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Senate bills would make quantum computing a priority

Gizmodo, meanwhile, has seen a second draft bill that would start a decade-long National Quantum Initiative Program to set priorities for developing the technology, including investments and partnerships. The Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Director of National Intelligence would all foster education and research. The bill would also create up to five Quantum Information Science research centers as well as two Quantum Research and Education centers.

It won't surprise you to hear that academics and quantum computing pioneers would like to see the bills become law. D-Wave and IBM have already lent their support to the efforts. The challenge, of course, is turning these well-meaning ideas into law. The national defense and job angles might make it a strong sell, but quantum computing is very much in its infancy. Harris and other proponents will have to show that it's worth backing the tech when companies and scientists are only just discovering its potential uses.

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Senate bills would make quantum computing a priority

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How to Crowdfund (with Pictures) – wikiHow


Part 1


Be clear about your goals. Before you start your campaign, know with certainty how you will ask for money and why you need it. As crowdfunding consultant Sydney Malawer put it, Do you have a legitimate ask besides we want money? People want to feel that they are a part of something big and important. They want to know that their money will play a significant role in accomplishing that goal. People crowdfund for all sorts of reasons: new business ventures, projects or causes they care about (e.g., a family member, friend or pet who is sick).


Do research and outline your goals. To justify and support your goals, you'll need to be clear about what the money will do. For personal causes, outline clearly how the money will be used and what impact it will have.


Present your goals. For commercial ventures, use graphs where useful. Write out an estimated budget for your campaign, based on any quotes youve received from manufacturers, insurers, lawyers, suppliers and distributors. For personal causes, describe what the money is for and how it will be used. E.g., $1000 will pay for Sharons mortgage as she undergoes four weeks of chemotherapy. If this sounds like a lot of work, it doesn't have to be. Just be transparent about what you are trying to achieve.


Research crowdfunding itself. Both Kickstarter and Indiegogo provide helpful tips on their websites., which specialises in cause-related crowdfunding, offers their fundraisers 24/7 email and phone support. Mike del Ponte wrote a great post on Hacking Kickstarter, offering a list of factors to consider that contribute to campaign success, and the Unreasonable Institute shared some good lessons from their failed campaign.


Find videos or high-quality photos. Images can make or break a campaign. If you are crowdfunding for a commercial project, consider getting a professional videographer who is willing to work pro-bono, or make a video yourself. Focus on telling a compelling story. Keep it under three minutes in length. For personal causes, find heartwarming and emotional photographs, and upload them to your page. The more visuals you have, the better.

Part 2



Design the layout of your campaign. Have your story outlined (who, what, when, where, why, how) and your video and images in place. Make your explanation clear, simple and to-the-point.



Make sure you can comply with the estimated delivery date. 70% of campaigns dont deliver on time. Select a date that gives you plenty of time to meet your commitments. New projects often take longer than anticipated.

Part 3


Make sure you have a core team of people promoting the campaign for you. Think of crowdfunding as the layers of an onion. Your first layer is family and friends. If they wont donate to you, who will? Your second layer is coworkers (past and present), teammates, business associates, casual acquaintances. Your third layer is the press and general public.


Reach out to organizations and workplaces. Some organizations can provide wide networks of potential donors. Make a list of local organizations related to your cause or field. Ask them if theyd be willing to publicize your campaign through their social media.


Use the media. If you are doing the campaign on your own, you should draft a standard press release as a template. Personal interviews, however, are more likely to get you coverage. If you use a platform such as, their publicity team will send your story to the press free of charge. They will work to generate publicity on your behalf.

Part 4


Know your goal. If its a commercial venture, you should aim to raise 25% of your funding within 24 hours. If you succeed at that, Indiegogo or Kickstarter might feature you on their homepages. If it's for an individual or a cause, recommends reaching out to your first two layers of "the onion" (friends, family, coworkers, teammates) in the first 14 days and then going to the general public through the press after that.



Allow time. Plan on sending updates to your backers and networks throughout the campaign, and also after it has ceased. Don't bombard people with messages, however. They might be tempted to mark them as spam.

Part 5


Thank everybody. At the end of your campaign you should be sure to thank everyone who has supported you, and let them know what your future plans are.

How can I find someone to help me start crowd funding?

wikiHow Contributor

If you're crowdfunding for yourself, then just go to one of the internet sites and follow the instructions to set up your request. If you are crowdfunding for a charity, discuss your plans with other volunteers at the charity.

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 71,471 times.


