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Shared Web Hosting Plans – Fast & Secure Shared Hosting …

How much disk space and bandwidth is included with myplan?

For packages supporting unmetered disk space or data transfer (bandwidth), we do not have defined limitations. These resources are "unmetered", meaning you are not billed according to the amount of disk space or bandwidth used. While of course these resources are not infinite, we believe our customers should have all the resources necessary to build an online presence and 99.95% of customers will have more than enough disk space and bandwidth to meet theirneeds.

That said, we do require all customers to be fully compliant with our Terms of Service and utilize disk space and bandwidth in a manner consistent with the normal operation of a website. While rare, we occasionally constrain accounts utilizing more resources than should be the case in the normal operation of a personal or small businesswebsite.

We regularly examine customer bandwidth and disk space utilization data in a series of statistical analyses and use the results to define "normal". Although these tests vary from month to month, one thing remains constant: 99.95% of our customers fall into "normal" range. If your account's bandwidth or disk space utilization causes any concern, you will receive an email asking you to reduce usage. We strive to provide at least 48 hours notice to allow customers to make adjustments before we take any correctiveaction.

It is very rare for a customer to exceed normal usage while managing a website. Typically, customers only experience issues if they use their accounts for storage (for example large multimedia files) or file sharing. Our hosting services are not intended to support these activities, and in accordance with our Terms of Service your disk space and bandwidth usage must be integrated into the normal operation of a website. We offer various plans that better address high bandwidth and large storage requirements. Please contact us fordetails.

For plans or packages featuring unlimited websites, domains, or email accounts, we do not enforce any official limitations. Customers are able to utilize as many of these features as they wish. That said, these are of course not infinite resources and there are inherent maximums associated with the technology powering them. For example, while email account creation is unlimited, these rely on the file storage available on the account. Therefore customers need to be operating within the Terms of Service to ensure resources are available to fully enable email functionality. Customers operating within the Terms of Service have yet to come up against technical boundaries for email, domains, orwebsites.

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Shared Web Hosting Plans - Fast & Secure Shared Hosting ...

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What is an Altcoin? – CCN

Litecoin is the biggest Altcoin

Even if they do not accurately understand how it works, most people are at least somewhat familiar with Bitcoin. However, once they begin to get involved with cryptocurrency, they may be surprised to learn that there are actually hundreds of types of cryptocurrencies known as altcoins. Altcoins are anintriguingfacet of the cryptocurrency landscape, but they are not foreveryone. Altcoin newcomers often have many questions, and this guide will provide a brief overview of altcoins to help beginners decide whether or not to invest in them as part of their cryptocurrency portfolio.


The word altcoin is an abbreviation of Bitcoin alternative, and thus describes every single cryptocurrency except for Bitcoin. Altcoins are referred to as Bitcoin alternatives because, at least to some extent, most altcoins hope to either replace or improve upon at least one Bitcoin component.

There are hundreds of altcoins (CoinMarketCap listed 478 at the time this guide was written), and more appear each day. Mostaltcoins are little more than Bitcoin clones, changing only minor characteristics such as its transactions speed, distribution method, or hashing algorithm. Most of these coins do not survive for very long. One exception is Litecoin, which was one of the first altcoins.In addition to using a different hashing algorithm than Bitcoin, Litecoin has a much higher number of currency units. For this reason, Litecoin has branded itself as silver to Bitcoins gold.

The top 5 altcoins according to CoinMarketCap

However, some altcoins innovate by experimenting with useful features Bitcoin does not offer. For example, Darkcoin hopes to provide a platform for completely anonymous transactions, BitShares describes itself as a fair version of Wall Street, and Ripple serves as a protocol users can employ to make inter-currency payments with ease. Some altcoin ecosystems, such as CounterParty and Mastercoin, even utilize the Bitcoin blockchain to secure their platform.

