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Dropbox vs. Google Drive vs. OneDrive – Best Cloud Storage Comparison – Blorge

Cloud Storage is certainly not a new thing, with the depute of Dropbox about ten years ago, but now that the world is more internet connected than it has ever been people having some variety in their options of cloud storage.

This service has advanced quite significantly since its humble beginnings and its main attracting point comes from its ability to have all your data available when you switch devices, but it also ensures their safety in the shape of backups.

Currently, there are three main cloud storage services which are good at doing their job, but choosing between them can be quite tricky. All three have their pros and cons, their quirks and traits.

Dropbox cloud storage

Dropbox has been released in 2007 and deserves respect for its longevity and innovation. It is unknown how long it would have taken for someone else to develop it and the subsequent sharing culture that has formed thanks to it.

Dropbox was lucky enough to also be a good service, and it didnt fall in the mantra of first doesnt mean best. It did have its periods where issues were constant, but thats to be expected with newer technologies.

It is supported on Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. You have 2GB of initial free storage, with the option to upgrade to 1TB for a $8.25 monthly payment. As for special features which you can expect from Dropbox, you can find a SSL/TLS and 256-bit AES encryption, password protection, integration with the latest Microsoft Office, and more.

Google Drive

Released in 2012, Google Drive is widely considered as the 2nd best cloud storage system, or the 2nd best known at the very least. This is in no small part due to its integration with the various services that Google also offers.

If you are a fan of Googles services, specifically Office Suite, then Google Drive should also be part of your tools as they benefit from each other. Thanks to this, its considered one of the more user-friendly cloud storage services available, and it can be expanded further with the use of other tools and plugins. However, this can also be a potential drawback. It requires you to trust Google to keep your data and confidentiality safe.

Supported systems for Google drive include Web, Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. The initial free storage is a decent 15GB, with the option to increase it to 100GB, 1 TB, 10 TB, 20 TB and 30 TB. This would be an advantageous cloud service for businesses.


For note-taking efficiency look no further than OneNote. OneNote is also completely free and doesnt have features locked out for free users. To make things better, every note is saved on OneDrive.

While initially it didnt bare the name of OneDrive, SkyDrive was its original name, Microsoft has launched its own cloud storage service in 2007. OneDrive doesnt have any significant bad parts to it, but its quite specific in its design and the situations where it would be recommended to use. The first one is where you are already using (and paying for) the Microsoft Office 365, being that OneDrive is included in the package. The second one is where you want to have more free storage but you want to avoid making use of Googles storage.

It is available for the Windows, Web, Android, iOS, Mac and Windows Mobile platforms and comes with an initial 5 GB of free storage. You can opt for an a 50GB or 1TB upgrade. You are limited to files no larger than 10 G and has real-time collaboration with the OneNote, Excel, PowerPoint and Word.

Dropbox vs. Google Drive vs. OneDrive - Best Cloud Storage Comparison - Blorge

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The Future Of Cloud Computing In Healthcare –

The healthcare industry in India is one of the fastest growing sectors, fueled by the continuously rising investments made by both the government and private players. The ever-changing trends in supply and demand within the healthcare market influence the use of IT. The adoption of cloud has thus been on the upswing within this industry, owing to the influence of digitalization, consumerization and the need to meet regulatory changes.

Cloud plays a vital role in providing cost-effective services to todays consumer-driven market, and ensures efficiency and productivity by maintaining records and providing ease of access to the professionals.

There has been a notable rise in the use of cloud services in the recent past and the spending on healthcare cloud-based platform is expected to rise to an estimated $9.5 billion by 2020, according to research firm MarketsandMarkets.

Cloud is not just as an affordable solution to store medical records, but has become inevitable for the advancement and success of critical research projects happening in the medical field.

Why Cloud Computing is Essential?

Cloud is emerging as a truly revolutionary technology for the healthcare sector. Several leading healthcare organizations have already embraced Cloud for their critical workloads. There are various factors that make cloud-based platforms essential in healthcare organizations.

