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Security Encryption Systems | HowStuffWorks

Computer encryption is based on the science of cryptography, which has been used as long as humans have wanted to keep information secret. Before the digital age, the biggest users of cryptography were governments, particularly for military purposes.

The Greek historian Plutarch wrote, for example, about Spartan generals who sent and received sensitive messages using a scytale, a thin cylinder made out of wood. The general would wrap a piece of parchment around the scytale and write his message along its length. When someone removed the paper from the cylinder, the writing appeared to be a jumble of nonsense. But if the other general receiving the parchment had a scytale of similar size, he could wrap the paper around it and easily read the intended message.

The Greeks were also the first to use ciphers, specific codes that involve substitutions or transpositions of letters and numbers.

As long as both generals had the correct cipher, they could decode any message the other sent. To make the message more difficult to decipher, they could arrange the letters inside the grid in any combination.

Most forms of cryptography in use these days rely on computers, simply because a human-based code is too easy for a computer to crack. Ciphers are also better known today as algorithms, which are the guides for encryption -- they provide a way in which to craft a message and give a certain range of possible combinations. A key, on the other hand, helps a person or computer figure out the one possibility on a given occasion.

Computer encryption systems generally belong in one of two categories:

In the following sections, you'll learn about each of these systems.

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Security Encryption Systems | HowStuffWorks

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What is The Difference Between Hashing and Encrypting

Hashing and encrypting are two words that are often used interchangeably, but incorrectly so.

Do you understand the difference between the two, and the situations in which you should use one over the other? In today's post I investigate the key differences between hashing and encrypting, and when each one is appropriate.

A hash is a string or number generated from a string of text. The resulting string or number is a fixed length, and will vary widely with small variations in input. The best hashing algorithms are designed so that it's impossible to turn a hash back into its original string.

MD5 - MD5 is the most widely known hashing function. It produces a 16-byte hash value, usually expressed as a 32 digit headecimal number. Recently a few vulnerabilities have been discovered in MD5, and rainbow tables have been published which allow people to reverse MD5 hashes made without good salts.

SHA - There are three different SHA algorithms -- SHA-0, SHA-1, and SHA-2. SHA-0 is very rarely used, as it has contained an error which was fixed with SHA-1. SHA-1 is the most commonly used SHA algorithm, and produces a 20-byte hash value.

Hashing is an ideal way to store passwords, as hashes are inherently one-way in their nature. By storing passwords in hash format, it's very difficult for someone with access to the raw data to reverse it (assuming a strong hashing algorithm and appropriate salt has been used to generate it).

When storing a password, hash it with a salt, and then with any future login attempts, hash the password the user enters and compare it with the stored hash. If the two match up, then it's virtually certain that the user entering the password entered the right one.

Hashing is great for usage in any instance where you want to compare a value with a stored value, but can't store its plain representation for security reasons. Other use cases could be checking the last few digits of a credit card match up with user input or comparing the hash of a file you have with the hash of it stored in a database to make sure that they're both the same.

Encryption turns data into a series of unreadable characters, that aren't of a fixed length. The key difference between encryption and hashing is that encrypted strings can be reversed back into their original decrypted form if you have the right key.

There are two primary types of encryption, symmetric key encryption and public key encryption. In symmetric key encryption, the key to both encrypt and decrypt is exactly the same. This is what most people think of when they think of encryption.

Public key encryption by comparison has two different keys, one used to encrypt the string (the public key) and one used to decrypt it (the private key). The public key is is made available for anyone to use to encrypt messages, however only the intended recipient has access to the private key, and therefore the ability to decrypt messages.

Encryption should only ever be used over hashing when it is a necessity to decrypt the resulting message. For example, if you were trying to send secure messages to someone on the other side of the world, you would need to use encryption rather than hashing, as the message is no use to the receiver if they cannot decrypt it.

If the raw value doesn't need to be known for the application to work correctly, then hashing should always be used instead, as it is more secure.

