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Attackers Mining Cryptocurrency Using Exploits for Samba Vulnerability – Threatpost

Unknown attackers are using a recently patched vulnerability in Samba to spread a resource-intensive cryptocurrency mining utility. To date, the operation has netted the attackers just under $6,000 USD, but the number of compromised computers is growing, meaning that a significant number of Samba deployments on *NIX servers remain unpatched.

The attack also demonstrates that the vulnerability in Samba, CVE-2017-7494, can extend EternalBlue-like attacks into Linux and UNIX environments. Samba is a software package that runs on Linux and UNIX servers and sets up file and print services over the SMB networking protocol, integrating those services into a Windows environment.

The Samba vulnerability is similar to the SMB bug exploited on May 12 by attackers using the NSAs EternalBlue exploit to spread WannaCry ransomware. Experts warned that EternalBlue can be fitted with any measure of attack, and they have a similar message about this flaw, which has been nicknamed SambaCry.

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab said that one of their honeypots snagged on May 30 some of the first exploits targeting the Samba vulnerability. The payload was a two-headed threat: a Linux backdoor and a mining utility called Cpuminer that is leveraging the processing power of its victims to create Monero cryptocurrency.

The attacked machine turns into a workhorse on a large farm, mining crypto-currency for the attackers, Kaspersky Lab said in a report published on

The researchers said the attackers Monero wallet and pool address are hardcoded in the attack.

According to the log of the transactions, the attackers received their first crypto-coins on the very next day, on April 30th, Kaspersky Lab said. During the first day they gained about 1 XMR (about $55 according to the currency exchange rate for 08.06.2017), but during the last week they gained about 5 XMR per day. This means that the botnet of devices working for the profit of the attackers is growing.

As of Friday, the attackers had mined about $6,000 USD, and Kaspersky Lab said it was unsure about the scale of the attack. Upon disclosure of the Samba vulnerability almost three weeks ago, Rapid7 said an internet scan using its ProjectSonarsoftware found more than 104,000 endpoints running vulnerable versions of Samba over port 445, the SMB port. More than 92,000 are running versions of Samba that have no patches available. The vulnerability was introduced into Samba in 2010 in version 3.5.0; admins should upgrade to patched versions: 4.6.4, 4.5.10 and 4.4.14.

Kaspersky Lab said the exploit is assembled as a Samba plugin, below. After running a checka file containing random symbolsto see whether the server has write permissions for the network, the attack must then brute-force the full path to dropped file. The most obvious paths are laid out in Samba instruction manuals, Kaspersky Lab said. Once it finds the path, the exploit is loaded and executed in the context of the Samba server process using the vulnerability; it runs only in virtual memory.

Kaspersky Lab said the attacks captured by its honeypot contained two files, a Linux backdoor and the miner. respectively. INAebsGB.sois a reverse shell that connects to the port of the IP address specified by the owner giving it remote access to the shell.

As a result, the attackers have an ability to execute remotely any shell-commands. They can literally do anything they want, from downloading and running any programs from the Internet, to deleting all the data from the victims computer, Kaspersky Lab said, adding that this is similar to the SambaCry exploit in Metasploit.

The other file,, downloads and executes Cpuminer from a domain registered on April 29.

Coincidentally, another set of attackers used EternalBlue to spread a cryptocurrency miner called Adylkuzz for Monero on Windows machines. Monero is marketed as a privacy conscious cryptocurrency, and goes to great lengths to obfuscate its blockchain making it a challenge to trace any activity.

The Adylkuzz attacks pre-date WannaCry with the first samples going back to April 24, researchers at Proofpoint said. More than 20 virtual private servers were scanning the internet for targets running port 445 exposed, the same port used by SMB traffic when connected to the internet, and the same port abused by EternalBlue and DoublePulsar.

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Attackers Mining Cryptocurrency Using Exploits for Samba Vulnerability - Threatpost

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Israeli Banks Can Legally Refuse Service to Bitcoin and … – NewsBTC – newsBTC

Even though the Israeli exchange is fully compliant with all regulations, that does not appear to be sufficient.

