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‘Independent’ gov law reviewer wants users preemptively identified before they’re ‘allowed’ to use encryption – The Register

The UKs independent reviewer of terrorism legislation appears to have gone rogue, saying that encryption should be withheld from people who dont verify their identities on social media.

Max Hill QC is supposedly the reviewer of government laws designed to stop terrorists. His latest statement, carried in tonights London Evening Standard, appears to be strongly echoing the views of the very government he is supposed to be scrutinising and holding to account.

A discussion I have had with some of the tech companies is whether it is possible to withhold encryption pending positive identification of the internet user, Hill was reported as telling the papers home affairs correspondent, Martin Evans.

If the technology would permit that sort of perusal, identification and verification, prior to posting that would form a very good solution and would not involve wholesale infringement on free speech use of the internet, added the lawyer.

Hills words are concerningly close to those of Home Secretary Amber Rudd, who recently argued that real people [sic] actively want State snoopers to peer into their private lives.

The Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation (IRTL) is supposed to act as a check and balance on the government, reporting to Parliament on how anti-terror laws are used in practice and how they affect both their intended targets and the wider population. On the IRTLs website it even states: The uniqueness of the role lies in its complete independence from government.

Hills interview with the Standard will raise serious and far-reaching questions about his claimed independence from government, particularly as it leans heavily on the tech sector to fall into line and do as British ministers want.

The Investigatory Powers Act, better known by the moniker the Snoopers Charter, allows the British government to demand that technology companies break their encryption by introducing a backdoor to permit snooping on users of services such as social media and chat apps.

While sensible people accept and understand that to introduce a crypto backdoor for one is to introduce a backdoor for all, the British government has consistently done the equivalent of shouting LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU every time this is pointed out.

Rohan Silva, a one-time advisor to former prime minister David Cameron, was torn a new one by information security experts when he suggested that end-to-end crypto could somehow be selectively broken for those who see themselves as the good guys.

Both former GCHQ director Robert Hannigan and former MI5 chief Lord Evans have spoken in favour of end-to-end encryption.

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'Independent' gov law reviewer wants users preemptively identified before they're 'allowed' to use encryption - The Register

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News in brief: Call to link encryption to ID; Facebook maps everyone … – Naked Security

Your daily round-up of some of the other stories in the news

A lawyer has suggested that access to encryption technologies on social media should be denied to those who dont verify their identities.

Max Hill QC, who is leading a review of the UKs terrorism laws, told the London Evening Standard that A discussion I have had with some of the tech companies is whether it is possible to withhold encryption pending positive identification of the internet user. He added that he didnt think this would involved wholesale infringement on free speech use of the internet.

Hills views seem to be building on a declaration by UK home secretary Amber Rudd that real people dont want unbreakable encryption.

Naked Securitys Paul Ducklin has discussed the technical feasibility of intercepting encryption, and concluded then that Rudd has as much chance of getting US firms to buy that idea as successfully hosting a mad-hatters tea party with a chocolate teapot.

However, the idea of tying verified identities to encryption is a new development. Well be returning to this story in more detail next week but in the meantime, what do you think?

Facebook knows where you live and it knows where every other human on the planet lives, too, to within 15ft.

Janna Lewis, who manages innovation partnerships for Facebook, told the Space Technology and Investment Forum in San Francisco this week that the social media giant has created a data map of all the humans on the planet by combining census information with satellite data, reported CNBC on Friday.

The aim, said Lewis, is to help Facebook understand how it can deliver internet connectivity to everyone on Earth. Our data showed the best way to connect cities is an internet in the sky, she said, adding: Were trying to connect people from the stratosphere and from space, using high-altitude drone aircraft and satellites, to supplement earth-based networks.

A British man accused of being behind a cyberattack on two of the UKs biggest banks has been extradited from Germany to face charges.

Daniel Kaye, 29, of Egham, Surrey, is facing nine charges under the Computer Misuse Act, two charges of blackmail and one of possession of criminal property. Hes accused of using the Mirai botnet to launch DDoS attacks on Lloyds, Halifax and Bank of Scotland over two days in January this year.

Hes alleged to have asked Lloyds for a ransom of 75,000-worth of Bitcoin, which was not paid. Kaye is also charged with endangering human welfare with an alleged attack against Liberias biggest ISP, Lonestar MTN.

