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Managed Services and Cloud Hosting: What the Leading Cloud Hosts Offer – MSPmentor

From Rackspace to AWS to Azure, there's no shortage of cloud hosting platforms available today.

One thing that sets them apart is the degree of managed services available from each cloud host.

This is a key differentiator that MSPs need to understand when building a managed service offering.

All of the major cloud-hosting platforms provide the same basic thing: Cloud-based infrastructure that organizations can use to run physical and/or virtual servers that host their workloads.

The details of the hosting plans, prices and features of each platform vary, but that's fodder for a separate article.

This article's goal is to compare the extent to which managed services are built into each major cloud platform, how easy it is to obtain third-party managed services and which cloud platforms are most in need of additional managed-service help.


Toward that end, here's how cloud hosts stack up on the managed services front:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is probably the best known cloud host in the market today.

It has a built-in Managed Services feature, but what AWS calls Managed Services is actually just an automation tool.

That said, because AWS has been around for so long, the actual managed services market around AWS is already very crowded.

AWS is an important cloud platform to support if you want to build a comprehensive MSP business that covers all cloud vendors.

But if you're trying to build a niche MSP offering based on cloud hosting, AWS isn't a good place to start.

The AWS managed services market is already saturated.

Microsoft Azure

Azure is also a well-established cloud-hosting platform.

Its features and functionality mirror those of AWS, to a large extent.

Azure doesn't have any built-in managed services offering, and it's somewhat harder to find Azure third-party managed services support for Azure than it is for AWS.

Still, the Azure managed services market is pretty mature.


Rackspace, which began as a cloud infrastructure company, has shifted gears and now focuses heavily on managed services.

Its most recent move in this vein was itsrecent TriCore acquisition.

As a result, Rackspace is not a good cloud host to focus on if you want to build an MSP offering.

Rackspace already provides managed support for its infrastructure.

Indeed, Rackspace even offers managed services for other clouds, including AWS and Azure.

This means Rackspace is now a competitor with MSPs in all areas of the cloud.


DigitalOcean, which markets itself as a cloud-hosting platform for developers, is not as big a cloud host as AWS or Azure, but it ranks on any shortlist of major cloud providers.

DigitalOcean doesn't offer managed services for its infrastructure, although third-party companies do.

Because DigitalOcean managed services is a smaller market, it is easier for new MSPs to enter.


Linode is another cloud host that pitches itself as a platform for developers.

It provides hosting on high-performance Linux servers.

Like Rackspace, Linode has expanded its managed service offerings in recent years.

Linode's managed services aren't totally comprehensive, but the company offers backups, incident management and other types of professional services.

There is some opportunity for third-party vendors to add extra managed services around the Linode platform that are not offered by Linode itself.


Vultr is a cloud host that focuses on high-performance virtual servers.

The company doesn't offer managed services itself, but it partners with Cloudways to provide professional services.

Still, there is room in the Vultr managed services market for other MSPs.

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Managed Services and Cloud Hosting: What the Leading Cloud Hosts Offer - MSPmentor

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Scenes from GeekWire’s first-ever Cloud Tech Summit in ‘the cloud capital of the world’ – GeekWire

GeekWire co-founder Todd Bishop interviews Scott Guthrie, executive vice president of Microsofts Cloud and Enterprise Group, at the GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit. (GeekWire photos/Kevin Lisota)

Cloud computing is the new operating system.

Thats what one venture capitalist said on stage at the inauguralGeekWire Cloud Tech Summit, and its a reminder of why it was so exciting to welcomemore than 600 folks to our first technical event ever on Wednesday in Bellevue, Wash.

It was an action-packed daythatshowcased the cutting-edge cloud-related trends and ideas that are transformingthe technology world.

We had a great lineup of speakers and presenters folks like Microsoft Azure chief Scott Guthrie; Docker CEO Steve Singh; Cloud Foundry Foundation Executive Director Abby Kearns; and others who shared insight about the world of cloud computing and addressed pressing technical questions to our attendees about everything from DevOps to serverless computing.