How to Crowdfund (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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Apollo All-in-One Cryptocurrency

About Apollo

Utilizing a community of world-class developers, managers, marketers and researchers, the Apollo community, backed by the Apollo Foundation, has set out to accomplish the goal of making Apollo the most technologically advanced, feature-rich currency on the market. The Apollo Foundation understands the demands of a top tier cryptocurrency and they believe they can create a coin that will integrate everything necessary to replace the current currency options. As they develop and improve Apollo, the Apollo team will strive to develop features which have not previously used in cryptocurrency. The primary goal of the Apollo foundation is to create the first all-in-one cryptocurrency, innovating and incorporating every ability that could be beneficial in a digital currency, all in a single decentralized platform. The first major update, Olympus Protocol, puts mass adoption-proof privacy at Apollo's core. This is because the Apollo Foundation knows the ability for a user to buy, sell, trade and send in absolute secrecy is vital in an industry that could be moments away from intense regulation. The Apollo team is here because they believe the only person or entity that should be in control of your funds is you.


Olympus Protocol

Decentralized Exchange

Decentralized Marketplace

Olympus protocol will integrate functions allowing for the simple choice of whether to send publicly on the blockchain or privately using the blockchain. As part of this protocol we will be integrating an IP masking feature that will hide the users IP address.

We are also working to secure a technology that would keep nodes from being blocked by entities. Olympus Protocol will help make Apollo the safest, most feature-rich privacy coin in existence.

The decentralized exchange is an important feature in the Apollo platform as it allows for the fast and private purchasing, selling and trading of all assets, tokens and currencies created within Apollo. We are in the process of also adding Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other well-known cryptocurrencies to this exchange. This will allow users the ability to buy and sell Apollo privately from any nation on Earth.

The Apollo decentralized marketplace will allow users to buy, sell and trade physical and digital goods using the Apollo currency. Users can list goods to be sold locally or even worldwide. Trading will be decentralized and untraceable allowing the free trade of any item. Future updates will include a review and reputation system aiding sellers in building a positive reputation based on experiences.

Next-Generation Blockchain

Having utilized NXT technology as our base, we are developing Hermes to be it's replacement. Hermes will allow the Apollo blockchain to grow faster and healthier the larger the Apollo user base grows, rather than slower as with most cryptocurrencies on the market. Where as our current speed may be 20 to 30 seconds on average (transaction times will differ) Hermes will allow for transaction speeds of 2-3 seconds. Our goal in integrating Hermes is to become the safest, fastest and most private cryptocurrency on the market.

Alias System

The alias system in Apollo can be used to create unique aliases that act as a representation for a specific set of text. This will encrypt the chosen text into the alias. This text could be your account number, a website, email address, etc. A specific alias can be claimed only once (like a domain name), therefore it can be sold privately or publicly and transferred to any other account. The most obvious use for an alias is in sending funds to an account number that is tied to that alias. Instead of typing out the entire account number you would simply write out the alias.

Cloud Storage

The Apollo data cloud allows any user to upload data to the blockchain for storage, retrieval and publishing of information. This gives a user the ability to upload a file to the blockchain, therefore receiving an irrefutable timestamp for that data. This timestamp could be helpful in establishing an absolute date for legal documents such as contracts and intellectual ownership.

Possible use cases: Voting, Permits, Evidence, Court Records, Transparency, Death/Birth Certificates, Contracts, Wills, Trusts, Escrows, Maps, GPS Data, Signatures, Medical Records, Arbitration, Delivery Records, Certifications, etc.

Multi-Sig/Phased Transactions

Voting System

Advanced Account Control

Apollo supports multi-signature accounts allowing more than one user to control an account. It also supports phased transactions which are transactions set up to occur after a certain condition is met. This could be after another transaction is sent or received, after a passage of time or after a certain block number is hit.

The Apollo voting system allows users to create public or private polls for many purposes. Polls can be used to direct and manage funds from an account, elect officials or simply to gauge public opinion. This opens up near endless possibilities for collecting absolute, verified responses from designated sources.

Possible use cases: Contracts, Voting, Signatures, Account Management, Arbitration, etc.

Accounts can be created in a way that allows group control. Utilizing the Apollo voting system a group can be granted the ability (via initial ownership or ownership of a specified token or asset) to vote on the transactions that are spent on the account.

Possible use cases: Private Investment Fund, Private Insurance Fund, Charity Fund, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)

Encrypted Messaging

Encrypted messaging on the Apollo blockchain will allow any user to send and receive , untraceable messages and data files from one account to another. Utilizing the Olympus protocol, the users IP address and the transaction carrying the message will be invisible.

Possible use cases: Untraceable Communication, Untraceable File Transfer, etc.

