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Cloud Storage Pricing | Cloud Storage Documentation …

This document discusses pricing for Cloud Storage. For Google Drive, which offerssimple online storage for your personal files, seeGoogle Drive pricing.

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.

Cloud Storage pricing is based on the following components:

As part of the Google Cloud Platform Free Tier, Cloud Storage provides resourcesthat are free to use up to specific limits. These usage limits are availableboth during and after the free trial period. If you are no longer in the freetrial period, usage beyond these Always Free limits is chargedaccording to the price sheet below.

Cloud Storage Always Free quotas apply to usage in us-west1,us-central1, and us-east1 regions. Usage is aggregated across these 3regions. Always Free is subject to change. Please see our FAQ foreligibility requirements and other restrictions.

The pricing tables below show what charges apply when using Cloud Storage.

For an example scenario that shows usage and charges, see theDetailed Pricing Example. For the Google Cloud Platform pricing calculator, seethe Calculator page.

Data storage costs apply to the at-rest storing of your data in Cloud Storage.Select the desired location from the drop-down list to see the data storagerates that apply in that location.

US (multi-region) EU (multi-region) Asia (multi-region) Iowa Oregon Northern Virginia South Carolina So Paulo Belgium London Frankfurt Netherlands Mumbai Montral Singapore Sydney Taiwan Tokyo

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.

* Data stored in a multi-regional location cannot be storedas Regional Storage, and data stored in a regional location cannot bestored as Multi-Regional Storage.

Network charges apply when data is read from your buckets. This includescopying or transferring data to other services, such as other Cloud Storagebuckets. Network usage is divided into the following cases:

There are no network charges for accessing data in your Cloud Storage bucketswhen you do so with other GCP services in the followingscenarios:

Bucket-to-bucket network usage applies when you move or copy data from onebucket in Cloud Storage to another.

For a list of locations and regions you can use when creating a bucket, seebucket locations.

If you have chosen to use certain GCP network products, egresspricing is based on their pricing tables:

General network usage applies for any data read from your bucket that does notfall into one of the above categories.

US (multi-region) EU (multi-region) Asia (multi-region) Iowa Oregon Northern Virginia South Carolina So Paulo Belgium London Frankfurt Netherlands Mumbai Montral Singapore Sydney Taiwan Tokyo

You can view your current usage in thebilling details for your project.

Operation charges apply when you perform operations within Cloud Storage. Anoperation is an action that makes changes to or retrieves information aboutbuckets and objects in Cloud Storage.

Operations are divided into three categories: Class A, Class B, and free.Billing rates are per 10,000 operations. See belowfor a breakdown of which operations fall into each class.

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.

1 When an operation applies to an object, the storage class of thatobject determines the operation cost. When an operation applies to a bucket,the default storage class that is set for the bucket determines theoperation cost. When listing buckets, the Class A Multi-Regional Storagerate applies.

The following table lists the operations that fall into each class. If youaccess Cloud Storage through the Google Cloud Platform Console or one of theCloud Storage client libraries, applicable operations are in the JSONAPI row. If you access Cloud Storage through gsutil, JSON API operations areused by default, but you may have configured gsutil to go through the XML APIinstead.

Because Google Cloud Storage Nearline and Google Cloud Storage Coldline are intended for storinginfrequently accessed data, there are additional costs associated withretrieving data or metadata stored in these classes, as well as minimumstorage durations that you are charged for.

A retrieval cost applies when you read data or metadata that is stored asNearline Storage or Coldline Storage. This cost is in addition to anynetwork charges associated with reading the data.

A minimum storage duration applies to data stored as Nearline Storage orColdline Storage. You can delete the file before it has been stored forthis duration, but at the time of deletion you are charged as if the filewas stored for the minimum duration. These charges are billed throughearly delete SKUs.

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency onCloud Platform SKUs apply.

For example, suppose you store 1,000 GB of Coldline Storage data in the USmulti-regional location. If you add the data on day 1 and then remove it onday 60, you are charged $14 ($0.007/GB/mo. * 1,000GB * 2 mo.) for storage from day 1 to 60, and then $7($0.007/GB/mo. * 1,000 GB * 1 mo.) for 30 daysof early deletion from day 61 to 90.

Early deletion charges apply when you overwrite or move an existing objectbefore the minimum storage duration, because both actions delete the originalfile. In the case of moving an object, data retrieval charges also apply,since the original file must be copied to its new location. In both overwritesand copies, normal storage costs apply to the object that results from theoverwrite or copy.

For example, if you create a Nearline Storage object and 10 days later youoverwrite it in order to change its storage class to Regional Storage, thisaction is considered an early deletion. You are charged for the remaining 20days of storage, and charges for storing the new Regional Storage version ofthe object begins as soon as the overwrite occurs.

Storage and network usage are calculated in binary gigabytes (GB), where 1GBis 230 bytes. This unit of measurement isalso known as a gibibyte (GiB).Similarly, 1TB is 240 bytes, i.e. 1024 GBs.

Storage charges are prorated to the sub-second for each object (with theexception of Nearline Storage and Coldline Storage data that is deletedor modified early, as described above). See Pricing examples, belowfor an example of prorated storage charges.

Charges accrue daily, but Cloud Storage bills you only at the end ofthe billing period. You can view unbilled usage inyour project's billing page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Storage charges are based on the storage class of individual objects,not the default storage class set on the bucket that contains them.

Custom metadata is accounted for in your monthlystorage and network usage. For example, for the custom metadata[NAME]:[VALUE], Cloud Storage counts each character in [NAME] and[VALUE] as a byte stored with the object and transferred in object requests.