If you have a usecase where you have determined that encryption is necessary, you then need to choose between symmetric and public key encryption. Symmetric encryption provides improved performance, and is simpler to use, however the key needs to be known by both the person/software/system encrypting and decrypting data.

If you were communicating with someone on the other side of the world, you'd need to find a secure way to send them the key before sharing your secure messages. If you already had a secure way to send someone an encryption key, then it stands to reason you would send your secure messages via that channel too, rather than using symmetric encryption in the first place.

Many people work around this shortcoming of symmetric encryption by initially sharing an encryption key with someone using public key encryption, then symmetric encryption from that point onwards -- eliminating the challenge of sharing the key securely.

See the original post:
What is The Difference Between Hashing and Encrypting

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Machine Learning | Stanford Online


"Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity."

- Andrew Ng, Stanford Adjunct Professor

Please note: the course capacity is limited.To be considered for enrollment, join the wait list and be sure to complete your NDO application. Only applicants with completed NDO applications will be admitted should a seat become available.This course will be also available next quarter.

Computers are becoming smarter, as artificial intelligence and machine learning, a subset of AI, make tremendous strides in simulating human thinking. Creating computer systems that automatically improve with experience has many applications including robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, and bioinformatics.

This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Learn about both supervised and unsupervised learning as well as learning theory, reinforcement learning and control. Explore recent applications of machine learning and design and develop algorithms for machines.

Linear algebra, basic probability and statistics.

We strongly recommend that you review the first problem set before enrolling. If this material looks unfamiliar or too challenging, you may find this course too difficult.

This course is typically offered Autumn quarter.

The course schedule is displayed for planning purposes courses can be modified, changed, or cancelled. Course availability will be considered finalized on the first day of open enrollment. For quarterly enrollment dates, please refer to our graduate certificate homepage.

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Machine Learning | Stanford Online

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What is Machine Learning? A definition – Expert System

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.

The process of learning begins with observations or data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction, in order to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers learn automatically without human intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly.

Machine learning algorithms are often categorized as supervised or unsupervised.

Machine learning enables analysis of massive quantities of data. While it generally delivers faster, more accurate results in order to identify profitable opportunities or dangerous risks, it may also require additional time and resources to train it properly. Combining machine learning with AI and cognitive technologies can make it even more effective in processing large volumes of information.

See more here:

What is Machine Learning? A definition - Expert System

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What is a Public Cloud? – Definition from

A public cloud is a platform that uses the standardcloud computingmodel to make resources, such as virtual machines (VMs), applications or storage, available to users remotely. Public cloud services may be free or offered through a variety of subscription or on-demand pricing schemes, including a pay-per-usage model.

The main benefits of public cloud service are:

While the concept of cloud computing has been around since the 1960s, it didnt reach public popularity for enterprises until the 1990s. Salesforce, now a top software as a service (SaaS) provider, entered the market in 1999 by delivering applications through a website. It was soon followed by browser-based applications, such as G Suite, that could be accessed by numerous users.

In 2006, the retail company Amazon launched Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), its infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform, for public use. Under its cloud division, Amazon Web Services (AWS), enterprises could "rent" virtual computers but use their own systems and apps. Soon after, Google released Google App Engine, its platform as a service (PaaS) service, for application developed and Microsoft came out with Azure, also a PaaS offering. Overtime, all three built IaaS, PaaS and SaaS offerings. Even legacy hardware vendors entered the market, such as IBM and Oracle.

However, not all vendors that tried to compete succeeded. Verizon, HPE, Dell, VMware and others were forced to shut down their public clouds, often have refocused on hybrid cloud.

A public cloud is a fully virtualized environment. In addition, providers have a multi-tenant architecture that enables users -- or tenants -- to share computing resources. Each tenant's data in the public cloud, however, remains isolated from other tenants. Public cloud also relies on high-bandwidth network connectivity to rapidly transmit data.

