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The reality of quantum computing could be just three years …

Quantum computing has moved out of the realm of theoretical physics and into the real world, but its potential and promise are still years away.

Onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt SF, a powerhouse in the world of quantum research and a young upstart in the field presented visions for the future of the industry that illustrated both how far the industry has come and how far the technology has to go.

For both Dario Gil, the chief operating officer of IBM Research and the companys vice president of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, and Chad Rigetti, a former IBM researcher who founded Rigetti Computing and serves as its chief executive, the moment that a quantum computer will be able to perform operations better than a classical computer is only three years away.

[Its] generating a solution that is better, faster or cheaper than you can do otherwise, said Rigetti.Quantum computing has moved out of a field of research into now an engineering discipline and an engineering enterprise.

Considering the more than 30 years that IBM has been researching the technology and the millions (or billions) that have been poured into developing it, even seeing an end of the road is a victory for researchers and technologists.

Achieving this goal, for all of the brainpower and research hours that have gone into it, is hardly academic.

The Chinese government is building a $10 billion National Laboratory for Quantum Information in Anhui province, which borders Shanghai and is slated to open in 2020. Meanwhile, the U.S. public research into quantum computing is running at around $200 million per year.

One of the reasons why governments, especially, are so interested in the technology is its potential to completely remake the cybersecurity landscape. Some technologists argue that quantum computers will have the potential to crack any type of encryption technology, opening up all of the networks in the world to potential hacking.

Of course, quantum computing is so much more than security. It will enable new ways of doing things we cant even imagine because we have never had this much pure compute power. Think about artificial and machine learning or drug development; any type of operation that is compute-intensive could benefit from the exponential increase in compute power that quantum computing will bring.

Security may be the Holy Grail for governments, but both Rigetti and Gil say that the industrial chemical business will be the first place where the potentially radical transformation of a market will appear first.

To understand quantum computing it helps to understand the principles of the physics behind it.

As Gil explained onstage (and on our site), quantum computing depends on the principles of superposition, entanglement and interference.

Superposition is the notion that physicists can observe multiple potential states of a particle. If you a flip a coin it is one or two states, said Gil. Meaning that theres a single outcome that can be observed. But if someone were to spin a coin, theyd see a number of potential outcomes.

Once youve got one particle thats being observed, you can add another and pair them thanks to a phenomenon called quantum entanglement. If you have two coins where each one can be in superpositions and then you can have measurements can be taken of the difference of both.

Finally, theres interference, where the two particles can be manipulated by an outside force to change them and create different outcomes.

In classical systems you have these bits of zeros and ones and the logical operations of the ands and the ors and the nots, said Gil. The classical computer is able to process the logical operations of bits expressed in zeros and ones.

In an algorithm you put the computer in a super positional state, Gil continued. You can take the amplitude and states and interfere them and the algorithm is the thing that interferes I can have many, many states representing different pieces of information and then i can interfere with it to get these data.

These operations are incredibly hard to sustain. In the early days of research into quantum computing the superconducting devices only had one nanosecond before a qubit transforms into a traditional bit of data. Those ranges have increased between 50 and 100 microseconds, which enabled IBM and Rigetti to open up their platforms to researchers and others to conduct experimentation (more on that later).

As one can imagine, dealing with quantum particles is a delicate business. So the computing operations have to be carefully controlled.At the base of the machine is what basically amounts to a huge freezer that maintains a temperature in the device of 15 millikelvin near absolute zero degrees and 180 times colder than the temperatures in interstellar space.

These qubits are very delicate, said Gil. Anything from the outside world can couple to it and destroy its state and one way to protect it is to cool it.

Wiring for the quantum computer is made of superconducting coaxial cables. The inputs to the computers are microwave pulses that manipulates the particles creating a signal that is then interpreted by the computers operators.

Those operators used to require a degree in quantum physics. But both IBM and Rigetti have been working on developing tools that can enable a relative newbie to use the tech.

Even as companies like IBM and Rigetti bring the cost of quantum computing down from tens of millions of dollars to roughly $1 million to $2 million, these tools likely will never become commodity hardware that a consumer buys to use as a personal computer.

Rather, as with most other computing these days, quantum computing power will be provided as a service to users.

Indeed, Rigetti announced onstage a new hybrid computing platform that can provide computing services to help the industry both reach quantum advantage that tipping point at which quantum is commercially viable and to enable industries to explore the technologies to acclimatize to the potential ways in which typical operations could be disrupted by it.

