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RAK DAO welcomes Vitalik Buterin to its expanding blockchain ecosystem – CryptoTvplus

Ras Al Khaimah Digital Asset Oasis (RAK DAO) free zone recently received Ethereums co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, in an event attended by His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This event showcased RAK DAOs dedication to fostering innovation through community collaboration.

Vitalik Buterin is a prominent figure in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, known for co-founding Ethereum, a blockchain platform that operates as a world computer for decentralized applications (DApps).

He is also known for his involvement in Bitcoin, co-founding the cryptocurrency magazine Bitcoin Magazine and writing articles for it. Buterin is a writer, programmer, and a strong advocate for decentralization and blockchain technology.

The presence of Vitalik Buterin, a key figure in the development of the Ethereum blockchain, showcased the DAOs dedication to providing a platform for innovative ideas and collaborations to thrive.

The launch of RAK DAO in October 2023 marked a new era in digital evolution and Web3 collaboration, offering a specialized free zone for companies involved in digital and virtual assets.

RAK DAO believes that the communitys transformative power has been key in shaping its ecosystem. Our recent event, attended by His Highness Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi and Ethereums Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin, reflects our commitment to fostering innovation through collaboration, it added.

This visit happened a few weeks after Vitalik presented a roadmap for the Ethereum blockchain. He explained how the Surge will transform the blockchains ecosystem, making it faster.

The term Surge in Ethereum refers to a developmental stage of the Ethereum network that includes a set of upgrades, most notably sharding.

The original data is available for reconstruction, provided that a sufficient number of samples is available and the majority of validators honestly.

The long-term plan foresees the implementation of private random sampling, which allows individuals to guarantee data availability without validator trust assumptions, although its challenging implementation prevents immediate execution of the upgrade.

The Surge was supposed to go live with Ethereums next upgrade and hard fork, Shanghai, which was expected to take place during the second half of 2023.

However, the upgrade has been delayed, and the Surge is not expected to come as quickly as many had hoped.

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RAK DAO welcomes Vitalik Buterin to its expanding blockchain ecosystem - CryptoTvplus

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Backing up Ethereum on BSV blockchain: A better way to secure blockchain data long-term – CoinGeek

Could you back up the entireEthereumblockchain onBSV?

The answer is yes, technicallyand any other blockchain you like as well. Last week,mintBlueCIOPieter Den Doovenproved the concept by creating a process that saves a copy of Ethereums on-chain records in BSV transactions. His process saves only new blocks, but he said its also possible to store all the records from Ethereums history if needed.

Does that need to exist? Time will tell, although the topic of totalblockchain size and the amount of dataa blockchain should retain into perpetuity (and how this should be managed) comes up more often as the technology matures. In the meantime, Den Doovens demonstration shows howmuch cheaperit is for BSV to do exactly the same things Ethereum does and secured by the superiorproof-of-work(PoW) consensus mechanism.

Is Ethereum deleting data?

The discussion on backing up the Ethereum blockchain on BSV sprang from discussions involving attorney and former Ethereum advisor Steven Nerayoff. Nerayoff recently made several allegations of insider dealings at Ethereum and other blockchain projects and detailed his early concerns over Ethereums governance structure. His release of conversation recordings from 2015 has been nicknamed ETHgate.

Ethereums roadmap does refer to The Purge, or the clearing of older on-chain data at some point, ostensibly to save space and boost efficiency. Separate from Nerayoffs various claims and others concerning the true motives for wanting to delete Ethereum records,Dr. Craig S. Wrightwas asked about the possibility of storing a backup copy of its data on the BSV blockchain.

Easysync and use thehash header, Dr. Wright replied.

Within 10 minutes, Den Dooven said hed set up a process to do just that, using mintBlues system andWeb3developer platformAlchemy.

GivenBSVs unbounded scaling capacity, the notion of running any (or all) other blockchains on the BSV network has popped up.sCryptfounderXiaohui Liudemonstrated the concept at theGlobal Blockchain Conventionin Dubai in 2022, where he also revealed a transpiler that would convert code written in Ethereums Solidity language into Bitcoin Script.

A new Ethereum block is mined approximately every 10-20 seconds and, on an individual level, isnt large by blockchain standards. Thats still a lot of data, though each block contains information such as transaction data, account balances, contract code and state,decentralized autonomous organization(DAO),non-fungible token(NFT), token data, and verification. While its possible to store accompanying media/document files on-chain, high usage costs and congestion issues usually mean Ethereums token creators store these files off-chain, using on-chain data as a pointer to these files. BSV does not have these issues (other than, for example, large video files, which will likely become more affordable in the future).