For compressed objects that are transcoded during download, storagerates are based on the compressed size of the object. Egress rates arebased on the uncompressed size of the object.

For buckets with Object Versioning enabled, each archived version of anobject is charged at the same rate as the live version of the object.

Cloud Storage also has the storage classDurable Reduced Availability (DRA); however, it is recommended thatusers utilize Regional Storage in favor of DRA. Regional Storage has lowerpricing for operations but otherwise has the same pricestructure. Regional Storage also provides better performance, particularlyin terms of availability.

There are no extra costs for using the Storage Transfer Service; however, normalCloud Storage and external provider costs apply when using theStorage Transfer Service. See Storage Transfer Service pricing for a list of potentialcosts.

This example demonstrates how Cloud Storage prorates the storage costs ofyour data.

Say you store a 15 GB object in a Multi-Regional Storage bucket for 12 hours.Cloud Storage treats this as 0.5 days of storage, or 1/60 of a month (assuminga 30-day month). This storage incurs a charge of:

The following example shows a simple scenario that might apply if you are justgetting started with Cloud Storage. The data storage amount is the averageamount of data in your bucket over the course of the month.

Suppose you have the following storage usage pattern in a given month:

Your bill for the month is calculated as follows:

The following example shows storage usage that includes multiple storageclasses as well as bandwidth consumption that spans multiple tiers. For eachstorage class, the data storage amount is the average over the course of themonth.

Suppose you have the following storage usage pattern in a given month:

Your bill for the month is calculated as follows:

The use of this service must adhere to the Cloud Storage Terms of Serviceand Program Policies, as well as Google's Privacy Policy.

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Cloud Storage Pricing | Cloud Storage Documentation ...

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Asian Cryptocurrency Trading Roundup: Top Altcoin is Tron …

The crypto bulls are still in control this morning and markets are marching upwards though it seems to be slowing. Bitcoin has gained 3% on the day and is heading towards the psychologically significant ten thousand dollar mark. BTC is currently trading at $9,500 and signals are still bullish for the long term. Altcoins have been equally boosted and are mostly trading higher yet again this morning in Asia though there is some red creeping into the charts as a few start to correct. One streaking ahead of the pack is a coin we have featured several times before, Tron.

Love it or hate it, Tron is outperforming all other cryptocurrencies during Asian trade this morning. Coinmarketcap is reporting a 29% gain on the day as TRX heads towards $0.10. It is currently trading at $0.076, up from $0.058 this time yesterday. Over the week Tron has made significant gains of 85% from $0.042 this time last week, the monthly view is even brighter for this altcoin which is up 66% over the past month. Against Bitcoin Tron has climbed 25% to just over 800 satoshis from 640 sats this time yesterday. Weekly gains are equally as impressive at 50% from 535 satoshis this time last Wednesday.

Momentum for Tron has largely been driven by the announcement that a 30 million TRX airdrop will be landing for Ethereum holders. Founder Justin Sun seems to spend most of his waking hours on Twitter so new posts and announcements are not really out of the ordinary for this altcoin. A couple more minor partnerships and exchange listings have been posted over the past day along with an update on increasing market capitalization for TRX.

As usual the South Koreans have been all over Tron this morning with over 50% of the total trade being in KRW. Upbit, Binance and Bithumb are the top three exchanges for TRX trade, total volume has jumped from $560 million to just over $2 billion in the past 24 hours. This has increase Trons market cap to just under $5 billion nudging the coin back towards the top ten, it currently sits just outside at eleventh place, just behind Neo.

Total crypto market capitalization is higher yet again today gaining marginally from yesterdays level to $418 billion at the time of writing. Other altcoins performing well this morning in Asia include EOS, up almost 10%, and Binance Coin.

More on Tron can be found here:

FOMO Moments is a section that takes a daily look at the top 25 altcoins during the Asian trading session and analyses the best performing one, looking for trends and possible fundamentals.

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Asian Cryptocurrency Trading Roundup: Top Altcoin is Tron ...

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Alternate Cryptocurrencies aka altcoins r/altcoin – reddit

Everyone who has been faced with the exchange listing process knows how hard it is to reach them and get your token listed there. But before you put all of your effort into trying to get in touch with the exchanges let me reveal a bit about the listing price.

(No Names, Just Numbers)

Well, to start with theres a few types of exchanges

1 - The big 2 - The middle 3 - The small

The big exchanges usually request anywhere from 50 BTC and higher. It could be mentioned as a listing fee or as a part of a marketing campaign fund.

They could also list your token absolutely free but before getting happy you should be sure that you meet their highly limited parameters.

The middle exchanges usually request anywhere from 7 BTC - 30 BTC

The small exchanges, anywhere from 3 BTC - 5 BTC

Tip 1 - Before trying to get listed on Major exchanges (Like in the top 10) and fighting their silence, it is better to apply for a middle exchange and right after that your coin will be listed there, the big exchange will be more interested in your listing then ever before.