A user logs on to their own device and use our software development kit to write a quantum application, said Rigetti. That program is sent to a compiler and kicks off an optimization kit that runs on a quantum and classical computer This is the architecture thats needed to achieve quantum advantage.

Both IBM and Rigetti and a slew of other competitors are preparing users for accessing quantum computing opportunities on the cloud.

IBM has more than a million chips performing millions of quantum operations requested by users in over 100 countries around the world.

In a cloud-first era Im not sure the economic forces will be there that will drive us to develop the miniaturized environment in the laptop, Rigetti said. But the ramifications of the technologys commercialization will be felt by everyone, everywhere.

Quantum computing is going to change the world and its all going to come in our lifetime, whether thats two years or five years, he said. Quantum computing is going to redefine every industry and touch every market. Every major company will be involved in some capacity in that space.

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The reality of quantum computing could be just three years ...

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Cryptocurrency News, ICO Reviews & Blockchain Updates …

The information on or accessed through this website is obtained from independent sources we believe to be accurate and reliable, but Decentral Media LLC makes no representation or warranty as to the timeliness, completeness, or accuracy of any information on or accessed through this website. Decentral Media LLC is not an investment advisor. We do not give personalized investment advice or other financial advice. The information on this website is subject to change without notice. Some or all of the information on this website may become outdated, or it may be or become incomplete or inaccurate. We may, but are not obligated to, update any outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate information.

You should never make an investment decision on an ICO or other investment based on the information on this website, and you should never interpret or otherwise rely on any of the information on this website as investment advice. We strongly recommend that you consult a licensed investment advisor or other qualified financial professional if you are seeking investment advice on an ICO or other investment. We do not accept compensation in any form for analyzing or reporting on any ICO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or commodities.

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Cryptocurrency News, ICO Reviews & Blockchain Updates ...

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Programming Lesson Plan: Program Your Partner

Grade: 11-12


Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Grade: 03


Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).

Grade: 04


By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 45 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Grade: 04


Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.

Grade: 05


Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.

Grade: 05


Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

Grade: 06


Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

Grade: 07


Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each mediums portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words).

Grade: 08


Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.

Grade: 09, 10


Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a persons life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.

Grade: 11-12


Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text.

Grade: 11-12


Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 1112 texts and topics.

Grade: 11-12


Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Grade: 11-12


Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible.

Grade: 06, 07, 08


Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks.

Grade: 06, 07, 08


Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 68 texts and topics.

Grade: 06, 07, 08


Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).

Grade: 09, 10


Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.

Grade: 09, 10


Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 910 texts and topics.

Grade: 09, 10


Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms (e.g., force, friction, reaction force, energy).

Grade: 09, 10


Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.

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Programming Lesson Plan: Program Your Partner

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Android Bitcoin ~ Altcoin Price Ticker ~ Coin Maker

In order to keep up with the wave, you need to be well informed about current prices and market volumes. Its hard to do so manually, in order to get rid of the trouble of logging into exchanges and not being able to receiveprice notifications you will need to install Bitcoin Checker. Its a price ticker featuring alerts according to your needs. After downloading and installing all you have to do is choose your favorite coins and exchanges and let the application do the rest.

After choosing the pairs you want to track you can set the update interval of the pair in order for the application to know when to pull info from the specified exchange. Another thing you can do is set alarms for your favorite coins. For example, you can define the value of a coin and get an alarm when the value is greater or lower than defined, another option is that you can set an alarm for any percentage change. Alarms include Sound, Vibration and LED blinking.Another option Bitcoin Checker provides is the Alarm via Text-To-Speech where the price alert is announced.

Bitcoin Checker offers you the option to add a widget to your phones main screen with your chosen pairs with a refresh button so you can get all the pairs refreshed at once.

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Android Bitcoin ~ Altcoin Price Ticker ~ Coin Maker

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The quantum computing race the US cant afford to lose

Quantum computing has ushered in a new area of information technology. An international arms race to develop quantum computers has steadily grown more competitive and more critical.

China reached the early pole position by unveiling the worlds first quantum communication landline connecting Beijing with Shanghai like no two other cities in history. The first quantum encrypted Skype call was also made, that same day, by the Chinese. It was only possible because of the worlds first quantum satellite, known as Micius.

