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Quantum Breakthrough: Unveiling the Mysteries of Electron Tunneling – SciTechDaily

By Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS January 25, 2024

New research reveals new insights into electron tunneling dynamics at the sub-nanometer scale. Using a van der Waals complex, Ar-Kr+, and an innovative approach for tracking tunneling dynamics, the research highlights the crucial influence of neighboring atoms in quantum tunneling. This work has important implications for quantum physics, nanoelectronics, and the study of complex biomolecules.

Tunneling is a fundamental process in quantum mechanics, involving the ability of a wave packet to cross an energy barrier that would be impossible to overcome by classical means. At the atomic level, this tunneling phenomenon significantly influences molecular biology. It aids in speeding up enzyme reactions, causes spontaneous DNA mutations, and initiates the sequences of events that lead to the sense of smell.

Photoelectron tunneling is a key process in light-induced chemical reactions, charge and energy transfer, and radiation emission. The size of optoelectronic chips and other devices has been close to the sub-nanometer atomic scale, and the quantum tunneling effects between different channels would be significantly enhanced.

The electronic chip and the Van der Waals complex with an internuclear distance 0.39 nm. Credit: Ming Zhu, Jihong Tong, Xiwang Liu, Weifeng Yang, Xiaochun Gong, Wenyu Jiang, Peifen Lu, Hui Li, Xiaohong Song & Jian Wu

The real-time imaging of electron tunneling dynamics in complex has important scientific significance for promoting the development of tunneling transistors and ultrafast optoelectronic devices. The effect of neighboring atoms on electron tunneling dynamics in the complex is one of the key scientific issues in the fields of quantum physics, quantum chemistry, nanoelectronics, etc.

In a new paper published in Light Science & Application, a team of scientists from Hainan University and East China Normal University designed a van der Waals complex Ar-Kr+ as a prototype system with an internuclear distance of 0.39 nm to track the electron tunneling via the neighboring atom in the system of sub-nanometer scale.

The electron emitted from Ar atom is firstly trapped to the highly excited transient states of the Ar-Kr+* before its eventual release to the continuum. A linearly polarized pump laser pulse is used to prepare the Ar-Kr+ ion by removing e1 from Kr site, and a time-delayed elliptically polarized probe laser pulse is used to track the electron transfer mediated electron tunneling dynamics (e2, orange arrow). Credit: Ming Zhu, Jihong Tong, Xiwang Liu, Weifeng Yang, Xiaochun Gong, Wenyu Jiang, Peifen Lu, Hui Li, Xiaohong Song & Jian Wu

The intrinsic electron localization of the highest occupied molecular orbital of Ar-Kr gives a preference for electron removal from the Kr site in the first ionization step. The site-assisted electron-hole in Ar-Kr+ guarantees that the second electron is mainly removed from the Ar atom in the second ionization step, where the electron may straightly tunnel to the continuum from the Ar atom or alternatively via the neighboring Kr+ ionic core.

In combination with the improved Coulomb-corrected strong-field approximation (ICCSFA) method developed by the team, which is able to take into account the Coulomb interaction under the potential during tunneling, and by monitoring the photoelectron transverse momentum distribution to track the tunneling dynamics, then, it was discovered that there are two effects of strong capture and weak capture of tunneling electrons by a neighboring atom.

This work successfully reveals the critical role of neighboring atoms in electron tunneling in sub-nanometer complex systems. This discovery provides a new way to deeply understand the key role of the Coulomb effect under the potential barrier in the electron tunneling dynamics, solid high harmonics generation, and lays a solid research foundation for probing and controlling the tunneling dynamics of complex biomolecules.

Reference: Tunnelling of electrons via the neighboring atom by Ming Zhu, Jihong Tong, Xiwang Liu, Weifeng Yang, Xiaochun Gong, Wenyu Jiang, Peifen Lu, Hui Li, Xiaohong Song and Jian Wu, 16 January 2024, Light: Science & Applications.DOI: 10.1038/s41377-023-01373-2

The study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion.

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Quantum Breakthrough: Unveiling the Mysteries of Electron Tunneling - SciTechDaily

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Physics – Superconducting Qubit Breaks Low-Frequency Record – Physics

January 24, 2024• Physics 17, s13

Researchers have demonstrated an unprecedentedly low-frequency superconducting fluxonium qubit, which could facilitate experiments that probe macroscopic quantum phenomena.

S. Delglise/Kastler Brossel Laboratory and CNRS

S. Delglise/Kastler Brossel Laboratory and CNRS

The most popular qubit for quantum computingthe superconducting transmonoperates at a frequency of several billion hertz (GHz), much like 5G cell phones. This frequency excites transitions between the qubit states that researchers use to control the qubit. Now Samuel Delglise of Kastler Brossel Laboratory and the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France and colleagues have demonstrated a low-frequency transmon alternative that operates at 1.8 million hertz (MHz)the lowest frequency ever reported for a superconducting qubit [1]. Delglise notes that a qubit that operates at this frequency could be directly coupled to mechanical resonators based on suspended membranes, which vibrate at a few MHz, to perform tests of macroscopic quantum phenomena.