Tip 2 - If you dont want to waste your time filling out applications and sending messages that they will never respond to, send us a request and we will provide you with a high quality listing service that can meet any requirements that you might have - Assetrush

See the original post:
Alternate Cryptocurrencies aka altcoins r/altcoin - reddit

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Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations | CoinMarketCap

1BTCBitcoin1.639705221e+11$9636.73 $8,660,310,00017,015,162BTC-0.07%2ETHEthereum76653866208.7$772.50$3,672,930,00099,228,948ETH1.23%3 XRPRipple34754563834.9$0.887088$1,021,370,00039,178,259,468XRP*0.34%4BCHBitcoin Cash25745518313.2$1504.74$978,129,00017,109,613BCH0.24%5EOSEOS14602446248.4$17.49$1,917,770,000834,854,854EOS*-1.86%6ADACardano9503930684.69$0.366564$188,735,00025,927,070,538ADA*-1.96%7LTCLitecoin9168623360.28$162.62$544,591,00056,380,663 LTC0.83%8XLMStellar7999985925.32$0.430756$57,130,90018,571,966,323XLM*-1.94%9MIOTAIOTA6703143025.79$2.41$159,671,0002,779,530,283MIOTA*-6.63%10TRXTRON5761756866.28$0.087634$716,384,00065,748,111,645TRX*-0.16%11NEONEO5459382500.0$83.99$163,740,00065,000,000NEO*-4.40%12DASHDash3882272995.23$482.13$147,555,0008,052,370DASH-4.34%13XMRMonero3839157788.62$239.99$96,721,40015,997,491XMR-5.55%14XEMNEM3829760999.57$0.425529$23,815,0008,999,999,999XEM*-1.91%15VENVeChain2758404085.12$5.25$131,619,000525,899,138VEN*0.35%16 USDTTether2267616913.09$1.00$4,022,470,0002,267,140,814USDT*0.21%17ETCEthereum Classic2239100452.75$22.05$312,062,000101,528,088ETC-3.87%18QTUMQtum1938336792.3$21.88$252,836,00088,570,812QTUM*-5.03%19OMGOmiseGO1806387864.08$17.70$71,316,000 102,042,552OMG*-3.85%20ICXICON1710548014.05$4.42$69,457,000387,231,348ICX*-1.64%21BNBBinance Coin1633869563.4$14.33$84,374,800114,041,290BNB*-1.67% 22LSKLisk1453652254.12$13.77$34,159,800105,541,319LSK*-2.79%23NANONano1262702095.47$9.48$88,058,700133,248,289NANO*-2.58%24BTGBitcoin Gold1260336324.69$74.21$29,116,40016,983,536BTG-3.27%25BCNBytecoin1238885865.71$0.006738$8,885,940183,872,886,820BCN-0.43%26XVGVerge 1189063248.87$0.079500$108,218,00014,956,808,053XVG-0.35%27ZECZcash1135382166.99$295.35$62,881,8003,844,231ZEC-4.43%28ONTOntology1077634982.45$9.57$178,410,000112,619,658ONT*-10.19%29AEAeternity1045192355.82$4.49$29,546,800233,020,472AE* -2.77%30STEEMSteem990755029.922$3.90$13,112,800254,190,310STEEM*-3.43%31WANWanchain962015456.713$9.06$42,271,700106,152,493WAN*-5.09%32SCSiacoin947547683.046$0.027695$36,537,00034,213,796,874SC-2.85%33ZILZilliqa941307763.069$0.129187$74,937,4007,286,396,952ZIL*0.77% 34BTMBytom914711133.0$0.926759$121,855,000987,000,000BTM*-0.21%35BTSBitShares914139753.12$0.348706$27,479,6002,621,520,000BTS*-3.68%36BCDBitcoin Diamond868698148.59$5.66$5,429,820153,451,500BCD1.13%37ZRX0x857112255.531$1.63$52,732,800526,355,637ZRX*14.46%38PPTPopulous790250597.551$21.36$7,611,13037,004,027PPT*-8.70%39WAVESWaves760149000.0$7.60$41,512,500100,000,000WAVES*-1.21%40STRATStratis752973840.164$7.62$16,803,40098,842,445STRAT*-1.82%41MKRMaker705861556.518$1141.75$328,202618,228MKR*2.39%42BTCPBitcoin Private690343566.799$33.80$3,302,22020,424,003BTCP-18.77% 43RHOCRChain664996768.214$1.85$2,118,840360,105,903RHOC*-7.01%44DCRDecred658213673.022$92.11$60,274,6007,145,743DCR10.38% 45GNTGolem646760781.238$0.775249$119,487,000834,262,000GNT*-3.32%46DOGEDogecoin597630132.671$0.005229$14,853,300114,295,192,743DOGE-5.49%47SNTStatus577693260.867$0.166459$55,415,7003,470,483,788SNT*-3.16%48HSRHshare564997362.217$13.16$121,514,00042,943,372HSR-4.65%49IOSTIOStoken558903240.0$0.066536$85,815,6008,400,000,000IOST*2.06%50WTCWaltonchain535996179.677$17.21$15,114,00031,144,099WTC* 0.27%51DGDDigixDAO527100000.0$263.55$5,400,3102,000,000DGD*-5.17%52LRCLoopring514840323.572$0.899954$26,070,700572,074,043LRC*-2.57%53DGBDigiByte492014039.587$0.048209$10,946,10010,205,960,351DGB0.87%54AIONAion489004966.214$3.67$13,590,300133,073,439AION*-7.22%55BATBasic Attenti...483920000.0$0.483920$7,455,5801,000,000,000BAT*-3.06%56REPAugur466018300.0$42.37$6,438,190 11,000,000REP*-5.13%57XINMixin454569007.328 $1081.37$660,022420,364XIN*-4.47%58KMDKomodo442467578.835$4.25$8,841,590104,059,336KMD-2.42%59ARDRArdor425751606.78$0.426178$4,629,970998,999,495ARDR*-2.80%60ELFaelf419117500.0$1.68$78,477,800250,000,000ELF*-9.74%61MITHMithril393956561.51$1.29$124,382,000305,054,522MITH*-0.35%62NASNebulas371021150.0$10.45 $38,907,90035,500,000NAS*-9.27%63ARKArk 367284086.522$3.59$3,504,470102,329,208ARK*-5.29% 64LOOMLoom Network357098116.929$0.621656$154,481,000574,430,420LOOM*3.31%65KCSKuCoin Shares344562761.214$4.55$1,481,66075,730,576KCS*3.94%66KNCKyber Network334517556.855$2.49$22,742,700134,132,697KNC*-3.65%67GASGas328187712.877$32.40$13,588,40010,128,375GAS*-1.82%68PIVXPIVX324586142.178$5.78$4,450,17056,124,534PIVX*-5.29%69SUBSubstratum314838282.694$0.821987$11,078,900383,021,000SUB*-1.05%70CTXCCortex311151889.607$2.08$120,041,000149,792,458CTXC*0.61%71RDDReddCoin308230183.989$0.010699$34,359,70028,808,713,174RDD *-0.34%72WICCWaykiChain308021766.0$2.15$20,761,000143,400,000WICC*-2.46%73MONAMonaCoin304382424.891$5.14$1,997,28059,228,050MONA-2.19%74QASHQASH284991000.0$0.814260$3,455,120350,000,000QASH*-4.48%75SYSSyscoin284577225.002$0.533738$8,003,620533,177,748SYS-5.67%76CENNZCentrality280112457.7$0.404758$254,018692,049,219CENNZ*-5.39%77CNXCryptonex272718280.994$6.03$1,902,40045,252,503CNX-6.50%78NPXSPundi X272139145.119$0.004429$2,953,54061,438,169,970NPXS*8.74%79 DRGNDragonchain270997529.662$1.14$3,944,990238,421,940DRGN*-3.11%80ETHOSEthos262477962.678$3.43$8,713,43076,496,756ETHOS*-5.87%81BNTBancor260968367.944$5.08$15,112,40051,345,548BNT*-0.06%82STORMStorm258585604.698$0.063198$50,068,6004,091,706,234STORM*-4.16%83GXSGXChain255889800.0$4.26$15,840,20060,000,000GXS*-3.09%84DCNDentacoin252461386.36$0.000776$476,504325,226,613,094DCN*1.35%85VERIVeritaseum252177438.381$123.82$690,3422,036,645VERI*-11.05% 86FUNFunFair249942785.985$0.051443$8,792,3304,858,654,389FUN*-3.94% 87FSNFusion243712218.115$8.21$9,518,69029,684,331FSN*-9.23%88FCTFactom243097219.906$27.80$2,525,8008,745,102FCT*-4.28%89NXT Nxt241580163.855$0.241822$9,613,310998,999,942NXT*-0.79%90SALTSALT235401446.262$4.06$9,002,10058,036,258SALT*-7.22%91ELAElastos234288591.156$45.68$18,540,7005,129,269ELA-4.63%92WAXWAX233322842.858$0.375218$7,584,640621,832,756WAX *-13.89%93ETNElectroneum227862841.658$0.033066$4,131,4106,891,214,813ETN-2.26%94GTOGifto226287900.448$0.526619$148,293,000429,699,461GTO*-14.84% 95ENGEnigma219207867.272$2.93$8,622,35074,836,171ENG*-1.70%96MANMatrix AI Net...211300500.0$1.41$4,179,090150,000,000MAN*29.98%97XZCZCoin210307705.145$44.96$1,706,5904,677,382XZC -0.69%98POWRPower Ledger205637381.709$0.558807$18,036,300367,993,568POWR*-1.63%99LINKChainLink203787850.0$0.582251$9,536,630350,000,000LINK*2.31%100POLYPolymath201645149.953$0.840189$14,573,300239,999,750POLY*7.87%