Visit Hard Fork.

Its clear that quantum technology promises to usher in a new era of computing. And other countries are already staking their claim, vying to be the nation that ultimately emerges as the world leader.

Beyond its image as a booster for communications, quantum computing also poses a very real threat to data protection with its proven ability to quickly crack most codes.

Only the lack of large scale quantum computers is holding back the ability to shred todays encryption. And both criminals and nation-states are capturing as much encrypted data as they can now, with the expectation that quantum computers will eventually be able to crack current protections.

China and other nations are investing heavily in research and development for quantum computers as well as technology that could, theoretically, prevent hacking by quantum supercomputers. If the United States fails to develop a similarly strong quantum infrastructure, all of todays protected data could be at risk.

This includes military data that would directly impact operational security (OPSEC), which is the critical communications in any military mission.

While OPSEC is one major potential vulnerability, other systems could be targeted. The financial and medical sectors come to mind. Both industries play pivotal roles in American life and have access to important data.

A sufficiently advanced quantum computer could theoretically decrypt and break into a mass of bank accounts or patient records in very little time.

Spending on technology across the board is projected to grow over the next few years as computing advances. The United States Department of Defense has requisitioned $899 million for computer science research. While this research focuses largely on quantum computing, the requested amount is only .000046% of the total gross domestic product (GDP).

Meanwhile, China is investing much more heavily in quantum computing. While their exact government spending is unknown, a new research laboratory costing approximately $10 billion was recently built in China for the express purpose of researching quantum technology.

The total amount being spent by the Chinese government dwarfs the investment by the United States, and that deficit does not appear to close over the next five to ten years.

In order to keep a secure infrastructure, the United States must prioritize the digital space. The digital theater is likely the next major area of operations as countries try to grab sensitive information.

A situation like this was mentioned in Tom Clancys excellently researched Threat Vector. In the book, the Chinese use superior technology to disrupt American businesses and pilfer sensitive documents. Its not unlike what could very well be happening right now in anticipation of quantum computing advances.

While Threat Vector is fiction, there are some harsh realities facing the United States should it fail to remain competitive in this critical area. Beyond the obvious theft of sensitive data and mission critical secrecy is the loss of jobs or potential jobs as quantum computing is developed and designed offshore.

For the United States to remain at the cutting edge, it will need to create its own quantum network to allow for unbreakable lines of secure communication, like what is happening in China.

We are also in vital need of quantum-proof encryption such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) that can be applied as soon as possible. Our most critical data needs to be safe from future quantum computers and their expected ability to more easily crack todays encryption.

American companies like Microsoft, Intel, Google, IBM,and others are conducting research and development into quantum technologies, but will likely require assistance from the government. After all, government backing has been at the root of most technical marvels of everyday life such as microchips, GPS, touch screens, Googles search engine and the Internet.

The biggest competitor within quantum computing is China, which is likely the worlds frontrunner, but there are others. Russia is also pushing the boundaries. Spearheaded by the Russian Quantum Center, Russia announced a breakthrough by designing a quantum computer that can reliably solve basic computations faster than anything else today.

Even North Korea has stated that they intend to develop quantum computers. While its unknown how much North Korea has invested in this program, the fact that they are tossing their hat in the ring is troubling.

The United States cant afford to come in second in the global quantum arms race, especially to any country that has been adversarial or downright antagonistic in the past.

In a quantum world, the speeds are so fast and the numbers so large, that second place really doesnt mean very much. There is the leader in quantum computing, and then there is everyone else.

The United States has an incredible ability to compete on the world stage in anything. The effort just needs the proper investment, manpower and directive. Quantum computing is a race where we can compete, and one that we absolutely must win.

Read next: Task Pigeon will get your whole office cranking out projects and now its 90% off

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The quantum computing race the US cant afford to lose

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Quantum Computing | USRA

Feynman Quantum Computing Academy at NASA Ames

An experience in the USRA-NASA-Google Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) at NASA Ames Research Centers Advanced Supercomputing Facility introduces graduate students to scientific opportunities in quantum information sciences and trains them to do research related to the most advanced quantum computing platforms. Students will receive valuable experience working on teams, undertaking projects in advanced computing, and developing quantum and classical methods to solve problems in important application or fundamental domains.

