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Cloud Storage Pricing | S3 Pricing by Region | Amazon …

See the Glacier Pricing Page for other Glacier retrieval fees.

No charge for delete requests of S3 Standard objects. Objects that are archived to Amazon Glacier have a minimum 90 days of storage, and objects deleted before 90 days incur a pro-rated charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days. Learn more. Objects that are in S3 Standard-Infrequent Access have a minimum 30 days of storage, and objects that are deleted, overwritten, or transitioned to a different storage class before 30 days incur a pro-rated charge equal to the storage charge for the remaining days. Learn more.

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of AWS is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.

Amazon S3 Storage Management is priced per feature as detailed in the table below. For pricing on S3CloudWatchMetrics, visit the CloudWatch pricing page. For pricing on S3 Data Events inCloudTrail, visit the CloudTrail pricing page.

The files produced by S3 Inventory & S3 Analytics - Storage Class Analysis exports are stored in your specified S3 bucket, and are subject to S3 Standard storage charges.

The pricing below is based on data transferred "in" to and "out" of Amazon S3 (over the public Internet). AWS Direct Connect pricing can be found here. Transfers between S3 buckets or from S3 to any service(s) within the same region are free.

For Data Transfer exceeding 500TB/Month please Contact Us

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use of AWS is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.

Storage and bandwidth size includes all file overhead.

Rate tiers take into account your aggregate usage for Data Transfer Out to the Internet across all AWS services.

Pricing is based on the AWS edge location used to accelerate your transfer. Transfer Acceleration pricing is in addition to Data Transfer pricing.

Each time you use Transfer Acceleration to upload an object, we will check whether Transfer Acceleration is likely to be faster than a regular Amazon S3 transfer. If we determine that Transfer Acceleration is not likely to be faster than a regular Amazon S3 transfer of the same object to the same destination AWS region, we will not charge for that use of Transfer Acceleration for that transfer, and may bypass the Transfer Acceleration system for that upload.

Check your performance with the Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration speed comparison tool.

CRR is an Amazon S3 feature that automatically replicates data across AWS regions. With CRR, every object uploaded to an S3 source bucket is automatically replicated to a destination bucket in a different AWS region that you choose. You pay the Amazon S3 charges for storage, requests, and inter-region data transfer for the replicated copy of data in addition to the storage charges for the primary copy. Pricing for the replicated copy of storage is based on the destination region, while pricing for requests and inter-region data transfer are based on the source region.

For more information on the Cross-Region Replication feature, please visit the CRR FAQs and the CRR web page in the Developer Guide.

AWS GovCloud is an AWS Region designed to allow U.S. government agencies and contractors to move more sensitive workloads into the cloud by addressing their specific regulatory and compliance requirements. For pricing and more information on the new AWS GovCloud Region, please visit the AWS GovCloud web page.

* Your usage for the free tier is calculated each month across all regions except the AWS GovCloud Region and automatically applied to your bill unused monthly usage will not roll over. Restrictions apply; See offer terms for more details.

(Amazon S3 is sold by Amazon Web Services, Inc..)

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Cloud Storage Pricing | S3 Pricing by Region | Amazon ...

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Internet Security is an important part of Identity Theft …

Every day your email inbox contains dangerous email scams. But, as the scams - often consisting of "phishing" emails designed by identity thieves to steal your personal information - become more sophisticated, how can you tell a dangerous email from a legitimate one? worked with Identity Theft Expert Bob Sullivan of MSNBC to create this video warning consumers about the dangers of "phishing" emails.

Just as we secure our homes from burglars seeking to physically break-in and steal our most valuable possessions, we must be equally vigilant in the 21st Century at protecting the valuable information stored on our computers from cybercriminals who constantly attempt to break-in by means of the Internet. And, just as we can deter most burglars from raiding our homes by making it more impenetrable than our neighbors, we can do the same when it comes to erecting defenses against identity thieves and other cybercriminals.

