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Data center market suffers as more organizations opt for the cloud – Health Data Management

Cloud computing continues to take a bite out of the data center market, as new projections from Gartner Inc. show barely any spending growth for the year.

Worldwide IT spending on the data center system segment is expected to grow by only 0.3 percent this year, Gartner says. Despite that low number, it is better news that last year, which actually saw negative growth.

Also See: FBI warns healthcare organizations to check FTP servers

We are seeing a shift in who is buying servers and who they are buying them from, explained John-David Lovelock, research vice president at Gartner. Enterprises are moving away from buying servers from the traditional vendors and instead renting server power in the cloud from companies such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. This has created a reduction in spending on servers which is impacting the overall data center system segment.

Of the five spending areas studied by Gartner, only communication services had a lower projection for 2017, at negative 0.3 percent growth. Spending on devices is projected to see a 1.7 percent increase and enterprise software is expected to lead at a 5.5 percent increase.

Worldwide IT spending is projected to total $3.5 trillion in 2017, which represents a 1.4 percent increase from 2016, according to Gartner. Heading into 2017 Gartner had originally projected a 2.7 percent spending increase. The research firm adjusted its projection down due to the rising value of the U.S. dollar against foreign currencies.

David Weldon is the editor-in-chief of Information Management.

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Data center market suffers as more organizations opt for the cloud - Health Data Management

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Serverless computing might finally deliver on the promise of the cloud – GeekWire

Amazon CTO Werner Vogels discusses serverless computing at the AWS Summit in April. (Credit: Amazon)

The original promise of cloud computing was simple: no longer would you need to buy, configure, and maintain racks and racks of servers in hopes of growing a tech business into that capacity. All you needed to get up and running was a credit card and some code; if you started slow, you were only on the hook for the resources you consumed, and those resources were limitless.

As with most technology advances, the reality turned out to be a bit more complicated.

A current customer of Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platforms infrastructure-as-a-service products still needs to do quite a bit of work to provision servers, monitor performance, and make sure their costs arent running out of control. And customers running legacy applications that would like to move to the cloud have to do even more work to ensure nothing breaks in the transition.

But serverless computing might just be the technology that delivers on that original promise. Serverless technologies allow application developers and technology organizations to account for unpredictable spikes in demand without having to specify the resources theyll need from their cloud provider.

Serverless is thelatest in a long line of confusing tech marketing terms. Put another way: the servers are still there, but youll never know it.

Last year, people were looking to explore. This year will be the year of great maturity, said Sam Kroonenburg of A Cloud Guru, who will be hosting the Serverless Conference today in Austin, Texas, where 450 serverless enthusiasts will hear presentations from all the major cloud providers on their approaches.

Serverless computing is relatively old as a concept inside forward-thinking elite technology companies, but its only been about three years since it has started to gain traction.

The spark behind this movement was the preview release of AWS Lambda in 2014, which Amazon CTO Werner Vogels recently called the last crucial piece in the promise of the cloud. Lambda became generally available almost exactly two years ago.

Lambda really brought to life a managed computing environment, where you no longer need to think about managing instances, or managing servers or managing any type of infrastructure: you could just write code and deploy it, Vogels said at the AWS Summit in San Francisco last week.

Almost all cloud providers now offer serverless capabilities for their cloud customers. Lambda is probably the gold standard, thanks to its early debut and the healthy market share enjoyed by AWS, but Azure Functions have been generally available since last November and Azure CTO Mark Russinovich recently gave an update on the state of Micrsofts serverless efforts.

Ahead of the Serverless Conference on Thursday, IBM announced new capabilities for its Bluemix OpenWhisk product, including a new API Gateway that allows developers to target multiple endpoints. Google just elevated Google Cloud Functions to beta status, but has not announced a time frame for general availability.

Their approaches can be a little different, but they all allow a developer to upload code once and set a trigger that instructs the application to behave a certain way in response to certain inputs.

A classic example of an application that can benefit from a serverless approach is one that might experience rapid, unpredictable spikes in demand, such as when DJ Khaled posts something to Snapchat. Serverless tools can automatically execute code in response to a flood of incoming traffic, or a pre-determined event such as when a file is uploaded to a database. (This well-written primer from Martin Fowler covers all the technical bases.)

One of the things that has come out of this serverless movement is the recognition that an event-based or trigger-based programming model is actually a very powerful model one where I can get code activated very quickly and respond to it, Russinovich said earlier this month.

