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How Exactly Do You Get Rich Off The Hot New Cryptocurrency? – Gizmodo Australia

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With the meteoric rise in popularity of Ethereum, cryptocurrencies and blockchains are back in the news again. Graphics card prices have soared with the promise that those who have the computers and know-how to do some serious mining can take home huge sums in a Bitcoin-like gold rush to snatch up as much virtual currency as possible. But how easy is it to make your fortune in cryptocurrency? And is it worth your while getting started?

Weve all had tech related regrets. Betamax, backing the Zune against the iPod, letting that precious vinyl collection go. No one likes living with regrets, so dont add what you drive to that list. Stop thinking about it and just book a Mustang test drive already.

For the uninitiated, mining for currencies like Bitcoin and Ether means devoting a huge amount of computer processing power to doing accounting sums for the platforms behind them, helping to verify the accuracy of the public blockchain ledgers.

You're essentially getting rewarded for keeping the books for these platforms, which we've explained in more detail here, and the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and others has led to a flood of amateur enthusiasts jumping into the mining business the idea of having your computer whirring away making you free money sounds almost too good to be true.

Image: Peter Miller/Flickr

And in reality, it almost is you can get rich from cryptocurrencies, but you need to put in plenty of work, and have luck on your side. You're more likely to get a windfall due to market pressures than the quality of your mining rig, which is why it's only worth a shot for the most committed and the most adventurous.

Mining for cryptocoin requires some free software tools and a dedicated rig. Turn the clock back several years and you could get away with a powerful home PC and make a few bucks. These days you can waste a weekend and a month's wages on building a machine with four graphics cards purring away in a row and still not make a profit.

GPUs are now established as the mining processors of choice in most situations graphics cards are even built for and marketed towards miners now basically because they're better at doing lots of laborious, repetitive tasks, whereas CPUs are better suited to switching between many tasks quickly.

Image: Screenshot

The trouble is, the serious players have got whole farms of these computers, and unless you've got a warehouse and some life savings to spare, you're going to be lagging a long way behind. You're up against huge foreign operations running off cheap electricity and hardware bought wholesale.

Even if you do get yourself a rig set up and find a currency with a bit of a profit margin, you're still putting yourself at the whims of the cryptocurrency markets mining can start or stop becoming profitably depending on a currency's current value.

There are several profit calculators on the web that will tell you how much computing power and electricity you need to make a certain amount of cash, so you can see exactly how much (or more likely, how little) you could make. Take Bitcoin, for example, which is now just about impossible to mine profitably for average users at home you'd need thousands of GPUs running before you'd get close to getting more back in Bitcoin than you'd be paying for electricity.

Market fluctuations in cryptocurrencies. Image: Screenshot

You can fork out thousands of dollars on specialised kit, if you want to, but even then you're only going to be raking in a handful of dollars a day with Bitcoin. That of course can go up or down as the currency value fluctuates, and what's profitable one day might not be the next if your chosen cryptocurrency dips in value, or gets some bad media coverage that's where the slice of luck we mentioned earlier comes in.

Other options, like Feathercoin and Ether, have a better profit potential than Bitcoin right now, with the caveats we've already mentioned: If you're serious about your mining then you need to keep a very close eye on the market trends, because the situation can change on a weekly or even daily basis. A single Litecoin, another cryptocurrency, has swung from costing you between $US10 ($13) and $US55 ($72) this year alone.

For instance, a huge $US64m Ether heist carried out last year was severe enough to cause a fork in the Ethereum platform it runs on top of, and a halving in price of Ether itself if you've got a powerful, expensive, cryptocurrency mining operation going on in your basement then that's a serious hit on your profits through factors completely out of your control. Sure, a swing the other way can make you relatively rich, but it's a risk, and the upward trend won't necessarily continue.

Image: The Ethereum Project

Many modern-day miners join a mining pool, combining resources with other users and getting a share of the profits, but the same risks remain. Fork out a few thousand on a mining rig, take the time to study the market trends, go through the process of setting up the programs, join up with a mining pool, and yes you can if the prices stay buoyant and you've picked your cryptocurrency wisely make a few thousand dollars a year. Whether or not it's worth the risk and investment is up to you.

And if your investment isn't already precarious enough, remember the scene is constantly changing: In the near future Ethereum is set to switch from its existing Proof of Work (PoW) system for extending the blockchain to a new Proof of State (PoS) system which is easier to scale and less energy intensive.