The first line of defense in Internet security is cybercrime awareness. By being aware of the various methods cybercriminals use to penetrate your computer and steal your personal information, you will increase the odds that you wont be a victim of identity theft or other forms of cybercrime.

One of the most common methods identity thieves and cybercriminals use to steal personal information is the use of phishing.

Phishing is a form of social engineering that uses email or instant messages that appear to be from a government agency, financial institution, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet-based company or any agency or business you trust and/or do business with. The intent of the phishing communication is to deceive you into divulging personal information such as web site usernames and passwords, credit card numbers, financial account numbers, Social Security numbers, dates of birth and any other form of personal or account information that an identity thief or cybercriminal can use to carry out criminal activity.

A phishing email will either entice you with the promise of money or appeal to your desire to protect your personal information by claiming that your account has been compromised. You will be advised to click on a link in the email in order to receive money or to provide information in order to secure or re-activate your account. The financial enticement or the advice to follow a link and provide additional information in order to secure or re-activate your account is the bait the cybercriminal dangles before you - hence the term phishing. By taking the bait and clicking on the link in a phishing email, you are exposed to at least two risks.

The first risk involved in clicking on any link in a phishing email is that you will be re-directed to a web site that will look similar or identical to the web site the cybercriminal is impersonating. Once at the site, you will be directed to provide personal information that will allow the identity thief or cybercriminal to steal that personal information and use it for financial fraud or other crimes.

The second risk involved in clicking on any link in a phishing email is that you will be activating the execution and installation of a virus that will be surreptitiously installed on your computer. The virus may steal the personal information stored on your computer by transmitting the personal information to the identity thief or cybercriminal who sent you the phishing email. The virus may also take over your computer and turn it into part of a botnet (malicious software robot network) designed to transmit other virus laden emails to thousands of other computers around the world.

The best way to avoid becoming an identity theft victim as the result of falling for a phishing email is to follow two rules. First, never trust an email you didnt request that directs you to provide information in order to obtain a benefit or to secure or re-activate an account. Second, if you do open an email that requests personal or financial information from you, never left-click on a link in the email.

No reputable business or agency will send you an unsolicited email requesting personal or financial information from you. If you believe the email might be legitimate, contact the sending business or agency either by using a web address you've previously bookmarked, one that you obtain independently from the email or by calling a phone number using a listing obtained independently of the email.

Remember: The greatest danger associated with a phishing email is from left-clicking on any links within the email. So think before you click. Better yet dont click at all.

To report a phishing email and help in the fight against identity theft and cyber crime click here.

For more information about phishing emails - and to see several examples of phishing emails commonly placed in circulation - please watch the video above produced by in cooperation with consumer reporter Bob Sullivan of MSNBC.

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V3 Internet Security | AhnLab


If your business, like many, struggles to find effective ways to deploy endpoint security software solutions and manage them efficiently to ensure the security integrity and compliance of your organization, AhnLab has the solution. AhnLab V3 Internet Security can help you protect your important business assets with greater confidence and agility.

AhnLab V3 Internet Security provides comprehensive, cost-effective, and user-friendly protection that requires fewer system resources than other options on the market. Reap the benefits of this powerful product and services to take your enterprise to a new level of threat protection.


Provides robust protection against viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware. Powered by the cloud-based AhnLab Smart Defense and DNS Scan technology, it delivers proactive and instant protection for endpoint systems without the risk of false positives. The highly-effective TrueFind feature adds another layer of protection by detecting and removing even the most well-hidden of rootkits.

Web Security

Blocks phishing sites and filters URLs to prevent the leakage of sensitive personal data. Users can manually register harmful sites for increased protection.

Mail Security

Protects users against malicious email and instant messages. By performing real-time scans of incoming and outgoing email attachments, it blocks malicious content and repairs infected files. A customizable keyword list filters out spam to safeguard identities sensitive data from phishing attacks.

