Have you ever thought about why you really need to have Internet security on your computer? Have you ever found yourself asking the question What is Internet security anyway? Well, Im here to tell you the reason why you should protect your computer with security software. Ill also show you how you can secure computer from viruses, Malware and Spyware.
Internet security protects your computer from malicious attacks from the Internet. There are several forms of these attacks, which I will dive into later in this article. If your computer is not secure, your computer may become infected. If your computer becomes infected, it can cause operational problems. It may even render your computer completely inoperable.
The answer to this question is yes. If you go in the internet, you need to have your computer secured. I mean, if you want your personal information to stay safe, you must have Internet security.
Internet security not only protects your computer, it protects your personal information.
Say, for instance, you log into your bank account, or PayPal account. If your computer is infected with Spyware, specifically a keylogger, every keystroke is recorded. Now, you just logged into your personal account, typed in your username and password and BAM! It was just logged and sent to the hacker. They now have the information they need to wipe your account clean.
Hackers can do this to anything you log into. Ever wonder why your e-mailbox started spamming people? Well, you probably got hit by a keylogger. This is just one more reason why you need to have Internet security on your computer.
Well, Internet security will protect your computer from many forms of malicious software and viruses. As I mentioned above, keyloggers can cause massive damage to your personal accounts. However, they are not the only thing you need to worry about when it comes to protecting your computer.
Malwareis short for the term Malicious Software. What Malware does is it tricks your computer into secretly downloading software without you knowing it was downloaded. This software is then installed to your computer. Once installed, the result can be devastating. Malware comes in many forms, such as Adware, Botnets, Rootkits, Spyware, Trojans, and Viruses.Trust me; you dont want your computer to become infected with one of these types of Malware.
Think of it this way. Would you leave your front door open, whether you are home or not? I didnt think so. So, why would you leave your computer open for an attack? Without internet security, its like leaving your computers back door wide open.
Preventing Malware from getting on your computer is simple. Its called Anti Virus Software. If you access the internet, you bet your bottom dollar, that you better have some kind of virus protection in place. There are several free and trial versions of software available for download from the Internet. A few top of the top trial and free downloads are:
No Internet security software protection + a sneaky neighbor = your neighbor receiving free internet service. And if he/she is smart, they can gain access to your documents and programs through your network. Make sure you protect your computers access points by requiring a security code to connect to your computer. People who steal or piggyback off your Internet service are often called piggybackers.
The way to prevent someone from piggybacking off your Internet service is to use the security settings that came with your router. These settings are known as your (WEP) Wired Equivalent Privacy and (WAP) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). They are the security settings that you can set up in your computers internet security settings.
You can easily set up a Wireless Router or Access Point. These steps will help you set up a wireless security network. Its quite simple, really.
Begin with these steps:
Note: This IP address is a default gateway for every wireless router or modem. Look on your router or modems box.
You will be prompted to enter a user name and password. If you know this information enter it.
Note: Generally you will find the username and password for your router or modem on the box. Sometimes it is located on the back of the modem or router itself. If you still have trouble finding your routers information,click here. This will take you to Router Passwords website. Just choose your router or modem from the dropdown menu and you will get a list of the generic usernames and passwords for that particular model.
Once you are logged in, follow these steps.
Note: The security key can be found on the back of your router or on the routers box.
Note: I recommend that you choose a password around 21 characters. Make certain that your password contains at least two numbers, two symbols, and two capital letters. A strong password looks like this (i9Km0T!Wbe7Bx$qY5nhAz). The longer and more confusing you make your password, the harder it is to figure it out. It should be so complex, that even someone using a password creator to gain access to your internet service, will not be able to figure out the password. This will now be the password youll need to access your wireless Internet connection.
Once the network connection is reestablished you will be asked to enter your new security passcode.
Your Windows Internet Security box should pop up. Simply enter your new username and password. You should now be broadcasting on a secured Internet connection.
You can also go one step further in securing your internet connection; however, it is not always necessary. If you wish to have your internet connections visibility removed when searching for available networks, do the following.
Internet security is vital to the protection of your personal information stored on your computer. It is the only thing that stands between your computer and unauthorized users attempting to access your internet connection.
Make sure you are protected by following the steps outlined in this article. As mentioned before, dont leave your computers back door open to intruders. Lock it down and protect it.
If you still find yourself wondering, What is Internet security, you may find my other article about virus protection quite helpful.
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What is Internet Security? Why do I Need Internet Security ...
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