Along those lines, Algorithmia CEO Diego Oppenheimer will discuss how the benefits of serverless computing could enable the next generation of machine learning at our Cloud Tech Summit in the Seattle areathis June.

And because serverless functions can be spun up and taken down in fractions of a second, a cloud provider is able to charge its customers accordingly, rather than charging them for computing services by the hour, week, month, or even year.

You only have to pay for what you use. This is a tremendous change in the way people are developing applications; build highly scalable environments and only build what they are paying for, Vogels said last week.

This is still early-adopter territory. After all, there are so many companies that are just getting started designing applications for the cloud, let alone embracing something like serverless computing.

You have to be a bit of a self-starter to put serverless computing at the heart of your application strategy. The biggest complaint among early adopters of serverless computing is the lack of proper tools optimized for this style.

Some of the basics of software development were not there in early days, like being able to properly debug and deploy, said Kroonenburg, noting this has improved a lot in just the last year. Google hopes to address this problem by working with the open-source community to develop serverless tools instead of building its own Google Cloud Functions-oriented tools, said Alan Ho, a product marketing manager for the company.

Serverless can also get very complicated, very fast, if youre using it for Internet of Things applications.

The Next Web recently published an account of how iRobot is using serverless computing to run its robot vacuum cleaners, and while there are a lot of benefits, with any technology, here are the places where it works and where it doesnt, you are always trying to find a balance with how pragmatic the solution is to meet your goals, said Ben Kehoe, cloud robotics research scientist, in the profile.

However, thisis clearly an exciting cloud technology one that could really drive the promise of cloud computing to the next level.

To me, this has strong potential for being the future model of compute, said Michael Behrendt, a Distinguished Engineer at IBM, because you really dont have to pre-buy or pre-allocate; with serverless that goes away. Were used to that already in other domains, like with APIs: you pay by the API call. Serverless is applying that notion to compute in general.

[Editors Note: This story has been corrected to properly spell the last name of IBMs Michael Behrendt.]

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Serverless computing might finally deliver on the promise of the cloud - GeekWire

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Bitcoin Prices Have Tripled in a Year and Just Hit a New All-Time High – Money Magazine

A collection of bitcoin tokens.BloombergBloomberg via Getty Images

Bitcoin prices have hit a record high, just a few days after breaking the previous all-time high a few days before.

The value of the alternative virtual "cryptocurrency" climbed above $1,400 for the first time ever on Sunday according to the index, which takes into account several different independent exchanges.

One year ago, a unit of Bitcoin was worth only around $400 . The currency has been on a steep climb ever since, hitting $750 in early December and $1,100 by February 2017. It hit a record-high of $1,330 last Thursday, and has stayed on a tear since then.

Some observers predicted that Bitcoin's value would skyrocket after the election of Donald Trump, because of the strength of the American dollar and the urge to invest in alternative currencies. Recent Bitcoin gains have come as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said it was considering a Bitcoin ETF created by twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss.

But there are also concerns in the Bitcoin world about some exchanges facing issues from corresponding banks about processing transactions, Coindesk reports . Mind you, most investing pros warn that it is unwise to invest in Bitcoin because it is still an unstable and relatively untested currency.

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Bitcoin Prices Have Tripled in a Year and Just Hit a New All-Time High - Money Magazine

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Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Tweets Out a Bitcoin String – CryptoCoinsNews

Sean Spicer, Trumps press secretary, tweeted out a bitcoin hash back in January 2017. The tweet was quickly deleted, but it led to a rumor mill speculating he had just let everyone know his password. That wasnt the case, it appears the apparently random string n9y25ah7 was a bitcoin blockchain based verification code.

Sean Spicer, Trumps Press Secretary tweets out a bitcoin string

The address only received pennies or less, by another address which received pennies or less. Some quick blockchain analysis suggests there are three or four hoops until we get to an address with a respectable amount of bitcoins, but how any of this moved is somewhat puzzling considering bitcoin fees are at a dollar or more.

What might be less puzzling is why Spicer might have used the bitcoin blockchain as a means of authentication because this was just days after Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, used the blockchain as proof of life by revealing the hash of a timely address in a much-publicized event.

That most probably raised bitcoins profile by revealing a somewhat unique use proof of identity in a very hard to forge manner, not much different than a PGP key. It may well be the case Spicer thought to use the same functionality for whatever reason, but that he did so is fairly significant.