Security and compliance: The skepticism around security in the cloud is an issue of the past. Cloud is now considered to be as safe as, if not more, the on-premise IT infrastructure. Besides, the industry is working towards better regulatory clarity to be able to protect patients rights and security. The recent HIPAA update, for instance, makes cloud service providers as liable for HIPAA compliance as the healthcare entities they serve. There is a lot more focus in the industry towards aspects such as data encryption, back-up, recovery and permission-based data access.

Scalability and future-proofing: Data deluge is hard reality for the healthcare sector across the globe. Even the biggest of the healthcare organizations are struggling to deal with Big Data challenge. They are finding that no on-site infrastructure has the capability to infinitely scale to accommodate the growing demand. The upfront investment required to maintain the on-premise infrastructure is too huge. Cloud is probably the only option for healthcare providers to address this challenge. Cloud is also a sensible choice from a disaster recovery point of view.

Accessibility and collaboration: Cloud environment improves accessibility for both patients and clinicians. The sources of data generation today are numerous and includes, but not limited to mobile devices, videoconferencing and healthcare applications. Cloud model allows quick access across various platforms and facilitates information sharing, knowledge management and predictive analytics for hospitals, medical insurance companies, researchers and other stakeholders.

Reduced Cost and Operational Aid: Healthcare IT professionals have shifted from the capital-intensive technology investments to expenses that offer flexibility. Healthcare leaders want to channel capital into cash flow generating activities that allows them to deliver improved outcomes. Cloud computing lets healthcare focus on healthcare rather than investing in data centers and digital real estate to house them. Cloud services also reduce the cost of hiring skilled professionals to maintain and operate these data centers.

What the Future Looks Like

Adoption of cloud computing in the healthcare industry will continue to evolve and accelerate in the coming years. The increasing penetration of IoT (Internet of Things) in the healthcare segment is predicted to be one of the biggest drivers for Cloud adoption in the coming days. Besides, the need to store and analyze vast amounts of healthcare information to deliver both personal and population health management services necessitates the need for cloud computing from both a business and technology perspective.

Added to this are the increasingly sophisticated and wide ranging healthcare cloud services offerings available in the marketplace, which healthcare providers might struggle to reproduce as in-house applications.

With cloud being accessible on various connected devices, such as mobile phones, wearable technologies and instant alerts, it will be easier to stay connected and procure medical records and seek medical assistance. Cloud is poised to serve as the foundation for technologies like big data analytics, cognitive computing, mobile collaboration and information exchange to accelerate the delivery of advanced healthcare solutions in the coming days.

[Disclaimer:The views expressed in this article are solely those of theauthors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views ofTrivone MediaNetwork's or that of CXOToday's.]

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Report argues network issues persist with large scale Office 365 deployments – Cloud Tech

A new piece of research from cloud security provider Zscaler looks at the issues with deploying Office 365 in large organisations and found that companies still suffered from latency despite upgrading their firewalls.

The study, which polled more than 200 respondents from organisations with between 1,000 and 5,000 employees, found more than two thirds of respondents had beefed up their firewalls in preparation for Office 365 a typical tactic for deployments yet 69% reported post-deployment latency.

Almost two thirds (64%) of respondents in the survey admitted they had concerns over the impact of Office 365 on their bandwidth before deploying, while 69% expected to see a bandwidth increase of more than 50%.

The figures got worse once companies took the plunge. Almost half (48%) of those polled said network infrastructure and equipment upgrade costs for Office 365 exceeded their estimates. This is despite 28% of respondents believing the total cost of IT, security and network infrastructure needed to deploy Office 365 was at least 75% of their typical budget.

Yet increasing the bandwidth did not result in a faster Office 365 experience, the research found. 30% of respondents reported daily issues, with 69% reporting weekly problems, impacting on business operations and productivity.

As a result, organisations are beginning to realise that legacy applications were not designed to handle the network demands of Office 365, as the report puts it.

