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Embracing Bitcoin – Seeking Alpha

I continually get news feeds streaming across my computer telling me how other countries are jumping on board with Bitcoin. But, I read in American financial sites that say to stay away from Bitcoin. The fact is, as a medium of exchange, Bitcoin has tremendous value and ability. As an investment class, Bitcoin continues to move higher, latest pauses on the road to $3k. Bitcoin, as an asset class is heading much higher based upon supply and demand. Articles are being printed showing that Bitcoin could eventually print $1 million dollars. While I can see Bitcoin $1 million dollars, I am going to focus on the crypto-currency's move into from four to five digits for now; that is far more easily accessible.

It is very easy for Americans to dismiss Bitcoin. By, and large, Americans think in only one type of currency; The U.S. Dollar. So, when I read articles on major financial website trashing Bitcoin, I have no problem trashing the articles; the disconnect with Bitcoin is more because of a lack of understanding. A perfect example of a country that is not only embracing Bitcoin is Japan. Japanese are embracing Bitcoin at a very rapid pace. Because of this, demand is pushing higher and higher, and so is price. I see this as being continuous. I see Bitcoin pushing past $3k and, in fact, eventually hitting $10,000.00 per coin with an eventual price target of $1 million for Bitcoin. This is the framework of why that is going to happen.

Whenever I sit down with anyone who asks me about Bitcoin, I always show anyone the daily chart from just the past year alone - below. I then tell them they should consider Bitcoin as an alternative and explain the reasons why. I go into the details about limited supply and no central bank as well as what is happening in the economies around the world. Again, Americans have a tough time with this simply because they cannot think outside of the U.S. Dollar box. Most Americans have never even traveled outside of the country; only 8% of Americans traveled outside of the United States in 2016.

Bitcoin is being embraced in Japan at an incredible pace. I have read several articles over the past two weeks alone where Japanese hotels, cash systems and other purveyors are adding Bitcoin into their economy. And, yet, in America, financial websites are warning to stay away from Bitcoin. I took this as a lack of education, if anything.

In Japan, the government has legalized Bitcoin - along with other countries. At the same time, the Bank of Japan is in the process of desperately trying to dilute their currency to create any kind of inflation possible. It is largely not working.

Here is a look at the central bank's "printing press" in action: As stated, their goal is to stimulate the Japanese economy and keep inflation at target, normal levels. They are not succeeding so far. Inflation at 0.4% on a year-over-year basis is not even worth bringing up; It is negligible. My bigger fear is that mountain of printing that the Bank has done.

In the meantime, savvy Japanese investors are scooping up Bitcoin at a rapid pace. Whereas Japanese Bitcoin exchanges were not even really a factor, since the first week of April when the government legalized Bitcoin, the Japanese exchanges are now neck-and-neck with America exchanges. This is just one of many countries where Bitcoin is not just a curiosity but is becoming a way of life and is being integrated into the economy at a rapid pace with 100s of thousands of pay stations and ATMs appearing.

Americans simply do not get Bitcoin and they may very well regret that later. There is a great deal of potential with Bitcoin as an alternative to banking; some 56 million Americans do not even have a bank account. Bitcoin, just like cash, does not have the extensive paperwork criteria like a bank account has. With some 56 million Americans not even having a bank account this is a significant opportunity.

Unlike the charts above showing the Japanese central bank attempting to dilute its currency, Bitcoin has not central bank. Instead, Bitcoin will only ever have 21,000,000 million coins. Because of that, the price of Bitcoin is going to continue to be pushed higher. In fact, unlike fiat currency, Bitcoin appreciates in value. The purchasing power of any fiat currency is always being eroded by a central bank, whereas Bitcoin's potential to continue to move higher. And, although this cartoon is a bit tongue-in-cheek, it is also very accurate: Compared to today, if you had invested $100 in Bitcoin in 2009, you would be worth about $75 million today. And, yet, there are people who trash the idea of Bitcoin simply because they do not understand the currency and what it does.

At the beginning of April, Bitcoin was trading at $900.00. It is now just above $2,650.00 and looks set to test the $3,000.00 level for the third time. That is a simple multiple of 3.5x in two months. If that happens again, even if it takes another 6 months to happen, or even 6 years, Bitcoin will rise to nearly $10,000. That is an impressive gain unmatched by other "stores of value" or asset classes. Whether the currency crosses the $3k level this time, I am not certain. But, I am certain it will push past eventually. It is a matter of when, and not if, given the limited supply and the potential widespread demand.

