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FBI Recruits Interpol to Condemn End-to-End Encryption – WebProNews

Attorney General William Barr and his Australian and British counterparts made headlines recently when they wrote an open letter urging Facebook to create backdoors in its encryption. Not content with open letters, the FBI has drafted a resolution for Interpol to release urging companies to create methods that would allow access to encrypted data.

Sources told Reuters the resolution would be released without a formal vote by representatives of the roughly 60 countries in attendance. A draft of the resolution seen by Reuters uses the threat of child exploitation as the reason behind the need for weakened encryption.

Service providers, application developers and device manufacturers are developing and deploying products and services with encryption which effectively conceals sexual exploitation of children occurring on their platforms.

Tech companies should include mechanisms in the design of their encrypted products and services whereby governments, acting with appropriate legal authority, can obtain access to data in a readable and useable format.

According to Nicole Perloth at the New York Times, however Interpol is denying the resolution was ever considered:

There is no doubt the resolution was drafted, with both Reuters and Ars Technica having seen a copy of it. The only question is whether Reuters sources about Interpols intentions were incorrect, or whether Interpol is attempting to backpedal after the news broke.

Either way, its another disturbing escalation of attempts to weaken end-to-end encryption. The draft resolution itself is misleading in nature. Ars reports the resolution claims technologists agree that creating systems that [allow] for lawful access to data, while maintaining customer privacycan be implemented in a way that would enhance privacy while maintaining strong cyber security.

In point of fact, nothing could be further from the truth. As previously highlighted, mathematicians, cryptologist and privacy experts all agree there is no silver bullet. It is simple maththere is no way for encryption to be strong and protect its users, while simultaneously having backdoors or other means for companies or governments to access the encrypted data.

If Interpol could be persuaded to condemn strong encryption, it would make it easier for countries around the world to pass laws requiring companies to create backdoors. Such a result would be disastrous for journalists, whistleblowers, political dissidents, refugees and anyone else who values their privacy.

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FBI Recruits Interpol to Condemn End-to-End Encryption - WebProNews

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Is encryption to blame for WhatsApp snooping? – Livemint

NEW DELHI :If we blame end-to-end encryption of WhatsApp for the Israeli spyware Pegasus that affected 1,400 select users of the Facebook-owned messaging app globally, including 121 in India, we will be barking up the wrong tree, say experts.

WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption by default, which means only the sender and recipient can view the messages. But the piece of NSO Group software exploited WhatsApp's video calling system by installing the spyware via missed calls to snoop on the selected users.

This raised questions about the utility of encryption, which also prohibits security agencies from tracing the origin of messages. Traceability of WhatsApp messages is a key demand that India has put forward.

But security experts have warned that blaming end-to-end encryption for the spyware would not be right.

"WhatsApp as well as other leading instant messaging apps have recently adopted an end-to-end encryption. The encryption process itself is solid, messages that leave your device are encrypted and they stay that way until they reach their final destination," Yaniv Balmas, Head of Cyber Research, Check Point Software Technologies, told IANS.

"However, on your device, as well as on the receiving device the messages are decrypted so you can read them. A malicious application running on your device can inspect them, change or delete them just as well as you could. So the issue here is not in the applications or in their encryption protocol, but in the environment they are installed in," Balmas said.

According to leading tech policy and media consultant Prasanto K. Roy, end-to-end encrypted apps (E2EE) do provide security, and messages or calls cannot be intercepted and decrypted en route without enormous computing resources.

"But once anyone can get to your handset, whether a human or a piece of software, the encryption doesn't matter any more. Because on your handset, it's all decrypted," he explained.

"There's plain text on your screen, and plain audio or video in your camera. The right kind of spyware in your handset can read those messages or even listen in on your phone's mic to what someone is saying in the room, or see what's happening around, with the camera.

"If that happens then all apps are affected, not just WhatsApp. The spyware doesn't care about the app -- it just reads the screen. So, the recent incident has not changed the fact that E2EE apps/platforms are secure. Or the fact that spyware on your handset (which has many vectors: this time it was WhatsApp, but it is usually SMS or email) can compromise your entire handset and all its apps," Roy said.

In his memoir "Permanent Record", whistleblower Edward Snowden wrote that the Internet is currently more secure now than it was in 2013, especially given the sudden global recognition of the need for encrypted tools and apps.

Snowden, who served as an officer of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and worked as a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), rocked the world in 2013 after he revealed that the US was secretly building a way to collect the data of every person in the world, including phone calls, text messages and email.