Banks around the world have always had an uneasy relationship with Bitcoin companies. Banks do not like Bitcoin and vice versa. A financial institution was never able to legally deny service to a cryptocurrency company before, though. That has now come to change in Israel, thanks to a recent court ruling. It is quite troublesome to know banks are legally allowed to prevent the Bitcoin ecosystem from growing on a global basis.

According to a new Tel Aviv district court ruling, Israeli banks can now refuse services to Bitcoin companies. This ruling is a result due to a dispute between Bits of gold and Bank Leumi. The financial institution dropped the Bitcoin exchange as a client, which did not sit well with Bits of Gold. There does not appear to be a solid reasoning behind this decision either. The Bitcoin exchange complies with all AML and KYC requirements. On paper, this was an unlawful action, which eventually resulted in a court case.

Unfortunately, the Tel Aviv district court ruled the bank is legally allowed to refuse service to Bitcoin companies. Bank Leumi feels their proprietary cybersecurity issues are the reason for denying service to the exchange. More specifically, the bank claims hackers broke into accounts to send funds from the bank to buy bitcoins. Even though Bits of Gold aided in this matter, there was never a link between the hackers and the exchange itself. It seems quite odd to judge the company for something they are not even involved in, to say the least.

Even though the Israeli exchange is fully compliant with all regulations, that does not appear to be sufficient. This is quite problematic, to say the least. Bank Leumi is concerned over how anyone can transfer Bitcoin through the exchange of potentially malicious addresses. This would still grant criminals easy access to cryptocurrency, even if they do not sue the platform themselves. It is a valid concern, albeit one that is blown out of proportion quite a bit.

This is a very interesting precedent for other banks in Israel. The Bitcoin ecosystem has been growing in the country for quite some time now. However, it is very likely no bank will want to work with Bitcoin companies moving forward. It will be interesting to see how the Bitcoin ecosystem evolves in Israel over the coming years. Israeli cryptocurrency companies may find themselves in a bit of a pickle if more banks legally deny them services, though.

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Amazon Drops Unlimited Cloud Storage Plan – Small Business Trends

Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) is the latest company to ax unlimited cloud storagefollowingother large storage services, including Microsofts OneDrive. The company announced it will no longer offer unlimited storage plans, instead opting for only two tiers.

Small businesses have been using Amazons storage and cloud services because of the availability it provides. It is a company with a global infrastructure and pricing models the vast majority of small businesses can afford.

The new tiers include a 100GB storage option for $11.99 per year and 1TB for $59.99. If you are looking for additional storage, you can increase the amount at 1TB increments, also at $59.99 per TB. On the FAQ page, Amazon says this payment and storage structure is available for up to 30TB.

For current customers, the change will not take effect until their subscription expires. Once it is expired, it will be renewed with the new rates. If you have auto-renew, make sure you are aware of the cost for the amount of storage you have. That $60 price can quickly jump to hundreds of dollars if you have many terabytes.

If you dont have auto-renew, you can go to theManage Storage page and see how much storage you are using. Then opt-in to the plan that best suits your needs.

If you are a Prime Member, you will still get Amazon unlimited storage for your photos along with 5GB of additional storage, such as documents or videos.

If the content you have stored is more than the free storage quota on your account, Amazon will classify the account as an over-quota status. At this point, you can view, download, and delete content, but you wont be able to upload anything.

Amazon is providing a 180-day grace period so you can add more storage space, or delete content to bring you within the allotted storage you are paying for. Blow is another look at the new payment tiers:

Images: Amazon

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Amazon Drops Unlimited Cloud Storage Plan - Small Business Trends

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Indonesia banks have yet to implement cloud computing – Jakarta Post

As a country that is experiencing exponential growth in data volume, Indonesia and its banking system have yet to fully implement cloud computing technologies due to regulation barriers and a lack of decent infrastructure.

"Major banks in Indonesia, most of which are our clients, have 10 to 40 million customers with hundreds of millions of transactions every day,"IT solution provider Teradata Indonesia president director Erwin Z Achir said in Jakarta on Monday.

Banking services are among the data giants who generate terabytes of data every day and has yet to move to cloud computing technology a type of Internet-based computing with which different services are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through the internet.

Under Government Regulation No. 82/2012 on the Management of Electronic Transactions and Systems, data and disaster recovery centers for public services must be located within Indonesia, meaning that Indonesian banks must store its customers' data in the country

Therefore, Indonesian banks that previously operated data centers located overseas must repatriate their information.