CoinGeek spoke to Den Dooven to get more details about what hes doing and why it may be necessary to back up Ethereum and other blockchains. If youd like to know more, read the Q&A below.

Do you know why Vitalik Buterin was supposedly deleting/hiding data from the blockchain?

The Ethereum roadmap includes a stage called The Purge, which is presumably focused on reducing the costs associated with network participation. This is achieved by clearing old history and data from the blockchain. A tweet claimed Vitalik is actually doing this to remove evidence in the face of serious allegations. We can only speculate on the why, but as usual, Ethereums new strategy for data feels like reinventing the wheel, but with square edges. Meanwhile, Bitcoins over there, casually flipping through itswhitepaper, whispering, Psst, check out Section 7; weve been rolling smoothly with round wheels since 09!

Ethereum introduces fixed periodic checkpoints, where the state of the network at these points is agreed upon and considered final. Bitcoin incorporates pruning through itsMerkle Treestructure. This means older transaction data can optionally be removed by choice while keeping the proofs of what happened available. The key difference lies in Ethereums focus on consensus-based checkpoints for network state finality and Bitcoins use of Merkle trees for efficient transaction verification, coupled with the option of pruning to manage blockchain size.

Are you only backing up data from this point forward, and is it possible to also save the entire record from Ethereums history (i.e., from 2015)?

For now, were only backing up data from this point forward. This is just for simplicity. We are not running an Ethereum node and are not really spending any resources on this. However, it is possible to save Ethereums history on BSV. The primary reason for not doing it is the setup time involved. If anyone reading this has an Ethereum node running and wants to sync it to BSV, reach out, and well set it up in no time.

From a technical standpoint, how are you using mintBlue/Alchemy to do this?

Alchemy has a webhook feature that can be configured to be called when certain events on Ethereum happen. In this case, I configured it to call a URL, with the entire block as a payload, whenever a new block is mined. Zapier is then used to collect the requests and forward them to a transaction creation function in mintBlue, resulting in the entire Ethereum block getting published on BSV. Its not a great setup because, technically, Zapier isnt needed for this to work. The only reason to use Zapier was for simplicitys sake. It allowed me to literally set it up in 10 minutes. This showcases the power of these platforms.

A better approach would be to deploy a backend, collecting the Alchemy webhooks and sending them to mintBlue, removing the cost associated with Zapier events. For clarity, the costs associated with publishing the entire Ethereum activity to BSV are about $50 per month. For comparison, $50 allows you to pay for only about 12 Ethereum transactions.

Have you received any expressions of interest from anyone about funding a continuation of the project?

Not really.

What is your approach to handling the massive size of Ethereums blockchain when backing it up on Bitcoin SV?

At mintBlue, we dont consider the Ethereum blockchain size massive at all. Each block is about 250kb, about the size of a PDF file. An entire Ethereum block can thus fit in a singleBSV transaction, resulting in about $0.0002 of transaction fees for an entire block.

FollowCoinGeeks Crypto Crime Cartelseries, which delves into the stream of groupsa fromBitMEXtoBinance,,Blockstream,ShapeShift,Coinbase,Ripple,Ethereum, FTXandTetherwho have co-opted the digital asset revolution and turned the industry into a minefield for nave (and even experienced) players in the market.

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeeks Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.

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Backing up Ethereum on BSV blockchain: A better way to secure blockchain data long-term - CoinGeek

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Ethereums (ETH) Vitalik Buterin concerned about modern cars privacy – Invezz

Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin has sparked social media discussions as he questions privacy issues inherent in modern vehicles.

Meanwhile, Buterins remarks have drawn attention to the somewhat overlooked features of the evolving automotive industry. That comes after researchers Misha Rykov, Zoe MacDonald, and Jen Caltrider unveiled a comprehensive report highlighting the privacy concerns with modern cars.

The research revealed that all evaluated car brands, which were 25, lacked privacy, underscoring significant faults in automotive technology.

Computerized vehicles collect massive amounts of user data, including personal characteristics, location, and driving routines. Besides ensuring smooth car operations, the data remains crucial for business undertakings like marketing.

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According to the research, 56% of these brands share the data with government authorities upon request, whereas 86% allegedly sell or share the details.

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Moreover, 92% of modern vehicle drivers have no say in the collected data.