Students, which need to be enrolled in a Ph.D. program or have otherwise previous quantum computing research experience, are accepted to a 12-to-24 week program. Applications are open all year round. These students work in close collaboration with quantum scientists, receiving hands-on training, and undertake individualized research projects. Students will also participate in seminars and workshops with researchers from other organizations doing quantum research, including those from academic institutions, government laboratories, and commercial organizations. Participants receive a stipend to cover living expenses and travel during the program.

David Bell, Ph.D. Director, USRA Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), and Chief Technologist, NASA Academic Mission Services

Davide Venturelli, Ph.D., Senior Quantum Information Scientist, USRA RIACS; and Science Operations Manager, Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

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Quantum Computing | USRA

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Cryptocurrency "miners," utilities look for ways to get along …

Electric producers aren't sure whether cryptocurrency "miners" are friend or foe.

The miners, who use powerful computers to generate bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies by solving complex computational problems, are power hogs that can bring new sources of revenue for energy producers. But that revenue generally comes at a price: millions of dollars of investment in new power stations and lines.

For their part, utilities hesitate to commit those funds for fear the bottom will fall out of the cryptocurrency market, leaving them stuck with the bill for facilities no longer in use.

"Getting power companies to take cryptocurrency mining seriously has been a struggle," said JohnPaul Baric, chief executive of the MiningStore, which makes cryptocurrency mining technology. "Mining is still in its early days, and power companies say they aren't sure of its longevity."

It's not as if the power companies don't want the additional revenue. But in the case of Grant County in Washington State, more than 100 cryptocurrency miners are requesting power. Combined, they are asking for 1,700 megawatts of new power -- that's the equivalent of two nuclear power plants, or 1.5 times the power needs of the city of Seattle. Grant PUD's average electric load is about 600 megawatts.

"We, like any other utility, aren't set up to handle that kind of new demand," said Kevin Nordt, general manager for the Grant County Public Utility District, known as Grant PUD. "Trying to get that kind of infrastructure built would take many, many years and require millions if not billions of dollars in investment. There's a lot of risk involved because it's an nascent industry with a lot of unknown variables."

Cryptocurrency miners use large numbers of computer servers which use massive amounts of electricity -- to solve complex mathematical puzzles needed to create virtual currencies like bitcoin and ethereum. Bitcoin miners alone use more power than the entire country of Ireland. There are more than 2,000 different types of cryptocurrencies.

Grant PUD's popularity with cryptocurrency miners stems in part from its low price for electricity generated from power plants on the Columbia River, Baric said. Electrical expenses are often the highest costs for cryptocurrency miners.

"We are the most power-intensive business ever we use crazy amounts of power," Baric said. "Electricity costs matter."

The average cost of electricity in the U.S. is about 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. But Grant PUD sells its electricity for only 1 to 2 cents a kilowatt-hour, Baric said. Grant PUD is a nonprofit, community-owned hydropower utility based in Moses Lake, Washington, about three hours southwest of Seattle. Its power generation facilities cover 2,800 square miles.

Because of the intense demand, Grant PUD temporarily stopped accepting cryptocurrency mining customers so that it could develop new policies around the industry. The PUD decided to create a new customer class called the "evolving industry" class. The class wasn't meant only for cryptocurrency, but for any other radical, disruptive type technology that may take shape in the future, Nordt said.

The evolving industry class would price in the risk associated with creating new infrastructure for an industry without a long track record, he said.

"We needed to look at this differently," he said. "We don't know how regulatory and other issues are going to break for mining."

Miners, in the meantime, are also suggesting ways they can be of benefit to utilities. One example is for miners to use a utility's "peak load" capabilities that often sit idle. Most utilities build their facilities so they have capacity even for those very hot days in July and August, when everyone is running their air conditioners.

The miners could use that unused peak load capabilities throughout the year and stop mining when the utility needed the extra electricity on those hot summer days. Baric sells products that would automatically shut down the mining operations when the peak load was used.

"The actual physical mining units would just sit there idle and the staff would have the day off," Baric said. "The miners would know for those four or five hours on that hot July day, they will be disconnected."

Miners are also happy to take extra, unused electricity off the hands of producers, Baric said. Utilities inevitably create more energy than they use and generally allow that power to be burned off. Miners are instead willing to buy that access energy which is a benefit to producers, he said.

"Years ago people wondered if the internet would stay around, but suggesting that today would seems silly," Baric said. "That's the way it is with cryptocurrency; it's brand knew and people don't yet understand it yet. But it's here to stay."