According to a 2014 survey by IDC Financial Insights on data centers, most Indonesian banks expect a 10 to 20 percent data volume growth rate per year.

Meanwhile, Fajar Muniandy, Teradata chief solution architect, said moving to clouds has yet to be an option for the companys clients because of their massive amounts of data.

He added that cloud computing was currently being adopted by startups and smaller companies because they had built their systems from the beginning. (dis/bbn)

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Indonesia banks have yet to implement cloud computing - Jakarta Post

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Product Spotlight: Kodak PRINERGY Cloud – What They Think

Commentary & Analysis

Your print business runs on software, more and more of that software is being delivered via the cloud where resources can be precisely controlled and scaling (both up and down) is configurable in real-time. Kodaks flagship workflow product PRINERGY Workflow is no exception to taking advantage of what cloud computing can do to a printers production workflow.

By Jennifer Matt Published: June 13, 2017

This article is sponsored by Kodak as part of WhatTheyThink's Print Software Product Spotlight series. In preparing this article, the WhatTheyThink Print Software Section editors conducted original, in-depth research on Kodaks product suite. This Product Spotlight describes what the editors feel are the product suites strengths in the marketplace. Kodak reviewed the final article for accuracy but had no editorial control over the content.

Your print business runs on software, more and more of that software is being delivered via the cloud where resources can be precisely controlled and scaling (both up and down) is configurable in real-time. The cloud is a brilliant way of optimizing computing resources. Cloud computing offers many advantages, virtually every provider of print software must evaluate how their software could benefit from this revolutionary deployment model. As a print business owner, the cloud reduces the amount of IT infrastructure you maintain and manage on-site. As your technical resources become more and more critical to delivering technology-enabled solutions directly to your customers you want to take hardware and software management off their plates. As the pace of technology change continues to speed up, investing in hardware gets less appealing when you can rent just what you need, only when you need it from the cloud.

Kodaks flagship workflow product PRINERGY Workflow is no exception to taking advantage of what cloud computing can do to a printers production workflow. The key to getting the most out of what the cloud has to offer is to first understand how your print software is being used and then what aspects of your solution would benefit from cloud deployment. Kodak did not rush into a wholesale move of PRINERGY Workflow to the cloud, that would not have made sense. Can you imagine the large local file transport that happens around your printing plant today being restricted by your internet bandwidth? Kodaks approach to the cloud is a strategic and incremental migration of specific workflow services which benefit most from cloud deployment.

A Hybrid Approach to the Cloud

PRINERGY Workflow, the industrys standard for production workflow has been hosted locally by the printer for decades. This hosting arrangement made sense. The printers network provided a secure and fast way to enable PRINERGY Workflow to manage and automate the production workflow. As cloud computing has evolved, Kodak has taken a hybrid approach to utilizing the cloud where it makes the most sense for their customers. The transition from deploying a solution on local servers to cloud deployment is a large change for both Kodak and its customers.

Moving to the cloud requires any organization to make a significant investment so that services you used to get from your local network work as good or better from the cloud. Performance is about investment and understanding that partnering with best-in-class providers is a far better approach than trying to build out your own cloud infrastructure. Kodak has partnered with Microsoft Azure for their cloud solution. This allows Kodak to leverage Microsofts cloud infrastructure and immediately deploy PRINERGY Cloud to data centers across the world for both redundancy and responsiveness.

A hybrid approach to the cloud is ideal for PRINERGY Workflow users. The workflow solution solves so many challenges in the production workflow; not all of them would be served well by a pure cloud solution. Kodaks hybrid approach to the cloud peels off the services that would benefit most from cloud deployment and keeps the services that are better suited for local deployment on servers at the printer.

Decision Analytics

When you move to the cloud you can share IT resources and solutions. An embedded Business Intelligence (B.I.) tool can be a costly investment for an individual printer. The cloud gives you the ability to embed tools once and then share them across your entire customer base. Kodaks Decision Analytics is the foundation of the PRINERGY Cloud. What is the number one request by every print business owner when it comes to technology? I need a report that tells me What is the number one request once you deliver a report to a print business owner? This is great, now I need to see more about this or that... (another report).

