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Quantum Computers Just Moved a Step Closer to Reality –

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Qubits, the building blocks of quantum computers, are, for the most part, still a work in progress. Researchers have many different theories as to how they can be created, and theyve attempted to do so using various kinds of molecules, individual neutral atoms, ions held in ion traps, and superconducting materials all with varying degrees of success.

Now, a team from the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) has just brought the world one step closer to quantum computing by creating qubits that are able to retain the information they store hundreds of times longer than anyone has previously achieved.

The CUA teams research utilizes very simple two-atom molecules made of potassium and sodium, which were cooled to temperatures just a few ten-millionths of a degree above absolute zero. The team was able to perfectly control the molecules, achieving the lowest possible state of rotation, vibration, and nuclear spin alignment. This control, combined with the chemical stability of the molecules, helped make a second-long period of coherence possible.

We have strong hopes that we can do one so-called gate thats an operation between two of these qubits, like addition, subtraction, or that sort of equivalent in a fraction of a millisecond, MIT professor of physics Martin Zwierlein said in an MIT News brief. If you look at the ratio, you could hope to do 10,000 to 100,000 gate operations in the time that we have the coherence in the sample. That has been stated as one of the requirements for a quantum computer, to have that sort of ratio of gate operations to coherence times.

The most amazing thing is that [these] molecules are a system which may allow realizing both storage and processing of quantum information, using the very same physical system, added Columbia University assistant professor Sebastian Will. That is actually a pretty rare feature that is not typical at all among the qubit systems that are mostly considered today.

If the team is right, an array of 1,000 of these molecules could carry out calculations so complex, no computer existing today could verify them. In theory, such a computer could factor massive numbers very rapidly, the difficulty of which provides the foundation for the encryption systems that protect todays financial transactions.

Related: How the Atom Came Together: A Brief History of the Atomic Theory (Infographic)

The researchers emphasize that their discovery is an early step on the path to quantum systems and that creating actual quantum computers using this technology could take a decade or more of development. However, theyre already looking ahead to the next milestones in the process.

The next great goal will be to talk to individual molecules. Then we are really talking quantum information, Will said in the brief. If we can trap one molecule, we can trap two. And then we can think about implementing a quantum gate operation an elementary calculation between two molecular qubits that sit next to each other.

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This article was originally published on Futurism.


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Emerging Leaders

Quantum computers are, unarguably, the next great evolutionary step in the development of computing tech. Their successful creation will be a paradigmshifting achievementone that will alter the future of humanity and revolutionize operations across a broad spectrum of applications.

And in case you missed it, we just took a massive leap forward into this new realm.

Last week, in a stunning reveal at the2017 International Conference on Quantum Technologies, held in Moscow, Russia, the co-founder of the Russian Quantum Centerand head of the Lukin Group of the Quantum Optics Laboratory at Harvard University, Mikhail Lukin, announced that his team had successfully built a 51-qubit quantum computer.

A press release was distributed to conference attendants shortly after the announcement stating that Lukins team created and successfully tested a programmable 51-qubit quantum computer, thus becoming the leader among those engaged in the quantum race.

The announcement was made a few hours before the main event of the conference, a public talk by John Martinis, the man in charge of building Googles 49-qubitquantum computer (the timing ofLukins reveal was, no doubt, very intentional).

Futurismwas fortunate enough to be present at the conference in Moscow at the moment of this historic announcementand spoke with Professor Lukin about this achievement. Notably, his group was one of two teams that created the first ever time crystals back at the start of this year. Before diving into his exciting announcement, we asked a little about his research in that area and how it applies to quantum computing.

Basically, the unique thing that happens with these time crystals is that they can be a stable state of matter. These states, in principle, can hold quantum coherence for a long time. So basically, it means you can have super-positions of states. Thats kind of the basic ingredient for all this quantum science and technology.

So on one hand, we can think about using it as memory for a quantum computerin principle its true, but as for practical useits not so clear.

To that end, there is still much uncertainty regarding how (and with what materials) quantum computers can and should be made. However, many entities are racing to be the first to create a working quantum computer, so innovation is moving at an increasingly accelerated rate.