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Cryptocurrency "miners," utilities look for ways to get along ...

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Cryptocurrency: Virtual money, real power, and the fight …

Driving into the small town of Wenatchee, Washington, about three hours east of Seattle, a sign welcomes you to the "Apple Capital of the World." But not far from the abundant orchards, a very different industry is taking root. As unlikely as it may seem, this rural community has become a hub for cryptocurrency mining.

"Cryptocurrency justified the expense to build something that no one would otherwise build," said entrepreneur David Carlson, as rows upon rows of computer servers whirred away at the facility he set up here. "These things can run 24/7 making cryptocurrency."

He has big plans for his business, even if some Wenatchee residents don't like it.

"We want to grow ten times larger than we are now, and we can do it here, or we can do it somewhere, but we're going to do it," Carlson said.

Bitcoin is the best known, but it's just one of many digital forms of currency. These cryptocurrencies are decentralized; rather than being processed through banks, transactions are verified and recorded by individual users. Encrypted technology called blockchain keeps the transactions secure.

Bitcoin hit a highof over $19,700 in December 2017, though it's worth much less, about $6,300, today. Despite the volatility, rising values have fueled a whole new industry and legions of enthusiasts. At a recent cryptocurrency conference in Atlantic City, thousands gathered to explore new ideas and opportunities in the field.

"So I live off of bitcoin," said Kenn Bosak, who hosts "Pure Blockchain Wealth" on YouTube. "It pays my rent. I book my flights with They accept bitcoin, Dash, all kinds of cryptocurrencies. I book my rooms with BitPay with my Visa card. My Lyft drivers accepts BitPay, that's bitcoin. So I'm all in. I use bitcoin in every aspect of my life."

Unlike dollars or other conventional currencies, cryptocurrency like bitcoin isn't issued by a government. It's created through a process called mining, which is leading to a virtual gold rush around the world.

Every time someone uses cryptocurrency to pay for something, it sets off a flurry of invisible activity. Computer servers, which can be located anywhere in the world, work to verify and process the transaction, racing to authenticate the exchange of digital money through complex transactions.

For doing this work, the machines (and their owners) are rewarded with new cryptocurrency. With a sufficient number of powerful computers, it can be a lucrative business.

That's what David Carlson's company, Giga Watt, is busy doing at his facility in Wenatchee. He started with just a few small machines, but with the help of investors, he's scaled up significantly. Now his rooms full of computer servers work feverishly to mine cryptocurrency around the clock.

David Carlson shows CBS News' Errol Barnett his cryptocurrency mining operation in Wenatchee, Washington.

CBS News

Each of the small machines makes roughly $1,500 worth of bitcoin every year, though the amount of profit fluctuates every day. As Carlson showed CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett around, the site hummed with the sound of giant industrial cooling fans.

"Every one of these things is like a thousand-watt hair dryer. So there will be a thousand of those hairdryers in this spot. So that's quite a lot of heat. Don't try it at home," Carlson said.

"This entire wall is the future, according to you," Barnett said.

"Yeah. The future of money right here," Carlson replied.

He plans to have 22 of his pods completed by the end of the year and all that computer power sucks up a huge amount of electricity.

"Our pods use one and a half megawatts, which is typically associated with, like, 600 homes," he said.

Powering his operation would cost a fortune most places, but Wenatchee has a competitive advantage: the Columbia River. Dams on the river generate cheap hydroelectric power, which has drawn crypto mining enthusiasts to this corner of the country.

Steve Wright, the general manager of the Chelan County public utility, says it has long been an economic engine for the region. "What we have seen more recently are industries like cryptocurrency that have come to the region for the same reasons that aluminum came here. Low-cost, reliable electricity," he said.

Dams on the Columbia River provide cheap power to the Pacific Northwest.

CBS News

But even here, there are limits.

"We have requests for service that would double the usage here in the county, and we're trying to figure out, you know, how are we going to deal with that, and what the implications would be for the people who live here," Wright said.

Because access to cheap power is key, crypto miners are racing to set up shop anywhere in the world they can find low rates. Cold climates are also preferred, to help reduce cooling costs.

But this tech boom is not without problems. Among the issues: the droning noise of all that equipment. The hum reverberates far beyond the walls. And some of the operations have sprung up in a decidedly makeshift fashion.

