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W&Ms Irina Novikova Named Fellow of the American Physical Society – WYDaily

Novikova stands in front of the new atom-based electric field sensor for plasmas and charge particles. Courtesy photo.

WILLIAMSBURG Irina Novikova, a professor in William & Marys Department of Physics, has been named a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).

Founded in 1899, the APS is a nonprofit professional organization of approximately 53,000 physicists from academia, industry and national laboratories. Elevation to fellowship is in recognition of exceptional contributions to the field of physics, according to a report in W&M News.

Novikova is the eighth current member of the W&M physics department to become an APS Fellow.

Irina Novikova and her research group are a cornerstone of atomic and laser physics, and more broadly quantum information science, at William & Mary, saidSeth Aubin, associate professor of physics. She has developed an extensive research program that uses optically-induced quantum coherence of atomic states for quantum memory, precision magnetometry and squeezed light.

Novikova explained to W&M News that her main area of expertise is using light to manipulate quantum states of atoms and vice versa. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter, but they are also tiny quantum systems with enormous potential.

The beauty is that atoms of the same element are truly identical, and theyre quantum by nature, said Novikova. Plus, if one knows quantum mechanics, atoms are fairly easy to understand. That makes them beautiful playgrounds for figuring out how to do new things.

One of Novikovas long-term projects is magnetometry, and she explained that atoms change their energies slightly when put in a magnetic field, and the amount of that change depends on their quantum state.

Many atoms are like little magnets themselves, said Novikova. So in a magnetic field, they will point in one direction or another direction. Depending on the direction, the energy shift will be a little different. What is most exciting is that now we have lasers to accurately measure these tiny changes, and thus measure the magnetic field.

The result is a highly precise measurement system with a wide range of uses, W&M News reports, and one example is cardiac diagnosis. Currently, electrocardiograms (EKGs) are the main diagnostic tools for cardiologists.

Novikova explained that an EKG is an indirect measurement of cardiac activity, as it measures changes that take place within the skin. Doctors then determine how those skin changes reflect whats going on within the heart. Magnetometry, on the other hand, is a direct measurement of the actual electric currents that control the heart.

With magnetometry, doctors can see exactly whats going on inside the heart, said Novikova, And its measured very precisely.

Magnetometrys measurement capabilities can be applied to improve efficiency in a wide variety of other fields, including satellite technology and navigation, and its also highly effective in the detection of things like oil reserves and submarines, according to the report.

Quantum science is taking off in so many different directions, said Novikova. Its great to see how something youve been working on for so long that used to be considered a bit exotic and weird is now being taken seriously. Were currently talking about which devices we can build and how we can manufacture and mass-produce them. Its really exciting to visualize.

Novikova regularly communicates and collaborates with researchers from other disciplines and institutions, Aubin said. Irina has employed her strong leadership skills to build several successful multidisciplinary and multi-institution collaborations to undertake ambitious science projects with academic, federal and industry research partners. Her leadership activities also extend to organizing national conferences and serving as an editor for journals.

Novikova also gives public talks and attends science education shows at local elementary and middle schools to help the general public gain more knowledge of the basics of quantum research and its applications.

She has also ledPhysicsFest, the physics departments yearly open house, since its inception. In addition to lectures and demonstrations, the event provides an opportunity for members of the general public to tour physics labs and talk to scientists about their research, according to W&M News.

I think quantum physics has a reputation of being really weird, said Novikova. And yes, it is completely counterintuitive, but applied quantum science is really changing what we can do with current technology. I think that a wider understanding of its basic principles and applications will help to expand new possibilities in other fields. Its a really exciting area of physics to become familiar with right now.

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W&Ms Irina Novikova Named Fellow of the American Physical Society - WYDaily

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Beyond the Blink: Probing Quantum Materials at Attosecond Speeds – SciTechDaily

By Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI) January 24, 2024

Metal-Insulator phase transition triggered in strongly correlated system by a few-femtosecond pulse (orange curve) and resulting in a dramatic change of density of states, occurs within less than 1 femtosecond. Credit: MBI: Olga Smirnova / Universitt Hamburg: Alexander Lichtenstein

Researchers have developed a new spectroscopy method to study ultrafast processes in strongly correlated materials, achieving sub-femtosecond resolution.

