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Unsecured Cloud Back-Ends Still Pose Security Threat, New Report Says – Virtualization Review


"We found almost 43 TB of data exposed and 1,000 apps affected by the HospitalGown vulnerability."

Echoing the findings of a similar recent report, Appthority has published investigation results that found nearly 43 TB of enterprise data was exposed on cloud back-ends, including personally identifiable information (PII).

The company's new "2017 Q2 Enterprise Mobile Threat Report" report (free upon providing registration info), Appthority found "data leakage" from mobile apps that send data to unsecured cloud back-ends. Appthority said mobile security concerns typically focus on a triad of other factors -- apps, device threats and network threats -- but unsecured back-ends are a new threat vector that goes hand-in-hand with cloud computing. This data leakage on the back-end was dubbed the "HospitalGown" threat by the company because of that garment's open back-end.

"In total, we found almost 43 TB of data exposed and 1,000 apps affected by the HospitalGown vulnerability," Appthority said in a blog post last week. "Looking at a subset of 39 apps, we still found 280 million records exposed, a total of about 163 GB of data. This is a staggering amount of leaked information, and in some cases represents the entirety of customer or operational data for an enterprise."

The report mirrors the findings of an earlier report by RedLock Inc., which revealed many security issues primarily caused by user misconfigurations on public cloud platforms, with Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) figuring prominently. RedLock claimed it found 82 percent of hosted databases remain unencrypted, among many other problems.

The AWS cloud was also mentioned in the new report from Appthority. One of the key findings of the report said: "The enterprise threat is real: The apps connect to unsecured databases on a range of popular enterprise services, including Elasticsearch and Amazon Web Services."

Unsecured Elasticsearch servers and MongoDB databases were prime targets of a series of ransomware attacks earlier this year that generated widespread publicity in the security field. However, that publicity apparently wasn't enough to significantly alleviate the issue.

"As our findings show, weakly secured back-ends in apps used by employees, partners and customers create a range of security risks including extensive data leaks of personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive data," the report states. "They also significantly increase the risk of spear phishing, brute force login, social engineering, data ransom, and other attacks. And, HospitalGown makes data access and exfiltration far easier than other types of attacks."

Key findings of the report as listed by the company include:

The company said its Mobile Threat Team identified the HospitalGown vulnerabilities with a combination of its dynamic app analysis tool and a new back-end scanning method, looking at the network traffic on more than 1 million enterprise mobile apps, both iOS and Android.

As with the misconfiguration problems identified in the RedLock report, Appthority emphasized that all cases of HospitalGown vulnerabilities were caused by human errors, not malicious intent or inherent infrastructure problems.

Appthority said it disclosed information about the exposed data to app developers and to affected providers, such as AWS.

"In some cases, the issues were remediated immediately," the company said. "Unfortunately, in others, we received no response and the data is still exposed."

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer for 1105 Media.

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Unsecured Cloud Back-Ends Still Pose Security Threat, New Report Says - Virtualization Review

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7 Largest Cloud Providers By Revenue in 2017 – Insider Monkey (blog)

What are the 7 largest cloud providers by revenue in 2017? The term cloud has become very popular lately, being used everywhere from offices to private households. Most people have severalaccounts on cloud platforms, one that comes with the operating system, be it either Windows or Mac OS, and one either on Dropbox,Google Cloud, or another platform. On the enterprise size, Amazon dominates the market, with a market share of 45% in the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) space, according to Synergy. This is more than Microsoft, Google and IBM combined.

In basic terms, cloud computing involves storing and accessing data on a server via the internet rather than on a physical hard drive. There are several types of cloud computing for enterprises. First, there is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), through which users can access software that is running on servers. SaaS is something that most people use everyday, with the best examples of it being Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)s Office 365 or Google Apps. Then there is Platform-as-a-Service, or PaaS, which involves providing businesses with a platform to develop their products and services. Finally, there is Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), through which providers offer cloud servers and resources, basically allowing their clients to have a virtual data center.

Using cloud computing can have many advantages. For regular users, it provides access to data (photos, documents, presentations, etc.) anywhere where there is a stable internet connection, without the need to carry around USB sticks or portable hard drives. For businesses it can be a real cost saver. Using PaaS and IaaS allows companies to focus on the development of their product(s) without the need to invest in expensive and redundant hardware, which alsorequire maintenance, space, and regular upgrades.

Because cloud computing has only really begun to develop in the last few years, companies that provide cloud computing services are in a market that will continue expanding at a fast pace, at least in the medium-term. According to IDC research, by 2019, worldwide spending on public cloud services will reach $141 billion, double the $70 billion total in 2015. The largest share will be occupied by the SaaS segment, which will amass over two-thirds of all public cloud spending. The main drivers of this growth will be large companies, which are estimated to spend over $80 billion on cloud services in 2019.

