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Altcoin Price Increases and How CryptoPing May Help Traders – The Merkle

Recently, we have seen large pumps in both Bitcoin and many of the altcoins. These increases make many cry with joy as their assets go up in value, and make many others cry out in anguish as they only see missed opportunities with 20/20 hindsight.

Too many times we have all have regretted buying or not buying into various alts. So what usually causes these pumps? Is there a way we can see predict these with greater accuracy? Though there is no way to guarantee success in any market -especially cryptos-, the telegram bot CryptoPing may be one way of hedging a bet.

There are a torrent of factors which may significantly influence the price of any cryptocurrency, from news of its use in scandal(s) to uncertainty in more traditional markets driving the demand for alternative investments. However, three standout for in particular: news surrounding innovative projects and aspects of alts, the market cap growth witnessed in anticipation of such news, and the increased citation flow of a URL.

Weve all seen how Litecoins recent implementation of segwit has done wonders for the coin. The price has gone up tremendously, and it even has been added to Coinbase as directly tradeable to USD. The news surrounding the implementation is what started the climb of the alts price, not the implementation itself, though its sustained price very well many have to do with segwit itself.

Another thing that may affect price is the growth rate of the market cap in response to news about new features for that alt. As market caps increase and decrease, this can influence how traders may act with various alts.

Finally, increases in URL citations could also be considered here. A URL citation flow essentially is a prediction of how influential that URL is based on how many other websites share (cite) it. If various projects and alts are receiving more traffic, then traders may assume that others are about to buy. It could be seen as a micro conversion (researching the coin) leading up to a macro conversion (buying the coin). Traders would not be out landing in assuming this as a good way to gauge a buy in window that maximizes their profits.

The Merkle has noted before how CryptoPing could be useful in harnessing this kind of market data. CryptoPings overall aim is to help alt traders understand signal and trends in the market. It was to link news and data to signals from exchanges. It even boasts that it could return 13.5% daily profit.

Currently, this service is free to use, but will be changing that soon. Cryptoping is looking to launch its full -subscription based- service by the end of June, but did want to start its ICO earlier on May 25th, 2017 to speed up development. To subscribe to CryptoPing, you will need these tokens.

A disclaimer: this is not investment advice, but my opinion. The only investment advice that I am willing to give is: do not invest more than you are able/willing to lose.

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Altcoin Price Increases and How CryptoPing May Help Traders - The Merkle

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Which Altcoins To Buy This Week? (May 22nd, 2017) – Live Bitcoin News

The altcoins markets was on a roller coaster during the past week. Some coins witnessed enormous gains, while others suffered relatively big losses. Ethereum ETH continued on rising and scored a new high of $175.85 during Sundays latter trading sessions, before falling down to $134 at the time of writing of this update. Ripple recorded another historical high at 24,370 satoshis last Wednesday, before starting a bearish wave that took price down to 14,578 satoshis earlier today. Bytecoin BCN continued its amazing bullish run during last weeks trading sessions recording a high of 280 satoshis on Sunday, which sets Bytecoin as the biggest gainer all across various altcoin markets scoring an astonishing 7000% rise in less than one month.

So, what are the best altcoins one could buy this week?

As we mentioned in the beginning of this article, XRPs bullish trend has been reversed after the weeks high (24,370 satoshis) was recorded, starting a downwards price correction attempt. The 4 hour XRPBTX chart from Poloniex (look at the below chart) shows how the downwards price correction attempt is currently being halted by the 50% Fibonacci retracement which corresponds to the 14,035 satoshi price level.

The long downwards shadows of the candlesticks of the past few trading sessions (candlesticks inside the ellipse on the above chart) reflect the strong support around this price level, so XRP is expected to continue rising again in an attemptto test the resistance around 16,504 satoshis which correspond to the 38.2 Fibonacci retracement level.

So, I recommend buying XRP between 14,700 and 15,000 satoshis and then setting a sell order for your bought coins at 16,500-17,000 satoshis.

Bitshares surged to record a high of 5,194 satoshis on Poloniex last Sunday, before a downwards price correction wave pulled price down to 3,823 satoshis at the time of writing of this update. As shown by the below BTSBTC 4 hour chart from Poloniex, the downwards price correction wave was slowed down by the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level corresponding to the 3,568 satoshis price level. This can also be denoted by the long downwards shadows of the candlesticks marked by the green ellipse on the below chart. Accordingly, it is highly likely to see BTSs price rise again towards the 23.6% Fib retracement level.

