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Israel Enters Quantum Computer Race, Placing Encryption at Ever-Greater Risk – Sputnik International


19:29 19.06.2017 Get short URL

The Universitysays the US$2.13 million system, tobe developed atits Quantum Information Science Center laboratory, will use single photons asthe communications medium quantum bits make it possible toperform calculations innew ways that are not possible incurrent communications systems or even supercomputers.

Current methods ofencrypting data are increasingly vulnerable toattacks, asthe increased power ofquantum computing comes online.

Quantum communication systems use the laws ofphysics tosecure data and are therefore resistant toattacks.

Professor Nadav Katz, Director ofthe Quantum Information Science Center, said the project would position Israel inthe "leading edge" ofresearch towardultimately secured communication systems. While a fresh tender, the center was originally founded in2013, and recruited an interdisciplinary team ofover 20 researchers fromphysics, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, philosophy and engineering toits ranks.

However, the privacy conscious and techies alike may be disappointed inthe project's objectives rather thanfocusing onprotecting individual data, the system will instead be designed tobeef upthe government's quantum communications capabilities, and give Israeli officials the ability toprotect themselves againsthackers and other potentially malicious forces.

Quantum information research is one ofthe biggest growth areas in21st century science, promising dramatic improvements incomputation speed and secure communication. Based onthe inherent wave-like nature ofmatter and light, it will theoretically lead tomassive leaps forward inhuman ability tofabricate, control, measure and understand advanced structures.

Competition inthe field is rapidly gathering pace, withChina inJune showing offthe results ofits first Earth-to-satellite quantum entanglement experimentlast week, using the Micius satellite launched in2016. The satellite is said tohave "teleportation-like" communication capabilities, which cannot be hacked.

Meanwhile, back onEarth, the best-developed quantum communications application is quantum key distribution companies such asQuintessenceLabs and ID Quantique exploit the quantum properties ofphotons toprotect encryption keys generated bytheir appliances, beforeusing the keys toencrypt data transmitted overconventional channels.

As such, it is inevitable governments will be the first toget their hands onmost quantum technology whether communications or computers.

The cost involved inresearch and development cannot be borne byprivate businesses, much less individuals and ontop ofboasting the requisite funds forthe task, governments would also be granted a head start indigital spying and surveillance.

Quantum computers will be most effective atbreaking encryption, due totheir hyperactive number crunching capabilities and given governmental dedication toending encryption, most notably inthe UK,there's no doubt the technology is being doggedly pursued precisely forthis reason.

The obvious upshot ofthis would be that governments would be able toheavily insulate their own data fromoutsiders, while throwing open the vast majority ofpublic data totheir own scrutiny.

What's more, it's evident fromtheNSA's XKeyscore program, asrevealed byEdward Snowden,that Western spying agencies are storing vast quantities ofencrypted data they cannot currently crack, inthe hope once a requisitely powerful quantum computer actually exists, it can retrospectively break intothose communications.

Past, current and future data may not be safe fromprying official eyes formuch longer.

Originally posted here:
Israel Enters Quantum Computer Race, Placing Encryption at Ever-Greater Risk - Sputnik International

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Quantum Machine Learning Computer Hybrids at the Center of New Start-Ups – TrendinTech

Creative Destruction Lab, a technology program affiliated with the University of Torontos Rotman School of Management in Toronto, Canada hopes to nurture numerous quantum learning machine start-ups in only a few years. This still new form of hybrid computing combines the computational speed and power of quantum computers with machine learning, the technical term for AI like Siri or Alexa.

Currently, researchers are mostly focused using the emergent technology of quantum computers to help machine learning programs to solve problems quicker or to use typical machine learning builds to add stability and potency to quantum computers. However, the end goal of either direction is to use many AI programs based on quantum computers to comprehend or better datasets and results from larger quantum calculations. Unfortunately, this goal will not be achieved until quantum computers are fully built and operational. While Google has a plan to build a 49-qubit machine by the end of the year, the hundred or thousand qubit computer that researchers hope for is still years or work away.

Despite being far afield, Peter Wittek, a researcher from the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain and academic director of the Creative Destruction Lab, says that doesnt stop scientists from theorizing or even experimenting in the realm of quantum machine learning, a young field full of promise.

To build universal quantum computers is a big engineering challenge, says Wittek. But it turns out for quantum machine learning you need something less. In the same way that quantum cryptography and quantum random number generation have been developed without large sized quantum computers, he says, so too could the field of quantum machine learning.