Public cloud storage is typically redundant, using multiple data centers and careful replication of file versions. This characteristic has given it a reputation for resiliency.

Public cloud architecture can be further categorized by service model. Common service models include:

The termpublic cloudarose to differentiate between the standard cloud computing model and private cloud, which is a proprietary cloud computing architecture dedicated to a single organization. Private cloud differs from public cloud, as it serves as an extension of a company's existing data center and is accessible only by that company.

A third model, hybrid cloud, is maintained by both internal and external providers. In effect, a hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud services, with orchestration between the two. In some cases, this model is attractive because it enables organizations to tap into the benefits of the public cloud, while maintaining their own private cloud for sensitive, critical or highly regulated data and applications. The forth option is a multi-cloud architecture in which an enterprise uses more than one cloud. Most often it refers to the use of multiple public clouds.

In general, the public cloud is seen as a way for enterprises to scale IT resources on demand, without having to maintain as many infrastructure components, applications or development resources in house.

Thepay-per-usagepricing structure offered by most public cloud providers is also seen by some enterprises as an attractive and more flexible financial model. For example, organizations account for their public cloud service as an operational or variable cost rather than capital or fixed costs. In some cases, this means organizations do not require lengthy reviews or advanced budget planning for public cloud decisions.

However, because users typically deploy public cloud-based services in aself-service model, some companies find it difficult to accurately track cloud service usage, and potentially end up paying for more cloud resources than they actually need. Some organizations also just prefer to directly supervise and manage their own on-premises IT resources, including servers.

Because of the multi-tenant nature of public cloud, security is an ongoing concern for some enterprises. Public cloud providers offer security services and technologies, such as encryption and identity and access management tools.

However, it is the enterprises responsibility to implement such offerings and use best practices to protect their data. A shared-responsibility model helps identify which components are the responsibility of the cloud vendor and which should be secured by the user.

Some organizations choose to keep workloads on premises -- especially those with strict regulatory or governance requirements.

The public cloud market is led by a few key players: AWS, Microsoft and Google. These providers deliver their services over the internet, or through dedicated connections, and use a fundamental pay-per-usage approach. Each provider offers a range of products oriented toward different workloads and enterprise needs.

Estimates of public cloud usage vary widely across different countries, but most market research and analyst firms expect continued growth in worldwide adoption and cloud revenues.

The rest is here:
What is a Public Cloud? - Definition from

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Best Bitcoin/Altcoin Wallets For iPhone [2019 Edition]

If you own cryptocurrencies and an iOS device,I am sure you have struggled to find the right crypto wallets. However, these days developers have started supporting iOS devices too.

Now the iOS device users no longer need to store their cryptos on exchanges and jeopardize the security of their cryptocurrencies.

Also, in any case, the habit of storing your cryptocurrencies on exchanges is stronglydiscouraged by CoinSutra. But we also understand that some crypto users are forced to do so because they dont know about cryptocurrency wallets that are supported on iOS devices.

Thats why in this post I am going to share about popular Bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallets that can be used on iOS devices too.

BRD is easy to use and is a secure Bitcoin wallet through which you can send/store/receive your bitcoins easily.

The UI is sleek and streamlined for beginners as well as advanced users and provides a very good user experience.

The good thing is that it is available for iOS version also where users can get started in seconds as there is no registration or signups required to use this wallet.

Some of its notable features are of this wallet are:

Also, BRD wallet supports segwit addresses which are very good for reduction of transaction fees while transacting in BTC.

Download BRD-Wallet

Edge (Formerly known as Airbitz) is also a non-custodial HD wallet just like other popular HD wallets and has a very good development community backing it since 2013.

Edges iOS version Bitcoin wallet is one of the oldest in the market and has pretty decent reviews. I have never used it but it always remains on my mobile as an emergency backup wallet that I can use anytime. Its security features are a step ahead than its peers. Some of its notable features are:

Check out our CEO Harsh Agarwal talking to Aitbitzs CEO at the Bitcoin Conference Miami 2017.