Through their own experiences, organisations are finding out that they simply cannot run ac loud application of the magnitude of Office 365 on legacy architecture, said Punit Minocha, VP business development at Zscaler. To fully leverage the power of Office 365, a majority of organisations are looking to transform their networks from traditional hub-and-spoke implementations to ones that securely access the Internet directly from branch offices.

As Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, noted at the companys BUILD conference earlier this month, Office 365 now tops more than 100 million monthly active users (MAUs). Zscaler also said that Office 365 was the fastest growing software as a service (SaaS) application on its cloud.

You can read the full report here (no registration required).

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Report argues network issues persist with large scale Office 365 deployments - Cloud Tech

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Ensuring the security of digital information – Phys.Org

May 31, 2017 Jiqiang Lu with the GPGPU used to crack the A5/1 cipher. Credit: A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research

Every day we store and transfer sensitive digital data, post personal information on social media, and provide valuable details to companies when we use their services. Keeping secure the 2.5 quintillion (2.5 million billion) bytes of data created every day from outside attack is a mammoth task. The potential for breaching security is vast, due to a plethora of available services and the many weak links that appear in the chain whenever data is moved. A further consideration is who should have access to data, taking the issue beyond technology into the social and political realm.

These challenges demand a huge global effort from computer technicians and researchers across the world. Research groups at A*STAR are using their technical expertise to monitor online services, identify vulnerable areas of data management, and develop software and hardware that keep data secure. Their work is not only defending data against attack, but also maintaining easy access to it for authorized users.

Managing mobiles

Arguably, the first line of defense against data misuse should be implemented in the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), the world's most widely-used wireless telephony technology. With a 90 per cent share of the market, around 4.5 billion customers rely on the security of GSM to protect their communications.

"GSM was first deployed 25 years ago and has become the global standard for mobile communications," says Jiqiang Lu at the A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R).

The A5/1 stream cipher, the encryption scheme that GSM uses to protect data, has been successfully attacked before to test its security, but almost all the attacks were hypothetical in the sense of their impact on the real-world security of GSMthey either required a large amount of complex data or had a long attack time, meaning they could be mitigated and blocked by existing GSM security protocols. Lu and co-workers decided to investigate whether a detailed and fast-acting attack on the GSM A5/1 cipher could reveal fundamental weaknesses in the system. Using a computer setup costing just US$15,000 in 2013, the researchers employed a powerful algorithm to explore the A5/1 cryptosystem, and obtained 984 gigabytes of information about the system structure over 55 days. They used this information to launch attacks that pulled data from the GSM in just 9 secondsusually too quick for interception by security protocolsand illustrated that A5/1 would be vulnerable if it were to be attacked by sufficiently skilled hackers.

"The GSM should immediately upgrade its encryption algorithm to a stronger one," says Lu.

Containing the cloud

While Lu's team continue to protect our data as it flies around the global mobile network, another group at I2R which includes Jia Xu is examining the cloud storage providers that have revolutionized how we archive and share data. By entrusting large organizations to store multiple copies of our data on cloud servers around the world, we are freed from worrying about our phone, laptop or USB drive being lost, stolen or broken. But how can we be sure that these organizations will keep our data secure?

Xu and co-workers have designed cryptographic algorithms for cloud storage that not only protect the integrity of data, but also control who can access it.

"The core challenge in cloud storage is to balance three factors: efficiency, security, and usability," says Xu. "Cloud providers would like their services to be almost as efficient and low-cost as when no security features are implemented, while customers want the user interface to be as simple to use as possible." The research community is attempting to identify security vulnerabilities in existing cloud services, and to design new hardware and software solutions to resolve them.

Some security weaknesses arise from so-called deduplication techniques, which identify and remove duplicated copies of the same file, allowing cloud providers such as Dropbox to save server storage space and network bandwidth. Xu and co-workers identified severe security vulnerabilities in certain types of deduplication that could be exploited using attacking software.

Dropbox disabled cross-user deduplication in 2012. However, the new algorithms developed by Xu and the team will allow deduplication to be used alongside robust encryption, thereby improving efficiency while protecting data stored in the cloud.