Wittek, who wrote **Quantum Machine Learning: What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining, says that after the HHL quantum algorithm, named after its developers Aram Harrow, Avinathan Hassidim, and Seth Lloyd, was created, the field really came into its own. The algorithm solves massive linear algebra equations with many undefined variables in less time than any current supercomputer is capable. A large part of machine learning involves similar high-dimension algebra at which HHL excels and many researchers have flocked to HHL for this reason.

Although, even with all its unique properties, says Wittek, there are many besides HHL with perhaps more potential for sooner application in fields such as medicine, transportation, and finance.

Still, he adds, a quantum system will be a definite challenge to GPU-based machine learning, even if big names like Google and IBM can build a usable quantum computer. Machine learning, as it used today, is impressive enough.

On the other hand, when it comes to generating random numbers, typical machine learning falls short, according to Wittek. Specifically utilized in financial applications, Monte Carlo algorithms need truly random numbers to work ideally but conventional computing can only manage pseudo-randomness. This is where quantum machine learning could shine as they are designed around randomness.

Another advantage to quantum machine learning systems, according to Nathan Weibe, a researcher with Microsofts Quantum Architectures and Computation Group, is the use of a qubit versus the traditional binary bit system.

If you think about a quantum computer, how do you understand whats going on inside one? Wiebe says. The vectors that describe it exist in an incomprehensibly large space. Theres no way you can go through, read off every single entry of those vectors and figure out if the machine is working properly.

While HHL has been very popular in recent technical literature, Scott Aaronson, a professor of computer science at the University of Texas at Austin, says that it has more value as hype than in application any time soon. In a 2015 review, Aaronson debates whether a Buyer Beware tag should accompany all quantum machine learning promises.

Almost all the quantum machine learning algorithms that have been published over the last decade are really frameworks for algorithms, Aaronson says. Theyre algorithms that dont start with the classical problem that you would like to be solved and the answer to that problem.

However, skepticism has not dulled enthusiasm for the possibilities in a quantum machine learning system and near-term application. The number of applications for the Creative Destruction Labs start-up boot camp in Toronto has exceeded expectations with 38 applicants for the 40 spots. As the application period is open until July 24th, its obvious that cutting edge entrepreneurs remain undaunted by neither the critics or the challenges ahead.

Incorporation must be done by November, so these will be real companies, Wittek says. And the hope is by next summer well have companies raising money.

**Quantum machine learning is an emerging interdisciplinary research area at the intersection of quantum physics and machine learning. One can distinguish four different ways of merging the two parent disciplines.Quantum machine learning algorithms can use the advantages of quantum computation in order to improve classical methods of machine learning, for example by developing efficient implementations of expensive classical algorithms on a quantum computer.

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Quantum Machine Learning Computer Hybrids at the Center of New Start-Ups - TrendinTech

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Why Invest in Golem: It’s a Security Powerhouse – Wealth Daily

I think there's one thing we can all agree on:Internet security is now a global issue.

If you are a digital currency investor, you should be nodding.

After all, how many times have we griped and moaned over digital currency exchange outages that were caused by targeted attacks?

But internet security extends far beyond our investing niche. Internet security is a dinner table conversation where families fighting over whether or not our sitting President was placed in the White House through Russian hacking interference.

Last year, Wired predicted that we would see an increase in cyberattacks in 2017. Now, it's June, and we have witnessed the massive WannaCry malware attack, the French election being tampered with by hackers, and a clever Google Docs phishing scheme that affected thousands.

It's internet warfare.

This means that we need security and we need it now. And the companies that offer a solution to the problem will make money.

There is already a token out there that's tackling the cyberattack issue: Golem, the foundation of a new decentralized internet.

Golem came onto my radar right after Ethereum (ETH) did.

Its creators state that Golem, when implemented, will create a decentralized internet through existing hardware.

Essentially, it will piggyback off existing phones and computers to distribute and strengthen networks.

All an individual has to do is download the Golem application, and they will become part of the network.

Our current security issues exist because most internet protocols flow through warehouses filled with server farms. This means that hackers can easily target servers and bring them down through distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Remember the Bitfinex attack that sent us through our first Ethereum drop?

Because Golem takes that centralized network and distributes it, it would answer most of our security issues. In fact, the amount of computing power required to take down a decentralized network has never existed. And it's unlikely that it ever will.

The simplicity of the idea has opened the wallets of many investors Golem's initial coin offering (ICO) sold out in less than 30 minutes.