The team used a so-called fluxonium qubit. Fluxonium qubits have previously been demonstrated, with a record low frequency of 14 MHz achieved in 2021. That qubit consisted of a loop formed of a series of hundreds of Josephson junctionsstructures made of two superconductors separated by a thin insulator. The two qubit states corresponded to clockwise and counterclockwise currents flowing in the loop, and the transition frequency was controlled by the strength of a magnetic field threading the loop.

Further lowering the operation frequency of the fluxonium qubit has proved tricky because thermal noise from the environment or noise from magnetic-field fluctuations can easily spoil the qubits quantum properties. To solve these problems, the team cooled the qubit with a technique borrowed from cold-atom systems and then tuned the magnetic field so that the qubit states became Schrodinger-cat states, which are known to be robust against magnetic-field fluctuations. Using this approach the group was able to achieve a tenfold decrease in the operating frequency of the qubit. In experiments, the team also showed that the qubit could serve as an exceptionally sensitive charge sensor that could pick up tiny quantum fluctuations of a membrane.

Matteo Rini

Matteo Rini is the Editor of Physics Magazine.

B.-L. Najera-Santos, R. Rousseau, K. Gerashchenko, H. Patange, A. Riva, M. Villiers, T. Briant, P.-F. Cohadon, A. Heidmann, J. Palomo, M. Rosticher, H. le Sueur, A. Sarlette, W.C. Smith, Z. Leghtas, E. Flurin, T. Jacqmin, and S. Delglise

Phys. Rev. X 14, 011007 (2024)

Published January 24, 2024

Researchers have used quantum computers to solve difficult physics problems. But claims of a quantum advantage must wait as ever-improving algorithms boost the performance of classical computers. Read More

Quantum effects can nearly double the precision of a state-of-the-art optical atomic clock, a finding that could allow the devices to search for possible fluctuations in fundamental constants of the Universe. Read More

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Physics - Superconducting Qubit Breaks Low-Frequency Record - Physics

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Coffee With Cream Is Revolutionizing Quantum Physics – Study Finds

BOULDER, Colo. Your morning coffee is playing an important role in the world of quantum physics. Adding cream to a cup of joe can cause mesmerizing swirls, but imagine if it was for an indefinite period of time instead of a few seconds. Researchers at the University of Colorado-Boulder are now drawing a parallel between this tasty event and the potential advancements of quantum computing.

They have made a theoretical breakthrough, suggesting that quantum computer chips could be engineered to maintain information in a constant state, much like unending swirls in a coffee cup. This discovery could revolutionize how we approach data storage in quantum computers.

What Are Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers, unlike traditional computers, operate on qubits instead of bits. While bits represent data as zeros or ones, qubits, due to the peculiarities of quantum physics, can exist as zero, one, or both simultaneously. This unique capability allows quantum computers to perform complex computations at unprecedented speeds. However, qubits are notoriously susceptible to becoming jumbled, leading to disorganized and unusable data a challenge akin to the settling of coffee swirls into a uniform brown liquid.

Scientists have proposed a solution to this instability. By arranging qubits in specific patterns, similar to a checkerboard, and bringing them in close proximity, they can influence each other in a way that preserves their initial state. This arrangement, the researchers suggest, could create a form of quantum memory, resistant to disturbances like magnetic fields.

This could be a way of storing information, says study author Rahul Nandkishore, an associate professor of physics at CU Boulder, in a university release. You would write information into these patterns, and the information couldnt be degraded.

The study used mathematical models to envision an array of hundreds to thousands of qubits in tight configurations. In such a setup, individual qubits can affect their neighbors, preventing them from flipping states randomly. This concept, Nandkishore explains, is akin to squeezing people into a telephone booth, where movement is highly restricted.

Beyond quantum computers, this research touches on fundamental principles of physics. It challenges the concept of thermal equilibrium, where systems like a cup of coffee or an ice cube in water eventually reach a uniform state. Nandkishores work suggests that in certain conditions, systems can resist this equilibrium, potentially defying long-standing physical laws.

The wonderful thing about this study is that we discovered that we could understand this fundamental phenomenon through what is almost simple geometry, says Nandkishore.

While further experimental validation is required, the research teams findings offer a promising avenue for developing more stable and efficient quantum computers, potentially leading to significant advancements in the field.

Were not going to have to redo our math for ice and water, concludes Nandkishore. The field of mathematics that we call statistical physics is incredibly successful for describing things we encounter in everyday life. But there are settings where maybe it doesnt apply.

