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Rechargeable ‘spin battery’ promising for spintronics and quantum … – Phys.Org

April 19, 2017 by Emil Venere This microscope image shows a new device used to measure the persistent spin polarization for a rechargeable spin battery that represents a step toward building possible spintronic devices and quantum computers more powerful than today's technologies. Credit: Purdue University image/Jifa Tian

Researchers have shown how to create a rechargeable "spin battery" made out of materials called topological insulators, a step toward building new spintronic devices and quantum computers.

Unlike ordinary materials that are either insulators or conductors, topological insulators are both at the same time - they are insulators inside but conduct electricity on the surface. The materials might be used for spintronic devices and quantum computers more powerful than today's technologies.

Electrons can be thought of as having two spin states: up or down, and a phenomenon known as superposition allows electrons to be in both states at the same time. Such a property could be harnessed to perform calculations using the laws of quantum mechanics, making for computers much faster than conventional computers at certain tasks.

The conducting electrons on the surface of topological insulators have a key property known as "spin momentum locking," in which the direction of the motion of electrons determines the direction of its spin. This spin could be used to encode or carry information by using the down or up directions to represent 0 or 1 for spin-based information processing and computing, or spintronics.

"Because of the spin-momentum locking, you can make the spin of electrons line up or 'locked' in one direction if you pass a current through the topological insulator material, and this is a very interesting effect," said Yong P. Chen, a Purdue University professor of physics and astronomy and electrical and computer engineering and director of the Purdue Quantum Center.

Applying an electric current to the material induces an electron "spin polarization" that might be used for spintronics. Ordinarily, the current must remain turned on to maintain this polarization. However, in new findings, Purdue researchers are the first to induce a long-lived electron spin polarization lasting two days even when the current is turned off. The electron spin polarization is detected by a magnetic voltage probe, which acts as a spin-sensitive voltmeter in a technique known as "spin potentiometry".

The new findings are detailed in a research paper appearing on April 14 in the journal Science Advances. The experiment was led by postdoctoral research associate Jifa Tian.

"Such an electrically controlled persistent spin polarization with unprecedented long lifetime could enable a rechargeable spin battery and rewritable spin memory for potential applications in spintronics and quantum information systems," Tian said.

This "writing current" could be likened to recording the ones and zeroes in a computer's memory.

"However, a better analog is that of a battery," Chen said. "The writing current is like a charging current. It's slow, just like charging your iPhone for an hour or two, and then it can output power for several days. That's the similar idea. We charge up this spin battery using this writing current in half an hour or one hour and then the spins stay polarized for two days, like a rechargeable battery."

The finding was a surprise.

"This was not predicted nor something we were looking for when we started the experiment," he said. "It was an accidental discovery, thanks to Jifa's patience and persistence, running and repeating the measurements many times, and effectively charging up the spin battery to output a measurable persistent spin polarization signal."

The researchers are unsure what causes the effect. However, one theory is that the spin- polarized electrons might be transferring their polarization to the atomic nuclei in the material. This hypothesis as a possible explanation to the experiment was proposed by Supriyo Datta, Purdue's Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the leader of the recently launched Purdue "spintronics preeminent team initiative."

"In one meeting, Professor Datta made the critical suggestion that the persistent spin signal Jifa observed looked like a battery," Chen said. "There were some analogous experiments done earlier on a nuclear spin powered battery, although they typically required much more challenging conditions such as high magnetic fields. Our observation so far is consistent with the effect also arising from the nuclear spins, even though we don't have direct evidence."

Nuclear spin has implications for development of quantum memory and quantum computing.

"And now we have an electrical way to achieve this, meaning it is potentially useful for quantum circuits because you can just pass current and you polarize nuclear spin," Chen said. "Traditionally that has been very difficult to achieve. Our spin battery based on topological insulators works even at zero magnetic field, and moderately low temperatures such as tens of kelvins, which is very unusual."

Seokmin Hong, a former Purdue doctoral student working with Datta who is now a software engineer at Intel Corp., said, "While an ordinary charged battery outputs a voltage that can be used to drive a charge current, a 'spin battery' outputs a 'spin voltage,' or more precisely a chemical potential difference between the spin up and spin down electrons, that can be used to drive a non-equilibrium spin current."