An international team of researchers from the European XFEL together with colleagues from the Max Born Institute in Berlin, the Universities of Berlin and Hamburg, The University of Tokyo, the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the Dutch Radboud University, Imperial College London, and Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging, have presented new ideas for ultrafast multi-dimensional spectroscopy of strongly correlated solids. This work will be published today (January 24) in Nature Photonics.

Strongly correlated solids are complex and fascinating quantum systems in which new electronic states often emerge, especially when they interact with light, says Alexander Lichtenstein from Hamburg University and Eu-XFEL. Strongly correlated materials, which include high-temperature superconductors, certain types of magnetic materials, and twisted quantum materials among others, both challenge our fundamental understanding of the microcosm and offer opportunities for many exciting applications ranging from materials science to information processing to medicine: for example, superconductors are used by MRI scanners.

This is why understanding the hierarchy and the interplay of the diverse electronic states arising in strongly correlated materials is very important. At the same time, it challenges our experimental and theoretical tools, because transformations between these states are often associated with phase transitions. Phase transitions are transformations that do not develop smoothly from one stage to the next but may occur suddenly and quickly, in particular when the material is interacting with light.

What are the pathways of charge and energy flow during such a transition? How quickly does it occur? Can light be used to control it and to sculpt the electron correlations? Can the light bring the material into a state that the material wouldnt find itself in under the usual circumstances? These are the types of questions that can be addressed with powerful and sensitive devices like X-ray lasers such as the European XFEL in Schenefeld near Hamburg, and with the modern optical tools of attosecond science (1 attosecond = 10-18 second or the billionth part of a billionth second. In one attosecond, light travels less than a millionth of a millimeter).

In their work, the international team now presents a completely new approach that makes it possible to monitor and decipher the ultrafast charge motion triggered by short laser pulse illuminating a strongly correlated system. They have developed a variant of ultrafast multi-dimensional spectroscopy, taking advantage of the attosecond control of how multiple colors of light add to form an ultrashort laser pulse. The sub-cycle temporal resolution offered by this spectroscopy shows the complex interplay between the different electronic configurations and demonstrates that a phase transition from a metallic state to an insulating state can take place within less than a femtosecond i.e. in less than one quadrillionth of a second.

Our results open up a way of investigating and specifically influencing ultrafast processes in strongly correlated materials that goes beyond previous methods, says Olga Smirnova from the Max Born Institute and Berlin TU, awardee of the Mildred Dresselhaus prize of the Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, we have thus developed a key tool for accessing new ultrafast phenomena in correlated solids.

Reference: Sub-cycle multidimensional spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials by V. N. Valmispild, E. Gorelov, M. Eckstein, A. I. Lichtenstein, H. Aoki, M. I. Katsnelson, M. Yu. Ivanov and O. Smirnova, 24 January 2024, Nature Photonics.DOI: 10.1038/s41566-023-01371-1

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Beyond the Blink: Probing Quantum Materials at Attosecond Speeds - SciTechDaily

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False vacuum decay: New research sheds light on the phenomenon – Tech Explorist

Metastability arises from the finite lifetime of a state when a lower-energy configuration is possible but can only be reached by tunneling through an energy barrier. This phenomenon is observed in various natural situations, such as chemical processes and electron field ionization. In classical many-body systems, metastability naturally occurs in the presence of a first-order phase transition.

The application of metastability to quantum field theory and quantum many-body systems has garnered considerable interest in statistical physics, protein folding, and cosmology. In these contexts, it is anticipated that thermal and quantum fluctuations may initiate the transition from a metastable state (false vacuum) to the ground state (true vacuum) through the probabilistic nucleation of spatially localized bubbles. Despite this theoretical progress, the experimental validation of estimating the relaxation rate of the metastable field through bubble nucleation has been a longstanding challenge.

In quantum field theory, transforming a not-so-stable state into an actual stable state is called false vacuum decay. This process involves the creation of tiny localized bubbles. While existing theoretical work can predict the frequency of bubble formation, more experimental evidence must be provided.

An international research team, including scientists from Newcastle University, has observed these bubbles forming for the first time in carefully controlled atomic systems. This experimental observation provides valuable insights into the quantum field theory dynamics of false vacuum decay.