Many Bitcoin enthusiasts argue that altcoins are completely unnecessary and will not succeed because they cannot rival the infrastructure Bitcoin boasts. However, altcoins serve an important role. Decentralization is one of Bitcoins most prominent goals, and altcoins further decentralize the cryptocurrency community. Moreover, altcoins allow developers to experiment with unique features. While it is true that Bitcoin can copy these features if the developers or community desires, fully-functioning altcoins are much better cryptocurrency laboratories than Bitcoins testnet. Finally, Altcoins give Bitcoin healthy competition. Altcoins give cryptocurrency users alternative options and forces Bitcoins developers to remain active and continue innovating. If users do not feel that Bitcoin satisfies their digital desires, they can adopt an altcoin. If enough users left Bitcoin for a particular altcoin, the Bitcoin developers would have to adopt the features the community desired or risk losing its place as the preeminent cryptocurrency.

Namecoin was the first altcoin. It seeks to decentralize the world of online identities.

Created in April 2011, Namecoin was the first altcoin. Although it also functions as a currency, Namecoins primary purpose is to decentralize domain-name registration, which makes internet censorship much more difficult. As its place among the top ten cryptocurrency market caps suggests, Namecoin has remained one of the most successful altcoins throughout its short lifespan.

Due to how recent cryptocurrency was invented and how rapidly the landscape changes, all cryptocurrency investments carry a great deal of risk. Even Bitcoinby far the most stable cryptocurrencyexhibits price volatility on a regular basis.

By comparison, however, altcoins are exponentially more volatile. Because they have such low market caps (the total value of all coins combined), altcoin markets are highly prone to price manipulation. Wealthy traderscolloquially called whalesoften inject large amounts of capital into low-priced coins to build hype and cause the price to skyrocket. Once the price has risen considerably, the whales sell their coins on exchanges at a massive profit, hurting many gullible investors in the process. This method is known as a pump and dump. Not only does this hurt greedy traders who did not take the time to do their homework, but it often proves to be the breath of an altcoins brief lifespan.

To avoid losing all your money in a pump and dump, focus on long-term investments in coins you believe have immense potential and exhibit overall health. Generally, healthy altcoins possess strong communities, exhibit high liquidity, and have developers who proactively improve the coins source code (though not necessary, many users also prefer developers who reveal their true identities).CoinGeckos comprehensive coin metric analysis algorithm statistically analyzes these three important factors and ranks coins according to overall strength.

CoinGeckos coin ranking chart ranks coins according to overall health.

If you do choose to invest in altcoins, it is important to remember somebasic tenets of investing. Avoid the hype that coin communities propagate. Investors have an agenda, so you should not take their word at face value. Only invest in coins you have researched. It is unwiseto invest in something you do not understand. Making an ill-informed investment is the first step to losing your hard-earned money. Take the time to research the coins you are considering for long-term investments, and research day-trading before you attempt to become a high-volume, short-term trader. Most importantly, never invest more than you can afford to lose. Far too many people have lost their life savings by centralizing them in volatile investments.

As with Bitcoin, there are a variety of ways to obtain altcoins. The most basic way to obtain altcoins is to accept them as payment for goods or services. If you are interested in doing this, place an ad showcasing your skill-set ona cryptocurrency job board.

You can also trade for altcoins on cryptocurrency exchanges. Most exchange use Bitcoin as an intermediary (although a few include fiat pairs), so if you do not already own bitcoins you will need to buy some before you can trade for altcoins. Some of the most-trafficked exchanges include BTER,Bittrex, MintPal,Cryptsy, and BTC38 (Chinese-only).

Many altcoin communities also sponsor giveaways to increase exposure of their coin and enticenew users to join their communities. This is a great way to acquire coins if you are low on fundsor do not have marketable skills.

Featured images from Shutterstock.

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What is an Altcoin? - CCN

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Cloud Hosting Services | Cloud and Hosting | Sungard AS

With a range of self-managed, managed cloud, hosting and security offerings to choose from, Sungard AS can help you build resiliency into your production environment, while simplifying data protection and how you deliver IT services to your company.

Choose a self-managed, public cloud solution for the flexibility to spin up servers quickly and test applications before they go live. Or opt for a managed, multi-tenant cloud service for production workloads, which includes operating system patches and updates, data back-up and management and SLAs of 99.95% per virtual machine.