I recommend buying BTS between 3,790 and 3,830 and setting sell orders at 4,190 satoshis and at 5,000 satoshis

Even though Stellars price rose to around 3,415 earlier this week, it has been falling since last Sunday and is currently around the 2,500 satoshi level. The below 4 hour STRBTC chart shows how price faced significant resistance around the 3,100 satoshis level.

I recommend buying STR somewhere between 2,505-2,600 satoshis and setting the sold coins in a sell order at 3,000 satoshis.

Charts from Poloniex, hosted on

About Dr Tamer Sameeh

View all posts by Dr Tamer Sameeh

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Which Altcoins To Buy This Week? (May 22nd, 2017) - Live Bitcoin News

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CryptoPing, the Cryptocurrency Bot that Monitors Altcoin Markets. ICO in 48 Hours! – FinSMEs (blog)

CryptoPing, the Cryptocurrency Bot that Monitors Altcoin Markets. ICO in 48 Hours!
FinSMEs (blog)
CryptoPing is a new AI bot engaged in a technique to predict future value movements by finding out past market information for value and volume and seeking patterns at intervals of that information. Usually, if a trend is nice, some changes in volume ...

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CryptoPing, the Cryptocurrency Bot that Monitors Altcoin Markets. ICO in 48 Hours! - FinSMEs (blog)

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Using Bitcoin to prevent identity theft – MIT News

A reaction to the 2008 financial crisis, Bitcoin is a digital-currency scheme designed to wrest control of the monetary system from central banks. With Bitcoin, anyone can mint money, provided he or she can complete a complex computation quickly enough. Through a set of clever protocols, that computational hurdle prevents the system from being coopted by malicious hackers.

At the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy this week, researchers from MITs Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory are presenting a new system that uses Bitcoins security machinery to defend against online identity theft.

Our paper is about using Bitcoin to prevent online services from getting away with lying, says Alin Tomescu, a graduate student in electrical engineering and computer science and first author on the paper. When you build systems that are distributed and send each other digital signatures, for instance, those systems can be compromised, and they can lie. They can say one thing to one person and one thing to another. And we want to prevent that.

An attacker who hacked a public-key encryption system, for instance, might certify or cryptographically assert the validity of a false encryption key, to trick users into revealing secret information. But it couldnt also decertify the true key without setting off alarms, so there would be two keys in circulation bearing certification from the same authority. The new system, which Tomescu developed together with his thesis advisor, Srini Devadas, the Edwin Sibley Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, defends against such equivocation.

Because Bitcoin is completely decentralized, the only thing ensuring its reliability is a massive public log referred to as the blockchain of every Bitcoin transaction conducted since the system was first introduced in 2009. Earlier systems have used the Bitcoin machinery to guard against equivocation, but for verification, they required the download of the entire blockchain, which is 110 gigabytes and growing hourly. Tomescu and Devadas system, by contrast, requires the download of only about 40 megabytes of data, so it could run on a smartphone.

Striking paydirt

Extending the blockchain is integral to the process of minting or in Bitcoin terminology, mining new bitcoins. The mining process is built around a mathematical function, called a one-way hash function, that takes three inputs: the last log entry in the blockchain; a new blockchain entry, in which the miner awards him- or herself a fixed number of new bitcoins (currently 12.5); and an integer. The output of the function is a string of 1s and 0s.

Mining consists of trying to find a value for the input integer that results in an output string with a prescribed number of leading 0s currently about 72. Theres no way to do this except to try out lots of options, and even with a huge bank of servers churning away in the cloud the process typically takes about 10 minutes. And its a race: Adding a new entry or block to the blockchain invalidates the most recent work of all other miners, who now have to start over using the newly added block as an input.

In addition to assigning the winning miner the latest quota of bitcoins, a new block in the blockchain also records recent transactions by Bitcoin users. Roughly 100,000 commercial vendors in the real world now accept payment in bitcoins. To verify a payment, the payer and vendor simply broadcast a record of their transaction to the Bitcoin network. Miners add the transaction to the blocks theyre working on, and when the transaction shows up in the blockchain, its a matter of public record.