We are in a major transition when it comes to making fact-driven decisions. A snapshot of what your business did (a static report) is not good enough anymore. Your people need real-time access to your business data in a dynamic fashion, rather than the static snapshot of a report. Business Intelligence delivers on that need through the deployment of dashboards that can be drilled into to get to that next level question. You see dashboards that deliver insights, not data. For far too long weve had to work very hard to make fact-based decisions.

Kodak has embedded a full-featured business intelligence tool into PRINERGY Cloud. This puts you in charge of how you want to see your business data and get to insights quicker. As turn times continue to decrease, shelf life of printed materials evaporates, and order volumes increase you dont have time to work at getting the data required to make better decisions.

Workflow Services Approach PRINERGY Cloud Services

Kodak PRINERGY Cloud is on a roadmap of incrementally adding the services that make sense in the cloud and simultaneously work with your locally deployed PRINERGY server. The first two services offered over the cloud are File Archive and Backup and Decision Analytics. Backup and archive are an obvious choice for your security and protection weve always moved critical backups to alternative locations. Now you can do that without consuming the time of your mission critical IT resources. Decision Analytics deployed over the cloud allows Kodak to make one large investment in providing this critical functionality to all PRINERGY Cloud customers as a subscription service.

Prinergy Cloud Services will continue to add more service layers to the solution while maintaining a workflow that gracefully bridges between local hosted services and cloud services. This sane approach to the cloud will make it easier for printers to move incrementally to the cloud without large scale disruption to their business. As Kodak offers more and more tools over the PRINERGY Cloud, printers will move towards managing service level agreements rather than locally hosted hardware and software.

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Ironically, Tory MPs might be using WhatsApp encryption to plot Theresa May’s downfall – The indy100

Conservative MPs are reportedly plotting the end of Theresa May's premiership via the very communication method she has campaigned against for so long - encrypted WhatsApp messages.

It's almost as beautiful as calling a snap election, after repeatedly promising you wouldn't, to "strengthen your mandate," only to end up with a minority government forced into discussions with the DUP.

According to reports in theWashington Post, some Conservative MPs are now using WhatsApp to discuss who they could replace her with:

Former minister Ed Vaizey told theBBCthat he supports May staying on, but that Tories were discussing possible replacements.

Asked whether members were calling one another to plot May's ouster this weekend, he denied it.

'That's so 20th century,' he said. 'It's all on WhatsApp.'

As part of her campaign Maypledged wide-ranging internet regulation planswhich could force internet companies to let intelligence services read private communications.

The manifesto read:

Some people say it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet. We disagree.

The Tories demand that social media companies - like WhatsApp, for example - remove privacy features in order to 'better combat terrorism', as opposed to not cutting police numbers.

The Investigatory Powers act, commonly known as the 'Snooper's Charter', came into lawin December granting security services some of the widest-ranging spying powers in the world and permitting authorities to read browsing records.

The Prime Minister's plans to regulate the internet and encryption werecriticised as "making life easier for terrorists"by campaign group Open Rights Groups.

Jim Killock, the campaign group's executive director, said:

If successful, Theresa May could push these vile networks into even darker corners of the web, where they will be even harder to observe.

Last December,The Telegraphreportedthat Conservative Brexiteers operated within aWhatsApp group of more than 40 members, apparently to agree'lines to take' in public appearances.

Steve Baker, a Tory MP and group admin said at the time:

That requires instant communication, which is what we use the WhatsApp group for... It is extremely effective.

More:How the UK passed the most invasive surveillance law in democratic history and what we can do about it

More:Map: Did your MP vote for the controversial Snoopers' Charter?

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Ironically, Tory MPs might be using WhatsApp encryption to plot Theresa May's downfall - The indy100

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Samsung has added its Secure Folder app and file encryption tool to the Play Store – Android Police

The march of Samsung apps moving to Google Play continues. This time it's Secure Folder that has made its way over to every Android Police reader's favorite app store. Whatever it is you might need to keep hidden from prying eyes, now you have one more way to keep the app up-to-date. Unfortunately, it seems that it's limited to Samsung devices.

