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China Sees Surge of Edtech Investments With Focus on Artificial Intelligence – Karma

Chinas push to become a world tech power, which has paid off with advances in telecommunications, batteries and robots, is yielding further results its taken a leadership position in A.I. powered education investments.

The country is among the most-active regions for artificial intelligence-powered edtech investments, with K-12 classes, foreign language study and high-quality education getting the most attention, according to a Deloitte report released this week. Almost 20% of all education deals in the country last year involved AI compared with 4% in 2016, Deloitte said.

Although China is a late-comer in AI-based education, its unique advantages in application and implementation make it one of the most popular regions for investment in AI-based education globally, the report said.

The report singled out what it sees as the next big opportunity in edtech: so-called soft skill-focused quality education, similar to the wests STEAM model, which adds art to the original emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math. The segment has developed with state support, the report said.

AI-based quality education is becoming the blue ocean for investment, the report said.

Globally, the U.S. and China are the two hotspots of edtech investments. More than 95% of AI edtech investments from 2016 through the first quarter of this year were in the two countries, according to the report. Chinese companies scored $63.2 billion in 170 deals, compared with $154.2 billion in 54 U.S. investments.


China Sees Surge of Edtech Investments With Focus on Artificial Intelligence - Karma

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UofL partners with industry experts to launch Artificial Intelligence Innovation Consortium Lane Report | Kentucky Business & Economic News – The…

LOUISVILLE, Ky. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a cornerstone of the digital revolution. While weve heard of AI for many years, today we sit at a unique crossroads where the volume of data, accessibility of computational power and evolution of algorithms such as deep learning have come together to empower the digital revolution in ways that have never been seen before.

To explore AI and where it can take us, the University of Louisville (UofL) College of Business has founded the AI Innovation Consortium (AIIC) with participation from several industry leaders such asAmazon Web Services (AWS), General Electric Appliances (GEA), Amgen, V-Soft Consulting and other Fortune 1000 companies.

TheAIIC is a Louisville-based think tank of IT and advanced technology thought leaders focusing on how AI can propel organizations and our community forward. Specifically, the AIIC willbuild standards and best practices that help drive AI adoption, evolve privacy, data governance and bias, guiding principles and effectively align AI evolution.

On Nov. 22, 2019, the AIIC will host its inaugural event at UofL, with contributions from IT leadership from top local, regional and global companies. The event will feature technology thought leadership activities, such as design thinking sessions, a presentation on the AI landscape and workshops on AI chatbots and image/video detection systems.

In 2020, the AIIC plans to open its InnovaLab, an Innovation Lab that will contain industry-specific incubators to provide a practical platform from which pharmaceutical, oil and gas, financial, healthcare and industrial manufacturing companies can explore and accelerate their AI development.

The AI InnovaLab will provide a grass-roots development environment where consortium participants can leverage the consortium experts, design engineering tools and AI rapid solution delivery platforms to see their AI concepts come to life, said Konrad Konarski, AIIC founding member and co-chair and V-Soft Consulting AI & IoT practice head. These solutions will not only demonstrate AI technology, but will do so with value and specific industries in mind.

Alongside established and recognized Fortune 1000 companies, the students at UofL will also play an important role in supporting research and development work. The universitys Bachelors, Masters and PhD programs will support AIIC efforts ranging from AIIC training and crowdsourcing to next-generation AI research.

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UofL partners with industry experts to launch Artificial Intelligence Innovation Consortium Lane Report | Kentucky Business & Economic News - The...

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Two-thirds of employees would trust a robot boss more than a real one – World Economic Forum

Have you ever commiserated with your colleagues that your boss acts like an automaton?

This soon might be more than just a figure of speech and some employees don't necessarily think that would be a bad thing.

By 2030, up to 800 million workers around the world could be replaced by machines. The fear of rampaging robots isnt just restricted to jobs. Leaders in emerging technology, such as Elon Musk, have suggested artificial intelligence (AI) is a fundamental risk to the existence of civilization.

But a new survey shows some workers have much friendlier views toward AI. Oracle and Future Workplace found 82% of workers believe robot managers are better at certain tasks such as maintaining work schedules and providing unbiased information than their human counterparts.

And almost two-thirds (64%) of workers worldwide say they would trust a robot more than their human manager. In China and India, that figure rises to almost 90%.

Almost two-thirds of workers worldwide trust a robot manager more than a human manager.