The study is published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

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Shining a light on the hidden properties of quantum materials –

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Certain materials have desirable properties that are hidden, and just as you would use a flashlight to see in the dark, scientists can use light to uncover these properties.

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have used an advanced optical technique to learn more about a quantum material called Ta2NiSe5 (TNS). Their work appears in Nature Materials.

Materials can be perturbed through different external stimuli, often with changes in temperature or pressure; however, because light is the fastest thing in the universe, materials will respond very quickly to optical stimuli, revealing properties that would otherwise remain hidden.

"In essence, we shine a laser on a material and it's like stop-action photography where we can incrementally follow a certain property of that material," said Professor of Physics Richard Averitt, who led the research and is one of the paper's authors. "By looking at how constituent particles move around in that system, we can tease out these properties that are really tricky to find otherwise."

The experiment was conducted by lead author Sheikh Rubaiat Ul Haque, who graduated from UC San Diego in 2023 and is now a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University. He, along with Yuan Zhang, another graduate student in Averitt's lab, improved upon a technique called terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. This technique allows scientists to measure a material's properties over a range of frequencies, and Haque's improvements allowed them access to a broader range of frequencies.

The work was based on a theory created by another of the paper's authors, Eugene Demler, a professor at ETH Zrich. Demler and his graduate student Marios Michael developed the idea that when certain quantum materials are excited by light, they may turn into a medium that amplifies terahertz frequency light. This led Haque and colleagues to look closely into the optical properties of TNS.

When an electron is excited to a higher level by a photon, it leaves behind a hole. If the electron and hole are bound, an exciton is created. Excitons may also form a condensatea state that occurs when particles come together and behave as a single entity.

Using Haque's technique, backed by Demler's theory and using density functional calculations by Angel Rubio's group at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, the team was able to observe anomalous terahertz light amplification, which uncovered some of the hidden properties of the TNS exciton condensate.

Condensates are a well-defined quantum state and using this spectroscopic technique could allow some of their quantum properties to be imprinted onto light. This may have implications in the emerging field of entangled light sources (where multiple light sources have interconnected properties) utilizing quantum materials.

"I think it's a wide-open area," stated Haque. "Demler's theory can be applied to a suite of other materials with nonlinear optical properties. With this technique, we can discover new light-induced phenomena that haven't been explored before."

More information: Sheikh Rubaiat Ul Haque et al, Terahertz parametric amplification as a reporter of exciton condensate dynamics, Nature Materials (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41563-023-01755-2

Journal information: Nature Materials

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Electrons that spin to the right and the left at the same time. Particles that change their states together, even though they are separated by enormous distances. Intriguing phenomena like these are completely commonplace in the world of quantum physics. Researchers at the TUM Garching campus are using them to build quantum computers, high-sensitivity sensors and the internet of the future.

"We cool the chip down to only a few thousandths of a degree above absolute zerocolder than in outer space," says Rudolf Gross, Professor of Technical Physics and Scientific Director of the Walther Meissner Institute (WMI) at the Garching research campus. He's standing in front of a delicate-looking device with gold-colored disks connected by cables: The cooling system for a special chip that utilizes the bizarre laws of quantum physics.

For about twenty years now, researchers at WMI have been working on quantum computers, a technology based on a scientific revolution that occurred 100 years ago when quantum physics introduced a new way of looking at physics. Today it serves as the foundation for a "new era of technology," as Prof. Gross calls it.

To shape this emerging era, researchers at Garching are investigating ways to utilize the rules of quantum physics, as well as the associated risks and the potential benefits of quantum technology to society.

"We encounter quantum physics every day," says Gross. For example, when we see a stovetop burner element glowing red. In 1900 Max Planck found the formula for the radiation that bodies of different temperatures emit. This meant that he had to assume that the emitted light consists of tiny energy parcels, referred to as quanta. Quantum physics continued to develop in the years that followed, fundamentally changing our understanding of the microcosmos. New technologies exploited the special properties of atoms and electrons, for example, the laser, the magnetic resonance tomograph and the computer chip.

The technologies of this first quantum revolution control large quantities of particles. In the meantime, physicists can also manipulate individual atoms and photons and can produce objects that obey the laws of quantum physics. "Today we can create tailor-made quantum systems," says Gross. The principles of quantum physics, for which there as yet hardly any technological realizations, can be used in this so-called second quantum revolution.

The first of these principles is superposition: A quantum object can assume parallel states, which are mutually exclusive in the classic frame of reference. For example, an electron can rotate both to the right and to the left at the same time. The superposed states can also mutually interact, similar to intersecting waves which either reinforce one another or cancel out one anotherthis is the second principle: Quantum interference.

The third phenomenon is entanglement. Two particles can have a joint quantum state, even if they are located kilometers away from one another. For example, if we measure the polarization of a given photon, then the measurement result for the entangled partner is instantaneously ascertained as if the space between the two photons did not exist.