The massive data collection & sharing raises privacy worries among consumers and industry experts, with many players questioning the balance between privacy and tech advancements.

While some believe modern cars need remodeling to prevent privacy problems, some accuse Vitalik of not being tech-oriented.

Nonetheless, the Ethereum co-founder stressed that he supports different technological innovations, including some artificial intelligence apps, but critically watched projects that have privacy problems.


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Ethereums (ETH) Vitalik Buterin concerned about modern cars privacy - Invezz

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Linux: Create Encrypted Tunnels with SSH Port Forwarding – The New Stack

Secure Shell (SSH) has several really cool tricks up its sleeve, each of which offers a handy feature (wrapped in a comforting blanket of security) to help make your life a bit easier.

Last week, we discussed key authentication with SSH; this week we will talk about port forwarding, which can be used to:

There are three different types of SSH port forwarding. They are local (connections from a client are forwarded, via SSH, to a remote host), remote (connections from a remote server are forwarded, via SSH, to another machine), and dynamic (connections from different applications are forwarded, via SSH, to several servers).

There are many examples of port forwarding, some of which can get rather complicated. Because of this, were only going to deal with the first two types of port forwarding here (local and remote). These are also the types of SSH port forwarding that youll use the most.

SSH port forwarding is built into SSH by default, so as long as you have SSH installed, you should have everything you need to work with this feature.

With that said, let me show you how SSH port forwarding works.

Your Linux distribution probably already has SSH installed. However, for port forwarding, youll want the SSH server added as well. For that, you can log into your Linux machine and install it on an Ubuntu-based distribution like so:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y

sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y

On a RHEL-based distribution, that command would be:

sudo dnf install openssh-server -y

sudo dnf install openssh-server -y

Once the server is installed, start and enable it on an Ubuntu-based distribution with the command:

sudo systemctl enable --now ssh

sudo systemctl enable --now ssh

On a RHEL-based distribution, the start/enable command is:

sudo systemctl enable --now sshd

sudo systemctl enable --now sshd

The first type of port forwarding well deal with is local. Lets say youre developing a new site and you want to be able to access it via an encrypted connection. This new site may be on your local network or on a remote server. Either way, you can connect to it using the remote SSH server from a local port to a remote port.

Lets say you want to use local port 8080 and forward a connection IP address port 80, via SSH. To do that, the command would be:

ssh -L 8080: localhost

ssh -L 8080: localhost

You will be prompted for your local SSH user password and then will be returned to the command prompt. To verify the tunnel worked, open a web browser and point it to:

The remote site (at should appear in the web browser and is being tunneled via SSH encryption.

You can keep using the encrypted tunnel as long as you remain logged in from the terminal window. To close the encrypted tunnel, go back to the terminal window and type:

You will probably find this type of port forwarding to be more useful because it can allow you to give others access to a remote machine, via an encrypted tunnel. Say, for instance, you have someone on your LAN who needs VNC access to a server with a GUI and you want to ensure that connection is encrypted for security purposes. This, of course, would require you have VNC set up properly on the server and a VNC viewer on a client machine.

For this example, well stick with the IP address for the remote machine and the client machine is at You must have SSH access to the client machine as well.

Before you do this, however, you must take care of a simple SSH configuration. Open the SSH server configuration file with the command:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Add the following line to the bottom of the file:

Save and close the file. Restart SSH with either:

sudo systemctl restart ssh

sudo systemctl restart ssh


sudo systemctl restart sshd

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Now, lets create the remote tunnel. To create the tunnel for VNC (which runs on port 5900), run the following command on the remote server (which, for our example, is at

ssh -R 5900:localhost:5900 USERNAME@

ssh -R 5900:localhost:5900 USERNAME@

Where USERNAME is a username on the client machine to which you have access. Once you authenticate that user, the SSH remote tunnel is up and running. The other user could then connect to the server, using a VNC client, with localhost and port 5900.

Remember, even when the remote user disconnects their VNC connection, the tunnel is still up and running. To close the tunnel, go back to the remote servers terminal and type exit.

If youre looking to create encrypted tunnels for various use cases, look no further than SSH. Once you get the hang of creating these tunnels, youll find they can be very useful in several different types of scenarios.


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Linux: Create Encrypted Tunnels with SSH Port Forwarding - The New Stack

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Kanguru Expands Its Encrypted & Non-Encrypted Data Storage Line with New 512GB High-Capacity USB Flash Drives – PR Newswire

MILLIS, Mass., Jan. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kanguru has expanded its world-class line of Defender Hardware Encrypted Flash Drives with new 512 Gigabytes (GB) high-capacity data storage, giving organizations and individuals the ability to store significant amounts of information under the best data security products available on the market. Kanguru has also expanded its line of non-encrypted flash drives with large amounts of data storage.