Without going too far into the technical details, it essentially makes the mining process more like earning interest on money you've already got: Racks of graphics cards won't be able to generate wealth as they did in the past, which is bad news for miners looking for a profit even if it's good news for your electricity bill. Instead, earning money will rely on staking (investing) rather than mining.

Image: Asus

In other words, if you're already halfway through building your Ethereum mining machine you might want to pick a new cryptocurrency... at least until the ground rules change on that one too. (Remember what we said about the constant state of flux?) And that's really the only way to squeeze any profit out of cryptocurrency mining operations keep moving as fast as the market does, and switch up the currencies you target as conditions change.

As soon as one cryptocurrency becomes profitable to mine, as we've seen with Bitcoin and Ethereum, everyone wants a piece of the action and making money gradually gets harder. It's then time to get in early on another currency. In short, if you want to get rich (or at least make a profit), you need to pick and keep picking the right cryptocurrencies, have a serious amount of graphics processing power in hand, hope that your chosen currencies stay secure and keep increasing in value, and put in a lot of time and effort.

It's not impossible, but we can think of easier ways to make a buck. If you're determined to jump in and get involved in cryptocurrency mining, if only for the educational and geek appeal rather than to make any money, your best bet is to immerse yourself in one of the many mining forums out there, which will give you the inside track on the latest news and market trends.

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How Exactly Do You Get Rich Off The Hot New Cryptocurrency? - Gizmodo Australia

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New McAfee virtual network security platform offered as part of free test drive on Amazon Web Services – CTR

McAfee announced over the weekend a limited time free trial to test drive McAfee Virtual Network Security Platform (McAfee vNSP) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a hands-on experience running advanced security in the public cloud.

Unlike other solutions, McAfee vNSP protects at the workload level, eliminating the single point of failure created by other solutions for a whole network segment. As part of the test drive, participants can simulate real-world attack use cases, configure policy and review reporting dashboards.

McAfee vNSP has been designed from the ground up to work in highly distributed AWS infrastructure to ease network congestion. Instead of taking a traditional approach, monitoring an entire network segment to effect protection for a single workload, McAfee vNSP protects at the individual workload level. This approach is significantly different from other market solutions, guaranteeing visibility of inter-segment traffic, eliminating a single point of failure for an entire network segment and efficiently using security resources only where directed.

The McAfee vNSP solution built specifically for AWS can also be managed from the same console as on-premises McAfee NSP.

Development teams can integrate security into their application deployment process by using automation frameworks such as Cloud Formation templates, Chef and Puppet to deploy and manage McAfee vNSP in AWS. Network security controls are comprehensive and include inline exploit prevention, with web application protection, zero-day malware detection, and workload isolation through segmentation and east-west attack detection.

McAfee vNSP for AWS builds upon McAfees commitment to enable advanced security for AWS customers. Enterprises are rapidly adopting virtualized IT infrastructuressuch as private and public cloudswhere physical servers can simultaneously host multiple virtual machines (VMs) and even entire virtualized workloads. The resulting inter-VM communication, along with instant migration, replication, and backup of these workloads, have combined to dramatically increase east-west tra c inside private and public cloud as well as SDDCs.

Adding to the chaos, the exibility provided by network virtualization makes these escalating tra c ows dynamic and unpredictable. To keep up, virtualized security solutions must be exible and scalable, and even more importantly, they must function seamlessly with software defined networking (SDN) platforms that orchestrate these often short-lived virtual machines and workloads.

AWS covers a lot of ground, such as security of the cloud, but users are still responsible for their security in the cloudincluding securing their operating systems, applications and data traffic, said Shishir Singh, vice president and general manager of the Network Security business unit, McAfee. While firewall configurations are important, security teams and cloud architects need to address exploit prevention, malware protection and gain visibility into the lateral movement of threats. With McAfee Network Security Platform, users can move beyond the basics to more sophisticated protection of their cloud network.

Advanced malware can reach an organizations AWS workloads through network traffic, along with cross site scripting, botnets and SQL injection attacks. Deploying infrastructure in the cloud can also open the window for new vulnerabilities that fall under the customers responsibilityif one virtual server in AWS is compromised, the malware can potentially roam to other vulnerable servers in the same customer environment. This lateral path is known as east-west network traffic, and often represents the majority of communication within virtualized environments.

