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Nasdaq open to cryptocurrency exchange in future, says CEO

(Reuters) - Nasdaq Inc (NDAQ.O) is open to launching a cryptocurrency exchange in the future as the regulatory environment evolves, the head of the exchange operator said on Wednesday.

The view that cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin BTC=BTSP will be a future way to support commerce is becoming more mainstream, Nasdaq's Chief Executive Officer, Adena Friedman, said in an interview following the announcement of better-than-expected quarterly earnings.

But the virtual currencies are still very lightly regulated. That is part of the appeal to many early adopters but would have to change in order for Nasdaq to operate a cryptocurrency exchange, Friedman said.

Over time, if it ultimately does morph into a regulated environment, it does give us an opportunity to participate as a marketplace, but I think that is a longer road and it doesnt have a certain path right now, she said.

In the meantime, Nasdaq is exploring deals with several virtual currency exchanges to provide market infrastructure technology for trading and clearing, as well as surveillance, she said.

Nasdaq on Wednesday announced a surveillance deal with Gemini Trust Company to monitor cryptocurrency trading on its exchange for potential market manipulation and fraud.

Nasdaqs net income in the first quarter rose to $177 million, or $1.05 per share, from $168 million, or 99 cents per share, a year earlier, helped by a volatility-driven spike in trading volumes.

Stripping out special items, such as merger and acquisitions costs, the transatlantic exchange operator earned $1.24 per share, topping analysts average estimates by four cents, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Volatility spiked in February after a prolonged calm in 2017, roiling global equities, bonds, currencies and commodities markets, and remained elevated through the end of March.

Revenue rose 14.6 percent to $666 million. Revenue from market services, the companys largest business, jumped more than 21 percent to $735 million.

Sales from Nasdaqs non-trading related businesses also grew, with revenue from its market technology unit rising 7.7 percent to $70 million, and revenue from information services up 26 percent at $174 million.

Corporate services, which includes market listings, rose 7.5 percent to $172 million, as Nasdaq saw 37 IPOs in the quarter, including those of cloud storage company Dropbox (DBX.O) and Chinese video streaming platform iQiyi (IQ.O).

Reporting by Nikhil Subba in Bengaluru and John McCrank in New York; Editing by Saumyadeb Chakrabarty and Rosalba O'Brien

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Nasdaq open to cryptocurrency exchange in future, says CEO

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The 4 Top Cryptocurrency Mining Stocks — The Motley Fool

Last year, cryptocurrencies burst onto the scene like no other asset class ever has. Over the span of 12 months, the aggregate value of digital currencies soared almost $600 billion, which in percentage terms worked out to more than 3,300%. This was probably the best single-year return for any asset class in history, and we may never see anything like it again.

However, not everyone who's made money off the cryptocurrency craze has done so as a traditional investor. Some individuals and businesses have made veritable fortunes by "mining" cryptocurrency.

Image source: Getty Images.

Cryptocurrency mining describes the process by which persons and/or businesses with high-powered computers and servers compete against one another to solve highly complex mathematical equations that are the result of the encryption designed to protect transactions on a blockchain network. The first to solve a group of equations and verify that those transactions (known as a block) are true -- i.e., that the same virtual token wasn't spent twice -- receives what's known as a "block reward." This reward is paid out in tokens of the virtual currency that's being proofed.

For example, bitcoin currently has a block reward of 12.5 tokens. This means that the first person, group of individuals, or business to validate a block of transactions will receive 12.5 bitcoin tokens. With the world's most valuable cryptocurrency currently hovering just above $8,000 per coin, we're talking about a more than $100,000 haul for cryptocurrency miners who are successful in beating others to the proverbial punch.

Of course, there are other factors that need to be kept in mind. There are exorbitant costs involved with crypto mining, too. This is a highly electricity-intensive practice that uses dozens, hundreds, or thousands of hard drives, processing units, and servers, to solve complex equations. Not only does this rack up quite the electric bill, but it creates a lot of heat, which may also require a cooling system. Also, hardware becomes obsolete rather quickly, requiring miners to regularly upgrade their equipment to remain competitive.

What's more, not all virtual currencies are mineable. While well-known cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, and Dash are mineable, others, such as Ripple, EOS, Cardano, Stellar, IOTA, and NEO, have a different method of transaction validation known as proof of stake. With proof of stake, owners of cryptocurrency are randomly chosen to validate transactions. There is no competition, and more importantly, virtually no added electricity costs.