As exotic as these concepts may sound, they're equally important for technical progress. Classical computers have a drawback: They process information sequentially, one step at a time. "Not even supercomputers which are constantly growing faster will be able to master all the tasks at hand," says Gross, since the complexity of some tasks can increase drastically.

For example, the number of possible travel routes between several cities increases with each potential stop. There are six possible routes between four cities, while for 15 cities the number is more than 40 billion. Thus, the task of finding the shortest route very quickly becomes overwhelmingly complex, even unsolvable, using classical computers within a viable amount of time.

The principle of superposition makes the task much easier for the quantum computer: It uses quantum bits, or qubits, which can process the bit values 0 and 1 simultaneously instead of sequentially. A large number of qubits, linked with one another by quantum interference or entanglement, can process an inconceivably large number of combinations in parallel and can thus solve highly complex tasks very quickly.

Back to WMI: Here we find silver vacuum chambers in which metal atoms are precisely deposited on hand-sized silicon wafers. The highly pure metal layers forming on these wafers form the basis for tiny circuits. When supercooling makes the circuits superconductive, the electricity they carry oscillates at various frequencies corresponding to different energy levels. The two lowest levels serve as the qubit values 0 and 1. The chip in one of these cooling systems contains six qubits, sufficient for research purposes.

However, quantum computers need several hundred qubits in order to solve practical problems. In addition, each one of the qubits should be able to perform as many computational steps as possible in order to realize algorithms that are relevant for practical purposes. But qubits lose their superposition very quickly, even after the slightest disturbance, such as material defects or electrosmog"an enormous problem," says Gross.

Complex correction procedures must then be used to correct these errors, but these processes will require thousands of additional qubits. Experts expect that this will take many years to achieve. Nevertheless, initial applications could already be functional when the number of qubit errors is reduced, if not eliminated.

"One important error source is unwanted mutual interaction between qubits," says Dr. Kirill Fedorov of the WMI. His remedy: Distributing qubits across several chips and entangling them with one another. In the basement of the WMI Fedorov points to a tube with the diameter of a tree branch leading from one quantum computer to the next. The tubes contain microwave conductors which put the qubits into mutual interaction with one another. This approach could make it possible for thousands of qubits to work together in the future.

Eva Weig, Professor of Nano and Quantum Sensor Technology, has a different perspective on this lack of perfection. "The fact that quantum states react so sensitively to everything can also be an advantage," she says. Even the most minute magnetic fields, pressure variations or temperature fluctuations can measurably change a quantum state. "This can make sensors more sensitive and more precise and make them capable of better spatial resolution," says Weig.

She wants to use relatively large objects as mechanical quantum sensors. Even nanostructures consisting of millions of atoms can be put into their quantum ground state, as researchers at the University of California first demonstrated in 2010. Eva Weig is building on the finding. "I want to construct easily controlled nanosystems in order to measure the smallest forces."

In the laboratory, the physicist presents a chip her team made in its own cleanroom. On it are what she calls "nano-guitars," invisible to the naked eye: Tiny strings, 1,000 times thinner than a human hair, which vibrate at radio frequency. Weig's team is attempting to put these nano-oscillators into a defined quantum state. Then the strings could be used as quantum sensors, for example in measuring the forces existing between individual cells.

Professor of Quantum Networks Andreas Reiserer wants to use another aspect of quantum systems in order to facilitate a quantum internet: The quantum state of a particle is destroyed when it is measured, meaning that the information it contains can only be read out once. Thus any attempt at interception would inevitably leave behind traces. If there are no such traces, a communication can then be trusted. "Quantum cryptography is cost-effective and can already support interception-proof communication today," he says.

But the scope of this technology still remains limited. According to Reiserer, fiber optic elements are ideal for transporting quantum information using light. But the glass absorbs some of the light in every kilometer it travels. After about 100 kilometers, communication is no longer possible.

Reiserer's team is therefore conducting research into what are called quantum repeaters, storage units for quantum information which are to be spaced out along the fiber optical network approximately every 100 kilometers. If it is possible to entangle each of the quantum repeaters with its immediate neighbor, then information sent can be passed on without any loss. "This way we hope to be able to traverse global-scale distances," Reiserer says. "Then it could be possible to link devices everywhere around the world to form a 'quantum supercomputer.'"

The Munich-based team wants to miniaturize quantum repeaters, to simplify them and make them suitable for mass production by putting them onto a computer chip. The chip contains an optical fiber in which erbium atoms have been embedded. These atoms serve as qubits which can buffer the information. However, Reiserer admits, this requires cooling to as little as four degrees Kelvin (i.e., approximately -269C) and adds that a lot more research will be necessary before practical viability is achieved.

