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8 Steps to Evaluation Cloud Service Security the Right Way –

With the current break-neck pace of software and technology we can often overlook the fact that "the cloud" is really just outsourcing. The term "cloud" is simply a catch-all term for subscription-based services running on someone else's network. Evaluating the security of such services requires digging in and asking the provider some possibly uncomfortable questions. If you aren't currently doing this for each cloud opportunity, and thinking through how its failure will impact your firm and your clients, you are simply putting the firm at risk.

As an example, I recently had a Partner forward me some information about a potential cloud service that we could use to help our staff by easing their manual data entry tasks. The idea behind the service was straightforward. Their cloud service would aggregate a client's transactions and allow the transactions to be bulk downloaded into our chosen software. To accomplish this, we would need to have each client enter their financial institution credentials into this cloud provider's system.

Our use of a cloud application like this would necessarily mean asking the client to participate. And, even if not actually stated, the fact that we would use it and ask the client to use it, conveys to the client that we "endorse" this software in some way. That means I had to ask the right questions before committing. If we ask our clients to participate in a cloud application, and then down the road that application is breached or found to be low quality, the client will be askingusthe hard questions.

These are the questions I always ask any potential cloud vendor:

If you can't get satisfactory answers to these questions, deciding to do business with such a provider boils down to a decision about how much risk your firm is willing to take on to gain the potential benefits the service will provide. And, if this is an app for doing client work, you will also be passing on that risk on to your clients. That has to be fully understood at the Partner level.

So, what do I consider "satisfactory" answers to the questions above?

Not answering one of the above questions doesn't necessarily shut the door on using the service. As long as the refusal to answer makes sense. For instance, a provider might tell you they definitely hash passwords stored in their database, but for security reasons they don't want to divulge which hashing algorithm they use. I'd be ok with that, as long as the rest of their answers seem competent and pass the "smell test".

Unfortunately, you will run into many startups that refuse to give straightforward answers to these questions. It's not enough that an app works well or solves a problem. If the people running the service don't have enough experience running and protecting such a service reliably at large scale, it's up to us to identify that ahead of time before we commit the data of our firm or our clients into their hands.


Dave Jones is the IT Manager for Pearce, Bevill, Leesburg, Moore, P.C in Birmingham, AL. He has been a network and system administrator in the Birmingham, AL area for 20 years. He has been in the CPA technology field for 18 years. Email:; LinkedIn:

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8 Steps to Evaluation Cloud Service Security the Right Way -

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Cloud storage keeps data out of reach of criminals – The Globe and Mail

As chief information security officer for Amazon Web Services, Stephen Schmidt is surprised by how many businesses still fail to see the dangers of storing information on computers and servers in their offices rather than in the cloud.

Not only is that data vulnerable to physical calamities such as fire or hardware failure, the onus is also on the businesses themselves to protect their hardware and networks against hackers and other online attacks.

Maintaining so-called on-premises storage is particularly risky for small and medium-sized companies, the bread and butter of Canadas economy, since they typically dont have large IT staffs or the resources to spend on countering these growing threats.

Outsourcing data security to a cloud service such as the Inc. subsidiary AWS, on the other hand, is safer and cheaper because it allows businesses to take advantage of significantly greater resources, Mr. Schmidt says.

If you have a customer who thinks theyre safer on-premises than they are on the cloud because theyre behind a firewall that somebody installed, they should seriously re-evaluate their risk.

Its an expected position from Amazon, which competes against a number of big technology companies including Google and Microsoft in selling cloud services to other businesses, but recent converts tend to agree.

Jour de la Terre, for example, began moving its data online last year. The 15-person non-profit, which promotes Earth Day activities in Quebec and France, had previously stored its websites, e-mail, documents and streaming videos on separate servers in its Montreal offices.

Director Pierre Lussier says he was initially nervous about putting all of his figurative eggs into one cloud basket, but that was before he realized the precariousness of his existing situation.

Much of his organizations information was managed by a single person who ended up leaving the organization. Without his collected knowledge of where all the data was and how it could be accessed, there was disarray.

We found out how vulnerable we were, Mr. Lussier says. It was a total mess.