Bitcoin's limited quantity of coins is set. But, there are 7 billion potential users of the currency. The fundamentals continue to support Bitcoin moving higher and higher as more and more access is available. And, since this currency's track record is that it moves higher and higher, its appeal over fiat currency is gar greater.

I can very easily see a day when Bitcoin pushes past $10,000.00 per coin. And, I can see a day when there is another order of magnitude to the coin's value. Some savvy investors even see $500,000.00 per coin.

Bitcoin works because of the agreement that there is a price for it and its exchangeability for goods and services, or conversion into fiat currency. And, as more and more countries ensure Bitcoin is able to work unhinged, the demands for the currency will continue to move higher. That will push up price. It is an added value to the coin's appeal.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, but may initiate a long position in COIN over the next 72 hours.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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Embracing Bitcoin - Seeking Alpha

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Cramer: Bitcoin-ethereum craze boosts Nvidia and AMD, but it … – CNBC

There are many reasons for investors to buy chipmakers Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices, but the recent rush for an indirect way to play skyrocketing cryptocurrencies bitcoin and ethereum should not be one of them, CNBC's Jim Cramer said Friday.

"One of the reasons why AMD and Nvidia have been going up is their chips are used for mining, for cryptocurrency mining," Cramer told "Squawk on the Street." But he warned, "Do not play it for this is what I'm saying. But it is being played for that."

Bitcoin and ethereum miners use powerful graphics processing units or the computer chips on graphics cards to generate new cryptocurrency units, which can then be sold or held for future appreciation.

Cramer cited a recent note from RBC Capital Markets, which said the growing cryptocurrency mining market has contributed $100 million worth of GPU sales for Nvidia in the past 11 days alone. "AMD chips are the best ones for the ethereum platform," he added.

"Of course there are so many other uses for their chips, but a lot of retail people love bitcoin and are looking for a way to play it," Cramer said.

In the past 12 months, bitcoin has soared about 325 percent to around $2,703 per unit as of midmorning trading on Friday. Ethereum, the smaller bitcoin rival, has skyrocketed about 2,240 percent to around $328.

In the past month, as the cryptocurrency surges have been more widely reported, AMD shares have soared 33 percent and Nvidia stock has gained about 15 percent.

"You play Nvidia for artificial intelligence, for GPUs, for autonomous cars, and for gaming," he said. "You play AMD for gaming and they have a faster chip than Intel."

Buying the stocks for those reasons, not because of cryptocurrency mining, makes sense, Cramer concluded.

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Cramer: Bitcoin-ethereum craze boosts Nvidia and AMD, but it ... - CNBC

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China Becomes First Country in the World to Test a National Cryptocurrency – Futurism

In Brief China's central bank has developed its own cryptocurrency, which is now being tested. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to not only benefit China, but the rest of the world, due to their basis in blockchain. Benefits of Digital Currency

Chinas central bank thePeoples Bank of China has developed a prototype of a cryptocurrencythat it could end up in circulation in the nearfuture.It would beintroduced alongside the Chinas primary currency the renminbi (also called the yuan).Chinawill besimulating possible scenarios and running mock transactions using the cryptocurrency with some commercial Chinese banks. Click to View Full Infographic

The potential benefits of developing a digital currency are significant, particularly in China. First, it would decrease the cost of transactions, and therefore make financial services more accessible, which would be a big help tothe millions of people in the country who are unconnected to conventional banks. Second, as it would be supported by blockchain, it has the potential to decrease the rates of fraud and counterfeiting, which would be of service to thegovernments attempts to reduce corruption a key concern. Third, it would make the currency easier to obtain, which would increase the rate of international transactions, allowing for more trades and faster economic growth.

Since Bitcoins humble beginnings back in 2009 (when it was only valued at around 0.0007 USD) the digital currency, and the very idea of cryptocurrencies in fact,has grown monumentally. The total market cap of cryptocurrencies on April 1st of this year was over $25 Billion. A singleBitcoin is now worth more than $2,500. Now many national economies, as Chinas plan shows,areconsidering the idea of developing their own variant.