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Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations | CoinMarketCap

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How Quantum Computers Work

A quantum computer is a computer design which uses the principles of quantum physics to increase the computational power beyond what is attainable by a traditional computer. Quantum computers have been built on the small scale and work continues to upgrade them to more practical models.

Computers function by storing data in a binary number format, which result in a series of 1s & 0s retained in electronic components such as transistors.

Each component of computer memory is called a bit and can be manipulated through the steps of Boolean logic so that the bits change, based upon the algorithms applied by the computer program, between the 1 and 0 modes (sometimes referred to as "on" and "off").

A quantum computer, on the other hand, would store information as either a 1, 0, or a quantum superposition of the two states. Such a "quantum bit" allows for far greater flexibility than the binary system.

Specifically, a quantum computer would be able to perform calculations on a far greater order of magnitude than traditional computers ... a concept which has serious concerns and applications in the realm of cryptography & encryption. Some fear that a successful & practical quantum computer would devastate the world's financial system by ripping through their computer security encryptions, which are based on factoring large numbers that literally cannot be cracked by traditional computers within the lifespan of the universe.

A quantum computer, on the other hand, could factor the numbers in a reasonable period of time.

To understand how this speeds things up, consider this example. If the qubit is in a superposition of the 1 state and the 0 state, and it performed a calculation with another qubit in the same superposition, then one calculation actually obtains 4 results: a 1/1 result, a 1/0 result, a 0/1 result, and a 0/0 result.

This is a result of the mathematics applied to a quantum system when in a state of decoherence, which lasts while it is in a superposition of states until it collapses down into one state. The ability of a quantum computer to perform multiple computations simultaneously (or in parallel, in computer terms) is called quantum parallelism).

The exact physical mechanism at work within the quantum computer is somewhat theoretically complex and intuitively disturbing. Generally, it is explained in terms of the multi-world interpretation of quantum physics, wherein the computer performs calculations not only in our universe but also in other universes simultaneously, while the various qubits are in a state of quantum decoherence. (While this sounds far-fetched, the multi-world interpretation has been shown to make predictions which match experimental results. Other physicists have )

Quantum computing tends to trace its roots back to a 1959 speech by Richard P. Feynman in which he spoke about the effects of miniaturization, including the idea of exploiting quantum effects to create more powerful computers. (This speech is also generally considered the starting point of nanotechnology.)