To protect your most sensitive data, our hosted private cloud service combines the scalability and agility of an elastic infrastructure with the security and performance advantages of dedicated compute and storage. Both managed cloud and self-managed options are available.

Sometimes, you may want to avoid owning, managing and maintaining your own systems, but without moving applications to the cloud. For those situations, we offer a broad selection of hosting solutions, including managed services for storage and computing environmentsfrom Wintel platforms to mid-range and mainframe systemsas well as proactive monitoring for optimal performance and always-on availability. Our secure facilities are audited to SSAE 16 Type II and certified to the ISO 20000-1 standard.

Our security approach encompasses cloud and hosted data, as well as in-house workloads and applications. Starting with a vulnerability assessment, this managed service provides multiple layers of protection, from network and web application firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection/prevention and access management tools to integrity monitoring and log management, with 24/7 coverage by our security experts.

Sungard AS can help you provide the speed, agility and protection your business demands by aligning the right cloud, hosting and security services with your IT transformation and business goals. Our team of consultants will assist you in navigating even the most complicated IT environment, applying our proven expertise in technology and integration with the offerings of our partners to tailor a solution to meet your needs.

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Which Types of Encryption are Most Secure?

by Top Ten Reviews Contributor

Encryption can protect your consumer information, emails and other sensitive data as well as secure network connections. Today, there are many options to choose from, and finding one that is both secure and fits your needs is a must. Here are four encryption methods and what you should know about each one.


The Advanced Encryption Standard, AES, is a symmetric encryption algorithm and one of the most secure. The United States Government use it to protect classified information, and many software and hardware products use it as well. This method uses a block cipher, which encrypts data one fixed-size block at a time, unlike other types of encryption, such as stream ciphers, which encrypt data bit by bit.

AES is comprised of AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. The key bit you choose encrypts and decrypts blocks in 128 bits, 192 bits and so on. There are different rounds for each bit key. A round is the process of turning plaintext into cipher text. For 128-bit, there are 10 rounds; 192-bit has 12 rounds; and 256-bit has 14 rounds.

Since AES is a symmetric key encryption, you must share the key with other individuals for them to access the encrypted data. Furthermore, if you dont have a secure way to share that key and unauthorized individuals gain access to it, they can decrypt everything encrypted with that specific key.


Triple Data Encryption Standard, or 3DES, is a current standard, and it is a block cipher. Its similar to the older method of encryption, Data Encryption Standard, which uses 56-bit keys. However, 3DES is a symmetric-key encryption that uses three individual 56-bit keys. It encrypts data three times, meaning your 56-bit key becomes a 168-bit key.

Unfortunately, since it encrypts data three times, this method is much slower than others. Also, because 3DES uses shorter block lengths, it is easier to decrypt and leak data. However, many financial institutions and businesses in numerous other industries use this encryption method to keep information secure. As more robust encryption methods emerge, this one is being slowly phased out.


Twofish is a symmetric block cipher based on an earlier block cipher Blowfish. Twofish has a block size of 128-bits to 256 bits, and it works well on smaller CPUs and hardware. Similar to AES, it implements rounds of encryption to turn plaintext into cipher text. However, the number of rounds doesnt vary as with AES; no matter the key size, there are always 16 rounds.

In addition, this method provides plenty of flexibility. You can choose for the key setup to be slow but the encryption process to be quick or vice versa. Furthermore, this form of encryption is unpatented and license free, so you can use it without restrictions.


This asymmetric algorithm is named after Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adelman. It uses public-key cryptography to share data over an insecure network. There are two keys: one public and one private. The public key is just as the name suggests: public. Anyone can access it. However, the private key must be confidential. When using RSA cryptography, you need both keys to encrypt and decrypt a message. You use one key to encrypt your data and the other to decrypt it.

According to Search Security, RSA is secure because it factors large integers that are the product of two large prime numbers. Additionally, the key size is large, which increases the security. Most RSA keys are 1024-bits and 2048-bits long. However, the longer key size does mean its slower than other encryption methods.