Although Chinas experimental approach to simulate a self-developed cryptocurrencys usage is the first of its kind, other countries and institutions have made strides in that direction as well. The Deputy of Russias central bank has emphatically statedthatregulators of all countries agree that its time to develop national cryptocurrencies. Over 260,000 stores in Japan will begin accepting Bitcoin as legal tender this summer, and big banks like Santander have announced plans to develop their ownversion.

Cryptocurrencies have the potential of revolutionizing not only the business world, but manymethods of transaction.There has already been talk of using cryptocurrencies to administer Universal Basic Incomesdue to their traceability, as well as for thedelivery of human aid; the potential for which was demonstrated bya recent experiment to help refugees in Jordan by the UN.

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China Becomes First Country in the World to Test a National Cryptocurrency - Futurism

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Survey: businesses ramp up spending on cloud computing DC … – DC Velocity

Home > Technology > Survey: businesses ramp up spending on cloud computing

Technology June 23, 2017

Security fears ease, but cloud costs can climb fast with increased usage.

By DC Velocity Staff

Businesses are spending more on cloud computing as improved technology eases concerns about security, but users must guard against overspending, according to an IT industry survey released Wednesday.

Nearly 70 percent of U.S. businesses surveyed by Clutch, a Washington-based business-to-business (B2B) ratings and reviews firm, said they plan to increase spending on cloud computing in 2017. One in five of those businesses report their cloud computing spending this year will likely increase by more than 30 percent, according to the study, "How Businesses Use Cloud Computing: 2017 Survey."

Companies are migrating their software applications and databases from on-premise servers to cloud platforms in large part because they are gaining confidence in cloud security, the survey showed. The top five benefits of using the cloud, ranked according to how often they were cited by respondents, were:

1. Security (mentioned by 45 percent of respondents) 2. Increased efficiency (41 percent) 3. Data space (40 percent) 4. Flexibility (33 percent) 5. Scalability (28 percent)

This attitude is a shift from past years.

"Early on, there was a lot of concern from people with respect to moving workloads to the cloud because of security reasons," Jeremy Przygode, CEO of California-based managed service provider (MSP) Stratalux Inc., said in a statement. "Only the most basic of security features were built into the cloud. It really didn't have a lot of the feature sets and functionality that you can find today."

In today's world, however, the cloud is often considered a more secure option than on-premise deployments, whether measured by physical security (protecting physical assets at a geographic location), infrastructure security (ensuring security patches are updated as soon as possible), or data and access security (such as encrypting data and controlling user privileges), the report found.

The only caveat is that end users must follow the same practices that they apply for on-premise software use, the report said. These include maintaining office security strategies such as encrypting data and databases; ensuring that users' privileges are correct; and deploying features such as cybersecurity scanners that monitor for threat scenarios, Clutch found.

"Cloud is the new normal," Przygode said. "When businesses need to evaluate new solutions, or need to do a hardware refresh on existing solutions... [c]loud is the go-to solution to figure out how to do that."

As users become more comfortable with cloud security, however, they are finding a new concernhigher costs. The survey found that the largest percentage of businesses listed "increased cost" as a challenge they had encountered with their cloud provider in the past year, suggesting the increased spending may not always be intentional or wanted in some cases, Clutch said.

Those spikes in cloud computing costs are triggered when businesses buy space on cloud platforms at initial costs that can be as low as fractions of a cent per hour for a given amount of storage. If usage surges, those prices can jump up dramatically, Clutch warns.

"Cloud computing is a dual-edged sword," Przygode said. "It's great because you can quickly provision equipment or resources in the cloud by simply pushing a button. That's the agility. However, the other edge of that sword is, because it's so easy, people tend to fire stuff up and forget about it."

The best solution to control cloud computing price fluctuations and stay within budget is to exercise strict monitoring over usage time, and use proper governance over contract rates, the survey found.

The Clutch survey included 283 IT professionals at businesses across the U.S. that use a cloud computing service. Of those businesses, 58 percent had 11 to 1,000 employees, while 42 percent had more than 1,001 employees. The majority (65 percent) of respondents were male, and three-quarters of the respondent pool were 25 to 44 years old.

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Survey: businesses ramp up spending on cloud computing DC ... - DC Velocity

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Packet, Qualcomm to Host World’s First 10nm Server Processor in Public Cloud for Developers – Data Center Knowledge

Packet, abare metal cloud for developers, announced that it will collaborate with Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc. to introduce the latest in server architecture innovation on the 48-core Qualcomm Centriq 2400 processor.