Image: Oracle/Future Workplace

The use of robotics in Asia is growing rapidly. Sales of industrial robots in India jumped by 39% in a year, while China is aiming to become one of the worlds most automated nations by 2020.

The implementation of AI technology, including robots, is expected to add as much as $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Automating routine tasks and administration will free employees up to focus on more complex work, while product development will become more agile as machines learn rapidly about what customers want.

The research recognizes that robots can bring complementary skills to the workplace. More than half of those surveyed by Oracle/Future Workplace say they're excited about having robot co-workers. Millennials are particularly enthusiastic.

There is growing enthusiasm for human-robot work partnerships.

Image: International Federation of Robotics

Our workplaces are changing and not necessarily for the worse. A World Economic Forum report on the future of work suggests that while 75 million jobs may be lost to automation by 2022, another 133 million additional new roles will be created.

The World Economic Forum was the first to draw the worlds attention to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the current period of unprecedented change driven by rapid technological advances. Policies, norms and regulations have not been able to keep up with the pace of innovation, creating a growing need to fill this gap.

The Forum established the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network in 2017 to ensure that new and emerging technologies will helpnot harmhumanity in the future. Headquartered in San Francisco, the network launched centres in China, India and Japan in 2018 and is rapidly establishing locally-run Affiliate Centres in many countries around the world.

The global network is working closely with partners from government, business, academia and civil society to co-design and pilot agile frameworks for governing new and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles, blockchain, data policy, digital trade, drones, internet of things (IoT), precision medicine and environmental innovations.

Learn more about the groundbreaking work that the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network is doing to prepare us for the future.

Want to help us shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Contact us to find out how you can become a member or partner.

Those new roles as well as stable occupations such as human resources specialists and university lecturers are likely to play on our creativity and ability to empathize with colleagues.

AI is redefining not only the relationship between worker and manager, but also the role of a manager in an AI-driven workplace, says Dan Schawbel, Research Director at Future Workplace.

Managers will remain relevant in the future if they focus on being human and using their soft skills, while leaving the technical skills and routine tasks to robots.

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Two-thirds of employees would trust a robot boss more than a real one - World Economic Forum

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Will Artificial Intelligence Help Resolve the Food Crisis? – Inter Press Service

Climate Change, Development & Aid, Editors' Choice, Environment, Featured, Food & Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Sustainability, Global, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations

Credit: Food Tank

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 14 2019 (IPS) - When UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a global appeal for zero hunger on World Food Day last month, he provided some grim statistics rich in irony: more than 820 million people do not have enough to eat, he said, while two billion people are overweight or obese.

It is unacceptable that hunger is on the rise at a time when the world wastes more than one billion tonnes of food every year.Still, the United Nations is hoping for the eradication of extreme hunger by 2030 as part of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How realistic is this? And can Artificial Intelligence (AI), touted as the new panacea for some of the worlds ills, help facilitate increased agricultural crops and farm output?

In a New York Times article titled Harvesting Corn, Wheat and a Profit October 13, Tim Gray points out that as the worlds population rises, from the current 7.6 billion to nearly 10 billion in 2050, the United Nations has estimated that 70 percent more food will be needed by then, but it will have to be produced on just five percent of arable land.

But AI, meanwhile, is on the move with farmers operating self-guided tractors guided by GPS navigation systems, drones being used to monitor crops, AI being employed in irrigation and robots likely to take cow hands jobs.

Asked if there is a role for AI in agriculture, Sonja Vermeulen, Director of Programs, CGIAR System Organization, told IPS: Absolutely. CGIARs role in this is creating and scaling up affordable AI and big data solutions so they are relevant and accessible to a wide diversity of farmers regardless of gender, culture, wealth or literacy.

For example, CGIAR (described as a global partnership that unites international organizations engaged in research for a food-secured future and formerly known as the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research ) won former UN secretary-general Ban Ki Moons innovation prize for work using big data to better predict rice harvests from weather patterns so farmers can match planting places and times (and save a lot of money), she said.

Danielle Nierenberg, President, Food Tank, described as a think tank for food, told IPS while AI, Big Data, and other technologies can hold a lot of potential for farmers of all sizes, they are not a silver bullet for solving hunger.

The question we need to ask with all technologies is what problem are they trying to solve and who will they help?

Unfortunately, she said, many high-tech innovations are not helping farmers who need it the mostthe worlds small and medium sized farmers who produce much of the food on the globe.