The value of our data

Most of us have made large amounts of information available to organizations through shopping online and posting on social media. These activities have created extremely large datasets, known as Big Data, which can be analyzed to reveal human behavior patterns and trends. This valuable information is often sold to other organizations.

"Companies are hungry for more data, to enable them to better understand and profile users," says Lux Anantharaman who heads the Business Analytics Translation center in I2R. "They know the power of Big Data to provide targeted ads, known as personalized marketing, but profiling can also lead to price discrimination called personalized pricing, which most users are not aware of. For example, some airline websites price tickets differently based on the user's device operating systemMac OS users get charged more."

Anantharaman is concerned that most users are not aware of the value of their data, or the fact that when they use 'free' online services they are actually 'paying' for them with their data. Companies then explore the data with analytical computing tools and use the information, along with the latest insights on human behavior from social scientists and economists, to shape the choices offered to their customers.

"The 'big' keep accumulating more and more data about the 'small'," says Anantharaman. "We, the small, are slowly becoming aware of this fact, but generally we feel helpless and resigned about it. Moreover, government regulations haven't kept pace with technology, and often take the side of big organizations, doing a disservice to the users. For example, recent US government measures allow internet service providers to access a user's browsing history without the user's permission."

Anantharaman is adamant that the best way to overcome these difficulties is by educating users and improving government regulation. "This might sound odd from a technology person, but Big Data is not just about technology, it is about how data are used, which is a legal and social issue," he says. "For this reason, our research focuses not just on technological mechanisms, but also explores how regulations and education can help users better understand the power and pitfalls of Big Data privacy."

Quantum complications

While we grapple with data safety in the computing systems that we already use, other scientists are developing technology that could completely transform the field of data security for the devices of tomorrow. In contrast to ordinary computers whose logical 'bits' can only take values of 0 or 1, quantum computers use 'qubits' that can have values of 0, 1 or a combination of both values. This capability opens up an entirely new domain of logic and mathematics, allowing quantum computers to solve complex problems in a fraction of the time it would take a conventional machine. This revolution will arrive with great benefits, but will bring its own problems, as Leonid Krivitsky at the A*STAR Data Storage Institute explains:

"Many cryptography systems rely on hard problems such as prime factorizationthe fact that it is very difficult to figure out the prime factors of a given number. However, theoretical work has shown that the factorization problem could be solved very quickly using a quantum computer. So, once a universal quantum computer is built, it could hack ciphers which were previously thought to be unbreakable."

This might seem alarming, but there is no reason to panic. Functional quantum computers are still a long way off, and to counteract the potential threats, many groups around the world are contributing to the growing field of quantum cryptography, which will redefine our protocols of secure communication. In fact, the new cryptography algorithms made available by quantum computers could provide ultra-high data security long before any risks become a concern.

"I foresee the use of a quantum communication channel as a backup resource for highly sensitive transactions, where security is more important than the transmission speed," says Krivitsky.

For now, though, the challenge is to physically build a stable quantum computer. Krivitsky and co-workers are exploring the possibility of using tiny defects in synthetic diamonds to act as nodes which process and store quantum information.

"We place several diamonds on a single chip and communicate with optical links, similar to those which form the background of the internet," says Krivitsky. "Our innovations will enable transmission of quantum information over long distances and contribute to the development of a worldwide quantum network."

Safeguarding the future

The task of keeping our data secure is clearly a complicated and interdisciplinary challenge. A*STAR researchers are not only developing new technical initiatives, but also working at the forefront of global efforts to raise awareness of data security. By looking for chinks in the armor of global systems like GSM and cloud storage, educating the public about the commercial value of their data, and planning for the future paradigm shift that might be brought about by quantum computers, it is reassuring to know that the brightest minds at A*STAR are focused on keeping our data safe.