The transaction record also has room for an 80-character text annotation. Eighty characters isnt enough to record, say, all the public keys certified by a public-key cryptography system. But it is enough to record a cryptographic signature verifying that a certification elsewhere on the Internet is legitimate.

Previous schemes for preventing equivocation simply stored such signatures in the annotations of transaction records. Bitcoins existing security structure prevents tampering with the signatures.

But verifying that a Web service using those schemes wasnt equivocating required examining every transaction in every block of the blockchain or at least, every block added since the service first used the scheme to certify a public assertion. Its that verification process that Tomescu and Devadas have refined.

Efficient audits

Our idea is so simple its embarrassingly simple, Tomescu says. The central requirement of Bitcoin is that no one can spend the same bitcoin in more than one place, and the system has cryptographic protocols in place to prevent that from happening.

So Tomescu and Devadass system called Catena simply adds the requirement that every Bitcoin transaction that logs a public assertion must involve an actual bitcoin transfer. Users may simply transfer the bitcoin to themselves, but that precludes the possibility of transferring the bitcoin to anyone else in the same block of the blockchain. Consequently, it also precludes equivocation within the block.

To prevent equivocation between blocks, its still necessary to confirm that the bitcoin that the Catena user spends in one block is the same one that it spent the last time it made a public assertion. But again, because the ability to verify a bitcoins chain of custody is so central to the success of the whole Bitcoin system, this is relatively easy to do. People who want to use Catena to audit all the public assertions of a given Web service still need to download information from every block of the blockchain. But they need to download only a small cryptographic proof about 600 bytes for each block, rather than the blocks full megabyte of data.

The abstraction that the paper lays out is a really good idea the idea of making it possible to create, you might say, smaller blockchains or linked lists within a blockchain specific to a particular account or a particular object, says Bryan Ford, an associate professor of computer science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Its very cool, nice, clean, useful primitive, clearly explained. Its very synergistic with an idea weve been working on, which creates an efficiently traversable timeline, which we call a skip chain, meaning a timeline you can skip around on arbitrarily forward and back, where from any point you can verify any other point in the timeline very efficiently.

If you can eliminate the possibility of equivocation, it becomes easier to secure many algorithms, he adds. Its a generally important problem.

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Using Bitcoin to prevent identity theft - MIT News

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$100 of bitcoin in 2010 is worth $75 million today – Washington Post

Bitcoin has received a lot of attention over the past few weeks in the wake of the recent malware attacks that impacted dozens of countries and thousands of businesses around the world which required a ransom payment to be made in the digital currency to unlock files that were encrypted by the virus. The question for many business owners is that, given its growing acceptance, is it ready for prime time? Should we accept bitcoin?

Theres no question that its been a good investment, particularly if you bought at the right time. According to this report from CNBC, the price of a single bitcoin has recently soared to $2,200 from just $0.003 only seven years ago. We know this because on Monday its fans celebrated the anniversary of Bitcoin Pizza Day, when Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer, spent 10,000 bitcoin for two Papa Johns pizzas. Times have definitely changed.

So whats driving the run up in price? CNBCs tech correspondent Arjun Kharpal cites factors such as new legislation in Japan that allows retailers to accept the cryptocurrency (40 percent of all bitcoin trade is in Japan), the resolution of a dispute in the digital community that couldve created competing currencies and the general market turmoil brought on by global economic uncertainty.

PresidentTrumps stated desire to weaken the dollar and make American goods more attractive overseas may also be contributing. Not only that, but according to this report on, a few high ranking members of his administration, like budget director Mick Mulvaney and vice president Mike Pences chief economist Mark Calabria, have both supported the cryptocurrency.

The currency is not backed by any government and cant be physically held in your hands. Its just out therein the etherand protected by blockchain, a digital recordkeeping system thats so secure many banks are considering a move toward adopting it as the backbone of their payment systems.

Some small businesses, particularly online retailers, are considering accepting bitcoin as another means of payment. Most investors agree that, although the currencys meteoric rise is very attractive, its also an extremely volatile and risky investment. Once you start accepting bitcoin in your company youll have to ask yourself what business youre really in: your business, or the currency business.