Image source: Getty Images.

Though cryptocurrency mining has been profitable, it's clearly not feasible for everyone. Nevertheless, there are ways investors can gain exposure to crypto mining, should they choose, through the stock market. Here are four top cryptocurrency mining stocks that have either direct or partial exposure, based on sales, to the industry.

Perhaps the most prominent names of the bunch are NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA) and Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD), which are best known for their graphics card and PC-based microprocessors, respectively. Neither company has exactly been forthcoming with regard to how much of their sales are tied to cryptocurrency mining, but each company has clearly benefited in recent quarters from the sale of graphics processing units (GPU). NVIDIA's full-year results pointed to 41% year-over-year sales growth, with Advanced Micro's sales up 25% on an annual basis.

In fact, demand for GPUs has been so strong that the price of graphics cards, new and old, has been shooting higher. This actually creates a bit of a conundrum for NVIDIA and AMD, as Advanced Micro Devices is more commonly known. The core customers for both companies are avid gaming enthusiasts and enterprise clients. If crypto mining demand continues to pluck supply from the market, the high price for graphics cards could cause a rebellion among NVIDIA's and AMD's core customers. Then again, if these companies create a product specifically for crypto mining, they'll drive down prices by increasing supply and squash the sales and margin boost they've recently experienced.

While both companies certainly have a lot going on beyond the cryptocurrency mining industry, it's possible that their share prices could reflect the ebbs and flows of virtual currency token prices, so it's something to keep in mind.

Image source: Getty Images.

Another burgeoning cryptocurrency mining stock that isn't exactly keen on divulging the percentage of its sales tied to mining is Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (NYSE:TSM). Last week, TSMC reported strong first-quarter operating results that included a 6% increase in sales from the prior-year period, as well as its single-best sales month in history in March ($3.5 billion). C.C. Wei, TSMC's president and co-CEO, specifically said that "these results were mainly driven by strong demand from high performance computing such as cryptocurrency mining."

In addition, Coindesk notes that Chinese mining hardware maker Bitmain, a client of TSMC, unveiled its next-generation, ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit)-based, Ethereum mining equipment called Antminer E3 in early April. The unit, which has a list price of $800, is set to ship in July. Bitmain's need for ASIC chips to satisfy demand for Antminer E3 may very well be the reason TSMC experienced a surge in sales during March and in Q1 as a whole.

However, the downdraft in bitcoin and other crypto token prices in 2018 has certainly cast a shadow on industry demand moving forward. Having previously forecast sales growth of 10% to 15% in 2018, TSMC also lowered its sales growth expectations to 10% for the current year on uncertainty in the crypto mining space. Like NVIDIA and AMD, TSMC's share price may be adversely impacted if cryptocurrency prices continue to sink.

Image source: Getty Images.

Now, if you want as much cryptocurrency mining exposure as possible without actually running your own mining operation, there's the over-the-counter exchange-listed HIVE Blockchain Technologies (NASDAQOTH:HVBTF). This publicly traded cryptocurrency mining firm is currently in the process of ramping up its operations in Sweden and Iceland, and envisions generating approximately $150 million in annual revenue from its operations. Sweden and Iceland offer commercial kilowatt-per-hour electricity prices that are well below the European average. Plus, these are relatively temperate nation's, which may aid in keeping mining equipment cool.

Now here's where things really get interesting. Despite being a crypto mining start-up, HIVE Blockchain already turned a profit in its most recently reported quarter. Sure, the $149,724 in profit was negligible and resulted in $0.00 in earnings per share, but that profit was derived from just over $3 million in quarterly sales. Presumably, HIVE could generate more than 10 times this each quarter when fully ramped up.

The wildcard here is what'll happen to cryptocurrency prices. You see, HIVE Blockchain isn't necessarily selling all of the Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and ZCash tokens that it's mining. It hangs on to some of these coins in the hope that they'll appreciate in value. Thus, investing in a company like HIVE gives an investor direct access to crypto mining margins, as well as the movement in a handful of popular digital currencies.

Like the other companies above, there are also plenty of risks. Given that its business is entirely devoted to crypto mining and lacks sales diversity, investors would need to understand that if virtual currency prices fall considerably, their investment in HIVE could dive. Furthermore, in order to raise capital, it wouldn't be surprising if HIVE Blockchain diluted existing investors with bought-deal offerings. These are the risks that stock investors would have to endure if they wanted direct access to a publicly traded cryptocurrency mining stock.