Network Intrusion Prevention/Personal Firewall

Blocks harmful network attacks, while the two-way personal firewall prevents intruders from accessing your network.

USB Flash Drive Scan

Provides powerful virus detection to remove suspicious files and block autoruns on portable storage devices. This feature protects one of the most difficult points to manage in you network.

Complete Date Wipe

The data wipe feature securely erases folders and sensitive files to eliminate the potential for a confidential data breach. It removes all traces of data with a multi-pass overwriting algorithm to ensure that no recovery tool can recover or expose your information.

PC Tune-Up

Clears temporary files, registries, and other unused data to enhance system performance and keep computers running smoothly.

In today's security environment, businesses require swift and comprehensive countermeasures against sophisticated and targeted threats. At the same time, organizations of all sizes are seeking greater efficiency and productivity. AhnLab V3 Internet Security will deliver comprehensive, cost-effective security for enterprises.

Find out how AhnLab V3 Internet Security can ensure your business security.

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V3 Internet Security | AhnLab

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AES encryption

AES encryption

Encrypt and decrypt text with AES algorithm

As you see this implementation is using openssl instead of mcrypt and the result of the encryption/decryption is not compatible with each other.The mcrypt function will be deprecated feature in PHP 7.1.x

It is a webtool to encrypt and decrypt text using AES encryption algorithm. You can chose 128, 192 or 256-bit long key size for encryption and decryption. The result of the process is downloadable in a text file.

If you want to encrypt a text put it in the white textarea above, set the key of the encryption then push the Encrypt button.The result of the encryption will appear in base64 encoded to prevent character encoding problems.If you want to decrypt a text be sure it is in base64 encoded and is encrypted with AES algorithm!Put the encrypted text in the white textarea, set the key and push the Decrypt button.

When you want to encrypt a confidential text into a decryptable format, for example when you need to send sensitive data in e-mail.The decryption of the encrypted text it is possible only if you know the right password.

AES (acronym of Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric encryption algorithm.The algorithm was developed by two Belgian cryptographer Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen.AES was designed to be efficient in both hardware and software, and supports a block length of 128 bits and key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits.

AES encryption is used by U.S. for securing sensitive but unclassified material, so we can say it is enough secure.

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AES encryption

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Encrypt email messages – Outlook

When you need to protect the privacy of an email message, encrypt it. Encrypting an email message in Outlook means it's converted from readable plain text into scrambled cipher text. Only the recipient who has the private key that matches the public key used to encrypt the message can decipher the message for reading. Any recipient without the corresponding private key, however, sees indecipherable text.

This article is specifically about encrypting and digitally signing a message with S/MIME. To understand the full list of email encryption options go to the article on Email Encryption in Office 365.

What happens if the recipient doesn't have the corresponding private key? The recipient will see this message:

"This item cannot be displayed in the Reading Pane. Open the item to read its contents."

And if the recipient tries to open the item, a dialog box opens with this message:

"Sorry, we're having trouble opening this item. This could be temporary, but if you see it again you might want to restart Outlook. Your Digital ID name cannot be found by the underlying security system."

Sending and viewing encrypted email messages requires both sender and recipient to share their digital ID, or public key certificate. This means that you and the recipient each must send the other a digitally signed message, which enables you to add the other person's certificate to your Contacts. You cant encrypt email messages without a digital ID.

If you send an encrypted message to a recipient whose email setup doesnt support encryption, you're offered the option of sending the message in an unencrypted format.

Any attachments sent with encrypted messages also are encrypted.

In message that you are composing, click File > Properties.

Click Security Settings, and then select the Encrypt message contents and attachments check box.

Compose your message, and then click Send.

When you choose to encrypt all outgoing messages by default, you can write and send messages the same as with any other messages, but all potential recipients must have your digital ID to decode or view your messages.

On the File tab. choose Options >Trust Center > Trust Center Settings.

On the Email Security tab, under Encrypted email, select the Encrypt contents and attachments for outgoing messages check box.