While there are many companies that are trying to capture a slice of the booming cloud services market, only a few companies have already managed to establish themselves as leaders. Unsurprisingly, most of these are companies that were tech giants long before cloud computing. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT),, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL), and a few others, which we discussed in our list of the10 Biggest Cloud Computing Companies in the World, had the resources to invest and the client base that could take advantage of the potential of cloud services.

With this in mind, lets take a look at the 7 largest cloud providers by revenue in 2017. The data for each companys revenue is taken from their latest quarterly financial reports (or in the case of Alphabet, from analyst estimates). Check out the list beginning on the next page.

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7 Largest Cloud Providers By Revenue in 2017 - Insider Monkey (blog)

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Are Pop-Ups An Internet Security Threat? – Good Herald

Pop-ups are the annoying ads and other things on the internet that open on your monitor as youre surfing the web. Their main goal is to either get you to visit a certain website or to collect your name and email address for marketing purposes.

The pop-ups that come on your screen as a web page loads are usually caused by something called JavaScript. This is a simple programming language that can be integrated into the HTML used to build web sites.

Sometimes these pop-ups can be useful. It may ask you for your login information or something else to log you into the website, or it might give you more information on something without taking you away from the page youre looking at. Music sites, for example, often use a pop-up for their players. These reasons are all legitimate uses and are quite a bit more acceptable than some of the advertising pop-ups.

JavaScript can control the size of the window and the elements displayed. The status bar or the menus can be hidden, making it impossible to navigate away from the pop-up. Your only options are to close the window using the x box in the top right corner or to click on the ad and be taken to the advertisers web site. Annoying, huh?

Some of these pop-ups can cause other problems as well. They may be poorly programmed, or they may be intentionally malicious and can cause many windows to be opened. And when you close one, several more open to replace it. When this happens, the only way to get rid of them is to close the browser.

A relatively new kind of pop-up is created using Flash and can be programmed to follow your mouse or to float on the screen as you scroll the window.

One of the more notorious uses of pop-ups is in adware, which often opens pop-ups related to the web pages youre looking at, even if its not from that website. This adware is supported by advertising, which is why it uses these pop-ups to get your attention. It usually comes along with some other program, which may actually be useful, and gets installed at the same time. If you dont read the license agreement closely when you install it, you might miss the fact that this is going to happen even though they tell you (although its usually hidden somewhere in the middle of the agreement, where most people never see it).

Another form of pop-up is called the pop-under. It opens a window behind the main window and you wont see it until you close your main browser window. These types are less annoying, but can still be a pain.

Its the nuisance factor of pop-ups that has encouraged almost every web browser designer to include some kind of pop-up killer in their program. The latest versions of all the major browsers have integrated pop-up killers.

You can also get specialized pop-up killer software that will catch most of the pop-ups that the browsers miss, giving you an almost 100% pop-up free internet experience.

If your kids use the same computer as you, pop-ups can be a real pain. In recent versions of Windows multiple user accounts can be created to keep your information and settings separate. Get more info about stopping popups at

Photo By Antony_Wegener from Pixabay

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Are Pop-Ups An Internet Security Threat? - Good Herald

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Japan And South Korea To Invest More In Bitcoin – CryptoCoinsNews

Concerns over the low saving rates in Japan and South Korea, the citizens of the two countries are investing more in bitcoin. Comparing to the average 17 percent gain of Asian stocks in 2017, the value of the cryptocurrency increased by 124 percent over the same period (after a 125 percent gain in 2016). Just in May alone, BTC had seen a 60 percent increase during the month.

After a crackdown at Chinas Central Bank earlier this year, more investors in Japan and South Korea turned to the cryptocurrency. According to the media publication Reuters, the increased Japanese and Korean investment had an impact on bitcoins surge in 2017.

Bitcoin exchanges in the two Asian countries are saying they had experienced higher interest in the cryptocurrency over the last two weeks. One reason could be that Japan accepted a bill in April officially recognizing digital currencies, including bitcoin, as real money. Due to strict money-laundering rules, which make it hard for investors to move the cryptocurrency in and out, BTC trades at premium in both countries. While, for example, on May 25, the global average bitcoin price was $2,514, the digital currency was traded on $3,800 in South Korea with a 33.5 percent premium.