Store Lots of Data with Military Grade AES 256-Bit Hardware Encryption

Users can store, access and transfer generous amounts of information on one encrypted thumb drive with ample storage space compared to lower-capacity alternatives, storing documents, multimedia files, music libraries, high-resolution photos, software, and more under military grade AES 256-Bit Hardware Encryption. Kanguru also has secure and non-encrypted SSDs available with up to 8T.

Kanguru Defender encrypted drives protect sensitive data from unauthorized access with exceptional, built-in high-security benefits:

Defender Hardware Encrypted Flash Drives with High-Capacity Storage Include:

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For users who may not be in the market for encryption but are in need of high-capacity drives, the following devices also offer high-capacity storage options:

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See also Kanguru's 4T capacity NVMe SSD with exceptional performance:

Portable, Compact and Lightweight

Thanks to their compact and lightweight portability, Kanguru flash drives are a convenient way to carry and transfer large volumes of files on a single, compact device between different computers and locations. Users can easily access and transfer presentations, photos and media across multiple platforms. Fast data transfers allow quick access and copying of files from one device to another, and is much safer and reliable than online transfers. This is particularly useful for professionals who work across multiple locations.

Ideal for Backups

Users will find that high-capacity memory sticks are an excellent solution for backing up crucial files. Creating a portable backup that can be stored separately from an original device is a necessary step in data protection for many reasons, including disaster recovery, accidental erase, hardware or human error. For Defender encrypted drives it also assists organizations in meeting complex security policies and compliance requirements while meeting GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, GLBA and more.

Fast Data Transfers

Kanguru flash drives offer ultra-fast data transfer speeds for quick copying and access to files with USB 3 (USB 3.2 Gen 1x1).

If you have any questions about these or any other Kanguru products, please contact Kanguru at 1-(508)-376-4245 or email the sales team at [emailprotected].

Kanguru is a global leader providing best-in-class, secure portable storage solutions, for enterprise, businesses, organizations and consumers with easy-to-use, secure IT products, duplication products and data storage for over 30 years. For more information on Kanguru, please visit

FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT:Don Wright, Marketing ManagerKanguru Solutions[emailprotected](1) 508.376.4245

SOURCE Kanguru Solutions

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Kanguru Expands Its Encrypted & Non-Encrypted Data Storage Line with New 512GB High-Capacity USB Flash Drives - PR Newswire

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Cybersecurity Encryption Technologies: Confidentiality | by Coded Conversations | Coded Tech Talk | Jan, 2024 – Medium

Confidentiality: Encryption Technologies

This principle is dedicated to ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to view it. Confidentiality mechanisms include data encryption, robust authentication processes, and access control measures that safeguard against unauthorized access and disclosures.


Picture a lockbox where townsfolk store their valuables. Only those with the right key (authorized users) can peek inside. This lockbox is linked to encryption technologies and access controls that keep prying eyes away from sensitive information.

The invisible guardians of our digital universe, shielding our most sacred data from prying eyes and nefarious minds. In the vast cosmos of computing and cybersecurity, encryption is the spellbinding force that turns readable data into a cryptic puzzle only solvable by those who hold the magical key. So buckle up, my fellow digital explorers, as we embark on an electrifying journey through the deep-ends of encryption technologies, both celebrated and obscure, that weave

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Cybersecurity Encryption Technologies: Confidentiality | by Coded Conversations | Coded Tech Talk | Jan, 2024 - Medium

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Apple Battles UK Law That Kills Encryption, Calls It A ‘Secret Veto’ Against Global Privacy By Benzinga – UK

Benzinga - by Rounak Jain, Benzinga Staff Writer.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has sharpened its opposition to the UK governments proposed amendments to the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA) 2016. The tech giant claims that these changes could potentially "secretly veto" new security features worldwide.

What Happened: The proposed amendments would empower the UK Home Office to pre-approve new security features introduced by tech companies, reported BBC.

If the Home Office rejects an update, it would not be released in any other country, and the public would remain uninformed. This could be especially problematic when zero-day vulnerabilities remain unpatched, allowing malicious parties to exploit them.