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Nvidia’s HGX Another Arrow in Their Cloud Quiver, Says RBC – Barron’s

Nvidia's HGX Another Arrow in Their Cloud Quiver, Says RBC
RBC Capital's Mitch Steves today reiterated an Outperform rating on shares of GPU maker Nvidia (NVDA), after assessing the company's latest initiative in the cloud computing arena, something called HGX that helps computer makers to build servers that ...
Nvidia Pitching AI to ODMs in TaiwanEE Times
Nvidia releases a recipe to make GPU computing ubiquitous in data centersVentureBeat
How Nvidia is surfing the AI waveLivemint

all 18 news articles »

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Nvidia's HGX Another Arrow in Their Cloud Quiver, Says RBC - Barron's

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CrowdStrike Extends Falcon Platform with Enhanced Cloud and Data Center Coverage – Business Wire (press release)

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CrowdStrike Inc., the leader in cloud-delivered endpoint protection, today announced, as part of its Spring release, new features of the CrowdStrike Falcon platform custom-built for cloud providers and modern data centers, providing best-in-class prevention, detection and response for Windows, Linux or macOS servers, powered by artificial intelligence/machine learning.

The servers used in the modern-day data center are faced with commodity, as well as advanced stealthy attacks. CrowdStrike Falcon leverages its industry-leading artificial intelligence/machine learning as well as industry-leading Indicator-of-Attack (IoA) behavioral analysis to bring real-time protection to servers whether on-premise, virtualized or in the cloud. As data center or cloud deployments grow or evolve, with CrowdStrike Falcon, customers are freed from having to add additional management servers or controllers for endpoint protection.

With Falcons lightweight agent, customers can quickly and easily add end-to-end protection with instant zero reboot deployments, no performance impact or signature updates - all of which improve the performance of business-critical servers. CrowdStrike Falcon enables management of all systems, irrespective of their location, from a single console providing a consolidated view into all assets for the enterprise.

CrowdStrike Falcon supports all major platforms including Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. It also provides protection for guest OS hosted on all popular hypervisors and protects Windows, Linux and macOS guests with a kernel-mode agent. CrowdStrike Falcon allows for complete protection policy control, with full flexibility around policy deployment at the individual server, group or cloud platform/data center levels. Irrespective of how a server is deployed, the security team retains complete visibility and the control required to prevent or contain the attack.

New and Enhanced Capabilities

CrowdStrike Falcon provides features critical to securing data centers, focused on control, visibility and complete protection:

AV-Comparatives has certified CrowdStrike Falcon for anti-malware and exploit protection and noted that Falcon can help organizations efforts with respect to PCI, HIPAA, NIST and FFIEC compliance.

For a while now, within our highly complex environment, managing high-value systems required a choice between maximum protection and maximum performance CrowdStrike has removed that dilemma, said Anton Reynaldo Bonifacio, chief information security officer, Globe Telecom. Adding best-in-class prevention, detection and response without increasing complexity has long been atop every CISOs wish list. CrowdStrike Falcon is lightning fast to deploy and manage, and doesnt slow down a single machine on-premise, in the cloud, or anything in between.

With this Spring release, we continue to advance the Falcon platform to ensure customers can protect all of their systems, whether physical, virtual or cloud-based, with reduced complexity and improved performance, said Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrikes co-founder and chief technology officer. Many legacy AV solutions dont provide sufficient visibility to enable threat hunting and forensic use cases, they poorly protect non-Windows environments, and are cumbersome and sometimes risky to deploy to cloud or hybrid cloud-based data centers. CrowdStrike Falcon addresses all of these pain points and adds scalability, efficacy, and speed.

Recently named a Visionary in the 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms, CrowdStrike has set the new standard for endpoint security providing organizations with the only solution that can prevent, detect, respond and hunt for attacks via a single lightweight agent. The platform has achieved impressive success in the market replacing not only legacy AV solutions, but also a variety of next-generation AV point products. CrowdStrike Falcon has been independently tested and proven as an effective AV replacement, including verification from testing with AV-Comparatives and SE Labs.

For additional information about the Spring release, please visit our blog here.