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The 4 Top Cryptocurrency Mining Stocks -- The Motley Fool

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One in five financial institutions consider cryptocurrency …

LONDON (Reuters) - One in five financial institutions is considering trading cryptocurrencies within the next 12 months, a survey published by Thomson Reuters on Tuesday found.

Among those respondents who said they were willing to trade cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the best known of the digital coins, 70 percent said they were planning to start trading in the next three to six months, the survey showed.

The survey covered more than 400 clients across Thomson Reuters Corp TRI.O (TRI.N) platforms including large asset managers, hedge funds and trading desks at the biggest banks. Thomson Reuters, the parent company of Reuters, provides data and news to the financial services industry.

Retail interest in the buying and selling of digital coins exploded last year after prices skyrocketed, and institutional involvement has been predicted to grow, despite regulatory warnings that cryptocurrencies are highly risky and prone to scams.

Banks are examining client interest and several hedge funds have tried their hand trading virtual currencies.

Large falls in cryptocurrency prices this year, however, have encouraged critics to warn again that the market is a bubble and that investors should stay away.

The survey was the first conducted by Thomson Reuters so it was not possible to gauge how institutional appetite for crypto trading has changed.

Thomson Reuters is the parent company of Reuters News.

Reporting by Tommy Wilkes; Editing by Peter Graff

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New hacks siphon private cryptocurrency keys from …

Enlarge / Simplified figurative process of a Cryptocurrency transaction.

Researchers have defeated a key protection against cryptocurrency theft with a series of attacks that transmit private keys out of digital wallets that are physically separated from the Internet and other networks.

Like most of the other attacks developed by Ben-Gurion University professor Mordechai Guri and his colleagues, the currency wallet exploits start with the already significant assumption that a device has already been thoroughly compromised by malware. Still, the research is significant because it shows that even when devices are airgappedmeaning they aren't connected to any other devices to prevent the leaking of highly sensitive dataattackers may still successfully exfiltrate the information. Past papers have defeated airgaps using a wide array of techniques, including electromagnetic emissions from USB devices, radio signals from a computer's video card, infrared capabilities in surveillance cameras, and sounds produced by hard drives.

On Monday, Guri published a new paper that applies the same exfiltration techniques to "cold wallets," which are not stored on devices connected to the Internet. The most effective techniques take only seconds to siphon a 256-bit Bitcoin key from a wallet running on an infected computer, even though the computer isn't connected to any network. Guri said the possibility of stealing keys that protect millions or billions of dollars is likely to take the covert exfiltration techniques out of the nation-state hacking realm they currently inhabit and possibly bring them into the mainstream.

"I think that the interesting issue is that the airgap attacks that were thought to be exotic issues for high-end attacks may become more widespread," he wrote in an email. "While airgap covert channels might be considered somewhat slow for other types of information, they are very relevant for such brief amounts of information. I want to show the security of 'cold wallet' is not hermetic given the existing airgap covert channels."

One technique can siphon private keys stored in a cold wallet running on a Raspberry Pi, which many security professionals say is one of the best ways to store private cryptocurrency keys. Even if the device became infected, the thinking goes, there's no way for attackers to obtain the private keys because it remains physically isolated from the Internet or other devices. In such cases, users authorize a digital payment in the cold wallet and then use a USB stick or other external media to transfer a file to an online wallet. As the following video demonstrates, it takes only a few seconds for a nearby smartphone under the attacker's control to covertly receive the secret key.

BeatCoin: Leaking bitcoin's private keys from air-gapped wallets.

The technique works by using the Raspberry Pi's general-purpose input/output pins to generate radio signals that transmit the key information. The headphones on the receiving smartphone act as an antenna to improve the radio-frequency signal quality, but in many cases they're not necessary.

A second video defeats a cold wallet running on a computer. It transmits the key by using inaudible, ultrasonic signals. Such inaudible sounds are already being used to covertly track smartphone users as they move about cities. It wouldn't be a stretch to see similar capabilities built into malware that's designed to steal digital coins.

BeatCoin: Leaking bitcoin's private keys from air-gapped wallets.

As already mentioned, the exfiltration techniques described in this post assume the device running the cold wallet is already infected by malware. Still, the widely repeated advice to use cold wallets is designed to protect people against this very scenario.