After I first heard about the bitcoin scheme, I was so excited I couldnt sleep. Its like buying a dream. Everyone says we cant rely on Japanese pensions anymore. This worries me, so I started bitcoins, Mutsuko Higo, a 55-year-old Japanese social insurance and labor consultant said. Higo bought around 200,000 yen ($1800) worth of bitcoin in March to supplement her retirement savings.

Asia is one of the main supporters of the cryptocurrency with the booming investment culture in the region, where it is common to swap investment tips. According to a ranking by CoinMarketCap, China, Japan, and South Korea are home to several high traffic cryptocurrency exchanges.

Since bitcoin is mostly unregulated in Asia and the laws for the exchanges are uneven, there is a significant risk associated with the trade of the cryptocurrency. For example, in Hong Kong, BTC exchanges operate under money service operator licenses. On the other hand, in South Korea, the regulation for exchanges is similar to online stores, trading physical goods. However, South Korea is planning to introduce regulations on the digital currency in 2017.

Since in most Asian countries, there are no rules for investor protection, the rise of bitcoins popularity attracts an increasing number of scammers. South Korean authorities reported they had busted the members of a pyramid scheme, which gained approximately $55 million scamming thousands of victims. Because of the lack of regulations, India also sees the number of such pyramid schemes rising in the country.

Leonhard Weese, president of the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong, who is also a bitcoin investor himself, warned bitcoin investors about the potential risks associated to the cryptocurrency:

Trading carries huge risk: there is no investor protection and plenty of market manipulation and insider trading. Some of the exchanges cannot be trusted in my opinion.

To increase trust and user protection, some of the larger exchanges implemented security measures and compensation guarantees. However, numerous small cryptocurrency exchanges are operating with almost no supervision. Learning from the MtGox fraud in 2014, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) in Japan closely supervises exchanges, but not investors or traders.

The government is not guaranteeing the value of cryptocurrencies. We are asking for bitcoin exchanges to fully explain the risk of sharp price moves, an FSA official said.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

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Japan And South Korea To Invest More In Bitcoin - CryptoCoinsNews

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Bitcoin – A Speculative Asset with No Intrinsic Value, Says Business Insider Founder – CryptoCoinsNews

As bitcoin captures the worlds attention while soaring to unprecedented heights, the cryptocurrency has been labelled as an asset primed for a bubble, with no intrinsic value.

Henry Blodget is the founder, CEO and editor of prominent financial news publication Business Insider and was part of CNBCs Squawk Alley, a televised show, recently. Bitcoin was the subject of a segment and Blodget offered his take on the cryptocurrencys soaring gains in recent weeks.

He stated:

Look, this is a perfect asset for a speculative bubbleThere is a finite supply. There is no intrinsic value. If anybody is persuading you that it should somehow be related to some GDP or goldput down the Kool-Aid and back away.

In response, a CNBC host bought up Bitcoins applicability in countries like Venezueala, where new bitcoin miners have imported groceries from Amazon Pantry in the United States by paying with the cryptocurrency.

It has a use, he replied. There is no question. There are uses for it. The transactions are steadily increasing. Thats a good signif you are going to use it.

Finally, he sees the bandwagon of investors getting buying into bitcoin with the hope of striking rich rewards in the long run.

It could literally go to a million. There is no reason why noThe logic of folks who are buying and speculating in it[Theyre saying] All I can lose is a 100%. I could make 10x, a 100x, a 1000xIll take that trade if Im willing to lose that 100%.

With bitcoin in the mainstream, commentators and speculators are likely to see the cryptocurrencies as stocks or commodities, comparing it to the norm of traditional markets.

As for bitcoin having no intrinsic value, over 2 million transactions every week globally between people, businesses, charities and more say otherwise.

Featured image from Shutterstock

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Bitcoin - A Speculative Asset with No Intrinsic Value, Says Business Insider Founder - CryptoCoinsNews

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Cryptocurrency 2.0 and Smart Contracts News – CoinDesk

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A new project is seeking to combine ethereum's smart contract capabilities with the privacy afforded to the zcash blockchain.

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Five things you should know about ether, a cryptocurrency that surged in value during the first quarter of 2017.

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The price of ether, ethereum's native token, has hit a new all-time high, exceeding $60 for the first time ever.

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A former software engineer for digital currency startup Coinbase has launched a new search engine for ethereum.

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Ether classic's price reached an all-time high this week, amid robust transaction volume. We ask the experts why...

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Ethereum prediction market project Gnosis sparked broad debate today following an initial coin offering that didn't exactly go as planned.

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The UN is preparing to kick off an epic ethereum pilot, but the future could also include actually accepting cryptocurrencies.

Apr 23, 2017 at 11:26 | Alyssa Hertig

A look at what's still to do for ethereum developers working on the Metropolis upgrade the platform's third of four planned stages.