The UKs National Crime Agency said: The investigation leading to these charges was complex and crossed borders. Our cybercrime officers have analysed reams of data on the way. Cybercrime is not victimless and we are determined to bring suspects before the courts.

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News in brief: Call to link encryption to ID; Facebook maps everyone ... - Naked Security

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It’s Time to Replace Your Encryption-Key Spreadsheet – Data Center Knowledge

When a company stores critical data, whether in its own data center or in the cloud, encryption key management is vital to keeping that data secure, and letting the data center or cloud provider control the keys isn't always an option.

Cyberattacks on enterprises are on the rise, but most enterprise IT shops are still using archaic key-management methods. For many, key management is a painful process, often because of those outdated methods, but there are solutions out there that take the pain out.

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Instead of letting a colocation or a cloud provider control its encryption keys, a company normally encrypt the critical data and then sends it out to the storage location, said Chris Day, chief cybersecurity officer at Cyxtera Technologies, a security-focused data center provider formed this year as a result of an acquisition of CenturyLinks massive global data center portfolio by a group of investors.

"The security benefits are obvious when the customer properly manages their own keys," he said. "However, key management can be complex, and many organizations do not possess the skills in-house to properly do so."

In fact, according to a surveyconducted earlier this year by the Ponemon Institute and Thales e-Security, 59 percent of companies said there was a high degree of pain associated with key management, up from 53 percent the year before.

Top reasons for the pain? There was no clear ownership of the key-management function, followed by a lack of skilled people and isolated or fragmented key-management systems.

Keys to external clouds and hosted services are the hardest types of keys to manage, according to the survey.

It doesn't help that 51 percent of companies use manual processes, such as paper or spreadsheets, to keep track of encryption keys. Only 37 percent of companies have formal key-management infrastructure in place.

On this front, however, the situation is improving slightly. In last year's survey, 57 percent said they used manual processes, and only 31 percent had key-management infrastructure in place.

Having a centralized key-management system offers other benefits besides just being able to unlock data.

That includes compliance requirements, such as data sovereignty concerns, said Daren Glenister, field CTO at Intralinks.

"[Customer-managed keys] show that even though data resides in a certain country, it may ultimately be controlled in a separate country," he said.

Key-management tools also make it possible for companies to replace their keys on a regular basis.

"Keys ought to be rotated or expired without affecting access to legacy data," said Vamshi Sriperumbudur, VP of marketing at CipherCloud, which helps companies protect data stored in Dropdox, Salesforce, Office 365, Box, and other cloud services.

And if someone wants to access the data stored in the cloud, they have to talk to the company itself to get the keys, he added. "No-one -- whether its law enforcement, cloud provider system admins, or cyber criminals -- can access sensitive information under any circumstances without contacting the data owner first."

Finally, by having a good key-management system a company doesn't have to worry about a storage vendor having backups of its key data that might be hanging around when they're no longer needed.

"If you need to shred all keys, you hit the button on the local hardware security module, and it does it for you," said Ashwin Krishnan, SVP of product management at HyTrust, which offers key-management software that can run locally, behind a customer's firewall, or in a cloud.

"Some customers might not be capable, or might not want to invest in managing keys on-premises," he said. "But they can easily make a case for hosted key management."

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It's Time to Replace Your Encryption-Key Spreadsheet - Data Center Knowledge

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7 Cryptocurrency Predictions From the Experts –

Fortune convened some top cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, bankers, and others to chat about the future of digital money at Fortunes Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo. last week. A select group met at the Aspen Institute for a breakfast roundtable discussion on Wednesday morning.

Headliners on the panel included Balaji Srinivasan, CEO and cofounder of, a cryptocurrency startup that has raised more in traditional VC funding than almost other one. Another was Peter Smith, CEO and cofounder of Blockchain, a U.K.-based cryptocurrency wallet company that recently raised $40 million from GV, the venture capital arm of Alphabet, parent company of Google (goog). And Kathleen Breitman, CEO and cofounder of Tezos, a blockchain startup that this year raised more than $200 million in an initial coin offering, or ICO, and which counts celeb investor Tim Draper among its backers.

The crew of experts weighed in on everything from the longevity of Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency and blockchain, or cryptographically secured public ledger, to the latest trend of hosting so-called token sales to fund projects, especially on Ethereum, a rival blockchain to Bitcoins, to the future of a decentralized web. Here are some of the predictions we heard.

