysis, 2022 & 20305.3. SaaS5.4. IaaS5.5. PaaS

Chapter 6. Cloud Monitoring Market: Enterprise Size Estimates & Trend Analysis6.1. Cloud Monitoring Market: Key Takeaways6.2. Cloud Monitoring Market: Movement & Market Share Analysis, 2022 & 20306.3. Large Enterprises6.4. SMEs

Chapter 7. Cloud Monitoring Market: Industry Vertical Estimates & Trend Analysis7.1. Cloud Monitoring Market: Key Takeaways7.2. Cloud Monitoring Market: Movement & Market Share Analysis, 2022 & 20307.3. BFSI7.4. IT & Telecom7.5. Healthcare7.6. Government7.7. Retail & Consumer Goods7.8. Manufacturing

Chapter 8. Cloud Monitoring Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis

Chapter 9. Competitive Landscape9.1. Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants9.2. Market Participant Categorization

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Global Cloud Monitoring Market Analysis Report 2023-2030 - Market Set to Reach USD 9.37 Billion by 2030, with ... - GlobeNewswire

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Tamkeen renews support for AWS Cloud Innovation Center to enhance digital capabilities – ZAWYA

Manama, Bahrain: The Labour Fund (Tamkeen) announced the renewal of its ongoing collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is aimed at furthering support for the Cloud Innovation Center (CIC) at the University of Bahrain and Bahrain Polytechnic. This collaboration, now in its fourth year, is dedicated to bolstering students' digital proficiency, expediting Bahrain's digital transformation, and addressing challenges faced by some organizations within the public sector. As a leading global tech institution, AWS brings invaluable practical expertise, diverse services, and access to cutting-edge technologies, enriching the CIC initiative.

Tamkeen's support encompasses the cost of training, including consultancy services focused on cloud innovations and the creation of prototypes. The initiative is designed to equip students with essential digital skills through comprehensive training.

Over the past years, the Cloud Innovation Centers supported over 100 students in their endeavors to develop innovative solutions through intensive practical training with AWS experts. This resulted in 34 prototypes developed as proposals for a number of public sector organizations.

The challenges that were addressed include the labor-intensive and time-consuming manual procedures for monitoring and documenting the water temperature in fish farms, which were carried out based on the knowledge and expertise of the employees rather than a scientific base. In addition to developing solutions aimed at farmers to support them with monitoring crops and detecting pests and diseases in real-time, enabling the farmers to make quick and informed decisions.

Tamkeen Executive Director of Programs and Partnership Development, Ali Hasan said, This initiative aligns with Tamkeen's mission to develop the skills of Bahraini talent, ensuring their readiness for the labor market and bolstering their competitiveness, both locally and internationally, therefore enhancing their position as employees of choice in the labor market.

He added: The Cloud Innovation Centers play a pivotal role in cultivating a robust pool of skilled Bahrainis, in addition to serving as advanced platforms focused on tackling challenges encountered by the public sector, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. By facilitating collaboration among relevant authorities and empowering local talent with cloud computing expertise, these centers help bring about innovative solutions that transform challenges into rewarding job opportunities of high quality and impact."

Cloud computing plays a pivotal educational role by providing students invaluable opportunities to refine their skills for future employment. It fosters a collaborative learning environment and a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies. Recognizing cloud computing as a distinct competitive advantage for students in the jobs market is increasingly crucial due to its role in honing adaptability and problem-solving skills, both vital aspects of success in today's tech-driven world.

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector made a significant contribution of 6.8% to Bahrains real GDP in 2022, marking a consistent upward trajectory. Notably, there has been a surge in the demand for cloud services in Bahrain, driven by companies migrating their ICT infrastructures to the cloud. This trend presents opportunities for firms to offer cloud storage services, software, and other cloud-based solutions.

This initiative is aligned with Tamkeens 2024 strategic priorities, which are focused on economic impact and the private sector under three pillars: increasing economic participation through new employment opportunities for new entrants, expanding career development opportunities available to the Bahraini workforce, and further developing the private sector by supporting enterprises and boosting productivity and the adoption of technology.