McAfee also recently released the new Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for McAfee Public Cloud Server Security Suite (McAfee PCS), which is available on an hourly basis on the AWS Marketplace. This Paid AMI is a flexible option for protecting AWS workloads since theres no need to estimate usage and obtain a license before getting started. Users can access McAfee PCS in AWS Marketplace.

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New McAfee virtual network security platform offered as part of free test drive on Amazon Web Services - CTR

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How to move into a cloud career from traditional IT – InfoWorld

There is a great deal of interest from those with traditional IT skillssuch as enterprise architects, developers, and networking engineersto steer themselves into a cloud computing career that will not only provide job protection, but pay better as well.

However, the path to cloud computing riches is not that clear for most.

The good news: There is a path for many IT pros into the cloud. This article shows you how to map a path to those jobs from your current state if you are an enterprise architect, database admin, application developer, system admin, test-and-acceptance engineer, or networking engineer.

As an example, the role of an enterprise architect is pretty general in terms of technology and platforms, but companies hiring in anticipation of moving to the cloud are looking for more specific skills.

But look at the career map in the figure below. There are two very good paths to follow: public cloud solutions architect and cloud security architect. In many cases, people who are good enterprise architects, accustomed to quickly picking up different types of technologies, can transition into these roles with little training.

There are many paths to cloud jobs from the traditional enterprise architect role.

However, those architecture skills are typically not specific enough for many cloud-based IT shops, and most seek specific subject matter experts (SMEs) familiar with specific cloud brands, such as Amazon Web Services, Google, and Microsoft.

So, if you have held very general roles in IT architecture or security, you now need to now focus on the solution-based use of specific cloud services, including security services. For many enterprise architects, this is a somewhat unnatural act, but its necessary if you want to command higher pay and job security.

The path for a database admin is pretty easy to map. Basically, its a matter of understanding the databases that are likely to be used for cloud-based workloads, and then mapping your skills to those specific databases. For example, Oracle DBAs can certainly continue their career with Oracle running on the public cloud. However, enterprises that move to public clouds usually opt for cheaper and more modern database technology, so it would be good for Oracle database admins to learn how to admin other databases.

For example, Amazons RDS relational database is now a popular cloud option in the enterprise. For data warehousing in the cloud, Redshift makes good economic sense. MySQL shops will consider Aurora running on AWS. There are dozens of object-based databases running in the cloud as well, such as Couchbase and MongoDB for which demand is high right now.

Again, the trick is to look at whats hot in the cloud platform your target enterprises use, and then obtain those specific skills. Database generalists need not apply for most of the newer cloud gigs.

Software development is perhaps the most versatile skill to have, because you can code on pretty much any platform. However, in the cloud, it pays to have a deep understanding of a specific public cloud, because youll need to understand and be able to create cloud-native applications.

Being cloud-native means that youre embedding native cloud platform calls directly into the application, such as security services, queues, I/O services, and the management of provisioning and deprovisioning of resources. The use of these calls requires you to both have a detailed understanding of the programming language you use and understand what native interfaces to use where, how, and why.

System admins will see the most changes in the move to the cloud. If you dont make a move now, you could likely be out of a job in the near future. Sysadmin roles are changing because the systems that reside in data centers are finding their way into public clouds, and public cloud systems dont need as much TLC as on-premises systems do.

For a sysadmin, the cloud career map means moving into cloud operations, aka cloudops. This is a new role in cloud operations, and it includes backup, recovery, performance monitoring, SLA management, and all of the fun stuff that comes along with operating sets of cloud-based virtual servers that youll never lay your hands onand perhaps will never know where they are located.

Test-and-acceptance engineers do not have a clean path to the cloud. So, youll have a lot to learn and relearn if you want to stay marketable. The best map to the cloud is to understand devops as it relates to cloud. This includes continuous testing, and that means creating testing scripts and becoming an SME in automated testing practices and tools.

If youre that type of test-and-acceptance pro who is comfortable with remapping skills to this kind of very different role, youll be fine. However, if youre accustomed to just test and record, and you cant work and play well with new processes and technology, youll be quickly voted off the island.

Networking pros are also difficult map to the cloud. Although networking is still needed, its mostly intercompany rather than intracompany. That means a transition toward WANs (wide area networking) and mobile networking.