The experimental findings are substantiated by theoretical simulations and numerical models, affirming the quantum field origin of the decay and its thermal activation. This opens up possibilities for emulating out-of-equilibrium quantum field phenomena in atomic systems.

The experiment used a supercooled gas with a temperature of less than a microkelvin (one millionth of a degree) above absolute zero. At this extremely low temperature, bubbles were observed to emerge as the vacuum decayed.

Professor Ian Moss and Dr. Tom Billam from Newcastle University conclusively demonstrated that these bubbles result from thermally activated vacuum decay. This experimental work contributes to our understanding of quantum field dynamics and provides a platform for exploring quantum phenomena in controlled atomic systems.

Ian Moss, Professor of Theoretical Cosmology at Newcastle Universitys School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics, said:Vacuum decay is thought to play a central role in the creation of space, time, and matter in the Big Bang, but until now, there has been no experimental test. In particle physics, vacuum decay of the Higgs boson would alter the laws of physics, producing what has been described as the `ultimate ecological catastrophe.'

Dr Tom Billam, Senior Lecturer in Applied Maths/Quantum, added:Using the power of ultracold atom experiments to simulate analogs of quantum physics in other systems in this case, the early universe itself is a fascinating area of research at the moment.

The research not only provides insights into the dynamics of quantum field phenomena but also opens up new avenues for understanding the early universe and ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions.

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False vacuum decay: New research sheds light on the phenomenon - Tech Explorist

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Breakthrough Method Opens New Window to the Quantum World – SciTechDaily

Several innovations in the new sample rod including the sample holder enable temperature measurements with the highest precision. Credit: D. Kojda/HZB

Researchers at HZB have created an innovative technique to precisely measure minuscule temperature variations as small as 100 microkelvin in the thermal Hall effect, overcoming previous limitations caused by thermal noise. By applying this technique to terbium titanate, the team showcased its effectiveness in producing consistent and dependable outcomes. This advancement in measuring the thermal Hall effect sheds light on the behavior of coherent multi-particle states in quantum materials, particularly their interactions with lattice vibrations, known as phonons.

The laws of quantum physics apply to all materials. However, in so-called quantum materials, these laws give rise to particularly unusual properties. For example, magnetic fields or changes in temperature can cause excitations, collective states, or quasiparticles that are accompanied by phase transitions to exotic states. This can be utilised in a variety of ways, provided it can be understood, managed, and controlled: For example, in future information technologies that can store or process data with minimal energy requirements.

The thermal Hall effect (THE) plays a key role in identifying exotic states in condensed matter. The effect is based on tiny transverse temperature differences that occur when a thermal current is passed through a sample and a perpendicular magnetic field is applied (see Figure 2). In particular, the quantitative measurement of the thermal Hall effect allows us to separate the exotic excitations from conventional behavior.

The thermal Hall effect results in a very small transverse temperature difference, if a longitudinal temperature difference is applied. The magnetic field penetrates the sample vertically. Credit: D. Kojda/HZB

The thermal Hall effect is observed in a variety of materials, including spin liquids, spin ice, parent phases of high-temperature superconductors, and materials with strongly polar properties. However, the thermal differences that occur perpendicular to the temperature gradient in the sample are extremely small: in typical millimeter-sized samples, they are in the range of microkelvins to millikelvins. Until now, it has been difficult to detect these heat differences experimentally because the heat introduced by the measurement electronics and sensors masks the effect.

The team led by PD Dr. Klaus Habicht has now carried out pioneering work. Together with specialists from the HZB sample environment, they have developed a novel sample rod with a modular structure that can be inserted into various cryomagnets. The sample head measures the thermal Hall effect using capacitive thermometry. This takes advantage of the temperature dependence of the capacitance of specially manufactured miniature capacitors. With this setup, the experts have succeeded in significantly reducing heat transfer through sensors and electronics, and in attenuating interference signals and noise with several innovations. To validate the measurement method, they analyzed a sample of terbium titanate, whose thermal conductivity in different crystal directions under a magnetic field is well known. The measured data were in excellent agreement with the literature.