The arrival of quantum technologies in everyday life also entails some risks. An error-corrected quantum computer could crack today's conventional encryption procedures and could for example compromise online banking security. "The good news is that there are already new encryption procedures which are secure against quantum computer attacks," says Urs Gasser, Professor of Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology and head of the "Quantum Social Lab" at TUM. Gasser, a legal scholar, adds that the transition will take several years, making it necessary to get started now.

"The cost of arriving too late could even outstrip the cost of being late on Artificial Intelligence," Gasser warns. The Quantum Social Lab focuses on the ethical, legal and societal impacts of emerging quantum technologies. This includes for example the question of how to integrate people in the debate surrounding the new technology, or whether or not only wealthy countries should be able to better plan their cities thanks to quantum optimization.

"The second quantum revolution is a paradigm shift which will have a far-reaching social, political and economic impact," says Prof. Gasser. "We have to shape this revolution in the best interests of society."

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Nanoscale Power Plants: Turning Heat Into Power With Graphene Ribbons – SciTechDaily

Mickael Perrins pioneering work in quantum electronics focuses on generating electricity with minimal loss and improving energy efficiency in electronics, using groundbreaking applications of graphene nanoribbons. His research, recognized by prestigious awards, aims to revolutionize the practical application of quantum technologies. Credit:

Quantum physicist Mickael Perrin uses graphene ribbons to build nanoscale power plants that turn waste heat from electrical equipment into electricity.

When Mickael Perrin started out on his scientific career 12 years ago, he had no way of knowing he was conducting research in an area that would be attracting wide public interest only a few years later: quantum electronics.

At the time, physicists were just starting to talk about the potential of quantum technologies and quantum computers, he recalls. Today there are dozens of start-ups in this area, and governments and companies are investing billions in developing the technology further. We are now seeing the first applications in computer science, cryptography, communications, and sensors.

Perrins research is opening up another field of application: electricity production using quantum effects with almost zero energy loss. To achieve this, the 36-year-old scientist combines two usually separate disciplines of physics: thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.

Mickael Perrin. Credit: SNF

In the past year, the quality of Perrins research and its potential for future applications has brought him two awards: he received not only one of the ERC Starting Grants that are so highly sought-after by young researchers, but also an Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNS)F. He now leads a research group of nine at Empa as well as being an Assistant Professor of Quantum Electronics at ETH Zurich.

Perrin tells us that he never regarded himself as having a natural gift for mathematics. It was mainly curiosity that pushed me in the direction of physics. I wanted to gain a better understanding of how the world around us works, and physics offers excellent tools for doing just that. After finishing high school in Amsterdam, he began a degree in applied physics at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in 2005. Right from the start, Perrin was more interested in concrete applications than theory.

It was while studying under Herre van der Zant, a pioneer in the field of quantum electronics, that Perrin first experienced the fascination of engineering tiny devices at microscale and nanoscale. He soon recognized the endless possibilities presented by molecular electronics, since circuits have completely different characteristics depending on the molecules and materials selected, and can be used as transistors, diodes, or sensors.

While studying for his doctorate, Perrin spent a great deal of time in the nanolab cleanroom at TU Delft constantly enveloped in a white full-body overall to prevent the miniature electronics from being contaminated by hairs or dust particles. The cleanroom provided the technological infrastructure to build machines a few nanometres in size (around 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair).

As a general rule, the smaller the structure you want to build, the bigger and more expensive the machine you will need to do so, explains Perrin. Lithography machines, for example, are used to pattern complex mini-circuits on microchips. Nanofabrication and experimental physics require a lot of creativity and patience, because something nearly always goes wrong, says Perrin. Yet its the strange and unexpected results that often turn out to be the most exciting.

A year after completing his doctorate, Perrin obtained a post at Empa in the laboratory of Michel Calame, an expert in integrating quantum materials into nano devices. Since then, Perrin a French and Swiss national has lived in Dbendorf with his partner and two daughters.

Switzerland was a good choice for me for several reasons, he says. The research infrastructure is unparalleled. Empa, ETH Zurich and the IBM Research Center in Rschlikon provide him with everything he needs in order to produce nanostructures, as well as the measuring instruments to test them.

Also, Im an outdoor type. I love the mountains, and often go walking and skiing with my family. Perrin is a keen rock climber, too. He sometimes takes himself off climbing in remote valleys for weeks at a time, often in France, which is his familys country of origin.

At Empa this young researcher had the freedom to continue experimenting with nanomaterials. A certain material soon attracted his particular attention: graphene nanoribbons, a material made from carbon atoms that is as thin as the individual atoms. These nanoribbons are manufactured with the greatest precision by Roman Fasels group at Empa. Perrin was able to show that these ribbons have unique properties and can be used for a whole raft of quantum technologies.

At the same time, he began to take a close interest in converting heat into electrical energy. In 2018 it was in fact proved that quantum effects can be used to efficiently convert thermal energy into electricity.