For the unfamiliar, Secure Folder is an app by Samsung that allows you to store sensitive information in a secure, encrypted folder. Files and applications can both be moved to the secure folder, and it can be locked by a pin, password, pattern, or fingerprint. You can keep an entire user profile separated and encrypted via the app, making it that much easier to hide your double life as a world-renowned pigeon fancier. It's also tied to Samsung's Knox security platform as well so any tampering with the device, such as rooting or a custom ROM, will lock out access to the folder.

I was able to pull the app down onto a tablet I have with a build.prop that was modified with a fictitious device name (long story), but even then it wouldn't launch. Sideloading the APK on other devices also resulted in failure, so unless you have a Samsung phone or tablet, you are probably out of luck. For non-Samsung users, this is less ( ) and more _()_/, but if you have a compatible device, now you have one more way to keep the app updated.

Now the question is, which Samsung app will be next to move to Google Play? If you've got a Samsung device that somehow doesn't have Secure Folder installed, give it a try at Google Play below, or over on APK Mirror.

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Samsung has added its Secure Folder app and file encryption tool to the Play Store - Android Police

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Blaming the Internet For Terrorism Misses The Point – WIRED

British Prime Minister Theresa May has found something to blame for Saturday night's terror attack in London: the internet.

May, responding to the attack by three young men who killed seven people and injured scores more, called for an end to the "safe spaces" that the internet provides, and for measures to "regulate cyberspace."

"We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. Yet that is precisely what the internetand the big companies that provide internet-based servicesprovide," May said Sunday night outside 10 Downing Street. The statement, which appears on her official Facebook page , is among four solutions she offered for fighting terrorism. "We need to work with allied, democratic governments to reach international agreements that regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremism and terrorist planning."

What May suggests will not work. As WIRED and others have explained time and time again, undermining encryptionwhich is what May is calling for hereso the "good guys" can see what the "bad guys" are up to jeopardizes everyone's safety. Simply put, weakened encryption makes everything from world banking to travel and healthcare riskier.

When May and other politicians call for encryption-busting protocols, what they really hope to do is turn back the clock to a time when the internet didn't connecting everyone and everything and underpin how the world works. They need to realize that time is past. Regulation, fines, pleadingnothing will return the world to the pre-internet era.

A British proverb applies well here: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. May might wish for some way of securely disrupting online cryptography so it can be used only for good, but wishing can't make it so. Instead, May and her ilk must learn to focus on solutions that can make a difference. The British prime minister made four suggestions for combating terrorism. Here, we offer four that experts agree make more sense.

Though the internet helps terrorists communicate (and celebrate their actions), experts agree it does not cause terrorism, or even do much to radicalize. "The internet is often oversold in terms of radicalization," says Colin Clarke, a counterterrorism expert at RAND. Despite what you've heard, he says, most conversations among extremists occur face to face.

Though the internet does play a role in helping terrorists communicate, it is not the cause of terrorism. Not by a long shot.

"Traditionally the way [UK extremist group] Al-Muhajiroun have worked is that most of their radicalization has occurred offline," says Michael Kenney of the University of Pittsburgh who has extensively studied the Al-Muhajiroun extremist group that one of the London attackers has been reportedly linked to. "It occurs in small group settings. Its a group of guys. They gather, they talk, they indoctrinate each other," he says. Expanding online surveillance, eliminating full encryption, and even preventing the spread of violent videos can't eradicate that.

Terrorism researchers note that violence in Europe and the UK follows a familiar pattern, one that can teach governments how to counter the problem if they expend money and resources where they can do the most good. Most European jihadis are young Muslims, usually men, living in poor neighborhoods with high unemployment. They often are second- or third-generation immigrants from countries they have never lived in, they are not well-integrated into society, and they are unemployed or poorly educated. Their lives lack meaning and purpose.

Scapegoating the internet as the root of the problem risks ignoring the underlying problems: a vast swath of youth that have left behind, bullied, or ignored. These disaffected teenagers and young adults also often are angered by what they consider bad foreign policies. "They kind of exist in this netherworld that makes them vulnerable" to radicalization, says Clarke.

Instead, Clarke, Kenney, and experts like Thomas Hegghammer of the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment say the focus must be on offline solutions. Namely, education. Clarke advocates for "a really broad expansive overhaul of education in immigrant areas, and an emphasis on youth work." Hegghammer has called this a "Marshall Plan for improved education in immigrant-heavy areas."