This is a very good thing.

As we approach the physical limits of Moores Law, the need for increasingly faster and more efficient means of informationprocessing isnt going to endor even slow. To break this down a bit, the physical limit of Moores Law exists as the size of transistors heads into the quantum realm. We can no longer rely on the laws of the standard model of physics at this scale. As such, developing technology that does operate at the quantum scale not merely allows for the linear progression of computing power, it will launch exponential shifts in power and capability.

The capabilities of this technology are ultimately based on the number of qubits in the system. Each qubit that is addeddoes not simply multiply the processing capability by a single bit, but exponentially in creases it.

For example, 4 classical bits can be in one of 24positions, allowing for 16 possibilities but only one at a time. However, four qubits in superposition (being every possible combination of 0 and 1 at the same time) can be in all 16 states at once, and that number grows exponentially with every qubit added.

This means that a 20-qubit system can store 1,000,000 values simultaneously.

It is unclear the number of qubits required to make an effective quantum computer but Lukin, right now, stands at the forefront in the field. He notes that finding the answer all comes down to crunching the numbers: Basically, the only way we are able to find out is by building machines big enough that we can actually really run these algorithms.

To that end, in his presentation, Lukin mentioned that the team is planning on using their technology to launch the famous Shors quantum algorithm. Equipped with an operational quantum computer, this algorithm can destroy modern encryption as we know it. This leaves many experts with the view that quantum computers could act as tools of mass disruption, if not destruction.

However, even the scientists who are working on developing this technology cannot identify all of the innumerable ways that quantum computing will transform our world.

During the Cold War, we saw an intense boost in scientific advancements, especially in the field of rocketry andspace-based research. The Space Race launched with the United States and Russia moving the required science and technology forward at breakneck speeds. Of course, the innovators of this era did not fully realize all the befits that this space race would bring humanity (memory foam, cochlear implants, artificial limbs, fire-resistant reinforcements, and on and on).

Now, a new contest for technological supremacy is brewing, and while the United States and Russia are certainly at play, China and even private enterprise have also joined the fray.

Much like the scientific communitys uncertainty about thecomplete scope of space explorations potential, physicists working on quantum computers are quick to say that, while they have some inclinations about what the first quantum computers will be able to do, they are not sure what possibilities these immensely powerful machines will be capable of. But one thing is certian: The future is going to be like nothing weve ever seen.

This interview has been slightly edited for clarity and brevity.

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Ultracold molecules hold promise for quantum computing | MIT News – MIT News

Researchers have taken an important step toward the long-sought goal of a quantum computer, which in theory should be capable of vastly faster computations than conventional computers, for certain kinds of problems. The new work shows that collections of ultracold molecules can retain the information stored in them, for hundreds of times longer than researchers have previously achieved in these materials.

These two-atom molecules are made of sodium and potassium and were cooled to temperatures just a few ten-millionths of a degree above absolute zero (measured in hundreds of nanokelvins, or nK). The results are described in a report this week in Science, by Martin Zwierlein, an MIT professor of physics and a principal investigator in MIT's Research Laboratory of Electronics; Jee Woo Park, a former MIT graduate student; Sebastian Will, a former research scientist at MIT and now an assistant professor at Columbia University, and two others, all at the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms.

Many different approaches are being studied as possible ways of creating qubits, the basic building blocks of long-theorized but not yet fully realized quantum computers. Researchers have tried using superconducting materials, ions held in ion traps, or individual neutral atoms, as well as molecules of varying complexity. The new approach uses a cluster of very simple molecules made of just two atoms.

Molecules have more handles than atoms, Zwierlein says, meaning more ways to interact with each other and with outside influences. They can vibrate, they can rotate, and in fact they can strongly interact with each other, which atoms have a hard time doing. Typically, atoms have to really meet each other, be on top of each other almost, before they see that there's another atom there to interact with, whereas molecules can see each other over relatively long ranges. In order to make these qubits talk to each other and perform calculations, using molecules is a much better idea than using atoms, he says.