It is no understatement to say that public cloud computing is revolutionizing how technology is used, wrote Fortune reporter Barb Darrow, who attended the event.

We loved hosting a world-class conference of this kind in the Seattle area, which manyconsiderthe epicenter of the cloud industry with companies like Amazon and Microsoft, in addition to countlessstartups that are all building cloud-related technologies.

This is an incredible community with incredible technology talent, said Singh, who announced thatDocker is opening an office in the area, yet another Bay Area company planting its flag up north.Obviously, its cloud city as well.

The day kicked off with a fireside chat featuring Guthrie,executive vice president of Microsofts Cloud and Enterprise Group.

Microsoft is learning from, borrowing some of the companys guiding principles in a competition to provide web-based technology services, Seattle Times tech journalistMatt Day reportedfrom the event.

The morning continuedwith Power Talks featuringKearns, the executive director of Cloud Foundry; Joe Beda, Heptio co-founder and co-creator of Kubernetes;Sunny Gupta, co-founder and CEO of Apptio; andSwami Sivasubramanian, vice president ofAmazon AI.

Before lunch,Fortunes Darrow interviewedGreg DeMichillie, Googles director of product management, office of the CTO, Google Cloud.

A break for lunch allowed attendees to network with each other and check out sponsor booths with cool giveaways like free airline tickets and e-readers; VIP attendees and speakers were able to connect at a special VIP meal.

Attendees spent the afternoon soakingup knowledge atthree separate technical tracks DevOps, Microservices/Serverless and Artificial Intelligence as well as a business track that featureda venture capital panel, a media panel and a startup showcase.

Our last on-stage discussion featured Singh and his Docker colleague Scott Johnston.

We ended the day with a fun party at Salesforces new Bellevue office, which won theGeekiest Office Space award at our GeekWire Awards event in May.

Itwas also funwelcoming backGuillaume Wiatr, who sketched drawings inspired by on-stageinterviews and presentations.

Check out photos from the photo booth here:

You can read all our coverage from the Cloud Tech Summithere. Well be posting videos from the on-stage discussions soon, so stay tuned for that.

Thanksto Kevin Lisota for snapping photos of the event, and to all of our attendees for being apart of it all. And of course, a big thanks to title sponsor, Salesforce, and all our other GeekWire Cloud Tech Summit sponsors for helping to make this event happen:

Gold sponsors: Smartsheet, Northeastern University-Seattle, City of Bellevue, F5 Networks, Salesforce, Axon, Owen Media, CenturyLinkand Capital One.

Silver Sponsors: Acumatica, Moz, Expedia, OfferUpand Chef.

Supporting Sponsors: Avalara, Foster School of Business Technology Management MBA, Madrona Venture Group, First Tech Federal Credit Union, Lighter Capital, EY,Knolland Architecht.

Exhibitors: ALLtech, Nintex, ATI, Sysgain, DB Best Technologies,Washington State Opportunity Scholarship, StrataCore, WeWork and ExtraSlice.

Well see you at our next event the second annual GeekWire Sports Tech Summit later this month on June 21-22 in Seattle.

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Scenes from GeekWire's first-ever Cloud Tech Summit in 'the cloud capital of the world' - GeekWire

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TechNet to Hill: Query FBI Nominee on Encryption – Broadcasting & Cable

TechNet wants Congress to grill President Donald Trump's new FBI director nominee on issues like privacy and encryption.

President Trump signaled Wednesdaythat he plans to nominate Christopher Wray, a partner at international law firm King & Spalding, as new FBI director.

That announcement came only a day before his fired FBI director, James Comey, is scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which some Democrats were seeing as an attempt to distract attention from the run-up to Comey's testimony.

Reacting to the news, TechNet, representing tech CEOs and top execs, signaled because of the increasing interaction of the FBI and their industry, Congress needed to get his input on those issues.