"We show that, despite the high degree of isolation of cold wallets, motivated attackers can steal the private keys out of the air-gapped wallets," Guri wrote in the new paper. "With the private keys in hand, an attacker virtually owns all of the currency in the wallet."

To protect keys, people should continue to store them in cold wallets whenever possible, but they should consider additional safeguards, including keeping cold wallets away from smartphones, cameras, and other receivers. They should also shield cold-wallet devices with metallic materials that prevent electromagnetic radiation from leaking. Of course, people should also prevent devices from becoming infected in the first place.

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The Internet Security Academy – SAHCOM Technologies LLP

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The Internet of Things Security Foundation (IoTSF), a collaborative initiative aimed at addressing concerns regarding the security of IoT, launched publicly in London this week. The foundations executive board includes security experts and several technology organizations, including BT, Vodafone, Imagination Technologies, Royal Holloway University of London, Copper Horse Solutions, Secure Thingz, NMI and PenTest Partners. Read more about IoT Security Foundation Launches[]

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The Internet Security Academy - SAHCOM Technologies LLP

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What Is Cryptocurrency? – dummies

By Tiana Laurence

Part of Blockchain For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Cryptocurrencies, sometimes called virtual currencies, digital money/cash, or tokens, are not really like U.S. dollars or British pounds. They live online and are not backed by a government. Theyre backed by their respective networks. Technically speaking, cryptocurrencies are restricted entries in a database. Specific conditions must be met to change these entries. Created with cryptography, the entries are secured with math, not people.

Restricted entries are published into a database, but its a special type of database that is shared by a peer-to-peer network. For example, when you send some Bitcoin to your friend Cara, youre creating and sending a restricted entry into the Bitcoin network. The network makes sure that you havent not the same entry twice; it does this with no central server or authority. Following the same example, the network is making sure that you didnt try to send your friend Cara and your other friend Alice the same Bitcoin.

The peer-to-peer network solves the double-spend problem (you sending the same Bitcoin to two people) in most cases by having every peer have a complete record of the history of all the entries made within the network. The entire history gives the balance of every account including yours. The innovation of cryptocurrency is to achieve agreement on what the history is without a central server or authority.

Entries are the representation of cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies are generated by the network in most cases to incentivize the peers, also known as nodes and miners, to work to secure the network and check entries. Each network has a unique way of generating them and distributing them to the peers.

Bitcoin, for example, rewards peers (known as miners on the Bitcoin network) for solving the next block. A block is a group or entries. The solving is finding a hash that connects the new block with the old one. This is where the term blockchain came from. The block is the group of entries, and the chain is the hash. Hashes are a type of cryptologic puzzle. Think of them as Sudoku puzzles that the peers compete to connect the blocks.

Every cryptocurrency is a little different, but most of them share these basic characteristics:

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What Is Cryptocurrency? - dummies

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Cryptocurrency Market Surges to $365 Billion, Start of a …

Throughout this week, as CCN reported, the cryptocurrency market has been eyeing a move towards the $350 billion region. Earlier today, on April 20, strong performances of major cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum have led the valuation of the cryptocurrency market to surge to $365 billion.

Throughout 2018, amidst extreme volatility and recovery, investors inclined towards bitcoin as the safe haven asset. With the deepest liquidity and largest volume in the global market, bitcoin was able to sustain some stability while many cryptocurrencies recorded a free fall. Most assets declined by more than 80 percent from their all-time highs and struggled to record gains against bitcoin.

Over the past seven days, alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) and other major cryptocurrencies have consistently reported gains against the most dominant cryptocurrency in the market. The daily trading volume of the global cryptocurrency market crossed the $20 billion mark for the first time in April and the valuation of the market achieved a new monthly high.

In March and early April, investors were skeptical towards investing in cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin and Ethereum because they were uncertain about the short-term future of the cryptocurrency market. While altcoins tend to have intensified movements on the upside, it also has larger movements on the downside, and investors thought the risk was not worth taking.

Traders have started to take more risk than before by investing in cryptocurrencies like Ripple, Zilliqa, Nano, OmiseGo and others. As the volumes of altcoins across major exchanges surged, altcoins began to outperform bitcoin on a weekly basis, and it is possible that ERC20 tokens outperform major cryptocurrencies on a monthly basis by the end of April.