Monetary System

The monetary system within Apollo allows users to instantly create currencies that can be traded privately on Apollos decentralized exchange as well as freely on external exchanges. These currencies can be easily backed by Apollo giving them an instant, tangible value.

Possible use Cases: Finance, Charity, Voter IDs, Escrows, Coupons, Currencies, etc.

Asset System

Using the Apollo asset system, a user can issue, buy, sell and trade asset tokens intended to represent anything from public and private equity to real world commodities. Unlike other markets and cryptocurrencies, users will be able to trade these assets with 100% privacy.

Possible use cases: Assets, Commodities, Derivatives, etc.

Coin Shuffling


Coin shuffling is an additional privacy feature allowing your Apollo, as well as other assets or currencies held in the account, to be simply and randomly shuffled between user accounts. This allows an account holder to anonymize their funds and transactions nearly instantly.

The Apollo system allows for integration of 3rd party software into the core wallet. This will allow unimaginable growth via community developed features.

Authentication System

The Apollo authentication system allows a user to authenticate an account using the blockchain. This could be used to prove that a user is genuinely in control of a specific account.

See more here:
Apollo All-in-One Cryptocurrency

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Brinkster Cloud Servers – VMware, SolidFire SSD-Based …

Brinkster Cloud Servers Running on VMware & Solidfire's 100% Solid State storage.

Brinkster Cloud Servers, powered by VMware's vCloud and SolidFire SSD storage, can support and power your mission critical workloads and applications. Brinkster Cloud Servers provide on-demand delivery of IT resources in a convenient pay-as-you-go model.

Scale up and down. With Brinkster Cloud Servers you only pay for what you need.

- Vince Kent, Director of IT Services,Trans-West Network Solutions

Powered by VMware's vCloud and SolidFire 100% SSD storage, we've developed Cloud Servers that can power your mission critical workloads and applications. Brinkster Cloud Servers provide on-demand delivery of IT resources in a convenient pay-as-you-go model.

VMWare vCloud Director gives customers the ability to build secure private clouds that dramatically increase data center efficiency and business agility. Learn More

A cloud infrastructure of any size demands a more coordinated approach across both host and storage resources. SolidFire's QoS-centric architecture in a VMware infrastructure provisions exactly the storage performance (IOPS) and capacity (GBs) it needs to operate in harmony within a shared storage environment. Learn More

Our wide variety of Cloud Server flavors allow you to optimize for ongoing budget, your application's necessary workloads, all while bringing down on-going in-house IT costs.

With Brinkster Cloud Servers the guess work goes away. You no longer have to worry about dealing with "limited capacity" - which can diminish a customer's experience, or the setting up of expensive idle hardware. You get what you need, when you need it.

Scale up and down. With Brinkster Cloud Servers you only pay for what you need.

Your time is best spent running your business, developing new products, innovation, and driving revenue. Brinkster Cloud Servers lets you shift your focus (and valuable IT resources) from the data center back to the business of "running of your business."

Traditional on-premise infrastructure is expensive, slow, needs installation and configuration, and requires a large upfront capital expense. With Brinkster Cloud Servers that painful upfront capital expense is replaced with a low monthly fee - one where you pay for only what you neeed.

Every business has a window of opportunity in which to capitalize. With traditional infrastructure it can take weeks to get a single server "deployment-ready" - costing your business valuable revenue as your competitors reach the market before you do. Brinkster Cloud Servers allow you to get your new product to market as soon as it's ready. Deploy what you need, when you need it.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut enim et quam fermentum pulvinar in dignissim risus.Learn More

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut enim et quam fermentum pulvinar in dignissim risus.Learn More

Scale up and down. With Brinkster Cloud Servers you only pay for what you need.

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Brinkster Cloud Servers - VMware, SolidFire SSD-Based ...

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Guide: Compiling an altcoin daemon in Ubuntu Linux …

This guide will assist you in compiling a headless client (the daemon) in Ubuntu Linux. This is a necessary step if you wish to set up a node of your altcoin. It is assumed that you are starting on a fresh Ubuntu (14.04 x64) installation. If you require a VPS for hosting, I highly recommended Digital Ocean.

The $5/month plan is all you need. Use sudo in front of all commands if youre not logged in as root. Replace YOURCOIN with the name of your coin (case sensitive).

Set up a swapfile if your system has less than 1.5GB of memory:

fallocate -l 2G /swapfilechown root:root /swapfilechmod 0600 /swapfilesudo bash -c "echo 'vm.swappiness = 10' >> /etc/sysctl.conf"mkswap /swapfileswapon /swapfile

If fallocate doesnt work, you can use dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1024288 instead.