Up to now, the problem has been that these desirable physical properties appear only at very low temperatures close to absolute zero (0 Kelvin; -273C). This is of little relevance to potential future applications such as in smartphones or minisensors. Perrin had the idea of circumventing this problem by using graphene nanoribbons. Their specific physical properties mean that temperature has a much smaller impact on the quantum effects and thus the desired thermoelectric effects than is the case with other materials.

His group at Empa was soon able to demonstrate that the quantum effects of graphene nanoribbons are largely preserved even at 250 Kelvin, i.e. -23C. In the future, the system is expected to work at room temperature, too.

There are still many challenges to overcome before the technology will enable our smartphones to use less power. Extreme miniaturization means that special components keep being required to ensure that the built systems actually work.

Perrin, together with colleagues from China, the UK, and Switzerland, recently showed that carbon nanotubes just one nanometre in diameter can be integrated into those systems as electrodes. However, Perrin estimates that it will take at least another 15 years before these delicate and highly complicated materials can be manufactured at scale and incorporated in devices.

My aim is to work out the fundamental basis for applying this technology. Only then will we be able to gauge its potential for practical uses.

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Nanoscale Power Plants: Turning Heat Into Power With Graphene Ribbons - SciTechDaily

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Unexpected Pairing Paves the Way for Computing Devices – AZoQuantum

Researchers at EPFL make significant advances in quantum physics by exposing a peculiar and enigmatic behavior in a quantum magnetic material and providing hints about potential future technological developments.

Image Credit:ArtemisDiana/

The world of quantum materials is a mysterious place where things do not always behave as expected. These materials can perform tasks in ways that traditional materials cannot, such as conducting electricity without loss or having magnetic properties that may prove useful in advanced technologies. These unique properties are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.

Certain quantum materials have minute magnetic waves, known as magnons, circulating through them. These waves exhibit peculiar behaviors. Gaining an understanding of magnons is essential for deciphering the microscopic workings of magnets, which will be important for the development of next-generation computers and electronics.

Up until recently, researchers believed they understood what to expect from the studies of these magnons behavior in strong magnetic fields. Researchers at EPFL, led by Henrik Rnnow and Frdric Mila, have revealed a new and unexpected behavior in strontium copper borate (SrCu2(BO3)2), a quantum material. Although the study casts doubt on what is already known about quantum physics, it also raises intriguing possibilities for next-generation technologies.

But why this particular content? SrCu2(BO3)2 is significant in the field of quantum materials, though the specifics are highly technical. This is because it is the only known real-world example of the Shastry-Sutherland model, a theoretical framework for comprehending structures where atoms' interactions and arrangement prevent them from settling into a simple, ordered state.

Known as highly frustrated lattices, these structures frequently endow the quantum material with complex, peculiar behaviors and characteristics. Therefore, SrCu2(BO3)2 is a perfect candidate to study intricate quantum phenomena and transitions due to its unique structure.

Neutron scattering is a method that the scientists used to study the magnons in SrCu2(BO3)2. In essence, they exposed the material to neutrons and measured how many of them deflected off of it. Since neutrons have no charge and can therefore analyze magnetism without being affected by the charge of the materials electrons or nuclei, neutron scattering is especially useful in the study of magnetic materials.

This work was done at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin's high-field neutron scattering facility, which could probe fields as high as 25.9 Tesla. This level of magnetic field study was unprecedented and allowed the scientists to see the behavior of the magnons up close.

Subsequently, the scientists integrated the data with cylinder matrix-product-states computations, an effective computational technique that supported the experimental findings from the neutron scattering and clarified the two-dimensional quantum behaviors of the material.

The novel method disclosed a startling finding: the material's magnons were forming bound states, or pairing up to dance, rather than acting as single, independent unities as would have been predicted.

The spin-nematic phase, a novel and unexpected quantum state with ramifications for the materials properties, is the result of this peculiar pairing. Imagine it like this: unlike regular magnets on a fridge, which point either way (that is their spin), the focus of this new phase is on how the magnets align with one another to form a distinctive pattern rather than on their direction of orientation.

This is a fascinating finding. It exposes a previously unseen behavior in magnetic materials. This discovery of a hidden law of quantum mechanics may open our minds to previously unconsidered uses of magnetic materials in quantum technologies.

The research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Synergy network HERO, the

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), and the Qatar Foundation.

More from AZoQuantum: Quantum-Inspired Noise-Resistant Phase Imaging

Fogh, E., et al. (2024) Field-induced bound-state condensation and spin-nematic phase in SrCu2(BO3)2 revealed by neutron scattering up to 25.9 T. Nature Communications.