Using this kind of two-atom molecules for quantum information processing had been suggested some time ago, says Park, and this work demonstrates the first experimental step toward realizing this new platform, which is that quantum information can be stored in dipolar molecules for extended times.

The most amazing thing is that [these] molecules are a system which may allow realizing both storage and processing of quantum information, using the very same physical system, Will says. That is actually a pretty rare feature that is not typical at all among the qubit systems that are mostly considered today.

In the teams initial proof-of-principle lab tests, a few thousand of the simple molecules were contained in a microscopic puff of gas, trapped at the intersection of two laser beams and cooled to ultracold temperatures of about 300 nanokelvins. The more atoms you have in a molecule the harder it gets to cool them, Zwierlein says, so they chose this simple two-atom structure.

The molecules have three key characteristics: rotation, vibration, and the spin direction of the nuclei of the two individual atoms. For these experiments, the researchers got the molecules under perfect control in terms of all three characteristics that is, into the lowest state of vibration, rotation, and nuclear spin alignment.

We have been able to trap molecules for a long time, and also demonstrate that they can carry quantum information and hold onto it for a long time, Zwierlein says. And that, he says, is one of the key breakthroughs or milestones one has to have before hoping to build a quantum computer, which is a much more complicated endeavor.

The use of sodium-potassium molecules provides a number of advantages, Zwierlein says. For one thing, the molecule is chemically stable, so if one of these molecules meets another one they don't break apart.

In the context of quantum computing, the long time Zwierlein refers to is one second which is in fact on the order of a thousand times longer than a comparable experiment that has been done using rotation to encode the qubit, he says. Without additional measures, that experiment gave a millisecond, but this was great already. With this teams method, the systems inherent stability means you get a full second for free.

That suggests, though it remains to be proven, that such a system would be able to carry out thousands of quantum computations, known as gates, in sequence within that second of coherence. The final results could then be read optically through a microscope, revealing the final state of the molecules.

We have strong hopes that we can do one so-called gate that's an operation between two of these qubits, like addition, subtraction, or that sort of equivalent in a fraction of a millisecond, Zwierlein says. If you look at the ratio, you could hope to do 10,000 to 100,000 gate operations in the time that we have the coherence in the sample. That has been stated as one of the requirements for a quantum computer, to have that sort of ratio of gate operations to coherence times.

The next great goal will be to talk to individual molecules. Then we are really talking quantum information, Will says. If we can trap one molecule, we can trap two. And then we can think about implementing a quantum gate operation an elementary calculation between two molecular qubits that sit next to each other, he says.

Using an array of perhaps 1,000 such molecules, Zwierlein says, would make it possible to carry out calculations so complex that no existing computer could even begin to check the possibilities. Though he stresses that this is still an early step and that such computers could be a decade or more away, in principle such a device could quickly solve currently intractable problems such as factoring very large numbers a process whose difficulty forms the basis of todays best encryption systems for financial transactions.

Besides quantum computing, the new system also offers the potential for a new way of carrying out precision measurements and quantum chemistry, Zwierlein says.

These results are truly state of the art, says Simon Cornish, a professor of physics at Durham University in the U.K., who was not involved in this work. The findings beautifully reveal the potential of exploiting nuclear spin states in ultracold molecules for applications in quantum information processing, as quantum memories and as a means to probe dipolar interactions and ultracold collisions in polar molecules, he says. I think the results constitute a major step forward in the field of ultracold molecules and will be of broad interest to the large community of researchers exploring related aspects of quantum science, coherence, quantum information, and quantum simulation.

The team also included MIT graduate student Zoe Yan and postdoc Huanqian Loh. The work was supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the U.S. Army Research Office, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

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Ultracold molecules hold promise for quantum computing | MIT News - MIT News

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Secure Cloud Storage Service India Benefits All Types Of Businesses – (press release) (blog)

Secure Cloud Storage Service India Benefits All Types Of Businesses

In todays IT setup, organizations are deliberating about the cloud technology for the right solutions. Many businesses have adopted it and are successfully accomplishing their goals while many are still hesitant for some reason or the other and find the traditional hosting more comfortable. However, the trend is changing rapidly, and businesses are seeking the secure cloud storage service India for more efficient data storage and recovery.