The UK government is looking to revise the IPA 2016, arguing that while it supports privacy-focused tech, it is also responsible for ensuring public safety. The proposed amendments will be debated in the House of Lords on Wednesday.

Apple has described the move as an "unprecedented overreach" by the UK government, expressing grave concern that the proposed amendments put users privacy and security at risk.

The Home Office responded by stating that decisions about lawful access, which protect the country from child sexual abusers and terrorists, should be taken by those who are democratically accountable and approved by Parliament.

While Apple has previously threatened to withdraw Facetime and iMessage from the UK, the proposed law would extend beyond these services to encompass all Apple products.

Why It Matters: This is not the first time that Apple has opposed the UKs surveillance laws. Earlier in January, Apple and other tech giants expressed opposition to the proposed surveillance laws in the UK, citing potential threats to data security and privacy.

In 2023, Apple joined 80 organizations and technology experts who opposed the Online Safety Bill under consideration in the UK Parliament, arguing that the bill would put people at greater risk from data breaches and surveillance.

Moreover, Apple threatened to pull two of its core services, iMessage and FaceTime, in the UK if the proposed surveillance bill becomes law. The tech giant has consistently opposed the UK governments proposed changes to IPA 2016.

Check out more of Benzinga's Consumer Tech coverage by following this link.

Read Next: If You Invested $1000 In Apple When The iPad Was Launched 14 Years Ago, Heres How Much Youd Have Today

Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of Benzinga Neuro and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

Photo courtesy: Shutterstock

2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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Apple Battles UK Law That Kills Encryption, Calls It A 'Secret Veto' Against Global Privacy By Benzinga - UK

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Phobos Ransomware Family Expands With New FAUST Variant – Infosecurity Magazine

Security researchers have recently uncovered a new variant of the notorious Phobos ransomware family named FAUST.

Phobos, which first emerged in 2019, encrypts files on victimscomputers and demands a ransom in cryptocurrency for the decryption key.

According to an advisory published by FortiGuard Labs last Thursday, the FAUST variant was found in an Office document utilizing a VBA script to propagate the ransomware.

As part of the campaign, the attackers employed the Gitea service to store malicious files encoded in Base64. When injected into a systems memory, these files initiate a file encryption attack.

The FortiGuard Labs analysis revealed a multi-stage attack flow, from VBA script execution to the deployment of the FAUST payload.

Macros remain a dangerous part of malware delivery because VBA provides functionality that many companies use for day-to-day applications,explained John Bambenek, president at BambenekConsulting.

The safest way to deal with this threat is to disable VBA in Office entirely. However, if thats not an option, organizations can at least disable high-riskfunctionality in VBAs using Windows Defense Attack Surface Reduction, such as preventing office applications from creating child processes or from creating executable content.

From a technical standpoint, FAUST ransomware exhibits persistence mechanisms, adding a registry entry and copying itself to specific startup folders.

It checks for a Mutex object to ensure only one process is running, and it contains an exclusion list to avoid double-encrypting specific files or encrypting its ransom information. The encrypted files carry the .faustextension, and victims are instructed to contact the attackers via email or TOX message for ransom negotiations.

Read more on Phobos variants: 8Base Ransomware Group Emerges as Major Threat

The research underscores the threat of fileless attacks and the need for user caution when opening document files from untrusted sources.

While user awareness and caution are crucial aspects of cybersecurity, a layered approach to defense is necessary. Individuals should be cautious with attachments and links. Only opening attachments or clicking on links from trusted sources and be wary of unexpected emails,warned Sarah Jones, cyber threat intelligence research analyst at Critical Start.

Additionally, regularly updating your operating system, applications, and firmware to patch vulnerabilities attackers can exploit is critical. Furthermore, individuals need to ensure their passwords are strong and unique and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.

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Phobos Ransomware Family Expands With New FAUST Variant - Infosecurity Magazine

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What Are VPN Apps & Why You Need Them – Privacy News Online

The internet is an essential part of our lives, but being constantly connected makes retaining your privacy a challenge. Ever seen an ad encouraging you to download a VPN app to protect your online privacy? If that left you wondering what a VPN app does, youre not alone.

If you want to take control of your online privacy and limit how much of your activity and information outsiders can see, using cybersecurity tools like VPN apps can help you achieve these goals. If youre planning to use a VPN but youre not quite sure where to start, were here to guide you on the uses of VPN apps, how they work, and why we need to use them.