Firstly, it shows bitcoin is now very much mainstream in America. It further indicates many within Trumps administration are not only aware of bitcoin, but actually use it. Something we speculated before and after the election, with many guessing the new administration would be much more friendly to this space.

Whether that is indeed the case remains to be seen because, undoubtedly, the Republicans had far more pressing issues to deal with in their 100 days, including North Korea, Syria, the battles over immigration, and so on.

It is unlikely they have gotten to this space yet, but it is very telling that a highly senior member of Trumps administration has used bitcoin, probably for authentication, suggesting he is aware of its functionalities and uses.

Many will ask whether it is a very subtle stunt or whether he actually did just use cutting-edge technology to perform a useful function, namely timely proof of identity? Who knows. What we can say is that hopefully, he was aware of the potential privacy implications because that address may now receive much scrutiny, including how funds came to it, how it could move with such low amounts when fees are so high, where did funds go, and so on.

Regardless, this is the highest ranking American official to show awareness of bitcoin and its use. A very first for this space.

Hat tip toLouise Mensch.

Featured image from Shutterstock.


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Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Tweets Out a Bitcoin String - CryptoCoinsNews

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Who Is Jihan Wu, and Does He Basically Control Bitcoin Today? – Investopedia

Who Is Jihan Wu, and Does He Basically Control Bitcoin Today?
Jihan Wu is the co-founder of BITMAIN, one of most recognized and valuable bitcoin companies, and has come into limelight as a supporter of Bitcoin Unlimited, a solution to solve Bitcoin's scalability issue. Jihan Wu founded Bitmain maintains AntPool ...

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Who Is Jihan Wu, and Does He Basically Control Bitcoin Today? - Investopedia

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Gavin Andresen Celebrates Competing Bitcoin Implementations – CryptoCoinsNews

Gavin Andresen urges Bitcoin developers toknow your customer. And no, he is not talking about regulation.

Mr. Andresen admits he did not always make the right choice during the two years he spent as Bitcoins first, and only, developer.

He remembers once asking himself whether or not Bitcoin should be used as a store of value or a means of exchange. In hindsight, I should have spent more time working on the secure store of value problem; maybe Core would have great support for creating paper wallets and sweeping funds from them if Id chosen differently. He has called Bitcoin in the past cash for the internet.

The Bitcoin ecosystem is incredibly rich and robust these days, Andresen, who first programmed 3D images, celebrates. I cant keep track of all the development that is being done, and Im excited to see multiple implementations of the Bitcoin protocol slowly starting to gain acceptance, he wrote on his blog. It will be a long process, but moving away from One True Implementation will be very good for Bitcoin in the long run.

Andresen, who was appointed by Satoshi as Bitcoin Core lead developer, even lends advice for those making implementations of Bitcoin: keep it simple as possible and know your customer. Mr. Andresen went further on Twitter and defined user as non-paying customer.

Andresen, a Princeton graduate in the class of 1988, says one particular implementation should not do it all. [F]igure out who your customer is and then build exactly what they need that they cant already get from somewhere else.

Andresen, who conceived the Bitcoin Foundation, says that if ones customer is big mining pools and miners, they should talk to them to learn what it is they desire.

Find out what theyre running and figure out what they need, Mr. Andresen writes. If your software will be running on Internet-facing machines then it shouldnt be storing private keys at all it is really bad security practice to keep private keys on the same machine that is talking to the rest of the world. If your customer is techno-weenies who love to tinker with stuff, then distribute a Docker image with some geek-friendly (non-GUI) interface.

Mr. Andresen, who believes there should exist a hair on fire emoji according to tweets, wonders what it would be like if he were a lead developer for Bitcoin Core. I dont know what Id do. I dont think there would be consensus for who is the Bitcoin Core customer.

He adds: [A]nd any proposal for major changes like get rid of the wallet code, it is a terrible idea to keep private keys protecting potentially millions of dollars on a machine that is accepting connections from the Internet or drop support for Windows and OSX, all the active developers are Linux geeks would be painfully controversial.

Mr. Andresen doesnt regularly post to his blog, but when he does, the Bitcoin developer community pays attention. Satoshis entrusted developer, who caused controversy early in Bitcoins existence by visiting the CIA to discuss the digital currency, had his commit access to the Bitcoin code repository stripped by Wladimir Van der Lann amid the Craig Wright-as-Satoshi controversy, when Mr. Andresen shocked the Bitcoin world by confirming Mr. Wrights identity. Mr. Wright never cryptographically proved that, indeed, he is Satoshi Nakamoto. (but, perhaps, he lost his password) Mr. Andresen later retracted his statement.