Comey and the tech industry crossed paths, and to some degree swords, over the issue of government access to encrypted information, notably in the case of an Apple phone the FBI wanted to access in its investigation of the San Bernardino shooting.

With the nomination of Christopher Wray as Director of the FBI, the responsibility now falls on the United States Senate to ensure the nominee will do everything in his power to protect the American people and uphold the rule of law, said TechNet president Linda Moore. Because of the FBI's increasing engagement with the technology industry, this confirmation process must explore Mr. Wrays views on digital privacy rights, encryption technologies, and needed reforms to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act that account for modern advances in cloud computing"

TechNet executive council members include Microsoft President Brad Smith and Apple general Counsel Bruce Sewell.

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TechNet to Hill: Query FBI Nominee on Encryption - Broadcasting & Cable

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Encryption And Its Role In National Security – ISBuzz News

The recent terrorist activity in the UK has reignited the debate about the use of encryption online. With news that the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, is calling for new regulation of the Internet, effectively demanding the abolition of encryption, David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab commented below.

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David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab:

Recent terrorist activity in the UK has reignited the debate about the use of encryption online. Some politicians have appealed to Internet companies to provide a way for government to inspect the communications of those suspected of criminal activity, for example terrorists. Others have even called for a blanket ban on end-to-end-encryption altogether.

The requirement for application vendors who use encryption to provide a way for government or law enforcement agencies to see through encryption, poses some real dangers. Creating a backdoor to decipher encrypted traffic is akin to leaving a key to your front door under the mat outside. Your intention is for it to be used only by those you have told about it. But if someone else discovers it, youd be in trouble. Similarly, if a government backdoor were to fall into the wrong hands, cybercriminals, foreign governments or anyone else might also be able to inspect encrypted traffic thereby undermining not only personal privacy, but corporate or national security. It would effectively create a zero-day (i.e. unpatched) vulnerability in the application.

This places application vendors in an invidious position. In response to growing privacy concerns in recent years, more vendors have implemented encryption to secure their customers communications. Theyre unlikely to be happy about switching to a snoopable form of encryption as illustrated by the stand-off between Apple and the FBI last year.

A blanket ban on encryption would be just as dangerous. Law-abiding citizens and organisations would seek to comply with such legislation compromising their privacy. But cybercriminals would either make use of encryption capabilities developed in another country (i.e. beyond the reach of the UK government), or implement encryption for themselves.

Theres an inherent tension between privacy and security. This isnt going to disappear, although the emphasis may shift depending on the geo-political situation and security context at any given time. Theresa May must surely be conscious of the fact that theres no way to restrict the use of encryption to honest, law-abiding citizens. However, at the same time, the government has made it clear that it wants organisations in the UK to protect themselves from cybercriminals and other would-be intruders. There are steps organisations can take to do this such as running fully updated software, performing regular security audits on their website code and penetration testing their infrastructure. However, since no company can guarantee 100 per cent that its systems will not be breached, encryption is essential to ensure that such a breach doesnt result in the loss of sensitive information. The best way for organisations to combat cyber-attacks is by putting in place an effective cyber-security strategy before the company becomes a target.

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Top 6 Altcoin Exchanges you may Have Never Heard of – The Merkle

In the world of cryptocurrency, there is no shortage when it comes to different trading platforms. There are so many exchange platforms a lot of people have never heard of. While that list is a bit long to mention in one go, we have listed six different smaller exchange platforms most people may not have heard of. Always do your own research when trusting these companies with your cryptocurrency wealth, though.

One of the many smaller Chinese exchanges goes by the name of DABTC. This platform generates a respectable amount of trading volume for all of their listed currencies. Speaking of which, they support mainly smaller cryptocurrencies, but also Bitcoin and Litecoin. All of their supported currencies can be traded directly against the Chinese Yuan. It is an interesting little platform which is slowly climbing up the ranks, by the look of things. However, their $800k worth of trading volume will need to improve.