The researchers used small flakes of a material called bismuth tellurium selenide. It is in the same class of materials as bismuth telluride, which is behind solid-state cooling technologies such as commercial thermoelectric refrigerators. However, unlike the commercial grade material that is a "doped" bulk semiconductor, the material used in the experiment was carefully produced to have ultra-high-purity and little doping in the bulk so the conduction is dominated by the spin-polarized electrons on the surface. It was synthesized by research scientist Ireneusz Miotkowski in the semiconductor bulk crystal lab managed by Chen in Purdue's Department of Physics and Astronomy. The devices were fabricated by Tian in the Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue's Discovery Park.

The paper was authored by Tian; Hong; and Miotkowski, Datta, and Chen.

Future research will include work to probe what causes the effect by directly probing the nuclear spin, and also to explore how this spin battery can be used in potential practical applications.

Explore further: Long-distance transport of electron spins for spin-based logic devices

More information: Jifa Tian et al. Observation of current-induced, long-lived persistent spin polarization in a topological insulator: A rechargeable spin battery, Science Advances (2017). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1602531

Journal reference: Science Advances

Provided by: Purdue University

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Once we have quantum computers running applications that help us research and design new materials, material applications of quantum dynamics are going to increase exponentially. Just like what happened when Turing machine computers were finally usable as tools to design Turing machine computers, instead of being designed with adding machines, slide rules and graph paper.

So yes, there will be lots more people who don't know what they're doing, doing things.

Whydening Gyre:

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Rechargeable 'spin battery' promising for spintronics and quantum ... - Phys.Org

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Centre working to reintroduce draft encryption policy – The Sunday Guardian

In order to access all encrypted information shared on popular chatting and messaging applications, including WhatsApp, Viber, Line and Google Chat, the Union government is all set to re-introduce the Draft National Encryption Policy, sources have confirmed. According to sources, the government is working on the draft for the National Encryption Policy (NEP) and it may soon publish the draft for public feedback.

Following a public uproar over threat to privacy, last year, the government had called off the Draft National Encryption Policy 2016 which had made storage of all messages mandatory, including social media messages, for 90 days.

According to sources, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had asked the Department of Electronics and Information Technologyrecently made into a separate ministryto re-work a fresh draft to regulate the countrys encryption policy.

Cyber law expert Pawan Duggal said, The initial draft policy on encryption introduced by the government was draconian and it would have put more burdens on individuals, while service providers, most of whom are based outside India, would have remained out of the policy net.

According to Duggal, as a sovereign country, India has all rights to protect its security and given the cyber threats in the country, it is necessary for the government to have a lawful surveillance system in place.

WhatsApp, in its blog, has said that even the company is unable to decrypt its end-to-end encryption due its intrinsic technology protection. However, many experts have rubbished the claim made by WhatsApp.

Duggal said, WhatsApp or any other social media platform owners cannot simply get away, saying that it has no decryption key to its end-to-end encryption technology. WhatsApp and other products of the true encryption sort could indeed be compelled by Indian law to behave like mobile phone services, and forced to re-implement their software, relapse it to make lawful interception possible on demand. Neha Sharma, another Delhi-based cyber law expert who teaches cyber law at the Centre of Law, Rajasthan University, said: Many services we think of as encrypted are subject to whats called lawful interception, which is supposed to mean that with the right sort of authorisation from the judiciary, supposedly confidential data that was sent or stored using the service can be recovered.

Lawful interception may lead to traffic being monitored in real time, or (given the sheer volume of data involved these days) recovered and decrypted later to help an investigation or prosecution. For example, your online banking transactions are typically encrypted end-to-end as you conduct them, but the bank needs to keep a permanent record of what you did for its own rather obvious commercial reasons, as well as for regulatory purposes, Neha told The Sunday Guardian. Under the existing regulatory framework, 256-bit encryption is unlawful and prohibited because the retraction made by the government on bulk encryption and a cap of key lengths at 40 bits. However, several experts dont agree with such an argument and say that 40 bits key cap obligations currently only apply to licence holders themselves (such as ISPs and TSPs) and not to internet.

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Centre working to reintroduce draft encryption policy - The Sunday Guardian

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Billionaire says he has 10% of his money in Bitcoin, Ether …

"Ten percent of my net worth is in this space," Novogratz said at a forum held at the Harvard Business School Club of New York Wednesday. He declined to say exactly how wealthy he is, but he's a former hedge fund manager at Fortress Investment Group and a Goldman Sachs partner who made the Forbes billionaire list in 2008.

It's the "best investment of my life," Novogratz said.