"Perhaps the most important private sector change occurred when businesses throughout the world set about switching their website platforms, replacing http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) with the encrypted https (the S signifies security), which helps prevent third party interception of Web traffic," Snowden wrote.

Balmas agreed the move to embrace encryption by chat applications marked a "good progress" in terms of user security and privacy.

"The encryption is solid and the algorithms behave as expected, however risks are still there, especially ones that originate from the surrounding operating system, which cannot be controlled or expected by any of the instant messaging software providers," he said.

This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.

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Is encryption to blame for WhatsApp snooping? - Livemint

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BEST PRACTICES: Resurgence of encrypted thumb drives shows value of offline backups in the field – Security Boulevard

Encrypted flash drives, essentially secure storage on a stick, are a proven technology that has been readily available for at least 15 years. A few years back, it seemed like they would fade into obsolescence, swept aside by the wave of streaming services and cloud storage.

Related: Can Europes GDPR restore data privacy?

And yet today there is a resurgence in demand for encrypted flash drives. Whats happened is this: Digital transformation has raced forward promoting high-velocity software innovation, with only a nod to security. This trend has opened up vast new tiers of attack vectors and threat actors are taking full advantage.

Security-conscious companies the ones who are proactively responding, not just to threat actors having a field day, but also to the specter of paying steep fines for violating todays stricter data privacy regulations are paying much closer attention to sensitive data circulating out in the field, as well they should.

Highly secure portable drives make perfect sense in numerous work scenarios; encrypted flash drives, specifically, are part of a global hardware encryption market on track to climb to $296.4 billion by 2020, up 55% as compared to 2015, according to Allied Market Research.

Fateful elevator pitch

One of the vendors I always enjoy speaking with in this space is DataLocker. Co-founder Jay Kim was running a family steel fabrication business when he took a trip to South Korea in the fall of 2007. He was meeting a friend, who introduced him to another friend in an elevator, no less.

Turns out that friend of a friend had an invention that tickled Kims entrepreneurial instincts. Knowing nothing about cybersecurity at the time, Kim became persuaded that the inventor was on to something. So he wound down his other business pursuits and within a few months pushed ahead with the boot-strapped launch of DataLocker.

Today the company operates out of spacious quarters, with room to grow, in Overland Park, Kansas; it has 50 employees and continues to innovate to meet what has turned out to be an enduring demand for secure portable storage devices. DataLocker supplies platform-independent devices that tie into a central management console. This gives the user the ability to inventory and audit portable storage devices being used out in the field.

I met with Kim at BlackHat 2019 and had a wide ranging discussion with him. For a full drill down, give a listen to the accompanying podcast. Here are excerpts edited for clarity and length:

LW: Why are secure thumb drives still in demand?

Kim: Because of the active threats were seeing today there has been kind of a moving back towards hardware based, cold storage, basically off-line storage. So were finding a lot of organizations now are reincorporating encrypted storage devices into their arsenal of data security tools.

LW: Threats are still out there, essentially.

Kim: Yes, companies want assurance that they have an offline backup, yet they also want to be able to monitor what people are doing with those backups, as well. For instance, with ransomware, one of the best protections is to have a physical offline backup. So were finding a lot of companies going old school and choosing not to put data onto their server, but put it onto actual secure devices, and keeping those offline.

LW: What other kinds of usage patterns are becoming common?

Kim: Weve seen a complete evolution in use cases. When we started off, the primary use case for encrypted hard drives and flash drives was for transport and for backup, as well. Now were finding more companies using them for primary storage, basically having data thats hardware encrypted that they use on a daily basis.

And then theres mobility, because despite the increases in network speeds and wireless speeds, the transfer rates for the volumes of data theyre being transferred and stored these days makes it really impractical to use cloud storage. In many cases youre talking about multiple terabytes of data that need to be transferred from point A to point B.

A lot of organizations find that one of the easiest things to do is to put it on secured hardware, drop in FedEx, and send it off to their lab or wherever it may be. And then when its received, grant them the authorization to access the device.

LW: Sort of like an evidence chain?

Kim: Yes, a chain of custody. Thats one of the main use cases. With our management service, you can track where and when each device is accessed, who accessed it and what data was put onto it. And at the end of the day, if you want to, you can even remotely wipe the device.

LW: Even in our paperless society, actual documents are still important.

Kim: Its forensics evidence. A lot of companies will actually take a take a snapshot, an image, put it on one of our devices and just put it in a safe, literally a physical safe, and use that as evidence. Because with our tracking capability, we can ensure that the data thats stored on the device hasnt been touched since it was put into storage. So they have that whole chain of custody in place for that image; and in todays regulatory world, thats very important.