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$100 of bitcoin in 2010 is worth $75 million today - Washington Post

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Bitcoin Surge Is Driven by People Leaving Riskier Digital Currencies, Say Execs – Bloomberg

Bitcoins dramatic surge may be more than just a speculative frenzy. The recent rally is being driven partially by enthusiasts rotating out of riskier digital assets and into the more establishedcryptocurrency, according to industry executives.

"A lot of the volume into bitcoin right now is actually not dollar or yen or euro into bitcoin, but is rather alt digital assets," said Peter Smith, co-founder and CEO of digital asset software platform Blockchain, at an industry conference Tuesday that brought in 2,700 people on the first day. People do view a lot of these newer assets as more risky, and so when they make big gains there, theyre selling down those gains and rotating into bitcoin."

Numerous alternative cryptocurrencies, or "altcoins" such as ripple, have emerged since bitcoin broke into public consciousness in 2013. Companies can sell new tokens through initial coin offerings, or ICOs. While the cost of one bitcoin has skyrocketed to more than $2,000 from just 8 cents in 2010, you can buy one litecoin for about $30.

The price of ether, the cryptocurrency tied to the Ethereum blockchain, has almost doubled in the last week.

Some are worried that theres a bitcoin bubble in the making, but Smith and Erik Voorhees, founder and chief executive officer of cryptocurrency exchange ShapeShift, arent too concerned. Booms and busts are a normal part of any economic cycle, they said at the Consensus 2017 conference.

"Every time bitcoin goes through these bubbles, a whole new wave of users come in," Voorhees said. "The reason that bitcoin is taking off is because banks have not been innovating."

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The surge has also been tied to global political uncertainty and increased interest in Asia. Chinese stocks have slumped in recent months as bitcoin soared. The Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 6.9 percent from its high this year on April 11 amid concern authorities will step up measures to crack down on leveraged trading. China also may publish bitcoin regulations in June, according to a report earlier this month.

"Bitcoin up 100% in under 2 months. Shanghai down almost 10% same timeframe, compared to most global stocks up. Probably not a coincidence!" Doubleline Capital CEO Jeff Gundlach wrote in a tweet Tuesday.

ShapeShift users, only about 15 percent of whom are in the U.S., are moving small amounts of value between different digital tokens as they speculate about the best place to put their money, Voorhees said. Bitcoin is the "least speculative" of the digital assets, he explained.

Smiths company, whichadded former Barclays Plc CEO Antony Jenkins as a board member last year, has grown every year regardless of bitcoins price, he said.

"One of the beautiful things about bitcoin is you get to see free-market economics at work every day, and bubbles and creative destruction are part of that process," added Smith, who said people have been incorrectly writing bitcoins obituary as it goes through natural up and down cycles. "Im sure well add a lot of obituaries if the market reverses and we go down below $2,000."

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Bitcoin Surge Is Driven by People Leaving Riskier Digital Currencies, Say Execs - Bloomberg

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Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency Club Swells to Six Members – CryptoCoinsNews

Bitcoin continues to set new record highs on a daily basis, and taking a host of altcoins along with it as investor demand for alternatives to equities remains strong.

Source: Coinmarketcap

Bitcoins market cap surpassed $37 billion today when the price hit $2271.16, commanding more than a billion in trade volume in a 24-hour period, according to The total value of the coin market is now at $81.3 billion, as the last two days added more than $10 billion to the capitalization.

Bitcoins value has almost doubled in the last month, even while its market share has fallen below 50%, thanks to the gains of other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoins gains have been steadier than most of the altcoins, but collectively, altcoins are rising at a faster pace.

Rising demand for bitcoin by Chinese and Japanese investors combined with falling stocks and other factors to push bitcoin to newheights. Because the Japanese yen holds the largest share of bitcoin trading, Asian tradingpushes the prices higher.

The Nikkei Asian Review today reported, Bitcoin going mainstream as Japanese business signs on, signaling bitcoins growing popularity in Japan, which recently recognized bitcoin as a method of payment.

Asian interest in bitcoin increasingly carries over to other currencies, as indicated by the gains for Ripple and NEM, the two most popular altcoins in Japan in terms of demand and trading volumes.

Japanese regulators also decided to abolish the 8% consumption tax on transactions of bitcoin bought from exchanges, which is set to go into effect in July this year.