To change additional settings, such as choosing a specific certificate to use, click Settings.

In the message that you're composing, on the Options tab, in the More Options group, click the dialog box launcher in the lower-right corner.

Click Security Settings, and then select the Encrypt message contents and attachments check box.

Compose your message, and then click Send.

When you choose to encrypt all outgoing messages by default, you can write and send messages the same as you do with any other messages. All potential recipients, however, must have your digital ID to decode or view those messages.

On the File tab, click Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings.

On the E-mail Security tab, under Encrypted e-mail, select the Encrypt contents and attachments for outgoing messages check box.

To change additional settings, such as choosing a specific certificate to use, click Settings.

In the message, on the Message tab, in the Options group on the ribbon, click the Encrypt Message Contents and Attachments button .

Note:If you don't see this button, click the Options Dialog Box Launcher in the lower-right corner of the group to open the Message Options dialog box. Click the Security Settings button, and in the Security Properties dialog box, select Encrypt message contents and attachments. Click OK, and then close the Message Options dialog box.

Compose your message and send it.

Choosing to encrypt all outgoing messages means, in effect, your e-mail is encrypted by default. You can write and send messages the same as with any other e-mail messages, but all potential recipients must have your digital ID to decode your messages.

On the Tools menu, click Trust Center, and then click E-mail Security.

Under Encrypted e-mail, select the Encrypt contents and attachments for outgoing messages check box.

To change additional settings, such as choosing a specific certificate to use, click Settings.

Click OK twice.

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Encrypt email messages - Outlook

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An Illustrated Glossary of Cryptocurrency Slang (Infographic)

From "whales" to "shills" and "bag holders," if you want to be a successful cryptocurrency investor, here are the terms you should know.

June 16, 20182 min read

Since the rise of Bitcoin over the past few years, cryptocurrencies have been all the hype. And if youre interested in hopping on-board the crypto-train, its important to know what youre talking about. Just like the pool of investors and the market itself have grown considerably over the years, so has the culture, along with new slang and memes popping up everyday.

Related:14 Things You Need to Know AboutBitcoin

To equip yourself with up-to-date cryptocurrency slang, heres a quick glossary of important terms you should know. For starters, get used to hearing the word whale thrown around. Whales are investors who own five percent or more of any cryptocurrency coin. Other names to be aware of are shills and bag holders. A shill is basically a scammer in the crypto-world -- a person who promotes altcoins for their own benefit. They encourage others to invest in altcoins in order bump up their own investments. Bag holders are people who hold onto their investments for too long. When it comes investing in the volatile cryptocurrency market, its incredibly important to know when to hold on and when to let go.

Speaking of holding onto investments, another common term is the acronym, HODL, meaning hold on for dear life. This term was coined after someone accidentally wrote HODL instead of hold in a 2013 Bitcoin forum. From the hashtag #REKT, used to describe investors who experience a major coin collapse, to the phrase to the moon!, meaning a coin is increasing extremely fast, there are a number of tricky terms to learn if you plan on being a successful crypto-investor.

Related:What are the Fundamental Benefits ofBitcoinOver Traditional Money?

To prepare yourself, check out 99Bitcoins infographic below for an illustrated glossary of cryptocurrency slang.

Follow this link:
An Illustrated Glossary of Cryptocurrency Slang (Infographic)

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ATB Coin – The fastest and most secure payment system

General at all





ATBCoin alpha is ready for an ICO

Crowdsale process

Daily trade value hits $1000000

Becoming a popular global cryptocurrency

Official law office opening in USA (ask our support for an address)

Payment gateway for our partners

Additional offices in other countries on demand

Building own investment portfolio

ATB Coin public test launch

ATB Coin White Paper

ATBCoin first block mined & mining launch

Protocol updates

Press-conference at the biggest world-class financial center in New York city

ATB/USD is listed at USA, Canada, Europe & Asia exchanges

Exchanges start to trade with ATB Coin pairs

PR & marketing campaign

Exploding our targets on market and its geography

Charity events

Eliminate any kind of transaction fees using ATB Coin

iOS & Android apps release

More exchanges lists ATB pairs

Lightning Network

Block confirmation lasts 2,5 min

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ATB Coin - The fastest and most secure payment system

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Download Sophos Free Encryption –


Sophos Free Encryption is an intuitive application that you can use to protect your sensitive data from unauthorized viewing. It can be handled by all types of users.