VPN apps provide a user-friendly way to access VPN services. These apps simplify the process, making it easier to manage your VPN connection. VPN apps encrypt your internet connection, which adds a strong layer of security to your online activity and data. This means your information is concealed from snoopers and potential threats like cybercriminals who carry out cyber attacks to steal your sensitive data.

Encryption masks your online activity your data is scrambled up and wrapped in layers of code to make it unreadable. VPNs also mask your real IP address and cloak it with a different one by rerouting your connection through one of its servers.

With VPN apps, you dont need to set up a VPN manually; the app does all the heavy lifting for you. Many VPN apps come with extra features and options that let you customize how the VPN works.

There are many reasons why you might want to use a VPN app. Here are some of the most common ones:

You want to protect your online privacy and security. A Forbes study revealed that 40% of users experienced a data breach when using public Wi-Fi. This means that their sensitive info, like passwords or personal details, was accessed by unauthorized parties. To stay safe, use a VPN app when youre using public Wi-Fi to protect yourself from cyber threats.

You want to access different platforms without any restrictions. These platforms could be for online entertainment, social media, or staying updated with trends and results from other regions. VPNs let you safely use the streaming libraries you prefer from abroad, bypass network blocks like at school, and see a variety of websites and services from different countries.

You want to find better deals when shopping online. VPNs let you change your virtual location which helps you find different pricing and regional deals. This is useful when youre booking flights or hotels, or want to avoid price discrimination.

When you connect to the internet without a VPN, your unprotected traffic contains data about your IP address and online activity, allowing snoopers and cybercriminals to identify you or commit fraud using the information they discover. The websites you visit also sneak in tracking cookies to spy on your browsing habits for profit but this isnt something a VPN can control.

So, what can a VPN do? It can help prevent various cyber attacks, including DDoS, Man-in-the-Middle attacks, and cookie hijacking. By masking your IP address and encrypting your online activity, a VPN makes it much harder for cybercriminals and other third parties to access your online traffic and personal data.

After you connect to the VPN from your app, it will automatically reroute all your network traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a secure VPN server. VPN apps usually let you choose which VPN server you want to connect to from a list of countries, and many will find the best server for you. Keep in mind that not all VPNs offer the same country options, and some might have servers in fewer places. When you connect to a different VPN server, your IP address and virtual location change, making it look like youre in another country.

Some VPNs come with extra features you can turn on and settings that let you customize your VPN app and connection. As an example, PIA has a feature called MACE that blocks DNS domains used for ads, trackers, and malware.

To get started, simply:

1. Choose a trusted VPN provider.

2. Download the VPN app for your device from your app store, or get it straight from the providers website.

3. Launch the app and create an account.

4. Choose your server then hit the connect button. If you connect first, no worries itll auto-select a server for you.

Using a VPN app is incredibly intuitive. For example, with PIA, you simply open the app on your device and tap the Connect button the app will automatically select the best server for you. You can also choose a specific server location if you prefer. Once connected, you can immediately start browsing with peace of mind, knowing your connection is private and secure.

With a VPN, your online activity is shielded from certain eyes like your ISP, government, cybercriminals, and network owners/admins. It wont totally conceal everything, though. Websites, browsers, and apps can still track you using cookies or information you choose to input. VPNs also cant shield you from phishing, malware, and viruses.

If you need more information or need help setting up PIA VPN, you can contact PIAs 24/7 Customer Support experts any time.

VPN apps can work with a bunch of different devices, but its not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Compatibility really depends on the VPN provider youre using and which operating systems it chooses to support with native apps. Not all devices are ready to run VPN apps straight out of the box, either.

You can typically find compatible VPN apps for popular operating systems like Windows, Android, MacOS, iOS, and Linux from premium VPN providers. If your device doesnt support dedicated VPN apps, no worries! You can set up the VPN on your router or use features like PIAs SmartDNS. This lets you change your IP address on devices like consoles and Smart TVs that dont support VPN apps. Keep in mind that while SmartDNS changes your IP address, it doesnt encrypt your connection, which can have its downsides.

Some VPNs put a cap on how many devices you can connect at the same time. PIA doenst limit your connections so you can secure all your gadgets at the same time.

While a VPN app makes it easy to connect to a VPN, its not the only way. You can also manually configure a VPN connection in your devices network settings if it supports VPN configuration.

Heres a thing, though: going manual requires some tech know-how and, if you mess up, it could put your privacy and security at risk.

Using a VPN app is usually more convenient and comes with extra features, but if you go for manual setup, your connection still gets encrypted. Youre still using a VPN provider to direct your traffic through a secure server, just without their app.