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Tamkeen renews support for AWS Cloud Innovation Center to enhance digital capabilities - ZAWYA

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Broadcom’s Growth Backed by Promising Prospects in AI and Cloud Computing – Clayton County Register

Broadcom (NASDAQ: AVGO) has experienced an impressive 91% increase in share prices over the past year, despite relatively slower revenue growth. While the companys fiscal 2023 revenue only increased by 8% to $35.8 billion, its earnings saw a 12% increase to $42.25 per share. This success can be attributed to Broadcoms recent acquisition of cloud computing and virtualization company VMware, as well as its potential in the artificial intelligence (AI) chip market.

Although the stocks rally has brought it close to the top of its 52-week range, some speculate that Broadcom management may consider a stock split. This cosmetic move would multiply the number of outstanding shares, making them more affordable to smaller investors. While a stock split may have a psychological impact on the stocks value, it does not affect the companys business or fundamentals.

However, investors looking to add Broadcom to their portfolios should focus on its long-term prospects, which appear promising. The integration of VMware is predicted to accelerate Broadcoms revenue growth, with fiscal 2024 revenue forecasted to reach $50 billion. Analysts forecast a further 10% jump in revenue for fiscal 2025, reaching $55 billion.

Furthermore, Broadcoms business is benefiting from the growing demand for AI chips. The companys AI chip revenue accounted for 20% of its semiconductor solutions revenue and is expected to exceed 25% in the future. With the AI chip market projected to grow at an annualized rate of 29% through 2030, Broadcoms AI-related revenue is anticipated to experience solid long-term growth.

Despite these positive prospects, Broadcom currently trades at just 20 times forward earnings, making it a relatively cheap investment compared to its competitors. If the market rewards the companys accelerating growth with a higher earnings multiple, the stock could experience even greater upside.

In conclusion, while a stock split may be a possibility for Broadcom, investors should focus on the companys strong potential in AI and cloud computing. With promising revenue forecasts and a relatively undervalued stock, Broadcom presents an attractive investment opportunity for those considering long-term growth in the tech sector.

FAQ Section:

1. How much did Broadcoms revenue increase in fiscal 2023? Broadcoms fiscal 2023 revenue increased by 8% to $35.8 billion.

2. How much did Broadcoms earnings increase in fiscal 2023? Broadcoms earnings saw a 12% increase to $42.25 per share in fiscal 2023.

3. What contributed to Broadcoms success in the past year? Broadcoms success can be attributed to its recent acquisition of cloud computing and virtualization company VMware, as well as its potential in the artificial intelligence (AI) chip market.

4. Is Broadcom considering a stock split? Some speculate that Broadcom management may consider a stock split, but it is not confirmed.

5. What impact does a stock split have on a companys business or fundamentals? A stock split has a psychological impact on the stocks value but does not affect the companys business or fundamentals.

6. What is the revenue forecast for Broadcom in fiscal 2024? The integration of VMware is predicted to accelerate Broadcoms revenue growth, with fiscal 2024 revenue forecasted to reach $50 billion.

7. What is the predicted revenue jump for Broadcom in fiscal 2025? Analysts forecast a further 10% jump in revenue for fiscal 2025, reaching $55 billion.

8. What percentage of Broadcoms semiconductor solutions revenue comes from AI chips? Broadcoms AI chip revenue accounted for 20% of its semiconductor solutions revenue and is expected to exceed 25% in the future.

9. What is the projected annual growth rate for the AI chip market? The AI chip market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of 29% through 2030.

10. How does Broadcoms current valuation compare to its competitors? Broadcom currently trades at just 20 times forward earnings, making it a relatively cheap investment compared to its competitors.

Key Terms/Jargon: Revenue growth: The increase in a companys total revenue over time. Stock split: A corporate action in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares to increase the number of shares outstanding. AI chips: Semiconductors specifically designed to perform tasks related to artificial intelligence. Valuation: The process of determining the current worth of an asset or company. Undervalued: When a stocks price is lower than its intrinsic value. Tech sector: The portion of the stock market that includes companies in the technology industry.

Suggested Related Links: Broadcom website NASDAQ: AVGO VMware website Article on Broadcoms stock performance

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Broadcom's Growth Backed by Promising Prospects in AI and Cloud Computing - Clayton County Register

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