Note: This wallet is available for iPhones and iPad currently.

Download Edge iOS Wallet

Copay is a product of BitPay, a long-time operating Bitcoin company in the cryptosphere.

Copay is a non-hosted HD wallet that is very easy to use and is under continuous development/maintenance of a strong development team.

There are some USPs of this wallet that allows one to store their Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash in a hassle free way.

Note: This wallet is a Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash-only wallet available for iPhones and iPad currently.

Download Copay iOS Wallet

Another fine wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is Jaxx.

Jaxx is a multi-cryptocurrencywallet with an active development community behind it and has all the features that one requires in a non-hosted wallet such as:

Jaxx has had its fair share of controversies, particularly when theywere found keeping usersmnemonic phrases in plain text, but that has changed now.

Note: It supports more than 25 cryptocurrencies (including Bitcoin) in its current iOS version.

Download Jaxx iOS Wallet

Bitpie is another popular Bitcoin wallet that has started getting a lot of traction.

I noticed this wallet while recovering forks of Bitcoin like SBTC and Bitcoin Diamond. Ever since this wallet is on my Android device.

However, the good news is, it is an HD wallet that now supports multiple currencies on the iOS platform too.

While using Bitpie you have access to the following features:

Note: It supports BTC, ETH, LTC, EOS, QTUM, and ZEC as of now on its Android version and BTC plus BCH on its iOS version.

Download Bitpie iOS Wallet

Blockchain wallet is the oldest cryptocurrency mobile wallet available in the market and luckily they have the iOS version for you.

It is, without a doubt, the worlds most popular mobile wallet for storing Bitcoin with more than 23 million users.

It is an HD wallet that comes with all the regular features that one might want in a self-hosted wallet. Some of the features that keep you in charge of your crypto funds all the time are:

Always remember:If you lose the 12-18 seed words, you will lose your all bitcoins.

Note:It is a Bitcoin-only wallet and doesnt support other currencies currently.

Download Blockchain iOS Wallet

Trust wallet is another multi-currency wallet for iOS users but this wallet doesnt support Bitcoin.

Trust wallet is the wallet for Ethereum and Ethereum based ERC20 tokens and ERC223 tokens. Here in this wallet your private key is only stored locally and protected with many layers of security.

Trust wallet also acts like a Web3 Browser that allows you to interact with decentralized applications (DApp) directly from the app.

Download Trust Wallet

The best and easiest way to securely store your cryptocurrencies is to use a good wallet that you control on your device.

If you store your cryptos on exchanges, you stand at the risk of losing all at once. And as the cryptosphere has matured, even iOS users have a lot of options for crypto mobile wallets.

Also, whenever you use any of these iOS wallets, we suggest you follow the basic security practices always, some of which are:

I will update this list on a regular basis so watch this space. Some of the iOS wallets that I am watching now are:

Do let us know which wallets you use in the comments section below.

If you find this post useful, please share it with your friends on Facebook & Twitter!

Here are hand-picked guides for you to read next:

Read this article:
Best Bitcoin/Altcoin Wallets For iPhone [2019 Edition]

Read More.. Kaspersky Internet Security | 1 Device | 1 …

I am pretty enthusiastic about this brand and have been since I first tried it in 2011. Over the years Ive tried AVG, Norton, McCafee, and Trend Micro, but I keep coming back to this brand. Kaspersky clears viruses off of my computersviruses that Trend Micro didnt even alert me that I even had (in a computer less than 5 months old)! (I also strongly suspect that I downloaded a virus at the same time when I downloaded AVG, but I have no proof of this.) It catches and removes viruses that other programs miss. The first time I ever used a Kaspersky product, it managed to remove the viruswhich sped up my computer as a result of the virus removal.

A benefit of this software not being the most well-known program is that many spam/scam attempts are not targeted at Kaspersky users. Instead, theyre targeted at Norton or McAfee users.