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Unexpected Pairing Paves the Way for Computing Devices - AZoQuantum

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Quantum Field theory breakthrough: First observation of vacuum decay bubbles – Space Daily

Quantum Field theory breakthrough: First observation of vacuum decay bubblesby Sophie JenkinsLondon, UK (SPX) Jan 23, 2024In a significant development for quantum field theory, an international team of researchers, with theoretical support from Newcastle University, has observed a phenomenon known as 'false vacuum decay' for the first time. This experimental milestone, conducted in Italy and involving Newcastle scientists, offers vital insights into a process thought to be central to the creation of the universe.

Vacuum decay in quantum field theory describes a transition from a less stable state to a true stable state, typically through the creation of localized bubbles. Despite robust theoretical predictions about the frequency of this bubble formation, experimental evidence has remained elusive until now. This research, recently published in Nature Physics, demonstrates the formation of these bubbles in a controlled atomic environment, marking a crucial step in understanding quantum systems and their implications.

The experiment hinges on the use of a supercooled gas, chilled to a temperature less than a microkelvin, or one millionth of a degree, from absolute zero. In this extreme environment, researchers observed bubbles emerging as the vacuum decayed. Professor Ian Moss and Dr. Tom Billam from Newcastle University provided conclusive evidence that these bubbles result from thermally activated vacuum decay.

Professor Moss, specializing in Theoretical Cosmology, emphasized the significance of this discovery: "Vacuum decay is thought to play a central role in the creation of space, time, and matter in the Big Bang, but until now there has been no experimental test." This observation thus not only adds a new dimension to our understanding of quantum field theory but also potentially sheds light on the events that shaped the early universe.

Dr. Tom Billam, a Senior Lecturer in Applied Maths and Quantum, highlighted the broader implications of this research. "Using the power of ultracold atom experiments to simulate analogs of quantum physics in other systems - in this case, the early universe itself - is a very exciting area of research at the moment," he said. This reflects a growing trend in physics where experiments are increasingly able to simulate conditions analogous to those found in cosmological phenomena.

The research also opens new avenues for understanding ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions. These transitions are critical to our comprehension of the early universe and the fundamental forces that govern it. The experiment's success in demonstrating vacuum decay adds a new layer of understanding to this complex puzzle.

However, this groundbreaking experiment is just the beginning. The ultimate goal is to observe vacuum decay at absolute zero, where the process would be driven purely by quantum vacuum fluctuations. This endeavor is part of a national collaboration, QSimFP, involving an upcoming experiment in Cambridge, supported by Newcastle University.

The implications of this research extend far beyond the laboratory. In particle physics, for instance, vacuum decay of the Higgs boson - a particle integral to understanding mass - could dramatically alter the laws of physics. Such a scenario has been described as the 'ultimate ecological catastrophe,' illustrating the profound impact that vacuum decay could have on our understanding of the universe.

Research Report:False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids

Related LinksNewcastle UniversityUnderstanding Time and Space

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Quantum Field theory breakthrough: First observation of vacuum decay bubbles - Space Daily

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The Theory That Consciousness Is a Quantum System Gains Support – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

At New Scientist last week, science writer and editor George Musser talked about the way a theory of consciousness that sees the brain as a quantum system is now under reluctant consideration. Musser, author of Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2023) went to visit anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, who with theoretical physicist Roger Penrose advances the quantum-based Orch Or Theory (orchestrated objective reduction of the quantum state).

Do quantum phenomena create conscious experience?

Musser explains the basic idea of the Orch Or Theory (OOT), that conscious experience arises from quantum phenomena in the brain. The theory gained little traction in the past because it was difficult to test but Musser thinks that the use of anesthetics on brain organoids (lumps of brain tissue grown in a medium), along with other new methods may enable the theory to be tested:

Such ideas have existed, in various guises, on the fringes of mainstream consciousness research for decades. They have never come in from the cold because, as their critics argue, there is no solid experimental evidence that quantum effects occur in the brain, never mind a clear idea of how they would give rise to consciousness.

What, more specifically, is the Orch Or theory?

In short, it says that consciousness arises when gravitational instabilities in the fundamental structure of space-time collapse quantum wave functions in tiny structures called microtubules that are found inside neurons and, in fact, in all complex cells.

In quantum theory, a particle does not really exist as a tiny bit of matter located somewhere but rather as a cloud of probabilities. If observed, it collapses into the state in which it was observed. Penrose has postulated that each time a quantum wave function collapses in this way in the brain, it gives rise to a moment of conscious experience.

Hameroff has been studying proteins known as tubulins inside the microtubules of neurons. He postulates that microtubules inside neurons could be exploiting quantum effects, somehow translating gravitationally induced wave function collapse into consciousness, as Penrose had suggested. Thus was born a collaboration, though their seminal 1996 paper failed to gain much traction.

Of course, the Nineties was the decade of the Astonishing Hypothesis, (Scribner, 1994), wherein Nobel laureate Francis Crick (19162004) proclaimed, Youre nothing but a pack of neurons. In those days, many thought that materialism had already won and no more sophisticated analysis was needed.