About CrowdStrike

CrowdStrike is the leader in cloud-delivered endpoint protection. The CrowdStrike Falcon platform offers instant visibility and protection across the enterprise and prevents attacks on endpoints on or off the network. CrowdStrike Falcon deploys in minutes to deliver actionable intelligence and real-time protection from Day One. Falcon seamlessly unifies next-generation AV with best-in-class endpoint detection and response, backed by 24/7 managed hunting. Its cloud infrastructure and single-agent architecture take away complexity and add scalability, manageability, and speed. CrowdStrike Falcon protects customers against all cyber attack types, using sophisticated signatureless artificial intelligence/machine learning and Indicator-of-Attack (IOA) based threat prevention to stop known and unknown threats in real time. Powered by the CrowdStrike Threat Graph, Falcon instantly correlates 40 billion security events from across the globe to immediately prevent and detect threats.

There's much more to the story of how Falcon has redefined endpoint protection but there's only one thing to remember about CrowdStrike: We stop breaches.

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2017 CrowdStrike, Inc. All rights reserved. CrowdStrike, CrowdStrike Falcon, CrowdStrike Threat Graph, CrowdStrike Falcon Prevent, Falcon Prevent, CrowdStrike Falcon Insight, Falcon Insight, CrowdStrike Falcon Discover, Falcon Discover, CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence, Falcon Intelligence, CrowdStrike Falcon DNS, Falcon DNS, CrowdStrike Falcon OverWatch, and Falcon OverWatch are the trademarks of CrowdStrike, Inc. All other brands, products, or service names are or may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

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CrowdStrike Extends Falcon Platform with Enhanced Cloud and Data Center Coverage - Business Wire (press release)

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Ace Cloud Hosting Enlightens Accounting Community With Marketing And Operations Tips – (press release)

Ace Cloud Hosting Enlightens Accounting Community With Marketing And Operations Tips Florida-based hosting provider released a free white paper, specifically for the accounting professionals, with tips to enhance customer retention and acquisition through marketing and operational advancement that should be practiced before, after and dur

Florida, FL (PRWEB) - As the tax season 2017 has just ended and the demand for tax professionals is expected to lower down, Ace Cloud Hosting has released a free white paper that offers industry-specific actionable insights to improve the customer retention rate for accounting firms and tax professionals. The white paper also gives tips to attract more clients for the next tax season.

The white paper, titled as 'Actionable Insights on Gaining More Clients and Maximizing Client Retention for CPAs', discusses what marketing and operations strategies can help gain optimum profits before, during and after the tax season. Backing the suggestions, using studies and surveys gathered from IRS, Capterra, Bain & Company, and many other industry experts, the white paper has been focused on delivering easily applicable solutions that can be adopted by accounting firms of any size.

Talking about the white paper, Dr. Sangeeta Chhabra, the Director of Ace Cloud Hosting, said, "For past 10 years, we've been serving the accounting community with accounting application hosting services. We intend to serve customers beyond our technology solution. Since the tax season has just ended and accounting pros have some peaceful time, the white paper offers them something that will help them - with business growth and customer retention."

She continued, "For the professionals in the data-driven industry, we have gone with tips that are supported by facts. We are hopeful, it will help our clients grow positively."

In the white paper, Ace Cloud Hosting has listed challenges that hinder customer retention and which marketing and operation strategies can help overcome those challenges. It also discusses the worth of social media platforms in connecting and impressing the clients. Other key points discussed includes benefits of attending in-person accounting events, technologies aiding client interactions, temporary staffing, and some retention specific activities.

The white paper is available for free download on the official website of Ace Cloud Hosting. Here is the download link.

About Ace Cloud Hosting

Ace Cloud Hosting is an application hosting provider, based in Florida. Winner of User Favorite Award by Accountex USA 2016 in application hosting category, Ace Cloud Hosting (ACH) offers its exemplary hosting services for accounting applications to deliver a significant value to its clients. ACH is an Intuit Authorized Hosting Provider for QuickBooks desktop software and provides a wide range of cloud services including managed hosting, dedicated servers, application (such as - Sage, MS Office, ProSeries, Lacerte, etc.) hosting, etc., which help clients to achieve their business objectives by providing the best in class virtual office solution.