In her approach to improving counterterrorism, May never mentioned education, though it may offer the best way to, as she says, "turn peoples minds away from this violenceand make them understand that our values pluralistic, British valuesare superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate."

May's suggestions include longer prison sentences for terrorist-linked activity, something experts agree with. Current sentencing, they say, tends to give extremists and terrorists just enough time to develop new contacts, and perhaps plan attacks. "Jail can be a networking event for these guys," says Clarke. Longer sentences could deter that.

Kenney adds another suggestion: empower families and friends to intervene when they see someone being radicalized. Teach them how to counter the rhetoric of jihadism. "Many young men and women when they radicalize its something that takes place over many months, in some cases even years. And if youre a member of a group like Al-Muhajiroun, you're not quiet, youre trying to recruit others."

This poses its own problems, though. In both the London and Manchester attacks, friends of the attackers reportedly reached out to the authorities, but British law enforcement is overwhelmed by the thousands of people already on government watch lists.

Tech companies and governments can work together to combat terrorism. But as US Representative Ro Khanna, who represents Silicon Valley, said Sunday on Fox News, "We have to have a factual approach." Rather than attempt to turn the internet into a world of walled gardens, the government should make smarter investments in certain technologies, like using biometrics at the border to better track people on watch lists. Or encourage tech companies to adopt technologies like eGlyph, a system developed by computer scientist Hany Farid, of the Counter Extremism Project, that can help the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Google identify violent videos and ban them.

Farid's team hopes to address the problem of groups gathering online to plan attacks by developing an early warning system that uses linguistic analysis on sites like Facebook or Twitter. "Not to say you are bad or you are good but to simply give these companies some ability to monitor content and to say 'look, theres some bad stuff happening here,'" Farid says.

"The idea that we are going to somehow eradicate the problem by more closely monitoring the internet and Facebook is unrealistic and not likely to reach those intended outcomes," says Kenney. "It also reflects a lack of understanding of how radicalization actually occurs." The sooner May and politicians like her accept that reality, the safer the world will be.

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Blaming the Internet For Terrorism Misses The Point - WIRED

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‘Real Businesses are Using Waves’, Says Rep as Altcoin Crosses $600 Million Market Cap – CryptoCoinsNews

In a month, Waves, the decentralized blockchain platform focusing on custom blockchain tokens operations, has risenalmost 71%. It made it to the top 10 over the weekend with impressive gains. At the time of filing this report, it was at the 11th position on CoinMarketCap and crossed $600 million in market cap this year.

It is quite curious for a one-year-old project to make such strides. CCN decided to look into what is influencing the astronomical growth and spoke to Guy Brandon, Communications Director of the platform.

CCN: What is thrusting Waves to the new heights?

Guy Brandon: There are a few factors here. One is that Waves has now been around a year. Its established itself as one of the more credible platforms in the blockchain space. Many of its core features such as token facilities, the DEX and gateways have been launched. Real businesses both within the crypto world and outside of it are using it. Tens of millions of dollars has been crowdfunded on Waves, and many other businesses are coming. It has gained major traction in Russia and Eastern Europe, and theres a lot of interest at every level of society around it business, government, individual, third sector. Overlay that picture onto the spectacular bull run the bitcoin and altcoin markets have enjoyed over recent weeks, and you have your explanation for WAVES rise in value.

Q: Most of the time, altcoins skyrocket to the top and in a short while they dimish into the wilderness of Crypto rankings. Do you see the gains to be sustainable?

Guy Brandon: Yes, and Id expect there to be further gains in the near- to medium-term too for the reasons given above. Waves is the foremost crypto platform in Eastern Europe, but there has been a deliberate decision not to market it too actively until it was enterprise-ready. Now it is ready, and so Id expect to see another surge of interest as businesses realise just how user-friendly it is and start building it into mass-market applications. If you look at some of the most popular cryptocurrencies by market cap, you can see theres a long way yet to rise.

Q: What is the guarantee that this is not a pump & dump?

Guy Brandon: Almost every crypto has experienced significant growth recently. WAVES is around 30x its ICO market cap in USD terms, which is great but really isnt so much in the crypto world. It hasnt been subject to the same kind of obvious market manipulation that other cryptocurrencies have been. When the dust settles in the wider crypto markets at the end of this rally, well see which ones stand the test of time and are underpinned by real users. Given the activity in the Waves ecosystem, Id be very surprised if WAVES wasnt one of them. Its always been a long-term project, and its holders have known that from the start.