While there are many additional encryption methods available, knowing about and using the most secure ones ensures your confidential data stays secure and away from unwanted eyes.

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Which Types of Encryption are Most Secure?

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Cloud computing: A complete guide | IBM

Enterprises eager to undergo digital transformations and modernize their applications are quick to see the value of adopting a cloud computing platform. They are increasingly finding business agility or cost savings by renting software. Each cloud computing service and deployment model type provides you with different levels of control, flexibility and management. Therefore, its important to understand the differences between them.

Common convention points to public cloud as the delivery model of choice; but, when considering the right architecture of cloud computing for your applications and workloads, you must begin by addressing the unique needs of your business.

This can include many factors, such as government regulations, security, performance, data residency, service levels, time to market, architecture complexity, skills and preventing vendor lock-in. Add in the need to incorporate the emerging technologies, and you can see why IT leaders are challenging the notion that cloud computing migration is easy.

At first glance, the types of cloud computing seem simple: public, private or a hybrid mix of both. In reality, the choices are many. Public cloud can include shared, dedicated and bare metal delivery models. Fully and partially managed clouds are also options. And, in some cases, especially for existing applications where architectures are too complex to move or the cost-benefit ratio is not optimal, cloud may not be the right choice.

The right model depends on your workload. You should understand the pluses and minuses of each cloud deployment model and take a methodical approach to determining which workloads to move to which type of cloud for the maximum benefit.

Dive deeper into specific cloud service and deployment models, cloud computing architecture and cloud computing examples

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Cloud computing: A complete guide | IBM

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Cryptocurrency Exchange Says It Can’t Access $190 Million …

QuadrigaCX says it can't reach millions of dollars' worth of bitcoin and other cryptocurrency after its CEO died during a December trip to India. The CEO's laptop is encrypted, the company says. Dan Kitwood/Getty Images hide caption

QuadrigaCX says it can't reach millions of dollars' worth of bitcoin and other cryptocurrency after its CEO died during a December trip to India. The CEO's laptop is encrypted, the company says.

The QuadrigaCX cryptocurrency exchange says it can't access some $190 million in bitcoin and other funds after its founder and CEO, Gerald Cotten, died at age 30 without sharing the password for his encrypted laptop.

Cotten was "the sole officer and director" of the Canadian cryptocurrency exchange when he died, said his widow, Jennifer Robertson, in an affidavit that is part of the company's request for court assistance as it seeks protection from its creditors.

The debt filing comes weeks after Robertson announced that Cotten had died an event she described as "a shock to all of us."

"Gerry died due to complications with Crohn's disease on December 9, 2018 while travelling in India," Robertson wrote, "where he was opening an orphanage to provide a home and safe refuge for children in need."

Robertson, who is executor of Cotten's estate, also announced that Quadriga has put new limits on daily withdrawals, trying to keep pace with demand and resolve transaction problems that lingered through much of last year.

In an update on its website about the debt filing, the exchange says it is facing "significant financial issues" that are keeping it from disbursing customers' funds.

The company says that it has "very significant cryptocurrency reserves" but that it can't locate or secure those reserves.

As of the end of January, Quadriga had some 115,000 users with balances in their accounts, Robertson said. Those users' cryptocurrency was valued at $137 million in mid-December, with another $53 million in the form of government currency. The bulk of the holdings are in bitcoin; smaller amounts are held in other popular cryptocurrencies, including Litecoin and Ethereum.

Even before Cotten's death, Quadriga was struggling to cope with transaction delays and other problems after legal disputes with a large bank and payment processors resulted in tens of millions of dollars being frozen.

In large part, Quadriga's biggest crisis lies in how it (as well as many other exchanges) stores cryptocurrency customers' funds in "hot wallets" that are used for quick-turnaround withdrawals and payments and in "cold wallets" that are stored offline to protect them from thieves and hackers.

Similar to how bank customers might split their checking and savings accounts, the cold wallets hold far more money; they are tapped only when hot wallets run low or when a user wants to make a large withdrawal. What is particularly problematic for Quadriga is that its CEO seems to be the only person who held the keys to those transactions.