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Ace Cloud Hosting Enlightens Accounting Community With Marketing And Operations Tips - (press release)

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Amazon Shares Hit $1000, Showing Dominance of E-Commerce, Cloud – The VAR Guy Inc.s shares topped $1,000 for the first time, marking a new milestone for a company wooing investors by dominating online commerce and cloud computing.

Amazon shares hit $1,001.20 in New York Tuesday, up about 40 percent from a year ago and more than double the 15 percent gain of the S&P 500 Index in the same period. Investors are thinking about how much further Amazon can grow as it tries to replicate its U.S. success abroad.

The shares will likely push even higher since Amazon is growing so quickly inmassive global industries that show no signs of slowing, as shopping habits change and businesses rethink how they deploy technology, said John Blackledge, analyst at Cowen and Company LLC, who recently upped his Amazon price target to $1,125 a share.

"Theres a long runway there," he said. "The markets Amazon is playing in with global retail and cloud computing are just massive. Things continue to go well and investors are looking for more upside."

The Seattle companys $478 billion market value is double that of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. even though the worlds biggest retailer will have sales three times larger than Amazons this year. Investors put more value in Amazons web traffic and delivery network than they do in Wal-Marts vast store presence because online spending will grow more than four times faster than overall retail spending this year as shoppers continue to shift from stores to websites, according to EMarketer Inc.

The worlds largest online retailer is dominating e-commerce with its $99-a-year Amazon Prime subscription, which includes delivery discounts, music and video streaming and photo storage that keep shoppers engaged with the website. Seattle-based Amazon had 80 million Prime subscribers in the U.S. as of March 31, an increase of 38 percent from a year earlier, according to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. Prime memberships help lock in loyalty, which is critical as competitors such as Wal-Mart enhance their e-commerce offerings to slow Amazons momentum.

Amazon has been tackling retail one category at a time, disrupting bookstores and electronics stores first and more recently pushing into apparel and groceries. Its rise has coincided with the decline of prominent retail chains such as Macys Inc. and Sears Holdings Corp., which have shuttered stores and laid off workers in response to declining sales. Shopping malls have resorted to hosting concerts and carnivals in empty parking lots to keep customers coming.

Another Amazon advantage is its profitable and fast-growing cloud-computing division Amazon Web Services, which maintains a global network of data centers and rents out storage space and computing functions to clients in a variety of industries, including Netflix Inc. and Airbnb Inc. as well as Capital One Financial Corp. and the federal government. Yelp runs many of its functions on AWS. This year, companies around the world will funnel $246.8 billion to Amazon and other cloud services providers, according to Gartner, up 18 percent from 2016.

Amazons rise has made its founding Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos the worlds second wealthiest person, behind only Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. His ascendancy has won praise from fellow self-made billionaires Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and judge on the television show "Shark Tank."

Amazon is worth far more than $1,000 a share, said Cuban, an Amazon investor. Consumers always want things at lower prices delivered faster. Amazon uses data better than anyone to achieve those goals for everything it sells. They have a chance to be the most dominant company in the world.

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Amazon Shares Hit $1000, Showing Dominance of E-Commerce, Cloud - The VAR Guy

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Social media, encryption had nothing to with UK attack – iTWire

As it did in March, the British government is again trying to lay the blame on encryption in the wake of the terrorist attack in Manchester. This time, social media is also in its sights.

In March, the hue and cry was sparked by ridiculous stories in sections of the media that the attack had begun after the attacker had sent a message on WhatsApp. Given that WhatsApp has end-to-end encryption, the reasoning (?) was that encryption was to blame for the attacks.

Much in the same way that your mobile provider is to blame for that spam call that led to you losing a few dollars last week.

But this time, the shouts are even louder, with British Home Secretary Amber Rudd leading the way, blaming social media sites like Facebook and Twitter for not doing enough to prevent messages advocating terrorism on their sites.

At the time of the March attack, Rudd had said that WhatsApp should open its encryption to security services.

It may sit well with the average person, but in reality such a call is stupid. WhatsApp encrypts the message at one end and it is decrypted at the receiver's end. Nobody can intervene and find out the content of the message.