The ability to resolve temperature differences in the sub-millikelvin range fascinates me greatly and is a key to studying quantum materials in more detail, says first author Dr. Danny Kojda. We have now jointly developed a sophisticated experimental design, clear measurement protocols and precise analysis procedures that allow high-resolution and reproducible measurements. Department head Klaus Habicht adds: Our work also provides information on how to further improve the resolution in future instruments designed for low sample temperatures. I would like to thank everyone involved, especially the sample environment team. I hope that the experimental setup will be firmly integrated into the HZB infrastructure and that the proposed upgrades will be implemented.

Habichts group will now use measurements of the thermal Hall effect to investigate the topological properties of lattice vibrations or phonons in quantum materials. The microscopic mechanisms and the physics of the scattering processes for the thermal Hall effect in ionic crystals are far from being fully understood. The exciting question is why electrically neutral quasiparticles in non-magnetic insulators are nevertheless deflected in the magnetic field, says Habicht. With the new instrument, the team has now created the prerequisites to answer this question.

Reference: Advancing the precision of thermal Hall measurements for novel materials research by Danny Kojda, Ida Sigusch, Bastian Klemke, Sebastian Gerischer, Klaus Kiefer, Katharina Fritsch, Christo Guguschev and Klaus Habicht, 22 December 2023, Materials & Design.DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2023.112595

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Breakthrough Method Opens New Window to the Quantum World - SciTechDaily

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Can We Use Graphene To Build Nanoscale Power Plants? – AZoNano

Twelve years ago, Mickael Perrin began his scientific career with no idea that he would be working in the field of quantum electronics, which would only become popular a few years later.

At the time, physicists were just starting to talk about the potential of quantum technologies and quantum computers. Today there are dozens of start-ups in this area, and governments and companies are investing billions in developing the technology further. We are now seeing the first applications in computer science, cryptography, communications and sensors.

Mickael Perrin, Assistant Professor, ETH Zurich

Another area of application being made possible by Perrins research is the creation of electricity with nearly no energy loss through quantum phenomena. The 36-year-old expert blends thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, two traditionally distinct branches of physics, to accomplish this.

Due to the high caliber of Perrins work and its potential for future applications, he has been recognized with two awards in the last year: the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) awarded him an Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship in addition to one of the highly coveted ERC Starting Grants for young researchers. Currently, Perrin works as an Assistant Professor of Quantum Electronics at ETH Zurich and heads a research group of nine people at Empa.

According to Perrin, he never thought of himself as naturally gifted in mathematics.

Perrin noted, It was mainly curiosity that pushed me in the direction of physics. I wanted to gain a better understanding of how the world around us works, and physics offers excellent tools for doing just that.

In 2005, he enrolled at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) to pursue an applied physics degree, having completed his high school education in Amsterdam. Perrins first focus was on practical applications rather than theory.

Perrin originally fell in love with the fascination of creating micro and nanoscale devices while studying under the renowned quantum electronics pioneer Herre van der Zant. He quickly realized the countless opportunities that molecular electronics offered since circuits can be utilized as transistors, diodes, or sensors and have entirely varied properties depending on the molecules and materials chosen.

Perrin studied for his Ph.D. at TU Delft for a long period, spending much of his time in the nanolab cleanroom, always covered in a white full-body overall to keep dust and hairs from contaminating the tiny electronics. The technical infrastructure needed to construct machines a few nanometers in sizeroughly 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hairwas made possible by the cleanroom.

As a general rule, the smaller the structure you want to build, the bigger and more expensive the machine you will need to do so, Perrin stated.

For example, lithography machines are used to form intricate mini-circuits on microchips.

"Nanofabrication and experimental physics require a lot of creativity and patience, because something nearly always goes wrong. Yet it is the strange and unexpected results that often turn out to be the most exciting, Perrin added.

A year after earning his Ph.D., Perrin was hired by Empa to work in the lab of Michel Calame, a specialist in incorporating quantum materials into nanotechnology. Even then, Perrin, a dual citizen of France and Switzerland, has resided in Dbendorf alongside his girlfriend and their two kids.

Perrin added, Switzerland was a good choice for me for several reasons. The research infrastructure is unparalleled.

He gets everything he needs to create nanostructures, including the measurement tools to evaluate them, from Empa, ETH Zurich, and the IBM Research Center in Rschlikon.

Also, I am an outdoor type. I love the mountains, and often go walking and skiing with my family, Perrin further stated.