"The transfer of coins from the cold wallet to the hot wallet was performed manually by [Cotten]," the affidavit from Robertson states.

Quadriga did not have offices or a bank account of its own; in the court filing, Robertson said, "Gerry ran the business through his laptop, mostly at our home, but also wherever he happened to be."

"I do not have any documents or records" for the business, Robertson added, saying that she had searched the couple's home in Fall River, Nova Scotia, and other locations but had found nothing.

The laptop that Cotten used to move funds between cold wallets and hot wallets is encrypted and locked leaving the exchange paralyzed after Cotten's death, Robertson said.

"I do not know the password or recovery key," she added. "Despite repeated and diligent searches, I have not been able to find them written down anywhere."

Robertson said she and Quadriga have hired a security expert to try to break the encryption on Cotten's laptop and an encrypted USB key. But she added that so far, the expert has had only limited success.

Saying "there should be in excess of $180 million [Canadian] of coins in cold storage" or $137 million Robertson wrote that the company is still trying to access the wallets, in addition to looking into the possibility that Cotten had used other exchanges to secure some of the funds.

That has left Quadriga customers wondering when and whether they'll see their money. Discussion boards on Reddit are peppered with skeptical comments about the company's efforts to work out its issues, and some users say they have upwards of $80,000 or $100,000 that has been locked away from them.

"This is a tough lesson learned. I would probably avoid [cryptocurrency] in the future," Quadriga user Elvis Cavalic of Calgary, Alberta, told the CBC news agency. After not being able to withdraw $15,000 [Canadian], he said, "They've left us completely in the dark. I'm kind of preparing for the worst."

In the debt filing, Robertson said she has faced threats and has seen speculation online about whether Cotten is actually alive some comments on Reddit and elsewhere have speculated that his death could be an elaborate ruse to siphon money away from the exchange's customers.

Robertson's affidavit notes that a copy of Cotten's death certificate was submitted to the court, with the J.A. Snow Funeral Home stating that he died on Dec. 9, 2018, in Jaipur, India.

In seeking protection from creditors, Robertson said she had convened a board of directors to run the company. And she asked the court to give Quadriga "additional time to find whatever stores of cryptocurrency may be available" and resolve other outstanding issues.

"If this cannot be done in an orderly fashion, many, if not all users, may suffer damage," she wrote.

The next legal step for the company is expected Tuesday, when it will ask the Nova Scotia Supreme Court to appoint Ernst & Young to monitor its debt proceedings as an independent third party.

When Quadriga was fully operational, its users could use a variety of means to fund an account with the exchange, from online transfers and automatic deposits to paying via cash or a debit card at thousands of Canada Post locations. Robertson said the many types of deposits made it difficult for the company to stop the inflow of money even as it lost its ability to access or disburse funds.

Robertson said Quadriga would consider selling its cryptocurrency platform as an option to fulfill its obligations to customers and creditors. Other companies have already come forward to express interest, she said, warning that the platform's value would almost certainly be undercut if the company faced a legal threat from its users.

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Cryptocurrency Exchange Says It Can't Access $190 Million ...

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FusionCloud Full-Stack Private Cloud – Huawei Enterprise

FusionSphere Openstack

FusionSphere OpenStack is Huaweis commercial OpenStack release with a built-in Huawei KVM virtualization engine based on open-source OpenStack. It incorporates enterprise-level enhancements to its computing, storage, network management, installation and maintenance, security, and reliability. This solution is the optimal commercial OpenStack choice for enterprise private cloud, carrier NFV, and public cloud service providers.

The ManageOne solution provides a unified Data Center (DC) management platform and supports agile operation and simplified O&M. The solution offers reliable service quality assurance and distributed cloud DC coordination. ManageOne has the following features: - DCs are physically distributed and logically centralized. - Centrally managed multiple DCs, heterogeneous virtualization platforms, and O&M activities.Based on the Virtual Data Center (VDC) mode, a data center can be used to provide different resource services for different departments and services, allowing for separation of resource construction and usage, while matching enterprise and carrier management modes.