Todays announcement that a majority of bitcoin miners have reached a consensus to deploy the Segwit2Mb protocol upgrade for bitcoin also bodes well. Bitcoins rise has benefited from an alleviation of the fear that a hard fork will be needed dividing bitcoin into two currencies to improve bitcoin transaction times. A successful deployment of an alternative scaling solution indicates the hard fork that would have resulted in two separate currencies in order to speed up bitcoin transactions may not be required.

Wences Casares, CEO of bitcoin wallet Xapo and a member of PayPals board of directors one bitcoin would hit $1 million before the next ten years while speaking at the Consensus 2017 conference in New York.

Ethereum, the largest altcoin, hit more than $16 billion market capitalization with a $179.68 price, followed by Ripple at more than $13 billion. The top three cryptocurrencies bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple are the only players to boast more than $10 billion market cap.

Ethereum has witnessed the fastest growth of any digital currency ever. Not even two years old, the platform is now worth more than $16 billion with its trading spaces consistently attracting more online active users than even bitcoins.

Ripple, designed for enterprise use and can be used by institutions for on-demand liquidity for cross-border payments, also continues to post rapid gains. Banks and payment providers that use XRP will secure better access to emerging markets at lower settlement costs.

Ripple recently committed to placing 55 billion XRP in a cryptographically secure escrow account at the end of the year, addressing concerns that it will eventually sell its 61.68 XRP as it seeks to strengthen XRPs exchange rate against other currencies.

NEM, number four commands a $2.299 billion cap, followed by Litecoin at $1.575 billion and Ethereum Classic at $1.02 billion.

There are now six cryptocurrencies with more than $1 billion market caps.

Aside from bitcoin, the rotation shifts fairly frequently among the billion dollar players. A day ago, Litecoin, Monero, and Dash displaced Ethereum and NEM, with gains of 15%, 20%, 25%, respectively.

NEM, number four, commands a $2.299 billion cap, followed by Litecoin at $1.575 billion and Ethereum Classic at $1.02 billion. There are now six cryptocurrencies with more than $1 billion market caps.

NEM has also made significant gainsover the past few months. A major factor that has allowed NEM to transform into one of the most popular altcoins in Japan is its development team and company composed of Japanese founders and talents. NEM was initially developed and introduced in Japan by Makoto Takemiya, the co-founder and CEO of Soramitsu, the company that has also introduced the Iroha blockchain project to the Linux foundations Hyperledger Project.

Litecoin, one of the oldest altcoins, gained visibility this month because of its successful activation of SegWit, a scaling solution that circumvents the need for a hard fork.

Featured image of luxury yacht from Shutterstock.

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Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency Club Swells to Six Members - CryptoCoinsNews

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Banks Offering Cryptocurrency Services? A New Reality Is Arriving … – CoinDesk

Noelle Acheson is a 10-year veteran of company analysis and corporate finance, and a member of CoinDesk's product team.

The following article originally appeared inCoinDesk Weekly, acustom-curated newsletter delivered every Sunday, exclusively to our subscribers.


Bitcoin might finally be overlapping the broader fintech industry's popularity.

Norway's largest online-only bank, Skandiabanken recently announced it plans to offerclients the ability to link bank accounts to cryptocurrency holdings.

While some might see this move as one of traditional banks embracing bitcoin, really, it heralds a new shift in the evolution of cryptocurrency into the greater fintech space.

Skandiabankenannounced its intentions this week tolet users connect a bank account with a Coinbase account, allowing usersto view their cryptocurrency balances within the banking app.

The app allowsusers to view their holdings, just as they would other investments, and, for now, the functionality does not include the ability to buy and sellcryptocurrencies. The bank hasstressed it does not yet view bitcoin as a currency, but instead another asset class.

This is likely the beginning of a trend that sees bitcoin merge with broader fintech trends of offering customers innovative, if not niche services.

Around the world, mobile banking is taking a lead over branch-centered activity in Norway, for example,91% of the population access online banking sites.

The proliferation of fintech services that unbundle traditional banking functions, combined with the maturing of the internet-first generation, are accelerating this trend.

Whats more, the European Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) activates in 2018. The directive mandates that banks have to share customer data with third parties through APIs, which could include access to cryptocurrency services.