Here are alternative options to get VPN protection on your devices if you cant install a VPN app:

If you cant install a VPN app, consider setting up the VPN manually on your device. This involves entering the VPNs server address, your username, and password into your devices network settings. While this method requires a bit more effort, it gives you the same level of protection as a VPN app if you do it correctly.

Before you start, you need to pick a VPN service provider and sign up. Once thats done, get your VPN configuration files from them because youll need these when setting up the VPN manually.

Android devices can vary based on the manufacturer, so the steps may differ. In general, heres how you can setup a VPN on your Android device:

1. Open your devices settings menu and tap Network & Internet or Connections.

2. Select More Connection Settings

4. Tap VPN and add a VPN profile.

5. Enter the VPN details provided by your VPN provider.

6. Save the settings and toggle the VPN switch to connect to the VPN server.

1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device.

2. Tap General and then VPN

3. Click Add VPN Configuration

4. Enter the VPN details provided by your VPN provider.

5. Save the settings and toggle the VPN switch to connect.

1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard and type VPN settings.

2. Click Add a VPN connection

3. Enter the VPN details provided by your VPN provider.

4. Click Save and then click Connect under the VPN connection you just created.

1. Open the Apple menu and select System Preferences.

2. Tap Network

3. Click the + button to add a new network connection.

4. Select the VPN interface and enter the VPN details provided by your VPN provider.

5. Click Apply to save the settings

6. Select the VPN connection you just created and connect.

1. Install the OpenVPN client using your Linux distributions package manager.

2. Copy the VPN configuration file provided by your VPN provider to the appropriate directory.

3. Use the OpenVPN command-line tool to connect to the VPN server using the configuration file.

Setting up a VPN on your router lets you connect every device on your network to the VPN. This means all your devices get the VPNs protection even the ones that dont support VPN apps.

PIA offers a comprehensive guide to help you configure our VPN on your router using flashed firmware. Remember, the setup process may vary depending on your router model and the VPN provider you choose.

If youre mainly concerned about protecting your web browsing, consider installing a VPN browser extension. This will secure your browser traffic, although it wont protect other apps on your device. PIA also offers browser extensions that are easy to install and use.

How to install a VPN browser extension:

1. Open the relevant browser on the device of your choice.

2. Visit the download page for the browser extension, like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

3. Click Download

5. Wait for the installation to complete.

6. Select a VPN server and click Connect.

Using a proxy server is another way to change your IP address. A proxy server acts as a digital middleman that routes your requests to the internet, which can change your visible IP address. This can make your online activity harder to track, giving you a level of privacy.

While a proxy can hide your IP address, it doesnt encrypt your internet traffic like a VPN does. This means your online activity could still be visible to others. Thats why its important to know what a proxy does and the security risks you might face when using one.

Not all VPNs are the same. Some are free, some are paid, some servers are fast, some are slow, some are secure, and some are not. But when looking for a VPN, these are some key factors you can consider.

Understand your needs Identify why you need a VPN. Are you looking to secure your data? Bypass geo-restrictions? Maintain anonymity? Your specific needs will guide your choice.

Research the VPNs features Take a good look at what the VPN offers.For instance, PIA provides split tunneling, leak protection, and built-in ad blocking. These features enhance your online experience, thats why its important to consider them when choosing a VPN.

Look at the pricing The cost of VPNs can vary quite a bit, so think about your budget. Some VPNs, like PIA, offer a great service without making your wallet cry.

A VPN app makes using a VPN service on your device a breeze. It gives you an easy way to connect to VPN servers, creating a safe path for your data to travel through the internet. People generally use VPN apps to encrypt their traffic and change their IP address, making it look like theyre browsing from a completely different country or region.

If youre looking for a smooth VPN experience, you can try out PIA VPN. We take privacy seriously, offering strong encryption, a court-verified No Logs policy, leak protection, and even ad-blocking.

Generally, you should keep your VPN on when youre online to protect your privacy. However, there might be times when you want to turn it off, like when its slowing down your connection. PIA is a fast VPN with high-speed connections and support for lightweight VPN protocols, so you wont have to worry about this too much.

While some devices and operating systems come with built-in VPN support, it doesnt mean they have a built-in VPN service. This support simply allows you to connect to a VPN service manually.

If youre wondering whether your device has a built-in VPN, check your network settings. If you see options for a VPN, that means your device can support a VPN connection. To actually use a VPN, youll still need to subscribe to a VPN service like PIA.