Those farmers need to be part of the research and development of new technologies so that they actually solve the challenges those farmers face, she added.

And there needs to be an emphasis on combining high and low tech innovations and making sure that farmers indigenous and traditional knowledge is respected, said Nierenberg.

An article titled Artificial Intelligence: What AI Can do for Smallholder Farmers in the Food Tank website, says Imagine one hundred years ago if farmers had access to huge volumes of information about the soil profile of their land, the varieties of crops they were growing, and even the fluctuations of their local climate?. This kind of information could have prevented an environmental crisis like the Dust Bowl of the 1920s in the American Midwest. But even ten years ago, the idea that farmers could have access to this kind of information was unrealistic.

For the team behind the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, farming is the next frontier for using artificial intelligence (AI) to efficiently solve complex problems. The teamwhich includes biologists, agronomists, nutritionists, and policy analysts working with data scientistsis using Big Data tools to create AI systems that can predict the potential outcomes of future scenarios for farmers.

By leveraging massive amounts of data and using innovative computational analysis, the CGIAR Platform is working to help farmers increase their efficiency and reduce the risks that are inherent in farming, according to the article.

Asked for her comments, Ruth Richardson, Executive Director, Global Alliance for the Future of Food, told IPS: When it comes to the future of food in the climate emergency, we need to go beyond just looking to technology as a silver bullet solution. Instead, we need to broaden the discussion to be about wider food system transformation and interrogate whether technology is the end or a means to an end?

After all, she said, some farmers operate using advanced technology but many globally are still reliant on small scale operations and tools. Its important to also note that technology and innovation, more broadly, are important tools to achieve sustainable food systems but technology itself especially the access to it is not neutral.

Richardson pointed out that one of the biggest challenges related to technology is related to governance.

A concentration of power and highly unequal power relations are a deep problem in todays broken food system so we need to ensure that technology and its implementation is managed in a way that promotes equity and environmental sustainability. Any developments need to be assessed holistically with a focus on risks and trade-offs, she declared.

Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director at the San Francisco-based Oakland Institute, told IPS today nearly 800 million people are hungry and this number is expected to grow, despite grand declarations by the governments at UN summits.

But we already produce enough food to feed at least 10 billion people (the current population is around 7.6 billion). It is therefore essential to understand the true causes of hungerwhen there is no shortage of food.

Focus on technology driven industrial agricultural system as a solution to hunger, has created a food system that is upside down and backwards. Denying family farmers their basic rights to land, seeds, markets, and food sovereignty has rendered food producers hungry, argued Mittal.

Take the case of India primarily an agrarian economy with 60% of its population employed in agriculture. India is worlds 14th largest agricultural, fishery, and forestry product exporter in 2018, India accrued a $14.6 billion trade surplus of agricultural, fishery, and forestry goods.

And yet, she pointed out, farmer suicides continue to dominate newspaper headlines nationally while the country is home to the largest number of hungry people in the world. In 2017 Global Hunger Index, India ranked 100 out of 119 ranked countries.

The last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report focused on climate change and land, makes it clear that fixing our food system is imperative. Industrial food production has led to increased greenhouse gas emissions; monopoly of a few corporations over seeds to chemical inputs; monoculture production which threatens biodiversity globally; and more.

This has made our agricultural system both a major driver of climate changeand majorly vulnerable to its effects..

Instead of seeing artificial intelligence as the next silver bullet solution to hunger, we need a food system that respects and protects the intelligence of family farmers, traditional knowledge and agroecological principles of farming, declared Mittal..

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Will Artificial Intelligence Help Resolve the Food Crisis? - Inter Press Service

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Bye-Bye Bitcoin? Why the Altcoin Bottom is In – newsBTC

Throughout 2019, Bitcoin has been mostly bullish, rising as much as 350% from trough to peak, all while the altcoin market has continued to bleed out further.

However, according to one expert crypto analyst, long-term charts are suggesting that the total altcoin market has bottomed. Bitcoin dominance charts also back up the theory, indicating that altcoins will not only soon explode in value, but theyll outperform the leading crypto by market cap in the short term.

At the start of the year, both Bitcoin and altcoins like Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin, appeared to have bottomed out and began a steady ascent higher. But come April 2019, the two crypto asset types diverged, and Bitcoin went on to have a parabolic rally, all while an altcoin apocalypse unfolded across the crypto market.