The truth is that networking is already in the cloud world. As long as you spend enough money on infrastructure upgrades, it is not that hard of a nut to crack. Gone are the days when networks went down all the time, and thus when dozens of networking professional ran around rebooting and updating routers and hubs. Those keep it running skills will quickly commoditize, so the key value for a network engineer in the cloud is design, optimization, and managementnot rebooting devices.

The best map to the cloud for networking pros is to focus on cloud-based networking for specific clouds. For instance, AWS provides a DNS services, along with the ability to monitor network traffic in and out. Network engineers who can hook into such services from the enterprise, and provide monitoring and resiliency best practices and use of tools, will have the best path for moving forward.

If your role is something else, not to worry. The patterns for getting from traditional IT to cloud It are basically the same for most IT roles: Get smart on specific cloud technology, and do it fast. Take advantage of on-demand training, or spring for the cloud provider-specific certification training.

Whats critical is to reinvent yourself for the cloud. Anyone whos been in IT a log time should already know that, because IT has changed before, and it will change again. That fact will never change.

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How to move into a cloud career from traditional IT - InfoWorld

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Oracle Makes the Most Powerful Database Platform Available on the Industry’s Most Advanced Cloud Infrastructure – PR Newswire (press release)

"Oracle's next-generation cloud infrastructure is optimized for enterprise workloads and now supports Oracle Exadata, the most powerful database platform," said Kash Iftikhar, vice president of product management, Oracle. "With the power of Oracle Exadata, customers using our infrastructure are able to bring applications to the cloud never previously possible, without the cost of re-architecture, and achieve incredible performance throughout the stack. From front-end application servers to database and storage, we are optimizing our customers' most critical applications."

With the increased levels of speed and availability now possible, high-demand applications such as those utilizing real-time targeting, analytics, or personalization now run in the cloud with extreme performance. Only Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers: self-provisioning of multiple bare metal servers in less than five minutes with each supporting over 4 million IOPSi, block storage that linearly scales by 60 IOPS per GB, and now Oracle Exadata Cloud on the same low latency Virtual Cloud Networks. This combination of features enables applications to run at unparalleled speed. In addition, only Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers complete compatibility with Oracle Databases deployed on-premises, helping ensure a smooth transition to the cloud, and an efficient hybrid cloud strategy. Oracle Exadata Cloud has expanded its geographical footprint into the US West (Phoenix, Ariz.) region, further enabling organizations worldwide to experience all the benefits of this high-performance system in the cloud, without the burden of managing and maintaining it internally.

"FICO provides real-time fraud, risk management and compliance software solutions to thousands of banks around the globe," said Doug Clare, vice president for product marketing, FICO. "These clients, including the world's largest financial institutions, demand the highest levels of solution performance, reliability, and security. When we needed to extend the performance of one of our key compliance risk applications to even higher throughput and resiliency standards, we looked to Oracle, who has been a reliable partner to FICO for many years. In our testing, the combination of Oracle Exadata and bare metal compute running on Oracle's next-generation cloud infrastructure allowed us to set a new high water mark in performance for this mission-critical application. We were very impressed with both the collaboration and the results Oracle was able to provide, and look forward to bringing these impressive results to our joint clients."

Read more about bare metal compute performance on the Oracle blog here.

About OracleThe Oracle Cloud offers complete SaaS application suites for ERP, HCM and CX, plus best-in-class database Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) from data centers throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at

TrademarksOracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

i Based on testing with the Gartner Cloud Harmony test suite

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Oracle Makes the Most Powerful Database Platform Available on the Industry's Most Advanced Cloud Infrastructure - PR Newswire (press release)

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Women build capacity in internet security – Ghana News Agency

PrintMonday 14th August, 2017By Josephine Nyarkoh, GNACape Coast (CR), Aug 14, GNA - A five-day coding and technology trainingworkshop to build the capacity of women in internet security and innovation hasbeen held in Cape Coast.It was organized by Vodafone Ghana Foundation the charitable arm ofVodafone Ghana and brought together 30 female scholars.They were introduced to basic coding skills, including the langua

By Josephine Nyarkoh, GNA

Cape Coast (CR), Aug 14, GNA - A five-day coding and technology trainingworkshop to build the capacity of women in internet security and innovation hasbeen held in Cape Coast.

It was organized by Vodafone Ghana Foundation the charitable arm ofVodafone Ghana and brought together 30 female scholars.