Very few people will have heard of Allcoin, even though the platform has quite a few interesting trading markets. Allcoin supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, ZCash, Ethereum, and a select amount of alternative currencies. Their BTC/USD and BITC/CNY trading pairs are nice to see, although the latter one is not seeing all that much volume. All of the support non-Bitcoin currencies can only be traded against Bitcoin, for the time being. With over $3.13m in trading volume, Allcoin is on the right track.

The Exmo platform has gotten a few mentions in the media over the past few years, albeit nothing major. Despite the uphill battle against larger exchanges, Exmois doing quite well right now. The platform supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Dogecoin, and Litecoin. There are fiat currency markets for all coins except Dogecoin. It is quite interesting to note the platforms ETH/BTC market seems to be quite popular these days. Exmo generated over $2.7m in 24-hour trading volume.

People who actively trade (unknown) altcoins will know the Cryptopia platform all too well. It is one of those smaller exchanges where new coins can get listed pretty quickly. Cryptopia generated over $3m in 24-hour trading volume, which is rather impressive. All supported currencies are traded against either Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, or USDT. It does not appear the platform offers direct fiat currency trading, although that is not all that surprising.

Making ones cryptocurrency exchange stand out from the competition is not an easy challenge these days. Liqui is on the right track, as they generated over $8.2m in 24-hour trading volume. The company supports a wide range of different currencies, which are traded against Ethereum, Bitcoin, and USDT. Liqui was one of the first exchanges to list the Basic Attention Token, which is generating a large portion of the platforms trading volume.

With over $17.2m in trading volume, Livecoin is not the smallest cryptocurrency exchange by any means. They also list a growing amount of different currencies, which is good to see. Interestingly enough, these currencies can be traded against fiat currencies, such as the US Dollar, Euro, and the Russian Ruble. It appears to be quite an interesting exchange to keep an eye on moving forward by the look of things.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

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Top 6 Altcoin Exchanges you may Have Never Heard of - The Merkle

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Bitcoin Is At An All-Time High, But Is It About To Self-Destruct? – Forbes

Bitcoin Is At An All-Time High, But Is It About To Self-Destruct?
The bitcoin price has been on a tear recently, more than doubling to about $2,900 over the last three months. (It didn't hurt that Sunday, the popular Tim Ferriss podcast released a two-and-a-half-hour episode on the subject.) But its meteoric rise ...
Mark Cuban Asserts That Bitcoin is Not CurrencyFuturism
Mark Cuban's Twitter Trolling Sent Bitcoin Prices TumblingFortune
Will Bitcoin ETF Ever Be Accepted by US Regulators?CoinTelegraph
CNBC -Bloomberg -The Merkle
all 62 news articles »

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Bitcoin Is At An All-Time High, But Is It About To Self-Destruct? - Forbes

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Bitcoin’s Valuation Is Confusing Currency Analysts – Bloomberg

Bitcoin is gold for millennials. Or maybe its that generations fine wine and collectible art. Or just a bubble waiting to burst.

For foreign-exchange analysts trying to use traditional methods to value the so-called cryptocurrency and its digital cousins, it may be all of the above -- but its not quite a currency.

"It is difficult to use standard FX valuation frameworks that are based on the fundamental drivers of the currency, like relative productivity, or terms of trade of the country, because there are no such concepts," said Juan Prada, a New York-based currency strategist at Barclays Capital Inc.

The market capitalization of digital currencies has soared to around $100 billion since the start of the year, with bitcoin almost tripling in price to as high as $2,938.50 on Tuesday, as the frenzy around cryptocurrencies grows. Demand is swelling as more companies embrace blockchain and the similar technologies backing the various methods of exchange and some investors see it as a haven from uncertainty across the globe.

While the technology is used as a means of payment -- the most basic function of money -- it may be better to view digital currencies like gold or say, a painting, than a traditional currency. Bitcoin is morevolatile than even the most capricious fiat currencies and its decentralized structure makes it difficult to consider valuation.