Perrin is also a skilled rock climber. He occasionally takes weeks off to climb in distant regions, most commonly in France, his familys home country.

At Empa, this young researcher was free to continue experimenting with nanomaterials. A specific substance quickly piqued his interest: graphene nanoribbons, a carbon-based material as thin as the individual atoms. Roman Fasels group at Empa manufactures these nanoribbons with extreme accuracy.

Perrin demonstrated that these ribbons have unique features and can be employed in a variety of quantum technologies.

At the same time, he developed a strong interest in transforming heat into electrical energy. In 2018, it was demonstrated that quantum effects may be used to efficiently convert thermal energy to electricity.

To date, the challenge has been that these desirable physical features show only at extremely low temperatures, near absolute zero (0 Kelvin; -273C). This has limited significance to hypothetical future uses, such as cell phones or minisensors. Perrin came up with the notion of employing graphene nanoribbons to solve this problem.

Compared to other materials, their unique physical characteristics indicate that temperature has a far lesser effect on the quantum effects and, thus, the desirable thermoelectric effects. Soon after, his team at Empa was able to show that graphene nanoribbons quantum effects are essentially maintained at 250 Kelvin, or -23C. It is anticipated that the system will function at room temperature in the future.

Before technology allowed smartphones to consume less power, there were still a lot of obstacles to be solved. Due to the extreme miniaturization, unique parts are still needed to make sure that the systems that are developed function.

Perrin and associates from China, the UK, and Switzerland have demonstrated lately that carbon nanotubes with a diameter of just one nanometer can be included as electrodes in such systems.

But before these extremely complex and sensitive materials can be produced on a large scale and used in gadgets, Perrin predicts that it will take at least another 15 years.

Perrin concluded, My aim is to work out the fundamental basis for applying this technology. Only then will we be able to gauge its potential for practical uses.

#FacesOfScience: Mickel Perrin, PhysicistPlay

Video Credit:Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)


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JPMorgan CEO’s dig on Bitcoin and Satoshi spark BTC hodl rumors on Reddit – Cointelegraph

Crypto community members dismissed JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimons ramblings on media outlet CNBC and speculated on the motivations behind the executives constant flurry of negative statements toward Bitcoin (BTC).

On Jan. 17, Dimon went on CNBC and repeated many widely debunked criticisms of Bitcoin, including the possibility of its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, returning to the community to erase BTC from existence. The executive also argued that Bitcoin does nothing and laid out criminal use cases for the asset.

With Dimon constantly flinging dirt toward crypto, community members think this might be an attempt to drive down the price. On Reddit, one user speculated that this may be a calculated move. The Redditor said that many old investors listen to Dimon. The community member believes that the negativity directed toward BTC might be an attempt to lower the price as he stacks sats himself.

Meanwhile, some think Dimon is uninformed about Bitcoin, while others believe the executive is simply scooping up Bitcoin in preparation for the upcoming halving. Many believe that the halving event will drive the assets price upward.

While Dimons notion that Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto could come back and erase Bitcoin may be flaweddue to its inherent characteristics, a community member brought up the possibility of Nakamoto selling his Bitcoin stash. Despite being another hypothetical, one Redditor believesthis is a more feasible theory than what Dimon suggested.

Related: Spot Bitcoin ETF approval recap: A 10-year journey concludes in historic win for crypto

While Dimon continues his tirade against crypto, the company he leads is involved with the recently approved spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States. On Dec. 29, asset manager BlackRock named JPMorgan Securities as one of its authorized participants for their ETF. The CEO received criticism for his anti-crypto comments after JPMorgan was named in BlackRocks ETF filing.

Magazine: Coinbase fights SEC in court, SBFs parents seek lawsuit dismissal, and Bitcoin ETFs: Hodlers Digest

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JPMorgan CEO's dig on Bitcoin and Satoshi spark BTC hodl rumors on Reddit - Cointelegraph

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JPM’s Jamie Dimon believes Satoshi Nakamoto will either increase or "erase" Bitcoin supply – CryptoSlate

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, took aim at Bitcoin once again during an interview with CNBC at Davos 2024 on Jan. 17.