The New York City-based companyis currentlyshowcasing itsconsumable cloud platform at Red Hats AnsibleFest conference in London, and demonstrating leveraging open source tools such as Ansible, Terraform, Docker and Kubernetes all running on Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies ARM architecture-based servers.

The series of joint efforts willcontinue at Hashiconf (Austin), Open Source Summit North America (Los Angeles), and AnsibleFest (San Francisco).

We believe that innovative hardware will be a major contributor to improving application performance over the next few years. Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies is at the bleeding edge of this innovation with the worlds first 10nm server processor, said Nathan Goulding, Packets SVP of Engineering. With blazing-fast innovation occurring at all levels of software, the simple act of giving developers direct access to hardware is a massive, and very timely, opportunity.

Packets proprietary technology automates physical servers and networks to provide on-demand compute and connectivity, without the use of virtualization or multi-tenancy. The company, which supports both x86 and ARMv8 architectures, provides a global bare metal public cloud from locations in New York, Silicon Valley, Amsterdam, and Tokyo.

Our collaboration with Packet is the first step of a shared vision to provide an automated, unified experience that will enable users to access and develop directly on the Qualcomm Centriq 2400 chipset, noted Elsie Wahlig, director of product management at Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc. Were thrilled to work with Packet to engage with more aspects of the open source community.

While an investment by SoftBank accelerated the companys access to developments in the ARM server ecosystem, Packet has been active in the developer community since its founding in 2014.

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Packet, Qualcomm to Host World's First 10nm Server Processor in Public Cloud for Developers - Data Center Knowledge

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Egenera Leverages Acronis for Managed Cloud Backup Services – ChannelE2E

by Ty Trumbull Jun 23, 2017

Egenerais leveragingAcronis Backup Cloud as part of its Xterity wholesale managed cloud service.Through the agreement, Egenera will provide training, management tools, and marketing collateral to help its service provider partners meet customer demands.

When we previously looked at Egenera, the company had expanded its Xterity offering by adding a CloudMigrate service for its partners. We were curious to see how partners would react, given steep competition from the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

The company appears to be doubling down on its business model by adding Acronis data protection solution to its network. The service is designed specifically for MSPs, web hosting companies, and cloud resellers. It comes with multi-tenant and multi-tier management capabilities and offers full protection of all data, including servers, computers, Microsoft Office 365 accounts, websites, and applications in physical, virtual and cloud environments, the company says.

Egenera ranks among the companies offering private cloud platforms (along with competitors like Abiquo, Flexiant, and Embotics).

To whit, the Xterity portfolio includes wholesale managed public cloud, wholesale managed dedicated compute cloud, managed private cloud, bare metal servers, business continuity, and cloud suite software. Egenera launched the wholesale cloud service business Xterity in 2015, making it available exclusively to the channel. AddingAcronis backup capabilities to the suite makes Egeneras business continuity solution more robust while adding name recognition.

Meanwhile, the partnership is a more traditional move for Acronis, which has been evolvingbeyondfrom its role as a backup company. Its been shifting focus lately toward software-defined storage (SDS) as it bets on the artificial intelligence revolutions ramifications for providers. Still, the company is keeping a firm foothold in its traditional sphere, launching the recent 12.5 iteration of its backup solution complete with ransomware protection just last month.

Egenera Leverages Acronis for Managed Cloud Backup Services - ChannelE2E

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Avoid steep network integration costs in multicloud – TechTarget

One of the most important -- and most complex -- concepts in multicloud is network integration between public cloud...

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providers. This model facilitates cross-cloud load balancing and failover but, without careful planning, can also lead to hefty network integration costs.

Nearly all enterprises have a virtual private network (VPN) that connects their sites, users, applications and data center resources. When they adopt cloud computing, they often expect to use that VPN to connect their public cloud resources as well. Many cloud providers have features to facilitate this, and even when they don't, it's usually possible to build VPN support into application images hosted in the cloud.

When enterprises put their public cloud applications on their VPN, it's easier to integrate applications and workflows because the application IP addresses are all internal and under their control. From a networking perspective, cloud bursting and failover look similar to scaling or replacing resources in your own data center. This kind of integration is even more valuable in multicloud because it makes all cloud providers look almost like extensions of your own data center or like a single, elastic pool of resources.