"Both gold and bitcoin are different from usual currencies in the sense that there is not a single economic entity that uses it as a medium of exchange and unit of account," Prada said.

That aligns with the view of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which in September 2015 said that bitcoin and other virtual currencies were officially considered commodities. By saying so, the CFTC was able to assert its authority to provide oversight of the trading of cryptocurrency futures and options in the future.

Read more on alternative digital currencies

Nick Bennenbroek, the head of currency strategy at Wells Fargo Securities LLC, said to the extent bitcoin could be viewed as a form of wealth or an investment, it could be considered under the class of somewhat-vague alternative assets.

"As an alternative asset, there might be some value in this electronic product because (a) you can use it for payment and (b) there might be some value from this blockchain and the ability to, in a decentralized manner, verify transactions, Bennenbroek said . There are other forms of assets, like people sometimes buy paintings and thats part of their portfolio. People buy wine bottles. But some people would argue there is some intrinsic value in a painting."

Tech billionaire Mark Cuban weighed in Tuesday on the speculation, saying on Twitter that bitcoin is a bubble, helping to trigger a more than $200 intraday price swing. Cuban noted that Im not questioning value. Im questioning valuation.

"Its definitely a medium of exchange, but the price volatility means that as a unit of account, if youre measuring stuff in bitcoin, its not very helpful," Bennenbroek said.

Buying assets as a haven can have unexpected consequences. Chinas three biggest bitcoin exchanges said last week they were ending a self-imposed moratorium on withdrawals that came almost four months ago following increased scrutiny from Chinese authorities amid concerns of capital flight and money laundering. In February, the Peoples Bank of China had told bitcoin venues that it would close exchanges that violated rules on foreign exchange management, money laundering and payment and settlement.

"You cant really come up with a valuation for it and it doesnt yield anything yet people perceive it as a safe place just in case everything else goes completely nuts," said Brad Bechtel, a currency strategist at Jefferies LLC.

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Bitcoin's Valuation Is Confusing Currency Analysts - Bloomberg

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So, you’ve bought Bitcoin. Now what? –

So, youve bought Bitcoin (or another cryptocurrency) and hey! its shot up in value. Good for you. But what do you do with your digital money now? If youve made a serious profit, you might be wary of leaving it on an exchange such as Coinbase or stashing it in an online wallet (after all, North Korean hackers have reportedly stolen almost $90,000 of Bitcoin in the last two years). The most secure alternative is to take your currency offline altogether with a hardware wallet. This is a purpose-built, secure device for cold-storing the private keys that allow you to spend your digital currency. Two of the most popular are the Ledger Nano S and the Trezor, both of which employ open-source code (meaning that even if the companies were to fold, the devices would not be rendered obsolete). We tested them both

The Ledger Nano S looks like a USB stick, except it comes with a tiny screen that means you can operate it independently of your computer (as otherwise it would be vulnerable to malware). The controls are pared back to two buttons on the top of the device, which are used for everything from scrolling through menus to entering your PIN.

Set-up is simple. On-screen instructions take you through configuring your PIN and randomly generating your passphrase. The passphrase is important. If you were to lose or break the device, you can restore your entire balance on a new Ledger by entering this 24-word phrase.

Next, you download a set of Chrome extensions: a main device manager, and wallets for the different currencies you hold. Ledger currently supports Bitcoin, Ethereum / Ethereum Classic, Ripple, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Zcash, Dash and Stratis. If you wish to send or receive currency you do so via these browser-based apps, and your Ledger will ask you to press buttons to confirm that you do indeed want to carry out that function. Without the Ledger plugged in, moving your currency is impossible.

Pros: This is a compact device that has found clever systems to make a two-button control system viable. It supports a multitude of currencies, and is the most affordable of the two hardware wallets on test.