Jour de la Terre is now on track to finish migrating all of its information by June. Staff have to learn how to interact with the new system, but its proving to be more convenient and secure for everyone involved.

You have one gate and the knowledge that [employees] go through that gate, he adds. Ive gained so much.

Axia NetMedia, a fibre-optic Internet service provider based in Calgary, began its conversion to the cloud three years ago out of necessity when it acquired a new corporate customer.

The client required more data services than Axia could itself quickly deliver, so the ISP signed on to AWS to scale up. The company, which employs 150 people and counts the Alberta government, Sunterra Farms and the Post Hotel in Lake Louise, Alta., as customers, has been moving more and more of its business to the cloud since then.

Tie Hoekstra, manager of corporate IT controls and security, believes Axias services are more secure now because he no longer has to worry about protecting customers data himself. That responsibility has been shifted to Amazon and its deep pockets.

You cant duplicate the tools that theyre able to give you to maintain your levels of security without spending an enormous amount of money, he says.

Google echoes that sentiment. Like Amazon, Microsoft and other cloud service rivals, the search company runs most of its operations on its own custom-designed hardware, from the servers that data is stored on to the networks that connect them.

To that end, Google in March unveiled Titan, a specially designed microchip that adds cryptographic capabilities to servers.

Each of the cloud companies effectively resell the same security they rely on for their own services to other businesses.

Our scale allows us to build in security from the ground up, says Niels Provos, a distinguished engineer at Google. Many of the worries you have about securing your on-premises machines do not exist in the cloud.

Thats not to say the cloud is a magic font of security for all businesses. While it does solve a number of problems, it also potentially introduces new ones.

Data sovereignty, where information is stored locally in a specific country rather than on the U.S.-based servers of the big tech companies, has been a growing issue since the U.S. National Security Agency spying revelations a few years ago.

Government clients, especially, are requiring cloud providers to base their data centres within their own borders, to keep their information from crossing over into other jurisdictions.

Those requirements were the main drivers for both Amazon and Google opening Canadian data centres in the Montreal region over the past few months.

Location, however, isnt the only determining factor behind data sovereignty local laws can also come into play and sometimes conflict.

Microsoft, for example, narrowly won a legal victory last January against the U.S. Department of Justice, which was trying to force access to customer data stored in Ireland.

Localized storage therefore isnt a silver bullet against unwanted search and seizure, which means that businesses with sensitive information will still need to seek out legal advice.

Just because a company says you have data sovereignty, it doesnt necessarily mean that all the nations involved will agree, says Christopher Parsons, a research associate at the University of Torontos Citizen Lab.

Mr. Parsons adds that storing data with Amazon, Google or Microsoft could also be awkward for any business that is looking to compete against those companies, a growing possibility given their respective sizes and scopes.

The companies will insist that their customers data is sacred and that they will never access it, but the incentive will always be there.

Still, as long as businesses are aware of some of these new risks, the cloud can indeed provide capabilities they cant otherwise access.

Googles [and other cloud providers] security team will almost inevitably be better than what you can provide, Mr. Parsons says.

Follow Peter Nowak on Twitter: @peternowak

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Cloud storage keeps data out of reach of criminals - The Globe and Mail

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SITA working on massive government cloud migration project – MyBroadband

The State Information Technology Agency (SITA) is working on a massive project to migrate the South African government to cloud services, said its chief technology officer Pandelani Munyai.

SITA is doing an application analysis, gathering information from all government departments to find out what software they use and which applications they already own, aspart of the initial stages of the project.

Munyai made the statementduring a panel discussion at the 2017 MyBroadband Cloud, Hosting, and Security Conference.

He said SITA has set itself deadlines, which have beencommunicated to government departments to ensure the project remains on track.

Munyai said there is a huge appetite from the government to migrate services into the cloud.

There were issues with infrastructure in South Africa, however, which he said were not unique to the country.

Other African countries face the same challenges, with limited government infrastructure spending, saidMunyai. Our infrastructure leaves a lot to be desired.

For this reason, SITA has embarked on a tender process to partner with private industry players to ensure it receives reliable connectivity to cloud services.