Initialize swapfile automatically on boot

echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' >> /etc/fstab

Install all required dependencies:

apt-get update && apt-get upgradeapt-get install nano ntp unzip git build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev aptitude && aptitude install miniupnpc libminiupnpc-dev

Pull the source code from github, or upload it yourself:

git clone

If your coin uses leveldb, compile leveldb:

cd /YOURCOIN/src/leveldbchmod +x build_detect_platformmake cleanmake libleveldb.a libmemenv.a

Return to source directory, and compile the daemon:

cd /YOURCOIN/srcmake -f makefile.unix

Strip the file to make it smaller, then relocate it:

strip YOURCOINdcp YOURCOINd /usr/bin

Now run the daemon:


It will return an error, telling you to set up config file in a directory. Now well set up the config file. Note that this is case sensitive.


Add the following, save and exit:

daemon=1server=1rpcuser=(username)rpcpassword=(strong password)

Run YOURCOINd once more and if you did everything correctly, your daemon is now online! Type YOURCOINd help for a full list of commands available.

Read the original here:
Guide: Compiling an altcoin daemon in Ubuntu Linux ...

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Azure Data Box is a secure, ruggedized, tamper resistant appliance created by Microsoft to help customers transfer large amounts of data into Azure Storage.

Monday, July 3, 2017

We're pleased to announce Apache Kafka with Azure Managed Disks Preview on the HDInsight platform. Users will now be able to deploy Kafka clusters with managed disks straight from the Azure portal, with no signup necessary.

Follow this link:
Azure Cloud Storage Solutions and Services | Microsoft Azure

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Top 3 Altcoin Trading Exchanges – [Reviews and Ratings]


Binance started out in China in 2017. It is the currently the fastest growing exchange for altcoins and they offer a wide range of different trading pairs. Binance offers great customer service and one of the best user experiences in the business right now.

Binance has very low fees (as low as 0.05%). They have great communication with their customers and regularly offer competitions with cryptocurrency and other prices.

Binance does not require any verification for trading or withdrawing up to 2BTC per day. You can find out more and sign up to Binance via this link.

What the basic trading view looks like:

Cryptopia is an altcoin exchange based out of New Zealand. They do not offer the same great user experience as some of the other altcoin exchanges but their major strength is the extremely wide range of cryptocurrencies they offer.

Cryptopia is known to have almost every altcoin out there. If you are looking for the next hidden gem with a lot of potential, Cryptopia is the exchange to be at. Currently they offer more than 250 different altcoins, ranging from large caps such as Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash to completely unknown small caps.

Their customer service is however known for being slow, especially now that the demand for altcoins has skyrocketed. To handle scaling issues, they do close down registrations in order to not disturb the user experience of current customers.

Kucoin is another Asian exchange similar to Binance. It recently opened and was founded through an ICO. As a newcomer to the altcoin scene they offer great customer service and deals. If you wish to become an affiliate they have a very lucrative program that you can join.

They offer trading pairs in their own token, KCS, USDT, BTC, ETH and NEO.

Kucoin also offers competitions for the community where you can win both cryptocurrency prices and other things such as cars or hardware.

Trading fees are at 0.1%. Withdrawal fees vary depending on the asset and can be quite expensive at times.

The term altcoins refer to alternative coins to Bitcoin. In 2009, Bitcoin was the only cryptocurrency around. In the years since, thousands of new coins have popped up looking to solve a wide array of problems. Most of them are based on the same blockchain technology as Bitcoin but often with different attributes to serve their purpose as best possible. Examples of some of the most well known ones are:

More and more exchanges are now offering trading pairs for altcoins as well and the overall market cap for altcoins is growing exponentially.

Altcoins are generally more volatile than Bitcoin, as their market cap is smaller and a lower volume can move the price significantly compared to Bitcoin. A lot of altcoin projects are also more centralized and if one party holds a majority of all coins, this party could crash the entire market value by flooding the exchanges with his or her coins.

There are different ways to launch a new altcoin. Developers are often out to make money for themselves and for this purpose and ICO is perfect.

ICO stands for initial coin offering. It is similar to a stock market IPO, but with a few differences.

ICOs often look to raise money before they offer a working product. Be careful when investing in ICO as it is a very popular way to scam new investors in the cryptocurrency space.

Most altcoins do not have any FIAT ($, or ) pairs. Instead they are most commonly traded against $BTC or $ETH as many altcoin exchanges does not accept FIAT deposits.

If you wish to buy an altcoin, you may have to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum first. We have a list of exchanges here and guides on how to transfer and store it.