Types of cloud computing:

One of the significant benefits that the secure cloud storage service India offers to the small and medium businesses is the data storage, backup and archiving solutions. Since the cloud infrastructure is offered over the internet the services of one cloud provider caters to the needs of numerous unrelated users at a time.

Consumers can choose from three types of cloud hosting- one is the most affordable, scalable and flexible public cloud which runs on the multi-tenancy model. The second option for the large organizations that seek control and privacy can go for the private cloud and thirdly the hybrid cloud solutions that give the combined features of both private and public cloud.

Why You should go for paid cloud storage:

There are many providers that offer free cloud storage services. However, they come with limited features and several restrictions that will not suit your requirements if you are serious about your business. They will offer limited storage space.

On the other hand, the benefits you get with the secure cloud storage service India is highly scalable. With data increasing tremendously for businesses of all sizes. You need flexible solutions and cloud offers them to you. In case you have a heavy traffic, inflow and need to increase your storage capacity, you can do it with a couple of clicks. Same way, once the rush is settled down; you can reduce your capacity. You will be paying for services you have consumed on the pay-as-you-use model.

Location free access:

Another benefit of the secure cloud storage service India is that you can access your applications from anywhere and any compatible device with an internet connection. This helps businesses to continue with the work even when they are on the move.

Data safety and security:

Your data is safe and easily recoverable instantly. The cloud storage backup India providers replicate your data across multiple servers. In case there is a mishap or accidental deletion, your data can easily be retrieved from the other servers where it is cached. It is safe from hackers and fraudsters since the providers encrypt the entire data as they are replicating and transmitting over servers in the network. Likewise, your data and business keep running even if a disaster strikes your business premises.

What you need from your secure cloud storage service India provider:

To have the best impact on the benefits of the cloud choose a provider that offers 24/7 support. They must be available to attend to your issues at any time. Your provider maintains and manages the servers. So, you cannot be sure where your servers are and will be relying on their services to make sure your business is available throughout the year with minimum latency and downtime.

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Cyber Extortion: Is Your Business Software At Risk? – Techzone360

2017 looks set to be the year of global ransomware attacks a type of malwarethat blocks access to a computer and demands money to release it. In recent months, cyberattacks named WannaCry and Petya have infected hundreds of thousands of computers across the world, hitting large organizations such as Britains National Health Service (NHS), Russian steel and oil firms Evraz and Rosneft, and Pittsburgs Heritage Valley Health System.

Ransomware is a growing risk

Both WannaCry and Petya targeted vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows operating systems called EternalBlue. In doing so, these campaigns of cyber extortion have emphasized growing concerns that a huge number of businesses rely on software that is at risk from aggressive hackers. With most security experts predicting more attacks to come, companies that dont act now run a greater risk of exposure to threats.

Unpatched, outdated systems are a ticking time bomb

The EternalBlue flaw in Windows was first revealed in March this year. Although Microsoft issued a patch almost immediately to protect current versions of the software, the company didnt release a patch for older systems such as XP until after WannaCry struck, despite the fact an estimated 7 percent of the worlds PCs still run on the software.

The huge number of outdated, unpatched systems should act as a wake-up call for businesses to put better security measures in place. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of businesses that dont receive adequate support and dont realize they are in possession of a vulnerable system that needs patching.

Ransomware attacks strengthen the case for cloud migration

Putting your business critical systems in the cloud eliminates the ticking time bomb presented in outdated systems. Software as a Service and managed cloud providers continuously update systems. This simplifies operations, reduces failures and minimizes vulnerabilities. Beyond automatic patching, hosting systems in the cloud also provides other security benefits. At NewVoiceMedia, for example, we are constantly working to improve the robustness of our cloud-based contact center service, and are ISO27001 certified with externally audited Level 1 PCI DSS compliance.