Connectivity is a very serious issue for cloud services. Those services in the cloud should be accessed by people in rural areas, he said.

Munyai believes operators, including Vodacom and MTN, will reduce their data prices over time, making access to cloud services more affordable for South Africans.

Munyai also revealed that the South African government is looking at Internet of Things applications, especially in the light of affordable narrowband networks like SqwidNet launching in South Africa.

IoT networks can be used for various functions, including utility meter monitoring, health services, and vehicle tracking.

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SITA working on massive government cloud migration project - MyBroadband

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Yet Another Record High for Bitcoin | Investopedia – Investopedia


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Yet Another Record High for Bitcoin | Investopedia - Investopedia

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ETHBITS Breaks $1 Million Barrier for New P2P Cryptocurrency …

This is a paid press release, which contains forward looking statements,and should be treated as advertising or promotional material. does not endorse nor support this product/service. is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy or quality within the press release.

Cryptocurrency exchange provider Ethbits has broken the $1M barrier in the crowdsale of its ETB token. The blockchain startup is building Ethbits Local, an exchange, currently in beta, that facilitates secure trades between people from bank accounts to cryptocurrency. Following the crowdsale success, Ethbits Local will expand its offering with iTrade, a new peer-to-peer social trading platform that offers copy trading across 15 new cryptocurrency pairs. Traders can learn from their peers and experienced traders can earn rewards for growing a follower base.

To date, 570 participants have contributed more than 11,400 ETH to see the platform developed. ETB tokens will play an essential role on the trading platform in the form of exchange fees. Participants will also qualify for quarterly dividend payouts of at least 11% of profits. Ethbits CMO and co-founder Matt Radbourne had this to say;

We are completely humbled by the support for Ethbits to raise $1M with still one week left to go on the crowdsale puts us in a great position, we are excited to now be able to bring our vision for Ethbits to life. The pre-sale of ETB tokens has raised much needed funds for development and launch of the platform

Ethbits Local is readying itself for launch immediately after the sale ends on 13th May. The addition of iTrade will take a little longer to develop and is slated for release at the end of the year. iTrade will enable face-to-face trades across a range of cryptocurrencies. To help facilitate this feature, Ethbits recently partnered with BCB ATM an expanding Bitcoin ATM service based in the UK. Ethbits iTrade platform will be linked to BCB ATMs to help people find crypto traders in their local area.

There is still a week to run on the crowdsale and with every 1000 ETH raised, Ethbits will provide token holders an additional 1% in dividends. The crowdfund will run until 13th May at 5pm UTC. To get involved see

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Whats the Deal With Cryptocurrency Market Caps? | Lets Talk …

May 4, 2017  By : Aman Trivedi

Theres a discernible pattern in the interesting aspects of blockchain and the extended distributed ledger technologies over the years. We took to Google trends to map this evolution over past five years and the results are fairly interesting:


The X-axis depicts timeline while the Y axis quantifies Google search interest. It shows here that until late 2015, bitcoin had by far been the most popular search term pertaining to anything blockchain. The year 2015, incidentally, also marked an awakening of enterprises to the fancy technology underpinning bitcoin, while actually pushing bitcoin to the sidelines. Blockchain became the poster boy of financial technology, enjoying regular mentions in boardroom conversations. However, the beginning of 2017 revived the currency use case of blockchain because that is when the funds have started moving at an unprecedented pace.

Towards the end of the graph, we can see the yellow line approaching to overtake the red line, yet again, taking cryptocurrencies to the mainstream.

With the cryptocurrency hype just around the corner, as iterated before, there have been two major observations: 1. New money coming into overall cryptocurrency market and 2. Money flowing from bitcoin to altcoins. The Bitcoin Dominance Index shown below beautifully captures the situation at hand:


The overall cryptocurrency market capitalization stood at ~$41b at the time of writing; however, bitcoins dominance has steadily declined from 95% in 2014 to the current 60%.