Of course, before the quantum effects of computing could be realized, scientists and engineers had to more fully develop the technology of traditional computers. This is why, for many years, there was little direct progress, nor even interest, in the idea of making Feynman's suggestions into reality.

In 1985, the idea of "quantum logic gates" was put forth by University of Oxford's David Deutsch, as a means of harnessing the quantum realm inside a computer. In fact, Deutsch's paper on the subject showed that any physical process could be modeled by a quantum computer.

Nearly a decade later, in 1994, AT&T's Peter Shor devised an algorithm that could use only 6 qubits to perform some basic factorizations ... more cubits the more complex the numbers requiring factorization became, of course.

A handful of quantum computers has been built.

The first, a 2-qubit quantum computer in 1998, could perform trivial calculations before losing decoherence after a few nanoseconds. In 2000, teams successfully built both a 4-qubit and a 7-qubit quantum computer. Research on the subject is still very active, although some physicists and engineers express concerns over the difficulties involved in upscaling these experiments to full-scale computing systems. Still, the success of these initial steps does show that the fundamental theory is sound.

The quantum computer's main drawback is the same as its strength: quantum decoherence. The qubit calculations are performed while the quantum wave function is in a state of superposition between states, which is what allows it to perform the calculations using both 1 & 0 states simultaneously.

However, when a measurement of any type is made to a quantum system, decoherence breaks down and the wave function collapses into a single state. Therefore, the computer has to somehow continue making these calculations without having any measurements made until the proper time, when it can then drop out of the quantum state, have a measurement taken to read its result, which then gets passed on to the rest of the system.

The physical requirements of manipulating a system on this scale are considerable, touching on the realms of superconductors, nanotechnology, and quantum electronics, as well as others. Each of these is itself a sophisticated field which is still being fully developed, so trying to merge them all together into a functional quantum computer is a task which I don't particularly envy anyone ...

except for the person who finally succeeds.

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How Quantum Computers Work

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Understanding cloud storage services: A guide for beginners

Get startedBring yourself up to speed with our introductory content.

Cloud storage is without a doubt one of the biggest buzzwords of the year. But more than that, cloud storage services...

are becoming a popular option for small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), as well as larger enterprises, as an alternative to adding and maintaining more storage in-house.

According to the Spring 2010 Storage magazine/SearchStorage Purchasing Intentions survey, 14% of respondents said they're using cloud storage now, with the largest numbers using cloud storage for disaster recovery (6%). But 4% are using it to hold primary data from their data centers, and an equal number are using it for nearline data storage.

But before you take plunge and sign up with a cloud storage service provider, there are some things you need to know. Is cloud storage secure? How much will it cost? What services are best for SMBs? In our cloud storage services guide for beginners, we've collected our top tips and expert advice in one place so you can get answers to your most important questions. Learn about cloud backup, cloud archiving, cloud disaster recovery, and using the cloud for primary storage.

Cloud storage services for smaller businesses

Part of the reason why cloud storage is having difficulty catching on in the data storage realm is because it is still a relatively new concept. Also, many users have questions about the cost and whether or not cloud storage is secure. One of the biggest advantages of using cloud storage for SMBs is that many SMBs don't have a large technical staff to handle storage. Read this article to determine if cloud storage services are a good choice for your organization, and learn about the pros and cons of cloud storage.

Cloud storage explained

"Cloud storage" is basically defined as data storage that is made available as a service via a network. But that definition can be confusing because it's so broad and can include many different types of companies. In this cloud storage guide from SearchStorage, learn about cloud storage criteria, read a cloud storage case study, learn about the future of cloud storage, and more. Click here to read cloud storage explained.

Cloud storage: Five best practices for moving to the cloud

Cloud storage is still a pretty new technology, but experts have already developed some best practices for getting the most from moving to cloud storage. You should read service-level agreements very carefully and beware of hidden costs. Cloud storage providers will tell you the basic cost per gigabyte of cloud storage up front to help you figure out how much it will cost you per month depending on the amount of data you need to store. But these basic costs are only part of the picture, and providers may also charge extra for data transfers, meta data functions, or copying and deleting files. For more information on moving to cloud storage, read this article on cloud storage best practices.

A tutorial on cloud backup services

One of the more popular use cases for cloud computing is cloud backup. But what should you look for in a cloud backup service? What are the different types of cloud backup services? Which ones are best for business use? In this tutorial by data backup and recovery guru W. Curtis Preston, learn everything you need to know about cloud backup services. Click here to read our cloud backup services tutorial.

Service-level agreement and cloud backup services

There are a number of things that must be taken into consideration before you sign up with a cloud data backup service provider. Things to be aware of are: security and privacy, bandwidth issues, and data recovery. Read this tip for a checklist of things to include in a service-level agreement with a cloud backup service.

Cloud data backup management

Management isn't the first concern that comes to mind for end users of cloud data backup. One of the reasons that companies outsource their data backups to cloud data backup service providers is to offload the burden of monitoring, maintaining and supporting the infrastructure.

But tracking key metrics can be helpful, and users are seeing improving options depending on their cloud backup providers. Read this article to learn about what's in store for you when you sign up with a cloud backup service, and what you need to know about cloud data backup management.

Cloud backup neglects recovery and security necessary for true cloud disaster recovery

Many cloud vendors are positioning cloud backup as an ideal disaster recovery solution, allowing users to replicate data offsite and outside of their company's geographic region at a reasonable cost. And, there are even a number of so-called cloud disaster recovery services on the market today. But, what does "cloud disaster recovery" really mean? Read this article to get answers to your questions about cloud backup and cloud disaster recovery.