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Most people who are enthusiastic about cryptocurrency appear to agree that Bitcoin and its newer rival Ethereum have staying power, though they may be more bullish on one versus the other. "In terms of 5 to 10 years, Bitcoin and Ether will be around I bet," Balaji Srinivasan told the room of more than 70 people.

Peter Smith said his company, Blockchain, which was early to Bitcoin, has only just started to warm up to newcomer Ethereum. In contrast, Mike Cagney, CEO and cofounder of SoFi, a personal finance company, said during a separate session on the main stage that he was hotter on the latter technology.

Bitcoin "has some purpose but its application for commercial transaction is limited right now," Cagney said. "The blockchain and Ethereum, on the other hand, have absolutely fascinating infrastructure applications, he continued, mentioning the possibility to overhaul title insurance, which involves policies related to real estate, as one example.

Bitcoin and Ethereum may have stolen the show at this point, but the innovation wont end there. Expect more winners on the horizon.

Kathleen Breitman is hopeful that Tezos, her own blockchain bet, will fill a niche that solves problems with extant blockchains. In particular, she and her projects developers are designing Tezos to automatically push software updates out to the network, thus, in theory, avoiding the divisive feuding over upgrades that has wracked systems like Bitcoin over the past few years.

No one can say how many tokens and coins and blockchain protocols will eventually win out, but the experts seem to think theres room for a multitude. "Its likely that another one or two dominant ones we havent seen yet in the market," Smith projected. "Another really dominant coin could come out this year or next year.

For the time being, token sales might seem like a fantastic way to raise a lot of money quickly and with few questions asked. Will this lead to riches for some? Undoubtedlyindeed, it already has. And rip-offs for others? Almost certainly.

Smith said he presumes that market manipulation and insider dealing is rampant among purveyors of initial coin offerings. Were cautious about it in the short term, Smith said of his company. But you have to temper that with the idea that every new technology is going to be like that in the beginning.

Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple and a former executive at Yahoo, voiced his less forgiving concerns about the sector on a separate panel. Heavily regulated markets are typically heavily regulated for a reason, he said. Frauds are happening, people are going to jail.

The days of making a pilgrimage to the homes of the holders of purse strings are coming to an end. In a world where anyone can participate as an investor online, physical location matters much less.

It used to be you had to come to Silicon Valley, walk up Sand Hill Road, network with individuals, Srinivasan said about entrepreneurs seeking funding, often strolling up a strip to the west of Palo Alto that long has been associated with venture capital firms. ICOs change all that.

Projects are already getting funded this Kickstarter-like new way. Breitman said she that when she set up Tezos token sale, she aimed to get as many people who wanted to participate in the ecosystem to contribute. The company raised more than $200 million to date and, according to her, more than 30,000 Tezos wallets have been opened.

Elena Kvochko, chief information officer of the security division at Barclays, said that her bank has had talks with regulators about Bitcoin, blockchains, and their ilk. The rule-sticklers appear to be open to the idea as long as know your customer laws are obeyed, although its still early days.

Meanwhile, as governments settle on sets of rules of the road, countries like Switzerland, Singapore, and Estonia are jostling to develop frameworks that easily accommodate the new technology, Srinivasan said. Theyre seeking to displace geographic incumbents and become hubs for a new wave of business financing. If youre a U.S. person or business, you have a good deal to be concerned about, Smith said.

Breitman added that until the rules are agreed upon, its best to be transparent about what one is doing.

As cryptocurrency prices fluctuate wildly, speculators have been having a field day. However, theres reason to believe the markets will become more stable, as Bitcoin gradually has over the past couple of years (despite its still big price swings), Smith said.

In order for these computer coins to catch on big-time, they need a use-case that beats traditional money. Ideally, this ought to be better than merely buying drugs, as Jeff John Roberts, Fortune reporter and the sessions moderator, noted.

Srinivasan proposed one possible scenario. Imagine that all your waking hours are spent in the Matrix, he said, referring to a virtual reality in which everyone is enmeshed in the future. As people from all over the world meet and interact, they will need a medium of exchange. To transact, you cant just hand over a dollar bill, Srinivasan said. You need an international currency for that.

It might take a while but theres going to be more of a need to transact across borders than there is today, he said.

Whenever a consumer swipes or dips a credit card, payment processors charge a fee.

Nicko van Someren, chief technology officer of the Linux Foundation, pointed out that the fee companies like Visa or Mastercard charge exceeds the cost to clear or settle transactions. These businesses can potentially process transactions quicker and cheaper, he contended.