Bitcoin was worth under $500 a year ago. Today the digital currency trades at over $1,200. Back in 2013, Novogratz predicted Bitcoin's value would soar. He remembers people laughing at him at the time.

Since then, Bitcoin's price has been on a wild run. It surged to nearly $1,000 in late 2013 and then fell to under $250 in 2015. It started to fly again last year, around the time of the Brexit vote. It surpassed $1,000 in January of this year again and has kept climbing.

Now Novogratz is saying Bitcoin will go to $2,000.

But he also warned the Harvard Business School Club crowd that there will "likely be a bubble" in digital currencies. The best way to handle it, he argues, is the old Wall Street trick of diversification. Put a little money in a lot of different plays in digital currency.

Related: What is Bitcoin? Read CNN's explainer

For example, Novogratz was also an early investor in Ether. It's another digital currency that has quickly emerged as the No. 2 rival to Bitcoin. Novogratz says he bought Ether when it was trading for about $1. Today it's worth over $48.

Novogratz met Vitalik Buterin, the young Russian brainchild behind Ether at a dinner party at a prominent CEO's home. He recalls that Buterin, then 21, showed up late, which struck him as shocking -- and a bit ballsy. He figured it was worth paying attention to Buterin.

Ether is a currency with a "smart contract" function that gives users additional security and abilities to transfer information in addition to monetary value.

We're witnessing the "3rd inning" of this digital asset revolution, Novogratz predicts. He's not exactly sure how it will play out, but he plans to continue investing in digital currencies and Blockchain, the revolutionary technology behind the scenes that makes Bitcoin work.

Blockchain is literally a digital ledger to record and track transactions. What makes it so technologically advanced is that multiple companies or parties can access the Blockchain and see the history of what happened to an asset.

Related: Yext: The newest $1 billion tech company

Novogratz has emerged as one of the biggest Wall Street cheerleaders of Blockchain, but his bets haven't always gone so well. He exited Fortress in 2015 after the company shut down his Marco Fund for poor performance. It lost around 20% in its final year after his investments in emerging markets, especially Brazil, tanked.

"We have had an extremely challenging two years, and I do not believe the current environment is conducive to achieving our best results," Novogratz said at the time.

CNNMoney (New York) First published April 20, 2017: 12:44 PM ET

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Billionaire says he has 10% of his money in Bitcoin, Ether ...

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Bitcoin Is Not Immune to All Fiat Problems – The Merkle

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Bitcoin Is Not Immune to All Fiat Problems
The Merkle
Bitcoin inspires hope among many of its owners, investors, and users. Its culture is deeply steeped in the hopes of being your own bank and not having to rely on third parties such as government and financial institutions to guarantee, protect, and ...

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The Need for Bitcoin Evangelists and How to Be One – The Merkle

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The Need for Bitcoin Evangelists and How to Be One
The Merkle
If Bitcoin stands any chance of growing, it needs to be known. This is where Bitcoin evangelists come in, who are responsible for promoting a wider scale adoption and use of the cryptocurrency. The initial signs are promising as the crypto's awareness ...
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The Good Fight Season Finale Ends with Return of ‘Bitcoin Creator’ – CryptoCoinsNews

Bitcoin and cyber-terrorism are on prime time once more thanks to the most recent season finale of The Good Fight. As well, the digital currencywill soon be featured in the My Money episode of Dark Net.

Last week,in the first season finale of The Good Fight, an American legal and political drama, Bitcoin took center stage. The episode, calledChaos, could be an important part of the shows next season after the series was renewed for a second in March.

Technology lawyer and Bitcoin creator Dylan Stack, played by Jason Biggs, asks show star Diane to represent him. He is the creator of Bitcoin. He tells her he believes he is being framed for an upcoming cyber attack against Chicagos power grid.Stack has appeared as the bitcoin on The Good Wife,from which The Good Fight spun off.

The law firm Reddick, Boseman, & Kolstad, known for its police brutality cases, represents Stack. Eventually, however, the malware infects the governments computers and blocks access to the power grid. The Fedssuspect the law firm had a role.

Stack doesnt come forward to authorities. He works instead to uncover who planted the malware on his computer, suspecting it was someone he chats with on 4chan (since the creator of Bitcoin chats on 4chan). Stack the founder of Bitcoin is ultimately arrested by the FBI. The blackout hits at the same time.