Are cloud disaster recovery services secure?

One of the biggest issues with cloud storage in general is security. Some important tips include making sure that you check your vendor's references, assessing customer service and ensuring that the vendor's procedures mesh with what your business needs. Read about these tips and others in this expert response by Kevin Beaver about cloud disaster recovery security.

Iowa Health System uses cloud disaster recovery to survive flood

Iowa Health System didn't set out to design a private cloud, but its unintentional internal storage cloud built with Bycast Inc. software and IBM Corp. and NetApp storage ended up saving its mission-critical data from getting lost in the Iowa flood last year. In this case study, learn how Iowa Health System implemented cloud disaster recovery.

Getting started with cloud archiving: Tips for smaller businesses

Cloud archiving can make excellent financial and operational sense, but one thing to keep in mind is that cloud-based data backup is not the same as cloud archiving. Cloud archiving is entirely different from cloud-based backup and recovery. There are four essential reasons to archive. The first two are regulatory compliance and e-discovery, and they are typically lumped together. The next is historical reference, which is rarely discussed but can be very important for some businesses. The fourth is content distribution, which is quickly becoming increasingly important, especially for rich media. Read about other tips like this and about getting started with cloud archiving.

Cloud archiving: Choosing the best cloud service provider

This article compares the features of online data storage providers that can compete in the global data archive market based on standard features available in on-site archiving products: Autonomy Zantaz and Iron Mountain Inc. (which was recently acquired Mimosa Systems). Learn how to choose the best cloud archiving service in this tip.

Top five concerns with cloud storage

There are many concerns with cloud storage, which is still a relatively new technology. Does the provider offer public, private or hybrid clouds? How will you integrate your back-end data with cloud services? Data integration, privacy and compliance are some of the top worries for users considering cloud storage services. Read this article to learn about the top five concerns with cloud storage services.

Cloud backup security

There are a lot of security issues to keep in mind when considering cloud backup. Once backup data is removed from your cloud provider -- be it a single file or an entire backup set -- is it actually removed or does it linger online forever? This could create data retention and e-discovery liabilities. Is the data encrypted once it's uploaded? This is typically the case and not a big issue you need to be concerned with. Is the data encrypted in transit? Read about how to address cloud backup security in this article.

Cloud storage: Not everyone thinks the future is bright for clouds

Although adoption of storage clouds is underway, many storage administrators still need to be convinced of their value -- and point to clear obstacles that still remain with the technology -- before they will feel comfortable moving to the cloud. Common questions include: Will my data be available when I need to retrieve it? Who's controlling my data? What is the performance like when retrieving data from the cloud? Get the answers to these questions in more in the this article on the future of cloud storage.

Storing data in the cloud can be complicated - here's how

See the article here:
Understanding cloud storage services: A guide for beginners

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Download Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus & Internet …

Updated: March 20, 2018 / Home Computer and Internet Security Download Free Antivirus [ Windows / macOS ]

Webroot is an up and coming security company, they are relatively small compared to the old guards such as Norton and McAfee, but in term of performance, they are doing relatively well for the pricing of their products. As the first to harness the cloud and artificial intelligence to stop zero-day threats in real time, Webroot secures businesses and individuals worldwide with threat intelligence and protection for endpoints and networks.

Related Article 15 Free Antivirus For Windows 10 Microsoft Defender Alternatives

AV-Comparatives gave nine vendors, including Webroot, its highest award in its Anti-Phishing Test, in which Webroot took 9th place among 18 products tested for efficacy in blocking phishing websites. Discover cloud-based protection that stops threats in real time and secures businesses and individuals wherever they connect.

Webroot AntiVirus also includes Identity Shield, designed to protect your browsing, shopping, banking, social media, credit cards and other personal data. Free Webroot virus protection trial, try before you buy, and compare the detection rate and performance against other antivirus software. Start your free full version 14-day trial today. No credit card or license key required.

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Unlike the usual computer viruses that can be removed after landing on your system, if ransomware successfully hits your computer, the only way to get it off is to pay the ransom and hope you get the key to decrypt your files. Webroot Secure Anywhere protects all users against WannaCry and other forms of ransomware.

Please avoid torrent or crack files, they are more often than not infected with malware as these hackers know the reason you are downloading an antivirus is because your computer is exposed without protection. These free antivirus crack files from torrent are usually infected with ransomware, sometimes cryptocurrency miners or trojan.

There are plenty of free antivirus by top security companies that doesnt require you to pay for the products activation code or serial number. The free version may lack some core features, but it is still a better choice over pirated copies from torrent.

Always support the original software if you have the financial means, especially for small business owners. Just because it is easy to re-create something digitally doesnt mean the programmers behind the original software works for free and have no family to support.

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Download Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus & Internet ...

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AVG Internet Security 2018 review | Ultimate antivirus …

No one wants their lifes work and all the data gathered over many years to be stolen by bad people, right? If your answer is no, then you need to consider buying a reliable security tool. Everything important on your computer and mobile device will stay safe once you do that. Your devices performance wont suffer lagging, so dont worry about that. Just make sure you find the right security option for you and your devices.

AVG Technologies is one of the leading names in the industry of security software. It was founded in the Czech Republic in 1991. The products this renowned company release and continue to create each year have received valuable prizes throughout the years. AVG was bought by Avast in 2016. As of now, the antivirus benefits from a shared engine that protects against online threats.

For today, we recommend the companys AVG Internet Security, which includes antivirus functionalities and specific Internet security features.

Below we have more details on this version, including system requirements, installation, features and so much more. Lets begin our in-depth review!