Related Reading | List of Crypto All-Time High Prices Shows How Far Market Must Recover

The more Bitcoin rose in value, the more altcoin holders many of which are still holding bags that are down as much as 99% from their previous all-time high began selling off alts so they could FOMO buy into Bitcoin and not miss out on what could end up being the greatest bull run in the assets history and possibly even the history of finance.

But even Bitcoins rally topped out, putting the market in a state of confusion. Now that the first-ever cryptocurrency is once again taking a breather, though, it may be the calm before the storm for altcoins that are likely to have finally bottomed, and about to grow substantially in value, outperforming Bitcoin in the very near future.

The idea comes from crypto analyst Crypto Thies, who has shared a chart focusing on the total crypto market cap sans Bitcoin and says that recent Heikin-Ashi candles demonstrate a low-volatility phase near its conclusion.

On the total altcoin market chart, indicators are turning upward, volume is rising, and the most recent green candles, according to the analyst, are like a taut rope before it snaps. When it snaps, fireworks are expected.

The analyst further backs up this theory that the alt bottom is in with a chart depicting Bitcoin dominance. Thies says that BTC dominance is no longer looking as bullish as it once was, and a head and shoulders is forming on the weekly relative strength index.

Related Reading | Published Author and Altcoin Trader Highlights 5 Crypto Set to Outshine Bitcoin

Head and shoulders formations typically represent the early signs of a trend reversal, suggesting that altcoins will soon trend higher and outperform Bitcoin for a sustained period, allowing many of the altcoins still in the gutter to make up for lost ground.

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Crypto Analyst: Ethereum, XRP and Altcoins Poised for Major Rally As Bitcoin (BTC) Dominance Drops – The Daily Hodl

A crypto analyst and self-proclaimed whale whisperer says Ethereum, XRP and the altcoin market at large may be poised for a major rally.

The analyst, who goes by the name Beastlyorion, tells his 57,000 followers on Twitter that Bitcoins dominance of the overall crypto market is testing support at around 66%.

If it breaks, he expects altcoins to rally harder than you ever could have imagined.

Time to pay attention! O_O

Beastlorion (@Beastlyorion) November 13, 2019

Fellow analyst Willy Woo is cautioning his crew of 113,000 followers to watch out for the vast majority of altcoins, which he says lack the liquidity necessary for them to be solid investments.

HODLing altcoins in 2017 use to be speculating on a technological dream while driving a Lambo.

HODLing altcoins in 2019 is like reading through regulatory compliance documents for a large enterprise while checking you have enough change for a bus to get home.

Coinmarketcap lists 4978 coins. Here's the top 50 by volume. Below the top 40 doesn't even register i.e. 4938 coins are illiquid.

Investors want liquidity at entry and liquidity on exit. Very few coins have credible liquidity to be good investments.

Willy Woo (@woonomic) November 13, 2019

Daily analyst Josh Rager tells his 59,000 followers that Bitcoins price remains king.

Alts are directly correlated to Bitcoin.

If the price goes south, diversifying into alts will only make things worse. If you want hedge, learn how to use futures or options to your advantage.

Diversification in crypto is not strategy majority of portfolio should be BTC.

In the short term, analyst Filbfilb tells his collective following of 39,000 on Telegram and on Twitter that he thinks Bitcoin could suffer a further breakdown.

Looks like we need to go lower. Getting signs to flip short but waiting on candle closes.

Right now, Bitcoin is down 1.28% at $8,703, according to CoinMarketCap at time of publishing.

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Crypto Analyst: Ethereum, XRP and Altcoins Poised for Major Rally As Bitcoin (BTC) Dominance Drops - The Daily Hodl

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Proof of Stake Creator: Bitcoin Unlikely to Dominate Altcoins in Long Run – Ethereum World News

At Coin Market Caps The Capital conference in Singapore, a crypto and altcoin pioneer took the stage for the first time. His name is Sunny King, and he is the individual behind the creator of the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism slated to be adopted by Ethereum and other key blockchains in the near future if they havent already that is. The industry pioneer is currently the Chief Architect at V SYSTEMS.

King talked about an array of subjects, but notably, he took some time to break down the whole narrative surrounding Bitcoins dominance in the cryptocurrency market. And somewhat unsurprisingly, he was supportive of altcoins and alternative blockchains, not the Bitcoin maximalists. He said during the interview:

Bitcoin might not be able to dominate like that in the long term. For the thousands or even more other cryptos, dont lose hope yet and take it to Bitcoin. The fact of the matter is that we need more than just currencies, its going to be a whole economy so plenty of space for all kinds of blockchains. For a healthy and prosperous economy, the base currency (BTC in this case) is critical but only a small part of it.