They were introduced to basic coding skills, including the language ofthe internet and how to build a website.

They additionally received training in financial intelligence,networking and career guidance.

Mr. Ebenezer Amankwah, Vodafones Corporate Relations Manager, indicatedthat the power of information technology was transforming the entire world andsaid the nations youth could not be left behind by this revolution.

Technology has become a catalyst in the transformation of the globaleco-system and no one should be left behind in harnessing its power andbenefits.

As a company, our strategy has always been clear we want to be at theforefront of bringing this knowledge and empowerment to life across Ghana.

Mr. Amankwah said other initiatives would soon be unveiled to give truemeaning to our strategy.

The participants were presented with laptop computers and other items byVodafone Ghana Foundation at the end of the training.


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Women build capacity in internet security - Ghana News Agency

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Can US lawmakers fix IoT security for good? – Network World

While the Internet of Things (IoT) has carved out a comfortable place for itself in todays society and markets, many still fear that the interconnectivity-driven phenomenon is extraordinarily vulnerable to outside attacks. A number of U.S. Senators believe they may have a solution to the problem, and have put forward the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2017.

What are the exact details of the text of the bill, and how does it intend to secure one of the most diverse and unregulated assets of the economy? What potential pitfalls stand in the bills way, and how much of a chance does it have of becoming law? An analysis of the IoT Act reveals that its a healthy step in the right direction, but it may not be enough.

As the strength and value of the IoT is driven by the proliferation of networked devices, it stands to reason that more and more digitally-connected gadgets could only be a good thing for it. Shoddy, non-patchable hardware has proven to be an incredible vulnerability for the IoT, however, and could cripple it in the future. One massive 2016 cyberattack exploited connected IoT devices for nefarious purposes, for instance.

The IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act hopes to remedy this problem by reevaluating government procurement standards. Currently, many of the devices bought by government agencies come equipped with pre-installed passwords which cant be changed easily, and sometimes cant be changed at all. This serious security threat will be mitigated by the bill, which aims to enforce regulations which ensure all devices sold to the federal government are patchable.

The bill also prohibits vendors from selling devices which possess known vulnerabilities, and orders the Department of Homeland Security to work with industry officials to formulate clearer guidelines. These are all steps in the right direction, but may prove tricky to enforce, as the bills language regarding what constitutes an internet-connected device can be interpreted as being overly broad.

Uncertainty like that in a bill can be costly in the long run, driving up cost as courts must litigate over the tiny details in the bills language. Nonetheless, the frightening levels of vulnerability in the IoT, which is largely made up of un-patchable, relatively poorly-defended gadgets, necessitates a stricter approach to cybersecurity, which this bill attempts to provide.

The success of the IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act will largely hinge upon whether the federal governments spending power is enough to solve the IoTs security dilemma. While the bill possesses some language that fosters increased government cooperation with private industry leaders, it may not be enough to persuade the broader market to take the IoTs cybersecurity more seriously.

IoT spending is already set to surpass $800 billion in 2017 alone, and could even rocket up to an astonishing $1.4 trillion by 2021. As the market for devices continues to grow, and global incomes rise, the IoT could be endangered if companies attempt to meet the staggering demand for IoT gadgets by lowering their security standards to optimize production.

A factsheet of the bill produced by one of its sponsoring senators even recognizes how challenging it may be for companies to meet some of its requirements, and notes that government employees could still buy non-compliant devices if they first receive permission from the Office of Management and Budget.

Regardless of what shortcomings the bill may possess, its incentivizing of manufacturers to produce better-secured devices will be invaluable in the years to come as the IoT continues to grow at a remarkable pace. Some parts of the bills language will be incredibly challenging to follow through on, such as its requirement that agencies inventory any and all IoT devices they use. To expect the government to accurately keep track of all internet-connected gadgets it uses could prove to be a pipe dream, but at very least such measures grant IoT security some of the respect and attention it desperately needs.

Some of the details of the bill could be misinterpreted and end up mitigating private researchers abilities to solve IoT security issues, but this too is unlikely, and could be solved with reasonable amendments and wise enforcement policies. Uncle Sams late arrival to the IoT cybersecurity scene could end up haunting the market for some time as hackers probe for opportunities, but should ultimately be welcomed as a new, more secure chapter in the IoTs story.