As with other top-rated antiviruses, the AVG Internet Security 2018 cant run on a device if said device doesnt meet certain system requirements. The most important one is the operating system. This security solution works and offers complete anti-virus protection only with Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Vista, 7, 8 and Windows 10.

Also, theAVG Internet Security is compatible with Mac (OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion or above) andAndroid (Android 2.2 Froyo or above).

We installed the latestAVG Internet Security version on computers featuringWindows XP, Windows 7 as well as the latest Windows version. We wanted to see whether or not there were problems during installation or if there were interference with the operating system after the complete installation was done.

As far as hardware configuration goes, we used computers with an outdated hardware(512MB RAM, an Intel 1GHz processor), as well as PCs with a medium and high configuration power (Intel Core i7 processor, 16GB RAM). We had no issues in either case during the installation process. Everything went smoothly each time and the installation process took very little to complete.

AVG allows for a customized installation of the antivirus if you want to have certain modules. Same goes if you wish to benefit only from some antivirus features instead of all of them.

After the installation is done, the AVG 2018 requires the creation of an account associated to the product. That way you can get access to all of its features. To make an account, you need an email address and a password. If you already have an account, you can connect to it using your credentials.

The user interface of theAVG Internet Security 2018 is simple, intuitive and easy to use. No matter if youre a beginner or you know your way around a computer. The design is modern and it features access tabs for the main capabilities.

Depending on your needs, you can add other personal devices that need protection straight from the products interface. Using the main screen, you can access and possibly buy other useful features to protect and improve your PCs performance.

Overall, the AVG Internet Security has a nice design, is easy to understand and use. If you want something simple with complete protection, the 2018 version of the AVG Antivirus can be a very good pick.

As with all the other antivirus products we tested, well now discuss the main and secondary features of the latestAVG Internet Security version.

Here are the main ones:

We will now offer an in-depth analysis of theAVG Internet Security 2018 after having tested all the features above.


The antivirus module features extended protection against viruses, malware, worms andTrojan horses.

As usual when we perform reviews for security solutions, the first thing we look at is the way they react when an EICAR testing file is around. We downloaded the file on our computer to check the AVG antiviruss reaction speed when a possible online threat appeared. The module had a quick reaction: the EICAR was blocked and moved to quarantine after only a couple of seconds.

Another interesting thing about this security product is that its antivirus module includes different predefined types of system scanning. Theres five of them and they work against virus / malware threats:Computer Scan, Deep Scan, USB/DVD Scan, File or Folder Scan and Boot-Time Scan.

We tested the antivirus scanning module as a way to determine how a computers speed was influenced by it. We also wanted to see the number of infected files identified by the solution. TheAVG Antivirus 2018 doesnt do well on PCs with an outdated hardware: starting a scan affects their speed considerably. This doesnt happen when dealing with computers that feature more than2GB RAM and a 1.5GHz processor.

The scanning speed and the speed of locating infected files are good. As is the detection rate.

The infected files identified by the antivirus module of theAVG 2018 are automatically moved to quarantine. The user is the one who decides whether or not they should be kept. During our tests for this review, we didnt encounter false-positive errors. This is why its recommended to delete the files that go to quarantine. Theyre most likely infected with malware or viruses, so keeping them isnt a good idea.

A very useful option of the antivirus module: the possibility to scan the system before the OS starts. To make it happen, you need to install and activate the module dedicated to this action. Once installed, you can initiate a full system scan when the booting starts. This feature is similar to the one on ESET NOD32, whose review we recently published.

Boot-Time Scan can be used successfully when you deal with a persistent infection of the OS. We tested such a scenario for this review. Results were excellent: the operating system was cleaned after using this type of scanning.

Overall, the antivirus module featured on theAVG Internet Security 2018 is robust and you can fully trust it.


AVG integrated their latest security suite with a Firewall-type module which can protect your computer against hackers and their attacks. The activation of the firewall module offers non-stop monitoring of both traffic as well as your Internet and network connections. All future IP attacks are blocked in real-time by the firewall, with the user receiving a notification about it.

We performed several tests to check if the firewall was efficient when it came to blocking hacker attacks. For this, we simulated a cyber threat against a closed network of computers. Results were great every single time. The latestAVG Internet Security version blocked all the attacks before the testing tools could access the PCs via a network connection.

Ransomware protection

The number of ransomware attacks has increased by more than 200% in 2017. This is one of the reasons AVG have decided to include a ransomware module in their security suites. We tested it for our review to see how it looks and works.

The module can be preset as Smart and Strict. The first option lets you modify the files that are set in advance by certain applications believed to be trustworthy. The second option doesnt let you change files without permission, no matter the application that requests it.

The ransomware protection module allows the preset of folders that will be protected. If, for example, you have a series of important files you want to keep safe against ransomware, its enough to create a folder and group them there. You will then be able to add them to the security solutions interface.

This module lets you select both applications that are considered trustworthy, as well as those which dont require access permission for protected files. If you have Word or Excel files in the protected folders, you can establish the Microsoft Office as the only instance that can access and modify these files. The system will be protected in the case of an attack. The hacker wont be able to initiate file encryption on them.

Data Safe

This module can be accessed in the Privacy area. By activating it, you can make certain files stay hidden in your computer. Only you can open them. The folders that are protected cant be accessed without a password you set beforehand. The modules interface is easy to understand and use.

What you need to remember is that the files protected with a password are encrypted, so dont forget that password. If you do, you wont be able to access the hidden files.

Every time we do a review, we test the Data Safe featured on a security solution. The one on theAVG Internet Security 2018 is very good. By using this antivirus, you can be 100% sure that your private files wont be viewed by strangers.