Elaborating on his point, King asserted that it will be hard for Bitcoin to dominate forever, especially due to the challenges that industry leaders in Silicon Valley have faced and will face in the future. For instance, MySpace was once the biggest social media platform, but now, the torch has been handed over to Facebook and Instagram.

The Proof of Stake consensus founder went on to note that the leading cryptocurrency has some risk factors with its design that will need to be addressed within the coming decades, especially when the block rewards pushes down the issuance of BTC to near 0% annually:

We shall see whether or not Bitcoin can sustain a sufficient mining market by collecting transaction fees. But even if it manages that, there are still concerns that 51% attacks might eventually affect the cryptocurrency. [Weve seen 51% attacks affect top-20 cryptocurrency projects this year.] If this type of event happens to Bitcoin eventually, it would not bode well for its long term dominance.

While King thinks other cryptos can stick it to Bitcoin, Ripples chief executive Brad Garlinghouse isnt all too sure. Garlinghouse told Bloomberg earlier this month that he believes that only 1% of all crypto assets are here to stay in the long run (it isnt clear if that includes BTC.)

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Proof of Stake Creator: Bitcoin Unlikely to Dominate Altcoins in Long Run - Ethereum World News

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Cloud Leadership Summit 2019 successfully brings together leaders in the Indian cloud and hosting industry – Web Hosting | Cloud Computing |…

An unparalleled event for the leaders in the cloud and hosting industry in India, Cloud leadership summit 2019 concluded successfully in Goa. The event that took place at Hotel Le Mridien Calangute, Goa, India from 8 to 10 November, brought together CEOs and heads of the leading multinationals in the Indian cloud and hosting industry together in a relaxed setting.

There were the following sessions at the event.

1.Panel Discussion: Future of Web Hosting in 2020 and Beyond

The panelists included Tarun Dua, CEO E2E Networks, Narendra Sen, CEO Rackbank and Samir Jhaveri, CEO XcellHost Cloud.

There was a discussion on the future of web hosting and how web hosting companies have to evolve in order to remain relevant and grow stronger.

There were also discussions on the growth of the Indian datacenter industry and its future. With niche markets still open, what should service providers do to compete with three big public cloud providers? Further, they discussed how to provide services to customers with open source tools.

In this session, the Acronis team told about how the web hosting, data center, and the cloud industry can comply with the data localization laws in India by offering Acronis cloud services to their customers.

The panelists were Munesh Jadoun, CEO ZNet Technologies, Danish Wadhwa, CEO Webdew and Dhanasekar Mani, CEO OVI Hosting.

As web hosting has evolved to cloud hosting, hyperscale and serverless computing so has the marketing techniques for web hosting services. In this session, there was a deep dive into how effective offline and online marketing is, best practices along with recommended tools for improving SEO and company presence across social media platforms. The points that were discussed:

The panelists included Sabarinathan Sampath, COO ZNet Technologies, Ishan Talahati, CEO Leapswitch, and Tarun Dua, CEO E2E Networks.

The discussion was held around how the hosters can automate their hosting business- this covered the tools, resources and best practises of how web hosting companies worldwide are automating the daily tasks for deployment, monitoring and also for support. The points that were discussed included:

The panelists were Arun Bansal, CEO Mantra Tech, Rahul Kukure, CEO Hostin Services and Bharat Bala, ReadyDedis, LLC

Multi-Cloud expertise is essential for the growth of web hosting providers and in this session, there were discussions around the best practices for managing multi-cloud operations, right pricing your services along with client expectations and the skills required for the team to manage multi-cloud hosting services.

In the end, there was a session on digital marketing best practices by Danish Wadhwa, CEO, Webdew.

The attendees were quite elated with the three days sessions where they got to expand their knowledge realm and find solutions to their business problems.

Team DHN is looking ahead to cover Cloud Leadership Summit 2020!

Suggested Reading: Plesk APAC Partner Day 2019 brought together leaders in hosting and the cloud industry

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Cloud Leadership Summit 2019 successfully brings together leaders in the Indian cloud and hosting industry - Web Hosting | Cloud Computing |...