Problems arise, however, when multicloud users add more providers -- especially around traffic charges. Seemingly insignificant changes to applications and workflows can increase overall network integration costs.

Most public cloud providers price some or all of their services based, in part, on traffic in and out of their cloud. This is particularly true of database services. It's routine for providers to offer free data traffic between cloud applications in the same region and between applications and cloud data services, but not across a cloud border into a VPN. As a result, if you access two cloud providers via your VPN, you need to pay each for transfers between the cloud and your data center.

Most users expect these charges, but the billing surprises occur when a workflow moves between application components hosted in different public clouds. In this case, you transfer data from one cloud to another via your VPN. This means you pay once for the traffic exiting one cloud and again when it enters the other.

If you move a single application component from one provider to another, you could double traffic charges.

If all your cloud providers share your VPN address space, it makes it easier to deploy and redeploy components to accommodate changes in load or to respond to failures because you control all the addressing. This flexibility enables you to easily -- and sometimes accidentally -- create workflows that generate those expensive provider-to-provider charges. If you move a single application component from one provider to another, you could double traffic charges.

Here are some steps to optimize that flexibility, without creating additional costs.

First, understand when your cloud providers apply traffic charges. Not all services incur these costs, and cost assessments could vary between providers. Even if you don't currently use any services that incur these traffic charges, one application modification could change that and create significant cost variability as your hosting patterns shift. Always keep track of pricing and traffic policies.

Second, think in terms of workflows, not application components. Cloud computing performance and efficiency depend on how effectively you manage the intercomponent connections that support application workflows. In multicloud, this workflow is the largest cost variable you can control. When you shift where you host application components -- either among cloud providers or between providers and your own data center -- remap the workflows to assess costs.

Cloud computing performance and efficiency depend on how effectively you manage the intercomponent connections that support application workflows.

Third, remember that workflows are the result of where you host your application components in the cloud. Manage multicloud workflows by controlling where you put application components -- meaning which clouds you can use and when -- and not by applying network traffic filters to prevent cloud border crossings. Establish cloud bursting and failover policies to ensure you don't introduce workflows that cross provider boundaries, adding to overall network integration costs.

Finally, assign each cloud provider its own address range within your VPN. Most enterprises use an RFC 1918 (IPv4) or RFC 4193 (IPv6) address for their VPNs. In IPv4, the Class A space 10.x.x.x is available, and it offers ample room to create cloud provider subnetworks. If you use this approach, it's possible to control -- or at least identify -- where application component placement creates a workflow that crosses between two or more cloud providers and therefore runs the risk of multiple traffic charges.

Prepare your IT team for a multicloud model

Navigate the challenges of APIs in multicloud

Build a successful multicloud strategy with automation

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Avoid steep network integration costs in multicloud - TechTarget

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When the Bitcoin Bubble Bursts – Bloomberg

Financial markets are frothier than a millennial's 3-D latte. Investors are scrambling to throw money at Argentina, Vice Media and George Clooney's tequila. Only the crypto-currency craze seems to give us comfort there are worse bubbles out there.

One bitcoin is now worth


The latest warning against digital currencies comes from Aberdeen Asset Management's top venture capitalist, Peter Denious. He blames a feeding frenzy of speculation for the explosion in prices and new coins.

"A lot of lessons will be learned and a lot of money will be lost, before a lot of money can be made," he told Bloomberg News. "It's a gold-rush mentality."

Bitcoin Boom

Crypto-currency craze is unsettling people but shows little sign of going into reverse

Source: Bloomberg data for Bitcoin Tracker, an open-end Exchange Traded Note incorporated in Sweden.

Denious is right to say that the market is speculative and unsustainable. Despite recent price wobbles, Bitcoin has almost tripled year-to-date, to $2,677. Its closest rival, Ether, is now worth more than 40 times its end-2016 level of $8.

This isn't because people are using crypto-currencies to buy homes or cars, or because regulators suddenly like them. It's seen as a way to make money.

Another Bubble?

BofA sees S&P 500's market cap relative to nominal GDP hitting all-time highs

Source: Bloomberg

It's hard, though, to separate the crypto craze from worries about regulated public markets and the real economy after a decade of ultra-cheap central-bank cash.