WebCam protection

The module that delivers protection against illegal accessing of a web cam has three work options:Smart, Strict andNo mercy. The first of them offers access to your web cam only to those applications that the product considers safe. The second mode allows access only after user confirmation. The No Mercy option blocks access to the web cam to all applications.

This module lets you organize a list of applications that can or cant have access to your computers web cam, depending on your needs. If, for instance, you use Skype, you can add it on the list of Allowed apps. The rest of the applications wont have access to it.

We tested the antivirus to see if the Webcam Protection module worked as it should. The results showed that it did. With the AVG Internet Security 2018, you wont have problems with people trying to access your web cam illegally.

Web shield

The Web shield module delivers protection against threats that might appear when you use the Internet. The application blocks cyber threats and the download of harmful files. During our tests, we discovered that this module protected a computer from these two types of online threats.

Email Shield

The role of the Email Shield module is to block the download of dangerous or infected files that come with solicited or unsolicited emails. The blocking of harmful attachments is done automatically after the antivirus module scans them.

When testing theEmail Shield, we noticed that it managed to block every email featuring an infected file in its attachment. If youre bombarded with this kind of emails, the AVG Internet Security 2018 offers the necessary protection against them.

The AVG Internet Security is equipped with other features. Here they are:


TheFile shredder module delivers protection from the retrieval of deleted data. If you have sensitive files you want deleted from your PCs hard drive for good, this module can be of real use.

We put the File Shredder through some tests. We wanted to see if data was efficiently removed. After using the module, we tried retrieving the files using different dedicated software applications. No matter the retrieving method we considered, the data that was deleted with the File Shredder couldnt be restored.


The Antispam module delivered with the newAVG Internet Security 2018 can block all kinds of email spam. Youll find it in the Payments area, which, as its name says, is dedicated to online payment. To activate the Antispam, you need to install it separately by going straight to the products interface. You wont have to pay anything to do this.

During our testing for todays review, we also analyzed the way the Antispam worked. We were very surprised to see just how efficient it was. After its activation, all spam emails were fully filtered.

Fake Website shield

Another interesting module featured on the 2018 version of the AVG antivirus is calledFake Website shield.It allows for an automatic identification of phishing-type fake websites. If you pay online on a regular basis or you dont know how cyber security works, this module will help you eliminate the possibility of a phishing threat completely.

The Fake Website module behaved without reproach when we tested it for this review. All the phishing-type websites were identified and blocked.

Secure VPN and Tune-up are two of the features that can only be accessed if you buy separate modules. The first of them helps you connect to the Internet via a VPN that uses a connection with256-bit AES encryption. No one will be able to intercept it. If you wish to buy this module separately, you can do it directly from theAVG Internet Securitys interface.

The Tune-up option identifies possible problems on your computer. Its useful for when you wish to improve its speed. This module helps you delete the cache and application logs. It can also help identify outdated software that can possibly turn into a security issue. Tune-up can be bought separately from the antiviruss interface or from this location.

When we review antivirus products, we also test the impact they have on a computers speed. The impact of this security solution on systems featuring outdated hardware is visible. However, this only happens in the case of PCs with less than2GB of RAM and a processor thats slower than1.5GHz. Computers with superior configurations dont slow down as much as the others do with this antivirus on-board.

In conclusion, we recommend the product for all PCs that dont have an outdated hardware.

The support offered by the AVG team for all their security suites is excellent. It can be accessed either directly from the interface of the 2018 version of this antivirus or via the manufacturers official website. The Support area is very intuitive. All the necessary information is easy to find and understand. If you meet a situation thats not featured on the sites data base, the support team will be there to help.

We tested the way the support team offered information. Their answers were very professional and easy to understand every single time. You can contact them 24/7 and they offer helpful answers both via email and telephone. Our personal experience with the support team was very pleasant. If you decide to use this security solution, you can bet youll receive help in every situation.

TheAVG Internet Security 2018 is only$55.99. For this price youll receive protection for an unlimited number of devices, both desktop (Windows, Mac) and mobile (Android). By buying a license, you can protect your whole family against online threats.

Every independent organization that reviews security solutions agree that theAVG Internet Security 2018 is a top-notch product with excellent results in tests. Both theAV-Comparatives and the AV-Test have awarded very high scores for this antivirus thanks to the strong protection it offers against cyber attacks.

AVG offer a series of associated products for this security solution. Here they are:AVG Ultimate (excluding the features that come with the Internet Security 2018 and the TuneUp module), AVG Antivirus 2018 for Mac, andAVG Antivirus for Android.

The AVG Ultimate features complete protection for an unlimited number of devices. It also comes with the possibility to optimize systems where its installed via TuneUp. All for only$79.99. Its a very good deal considering the unlimited number of devices that end up protected, as well as just how much their performance can be improved.

The following table has the main Pros and Cons of theAVG Internet Security 2018:



The 2018 version of theAVG Internet Security is the perfect choice for everyone wanting to protect an unlimited number of devices for a reasonable price. By integrating antivirus,anti-ransomware and anti-phishing protection, the AVG succeeds in offering an excellent product at a very competitive price once again.

9.3 Total Score

AVG Internet Security 2018 offers complete antivirus protection at an excellent price.

Our rating: 9.3/10

Compatibility: Windows XP (SP 3), Vista (SP2), 7, 8, 8.1 and 10


Price: $55.99 / unlimited devices

Do you want to buy and install the latest version of theAVG Internet Security? By going to this link you can get complete protection for an unlimited number of devices (Windows, Mac, Android) for only $55.99. If you prefer the same protection package and the TuneUp option,AVG Ultimateis what you need. The product is available here for only $79.99.

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AVG Internet Security 2018 review | Ultimate antivirus ...

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