As an average millennial, I find the program easy to work with. It is a bit tricky to turn off the protection so that I can use the exam-taking software required by my school, but a normal user shouldnt need to turn off antivirus programs.

Really the only downside is that I constantly have to double check my spelling of Kaspersky or refer to it with vague terms.

Read the rest here: Kaspersky Internet Security | 1 Device | 1 ...

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Machine Learning Basics | What Is Machine Learning? | Introduction To Machine Learning | Simplilearn

This Machine Learning basics video will help you understand what is Machine Learning, what are the types of Machine Learning - supervised, unsupervised & reinforcement learning, how Machine Learning works with simple examples, and will also explain how Machine Learning is being used in various industries. Machine learning is a core sub-area of artificial intelligence; it enables computers to get into a mode of self-learning without being explicitly programmed. When exposed to new data, these computer programs are enabled to learn, grow, change, and develop by themselves. So, put simply, the iterative aspect of machine learning is the ability to adapt to new data independently. This is possible as programs learn from previous computations and use pattern recognition to produce reliable results. Machine learning is starting to reshape how we live, and its time we understood what it is and why it matters. Now, let us deep dive into this short video and understand the basics of Machine Learning.

Below topics are explained in this Machine Learning basics video:1. What is Machine Learning? ( 00:21 )2. Types of Machine Learning ( 02:43 )2. What is Supervised Learning? ( 02:53 )3. What is Unsupervised Learning? ( 03:46 )4. What is Reinforcement Learning? ( 04:37 )5. Machine Learning applications ( 06:25 )

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#MachineLearning #MachineLearningAlgorithms #DataScience #SimplilearnMachineLearning #MachineLearningCourse

About Simplilearn Machine Learning course:A form of artificial intelligence, Machine Learning is revolutionizing the world of computing as well as all peoples digital interactions. Machine Learning powers such innovative automated technologies as recommendation engines, facial recognition, fraud protection and even self-driving cars. This Machine Learning course prepares engineers, data scientists and other professionals with the knowledge and hands-on skills required for certification and job competency in Machine Learning.

Why learn Machine Learning?Machine Learning is taking over the world- and with that, there is a growing need among companies for professionals to know the ins and outs of Machine LearningThe Machine Learning market size is expected to grow from USD 1.03 Billion in 2016 to USD 8.81 Billion by 2022, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 44.1% during the forecast period.

What skills will you learn from this Machine Learning course?

By the end of this Machine Learning course, you will be able to:

1. Master the concepts of supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning concepts and modeling.2. Gain practical mastery over principles, algorithms, and applications of Machine Learning through a hands-on approach which includes working on 28 projects and one capstone project.3. Acquire a thorough knowledge of the mathematical and heuristic aspects of Machine Learning.4. Understand the concepts and operation of support vector machines, kernel SVM, naive Bayes, decision tree classifier, random forest classifier, logistic regression, K-nearest neighbors, K-means clustering and more.5. Be able to model a wide variety of robust Machine Learning algorithms including deep learning, clustering, and recommendation systems

We recommend this Machine Learning training course for the following professionals in particular:1. Developers aspiring to be a data scientist or Machine Learning engineer2. Information architects who want to gain expertise in Machine Learning algorithms 3. Analytics professionals who want to work in Machine Learning or artificial intelligence4. Graduates looking to build a career in data science and Machine Learning

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See more here:

Machine Learning Basics | What Is Machine Learning? | Introduction To Machine Learning | Simplilearn

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Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio

Azure Machine Learning Studio R Runtime Upgrade

Aired on October 31, 2018

The R language engine in the Execute R Script module of Azure Machine Learning Studio has added a new R runtime version -- Microsoft R Open (MRO) 3.4.4. MRO 3.4.4 is based on open-source CRAN R 3.4.4 and is therefore compatible with packages that works with that version of R.