Proactive threat detection

When using the services of a cloud provider, businesses get to enjoy the benefit of a centralized monitoring system. Put simply, this means that security incidents are quickly detected and managed on a proactive rather than reactive basis. Cloud providers also have dedicated security experts on hand, which means they are better equipped for crisis management than most businesses.

Improved disaster recovery capabilities

In the event of an attack, cloud systems offer more robust disaster recovery options than traditional applications. Cloud computing puts your entire IT infrastructure onto a managed environment than can span multiple geographic regions. If one region gets hit, this means you can shift everything from one data center to another in a matter of minutes, ensuring maximum continuity.

Final thoughts

As our economy gets ever more reliant on digital technology, businesses cannot afford to get complacent about cybersecurity. At present, many businesses dont have the capacity or expertise to take full responsibility for data security. However, in a lot of these cases, migrating to the cloud will provide the support needed to prevent ransomware attacks and other unforeseen threats.

About the Author

Ashely Unitt, co-founder and chief scientist at NewVoiceMedia, has more than 20 years experience in developing advanced messaging software. He leads NVMs architecture and research teams, and heads up NVM Labs.

Edited by Alicia Young

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Cyber Extortion: Is Your Business Software At Risk? - Techzone360

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This Altcoin Is Ready to Challenge Bitcoin’s Domination of the … – Futurism

In Brief2017 has been a stellar year for cryptocurrencies as a whole, but Bitcoin is still the de facto leader in terms of popularity and market cap. However, several characteristics inherent to Litecoin could give it the ability to challenge Bitcoin's domination in the crypto market.

While Bitcoincurrently leads the cryptocurrency market in terms of adoption and market cap, some argue that other, newer cryptos are actually a better investment. Once proposed alternative isLitecoin. Sometimes referred to as the silver Bitcoin, this altcoin could prove superior based on four factors.

First, Litecoins algorithm is far simpler than Bitcoins, which makes it easier to run on graphics processing units (GPUs). This results in a lower barrier to entry for Litecoin miners in comparison to Bitcoin.

Second, Litecoin has a faster block generation speed. Processing a Litecoin block takes two-and-a-half minutes as opposed to Bitcoins 10. This decreases transaction fees, making the Litecoin cryptocurrency more attractive to investors.

Third, Litecoin is about to launch a lightning network that will improve its already superior ability to adapt to changes. This network will make it easier for Litecoin to scale as it gains more traction.

Fourth, Litecoins lifetime cap is higher than Bitcoins (84 million coins as opposed to 24 million).Once this cap is reached, miners will no longer be a part of the process, and this could decrease the security and stability of the blockchain supporting each currency.

While cryptocurrencies in general areincreasing in popularity, the individual variants are constantly vying for market dominance. Perhaps Litecoin will come out on top, or perhaps it wont the primarycharacteristic shared by all cryptocurrencies right nowis volatility, and only time will tell how the crypto market ultimately plays out.

Disclosure: Several members of the Futurism team, including the editors of this piece, are personal investors in a number of cryptocurrency markets. Their personal investment perspectives have no impact on editorial content.

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This Altcoin Is Ready to Challenge Bitcoin's Domination of the ... - Futurism

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Beginning of altcoin’s end: US signals digital coins may be subject to federal securities law –

Sale of digital coins in the United States are subject to the countrys securities laws, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission declared on Tuesday, possibly marking the beginning of the end for the altcoin era.

The commission has been investigating the tokens offered and sold by The DAO, the ethereum project that lost close to $60 million worth of ether in an attack that took advantage of a code issue.

The so-called DAO tokens, according to the SEC, are considered securities, and therefore, fall under the federal securities laws. Issuers of blockchain-based securities are required to register their offers and sales unless a valid exemption applies, and those who participate in unregistered offerings may be liable for violations of the securities laws.

Although it was described as a crowdfunding contract, the SEC said the DAO would not have met the requirements of the Regulation Crowdfunding exemption because it was not a broker-dealer nor a funding portal registered with the commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

The agency has no plans of pursuing any charges, but noted that its findings were meant to caution the industry and market participants about engaging in virtual transactions.