So, the combination of online banking, fintech services and open APIs point to a blurring of boundaries between traditional and alternative finance.

New banking institutions such as Skandiabanken, are taking steps towards accepting bitcoin and its altcoins as credibleassets. Should this trend continue, cryptocurrencies could end upbecoming a more firmly consolidated feature of the new fintech landscape.

This willplace even more pressure on legislators to come up with comprehensive plans for regulating a new asset class.

It is also likely to encourage development of the next generation of cryptocurrency-related services.

And while this doesn't mean that bitcoin and similar assets are becoming mainstream, it shows that financial disruptors can start to change a narrative that's been stagnant for decades, and that cryptocurrency is here to stay in the large fintech ecosystem.

Piggy bank imagevia Shutterstock

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, CoinDesk.

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Banks Offering Cryptocurrency Services? A New Reality Is Arriving ... - CoinDesk

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NEM Gains 500% in May as the Fifth Largest Cryptocurrency; Factors & Trend – CryptoCoinsNews

NEM and its token XEM have made significant gains over the past few months. Some analysts including Koji Higashi, the co-founder of IndieSquare based in Japan, have attributed the increase in the market cap of NEM and price of XEM to the exponentially growing alternative cryptocurrency (altcoin) market in Japan.

A major factor that has allowed NEM to transform into one of the most popular altcoins in Japan is its development team and company composed of Japanese founders and talents. NEM was initially developed and introduced in Japan by Makoto Takemiya, the co-founder and CEO of Soramitsu, the company that has also introduced the Iroha blockchain project to the Linux foundations Hyperledger Project.

Takemiyas involvement in some of the largest and most prominent blockchain projects and consortia as well as the Japanese governments legalization of bitcoin led to a surge in interest toward altcoins such as NEM that originated from Japan.

Japanese roots are acting as validation points for local Japanese altcoin traders. Specifically, NEM and Ripple are the two most popular altcoins in Japan in terms of demand and trading volumes. Higashi explained that local investors are demonstrating an increasing level of interest toward the two altcoins because of NEMs Japanese origin and Ripples association with Japanese banks.

In regard to NEMs strong brand in the Japanese market and community, Higashi wrote:

NEM is popular thanks to the strong backing of the platform from the Zaif exchange, one of the biggest exchanges in Japan along with bitFlyer and coincheck. NEMs private blockchain solution developed by Zaif with NEMs core developers is called MIJIN and it has established itself as a strong brand in the crypto space in Japan.

While NEM gained its image over a long period of time through organic growth, on April 21, Ripple announced the formation of the Japan Bank Consortium and that its participating banks that include the most influential financial institutions in Japan will be using Ripple-powered payments platform to facilitate both domestic and international transactions. The announcement of Ripple and its partner banks led to surge in demand for its native token XRP.

The Ripple team stated:

In order to address these emerging needs, banks have come together to launch the Japan Bank Consortium for cross-border and domestic payments which enable a flexible and efficient payment system. It is the worlds first case to implement Ripple solution in a cloud environment.

However, Higashi strongly emphasized that the Japanese altcoin market is attracting not-so-smart money from investors that have little to no actual understanding of the purpose, vision, philosophy and technical specifications of cryptocurrencies including NEM, Ripple and others. He went as far as to say that the Japanese market is leading a bubble for the global altcoin market.

Another thing to note about this new trend is that the general lack of understanding or appreciation of the technology by many of new users. This is no surprise and all of us have been there at one point but the new wave of Japanese investors seem to be exhibiting a whole new level of incomprehension and misguided decision making in my opinion, said Higashi.

To NEMs credit, it has maintained its strong brand image in Japan with its impressive achievements and long-term objectives.

On January 5, Umar Jundi Alfaroq, the community communications & marketing agent for NEM Association Malaysia, laid out the following achievements of the NEM team in 2016:

The release of NEM Apostille was a major announcement and achievement for NEM as it enabled the transfer and creation of digital certificates. That widened the applicability of NEM and its technologies across various industries.