Mining Campaign Funds

Aired on August 03, 2017

Play with 2016 Presidential Campaign finance data while learning how to prepare a large dataset for machine learning by processing and engineering features. This sample experiment works on a 2.5 GB dataset and will take about 20 minutes to run in its entirety.

Inside the Data Science VM

Aired on June 21, 2016

DSVM is a custom Azure Virtual Machine image that is published on the Azure marketplace and available on both Windows and Linux. It contains several popular data science and development tools both from Microsoft and from the open source community all pre-installed and pre-configured and ready to use. We will cover best practices that would show how you can use the DSVM effectively to run your next data science or analytics project.

Originally posted here:

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio

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What is Machine Learning? | Emerj

Typing what is machine learning? into a Google search opens up a pandoras box of forums, academic research, and here-say and the purpose of this article is to simplify the definition and understanding of machine learning thanks to the direct help from our panel of machine learning researchers.

In addition to an informed, working definition of machine learning (ML), we aim toprovide a succinct overview of the fundamentals of machine learning, the challenges and limitations of getting machine to think, some of the issues being tackled today in deep learning (the frontier of machine learning), and key takeaways for developingmachine learningapplications.

This article will be broken up into the following sections:

We put together this resource to help with whatever your area of curiosity about machine learning so scroll along to your section of interest, or feel free to read the article in order, starting with our machine learning definition below:

* Machine Learning is the science of getting computers to learn and act like humans do, and improve their learning over time in autonomous fashion, by feeding them data and information in the form of observations and real-world interactions.

The above definition encapsulates the ideal objective or ultimate aim of machine learning, as expressed by many researchers in the field. The purpose of this article is to provide a business-minded reader with expert perspective on how machine learning is defined, and how it works.Machine learning and artificial intelligence share the same definition in the minds of many however, there are some distinct differences readers should recognize as well. References and related researcher interviews are included at the end of this article for further digging.

(Our aggregate machine learning definition can be found at the beginning of this article)

As with any concept, machine learning may have a slightly different definition, depending on whom you ask. We combed the Internet to find five practicaldefinitions from reputable sources:

We sent these definitions to experts whom weve interviewed and/or included in one of our past research consensuses, and asked them to respond with their favorite definition or to provide their own. Our introductory definition is meant to reflect the varied responses. Below are someof their responses:

Dr. Yoshua Bengio,Universit de Montral:

ML should not be defined by negatives (thus ruling 2 and 3). Here is my definition:

Machine learning research is part of research on artificial intelligence, seeking to provide knowledge to computers through data, observations and interacting with the world. That acquired knowledge allows computers to correctly generalize to new settings.

Dr. Danko Nikolic, CSC and Max-Planck Institute:

(edit of number 2 above): Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed, but instead letting them learn a few tricks on their own.

Dr. Roman Yampolskiy, University ofLouisville:

Machine Learning is the science of getting computers to learn as well as humans do or better.

Dr. Emily Fox, University of Washington:

My favorite definition is #5.

There are many different types of machine learning algorithms, with hundreds published each day, and theyretypically grouped by either learning style (i.e. supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning) or by similarity in form or function (i.e. classification, regression, decision tree, clustering, deep learning, etc.). Regardless of learning style or function, all combinations of machine learning algorithms consist of the following:

Image credit: Dr. Pedro Domingo, University of Washington

The fundamental goal of machine learning algorithms is togeneralize beyond the training samples i.e. successfully interpret data that it has never seen before.

Concepts and bullet points can only take one so far in understanding.When people ask What is machine learning?, they often want to see what it is and what it does. Below are some visual representations of machine learning models, with accompanying links for further information. Even more resources can be found at the bottom of this article.

Decision tree model

Gaussian mixture model

Dropout neural network

Merging chrominance and luminance using Convolutional Neural Networks

There are different approaches to getting machines to learn, from using basic decision trees to clustering to layers of artificial neural networks (the latter of which has given way to deep learning), depending on what task youre trying to accomplish and the type and amount of data that you have available. This dynamic sees itself played out in applications as varyingas medical diagnostics or self-driving cars.