Everything's Fine

Volatility keeps getting crushed

Source: Bloomberg

Talk of a bubble permeates every aspect of today's financial markets. Bank of America research offered up several signs of "Wall Street excess" on Friday:

Bitcoin wasn't mentioned once. That makes it harder for the mud thrown at crypto-currencies to stick. Even Fidelity's CEO and John McAfee are mining bitcoins in this market.

The mind-boggling returns of crypto-currencies also reflect a desire to escape public market bubbles rather than just emulate them.

If bonds are the old world's safe haven, Bitcoin is the millennial generation's apocalypse insurance. Crypto-currencies are marketed as a direct expression of opposition to central-bank and government policy, far more so than gold.

Just as low yields push wealthy investors to take bigger risks -- like buying Argentinian debt -- some people see Bitcoin as an escape from financial repression and instability.

That's why Venezuela, where demand for digital coins is soaring amid triple-digit inflation, currency devaluation and political crisis, has one of the highest potentials for bitcoin adoption in the world, according to the London School of Economics. The other top country is -- you guessed it -- Argentina. Monetary experiments beget technological ones.

This doesn't mean that there are purely rational explanations for the actual price of crypto-currencies today, tomorrow or yesterday. If the bubble bursts, investors will have to lower their expectations as to what Bitcoin and its ilk can actually achieve without rampant speculation and illicit activity.

But the more worrying scenario is that political unease about central bankers and wealth inequality will help to funnel more money into crypto-currencies.

Societe Generale's Albert Edwards reckons citizens are close to turning on "unelected and virtually unaccountable central bankers" after years of economic crisis and stagnation.

Bitcoin's computer scientists don't deserve to be seen as a better alternative. But if the path out of the financial crisis takes a sudden turn for the worse, it may well be too late.

Both bubbles seem too closely connected for comfort.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bloomberg LP and its owners.

To contact the author of this story: Lionel Laurent in London at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward Evans at

See more here:
When the Bitcoin Bubble Bursts - Bloomberg

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Where to look for the next bitcoin-like rally if the sun shines right – MarketWatch

The battering the markets have taken from oil isnt doing much for its popularity or that of any commodity. But theres an out-of-this world reason why its worth taking another look.

Crude is down 4.5% for the week, failing miserably to climb out of a bear market. Its brought down stocks, too, as supply panic (again) gripped investors.

Never fear the oil doom and gloom will all be over soon, says veteran macro-economic analyst Yves Lamoureux. He argues the news flow is now so utterly bearish on oil, that its time for a complete reversal.

And thats not all. The entire commodity sector is heading into a five-to-seven year bull market, with agricultural produce in particular ready to make a sharp move higher, the market observer says for our call of the day.

We believe that we have arrived at the turning point again, where commodities will outshine an investment in stocks. The next bitcoin might as well be cocoa, oil or coffee, says Lamoureux, who way back in February predicted the bitcoin rally.

His call on soft raw materials comes even after cocoa CCU7, +1.81% slumped close to a 10-year low this week, and coffee KCU7, +4.46% fell to levels not seen in more than a year.

So why the optimism? It comes down to something as unexpected as sunspots dark spots on the surface of the sun that reappear on an 11-year cycle.

The level is going down, and it creates less illumination, resulting in poor harvests, Lamoureux explains in an email to MarketWatch. That means demand for agricultural produce is likely to outstrip supply, which usually pushes up prices.

Investing on the basis of sunspots might seem crazy, and the correlation has been questioned regularly (see here for an explainer). But Lamoureux is happy to cite British astronomer Wilhelm Herschel the discoverer of Uranus who observed back in 1801 hat when there were fewer sunspots, the price of wheat soared.

Dow ESU7, +0.15% and Nasdaq ESU7, +0.15% futures YMU7, +0.05% are falling, but S&P futures ESU7, +0.15% are perking up a bit. Thats as crude CLU7, +0.72% is still struggling to push back above $43 a barrel, swinging between gains and losses.

Europe SXXP, -0.35% , however, is looking more downbeat this morning, following a mixed session in Asia ADOW, +0.23%

Metals GCU7, +0.00% are on the rise, but the dollar DXY, -0.29% is pulling back against all other major currencies.