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Cryptocurrency 2.0 and Smart Contracts News - CoinDesk

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Workshops | E.P. Chan & Associates

Dr. Chan currently offers the online course Mean Reversion Strategies to a select number of traders and portfolio managers. This is an online workshop conducted in real-time through Adobe Connect. This workshop focuses on the theories and practical implementation of mean reversion strategies. (Free MATLAB trial licenses and pre-recorded MATLAB programming tutorials are included.) The math requirement assumed is basic college-level statistics.

Course outline can be downloaded here.


We are offering the pre-recorded online course Cryptocurrency Trading with Python. This course was conducted by Nick Kirk, an expert in algorithmic crypto trading and a quantitative developer, and was moderated by Dr. Ernest Chan.Participants will receive Python source code and data for backtesting. Gemini Exchanges Sandbox environment will be used, which offers full exchange functionality using test funds, for testing API connectivity and the execution of strategies.

Course outline can be downloaded here.

About Nick Kirk

Nick is an active algorithmic crypto trader and quantitative developer. He has more than 10 years worth of experience in developing, automating and integrating trading systems for Investment Banks and Asset Management firms. Prior to working in Finance, he worked at IBM Labs and Siemens Research. He has previously taught algorithmic crypto trading at the CQF Institute to wide acclaim.

Praise for this workshop

Excellent class. Particularly liked the technical aspects of building a trading system in python.

-Anonymous participant review

Nick is a very passionate advocate of cryptocurrencies. I was very pleased to have attended one of his cryptocurrency trading workshops in the past. His blunt enthusiasm along with his in-depth knowledge on the field result in a very positive and value added experience on cryptocurrency trading with actual hands-on implementation. In combination with Ernie Chan, the guru of algo trading, the mix is going to be explosive! Cant wait!

Konstantinos Moutsioulis Portfolio Analyst, Dutch Development Bank, The Hague Area

I have been very impressed with Ernies past workshops and have enjoyed discussing cryptocurrency trading ideas with Nick on many occasions. I look forward to their unique partnership in the upcoming Bitcoin workshop.

Stephen Hope Former Head of Fixed Income Quantitative Trading Strategies, BNP Paribas ___________

The pre-recorded online course Backtestingis nowavailable. This consists of recorded Adobe Connect sessions. Thefocus is on discovering and avoiding various pitfalls during the backtesting process that may degrade performance forecasting. Illustrative exercises are drawn from a futures strategy and a stock portfolio trading strategy using MATLAB.Free MATLAB trial licenses will be arranged for extensive in-class exercises. No prior knowledge of MATLAB is needed, but some experience with programming is necessary. The math requirement is basic college-level statistics.

Course outline can be downloadedhere.


Ernie also offers in-person workshops in London, September 11-15, 2017.These workshops may qualify for CFA Institute continuing education credits.


Praise for ourworkshops:

An excellent course by a great teacher. Ernie clearly explained and applied the different areas of Artificial Intelligence, provided invaluable insights as to their relative merits, and gave me the confidence to implement them in my own trading. Dr Nikhil Shenai (Ph.D., Imperial College, BA, Cambridge University), Founder of E K Technologies (Quantitative Trading & Development)

thank you again for the Momentum Strategies training course this week. It was very beneficial. I found your explanations of the concepts very clear and the examples well developed. I like the rigorous approach that you take to strategy evaluation. Andrew B.

Ernies workshop offers particularly helpful insights in implementing profitable trading strategies and thats beyond hisbooks content. And he is one of the most patient and giving instructors I ever metK.W. Fung, CQF, Founder of Quants Investment

These workshops have provided me with enough familiarity and confidence to tackle the latest research. Justthe segment on intermarket sweep orders in the MFT course was worth the price of admission to all three workshops I went to. Cedric Yau

Dr. Chan is a phenomenal instructorAnonymous student evaluation

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Russia to Soon Get Its Own National Cryptocurrency – newsBTC

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has received significant attention at the ongoing Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum. The Russian Central Bank made an important announcement regarding its plans to introduce a national cryptocurrency during the event. The introduction of a national cryptocurrency comes at a time when Russia is mulling over the possibility of legalizing Bitcoin and other altcoins in the country. The plans to develop a national cryptocurrency was announced by Russian Central Banks Deputy Chairman, Olga Skorobogatova.

Skorobogatova was quoted by one of the leading Russian media outlets saying,

Regulators of all countries agree that its time to develop national cryptocurrencies, this is the future. Every country will decide on specific time frames. After our pilot projects, we will understand what system we could use in our case for our national currency.