Since his removal from the Bitcoin Core repository, Mr. Andresen has remained active and never vengeful. He advocates for open-source developers to pay attention to the governance aspects of their prospect a design aspect Bitcoin has seemingly lacked.

On social media, Mr. Andresen has called attempts to paint hard forks as too risky paternalistic, and has even suggested Bitcoin Core developers use a more neutral language in discussion about Bitcoin implementations and proposals.

I think a neutral statement from Core like IF there is a hard fork over the block size, Core software is able to follow either branch along with a trivial patch/option that, again, simply skips the validation checks for max base block size / max block sigops / max segwit block size if the option is set would be a really good way of extricating the Core project from the insanity of the debate.

Featured image from Flickr.


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Gavin Andresen Celebrates Competing Bitcoin Implementations - CryptoCoinsNews

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Biostar’s newest Ryzen motherboards are built for Bitcoin miners – PC Gamer

We have to presume that Biostar's latest AM4 motherboards are affordable solutions because the company did not reveal pricing information. But what Biostar did make clear is that its TA320-BTC and TB350-BTC are both aimed at Bitcoin miners who haven't yet moved on to ASIC-based mining machines.

Both motherboards have a single PCI-Express x16 3.0 slot plus five additional PCI-Express x1 slots, giving miners the ability to cram up to six graphics cards for mining Bitcoins.

Other than the chipset, the TA320-BTC and TB350-BTC are essentially the same. They're both full-size ATX motherboards that draw power from a combination of 24-pin and 8-pin power connectors. Each board also comes with two optional 4-pin Molex power connectors to keep things stable when installing multiple graphics cards.

There are four SATA 6Gbps connectors, though no M.2 slots. The boards also offer four USB 3.1 Gen1 ports, four USB 2.0 ports, DVI-D output, GbE LAN, audio connectors, and PS/2 connectivity.

No word yet on when these will be available.

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Biostar's newest Ryzen motherboards are built for Bitcoin miners - PC Gamer

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Cryptocurrency All-Time Highs Reveal How Blockchain Is Transforming Our World – Futurism

In Brief Cryptocurrencies Ether and Bitcoin are trading at record prices, and while no one is sure why that is, political uncertainty seems to correlate with the trends. This reflects an evolving way of thinking about money and how we should keep it safe. Bitcoin Boom

Both Ether and Bitcoin prices are trading at a record high right now, and no one is entirely sure what is happening in the world of cryptocurrency thats pushing this surge. According to the Coindesk price index, bitcoin peaked today, May 1,at $1,444. That high represents an increase of approximately 12percent over the course of 7 days, part of an increase of 33percent over the month of April.

Romain Dillet of TechCrunch has noted that Bitcoin and Ether prices tend to rise when the world is receiving bad news: If Donald Trump tweets about North Korea, chances are it will have positive effect on cryptocurrencies. Conversely, I noticed a micro-crash minutes after the results of the first round of the French election prices went up again minutes later. Marine Le Pen arrived second, which was a good sign for traditional currencies like USD and EUR.

This trend reflects the evolution of how we think about money and what it means to keep money safe. As the political outlook appears less predictable and governments seemmore unstable and even corrupt, cryptocurrencies are considereda safer investment than traditional currencies and markets. They are not tied to any one government or political system, and they offer a verifiable trail so investors can watch what happens to their money.

In times when governments can look more incompetent or untrustworthy than consumers prefer, at least we can depend on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

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Cryptocurrency All-Time Highs Reveal How Blockchain Is Transforming Our World - Futurism

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Danish blockchain company OpenLedger gives students free cryptocurrency – CryptoNinjas

Ronny Boesing, Founder of OpenLedger ApS, presented The Beginners Guide to Blockchain, Bitcoin, BitShares and OpenLedger to the students of University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) on April 28, 2017.

Based in Pandrup, Denmark, the OpenLedger Decentralized Conglomerate (DC) is the worlds first blockchain powered conglomerate, based on BitShares technology, supporting an ecosystem, which includes the OpenLedger Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and OpenLedgers Crowdfunding (ITO) Services.