Setting up and managing a VPN manually can be a bit tricky, but when you use a VPN service with native apps, it makes things a lot simpler. PIA has native VPN apps for a wide range of devices and operating systems including Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and Linux. This means that no matter what device youre using, PIA has got you covered.

While free VPN services exist, they often come with limitations and might not be secure. Some free VPNs lack robust encryption standards and may even infect your device with malware. You also put your personal information at risk as many free VPNs will sell your activity data to make money. Free VPNs also have small server networks that can quickly become overloaded and most apply bandwidth and data caps.

In contrast, premium VPNs like PIA offer a more secure and feature-rich service. PIA not only protects your privacy, but it also offers some standout features that enhance your online security and experience. PIA comes with a court-proven No Logs policy, advanced features, a massive 10-Gbps VPN server network, and military-grade encryption.

Yes, its generally safe as long as the VPN provider is trustworthy. For instance, PIA is trusted by millions for our court-tested and independently verified No Logs policy. This means PIA doesnt keep any records of your online activities, making sure your data remains private.

Yes, you can use a VPN on multiple devices. Most VPN providers limit the number of devices you can connect at the same time, but others dont. For instance, PIA allows unlimited device connections with a single subscription whereas most VPN providers limit you to a handful of simultaneous device connections. This means you can secure all your devices without any extra cost.

Using a VPN can sometimes slow down your internet speed, as your data needs to be encrypted and then sent to the VPN server.

Heres the good news. Not all VPNs are created equal, and some are better at handling traffic than others. PIA is a fast VPN and our network is built to support high-speed connections. So, you can enjoy a secure connection without having to compromise on speed.

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What Are VPN Apps & Why You Need Them - Privacy News Online

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Fox Journalist and Deaton React As SEC Presents Inconsistent Argument in Binance Case – The Crypto Basic

Crypto enthusiasts spot inconsistency in the SECs legal argument after the regulator claimed that crypto assets themselves represent the embodiment of an investment contract.

This was the SEC lawyers position in yesterdays legal hearing centered on Binances attempt to get an enforcement action from the securities regulator dismissed.

For context, the SEC charged Binance and Coinbase in June with violating federal laws by operating unregistered securities exchanges and listing crypto assets deemed investment contracts.

In the Binance lawsuit, the SEC labeled 12 crypto assets as securities, including FIL, BUSD, BNB, ADA, and AXS. On the contrary, Binance and Binance.US filed a dismissal motion asking U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to dismiss the lawsuit.

Reports from the courtroom during Mondays hearing suggested that the SEC claimed the Howey Test, a longstanding security test in the United States, was clear for all assets, including cryptos.

According to reports from the courtroom, the commissions lawyers claimed that the crypto tokens listed in the Binance case represent the investment contracts, adding that the assets are the embodiment of a security.

However, the SECs argument did not sit well in the crypto community, as enthusiasts spotted significant inconsistencies in the theory. Notably, Attorney John Deaton, who represents thousands of XRP holders in the SEC v. Ripple case, commented on the development.

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The pro-XRP lawyer revealed that the SEC first expressed the embodiment theory when responding to his motion to intervene on behalf of XRP holders in the Ripple legal tussle.

An excerpt from the SECs response read:

The XRP traded, even in the secondary market, is the embodiment of those facts, circumstances, promises, and expectations, and today represents that investment contract.

Attorney Deaton pointed out that the SEC has failed to cite any case law to support its embodiment theory.

Additionally, Fox Business Journalist Eleanor Terrett was among those who commented about the SECs inconsistent arguments.

In an X post yesterday, the pro-crypto journalist noted that two federal judges, Judge Analisa Torres in the Ripple lawsuit and Judge Jed Rakoff in the Terra case, declared that the token in itself is not a security.

She pointed out that the SEC also acknowledged this fact in both cases as it described the tokens as merely computer codes. Per Terrett, the SECs inconsistent legal theories were seen in the Ripple and LBRY cases.

For instance, the judge in the Ripple case called out the SEC for presenting inconsistent arguments about Ripples other distributions of XRP.

According to the judge, at one point, the SEC argued that Ripples other distributions were the sale of unregistered securities as they were made in exchange for non-cash considerations.

She added that the SEC later changed the argument by claiming that Ripples other distributions of XRP were sold indirectly to the public to raise liquidity for the company.

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Fox Journalist and Deaton React As SEC Presents Inconsistent Argument in Binance Case - The Crypto Basic

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