While it would be a serious stretch to say that U.S. lawmakers have permanently secured the internet, the IoT Cybersecurity Act of 2017 takes aim at the most egregious vulnerabilities that plague the market today. The only question that remains is whether the bill can gather enough support to pass, and whether it will inspire the private sector to crackdown on future breaches of internet security.

This article is published as part of the IDG Contributor Network. Want to Join?

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Can US lawmakers fix IoT security for good? - Network World

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3 Problems Related to Internet Security and Online Safety – Bdaily

Internet security has been an increasingly important problem amidst the serious threats from enterprising hackers. The cybercriminals are more powerful and more creative in finding ways to steal key information from the targets. The problem is that our ability to combat the attacks remains hampered by several factors. You might think that businesses are better in forecasting the possibility of cyber attacks. However, facing persistent attacks, they can fail managing the attacks.

The truth is that businesses have more financial resources to manage the problems related to attacks. they can spend millions or even millions of dollars every year to build a powerful wall against the cyber attacks. In addition, businesses that are constantly faced with threats tend to be more proactive and prepared when facing the real attacks.

On the other hand, consumers realize the increasing possibility of threats, but have little resources to build the internet security. A report released in 2016 showed that cyber attacks were the second largest threats for the American businesses and their owners. They were immediately below the global and political conflict, in which social unrest and terrorism belong.

Problems with Internet Security and Online Safety

Many businesses are considered too ill equipped to manage the increasingly powerful internet threats. Several reasons may be responsible for the failure. The following are some of them:

Adaptation to Cloud-Based Security System

Some of the leading anti-virus businesses focus on helping the consumers in preventing harms to individual files and personal computers. Ability to do this is one of the measures. However, that is not actually the only goal. A successful anti-virus company must be able to manage the risks resulting from the threats. However, it must be noted that the industry is still in adaptation process.

The software companies are still attempting to create a secured environment for file sharing, internet sharing, and cloud-based activities. The problem is that the system is often unsecured, thus leaving some holes for the hackers to attack. In addition, hackers are increasingly smarter. They can go undetectable by making small changes to the malware.

Furthermore, anti-virus industry is still developing. The existing software is capable enough to stop familiar malware and threats, but it is not yet good enough to protect the PCs and files from ransomware, which mostly comes in disguise. Therefore, one of the ways to protect your online presence is by using private, encrypted connection, which allows you to access the cloud safely.

The adaptation to cloud-based security system is even more difficult due to scarcity of human resources. Finding competent IT staffs can be another challenge, let alone to retain them by offering a supporting environment. It seems that fully migrating to the cloud is still few years away. Many things have to be prepared and learned.

Problems with Terminology

It is true that internet security world is associated with a number of muddling terminologies. The term Virtual Private Network is used anywhere and sometimes too liberally. Sometimes, the VPN provider offers the companies simply access to public internet. The truth is that the VPN must be able to provide you with a secured and legitimate private network. Such a network should enable remote but secured access to digital information.

Another muddling terminology is cyber threats. Many internet users think of them as simply virus attacks or malware. In fact, cyber attacks are not simply about viruses and malware. They include any kind of risks or vulnerability to your data, data abuses, hacker attack, insider threats, and weak security system.

Developing Threats

You will never be able to anticipate and manage the threats unless you keep up with the changes. Yes, the threats are developing. The cyber attacks have been like the cat-n-mouse attacks. They keep growing in terms of both power and number. They are more complex and designed to result in major damages. You certain remember the recent Wannacry ransomware, which attacked a number of banks and stole the data. Even though the ransomware was finally stopped, it was successful enough to result in major damages.

A similar problem also happened when the election campaign websites for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were attacked. Therefore, the businesses must be always prepared to prevent and manage any kind of attacks against their networks. Cyber protection is certainly not the only solution. A perfect protection must combine a powerful and secured cyber security and proactive actions to anticipate the upcoming threats.

How To Protect Your Data from the Cyber Attacks

Many businesses and users of personal computers now do not fully believe the claims from companies that provide internet security services. It is true that sometimes you receive fake notifications, which prompt you to take actions to protect your data. You may be directed to buy a product, which actually you do not need. Therefore, you need to go to the source for verification. The following are some steps you need to take to protect your data from cyber attacks:

Pay attention to the cyber security tool before purchasing it. Make sure that it provides you with private access to online information by using encrypted massages and hiding your IPD address.