Golem is up 6,000% from its ICO last year. It's trading for under $1but may not stay there for long.

Like all technologies, Golem will need work and development to become the powerhouse it has the potential to be.

Like Ethereum, Golem's development is happening in stages: Brass, Clay, Iron, and Stone.

Currently, we are approaching Brass Golem. As the first stage, Brass Golem will allow developers to show the world what their concept can do. It will be the first look at a fully decentralized internet. Basically, without getting into the technical details, Golem is going to be taking to the stage.

We know the product will be coming in the next two weeks. But the development team has been very firm on one thing since the beginning: They will not release a product before it's ready. In a way, this gives Golem credibility in a digital currency world crazed with ICO fever. We can't expect these things to happen overnight, but we can look at reveals (like brass) as indicators of things to come.

But since the time frame is confined to within two weeks, that means if you want to invest in Golem at a low price, you'll have to get in sooner rather than later.

As always, there is a "where to buy" section in each currency feature.

In Golem's case, 62% of trading activity happens on Poloniex. Poloniex is not as simple as Coinbase and requires that you transfer money into your account. You can transfer bitcoins or ether from your Coinbase account into Poloniex.

We are going to offer you more detailed information on how to buy soon. This information will include screencast tutorials.

You can sign up below and be put on our list to receive those updates.

P.S. We get a lot of questions about digital currency investing in the comments. The best way to get in touch with me is through my Twitter @AlexandraPerryC.

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Why Invest in Golem: It's a Security Powerhouse - Wealth Daily

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Concerns in the UK Over National, Financial, Internet and Personal … – PR Newswire UK (press release)

UK consumers reported a 40 percent increase in security-related concerns since 2014, according to the new Unisys Security Index that surveyed consumers in April 2017 in 13 countries around the world. The global study gauges the attitudes of consumers on a wide-range of security-related issues.

UK respondents reported increasing concern in all four categories of the core survey: national, financial, internet and personal security. The biggest increases in concern were related to national and internet security - which rose 66 percent and 50 percent, respectively.

Highlights from the UK results include:

Salvatore Sinno, chief security architect, Unisys, said: "Factors such as terror attacks, high profile cyber-attacks and the rising cost of living are all outside the public's control and they are major contributing factors to the Unisys Security Index registering record levels of concern in the UK. Steps to advise and protect the public, such as the launch of the National Cyber Security Centre, are moves in the right direction, but we need joined up thinking across the public and private sectors to ensure the public are aware of risks, know how to avoid threats and act as securely as possible."

The Unisys Security Index scale runs from 0 - 300, where 0 represents no concern and 300 represents extreme concern. Overall the UK's Index score is at a record high of 144, up 41 points from 2014's survey. The global study gauges the attitudes of consumers on a wide range of security-related issues, with the core survey categories - Internet (150), Financial (147), Personal (141) and National (136) - all registering record highs in 2017. The global average Index score stands at 173[1] from the 13 countries surveyed, with the Philippines scoring highest (243) and the Netherlands lowest at 125.

About the Unisys Security Index

Unisys has conducted the Unisys Security Index - the only recurring snapshot of security concerns conducted globally - since 2007 in order to provide an ongoing, statistically-robust measure of concern about security. The index is a calculated score out of 300 covering changing consumer attitudes over time across eight areas of security in four categories: national security and disaster/epidemic, in the National Security category; bankcard fraud and financial obligations, in the Financial Security category; viruses/hacking and online transactions, in the Internet Security category; and identity theft and personal safety, in the Personal Security category. The 2017 Unisys Security Index is based on online surveys conducted between April 6-18, 2017 of nationally representative samples of at least 1,000 adults in each of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, the U.S. and the UK. The margin of error at a country level is +/-3.1 percent at 95 percent confidence level, and 0.9 percent at a global level. For more information on the 2017 Unisys Security Index, visit

About Unisys

Unisys is a global information technology company that specializes in providing industry-focused solutions integrated with leading-edge security to clients in the government, financial services and commercial markets. Unisys offerings include security solutions, advanced data analytics, cloud and infrastructure services, application services and application and server software. For more information, visit

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Unisys and other Unisys products and services mentioned herein, as well as their respective logos, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Unisys Corporation. Any other brand or product referenced herein is acknowledged to be a trademark or registered trademark of its respective holder

1. The 2017 Unisys Security Index score shows a 30-point increase over its score of 143 in 2014, the last time Unisys conducted the index on a global scale. Five points of the 30 points are due to the addition of new countries to the index.