Dimon expressed an unusual theory in which he suggested that Bitcoin (BTC) could be eliminated once its maximum supply is issued. He said:

I think theres a good chance that when we get to that 21 million Bitcoins, [Satoshi Nakamato] is going to come on there, laugh hysterically, go quiet, and all Bitcoin is going to be erased.

Dimon also suggested that, contrary to this, there is no guarantee that Bitcoin issuance will end once the circulating supply reaches 21 million BTC. He said:

How the hell do you know that its going to stop at 21 [million]? Ive never met one person who told me that they know for a fact.

One of Dimons co-panellists, CNBC Squawk Box host Joe Kernen, noted that the last Bitcoin will not be mined until about 2140 due to increasing mining difficulty. Kernen added that Bitcoin shares many economic properties with gold, to which Dimon replied, You may be right [but] I dont own gold either.

Dimons latest statements have attracted massive backlash on social media, both due to the general inaccuracy of his theories and due to the fact that he mispronounced the first half of Satoshi Nakamoto as Satashi.

Dimons theories are unfounded because Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin but does not have control over the blockchain or its miners.

Bitcoins 21 million maximum supply is currently hard-coded into its source code. Any change to that rule requires agreement among miners, who are unlikely to adjust the rule due to their vested interest in the current model.

Furthermore, any change with less than unanimous support would cause the Bitcoin blockchain to split into two chains. To replace the main Bitcoin network and not merely create a minority chain, majority support among miners would be necessary. Bitcoin Cash (BCH), notably, was created with minority support in 2017 and remains separate from Bitcoin.

Finally, the Bitcoin supply could only be destroyed if all BTC holders decided to send their funds to an irretrievable address or burn address. Though a substantial portion of the Bitcoin supply has already been sent to such addresses, partial burning only increases the value of BTC still in circulation.

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JPM's Jamie Dimon believes Satoshi Nakamoto will either increase or "erase" Bitcoin supply - CryptoSlate

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Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto published the | by Benny Pregarz | Jan, 2024 – Medium

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto published the initial Bitcoin software and wrote the whitepaper. Nakamoto, whose identity is unknown, interacted with the Bitcoin community via email and online forums before progressively disappearing from view around 2010.

Though many attempts have been made, none of them have been able to determine who Nakamoto is. Although a number of people have been put forth as viable candidates, none of them have been shown to be Satoshi Nakamoto with certainty.

Satoshi Nakamoto initiated work on the Bitcoin code in the second quarter of 2007 and, on August 18, 2008, registered the domain On October 31 of the same year, Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper, introducing a digital cryptocurrency titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. On January 9, 2009, Nakamoto released version 0.1 of the Bitcoin software, launching the network with the creation of the genesis block and a reward of 50 bitcoins. The coinbase transaction of this block included a note referencing a headline from The Times, possibly serving as a timestamp or commentary on banking instability.

Nakamoto collaborated on Bitcoin development until mid-2010, overseeing source code modifications personally. Control of the source code repository and network alert key was then handed over to Gavin Andresen, and Nakamoto reduced involvement in the project. Its estimated that Nakamoto owns between 750,000 and 1,100,000 bitcoins.

Satoshi Nakamoto has maintained anonymity regarding personal details while discussing technical matters. His P2P Foundation profile in 2012 claimed he was a 37-year-old male living in Japan, but some doubted this due to his proficient use of English. Speculation about Nakamoto being a team arose, with security researcher Dan Kaminsky suggesting Nakamoto could be a team of people or a genius. The use of British English in Nakamotos writings and the reference to Londons Times newspaper in the first Bitcoin block led to theories about Commonwealth origin and interest in the British government. Stefan Thomas analyzed Nakamotos forum posts, revealing an unusual sleep pattern inconsistent with someone in Japan, raising questions about Nakamotos true identity.

Most probably, we will never find out who Satoshi Nakamoto really is.

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Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto published the | by Benny Pregarz | Jan, 2024 - Medium

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Mystery Satoshi Account Breaks Silence: Who’s Behind it? – DailyCoin

In the crypto realm, few mysteries have captivated enthusiasts and skeptics alike more than the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin. This mystery again came to the forefront after unexpected activity from the @satoshi Twitter account.

The @Satoshi Twitter account, named after the elusive figure, has recently come into the limelight by breaking its silence with a single, cryptic tweet. This unexpected resurgence has reignited discussions and debates about the true identity behind the account.