Students attending the lecture learned about Blockchain, Bitcoin (BTC), BitShares (BTS) and the OpenLedger DC and how these terms and systems are the future systems for investment, trade, and financial growth.

Ronny Boesing, CEO of OpenLedger ApS, said:

Most of the workshops and lectures I have been asked to give, recently, are on Blockchain, Bitcoin, BitShares, and a general introduction to the world of crypto. This whole landscape is still a mystery to many students. It is already proof-positive that the future is based on the Blockchain, which just like FIAT, is built on a system of trust.

The OpenLedger DC is a dynamic platform with many facets, and a great starting point for the students of UCN to learn about the future of contracts, data transfer, information distribution, money and investing. Knowledge is power. There is no better way to understand something than to start using it.

A copy of the presentation can be seen below:

As an added incentive to the students of UCN, OpenLedger is giving each student 10 free OBITS, the cryptocurrency of OpenLedger, which is tradable on the OpenLedger DEX.

Students of UCN can receive 10 free OBITS by opening an OpenLedger account and then emailing [emailprotected] from an official university email address with your account name and OpenLedger user ID. Students will then receive 10 OBITS dropped into their accounts where they can start trading, free.

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Danish blockchain company OpenLedger gives students free cryptocurrency - CryptoNinjas

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Weekly Analysis: All Eyes on the FED as Cryptocurrencies Shoot for the Moon – Hacked

Hacked: Hacking Finance Posted by Mate Cser on April 30th, 2017. Mate Cser

Trader and financial analyst, with 10 years of experience in the field. An expert in technical analysis and risk management, but also an avid practitioner of value investment and passive strategies, with a passion towards anything that is connected to the market.

The consensus among investors is that the FED wont hike its benchmark rate next week, and the recent weakness in economic numbers makes that even more likely. That said, the central bank was upbeat in recent months, and a surprise rate hike is not out of the question. Stocks and gold could take a hit in the event of a hike, but a cautious monetary statement could propel a new swing higher in the Shiny Metal, and the major indices while pushing the Dollar even lower.

The cryptocurrency market remained active this weekend after the week that brought huge moves for almost every major currency. As the mainstream investment world increasingly turns its attention to this segment, volatility is expected to remain elevated, as the stellar returns might continue to attract additional capital. It will be interesting to see if the currencies can hold onto their gains next week or even surge higher.

The relative strength of the US technology index was even more apparent this week, as the benchmark jumped to new all-time highs while the S&P 500 and the Dow remained below their respective maximums. These types of divergences usually dont last too long, so or the broader market will join the party or bulls will be in for a painful hangover after the post-election euphoria.

So far first quarter earnings in the US were much better than expected, and whats more, stocks reacted well to the positive surprises. Next week Apple, Facebook, Alibaba, Mastercard, and dozens of other companies will release their numbers possibly having a major impact on the market. Although corporate earnings are at a very high level historically, until the global economy keeps growing (thanks in part to the unprecedented central bank measures) there could still be room for growth.

This months US employment numbers could be even more crucial for investors than usual, as they will be released just after the Feds interest rate decision and monetary statement. As traders expect the central bank to reflect on the slowing growth in the country, another weak report could cause major turmoil before the weekend, especially if the FED turns more cautious. Initial jobless claims have been showing some worrying signs lately, and that might translate to a negative surprise in the coming report.

Weekly performance comparison of the major cryptocurrencies, Hourly Chart

The chart above shows just how strong this week was for the cryptocurrency market, as only Bitcoin advanced by slightly less than 10% since last Sunday, while all the other coins all posted double-digit gains. Ethereum Classic and Ripple rose by more than 80% and 55%, but Ethereum, NEM and Dash are also up significantly. With almost all currencies at or near their long-term highs, traders can choose from several strong trends in the segment. The structure of the market shift continuously, as Bitcoins weight is progressively decreasing, despite the new all-time highs in BTC. We are expecting another busy week for the segment, with Dash and Monero edging towards their long-term highs as well this weekend, possibly preparing to follow the explosive break-outs of the other majors.

Key Economic Releases of the Week

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Trader and financial analyst, with 10 years of experience in the field. An expert in technical analysis and risk management, but also an avid practitioner of value investment and passive strategies, with a passion towards anything that is connected to the market.

In my last column I suggested that ethusd would be

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Weekly Analysis: All Eyes on the FED as Cryptocurrencies Shoot for the Moon - Hacked

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