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Concerns in the UK Over National, Financial, Internet and Personal ... - PR Newswire UK (press release)

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Internet-Enabled Drill Demonstrates IoT Security Done Right – Threatpost

To Mark Loveless, aninternet-enabled cordless drill seemed like a perfect recipe for an IoT security nightmare.

Duo Securitys senior security researcher confessed that it sounded silly and quite possibly part of a push by the electronics maker to inject smarts into devices that ultimately turned them into hackable punching bags for adversaries to exploit. So when he examined an internet-connected Milwaukee Tool cordless drill he was pleasantly surprised to find the devices smarts were implemented in a safe and responsible manner. The results of his findings are part of research published Monday, Bug Hunting: Drilling Into the Internet of Things (IoT).

My expectations for security were very low for a smart drill, Loveless said. But after examining the security, I feel like there is hope that consumer-device IoT can be done the right way.

The drill in question was a $250 Milwaukee Tool ONE-KEY M18 Fuel 1/2 Drill/ Driver. The drill comes with an asset-management platform called One-Key. The platform allows tool owners to use a smartphone app or website to track the drills whereabouts using GPS technology. It also allows for remote custom configuration of equipment (such as the drills torque), or disable it should it be stolen.

When it comes to the world of IoT devices, there is no shortage of faulty security to keep experts such as Loveless skeptical. From IoT botnet-fueled Mirai to the co-opting of theConficker worm to target hospital IoT devices, last year alone IoT malware activity more than doubled.

That is why after Loveless closely examined the drill he was impressed to find that the manufacturer appeared to have performed comprehensive threat modeling on the device, used reliable open source software libraries correctly, and implemented strong SSL encryption.

If DVR and CCTV makers took the steps Milwaukee Tool did, Mirai wouldnt have had a chance, he said.

Thats not to say all was perfect. Loveless investigation found what he called minor flaws. One was that static passwords were hard-coded into the smartphone app. Also found, the power drill could be readily identified by a potential thief remotely via Bluetooth scanning.

With a $100 Bluetooth antenna I could scan the neighborhood and find these expensive drills within a half-mile radius, Loveless said.

During his research, it was also discovered that the GPS data used for inventory tracking could be spoofed. Basically, if I stole your drill, I could fake the GPS data to make it look like another neighbor had the drill in his toolshed, he said.

The big caveat to his research? We are talking about a drill. If this were an insulin pump, pacemaker or security alarm these flaws would be a lot more serious, Loveless confessed.

In all, four vulnerabilities were identified by Duo Security, generating two unique CVEs.

CVE-2017-3214 relates to the fact, the ONE-KEY app includes master credentials in base-64 encoded format that are needed to obtain a bearer token. The bearer token allows for read-write access to information stored in Milwaukee Tools website.

With CVE-2017-3215, the One-Key app has a bearer token that doesnt expire and stays stored on the phone. A typical bearer token has an expiration time of 1-2 hours, these have an expiration time of one year, and are stored on the phone for reuse while the phone is logged in. In the event of a compromised phone, it is possible for an attacker to gain access to the bearer token and use it, according to the report.

Loveless told Threatpost that he believes the Milwaukee Tool drill is the exception, not the rule, when it comes to IoT security. As Milwaukee competitors are racing to catch up, they have raised the bar and made security a first thought not an afterthought.

Continued here:
Internet-Enabled Drill Demonstrates IoT Security Done Right - Threatpost

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Euro MPs back end-to-end encryption for all citizens – BBC News

BBC News
Euro MPs back end-to-end encryption for all citizens
BBC News
A European Parliament committee is proposing that end-to-end encryption be enforced on all forms of digital communications to protect citizens. The draft legislation seeks to protect sensitive personal data from hacking and government surveillance.
EU Proposes Enforcing Data Encryption and Banning Backdoors ...Mac Rumors
EU proposes banning encryption backdoors - EngadgetEngadget
End-to-end encryption plan puts Europe on collision course with UKZDNet
Naked Security -The INQUIRER -European Parliament
all 26 news articles »

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Euro MPs back end-to-end encryption for all citizens - BBC News

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Apple CEO likely to talk immigration, encryption at White House: report – The Hill

Apple CEO Tim Cook will likely address issues such as immigration and encryption Monday during his White House meeting for Technology Week, Axios reported.

About 18 CEOs also including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and two dozen more business experts are expected to attend the event and help offer insight about how thegovernments information technology systems could be updated and modernized.