Quantum processing in bird brains

Musser tells us, recent research suggests that some kind of quantum processing does occur in the brain. One suggested example is the way a birds internal compass includes radicals with an odd, unpaired electron:

When these radicals eventually react, the outcome will depend on the strength and orientation of the magnetic field. The thinking is that the bird is sensitive to this in a way that allows it to tell north from south. The process is highly quantum as the radical pair electrons are entangled, which means that they act as a single quantum object, even though they are some distance apart.

If thats correct, we already know of at least one quantum process in a nervous system. Linking that up to human consciousness is still a stretch but, he says, scientists are more willing now to at least consider it.

And other research?

Musser seems to be on to something. In 2022, for example, researchers at Trinity College in Dublin did experiments that suggest our brains do quantum computation. They think that their finding may help solve a mystery:

Quantum brain processes could explain why we can still outperform supercomputers when it comes to unforeseen circumstances, decision making, or learning something new. Our experiments, performed only 50 meters away from the lecture theater where Schrdinger presented his famous thoughts about life, may shed light on the mysteries of biology, and on consciousness which scientifically is even harder to grasp.

Likewise, Dorje C. Brody, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Surrey, hopes that quantum processes can shed light on human behavior. For example, the order in which questions are asked is important in quantum physics but not in classical physics. But in that respect, the human mind often behaves more in a quantum way, he says:

For example, in a study published 20 years ago about the effects that question order has on respondents answers, subjects were asked whether they thought the previous US president, Bill Clinton, was honest. They were then asked if his vice president, Al Gore, seemed honest.

When the questions were delivered in this order, a respective 50% and 60% of respondents answered that they were honest. But when the researchers asked respondents about Gore first and then Clinton, a respective 68% and 60% responded that they were honest.

He sees the human response as more like a quantum system.

How trying to understand human consciousness or behavior via quantum processes will work out is anyones guess but heres a prediction: It wont help the cause of materialism much.

You may also wish to read: Why many researchers now see the brain as a quantum system. The hypothesis is that the brain relies on quantum physics, not classical physics, to power thinking processes. Quantum processes are helpful to know about when we hear a gimcrack new theory that dismisses or explains away consciousness. We know it cant be that simple.

See the original post:

The Theory That Consciousness Is a Quantum System Gains Support - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

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Study offers new insights into understanding and controlling tunneling dynamics in complex molecules –

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Tunneling is one of most fundamental processes in quantum mechanics, where the wave packet could traverse a classically insurmountable energy barrier with a certain probability.

On the atomic scale, tunneling effects play an important role in molecular biology, such as accelerating enzyme catalysis, prompting spontaneous mutations in DNA and triggering olfactory signaling cascades.

Photoelectron tunneling is a key process in light-induced chemical reactions, charge and energy transfer and radiation emission. The size of optoelectronic chips and other devices has been close to the sub-nanometer atomic scale, and the quantum tunneling effects between different channels would be significantly enhanced.

The real-time imaging of electron tunneling dynamics in complex molecules has important scientific significance for promoting the development of tunneling transistors and ultrafast optoelectronic devices. The effect of neighboring atom on electron tunneling dynamics in complex molecules is one of the key scientific issues in the fields of quantum physics, quantum chemistry, nanoelectronics, etc.


In a paper published in Light: Science & Applications, a team of scientists from Hainan University and East China Normal University designed a van der Waals complex Ar-Kr+ as a prototype system with an internuclear distance of 0.39 nm to track the electron tunneling via the neighboring atom in the system of sub-nanometer scale.

The intrinsic electron localization of the highest occupied molecular orbital of Ar-Kr gives a preference of electron removal from Kr site in the first ionization step.

The site assisted electron hole in Ar-Kr+ guarantees that the second electron is mainly removed from the Ar atom in the second ionization step, where the electron may straightly tunnel to continuum from the Ar atom or alternatively via the neighboring Kr+ ionic core.

In combination with the improved Coulomb-corrected strong-field approximation (ICCSFA) method developed by the team, which is able to take into account the Coulomb interaction under the potential during tunneling, and by monitoring the photoelectron transverse momentum distribution to track the tunneling dynamics, it was discovered that there are two effects of strong capture and weak capture of tunneling electrons by neighboring atom.

This work successfully reveals the critical role of neighboring atom in electron tunneling in sub-nanometer complex systems. This discovery provides a new way to deeply understand the key role of the Coulomb effect under the potential barrier in the electron tunneling dynamics, solid high harmonics generation, and lays a solid research foundation for probing and controlling the tunneling dynamics of complex biomolecules.

More information: Ming Zhu et al, Tunnelling of electrons via the neighboring atom, Light: Science & Applications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41377-023-01373-2

Journal information: Light: Science & Applications

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Study offers new insights into understanding and controlling tunneling dynamics in complex molecules -

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