The natural question here is: do we now have better currencies than bitcoin or is the market far bigger than we imagined? Well, it seems the answer is both. Bitcoin, with its archaic transaction speed and the never-ending block-size debate, is the giant elephant which is too large to move fast and there are better currencies out there. Having said that, the fact that the cryptocurrency market has seen tremendous growth cannot be ignored. Of the current $41 billion market value, almost $20 billion was added in the past five months. And this new influx of money has greatly staggered the distribution of value across cryptocurrencies:


Each of the currencies in the list above has its unique value proposition. Ether has smart contracts, Ripple has its network of banks, Litecoin has its segregated witness update enabling fast transactions and lighter network, Monero has its private transactions feature, and so on. That being said, trying to compare these currencies/projects is like comparing apples and oranges.

Since we attempt to study cryptocurrencies, the obvious conventional counterpart here should be well, fiat currencies. The Global Foreign Exchange markets run a daily trading volume of $5.1 trillionin April 2016, a figure which is on a steady year-on-year decline and is about 10,000 times the current cryptocurrency daily trading volume. Cryptocurrencies derive their value from government authorized fiat currencies and the former shall remain a subset of the latter for the foreseeable future. Now, lets take a look at the top fiat currencies:


It is important to note here that the above structure is an outcome of numerous historical events and agreements between nations; for example, the Bretton Woods agreement cemented the worth and dominance of US Dollar. Interestingly, the underlying value of a cryptocurrency is fairly independent of the community backing it and more concerned with the technological capabilities of the protocol.

This shift from human consensus to an incentive driven machine consensus creates all the difference for cryptocurrencies and is beautifully captured by Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum:

This is one of the perfectly valid thoughts on the current state of crypto affairs and indeed, the recent events have remarkable similarities to a financial bubble. Nevertheless, the crypto-markets have an intricate involvement of underlying technology in asset pricing which might call for an altogether different perspective towards its analysis.

There are numerous ways to try to make sense out of this: some advocate for a crowd sentiment analysis considering the current big data capabilities while others advise seeking a balance between technical and fundamental analysis. That being said, we are open to hearing out ideas and perspectives on this potentially revolutionary trend; I can be reached via LinkedIn, Twitter or mail.

Aman reads and writes about distributed ledger technologies and digital identity at Let's Talk Payments. He has been active in the financial technology consulting space for over two years, looking out for novel business models, markets, products and services.

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5 Biggest Dash Haters in Cryptocurrency – Dash Force News

Dash has had a great run so far as one of the more exciting projects in cryptocurrency, fueled by a large and active community focused on positivity, productivity, cooperation, and mass adoption. However, this does not mean that these values are shared by those outside the community, and the coin has attracted a certain amount of flak from players elsewhere in the space. Here are the top 5 Dash haters.

1: Riccardo Spagni

Also known as FluffyPony, Spagni is the head honcho of the head honchco-less crypto Moneros development team, the go-to figurehead for the coin. He has long made his opinions on Dash clear as one of the main adherents of the Dash is a scam line, and has had no reservations about sharing his opinion on the subject at every opportunity, including co-hosting the CryptoScam episode on Dash with Tone Vays (more on him in a bit) and airing his displeasure on Twitter.

2: Tone Vays

Bitcoin maximalist, technical analysis pundit, host of CryptoScam, and steadfast friend of the Fluffiest of Ponies, Tone Vays is one of the most consistent critics of Dash. The favorite way he con-Vays his dislike for Dash is via technical analysis tweets, where he has engaged in a long-term no wait this time Dash is about to crash predictions constituting an increasingly tortured-looking cup-and-handle pattern.

3: Charlie Lee

Founder of Litecoin, the great throwback coin and silver to Bitcoins gold, Charlie CobLee Lee is also known for his quick and sarcastic wit on Twitter. He is also known for being no big fan of Dash, throwing in humorous remarks and wordplay whenever presented the golden (silver?) opportunity.

4: Peter Todd

One of the more prominent Bitcoin Core developers, Todd is known for his tact and restraint in the highly contentious Bitcoin scaling debate, as well as for palling around with Spagni. As seems to come with the territory, he doesnt appear to be the biggest fan of the Dash.

5: Greg Maxwell

Finally, Blockstream CTO, prominent Bitcoin Core developer, and go-to /r/BTC boogeyman Greg Maxwell has recently shared some of his opinions on Dash, including his colleague Todds snakeoil line, when discussing privacy in cryptocurrency.