It is better to allocate some funds for paid cyber security systems. You certainly know that there are many kinds of free ant-virus applications to download. However, paid apps offer better protection and they are equipped with features, which may not be available in free software.

Choose a cyber security that offers powerful system to filter out any kind of cyber attacks and cyber crime, such as DDoS

Make sure to update your security system regularly. Use a cyber security system that alerts you anytime the protection is weakening. This way, you can take the necessary action before the system is attacked.

Do not open suspicious emails, which come into your Inbox or Spam folders. Sometimes, such emails bring malicious attacks. Anytime you open the junk emails, the viruses will damage your files accordingly.

Cyber attacks are around and they come in varied forms. Make sure you always safeguard your precious information. Protect the computer-based or cloud-based files from any possible attacks. Make sure to minimize the risks and cut off any possible pathways for the incoming viruses.

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3 Problems Related to Internet Security and Online Safety - Bdaily

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Unisecure Hybrid Cloud Hosting Introduces New Integration And Collaboration Support. – (press release)

Unisecure Hybrid Cloud Hosting Introduces New Integration And Collaboration Support.

03:52:41 - 14 August 2017

Philadelphia, US, August 14, 2017 | Unisecure, the leading professional tier 4 data center provider in the US with 50000 plus clients all over the globe; recently announce new integration and collaboration support in their hybrid cloud hosting services.

The integration empower clients to all more effectively stream huge data into hybrid cloud platform. Tending to the constraints of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) stages, the integrations empower the accumulation and exchange of data at its source (client gadgets, IoT, and so on.), and in addition the spilling of that information progressively to cloud-based platforms for facilitating analysis and action.

Overall, there are very real trends toward cloud platforms, and also toward massively scalable processing. Virtualization, service orientation and the Internet have converged to sponsor a phenomenon that enables individuals and businesses to choose how they'll acquire or deliver IT services, with reduced emphasis on the constraints of traditional software and hardware licensing models, Benjamin, Vice President - Business Development at Unisecure. Services delivered through the cloud will foster an economy based on delivery and consumption of everything from storage to computation to video to finance deduction management.

"Unisecure is the pioneer in hybrid cloud and endeavor IT administrations and our innovation will propel our customer's encounters and also convey new capacities to Unisecure base," said Olivia, Head of Business Development at Unisecure. "With this integration and collaboration, we have the capacity to enable more undertakings to deal with their growing private and open cloud situations."

About Unisecure

Unisecure is the data center provider and home of innovative hybrid cloud solutions. They offer a full scope of hybrid cloud data benefits that disentangle management of applications and data crosswise over a cloud and on-premises infrastructure to quicken digital transformation.

Unisecure is an established name in the industry with more than a decade long experience pursuing a vision to evolve and develop innovative technologies to make the services more economical and let your business gain on ROI. We offer a bundle of web solutions Cloud Platform, dedicated servers, VPS Hosting, Colocation Services and data center related services.

They have 5 contemporary highly advanced data centers, with all the latest technologies, best resources and robust security systems installed at all of our facilities. We are a team of more than 650 experienced professionals with proven records, possessing expertise in managing web services in the US and all over the globe.

For more information about their services, visit

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Unisecure Hybrid Cloud Hosting Introduces New Integration And Collaboration Support. - (press release)

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You already know the many lauded benefits of the cloud it saves paper, equipment and raw materials, while also providing employees and workplace teams an easier means to access important documents and files. But you may have also heard about how cloud data servers pack a punch in terms of environmental impact.

To minimize their carbon footprint, data centers are going green. Here are the ways companies behind some of the latest cloud-based technologies are working to reduce their environmental impact in the rollout of new products and services.

Like within many other industries, business owners who have previously invested in cloud data centers are starting small with their eco-friendly efforts. But this isnt to say their current efforts arent making a difference. For example, many data centers are swapping out old, incandescent light bulbs for energy-efficient LEDs, which conserve energy and provide massive cost savings on monthly utility bills.

Cloud computing is also a more environmentally friendly practice compared to investing in on-site servers. Thats because these cloud data centers simply dont need the same amount of infrastructure and space compared to their on-site server counterparts.

In fact, businesses that invest in on-site servers typically have more space than they need to house this bulky infrastructure, particularly if they plan to grow or expand operations. This leads to a number of drives sitting empty in the short or long term that still need to be powered and cooled.