Cook is reportedly slated to attend a session called H-1B/immigration.

Cook has been a longtime advocate of the merits and economic value immigrants provide for the American economy, contrasting largely with President Trump and some of his top advisers views that immigrants are taking jobs from American workers and hurting the economy.

Following the San Bernardino, Calif., shootings in December 2015, Cook refused to provide the FBI with a backdoor encryption to open the terrorists iPhones. Cook argued that if he provided this opening, it would compromise customer's privacy and security and create a precedent.

Trump had urged people to boycott Apple at the time, pointing to Cooks lack of cooperation with the investigation.

Cook also is expected to bring up ways to improve how veterans receive medical care as well as human rights both in the U.S. and abroad.

Jared Kushner's Office of American Innovation organized these tech meetings.

Trump and Vice President Pence are expected to pop by the working sessions.

Kushner, his wife, Ivanka Trump, and many of President Trump's top aides like Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney are expected to attend.

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Apple CEO likely to talk immigration, encryption at White House: report - The Hill

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Bitcoin | Definition of Bitcoin by Merriam-Webster

Definition of Bitcoin

: a digital currency created for use in peer-to-peer online transactions Introduced in 2008 by a person or group using the name Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is the most prominent of a group of virtual currenciesmoney that exists mainly as computer codethat have no central issuing authority. Carter Dougherty Bitcoin is backed by no government and has a fluctuating value linked in part to a scarcity that is mathematically predetermined. Unlike other forms of digital cash, Bitcoin is truly untraceable and therefore, like cash, cannot be recovered if lost or destroyed. Glenn Zorpette; also, usually bitcoin : a unit of this currency Commercial space venture Virgin Galacticwhich announced on Nov. 22 that it would start accepting bitcoins to reserve a refundable $250,000 seat on a future tripis just the latest of many businesses that have recently embraced the decentralized virtual payment system. (At press time, 1 bitcoin was worth roughly $879.) Time

4bit + 1coin

First Known Use: 2008

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Bitcoin | Definition of Bitcoin by Merriam-Webster

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The first investor in Snapchat explains why the bitcoin rally is just getting started – CNBC

Uncertainty about governments could make cryptocurrency like bitcoin an even more in-demand commodity, said Lightspeed Venture Partners partner Jeremy Liew.

"Bitcoin and the other digital currencies, they all really see a lot of benefit in times of political and economic instability," Liew said to CNBC. "Fundamentally when a citizen doesn't have faith in their currency of their country, then they are looking for alternatives, and a digital alternative like bitcoin becomes much more compelling in those circumstances."

Lightspeed co-led the first venture round in Blockchain, a bitcoin wallet, in October 2014. Liew also led the first venture investment in Snap, whose IPO in March turned a $485,000 investment into a stake worth more than $1 billion.

Liew said in parts of the Middle East, Africa, South America and Eastern Europe, concerns over the government being overthrown or persistent long-term currency inflation have been driving bitcoin's increasing valuation. A bitcoin is valued at a little over $2,800 as of Tuesday afternoon, according to Coindesk.

While there are other cryptocurrencies like ethereum, Liew points out it's currently valued at just a fraction of bitcoin's market cap.

"If you're going to be an investor in anything, you want to be where the most trading volume is happening, and right now that's happening in bitcoin," he said.

Continued here:
The first investor in Snapchat explains why the bitcoin rally is just getting started - CNBC

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Your mom will soon be able to text the Bitcoin symbol, along with a bunch of new emoji – The Verge

Bitcoin remains a thriving cryptocurrency, but its reputation as a cool, futuristic currency for savvy individuals may have just received a mortal blow. Along with a sampling of dinosaurs, shushing emoji, and many more, the Unicode Consortiums 10.0 version of the Unicode Standard also includes the Bitcoin symbol.

The timely addition wont appear as a traditional bubble-like emoji, but rather a regular Unicode character, the currencys B-like symbol. Unicode 10.0 is dropping today, though the long delay for Bitcoins arrival its been around for almost a decade now could be due to the process for proposing new emoji and icons to the Unicode Standard. Still, its arguably the most mainstream Bitcoin has ever been: its no longer so unknown that your parents couldnt pop off a quick reference to it in the same text about siblings or your family pet.

Unicode 10.0 is expected to add 56 new emoji, 8,518 characters, and four new scripts. For a complete breakdown with images, check out Emojipedia.

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Your mom will soon be able to text the Bitcoin symbol, along with a bunch of new emoji - The Verge

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