Q: What have been some of the challenges?

Guy Brandon: Building a platform that is suitable for mass adoption is not straightforward! Speed and scaling are critical, as we see from the continuing discussion around bitcoins development path, and good Scala developers dont grow on trees. Theres a saying that if you want a product to be finished quickly, cheaply and to high quality, you can have two out of three of those. Thanks to the generosity of its ICO investors, Waves has the funding to do it right, and it has.

Q: Every cryptos growth depends on its community. What message do you have for your community at this successful juncture?

Guy Brandon: A big thank you for starters. You guys resourced us, youre our investors, our customers, our focus groups, our testers, our evangelists, our first business use cases. Secondly, this is an incredibly exciting juncture in cryptocurrency history and in global history more broadly. We have an amazing opportunity here to revolutionise so many areas of life for the better, from financial transfers through to administration, with social, political and economic impacts. Many people have not yet understood the significance of this, but well look back on 2017 one day and realise what was really happening. Were glad our community is a part of that.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

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'Real Businesses are Using Waves', Says Rep as Altcoin Crosses $600 Million Market Cap - CryptoCoinsNews

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Top 5 Ways to Shill a Cryptocurrency – The Merkle

In the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, we have a phenomenon known as shilling. This particular endeavor revolves around tricking as many people as possible into thinking a particular coin or token will be valuable in the future. There are many different ways to go about things, although some methods are far more common compared to others. Below are some of the more common methods people use to shill particular cryptocurrencies.

One of the places where people often used to shill cryptocurrencies was the Trollbox on the Poloniex exchange. Albeit such hangout places are designed to have a nice chat with other users, they often become a tool to promote new cryptocurrencies regardless of whether they have any real value whatsoever. Trollboxes and chatboxes on most cryptocurrency exchanges simply need to be avoided when it comes to any cryptocurrency advice. Shilling is the top priority there, rather than having mature conversations. Thankfully, Poloniex shut down its Trollbox not too long ago.

The BitcoinTalk forums are the go-to place for any discussion related to cryptocurrency. What once started out as a bitcoin-only bastion slowly evolved into a place where multiple cryptocurrencies can be discussed at any given time. Do keep in mind a lot of people hanging out in the altcoin section are merely shilling particular coins, though. There are also quite a few paid advertising campaigns to spread the world about coin X or token Y. Always be careful when looking for specific information on BitcoinTalk.

As we have come to expect these days, a lot of people rely on Reddit for the latest information regarding cryptocurrency. Virtually every token, asset, or coin has its own subreddit these days, which is good. However, a lot of those Reddit posts in those subsections are merely speculation, fake news, and shilling attempts as well. Any information found on Reddit regarding whichever cryptocurrency needs to be taken with a massive grain of salt, to say the least. There is also the risk of seeing a paid Reddit advertisement at the top of a particular subreddit, which is designed to shill a particular coin.

One of the most common ways to shill currencies, tokens, and assets is by using social media. Things are getting a bit out of hand on both Twitter and Facebook these days. A lot of people will tweet something in quick succession to gain some form of social traction. That is not always a successful way of doing things, but it certainly ensures things get noticed on the platform. This is especially true with most ICO tokens and altcoins which bring nothing of value to the table.

Things are virtually the same on Facebook, though. Every group related to Bitcoin or cryptocurrency will ultimately attract shills trying to promote a specific project or service. In most cases, these coins are useless or the service turns into a scam. It is impossible to trust the information one receives from social media, as shilling becomes a second nature pretty quickly.

The most intriguing way to ensure some projects gain traction regardless of their legitimacy is by paying for content on blogs and news sites. We often see scam projects and pointless ICOs issue press releases to sites, who publish them in exchange for a small fee. In some cases, such paid content will show up on PR Newswire, or even get picked up by mainstream media outlets. People need to be especially wary of this type of content, as a lot of shills will gladly pay a small fee to ensure their flavor of the month project gets some attention.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

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Top 5 Ways to Shill a Cryptocurrency - The Merkle

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