One potential outcome of the adoption of alternate systems, like Bitcoin, is to provide companies with the impetus to improve their services. Bitcoin is good because it will make banks move toward the real cost of handling these transactions, van Someren said. (By extension, in Ethereum's case, one could imagine upstart companies built on it forcing giants like Amazon, Facebook, or Dropbox to reconsider or improve their respective offerings.)

Smith, meanwhile, was less optimistic about incumbents ability to adapt to such change. I dont think be lot of room for banks to simply adjust their price models, he said.

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Cryptocurrency Investment Course 2017: Fund your … – Udemy

Hey guys!My name isSuppoman,your Superhero Instructor on Udemy.

Ilive in the UK with my 11 year old son Harry. Istarted building my own brand in 2014, with zero audience and basic skills, and now Iam a Social Media Guru with nearly 1 million followers.

Whether you are learning Cryptocurrency, ITor Social Media Ads &Marketing, I will teach you in asimple and entertainingway.To me, learning should enable you to be the most effective version ofyourself, nottomimic me orothers.

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Ilook forward to being your teacher and mentor, Ilike to keep all my courses updated with new information and look to respond to all questions in a timely manner!

Don't delay and select a course, every second could be costing you money!

Cryptocurrency Investment Course 2017: Fund your ... - Udemy

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Russia Could Pass Cryptocurrency Law This Year, Senior Lawmaker Says – CoinDesk

An official for Russia's nationallegislature believes that new laws regulating the exchange of cryptocurrencies will be complete by the end of the fall.

Anatoly Aksakov, who leads the State Duma's financial markets committee, told Russian media this week that next steps involve the formation of a dedicated working group to address the issue.Further, he said that he would be meeting with officials from Russia's central bank and the Ministry of Finance in the coming days.

Should all the pieces come together Russian officials have been working on some kind of law related to the tech since as early as 2014 lawmakers could complete work on a legislative passage over the next several months, according to Aksakov.

He said (in translated comments):

"If we agree on the main approaches in the coming week, I think that by autumn, by the end of the fall session, we will be able to adopt this law in order to provide a legal space for the development of this market."

The comments come amid a flurry of news out of Russia on the cryptocurrency front. The country's deputy finance minister, for example, said earlier this week that he thinks bitcoin trading should be restricted to qualified investors. The chief internet advisor to president Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, unveiled the formation of a new blockchain and cryptocurrency advocacy group earlier this week.

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Russia Could Pass Cryptocurrency Law This Year, Senior Lawmaker Says - CoinDesk

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Six Banking Giants Just Decided to Partner to Create a New Cryptocurrency – Futurism

In BriefFinancial institutions have been taking a good hard look at blockchain, and now, six of the world's biggest banks have decided the best way to take advantage of the decentralized, distributed digital ledger technology is by partnering on their own cryptocurrency.

Security is one of the most critical aspects of banking and finance. Not only do banks need to keep money secure, they also have to keep transaction records safe, all while not slowing down the verification process.

Thats why banks and other financial institutions have been taking a good hard look at blockchain, a decentralized, distributed digital ledger technology first created to support the bitcoin cryptocurrency. Now, six of those banks have decided the best way to take advantage of blockchain is by partnering on their own cryptocurrency.

The digital coin, which they are calling the utility settlement coin,was developed back in 2015 by financial services firmUBS, and its purpose is to enable the clearing and settling of transactions worldwide over a blockchain. The six new banks Barclays, Credit Suisse, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, HSBC, MUFG, and State Street join UBS, BNY Mellon, and several others already on the project.

The distributed ledger is one of the most innovative technologies out there, Lee Braine from Barclaystold The Financial Times. From reducing risk to improving capital efficiency in financial markets, we see several benefits of this project.

The new cryptocurrency is slated for a limited back end run by 2018, and the banks have been in discussions with central bank regulatorsregarding the cryptocoin.

While blockchain technology can be used for a variety of purposes distributing aid,fighting climate change,tracking electricity in the grid, etc. its potential for disruption is perhaps still greatest in the world of finance. Projects like the utility settlement coin, which can test the tech on a bigger scale, will be essential if that potential is to be reached.

Disclosure: Several members of the Futurism team, including the editors of this piece, are personal investors in a number of cryptocurrency markets. Their personal investment perspectives have no impact on editorial content.