The innovative technology behind these virtual transactions does not exempt securities offerings and trading platforms from the regulatory framework designed to protect investors and the integrity of the markets, SEC Enforcement Division Co-Director Stephanie Avakian said in a statement.

The last man standing

Introduced in 2014, ethereum has been receiving a lot of attention as an experimental virtual currency that uses cryptography to hold and suspend money instead of the traditional bank or credit card companies. Although it was originally developed to facilitate peer-to-peer contracts and applications thru its own currency vehicle, ethers popularity and market capitalization has brought ethereum in competition with other cryptocurrencies.

The SECs announcement, however, could bring an end to the altcoin era, leaving bitcoinwhich is all set to evolve to unlimited on on-chain scaling and low transaction feesas the last man standing.

This site has long urged the online gambling industry to embrace bitcoin, which holds particular appeal for the sector thats historically been the target of misguided government policies that aim to protect state-owned gambling monopolies and restrict the individuals freedom to decide how to spend their entertainment dollars. And with Bitcoin Unlimited, the online gambling industry now has a far better solution for increasing transaction speed while keeping a lid on costs.

Current bitcoin price

Bitcoin held at $2,502.45 during Wednesday afternoons trading.

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All Major Indian Exchanges Reject Bitcoin Cash Completely – Live Bitcoin News

In a surprising turn of events, Indian exchanges decided not to support Bitcoin Cash. That is rather strange considering most other platforms are open to the idea. In fact, nearly all Asian exchanges will support this altcoin in the future. Indian platforms have no plans to support Bitcoin Cash now or in the foreseeable future. A clear stance that shows this altcoin may struggle a lot more than people originally anticipated.

India is a big country when it comes to Bitcoin. Their main exchanges all generate a solid amount of trading volume. Unocoin, Zebpay, and Coinsecure are all located in that part of the world. Neither of them is planning to do something with Bitcoin Cash, either now or in the future. That is a rather strange development, although one that isnt entirely unexpected either. Contrary to what some people think, BCH is still an altcoin and exchanges are not required to support it by any means.

ZebPay actively asks users to remove coins from the platform if they want to access Bitcoin Cash. UnoCoin states how they are not equipped to support shorter and weaker chains. That is quite a solid explanation of what Bitcoin Cash is, that much is evident. Coinsecure took the same route as ZebPay and asks users to move coins to a different address. India has no love lost for this altcoin, that much is evident. This lack of support may also hinder BCHs chance of success, depending on how things evolve.

It is also worth noting all of these exchanges will halt Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals. This process will occur between July 30th and may last as long as August 4th. This shows these exchanges want to prevent things from going awry as far as customer funds are concerned. Most of these platforms will also disable Bitcoin trading during this volatile period. After all, replay attacks may still be possible on the network. Do keep in mind the most recent Bitcoin ABC client should prevent that from happening altogether.

Regardless of how things play out with Bitcoin Cash, there will be a fair amount of confusion over the next few days. Not all exchanges will support the altcoin, which is entirely normal. Moreover, the longevity of this project is still a big question waiting to be answered. Without support from the Indian exchanges, things will get a lot more interesting. So far, it seems the Bitcoin price isnt budging under the pressure, which is a positive sign.

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About JP Buntinx

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Global Advisors Launches ICO and Altcoin Closed-End Private Fund – Finance Magnates

Global Advisors (Jersey) Limited, a Bitcoin asset manager, hasjust closed a fund to invest in alternative cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (including ERC20 coins).

Learn how to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum safely with our simple guide!

The newly announced, closed-end private fund is offering its investors managed access to the emerging trend of initial coin offerings (ICOs) and altcoins (such as Ethereum and Litecoin) with the Global Advisors teamperforming the diligence.

We believe strongly in the emerging use case of cryptocurrencies as tools for capital formation, but as with all innovation, discretion and caution is key. This fund is structured to offer managed exposure to the emerging space, allowing the fund investors to participate cautiously and intelligently, as this new market unfolds, says Daniel Masters, Chairman at Global Advisors.