The Russian Finance Ministry recently announced its intentions to introduce Bitcoin regulations, offering a legal status to cryptocurrencies. The move is completely opposite to the ministrys earlier stance which involved criminalizing the use and trade of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Russias decision to legalize Bitcoin closely follows Japans latest move to recognize the cryptocurrency as a legally valid mode of payment. The Russian Central Banks decision to introduce a national cryptocurrency is similar to the proposals put forward by respective regulatory bodies in England, United States and others.

Governments can save a lot of taxpayers money and resources by adopting cryptocurrency as a legal tender. The use of cryptocurrency will eliminate the costs otherwise involved in printing, transporting and managing physical banknotes. At the same time, cryptocurrency adoption will further promote the adoption of cashless payment methods.

With the banking sector increasingly adopting blockchain technology, the transition between conventional monetary system involving physical currency to blockchain based electronic currency will be smooth. It is just a matter of time before other countries also start adopting a similar stance.

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Russia to Soon Get Its Own National Cryptocurrency - newsBTC

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Central Bank of Russia wants a national cryptocurrency – Neowin

Russia wants to build its own cryptocurrency that it believes will be better than bitcoin, this is according to the Central Banks Deputy Governor, Olga Skorobogatova. The announcement comes not long after the Central Bank said that it would be pushing for legislation which would introduce a tax on bitcoins and other digital currencies.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2017, Skorobogatova said:

Regulators of all countries have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to do a national virtual currency. This is the future. Each country will decide the issue of a specific time and maturity independently.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts shouldn't get too excited just yet about the new virtual currency because while testing has already taken place on the Masterchain and Hyperledger platforms, more details arent expected to be revealed for another two to three years.

Russia has been an interesting place for cryptocurrencies, a few years ago it was suggesting harsh penalties for those issuing currencies such as bitcoin but has since become more liberal on the issue. Now, to see it coming out and saying it wants to have a national cryptocurrency, it makes it one of the first countries to say so, with the State of Palestine also announced similar intentions not long ago.

Source: RT | Image via Wallpoper

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Central Bank of Russia wants a national cryptocurrency - Neowin

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How Cloud Computing Can Work To Save Your Company Money – Good Herald

The primary selling point for those promoting the adoption of cloud computing services has been that it is quite affordable. The economic advantages that are clearly available through the adoption do not only come through lower procurement costs. The numerous profits that come with the all inclusive cost cutting benefits of cloud computing tools cover areas like procurement, operation, deployment and many more. These are the key areas where the primary avenues through which those who choose to employ cloud computing gain. Looking at them in sequence clearly demonstrates that the benefits claimed are real and available to all who decide to migrate to cloud systems.

Procurement of cloud computing solutions such as cloud servers, and cloud software is considerably cheaper than other equivalent options. Weighing in choices of any cloud engine software with other software used on other similar platforms as witnessed by most vendors is that cloud applications are affordable. This also applies to the cost of installing a cloud server as compared to other servers of equal capacity. A cloud server is considered to cost a part of what an equivalent dedicated server will cost. This is evident that during the procurement stage is that cloud computing option is going to save you money.

In deployment cases, cloud computing varieties have many cost benefits over the other technologies. Deployment speed is the primary benefit of the cost efficiency. With cloud solutions you can deploy immediately unlike other technologies that need substantial amounts of time for preparation and setup before deployment. Quick applications means your organization will at effect start to realize the advantages of the resources you have invested. In this case you will not only be saving cash but also gain more income from your investment.

One of the other deployment benefit of employing cloud technology is the expertise demanded. If you incur lower skill level requirements it would mean you will experience lower wage bills. This aspect of cloud computing extends to the operation phase where running cloud servers and cloud software comes with a lower wage bill. The drop in costs of deployment and operation are important benefits that are instant and long term to business entrepreneurs who apply cloud computing. Once the technology is applied the benefits can be felt and continued use through out the life of the business operations where cloud computing is used.

The scalability together with efficiency promote the operational cost benefits offered by cloud computing. The scalability of cloud computing ensures that your business will not need to have excess capacity as is the case with other technologies. The boost and downfall in demand for computing resources can be quickly and simply be equated to the high scalability of the cloud. Since most of the cloud computing resources are billed on consumption, it is easy to achieve cost efficiency. If you are using cloud engine software, you will only pay for the specific productive consumption. There are other cost benefits of using cloud computing and you should consider migrating your business systems to the cloud.

Those talking about cloud computing services know that providers like OnApp offer good deals There are many financial savings to be seen from using cloud computing tools

Photo By OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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How Cloud Computing Can Work To Save Your Company Money - Good Herald

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