Did we miss any prominent Dash haters? Let us know in the comments!

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5 Biggest Dash Haters in Cryptocurrency - Dash Force News

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Bitcoins Bootcamp Brings Cryptocurrency Education to Colombia …

This weekend on May 6-7 a conference is being held in Bogota, Colombia, that immerses participants into the bitcoin ecosystem by learning from the experts. Bitcoins Bootcamp is a two-day event aimed at teaching attendees how to use bitcoin, a wallet, trade with the virtual currency, and learn all the basics.

Also read:How to Disrupt Everything: the Largest Blockchain Conference Coming to Amsterdam

The Bitcoins Bootcamp conference is aimed at giving attendees total immersion into the world of bitcoin. The event is sponsored by cryptocurrency industry leaders such as Investopi, the regional bitcoin exchange Surbtc, Tropay, Wagecan, the Crypt-store, and

In Bootcamp, you will not only learn what bitcoins are, but you can also create your own wallet, learn mining, trading, crowdlending and start using your bitcoins in the day to day, explains Bitcoins Bootcamp organizers. You will have a total immersion into the world of bitcoins hand in hand with the best experts in the region.

Attendees of Bitcoins Bootcamp will not only learn to about the decentralized currency but also hear from regional industry experts who operate virtual currency businesses in the area. This includes Juliana Matiz (Investopi), Alejandro Beltran (Surbtc), Erick Ospina (Tropay), Arley Lozano (Panda Server) and many more. spoke with Arley Lozano, CEO, and founder of Panda Server about the Bitcoins Bootcamp event. Lozano says participants starting to learn about bitcoin are going from zero to hero during the two-day event. Currently, Lozano says there are roughly 240 participants at Bitcoins Bootcamp both attending virtually and in the fleshin the audience.

Organizers of the bitcoin training conference say the event is not a traditional webinar by any means. People participating are using computers, learning to mine, trade, and utilize bitcoins for daily activities like shopping. Lozano tells that attendees are also learning about how to avoid Ponzi schemes. Attendees also receive US$30 in BTC to open a wallet and learn to trade. Bitcoins Bootcamp organizers detail that participants will become very knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies after finishing the conference.

Panda Servers founder says hes thrilled to attend the event and be immersed in such a learning atmosphere.

The event at this moment is so great, Lozano details to People have a chance to talk with each speaker when they are finished speaking. From my point of view, the event is really good for newbies as they are learning each step of using the virtual currency and what is bitcoin.

What events will you be attending this year? Let us know in the comments below. is a sponsor of Bitcoins Bootcamp and a Media partner.

Images via, and Arley Lozano.

Do you want to talk about bitcoin in a comfortable (and censorship-free) environment? Check out the Forums all the big players in Bitcoin have posted there, and we welcome all opinions.

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What is Obsessive Cryptocurrency Problem … – good …

Men and women concerned in the entire world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at some point exhibit attributes of OCD. To be much more precise, there are folks who go through from obsessive Cryptocurrency Problem. Presented all of the hype and excitement encompassing this marketplace, that is anything at all but shocking. Nevertheless, it can trigger rather some challenges concerning mental overall health and lessen ones social life to a bare bare minimum.

Outsiders often underestimate the willpower it normally takes to not search at cryptocurrency investing charts all day. As shortly as a person owns a Bitcoin or choice cryptocurrency, they will want to hold tabs on the rate. That is only typical, even while things may perhaps not adjust all that significantly more than the study course of a day. To be much more precise, a large amount of volatility has left the cryptocurrency scene as of late, even though some currencies are even now subject to large trade swings.

Holding track of a cryptocurrencyportfolios price is not all that difficult both. In most instances, it begins out by opening a independent tab on just one of the pc screens wherever a chart is updating in actual-time. Some traders and lovers even devote a next or 3rd watch to cryptocurrency rate charts to hold tabs on things. Though that is not essentially disturbing, it can have an impact on productivity by rather a margin.