LW: Right, with Europes GDPR and states like New York and California imposing penalties for violating data privacy rules, thats gotten peoples attention.

Kim: What were finding is the biggest need for many end users is not really the encryption itself, but to be able to prove that their data has been encrypted. We give them that ability to create that audit trail to prove that, Hey, this device was fully encrypted to meet the regulatory standards. Basically its evidence for the organization in case of anything that happens down the road.

LW: Whats new with DataLocker?

Kim: So we started off with encrypted storage devices and weve evolved. Weve just launched a data loss prevention product, called PortBlocker, which locks down USB ports. Our little twist is you can lock down your ports, but you also have the ability to audit those ports and see whats going, with a really crystal clear view of USB storage device usage within your organization.

Weve also re-launched a really cool product called SafeCrypt. Weve created a virtual drive, which functions the exact same way as our encrypted hardware devices. It lets you choose where you want to store your data in encrypted form. It can be in a service like Dropbox or Google Drive or it could even be a local folder or local drive. It creates a drive letter on your desktop where you authenticate, then read or write to that drive letter, and thats it. As soon as it hits that drive to letter, its encrypted.

LW: Do you still imagine theres going to be ongoing demand for portable hardware devices, going forward?

Kim: We do not foresee secure hardware storage devices going away anytime soon. There are billions and billions of USB storage devices out there and the proportion of hardware storage devices that are encrypted keeps increasing.


Pulitzer Prize-winning business journalist Byron V. Acohido is dedicated to fostering public awareness about how to make the Internet as private and secure as it ought to be.

Recent Articles By Author

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The Last Watchdog authored by bacohido. Read the original post at:

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BEST PRACTICES: Resurgence of encrypted thumb drives shows value of offline backups in the field - Security Boulevard

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Astonishing Growth in Global encryption software market size was valued at USD 2.98 billion in 2018. It is projected to post a CAGR of 16.8% from 2019…

Encryption software encrypts, and decrypts data stored in the files/folders, hard drives, removable media as well as the data travelling over the internet network through emails. All the encryption software use an algorithm to convert the data into a meaningless cipher text or encrypted text, which can only be converted to meaningful text using key; symmetric key (single key), or asymmetric key (pair of keys). Enterprises use encryption tools to ensure the security of their sensitive data even in the event of a breach.

Encryption software market covers the different types of softwarebased encryption technologies used for protecting the data stored in any computing device (data-at-rest) and the data that is being transmitted over IP (data-in-transit). The report also focuses on the growth prospects, restraints, and encryption software market trends. It is a key driver of the growth of the Encryption Software Market as the number and complexity of data breaches increase and compliance increases. The adoption of new technologies such as mobility, cloud and virtualization has also been the driving force of market growth. Demand for cloud data encryption is also expected to provide significant opportunities for this market.

The evolution of mobile technology and the proliferation of smartphones are some of the fundamental factors driving the growth of the Global Encryption software Market. With the increasing use of mobile devices in many enterprises, the risk of data loss, which encryption software has become essential for secure data transmission, has increased. The deployment of cryptographic software has also improved as the need to protect sensitive data as organizations move rapidly into cloud computing.

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Some of the players operating in theEncryption Software Marketare ACI Worldwide, Inc., BAE Systems, Cyxtera Technologies, Inc., Dell Inc., Distil, Inc., DXC Technology, Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), First Data Corporation, FIS, Fiserv, Inc., FRISS , Guardian Analytics, IBM Corporation, iovation Inc., Kount Inc., LexisNexis, MaxMind, Inc., NICE, Oracle, SAP SE, SAS Institute Inc., Securonix, Inc., SIMILITY , Software AG, ThreatMetrix and Wirecard AG amongst others.

This report provides insights into the various factors that encourage and curb the global encryption software market for cryptographic software. Use industry-leading analytical tools to analyze factors that affect the growth trajectory of the market during the forecast period. The report also examines the impact of the dominant competitive environment and government policy. To provide a comprehensive overview of the competitive landscape of the global cryptographic software market, this report introduces some of the key players operating within it.

This report provides cryptographic software market forecasts for the period from 2017 to 2022. This study helps to understand the impact of various factors, including vendor bargaining power, competitor competitiveness, new entry threats, and threats to threats. Buyer bargaining power, market for bargaining power for growth of encryption software market.