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Six Banking Giants Just Decided to Partner to Create a New Cryptocurrency - Futurism

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AxionV: AI Cryptocurrency Fund Leading the Way in ICO Security – HuffPost

Earlier this year, we reported that, for the first time, a major venture capital firm, Union Square Ventures, invested in a blockchain hedge fund. But thats not all thats been invested in blockchain technology. By next year, 90% of central banks and 80% of financial banks will have engaged in some form of investment, programming, or planning to incorporate blockchain into their main business functions and workflows. But with cybersecurity a main determinant in which blockchain companies and cryptocurrencies receive investment, blockchain fintech companies need to be vigilant when protecting their assets from any intruder.

In this regard, one such company rises above the rest. Its name is AxionV, and it is currently about to undergo its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) on September 16. AxionV is an AI crypto fund which uses proprietary algorithms and complex trading strategies to achieve much better returns for your money. Their information caught my eye because it stood out in several ways, including its unparalleled security, which is something I look for when analyzing ICOs and crypto trading. In a nutshell, the AxionV ICO seems like a unique and interesting project, because it gives access to top talent in the trading space to anyone, not just established traders.

Founded by professional traders and blockchain technology experts, it takes pride in implementing leading security protocols to ensure that company operations will continue in virtually any situation without major interruptions.

When looking for security frameworks, AxionV made the strategic decision to benchmark to institutions outside of finance that already have the highest need to be as safe and secure as possible. This is why the Nuclear Energy Institute was selected as the model framework for the firm. Beyond this, to offer clarity on jurisdiction and regulatory issues, AxionV is developing five legal teams established throughout the Asia-Pacific, Europe and Americas regions to address regional issues in order to protect the firm and its potential investors while engaging directly with local governments and advisory committees. This is the framework consisting of five risk categories. While the majority of ICOs using blockchain could claim relative software security, the other 4 layers are most often omitted.

Blockchain currently is one of, if not the most secure protocols that is luckily, also open-source.

AxionVs technology actually minimizes the use of smart contracts, leading to more security for clients and less risk to the company. This is notable and perhaps counterintuitive because one of blockchains most lauded features is the ability to create smart contractsthat is, contracts recorded on the blockchain which execute themselves.

AxionV has a reason for this: the widely reported attack on the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). Last year, a lone hacker attacked the DAO, the largest crowdfunded Ethereum blockchain organization in history at over $150m. This hacker discovered a vulnerability in the DAOs smart contract integrity, and isolated and attacked a highly valuable smart contract, siphoning over 3.6 million Ether from the organization into a child DAO with a mirroring structure. Due to this, the price of Ethereum dropped 35% last year. Yet, since AxionV mostly excludes smart contracts from the code handling of any tokens, the result is a more stable and fork-resistant token.

Hardware security offers another important layer of protection. We often trust the largest manufacturers such as Apple, Intel, HP, etc. to not insert any special chips inside the machines as backdoors, but given their proprietary nature, its always a possibility.

Whether it sounds unrealistic or not, history teaches us many breaches of hardware security will occur. One of them is mentioned by Kevin Mitnick a renowned security consultant and hacker. A program one hacker favored was called Spy Lantern, a hardware based program with the ability to monitor and record computer activities as a target works, allowing the hacker to secretly intercept every keystroke typed on the target's computer system except that this one is supposedly completely invisible on the target's machine.

The AxionV teams advantage compared to the competition is that they monitor hardware by verifying every machine to identify potential security breaches before deployment. AxionVs protocol involves fully assembling proprietary machines on site or directing private orders from the top manufacturers only.

Every company attempts to fully protect its information from the outside world. Perfect information protection is impossible, because employees are humans who constantly interact with the outside world. Many companies, to save expenses, install WiFi and connect machines / computers / servers with private information to WiFi. This creates a huge threat. Intruders, once they learn the password to the WiFi, can access the entire system by starting as an average user account, and increasing its access rights using a variety of techniques.

In reality, there are very few companies with sufficient educational programs that cover environmental security. Most often, theres just too much ground to cover.

AxionVs solution to environment security is to divide infrastructure into two main parts: internal and external. The internal infrastructure has no connection to the outside world, and it is fully isolated within its own environment, much like in a nuclear plant. It will be completely disconnected from the internet or people who dont have the access rights. External, on the other hand, will be public and open, accessible to virtually anyone. The idea itself is inspired by Blockchain in that it also uses a combination of a public and a private keys to produce maximum security.