The next major target for the cryptocurrency market is the $400 billion mark and by surpassing that threshold, the cryptocurrency market would achieve a two-month high. At this juncture, it is safe to conclude that bitcoin has bottomed out at $6,000 and the market has begun a rapid recovery to its previous levels.

If the bitcoin price breaks the $9,500 level in the short-term, ideally within the next week, it is entirely possible that the cryptocurrency market surpasses $400 billion within April, in the next 10 days.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) of bitcoin is in the 57 range and is signifying a neutral zone. Bitcoin is neither oversold or overbought based on current levels, as demonstrated by two momentum oscillators RSI and Williams Percent Range.

Both simple and exponential moving averages are indicating buy signals for bitcoin, as it continues to gain strong momentum. From this point, traders are expecting the bitcoin price to cross $8,500 and potentially make its way into the $9 billion region.

Non-ERC20 tokens like Ripple and Verge were the best performers on April 20, with solid 20 percent gains. Both Ripple and Verge have performed strong against bitcoin throughout April and they are continuing to build momentum against bitcoin and Ethereum.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

The post Cryptocurrency Market Surges to $365 Billion, Start of a Bull Rally? appeared first on CCN.

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These files can’t be opened. Your Internet security …

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit With UAC Disabled

Hi there,

I turned on my computer this morning and suddenly all ____ has broken loose. Every time I try and open an exe file I get a Windows Security alert box telling me that:

"These files can't be opened. Your Internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened."

I've read through every thread I can find on the topic and none of the "answers" have worked for me.

I have tried the following common "solutions" with no luck:

1) Right click the exe, click PropertiesClick the Unblock buttonClick OK

2) Adding exe to Control Pannel > Windows Defender > Tools > Options > Excluded file types

3) Start / Control Panel / Internet Options.(Internet Options control panel appears)Click "Security" tab.Click "Local Intranet"Drag slider to "Low"Click "Sites" button.Click "Advanced" button.Enter the IP Address of the NAS / SMB/ CIFS / whatever server and click "Add."Click "Close"

4) Remove the registry key - HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFolderTypes{EF87B4CB-F2CE-4785-8658-4CA6C63E38C6}TopViews{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

5) Creating a completely new admin profile. - This one was interesting, when I logged into the account there was no aero theme - it went right back to basics.

So any ideas?

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These files can't be opened. Your Internet security ...

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How to Uninstall Norton Internet Security: 12 Steps


Part 1


Open the Control Panel. You can uninstall Norton Internet Security through the Control Panel, much like any other program. You can find the Control Panel in the Start menu, or by searching for "control panel".



Find Norton Internet Security. Scroll through the list until your find Norton Internet Security. Click on it, and then click the Uninstall button at the top of the list. Follow the prompts to remove Norton Internet Security.



Reboot your computer. After removing the programs, reboot your computer to finish the uninstallation. If you encountered any errors during the uninstallation process, see the next section.

Part 2






Part 3



How do I remove Norton Safe Search?

wikiHow Contributor

Go to your control panel, then click" programs", scroll down, and select "Norton". Right click and delete the application.

How do I remove administrative privileges on my Windows Vista computer?

Aiden Martinez

Just create another account in Control Panel -> User Accounts and make it a non-admin account. You do not want to delete your admin account.

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Internet Security Software at Office Depot OfficeMax

Protect your family or your business with Internet security suite software designed to work with numerous devices and prevent various types of online threats. For home use, look for programs with integrated parental controls and monitoring, as well as protection against viruses, spyware, fishing and risky websites. For business use, look for software that can be installed on multiple computers or mobile devices quickly and easily and managed from a single online hub. Be sure to review our entire assortment of software and books, including more antivirus software choices.

With multiple family members and multiple computers and devices, you need Internet security software that accommodates all of the equipment and security considerations you may have. Many of the Internet security system suites in our assortment can be easily installed on multiple devices and include antivirus software, antispyware software, prevention from clicking harmful links in browsers or e-mail and a two-way firewall, preventing unauthorized access to your systems. If you have children, you may wish to consider a program with integrated parental controls, including options for recording or blocking e-mail, chat, instant messages or website visits.

We carry several Internet security suite options designed to accommodate the special needs of small businesses. Look for programs that can be easily installed on several computers and mobile devices with just an e-mail and then managed from a single web portal, for greater efficiency. Opt for programs that include firewall protection, as well as those that block viruses, malware, spam and more.

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Internet Security Software at Office Depot OfficeMax

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