"Would you want to live next to one of these?" said Andrew Wendell, customer service director for the utility. "Not just the aesthetics, but also the noise. There's a lot of noise. They really do belong in an industrial setting."

He continues, "And it gives us a bit of a concern, because, quite literally, you could have a tractor trailer come in and load this thing up and move it out, literally overnight. And so it just begs the question, from a utility who is providing and building the infrastructure to support these, how long is our investment? When we build those, we are building for 40, 50, 60 years. This doesn't look like that long term."

Not only is he worried about miners abandoning Wenatchee and leaving behind expensive new power connections there are also safety concerns. Some mining setups push the infrastructure to the breaking point.

Industrial fans are needed to cool the rows of supercomputers that mine for cryptocurrency.

CBS News

Wendell shows us an example. "What we have here is a standard residential home, but this shed, about 10 by 10 here, off to the side with the fence, that's full of cryptocurrency mining operations."

He holds up the remnants of a frayed and melted underground electrical cable.

"This plastic insulation breaks down because there's so much heat?" Barnett asks.

"There's so much heat. It can't dissipate the heat. So the insulation breaks down, and then the cables go phase to phase. And when they go phase to phase, they combust. They arc and they can start a fire. And that's what happened [here], is a fire started," Wendell said. "The bottom line is, is that when you mix the cryptocurrency mining with traditional residential load, if you don't have things built and designed appropriately, you're going to have some problems."

He adds, "In this part of the country, a wildfire can spread and burn literally hundreds of homes. So we take that very seriously."

While some in Wenatchee are excited about the economic potential of cryptocurrency mining, many others are concerned about its massive power consumption and other risks.

"Nobody wants a fire, you know, like their apartment complex burning down, because someone is mining bitcoin," one resident said.

Some admit they don't fully understand it. "It's just going to drain our power, and that's really all I know," a local woman told us.

Facing overwhelming demand for power from cryptocurrency miners and increasing concern from the community, the utility placed a moratorium on new mining requests until they could agree on a solution. Local miners were not happy.

"They went overboard with their moratorium. It was kinda crazy for 'em to say, 'No, you can't do that. We're we're shutting everything down in the in the entire county,'" said Matt McColm. He was planning to set up a mining operation in his insurance office to generate some extra money for his 12-year-old son's college fund. He'd already ordered the equipment on Amazon. But now he'll have to move it all to a site a few hours away in Oregon instead.

"What you've got is is you've got is several large players that kind of salted the earth for everyone else. They're literally consuming large sections of our town and edging out the small ones," McColm said. "It's kinda rough, because I'd rather develop here locally... and put the money here in Wenatchee."

Earlier this month, the utility held a public hearing for input on the moratorium and the future of cryptocurrency mining in Wenatchee.

Some locals stood up to voice complaints about what the industry is doing to their town. "I read a lot about what bitcoin operators want, and what bitcoin is doing for them. I'm not hearing that it's doing anything much for us. This is a take, take, take, not a give," one woman said.

Others made the case to encourage business development, like the man who said, "I'd ask you guys to consider the very small operations that are existing right here in town. A large rate increase would drastically affect our business, putting some of us out."

Much of the concern about cryptocurrency mining is its volatility. With prices soaring one day and crashing the next, many worry the entire market could collapse. But advocates say they are missing the big picture a growing industry that's about more than just mining.

Malachi Salcido, another large-scale miner, says the rise of supercomputing, using specialized hardware and cheap power, can also enable things like artificial intelligence.

"And so it helps you to understand why in the world would you build a 30, 40-year asset for something that's only nine years old? I didn't. I built it for a new technology that will have many current and future iterations that we don't yet fully understand," he said.

He believes his investment will pay off, even if cryptocurrency fizzles.

"The demand internationally for power and networking for computing space is rising so rapidly that I'm very comfortable there will be demand for our location, even if crypto doesn't become the market it could."

Salcido, a Wenatchee native, wants to see his hometown benefit from the new industry. But for now, he must expand elsewhere.

"Our strategic goal is 500 megawatts within the next 5 years, and 5 to 10 percent of the global network. We are currently negotiating developments in northern Idaho, northern Oregon, and northern central California. Our choice is whether or not they happen here," he said.

A moratorium may stem the flood of miners arriving in Wenatchee, but it won't stop them from seeking out cheap power wherever they can find it.