Most altcoin exchanges do not require you to verify your account, however your withdrawal limits may be limited. Keep in mind most altcoin exchanges are not regulated and you are trading at your own risk. There is always a possibility that the exchange will be hacked or decide to steal the funds.

Right now the demand for altcoin exchanges is booming and many of the most popular ones have been forced to close registration at certain times in order to not ruin the user experience of existing users. If this is the case, we will list the best alternatives to this exchange. Usually registrations open again within a few weeks however, so make sure you stay up to date on to find out when you are able to register again.

All smaller altcoins are not supported by hardware wallets yet. ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain can be stored on the Nano Ledger S by using MyEtherWallet.

If possible, we always recommend you move all of your coins off exchanges as soon as you dont need to trade them. If this is not possible, you can either use the projects own software wallet or store the cryptocurrency on the exchange.

If you choose the latter option, which is not recommended by sometimes most practical, make sure to use a safe 2-Factor Authentication. Most exchanges offer Google Authenticator.

Make sure to remove any connections to your phone-number on the google account you choose to connect your 2-Factor Authentication to. Many traders have been hacked by people stealing their phone number and resetting the 2-Factor Authentication in order to access your exchange account.

There is always a risk that exchanges will be hacked and thus the only way to make sure your cryptocurrency is safe is by holding the private keys yourself.

If you do not take safety precautions to store your cryptocurrency safely, you may lose your funds permanently. If they are stolen, there is no one who can help you to retrieve them.

Most exchanges offer faster support through messaging apps such as Telegram than via E-mail or support forms on their website. Even though, as their user base is growing at a very rapid pace currently, support may be slow. Exchanges are adding hundreds of thousand of new users every day and are unable to process all of the incoming questions.

Make sure to educate yourself before investing so you make sure that you will need as little assistance as possible from the exchanges themselves as it can be very frustrating waiting for replies when a lot of money is on the line.

We are not professional investors. This is not in any shape or form investment advice. We do not advice you do invest in altcoins or anything else. Any trades or deposits you do at an exchange is at your own risk.

Read more from the original source:
Top 3 Altcoin Trading Exchanges - [Reviews and Ratings]

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Cryptocurrency News, ICO Database, Coin Rankings and …

Our mission is to educate our readers on how to identify fraudulent ICO projects and encouraging projects themselves to be more transparent in their marketing and presentation.

We are committed to only listing legitimate ICO projects. We perform an initial safety check on every ICO that submits to be listed and do our best to filter out bad actors from being listed or featured on our site.

Of course, having a stringent background check means that not all projects will be listed. The following set of criteria will be used when determining if a project is worthy of being listed:

While we can take steps to filter out scammy projects, it is ultimately up to the investor to perform due dilligence on any investment being made.

None of the information you read on CryptoSlate should be taken as investment advice. Investing in initial coin offerings should be considered an extremely high-risk activity. Furthermore, CryptoSlate will not endorse any particular ICO and we don't encourage or discourage our users to make ICO investments.

We do encourage our site visitors to read the following post to better educate themselves on identifying scams:

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Cryptocurrency News, ICO Database, Coin Rankings and ...

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Best Internet Security Software Compared

SCORE: 97%

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Works with Windows 10

SCORE: 69%

Original Price:


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Works with Windows 10

View original post here:
Best Internet Security Software Compared

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Encryption- Computer & Information Security – Information …

There are instructions at that will walk you through the steps necessary to fulfill University security requirements for each of your devices. Before you begin, however, being prepared ahead of time for the following steps may help you streamline the encryption process.

In case something goes wrong during the encryption process, you should back up your computer before running the SWDE installer.

The School of Medicine recommends using CrashPlan: it's asecure, monitored, convenient backup system and it's free for School of Medicine affiliates. Additionally, the SoM can assist you in restoring your information from CrashPlan, in the event of a hard drive crash or lost computer. While it is not currently required, it is strongly recommended.

For instructions and help with installation, visit the School of Medicine'sCrashPlan Guide.

For desktop and laptop computers, Stanford Whole Disk Encryption (SWDE) installer makes certain that your computer has all the necessary requirements, and then guides you through the activation of your computer's native encryption software (FileVault for Mac, and BitLocker for Windows).

(For mobile device encryption instructions, select your operating system:Apple/iOSorAndroid.)

Each time you access your system (on startup, after sleep/hibernation, etc), you use a "key" (password) to unlock your data. IF YOU CANNOT REMEMBER YOUR KEY, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR ENCRYPTED DATA.

In case of a forgotten key, it is likely that someone at ITS will be able to help you recover your data. However, we still recommend the following:

Once you have selected your login password and backup method, you are ready to move on to theencryption process.

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Encryption- Computer & Information Security - Information ...

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