The interface of the program is based on a standard window with an intuitive layout, where you can add files into the secured environment using either the file browser, folder view or "drag and drop" method. You can add as many items as you want.

In order to encrypt data, you have to specify a target for the archive with the Sophos Free Encryption format (UTI), and assign a password to it. Alternatively, you can apply a key file as a dependency.

A few options are available for the encryption process. Therefore, you can create self-extracting executable files, securely delete the original items after encryption, compress data and save passwords in a history list.

Furthermore, you can use the default email client to send the encrypted archives via email after the process is done, as well as change the default file path to the passwords history list.

Sophos Free Encryption carries out a task rapidly and without errors, while using a low-to-moderate quantity of CPU and system memory, thus it does not affect the computer's overall performance. We haven't come across any difficulties in our tests, since the tool did not hang or crash.

Although it has not been updated for a pretty long time, Sophos Free Encryption offers users a simple alternative to secure their files, by turning them into encrypted archives.

File Encryption File Encrypter Encrypt Folder Encryption Encrypt Encrypter Decrypt

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Download Sophos Free Encryption -

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Internet Security with Xfinity – Norton Security Online

Installation Instructions

Follow these quick steps to get started! email address and password are required to continue. Find my email address.

Have your Xfinity user ID or email address and password ready.

Uninstall any existing security software from your computer, including previous versions of Norton Security.

Click here to begin the Norton Security Online download process.

Log in with your Xfinity user name and password if prompted.

Create or log in to your Norton account.

Download the product on the device you are using or send a link to download on another device.

Looking for more help on install? Visit our Support Page or call Norton Support at 1-877-272-7149.

Operating Systems Supported

Norton Security covers PCs, Macs, Androids, iPads and iPhones. Some features are not available on iPad and iPhone.

Windows Operating Systems

Mac Operating Systems

Android Operating Systems

Auto-scan of apps on Google Play is supported on Android 4.1 or later, except for Samsung devices. Samsung devices running Android 4.2 or later are supported. For earlier versions of Android, the Google Play "Share" function must be used to scan apps on Google Play.

iOS Operating Systems

Required for All Installations

Xfinity Internet customers can download Norton Security Online by doing the following:

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Internet Security with Xfinity - Norton Security Online

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Does Skype use encryption? | Skype Support

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All Skype-to-Skype voice, video, file transfers and instant messages are encrypted. This protects you from potential eavesdropping by malicious users.

If you make a call from Skype to mobile and landline phones, the part of your call that takes place over the PSTN (the ordinary phone network) is not encrypted.

For example, in the case of group calls involving two users on Skype-to-Skype and one user on PSTN, then the PSTN part is not encrypted, but the Skype-to-Skype portion is.

For instant messages, we use TLS (transport-level security) to encrypt your messages between your Skype client and the chat service in our cloud, or AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) when sent directly between two Skype clients. Most messages are sent both ways, but in the future it will only be sent via our cloud to provide the optimal user experience.

Voice messages are encrypted when they're delivered to you. However, after you have listened to a voice message, it is transferred from our servers to your local machine, where it is stored as an unencrypted file.

Skype uses the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard*), also known as Rijndael, which is used by the US Government to protect sensitive information, and Skype has for some time always used the strong 256-bit encryption. User public keys are certified by the Skype server at login using 1536 or 2048-bit RSA certificates.

*Skype is not responsible for the content of external sites.

To learn more about encryption, please visit our Security Center.

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Does Skype use encryption? | Skype Support

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