While emphasis is often placed on choosing the best learning algorithm, researchers have found that some of the most interesting questions arise out of none of the available machine learning algorithms performing to par. Most of the time this is a problem with training data, but this also occurs when working with machine learning in new domains.

Research done when working on real applications often drives progress in the field, and reasons are twofold: 1. Tendency to discover boundaries and limitations of existing methods 2. Researchers and developers working with domain experts andleveraging time and expertise to improve system performance.

Sometimes this also occurs by accident. We might consider model ensembles, or combinations of many learning algorithms to improve accuracy, to be one example. Teams competing for the 2009 Netflix Price found that they got their best results when combining their learners with other teams learners, resulting in an improved recommendation algorithm (read Netflixs blog for more on why theydidnt end up using this ensemble).

One important point (based on interviews and conversations with experts in the field), in terms of application within business and elsewhere, is that machine learning is not just, or even about, automation, an often misunderstood concept. If you think this way, youre bound to miss the valuable insights that machines can provide and the resulting opportunities (rethinking an entire business model, for example, as has been in industries like manufacturing and agriculture).

Machines that learn are useful to humans because, with all of their processing power, theyre able to more quickly highlight or find patterns in big (or other) data that would have otherwise been missed by human beings. Machine learning is a tool that can be used to enhance humans abilities to solve problems and make informed inferences on a wide range of problems, from helping diagnose diseases to coming up with solutions for global climate change.

Machine learning cant get something from nothingwhat it does is get more from less. Dr. Pedro Domingo, University of Washington

The two biggest, historical (and ongoing) problems in machine learning have involved overfitting (in which the model exhibits bias towards the training data and does not generalize to new data, and/or variance i.e. learns random things when trained on new data) and dimensionality (algorithms with more features work in higher/multiple dimensions, making understanding the data more difficult). Having access to a large enough data set has in some cases also been a primary problem.

One of the most common mistakes among machine learning beginners is testing training data successfully and having the illusion of success; Domingo (and others) emphasize the importance of keeping some of the data set separate when testing models, and only using that reserved data to test a chosen model, followed by learning on the whole data set.

When a learning algorithm (i.e. learner) is not working, often the quicker path to success is to feed the machine more data, the availability of which is by now well-known as a primary driver of progress in machine and deep learning algorithms in recent years; however, this can lead to issues with scalability, in which we have more data but time to learn that data remains an issue.

In terms of purpose, machine learning is not an end or a solution in and of itself. Furthermore, attempting to use it as a blanket solution i.e. BLANKis not a useful exercise; instead, coming to the table with a problem or objective is often best driven bya more specific question BLANK.

Deep learning involves the study and design of machine algorithms for learning good representation of data at multiple levels of abstraction (ways of arranging computer systems). Recent publicity of deep learning through DeepMind, Facebook, and other institutionshas highlighted it as the next frontier of machine learning.

The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is widely regarded as one of the most important in the world. This years took place in June in New York City, and it brought together researchers from all over the world who are working on addressing the current challenges in deep learning:

Deep-learning systems have made great gains over the past decade in domains like bject detection and recognition, text-to-speech, information retrieval and others. Research is now focused on developingdata-efficient machine learning i.e. deep learning systems that can learn more efficiently, with the same performance in less time and with less data, in cutting-edge domains like personalized healthcare, robot reinforcement learning, sentiment analysis, and others.

Below is a selection of best-practices and concepts of applying machine learning that weve collated from our interviews for out podcast series, and from select sources cited at the end of this article. We hope that some of these principles will clarify how ML is used, and how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that companies and researchers might be vulnerable to in starting off on an ML-related project.







One of the best ways to learn about artificial intelligence concepts is to learn from the research and applications of the smartest minds in the field. Below is a brief list of some of our interviews with machine learning researchers, many of which may be of interest for readers who want to explore these topics further:

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What is Machine Learning? | Emerj

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