In June, a cryptocurrency mining company called Coinmint took over a massive former Alcoa aluminum plant near the small town of Massena, in upstate New York. Coinmint is investing $700 million to turn it into a bitcoin mining behemoth. Once complete, it could be the largest in the world.

Aerial view of a former Alcoa aluminum plant near Massena, in update New York, which is being turned into a massive bitcoin mining facility.

CBS News

Back in Wenatchee, the only question for Dave Carlson is not whether to grow, but where.

"Cryptocurrency justified the expense to build something that no one would otherwise build," he said. "Supercomputing, A.I. can be the new export."

"So you're confident that you will grow, you're just concerned that it will be elsewhere because Wenatchee blinked at a critical moment?" Barnett asked.

Carlson agreed. "That's exactly right."

Cryptocurrency: Virtual money, real power, and the fight ...

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Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting – How To Start A Blog

Features of Cloud Vs Shared Web Hosting


Shared hosting may guarantee 99.99% uptimes, however, it is challenging to live up to that. One major reason for this is the shared nature of the services. If one website experiences unprecedented high traffic could cause downtime issues with all the websites on that server.

Cloud hosting, on the other hand, has impeccable uptimes since the users are on a dedicated server. Even though there is an aspect of shared resources, problems on one server only mean websites are moved to another functioning server.


Cloud hosting has an upper hand in this regard. Even the advanced users as well (those on cloud) tend to have more features. They have unlimited everything, from storage to bandwidth and databases.

Shared hosting is prone to more limits than the web host cares to divulge. Although the plan promises unlimited resources, if the monitoring team notices a user overusing the limited resources repercussions like suspensions can occur.


In this instance, shared hosting are clear winners. Since every web hosting company is trying to attract the huge client base of shared hosting, free bonuses abound for all. This can range from domain names to free web transfers and website builders. This is a plus for users on shared hosting.

Cloud users are not prone to such offers or have very limited options.

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Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting - How To Start A Blog

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Best Cloud Hosting Providers of 2018 | HostAdvice

Among the many variations of web hosting, cloud hosting has taken up a significant spot in todays business. With the enviable rise of cloud hosting giants like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean and Microsoft Azure, it has now become an essential part of every tech enthusiasts or entrepreneur's vocabulary. Following are all the critical points of cloud hosting you need to be aware of:

In simplest terms, the word cloud in computer science refers to the internet. More elaborately, the cloud is the cluster of virtual servers available on the internet to store and exchange various files and data. On the other hand, web hosting refers to the way several companies offer space allocation in their physical servers for website data storage.

Cloud hosting combines these two concepts and provides web hosting through multiple virtual servers. These servers run on several physical computing resources connected through an extensive underlying network. The cloud then behaves like a single computer with unlimited processing power and endless storage space, giving people the perfect freedom to work and grow business.

Cloud hosting works much similar to the traditional hosting procedures, except in this case, it utilizes multiple virtualized servers instead of one physical server.

Cloud hosting uses virtual servers, these virtual servers pull their resources from an underlying network of physical servers. The biggest advantage of cloud servers is their scalability. The clients can feed their business as much as they need at any stage of their business, depending on their requirements. This will result in massive cost savings for the clients as they will be paying only for what they need.

Many physical servers are connected through a network. Each server has its virtual version running simultaneously in the cloud. The website then runs on the data and resources pulled from different virtual server environments like this one.

While cloud hosting itself is a variation of web hosting, it can further be categorized into two major classes according to accessibility:

Besides, cloud hosting can be divided into two categories based on service models as follows:

Cloud hosting can be for you if you are an entrepreneur planning on a start-up or an owner running a small business. Gemalto and Stormshield, who recently joined forces together in protection in data exchange services in mobile devices admit that most of the cloud providers cannot guarantee the security of sensitive data and breach can be imminent. If you are dealing with sensitive client data, we would suggest that you stay away from Cloud Hosting until the era of data perfection reaches Cloud Hosting. However, if the data that you are storing is not very sensitive, you can take advantage of the significantly reduced cost while enjoying high scalability, stability, and flexibility.

Before investing in cloud hosting, measure how it can affect your business and what you can gain from it. Weigh out other hosting alternatives as well to make a sound judgment.

Best Cloud Hosting Providers of 2018 | HostAdvice

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