To do that, Facebook would have to build a backdoor into WhatsApp, and give Rudd and any others carte blanche to examine the messages sent by all and sundry.

Would that prevent terror attacks or prevent would-be terrorists from communicating? Hardly. But the British government is threatening to bring in laws to force companies to provide access to encrypted services on request.

One must not forget that Rudd's party, the Conservative Party, is in the midst of an election campaign. Prime Minister Theresa May is attempting to win office on her own steam well before the difficult negotiations over Britain's exit from the European Union get under way.

The Tories are, no doubt, hoping that this kind of tough talk will play well with those who voted for Brexit. This was the logic that made May claim that a second attack was imminent after the Manchester attack - which, as anybody who knows anything about terrorism will tell you, is highly unlikely.

After what a terrorist would deem a successful strike, the perpetrators are content to wait until the fallout has died down before striking again.

Common sense is the biggest loser in situations of this kind. May brought in a set of laws known as the Snooper's Charter last year which is draconian enough. Tighter laws will only make it more difficult for law-abiding people and probably annoy them no end.

But in a this kind of milieu, politicians always feel they have to do "something", no matter whether it makes sense or not. Quite often they end up doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results.

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Social media, encryption had nothing to with UK attack - iTWire

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Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For Cryptocurrencies – ETF Daily News (blog)

May 29, 2017 6:39am NASDAQ:COIN

From Tyler Durden: Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency, and its meteoric rise has made it a mainstay of conversation for investors, media, and technologists alike.

In fact, as Visual Capitalists Jeff Desjardins details, the innovation of the blockchain is changing entire markets, while causing ripples with central banks and the financial industry. At time of publication, the bitcoin price now hovers near US$2,200, a massive increase from this time last year.

But the true impact of Bitcoin is actually far more reaching than this its actually helped to birth new markets for over 800 other cryptocurrencies and assets that are available for online trading. And while the market for bitcoins is worth nearly $40 billion itself, the rest of these cryptocurrencies are actually worth even more in combination.

For the first time since Bitcoin was founded, it now makes up the minority of the entire cryptocurrency market at about 47.9% of all coins and assets.

So what are the other altcoins that make up the rest of this universe, and where did they come from?


Litecoin is one of the first altcoins, and it is nearly identical to Bitcoin after being forked in 2011. Litecoin aims to process blocks 4x faster than Bitcoin to speed up transaction confirmation time, though this creates several other challenges as well. At time of writing, Litecoins market capitalization is worth $1.3 billion.


Ethereum, launched in 2015, is the largest coin by market capitalization aside from Bitcoin. However, it is also quite different. While Bitcoin is designed to be a payments protocol first, Ethereum enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications, while also enabling smart contracts. The tokens used to power the network are called Ether, but they can also be traded online. At time of writing, Ethereums market capitalization is $15.4 billion.

Also interesting: the Ethereum network actually split into two in 2016. Its a complicated situation, but read about it here. There is now a separate Ethereum, based on the original Ethereum blockchain, trading as Ethereum Classic with its own market capitalization of $1.4 billion.


Ripple (XRP) is the native currency of the Ripple Protocol a broader catch-all for an open-source, global exchange. Its already being used by banks such as Santander, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, UBS, and RBC. It solves a different problem than Bitcoin, allowing for settling payments between different currencies and even different payment systems. Today, Ripples native coin (XRP) has a market cap of $10.9 billion.


With over 800+ altcoins or assets out there, theres plenty of information to absorb.

Heres a short 20-minute course on the history of altcoins that might provide useful context, as well as in-depth explanations of Ethereum and Ripple that may help you learn about the important parts of a rapidly growing altcoin universe.

This article is brought to you courtesy of ZeroHedge.

Tags: Bitcoin BTC coin cryptocurrency currency ethereum NASDAQ:COIN Ripple Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust ETF(NASDAQ:COIN)

Categories: NASDAQ:COIN

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Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For Cryptocurrencies - ETF Daily News (blog)

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