In comparison, cloud data center operators can optimize the number of servers they own and use depending on their client and storage needs. For example, instead of running an on-site, physical customer service department, businesses can invest in a cloud contact center that requires less space and infrastructure.

Some leading cloud computing companies, like Facebook, Google and Apple, are also paving the way when it comes to investing in renewable energy in their data centers. In fact, all of Apples data centers are powered entirely by solar energy, while Facebook installed some of its newest servers in Iowa so the company could take advantage of the areas wind energy. Microsoft is using both types of renewable energy for its cloud centers: solar energy in Virginia and wind energy in Texas.

These giant corporations have a lot of political power and community clout, and theyre using it to not only enforce stricter regulations on energy use, but to also move the entire industry toward renewable energy.

One of the biggest electricity sucks for on-site servers includes maintaining cool temperatures in the spaces that house this infrastructure to prevent overheating. According to, an average office space uses three to five watts of power per square foot, whereas a physical data center uses 100 to 300 watts per square foot.

Thats why many on-site data centers are housed in buildings or spaces specifically designed for their use. As the major tech giants have shown, locating operations near water and other renewable energy sources is optimal for conserving energy. However, if thats not in the cards, some companies are going a different, forward-thinking route: working with contractors to build energy-efficient and even LEED-certified warehouses.

Data center operators have also been examining the airflow in their buildings, so they can separate hot and cold air streams. By keeping cool air near their servers and moving hot air away from this expensive equipment companies dont need to run as many fans to maintain them.

The cloud continues to get greener. Not only is this technology saving companies space, time and money on hosting their own servers and saving them a lot of paper and filing cabinets its now leading the way in renewable energy and energy optimization. These are the first steps to a more connected, eco-conscious world.

Feature image courtesy of Shutterstock

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CenterGrid Names Kevin Westendorf As Chief Technology Officer – Markets Insider

CINCINNATI, Aug. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --CenterGrid, the leading Cincinnati-based cloud management services company, today announced the appointment of Kevin Westendorf as its Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Technology. Kevin brings more than 22 years of leadership and technology expertise to the company.

Kevin will enhance CenterGrid's portfolio of secured cloud offerings employing his vast experience in managed data center hosting, IT service delivery and operations, IT automation, VMware solutions, as well as public and private cloud computing.

Over his career, Kevin has served in a variety of leading IT roles within Accenture and VMware, such as global pre-sales technical architecture and design, cloud and virtualization solutioning, infrastructure service delivery and management, systems management and administration, and application development and support. Kevin's client-focused and innovation-led approaches have helped clients realize significant value through virtualization, automation, and cloud computing. As a trusted advisor, he played a key role in helping them achieve their IT goals so they could focus on their core business.

"Kevin has a track record of driving success in Fortune 500 companies across diverse industries around the world. His background is ideal for our group as we enter into the next phase of growth," said Kevin Dooley, President of CenterGrid. "He is a very accomplished leader with a strong pedigree and expertise in delivering large strategic deals. We are extremely fortunate to have Kevin join our senior leadership team."

Kevin has a bachelor's degree in computer information systems from the University of Dayton and is a Cincinnati native.

"I am honored and excited to join the executive leadership team at CenterGrid. CenterGrid has a solid foundation of data-center infrastructure, strong service and delivery capabilities with a wealth of talent," said Westendorf. "In this position, I will focus on enhancing cloud capabilities and services for the enterprise. I believe the advantages of 'the cloud' have been limited to either individuals with basic needs or large companies that have extensive IT knowledge and deep pockets. My philosophy is that every enterprise deserves the benefits of the cloud, and CenterGrid is dedicated to deliver those benefits to their clients."

About CenterGridCenterGrid is a privately-held cloud infrastructure management services company that provides public, private and hybrid cloud solutions and a wide range of managed services to mid-size and large enterprises. With its state-of-the-art data center at the Vora Technology Park in Hamilton, Ohio, CenterGrid offers end-to-end Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Founded in 2009, CenterGrid has grown exponentially, serving clients across the US. CenterGrid is a Vora Group company with headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. For more information, please visit or call 513-895-8000.

Contact: Paulie Anthony, Marketing Director, 513.285.8385

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CenterGrid Names Kevin Westendorf As Chief Technology Officer - Markets Insider

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