As for this year, the price of NEM remains high and XEM is maintaining an upward momentum due to the tight partnership between Mijin and NEM. Many commercial projects based on Mijin, NEM and Apostille technologies are currently being developed and the Japanese market is anticipating such objectives in 2017.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

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NEM Gains 500% in May as the Fifth Largest Cryptocurrency; Factors & Trend - CryptoCoinsNews

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DataCore’s Sixth Annual "State of Software-Defined Storage, Hyperconverged and Cloud Storage" Survey Reveals Top … – PR Newswire (press…

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., May 23, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --DataCore, a leading provider ofsoftware-defined storageandhyperconverged infrastructure solutions powered by Adaptive Parallel I/O technology, today announced the results of its sixth annual survey, designed to explore the impact of major software-driven storage deployments within organizations across the globe. The survey distills the positive expectations, disappointments, and experiences of 426 IT professionals who are currently using or evaluating software-defined storage, hyperconverged and cloud storage to solve critical data storage challenges. The results yielded surprising insights from a cross-section of industries over a wide range of workloads.

The survey probed for levels of spending on technologies including software-defined storage, flash technology, hyperconverged storage, private cloud storage and OpenStack. Software-defined storage topped the charts in 2017 spending, with 16% reporting that software-defined storage represented 11-25% of their allocated budget, and 13% representing that it made up more than 25% of their allocated budget for storage (the highest of any category). Unexpectedly, the findings showed that very little funding is being earmarked in 2017 for much-hyped technologies such as OpenStack storage, with 70% of respondents marking it "not applicable."

The report also reveals major business drivers for implementing software-defined storage. The top business drivers that participants reported for implementing software-defined storage were:

Only 6% of those surveyed said they were not considering a move to software-defined storage.

One of the more interesting questions asked -- "What technology disappointments or false starts have you encountered in your storage infrastructure?" -- revealed the following top three answers:

Also noteworthy is that the top two environments that respondents believe experience the most severe performance challenges (where storage is suspected to be the root cause) are databases and enterprise applications (ERP, CRM, etc.). The need for faster databases and data analytics is driving new requirements for technologies that optimize performance and meet demand for real-time responses. This is critical for business insights and to power technologies such as the Internet of Things. However, many feel that current technologies designed to accelerate performance and decrease latency also bring along significant disruptions to existing applications, greater complexity and higher costs.

Additional highlights of DataCore's sixth annual survey include:

DataCore's "State of Software-Defined Storage, Hyperconverged and Cloud Storage"survey was conducted in late 2016 through April 2017. Respondents came from a diverse set of organizations, both in size and industry, providing statistically significant insights into the similarity in needs for software-driven storage over a wide range of IT environments. Participants were located in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand in a range of vertical market segments including financial services, healthcare, government, manufacturing, education, IT services and other related industries. 44 percent of respondents were from organizations with fewer than 500 employees, 37 percent of respondents from organizations with between 500 and 5,000 employees, and 19 percent from organizations with more than 5,000 employees.

About DataCoreDataCore is a leading provider ofsoftware-defined storageandhyperconverged infrastructure solutions powered by Adaptive Parallel I/O technology,delivering higher performance, greater application workload productivity and cost savings.DataCore leverages the multi-core advances and cost efficiency of off-the-shelf x86 server platforms to overcome the IT industry's biggest problem, the I/O bottleneck. With DataCore, customers enjoy faster application response times and lower costs by making full use of theiravailable computing resources to multiply productivity. The SANsymphony software-defined storage product pools diverse storage despite differences and incompatibilities among manufacturers, models, and generations of equipment. The software can span multiple locations and devices to bring them under the control of a common set of enterprise-wide data services for management automation and infrastructure simplification. DataCore Hyper-converged Virtual SAN software provides similar services using the internal or direct-attached storage spread across physical or virtual servers in a cluster.

The company has been privately held since its founding in 1998, and today has more than 10,000 customer sites across the globe. DataCore solutions are also available within turnkey appliances from hardware manufacturers including Lenovo. Visithttp://www.datacore.comor call (877) 780-5111 for more information.

DataCore, the DataCore logo and SANsymphony are trademarks or registered trademarks of DataCore Software Corporation. Other DataCore product or service names or logos referenced herein are trademarks of DataCore Software Corporation. All other products, services and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

CONTACTFor media & PR inquiries: SVM on behalf of DataCore Jill Colna or Sarah Larrow 401.490.9700

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SOURCE DataCore Software

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