Huaweis hybrid cloud solution, FusionBridge, supports eight unified services and provides standard OpenStack APIs. It enables automatic cross-cloud network connection while providing uniform images, resource view, and service catalog. This solution helps enterprises readily deploy services across clouds, shortens deployment time, and facilitates cross-platform operations and O&M.

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FusionCloud Full-Stack Private Cloud - Huawei Enterprise

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JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)

HS256 HMAC using SHA-256 alg Required [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.2] n/a HS384 HMAC using SHA-384 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.2] n/a HS512 HMAC using SHA-512 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.2] n/a RS256 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 alg Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.3] n/a RS384 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.3] n/a RS512 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.3] n/a ES256 ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256 alg Recommended+ [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.4] n/a ES384 ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.4] n/a ES512 ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.4] n/a PS256 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.5] n/a PS384 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.5] n/a PS512 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.5] n/a none No digital signature or MAC performed alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 3.6] n/a RSA1_5 RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 alg Recommended- [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.2] n/a RSA-OAEP RSAES OAEP using default parameters alg Recommended+ [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.3] n/a RSA-OAEP-256 RSAES OAEP using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256 alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.3] n/a A128KW AES Key Wrap using 128-bit key alg Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.4] n/a A192KW AES Key Wrap using 192-bit key alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.4] n/a A256KW AES Key Wrap using 256-bit key alg Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.4] n/a dir Direct use of a shared symmetric key alg Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.5] n/a ECDH-ES ECDH-ES using Concat KDF alg Recommended+ [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.6] n/a ECDH-ES+A128KW ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and "A128KW" wrapping alg Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.6] n/a ECDH-ES+A192KW ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and "A192KW" wrapping alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.6] n/a ECDH-ES+A256KW ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and "A256KW" wrapping alg Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.6] n/a A128GCMKW Key wrapping with AES GCM using 128-bit key alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.7] n/a A192GCMKW Key wrapping with AES GCM using 192-bit key alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.7] n/a A256GCMKW Key wrapping with AES GCM using 256-bit key alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.7] n/a PBES2-HS256+A128KW PBES2 with HMAC SHA-256 and "A128KW" wrapping alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.8] n/a PBES2-HS384+A192KW PBES2 with HMAC SHA-384 and "A192KW" wrapping alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.8] n/a PBES2-HS512+A256KW PBES2 with HMAC SHA-512 and "A256KW" wrapping alg Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 4.8] n/a A128CBC-HS256 AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 authenticated encryption algorithm enc Required [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 5.2.3] n/a A192CBC-HS384 AES_192_CBC_HMAC_SHA_384 authenticated encryption algorithm enc Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 5.2.4] n/a A256CBC-HS512 AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 authenticated encryption algorithm enc Required [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 5.2.5] n/a A128GCM AES GCM using 128-bit key enc Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 5.3] n/a A192GCM AES GCM using 192-bit key enc Optional [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 5.3] n/a A256GCM AES GCM using 256-bit key enc Recommended [IESG] [RFC7518, Section 5.3] n/a EdDSA EdDSA signature algorithms alg Optional [IESG] [RFC8037, Section 3.1] [RFC8032] RS1 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with SHA-1 JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] RSA-OAEP-384 RSA-OAEP using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384 alg Optional [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] n/a RSA-OAEP-512 RSA-OAEP using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512 alg Optional [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] n/a A128CBC AES CBC using 128 bit key JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] A192CBC AES CBC using 192 bit key JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] A256CBC AES CBC using 256 bit key JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] A128CTR AES CTR using 128 bit key JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] A192CTR AES CTR using 192 bit key JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] A256CTR AES CTR using 256 bit key JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms] HS1 HMAC using SHA-1 JWK Prohibited [W3C_Web_Cryptography_Working_Group] [] [draft-irtf-cfrg-webcrypto-algorithms]

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JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)

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Chessdom | Chess, chess news, live chess games

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Altcoin Trader South Africa – ice3x Altcoin Exchange …

Altcoin Trader activity in South Africa is on the increase. Find out more about alternate cryptocurrencies and real alternatives to Bitcoin. Bitcoin Traders and Altcoin Traders in South Africa will find useful information about every alternative coin that an altcoin trader may be interested in. Client download locations, mining guides, exchange info and more.