Every person is a source of information. Every employee has access to some piece of valuable information that can be used against the company without realizing it. These pieces of information can help intruders get access to private information. Even corporate slang or references used outside of the workplace can be used by hackers adept at social engineering to access protected information.

Many organizations decide not to even pay attention or even consider this aspect, thinking its very unlikely it will happen. However, this is a very important factor to consider. NDAs do not work either they serve more as a psychological protection, but not as a real protection against intruders and accidental disclosure.

Examples of security breaches with failed security protocols include Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who committed espionage and gave out nuclear program of the U.S. to the Soviet Union. Or Edward Snowden, who worked at the CIA and deliberately leaked lots of information.

AxionV uses structured access to information for every employee, including provisions for loss of any employees. Every employee goes through extensive training about which information they have access to and what ways this information can be stolen from them.

Given the current landscapes throughout the world regarding blockchain, ICOs, Startups and investing, anticipating and strategic legal strategies are needed to maintain a business like AxionV. Multiple regulatory bodies have already made their stances known, but real laws and binding decisions have been mercurial so far. AxionV has developed a roadmap to combat the nature of attorneys own conflicts of interests and how to deal with the worldwide regulatory uncertainty. The strategy is to seek multiple opinions from its five legal teams and always go with the most conservative decision. AxionV willingly works within local regulations as a thought leader with the goal of helping the blockchain world develop and utilize a robust Know your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering framework that will punish violators and reward honest clients. Currently, it is considering an advanced adaptation of the proposed SAFT or Simple Agreement for Token framework, which has been modeled from SAFE from Y Combinator, as a simple framework established between VCs and startups.

Overall, I see how AxionV is leading the way in cyber security in this space, providing the framework for future ICO launches that need to be more secure, while providing immediate value to those who invest in the ICO as the AI trades and increases the value of the fund. For more information, Ive found their website and blog to both be great resources for information about their upcoming ICO as well as the future of the fund.

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AxionV: AI Cryptocurrency Fund Leading the Way in ICO Security - HuffPost

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There’s a lot more to the Cloud than storage these days and competition is getting crowded – Financial Post

Cloud storage was once primarily thought of as a place to keep data online securely or to host a website, but tech giants increasingly want their customers to think about what can be done with the data once its put there and, of course, to pay for services that manipulate it.

Large corporations have traditionally used servers to store big quantities of data that can then be analyzed for trends or to predict results. Now the cloud is also hosting analytic programs that smaller organizations can use to get much-needed results.

For example, a car insurance company could do instant on-site assessments: agents upload photos of an accidents damage through an app to the cloud where machine learning and artificial intelligence analyze them and quickly send back a quote. That eliminates the need to return to the office where it could take hours or days to do an assessment.

Or perhaps a small medical office in a remote community wants to do a screening for diabetic retinopathy by uploading a photo of the patients eye to a cloud-based machine-learning platform. The doctor would get instant results instead of sending a patient away to a larger city for a proper diagnosis.

The demand for such applications and others that save time and bring in more revenue is growing and the tech giants want a piece of the action.

Cloud is the great equalizer. It allows very small organizations to compete with very big organizations, said Jim Lambe, Google Clouds country manager for Canada. Historically, the big organizations beat up on the small ones, but now it is the quicker organizations that are going to beat up on the slower ones.

The worldwide public cloud services market is expected to grow by 18 per cent in 2017 to US$246.8 billion, according to a report earlier this year by research company Gartner. By 2020, cloud adoption strategies are expected to influence more than 50 per cent of IT outsourcing deals.

Google has long harnessed the cloud for its own web-based services such as Gmail, YouTube and Google Docs, but the tech giant decided to double down on the space after seeing the number of other companies that want their own cloud platforms to quickly grow.

Google said it considers itself one of the few which can properly lead the space given the high upfront cost for new entrants to develop the infrastructure, such as large data centres, needed to provide cloud storage.

If you are not already an incumbent with the DNA to do this, you cant really enter this market because you have lost the last 15 years, said Brian Stevens, chief technical officer of Google Cloud, in an interview during a recent visit to the companys Toronto office.

The size of the opportunity is well understood to be massive and Google believes this is going to be one of the biggest businesses, if not the biggest business, inside of Google sometime in the future. We feel like we are really set up for it.