The team explain that the fund, while structured to invest broadly, will focus first on ICOs where tokens are integral to powering the protocol, and secondly as a vehicle to invest in other viable, alternative cryptocurrencies which are emerging, in addition to Bitcoin.

As with Global Advisors current fund GABI Plc (formerly Global Advisors Bitcoin Investment Strategy Plc), the newly closed fund is Jersey based.

We are consistently impressed with the level of sophistication and attention with which Jersey regulators approach the digital asset space. When we launched GABI, they took a collaborative and pragmatic approach which helped us develop a world-class investment vehicle, that is still running smoothly three years later. This time around, the team and approach was even more impressive, says Daniel Masters, Chairman of Global Advisors (Jersey) Limited.

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Global Advisors Launches ICO and Altcoin Closed-End Private Fund - Finance Magnates

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The dangers of cloud computing: Is your information safe? – NY … – New York Daily News

The Cloud. You may have heard of it and no, I dont mean those fluffy things in the sky.

But what is it? How does it work? And what does it mean for you and your family?

You may be surprised to realize that you and your family likely use the cloud almost every day. Have you uploaded a photo to Instagram? Well, its now in the cloud. How about backing up your iPhone to the iCloud? Thats a little obvious, but yes, youve backed up your photos, contacts, and notes to a cloud.

The cloud is the latest way of storing information and using services on the internet, but its origins go back to the 1950s. At that time computers were expensive, and users needed to find a way to share the limited and valuable processing time. This idea of sharing is the foundation of cloud computing.

North Korea threatens the world with cyberwarfare, not nukes

Rather than have each individual user have her own terminal with its own software, the software or information is centrally located. She logs into her account, accessing the information in the office, on the road, or at her local caf.

Its important to realize the cloud is not a physical thing per se. You cant wrap your arms around it. Come to think of it, you cant do that to a real cloud either!


The cloud exists in massive server farms. You probably have driven past them and not realized it. They are massive warehouses filled with networks of servers running software, applications, and storing information. They are pretty cool to look at, with miles and miles of bundled cables, flashing LEDs, and whirring fans to keep the temperature down.

Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is one of the largest providers of cloud services. Social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram host their platforms on AWS servers. Even the CIA and NSA use AWS to host some of its I.T. infrastructure.

So why do companies and organizations go to the cloud? Two primary reasons.

First, it saves a ton of money. Rather than buying computers and software licenses for every individual employee, you can pay a subscription fee. One example is Adobes creative tools like Photoshop. When that employee leaves, you just cancel her subscription. The same is true if you expand. Add another employee, add another subscription. Its just that easy.

It also saves companies by centralizing services such as cybersecurity, something weve talked a lot about here at World War E. Before, you needed to have an on-site I.T. expert who was the one-stop-shop for all things computer. She would respond if your computer froze or your email turned off, but she would also patrol the digital walls to make sure hackers didnt breach the perimeter.

The problem here is that she needed to do that for all the computers, all the devices, and the entire I.T. infrastructure. Now scale that up to a multi-national company with offices on six continents. It gets complicated, and fast.

With the cloud, services such as cybersecurity and I.T. management are pushed up the chain to a central location where it is easier and cheaper to manage.

Second, with the cloud you can access your information from anywhere in the world. Want to work from home on your couch? You can do that with the cloud. Need to show the family photos to grandma in Michigan? Send her a link to Flickr. You dont have to send the information, photos, or videos over the internet anymore.

How secure is the cloud? Well-- as with any technology there are issues. Centralizing your personal information and phone back-ups makes some people wary. If these cloud services are breached, you could lose a lot more than just some photos and funny pet videos. Thankfully companies like Amazon and Google are fully aware of this and are placing a high premium on security and encryption.

The cloud is an exciting technology and one that is changing the way we live and work. As with anything, we need to adopt basic cyber hygiene practices when using the cloud. Frequently change your password and use solid passwords. And no, password is not a good password. Have backups on your computer or external hard-drive in addition to the cloud. Nothing is foolproof. But you can help yourself by being smart online.

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The dangers of cloud computing: Is your information safe? - NY ... - New York Daily News

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