Read the latest in Market Snapshot

Airlines anyone? A few months ago when the United scandal raged on social media, investors duly shied away from shares in the industry. But its time to dive back into the sector, says J.C. Parets of the All Star Charts blog, who says the industry will take off as part of an inevitable rally in industrials.

If you want to look inside of industrials to see what could possibly take the broader sector higher, look no further than airlines and railroads, he said in a blog post.

To me, this looks like an upside resolution in the AMEX Airline Index $XAL that is about to make a run towards those former all-time highs in the 1990s, he added, pointing to this chart of the NYSE Arca Airline Index XAL, +0.06% .

Well get a snapshot of how well (or poor) the economy has done in June at 9:45 a.m. Eastern Time, when the flash manufacturing and services PMIs come out. Home sales for May at 10 a.m. will be closely watched, too.

A trio of Fed speakers are also likely to keep investors on their toes, with St. Louis Fed President James Bullard, Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester and Fed governor Jerome Powell all speaking after the market opens.

See: MarketWatchs economic calendar

Nobody is perfect, but I fundamentally believe he can evolve into the leader Uber needs today and that hes critical to its success Michael York, a product manager at ride-sharing service Uber, who started an employee petition to get Travis Kalanick back as chief executive.

Kalanick resigned earlier this week after a shareholder revolt.

15% Thats how much the pound GBPUSD, +0.3706% has lost in the year since the shock Brexit vote, getting no break as the uncertainty dragged on.

Read: Brexits impact on markets and the U.K., one year after the vote in charts

Bed Bath & Beyond BBBY, -12.05% is getting crushed after a disappointing earnings report.

Whirlpool Corp. WHR, -2.14% is also getting a little squeezed. London police said it was a fridge of Whirlpools Hotpoint brand that started the deadly fire in Grenfell Tower last week. The police are also considering manslaughter charges following the blaze.

Tesla TSLA, +0.45% is considering building a car factory in China to build electric vehicles for that market.

U.S. banks are strong and would be able to survive a severe recession, according to the Feds stress test of 34 of the nations biggest banks.

Biotech IBB, -0.28% and health care shares XLV, -0.17% are on track for their strongest weekly gain since November last year, after Republicans released a draft of their health-care overhaul bill.

It doesnt pay to be president. Donald Trumps net worth has dropped below the $3 billion mark, according to the most recent Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

And then theres good news for EU citizens living in the U.K. British Prime Minister Theresa May has offered permanent residency for the blocs citizens, post-Brexit.

Tonight Danes burn witches on bonfires to mark midsummer

Israeli airline El Al can no longer ask female passengers to change seats

Sand its actually rarer than you think

Qatar must meet 13 demands if it wants four other Arab states to lift sanctions

How to avoid sexual assault taught by Bill Cosby

The U.S. has banned imports of Brazilian beef

You can take your dog to work every day at these pet friendly companies

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Where to look for the next bitcoin-like rally if the sun shines right - MarketWatch

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Meet Vitalik Buterin, the 23-year-old founder of bitcoin rival ethereum – CNBC

Here's a little history on the founder: Buterin was born in Moscow, according to a feature by Wired's Backchannel last year. At 6 years old, he moved with his family to Canada. He was considered a math genius from an early age and was placed in a gifted program in the third grade, the publication reports.

Buterin reportedly first grew interested in bitcoin when his father introduced him to the concept, and he soon became an expert in the emerging field. In 2011, he launched the cryptocurrency's eponymous magazine.

In May 2013, the 19-year-old programmer traveled to California to a cryptocurrency conference led by the Winklevoss twins. According to Backchannel:

Veterans of the dotcom era drew comparisons between cryptocurrencies and the dawn of the Internet. Booths showed off new hardware wallets, merchant payment platforms, and Bitcoin ATMs. And Buterin witnessed it all as a representative of Bitcoin Magazine. The San Jose event was Buterin's first glimpse at the living, breathing community cropping up around the cryptocurrency economy.

"That moment really crystallized it for me," he tells the publication about the experience. "It really convinced me that, 'Hey, this thing's real and it's worth taking a risk and jumping into.' So I did."

Buterin dropped out of the University of Waterloo and spent the rest of the year traveling around the world visiting with individuals working on bitcoin, according to Backchannel.

Meet Vitalik Buterin, the 23-year-old founder of bitcoin rival ethereum - CNBC

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