The cryptocurrency community was set abuzz as the dormant @Satoshi Twitter account, named after the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, sprung to life with a tweet after a long silence.

On Thursday, January 18, the account posted Hello world, its first Tweet after all previous activity was erased. According to the Wayback Machine, the account was most active in 2018, the year it was created. However, the account occasionally posted cryptic updates after that, including on October 3, 2023.

The account was created four years after the last known communication from the actual Satoshi Nakamoto. For that reason, it was unclear who the accounts owner was. However, there are some clues about the potential owner(s).

In 2018, several clues suggested that Craigh Wright controlled the @satoshi account. Wright, a polarizing figure in the cryptocurrency world, has long claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, though these assertions have been met with widespread skepticism and controversy.

The community note under the Hello World post also alleged Wrights involvement. While there is no definitive proof of his involvement, several clues point in that direction. Specifically, the nature of the tweets from the @Satoshi account, often resonating with Wrights known perspectives on Bitcoin and its underlying principles, point to his involvement.

This includes references to Bitocin as a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, a term often used by Wright. Moreover, the @Satoshi account has also definitively said he was not Dorian Nakamoto, which would align with Wrights claims.

For one reason or another, the accounts original owner abandoned it in 2018, opting to leave the account dormant. That is until its alleged hack in 2024 revealed more proof of Wrights involvement.

On January 1, 2024, Andy Rowe, Wrights associate, claimed that the @satoshi account, which he controlled until then, was hacked. The login credentials were changed, giving someone else access to it. What is more, Rowe tagged Wright in his post.

Neither Rowe nor Wright posted updates on this security breach since, and it is unclear whether they regained access. With just a Hello World message, it is impossible to determine who currently controls the account.

However, users should beware of any scams or misleading info coming from the account, as there is no indication that the real Satoshi Nakamoto has now, or ever, been associated with it.

DailyCoin has reached out to the current owner of the account and will post updates if they respond.

Whether legitimate or speculative, the association with Satoshi Nakamoto can significantly influence market perceptions and, consequently, the value dynamics of cryptocurrencies.

Read more about Bitcoins creator and who he might be:Satoshi Nakamoto: The Man Who Made Crypto

Read more about Solanas latest praise from tradFi:Solana Gets Praise From Finance Giant Franklin Templeton

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Mystery Satoshi Account Breaks Silence: Who's Behind it? - DailyCoin

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Satoshi Reappears, But On X as Bitcoin Community Speculates – Coinfomania

Discussions over the identity of Bitcoins pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, has reappeared as an X account with the username Satoshi recently published a tweet. But is it really Satoshi?

Two hours after the tweet from the account was published, members of the Bitcoin community on X discredited thoughts that the account belonged to the original Bitcoin founder via an X community note. The context stated that the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright was once behind the account.

Craig Wright is an Australian computer scientist and businessman who has since claimed to be the mysterious Bitcoin creator and author of the Bitcoin whitepaper. Despite the claims, he failed to give solid on-chain proof. This has caused several Bitcoiners to haul Wright as a liar and a fraud.

The Bitcoin communitys conviction about the account not belonging to the real Satoshi Nakamoto is partly attributed to a hack on January 1st, 2024. Popular podcaster Andy Rowe revealed in a tweet that the login details to the controversial Satoshi X account had been compromised. Efforts to retrieve the account were futile.

Still, Bitcoiners speculate that the supposed hack may be a ploy towards deceiving onlookers that the account is no longer affiliated with Craig Wright.

Satoshis real identity has remained an uncracked mystery among individuals in the Bitcoin community. Although the Bitcoin founder communicated with other people when the blockchain network was recently launched in 2009, Satoshi has not made any public appearances.

Earlier this month, discussions about Satoshis identity were raised after an unknown wallet address sent nearly 27 BTC, worth $1.2 million at the time, to the Genesis wallet. This wallet was the first Bitcoin wallet ever created. It was used by Satoshi Nakamoto to mine the Bitcoin networks first block. A reward of 50 BTC, deposited in the wallet, has remained there until date.

Anyone who can prove ownership over the Genesis wallet will likely be pinpointed as the long-mysterious Bitcoin creator.

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Satoshi Reappears, But On X as Bitcoin Community Speculates - Coinfomania

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