The episode, called Chaos is set amid bi-annual reviews at law firm Reddick, Boseman and Kolstad. Lucca receives good reviews.

The Good Wife featured a Bitcoin episode, as well. In Season 3 Episode 13, Bitcoin for Dummies, the show dedicated awhile to explaining the digital currency technology based on the blockchain. The Good Fight doesnt take this path, focusing in on the action instead. In The Good Wifeepisode, bitcoin featured three inventors. In that episode, Biggs character assures he is Bitcoins representative.

Bitcoin recently appeared will appear in an upcoming episode of Dark Net. The episode, which will be named My Money, could have gone in several different directions, as that showsproducers discussed the possibility of showcasing Venezuela Bitcoin miners.

We originally wanted to interview bitcoin miners in Venezuela who are really risking a lot to mine for bitcoin because money there is so worthless and bitcoin still retains value. So it was a really, really interesting story of survival that you wouldnt think of because bitcoin is typically associated with the darknet and illicit activities, and this was a completely different take on it, Adi Kochavi, president of Vocativ Films and executive producer for Dark Net, said. Im definitely holding onto this idea.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

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How Does Bitcoin Reach a Decision? – CryptoCoinsNews

Some 70% of miners have now made a decision on whether to support segregated witnesses (segwit) or Bitcoin Unlimited, a proposal which simply increases the blocksize as set by nodes and miners. Its not clear what the other 30% of miners are waiting for, but it will be interesting to see what they do decide once they get around to exercising their duty.

If all go for segwit, it would give the proposal some 60%. Far off from a 95% threshold usually used, but that was always unrealistic in any, even slightly, contentious setting. Its not too far from 75%, but conceptually, if segwit does reach 60%, it would be reasonable to say after lengthy debate a decision has been made and thus should be supported regardless of views.

If all of the 30% instead support Bitcoin Unlimited, the client would gain some 70% of the hashrate. Not far from 75% and, again, regardless of views, after so much debate one has no choice, but to accept the decision of what would be an overwhelming majority.

In either case, both sides might dispute the end decision, but intellectually, they would have no standing nor any persuasive power for they would look no different than the not my president protestors who thought they can create their own fictitious reality.

Its unlikely all of the remaining 30% would decide in favor of just one proposal. If we split them in half, that would give segwit 47% while Bitcoin Unlimited would have around 53%. A very tight result, but, a potential outcome within predictable range as the matter is contentious.

The question now rises whether the 47% should accept the decision of the 53% or whether they should split? If they do split, which one is to be called bitcoin? If, instead, they decide to not solve the problem at all, in effect rejecting both proposals, due to the fear of a split and its potential ensuing chaos, then what is the wider public to think of an expensive and slow bitcoin that cant solve its problems?

Rationally, the name bitcoin should go to the chain with 53% of the hashrate since bitcoin relies on the honesty of 51% of miners. If the matter is so contentious, then at least some of the 47% will probably split, which is their right. However, they need to differentiate themselves, but what if they dont, what if they call themselves bitcoin?

Here, the persuasive power of conventions and norms usually assists. Just as the not my president protestors, they can call themselves bitcoin, but no one should take them seriously because, objectively, bitcoin is the chain with more than 51% of miners unless such miners are objectively acting maliciously which clearly is not the case in this scalability debate where a genuine disagreement of opinion exists.

The not my president protestors can, of course, go to California and declare independence, but they obviously wont be able to call California as USA. Likewise, the minority has the right to split without requiring any permission, but they cant call themselves bitcoin. They can call themselves Bitcoin Core, or BCC; or Bitcoin Unlimited with ticker BTU, depending on which one is minority with the majority one remaining as bitcoin or BTC.

Norms and conventions are not easily enforceable, but they have power because non-adherence leads to chaos. If the president, for example, does not uphold a judicial ruling, he risks revolution.

Likewise, if some exchanges call a minority chain as bitcoin, then the entire currency is put into question, risking its complete downfall, not to mention the ensuing chaos.

As such, adhering to simple norms and conventions would be in the interest of everyone, including the minority chain, which can happily operate on its own network and fairly compete in the market, instead of risking its own downfall and that of bitcoin.

The 30% of miners who have not decided, therefore, should get on with it. After now two years of endless arguing, and after some 70% have decided, there is no excuse for the other miners to keep sitting on the fence.