Cons: The build quality on our model could have been better. The left-hand button often registered one click as two, and it encountered problems a number of times during setup, though we succeeded eventually.


The Czech-built Trezor which translates as vault in its native language has many similarities with the Ledger. It, too, has a screen that means you can use it to keep your money safe even on an infected computer, and operating it also comes down to two buttons. The set-up is similar as well its all about choosing a PIN and a 24-word passphrase that allows you to restore the device. How you interface with this dongle from your computer, however, is rather different.

Whereas the Ledger asks you to tap away on its buttons in order to input your PIN, the Trezor displays the numbers 1 - 9 in a random formation, and asks you to click the corresponding buttons on a digit-less pad displayed on your computer screen.

The Chrome app through which you control your Trezor and your wallets is slicker than the Ledgers. It involves opening fewer windows, and the visuals are rather more glossy though it essentially offers the same functionality. It feels like a more expensive product, and it is. The only downside is that, for now, it lacks support for currencies such as Ripple.

Pros: Higher production values, both in terms of software and hardware.

Cons: Fewer currencies supported.


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So, you've bought Bitcoin. Now what? -

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What the hell is happening to cryptocurrency valuations? – TechCrunch

The total market cap for all cryptocurrencies just surpassed $100 billion. The vast majority of these gains have come in just the last few months on April 1st the total market cap was just over $25 billion representing a 300 percent increase in value in just over 60 days.

While some of these gains are from bitcoin itself (BTC is up ~160 percent in the same two-month time frame), other digital currencies like Ethereum are also responsible for the increase, which on its own has increased ~439 percent over the last two months.

Theres perhaps no better way to show this diversity in gains than by looking at a chart of bitcoins dominance i.e. what percent of the entire cryptocurrency market cap is represented by bitcoin. For years this had always hovered around 80 percent, but in the last few months has fallen to below 50 percent with currencies like Ethereum and Ripple taking its place.


Bubble talk?

Its hard to be an experienced investor, or even an at-home part-time trader, and not think of a massive bubble when you see that some asset has increased more than 400 percent in just a few months. Its just how history works when an asset rises that fast its a near certainty that it will come back down. Markets are irrational, after all.

So dont be surprised if theres at least some type of correction. There already was, a few weeks ago bitcoin pulled back from a high of $2,700 to around $2,000, but, as of today, has slowly climbed back up to a new all-time high of ~$2,850.

That being said, we may look back in 12 months and realize that this two-month period of insane growth was less of a bubble and more of a rebirth of cryptocurrencies as a whole.

The fact that these gains have come from currencies other than bitcoin are a good sign that this is less of a bubble and more of a resurgence of interest in crypto. It makes sense that Ethereum is on a tear the cryptocurrency has technological improvements over bitcoin, including the ability to code smart contracts directly into the blockchain, which in turn allow for things like the ability to build totally new tokens and even host ICOs (initial coin offerings).

And similarly, Ripple, a cryptocurrency based on inter-bank settlements, has signed up more than 100 banks worldwide. Even if this takes a while to implement (which anyone who works in the old-school banking industry will confirm), its still tangible news and a reason for people to get excited about the currency.

These recent developments certainly dont justify increases of 400 percent in 60 days. Both Ethereum and Ripple have been around for a lot longer than a few months. Soif these were publicly traded companies, there would be (almost) no reason for drastic rise in value. But cryptocurrencies are new most of the world has no idea what bitcoin is, let alone Ethereum and Ripple and other currencies.

The public has never been able to put their money directly into a technology that has so much potential but is still developing.

For example, a technology enthusiast in the 1990s may have foreseen the rise of the internet, but had no way to directly take a stake in the technology.The idea of applying cryptography to the storage and transmission of data is still very new. And the fact that anyone can directly buy the currency that powers these cryptographically securedblockchains is much like the public actually getting a chance to invest in the internet during its infancy.