Its not just Google that offers the cloud for both storage and data analysis. Other major players have existed in the space for just as long, if not longer. So far they have more market share, too. Inc. helped pioneer cloud-based storage platforms by creating Amazon Web Services back in 2006. Microsoft Corp.s Azure debuted in 2010 and Google Cloud Platform came along in 2011 to round out the heavyweights, but others such as IBM and speciality companies like Box Inc. have been offering cloud storage solutions as well.

Amazon, Microsoft and Google in particular emphasize their computational and large-scale advantages rather than just their ability to securely host files.

Amazon is still the juggernaut with 40-per-cent market share as of February 2017, according to Synergy Research Group, but Microsoft is growing at twice the pace.

Google is also ramping up its efforts, opening data centres in new international markets such as Canada, something Amazon and Microsoft were already doing (the latter still leads the way with a presence in 42 announced regions).

Cloud is really driving the data centre expansion strategy for Google, Stevens said. Typically, there is a longer cycle for bringing up a new data centre, but now with cloud and, for example, places like Montreal, we are bringing up new data centres in under a year, which is pretty fast paced.

In addition to opening data centres within Canada which allows companies to keep sensitive information from leaving the country, important for regulated sectors such as banking and health care Googles myriad cloud initiatives have Canadian ties.

The tech giants Waterloo, Ont., office of about 500 has long been responsible for helping with web-based services such as Gmail, so the company has been looking north of the border for expertise as it focuses more on its Google Cloud offerings.

We have teams working here on a number of different efforts within cloud that contribute to the way that the Google Cloud platform will be successful for all of the different services around the world, said Derek Phillips, an engineering director at Googles Waterloo office and an 11-year employee with the company.

The Waterloo office is a big contributor to the success of cloud and this is a really good place for us to be as we have really been looking for other ways to make a big contribution to Google, Canada and the world.

Googles Montreal office also has engineers who work on cloud-related products (and others), but Waterloos advantage is its proximity to the University of Waterloo, one of the tech giants top schools for recruitment.

Canada is well positioned as a big contributor in this space. People have heard a lot about the cloud and they dont really know exactly what it means, Phillips said. There is a lot of ways Canada can contribute here and one way is on the engineering side and being involved in what is developed, how these things come together and how it serves customers all around the world.

The battle in the cloud is still in its early stages, but it is already fierce. Companies such as Google and Microsoft are playing catch-up with Amazon, but say their platforms have more appeal because they are companies known for their machine learning, artificial intelligence and algorithms. Amazon, though the market-share leader, isnt necessarily the first company that comes to mind for big data analysis.

Google also releases the source code to some of its cloud platforms for others to see, use and build upon, hoping to create a better end product and be recognized as a company that cares about the space, even if that means people take the code to a competitors service.

The company said it is important to be welcomed in the open-source community first and then business will follow.

We could have just said we have the best machine learning technology and you can only use it on Google Cloud. Instead we said no, we are going to open it up, Stevens said, adding that the response has been positive.

That gets you to a place where it has long-term sustainable impact for the end user and for us.

Financial Post

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There's a lot more to the Cloud than storage these days and competition is getting crowded - Financial Post

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Assessing Alibaba’s Cloud Computing Opportunity – Market Realist – Market Realist

Alibaba's Post-Earnings Update: Cloud, Mobile Users, Brand Rights PART 5 OF 16

In Alibabas (BABA) fiscal 1Q18 earnings, you can see that its Cloud Computing business only supplied 5.0% of the companys total revenues. Despite the tiny contribution to the companys top line, its Cloud Computing revenues grew 96% year-over-year, making it one of Alibabas fastest-growing businesses.

Alibaba identified the top priority in its Cloud Computing business as market expansion. The company is adding more cloud capacity and rolling out new cloud products and services to support themarket share expansionthat it seeks.

According to estimates by Synergy Research Group, Alibaba is subdued by Amazon (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabets (GOOGL) Google, and IBM (IBM) in terms of worldwide cloud computing market share.The chart above shows the rankings of various cloud providers by market share.

In the cloud computing industry, Alibaba has thrown its hat in the ring for a multi-billion-dollar prize. According to Gartner, the worldwide public cloud services market could grow 18% to reach $246.8 billion in 2017 before expanding to $383.4 billion by 2020. The market was worth ~$209.2 billion in 2016.

Cloud computing has the potential to transform Alibabas financial profile if the company can succeed in this sector. Alibabas overall revenues in fiscal 2017 totaled $23 billion, up 56%. Cloud revenues for that year reached $968 million, up 121%, and represented about 4.2% of the companys total revenues.

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