Cell phones are also a good instrument to hold track of a cryptocurrencys price. A number of mobile exchange and investing applications exist, all of which have some sort of API that can be utilised as a telephone widget. Simply change on your display screen to see the latest Bitcoin or altcoin rate you are seeking for. As soon as again, it seems innocent at initial, but it quickly becomes next nature.

This is how Obsessive Cryptocurrency Problem begins to manifest by itself. When things like examining a coins rate are section of your every day schedule, it only is a matter of time until finally the urge to do so becomes frustrating. Cost watching is a sickness, as just one Reddit consumer aptly factors out. It is difficult to not get swept up in all of the excitement when the candles change green, or the despair when things head south.

In fact, a large amount of cryptocurrency lovers go through from Obsessive Cryptocurrency Problem, yet fall short to recognize it. Staying concerned in Bitcoin and altcoins requires examining rates, which only seems purely natural to us. Nevertheless, in some instances, it begins ingesting at peoples lives, costing them snooze, minimizing their productivity, and even influencing their social life. though a significant section of our modern society is usually examining their phones, it has develop into problematic when a person keeps evident at charts and mumbling to them selves, while.

Obsessive Cryptocurrency Problem is just like any other issue folks can get psyched about, while. Grabbing for a telephone, tablet, or any other electronic system to search up precise information and facts or join to the entire world has develop into a every day schedule for most of us in this day and age of digitization. We have to have to locate a way to deal with this new form of OCD, while, as it is not a healthy enhancement by any implies.

If you preferred this article, observe us on Twitter @themerklenews and make absolutely sure to subscribe to our publication to receive the most recent bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and know-how information.

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What is Obsessive Cryptocurrency Disorder? The Merkle The …

People involved in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency eventually exhibit traits of OCD. To be more specific, there are people who suffer from obsessive Cryptocurrency Disorder. Given all of the hype and excitement surrounding this industry, that is anything but surprising. However, it can cause quite some issues regarding mental health and reduce ones social life to a bare minimum.

Outsiders often underestimate the willpower it takes to not look at cryptocurrency trading charts all day. As soon as someone owns a Bitcoin or alternative cryptocurrency, they will want to keep tabs on the price. That is only normal, even though things may not change all that much over the course of a day. To be more specific, a lot of volatility has left the cryptocurrency scene as of late, although some currencies are still subject to massive trade swings.

Keeping track of a cryptocurrencyportfolios value is not all that difficult either. In most cases, it starts out by opening a separate tab on one of the computer screens where a chart is updating in real-time. Some traders and enthusiasts even dedicate a second or third monitor to cryptocurrency price charts to keep tabs on things. While that is not necessarily disturbing, it can affect productivity by quite a margin.

Mobile phones are also a great tool to keep track of a cryptocurrencys value. Multiple mobile exchange and trading apps exist, all of which have some form of API that can be used as a phone widget. Simply turn on your screen to see the current Bitcoin or altcoin price you are looking for. Once again, it seems innocent at first, but it quickly becomes second nature.

This is how Obsessive Cryptocurrency Disorder starts to manifest itself. When things like checking a coins price are part of your daily routine, it only is a matter of time until the urge to do so becomes overwhelming. Price watching is a disease, as one Reddit user aptly points out. It is difficult to not get swept up in all of the excitement when the candles turn green, or the despair when things head south.

In fact, a lot of cryptocurrency enthusiasts suffer from Obsessive Cryptocurrency Disorder, yet fail to recognize it. Being involved in Bitcoin and altcoins involves checking prices, which only seems natural to us. However, in some cases, it starts eating at peoples lives, costing them sleep, reducing their productivity, and even affecting their social life. while a large part of our society is always checking their phones, it has become problematic when someone keeps glaring at charts and mumbling to themselves, though.

Obsessive Cryptocurrency Disorder is just like any other thing people can get excited about, though. Grabbing for a phone, tablet, or any other electronic device to look up specific information or connect to the world has become a daily routine for most of us in this day and age of digitization. We need to find a way to deal with this new type of OCD, though, as it is not a healthy development by any means.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

Read the rest here: What is Obsessive Cryptocurrency Disorder? The Merkle The Merkle

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