The options available to an altcoin trader in South Africa and Nigeria are limited when it comes to exchanging ZAR or NGN for altcoins. iCE3X currently offers multiple altcoin markets, as well as dynamic deposit options using iCE3X Flow.

Altcoin Traders in South Africa and Nigeria have been frustrated, as we have had to play catch-up. But altcoin traders can now trade Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin cash and many more, for South African Rand (ZAR) or Nigerian Naira (NGN) using the iCE3X website on mobile or desktop. We are not only behind people who are trading bitcoin as this cryptocurrency is the most expensive and spoken of. We are constantly investigating new altcoins if we find that they are worth investing in, and not just another. Ponzi schemes! That is why our motto is: to protect our traders interests, by being confident and familiar with the coins that we are offering you to trade with on our platform.

Its very common nowadays for companies to introduce mobile versions or applications (app) for their websites. Although the customers of these companies might think on the one hand its a great feature and on the other that the app creates a sense of security, sustainability or reliability off the company, they are likely to be mistaken! Most of the times these attributes attached to companies with a mobile app are false. Let me tell you something, do not be fooled! When you install an app to your mobile device there is a +1 way for hackers to hack your phone, tablet or whatever you use!

Not only do these companies introducing their app have to develop top-notch security for their website andtrading platform but also for their new app to avoid hacking. I would not count much on that, as it would be costly and time-consuming and therefore not high on the priority list of most companies.

The real question on your lips might be if iCE3x has an app. The answer is no and will remain no for future references as well!

Instead of creating or designing an app and not being 101% sure that our customers (YOU) are safe and secure, we have rather opted to designed our cryptocurrency exchange website to look and function exactly like an app, when you reach it with your mobile browser. Isnt it smart? ICE3x as a company therefore provides true security, sustainability and reliability to our customers!

The above screenshot is an example of night vision mode. I personally like this mode best.

iCE3X is the premier destination for serious bitcoin and altcoin traders in South Africa and Nigeria.

We at iCE3X offers the following altcoins:

Altcoin traders should consider these tokens a little like trading penny stocks. There are huge opportunities for quick profits. This is because the risk is high. At the same time, the opportunities for loss is real and substantial. As usual, altcoin traders should only trade with funds they are willing to lose. You need to keep that in mind if you are a real altcoin trader. Simply, because its hard to determine if some altcoins is a Ponzi scheme. For example: You will have a scenario where many altcoins start at a very low price like R0.50. Later on, due to false information, those altcoins reach very high prices in relation to what the start price was. If you as an altcoin trader are too late buying or selling, you may end up spending/losing money that you wont be getting back any time soon!

Another example which is also a big issue is when the owner of the altcoin can produce as many coins as they want. You cant rely on that, because if the price goes up, the altcoin owner will produce X amount, and sell for less than you. Again, you are the one who will be screwed. For that reason, be careful! We at iCE3X take care of this by avoiding trade with altcoins that are not proven.

There is a legitimate crypto frenzy at the moment. The blockchain technology that underpins these altcoins is currently hyped. Many traders, even in mainstream finance, are now more interested in becoming altcoin traders. It is easier and faster to get involved in altcoin trading as it costs less than Bitcoin currently but with real potential to rise to Bitcoin value fast. Who can predict that bitcoins price will skyrocket again as it did in 2017? The bitcoin price at the time of write is R95 500. No one can predict or confirm with accuracy that it will reach the all-time high of R300 000 anytime soon. It is more attractive to spend less now with great prospects of eventually making more. The bottom line is still, that if you are not willing to lose money, you are better off to consider to invest in altcoin.

We recommend that as an altcoin trader, you can give yourself an advantage above the rest and make good profits by doing the following:

At iCE3X we will help our altcoin traders, as much as we can, every step of the way.

Tell us, are you an altcoin trader yet?

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