There is one rational explanation that, if true, would totally justify this rapid increase in price across some of the major cryptocurrencies. And that is, maybe these currencies are actually worththese high prices, and maybe even worth many times more than that at which they are currently trading.

But the problem is we have no way to figure out their value. Cryptocurrencies arent public companies with earnings and expenses and EPS. For example, we can look at Apples financials and determine its book value what the companys assets would be worth if hypothetically liquidated today. Of course, stocks trade at a premium to this, because people are enthusiastic that Apple will continue to perform well and this book value will continue to rise.

But we cant do this with cryptocurrencies. We could guess and compare it to things like the total money or gold supply in the U.S. For example, if youre someone who thinks of cryptocurrencies as a store of value, the total estimated value of all gold in the world is more than $8 trillion dollars meaning if bitcoin would ever replace or supplant gold, its current value is pennies on the dollar.

If youre someone who thinks of cryptocurrencies as a genuine currency, you could compare the market cap to M2, which is the total money supply in the U.S. cash and checking accounts, as well as near-money accounts like savings, mutual funds and money-market securities. The total value of M2 is about $13.5 trillion, also meaning cryptocurrencies are just a small fraction of that.

Ive long cautioned readers (and friends) from buying cryptocurrencies because they have seen it rise and just want to make a quick buck. The past two months have led to a tremendous surge in public interest, with mainstream news like CNBC and CNN explaining how to invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Just make sure youre doing it for the right reasons. Buy cryptocurrency to learn about it and transact with it. Or buy it because you are betting that this new technology will change the world by:

These are just a few options, and if youre in tune with the cryptocurrency world, youll know the opportunities are endless. So if youre going to buy cryptocurrency, do it because you see the long-term vision (and sure, ostensibly the financial gains that may come from them), not because you think it will blindly appreciate and give you a good return on your investment.

The author holds bitcoin and Ethereum and other smaller cryptocurrencies.

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What the hell is happening to cryptocurrency valuations? - TechCrunch

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Cryptocurrency CopyFund Launched By eToro – ETHNews

News wallets and exchanges

eToro, a social investment and trading network, has announced the launch of its Cryptocurrency CopyFund. This comes shortly after the total market cap of cryptocurrencies surpassed $100 billion.

On June 6, eToro announced the launch of its Cryptocurrency CopyFund, which will allow customers to invest in Ether and bitcoin. Over the last year, the number of eToro users trading cryptocurrencies has grown by a factor of four. Co-founder and CEO of eToro, Yoni Assia, said:

We have been seeing an increasing number of our clients looking for a simpler way to access investments in cryptocurrencies with a view to building a portfolio in the future. They were asking how to allocate their investments between the two largest cryptocurrencies that are traded on eToro, so we have launched an automatically rebalanced investment strategy to simplify their investments into this new exciting asset class.

eToro customers have previously accessed the cryptocurrency markets through CFDs (contracts for difference).

More and more traders and investors are learning about the potential of this market and getting involved. Now they will be able to access a long-term investment strategy that is constantly reviewed and rebalanced, Assia added.

In the Cryptocurrency CopyFund, holdings will be proportional to the market caps of individual cryptocurrencies. Once a month, the fund will automatically be analyzed and rebalanced. Structured as medium-to-long-term investments, CopyFunds require a minimum pay-in of $5,000. While there are no management fees associated with CopyFund investment, eToro does charge transaction fees.

eToro will expand its offerings of cryptocurrencies in the near future to encompass Ripple and Dash among others.

Based in Tel Aviv, Israel, eToro has millions of users in more than 170 countries. In December 2014, eToro raised $27 million from Chinas Ping An Insurance Company and Russias state-owned Sberbank. At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, eToro recently presented a pilot blockchain wallet in partnership with

Matthew is a writer living in Los Angeles. He studied international economics at Georgetown University. Matthew is a full time staff writer for ETHNews and holds value in Ether.

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Cryptocurrency CopyFund Launched By eToro - ETHNews

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