Just signal for segwit or Bitcoin Unlimited and lets end this constant arguing, stagnation, transaction delays, increased fees, etc.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely that of the author and do not represent those of, nor should they be attributed to CCN.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

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How Does Bitcoin Reach a Decision? - CryptoCoinsNews

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US Government Hacks Global Bank System, Neccesity of Bitcoin – The Merkle

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US Government Hacks Global Bank System, Neccesity of Bitcoin
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The US government's ongoing extensive surveillance on the global banking system and payment transfers is demonstrating an urgent necessity of a decentralized financial network such as bitcoin. Over the past few months, various organizations including ...

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Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Scam Education Foxminers – The Merkle

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Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Scam Education Foxminers
The Merkle
The cryptocurrency world has seen its fair share of nefarious mining hardware manufacturers. A lot of companies claim they are building new hardware and accept pre-orders. However, very few of these products ever come to the market. Foxminers, a new ...

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Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware Scam Education Foxminers - The Merkle

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Decred Releases v1.0: The World’s First Cryptocurrency of the People, for the People, and by the People – Yahoo Finance

CHICAGO, April 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --Decred is a cryptocurrency project and platform built from the ground up to leverage the will of its constituents to drive change. This approach eliminates the conflicts that arise when powerful entities attempt to assert control over a cryptocurrency. Decred adapts to continually meet the needs of the people it serves.

April 25, 2017, marks the highly anticipated release of Decred v1.0. This historic release puts Decred stakeholders in charge of shaping the future of Decred through direct community consensus voting. For the first time in the history of cryptocurrencies, governing control moves away from centralized authorities, such as developers and miners, and is given to the community of stakeholders. Decentralization struggles without decentralized governance; this is especially true when it comes to a rapidly growing global currency.

Most cryptocurrencies distinguish themselves by how they secure the transactions on their network. For example, Bitcoin is famous for using a proof-of-work algorithm that rewards miners for finding solutions to a cryptographic hash puzzle. Other cryptocurrency projects rely on proof-of-stake algorithms that reward users who hold the currency in a "staking" wallet with interest on the balances they carry. Both approaches have strengths and limitations; Decred takes advantage of the best of both worlds with a hybrid proof-of-work and proof-of-stake consensus system. This allows the platform to strike a balance between benefits to both miners and stakeholders, giving rise to a more robust notion of consensus.

The 1.0 release of Decred will include the first community vote on two important issues. After 75% or more of miners and stakeholders have updated to 1.0, Decred stakeholders will be able to vote on one consensus change and one signaling vote. Due to the rapidly growing popularity of Decred, the number of stakeholders buying vote tickets has increased dramatically, leading to large oscillations in the ticket price. This is a good example of an unanticipated condition which needs to be resolved through community consensus. A new ticket price algorithm will aim to ease the large oscillations in ticket price and lead to better ticket price discovery while still maintaining the target ticket pool size. A consensus change of this magnitude is very difficult to achieve in more traditional cryptocurrencies and requires the voluntary acceptance of the code by miners that may or may not have their own agendas. If it passes, the new ticket price algorithm will activate seamlessly for everyone with no further intervention.

The second vote will allow stakeholders to signal support for Lightning Network development. The Lightning Network is a payment layer that makes it economical and fast to process payments, especially small payments, like buying a cup of coffee without having to pay a large transaction fee to process the transaction. If this signaling vote passes, the developers will begin work on integrating Lightning Network on the Decred blockchain. Once development is complete and tested, a future consensus vote can be taken to automatically activate the Lightning Network code.

The recent Decred 2017 roadmap [1] highlights some of the other massive innovations that the team hopes to put up for a vote throughout the year. In addition, a new improvement proposal system will be put in place soon to allow for the community to contribute directly to the agenda for Decred.

The release of Decred 1.0 is a watershed moment in the cryptocurrency movement. Decred finally does what has never been done before, putting the power of change in the hands of the very people that care about it most.

Decred is celebrating version 1.0.0 release with a puzzle challenge. The 'Autonomy Puzzle' challenge [2] features an initial prize of 500 decred (DCR) to the first solver, equivalent to approximately USD 7,500 at the time of this release. However, players will be working against the clock, as the prize will be reduced every 24 hours. The puzzle difficulty level has been rated 'easy to medium,'as Decred is aiming to include participants of all skill levels. For more specific details or to join the puzzle-solving conversation, visit the Decred Slack channel #puzzles.

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Decred Releases v1.0: The World's First Cryptocurrency of the People, for the People, and by the People - Yahoo Finance

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