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IBM and Bank of America Collaborating to Build a Fintech Public Cloud – Data Center Knowledge

IBM seems to be playing to its strong suit with the announcementthat it has been collaborating with Bank of America to create a cloud dedicated to meeting the special needs of financial services institutions and their suppliers. According to Big Blue, the "financial services-ready" public cloud, which it says is the first of its kind, has been designed to help address the requirements of financial services institutions for regulatory compliance, security, and resiliency.

Although IBM's cloud seems to be stuck in a third-place tie with Google for market share, its position is buoyed by the fact it doesn't compete directly with the much larger full-service market leaders --Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure --but has been concentrating on AI, with Watson, and the burgeoning hybrid and multi-cloud market.

Related: Bank of Americas Cloud Expansion Could Save a Ton of Money, CEO Says

In the later arena, it not only brings decades of experience to the table, bolstered by its recent acquisition of open source cloud leader Red Hat, but a loyal customer base of enterprise customers, many of whomhave not yet embraced the cloud native technologies that are now considered essential for successful business operations.

The new fintech-focused cloud will operate as part of IBM's existing public cloudand appears to follow the company's inclination to stay in familiar territory. IBM can draw on its experience working with major financial institutions (by its estimation it counts 47 Fortune 50 companies as well as the world's 10 largest financial institutions as customers), and can enlist aid and advice from financial sector customers who stand to benefit from a fintech cloud, as the collaboration with Bank of America indicates.

"This is one of the most important collaborations in the financial services industry cloud space," Bank of America's chief operations and technology officer, Cathy Bessant, said in a statement. "This industry-first platform will allow Bank of America to use the public cloud, putting data security, resiliency, privacy, and customer information safety needs at the forefront of decision making. By setting a standard that addresses the concern of hosting highly confidential information, we aim to drive the public cloud to a safety level that is unmatched."

IBM says that Promontory Financial Group, thefinancial consulting firm it acquired in 2016--the New York Times called it "one of the top financial consulting firms to emerge after the global financial crisis of 2008" -- is involved in the project,as is Red Hat, which supplies OpenShift as IBMpublic cloud's primary Kubernetes environment.IBM indicated that OpenShiftwill be harnessed in the financial cloud.

According to IBM, the controls the financial services cloud will put in place will free independent software vendors and Software-as-a-Service providers to focus on their core offerings, adding that ISV or SaaS providers will have to demonstrate compliance with the platform's policies.

"The financial services-ready public cloud represents an ongoing focus from Bank of America, IBM, and Promontory to help develop a technology ecosystem where regulations can be addressed," Bridget van Kralingen, IBM's senior VP of global industries, clients, platforms, said in a statement. "Together we plan to help our customers address their ongoing compliance requirements, coupled with highly scalable, standardized capabilities that will be built to help serve today's modern financial services industry."

IBM and Bank of America Collaborating to Build a Fintech Public Cloud - Data Center Knowledge

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Routed will host Xalam Analytics at cloud workshops in November –

As part of an effort to discuss, dispel myths and predict the journey of cloud in Africa, Routed is hosting workshops throughout November as part of its Hype series.

The workshops will be hosted by Teraco and will take place in both Johannesburg and Cape Town. The workshops will play host to principal analyst at Xalam Analytics, Guy Zibi.

While a number of sectors have embraced cloud solutions, there are many more which havent. Despite this Zibi says that eventually the cloud will touch all sectors.

While some sectors such as financial services are leading the way, the pressures around optimising IT infrastructures and better leveraging troves of data assets are increasingly applying to broader swathes of the economy. In time, the cloud will touch all sectors of the economy, says Zibi.

Throughout the workshops Zibi will also discuss what is holding African businesses back when it comes to transitioning to the cloud.

In particular, we will look at why the phases of migration towards more elaborate adoption will differ from what weve seen in other developed and developing markets, and why 2020 will be pivotal for deeper adoption, Zibi adds.

For more information about the Hype series contact Routed on 065 979 1617.

We view our role within the cloud sector as an important one. There are so many aspects at play, enterprise businesses need professional and knowledgeable advice when looking to develop and implement a cloud strategy. There is a concerning lack of skills within the channel, leaving little room for movement. As a neutral provider, we hope to assist the channel to develop the skills required, while assisting the enterprise sector to successfully implement cloud strategies, managing director at Routed, Andrew Cruise, said.

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Routed will host Xalam Analytics at cloud workshops in November -

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