The report provides a full analysis of parent market trends, macroeconomic indicators and governance factors along with market attractiveness per segment. The report also maps the qualitative impacts of various market factors on market sector and geographic impact.

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Astonishing Growth in Global encryption software market size was valued at USD 2.98 billion in 2018. It is projected to post a CAGR of 16.8% from 2019...

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Encryption Software Market Overview, Latest Analysis and Future Forecast 2019 2025 – Markets Gazette 24

The latest report up for sale by Verified Market Research deMG24strates that the global Encryption Software Market is likely to garner a great pace in the coming years. Analysts have scrutinized the market drivers, confinements, risks, and openings present in the overall market. The report shows course the market is expected to take in the coming years along with its estimations. The careful examination is aimed at understanding of the course of the market.

The global Encryption Software Market is segmented on the basis of technology, products, services, and applications. The segmentation is intended to give the readers a detailed understanding of the global market and the essential factors comprising it. This allows giving a better description of the drivers, restraints, threats, and opportunities. It also notes down socio-economic factors that are impacting the trajectory of the global Encryption Software Market .

Global Encryption Software Market was valued at USD 3.32 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 30.54 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 27.96% from 2017 to 2025.

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Thales E-Security



IBM Corporation






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In the report, the market outlook section mainly encompasses the fundamental dynamics of the market which include drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges faced by the industry. Drivers and restraints are intrinsic factors whereas opportunities and challenges are extrinsic factors of the market. Verified Market Research narrows down the available data using primary sources to validate the data and use it in compiling a full-fledged market research study. The report contains a quantitative and qualitative estimation of market elements that interests the client. The Global Encryption Software Market is mainly bifurcated into sub-segments which can provide classified data regarding the latest trends in the market. Verified Market Research narrows down the available data using primary sources to validate the data and use it in compiling a full-fledged market research study. The report contains a quantitative and qualitative estimation of market elements that interests the client. The The Encryption Software Market is mainly bifurcated into sub-segments which can provide a classified data regarding the latest trends in the market.

Segment Analysis of theEncryption Software Market :

The segment analysis of the market includes the major two segments as type and application, and end user. Such a segmentation enables a granular view of the market that is imperative to understand the finer nuances.

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The chapter on regional segmentation details the regional aspects of the global Encryption Software Market . This chapter explains the regulatory framework that is likely to impact the overall market. It highlights the political scenario in the market and the anticipates its influence on the global Encryption Software Market .

Global Encryption Software Market Geographic Scope:

North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexico Europeo Germanyo UKo Franceo Rest of Europe Asia Pacifico Chinao Japano Indiao Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of the Worldo Latin Americao Middle East and Africa

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Encryption Software Market Overview, Latest Analysis and Future Forecast 2019 2025 - Markets Gazette 24

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With end-to-end encryption, we wouldn’t be able to listen in even if we wanted to, says Facebook’s Stan Chudnovsky – Mumbrella Asia

A recent study from Facebook and BCG said that awareness of conversational commerce is highest across Southeast Asia at 72% and that 94% of those surveyed plan to maintain or increase their spending. When did conversational commerce become a priority for Facebook Messenger?

When we started to see that people are finding ways to talk to businesses and vice versa on Messenger.

We had anticipated it would happen, but just didnt know when. Businesses invariably follow people whenever theres a shift to new media. It happened with messaging pretty much like it happened before with phones, radios or email.

Once we realised that people were cracking this, we thought of giving them the tools to do it better because if they can do it well, they will do more of it.

And so we introduced Click to Message ads that open out as a thread. That became one of the fastest growing ad product for us. To a large extent, it is happening in the Asia-Pacific region.

Considering how Messenger has developed and evolved: did it have more to do with sticking with a long term plan or being very adaptable?

It was probably a bit of both. We set up a few core principles and focused on them unless there was new information that presented itself. But on the peripheries, we tried to be nimble.

The main thesis for Messenger was that people want to communicate more privately and spend greater amounts of time in messaging apps.

And that they want to do more than just messaging in these apps. We stayed the course there and built features that allowed for that to happen. But there were other examples where we tried to learn quickly.

For instance, some of the things that people did when it came to messaging businesses we didnt know that would happen.

But once you give people the ability to communicate with businesses, you start to learn from those interactions in Singapore, Vietnam and other places in Asia. We have learnt from use cases that people have created which dont exist elsewhere. And then we try to turn those into products.

We focus on what people want to do and believe the rest will follow.

Is something like WeChat which had its origins in messaging but is now styling itself as a super app something that you would like Messenger to become?

We believe that there are many more things that you can build on top of messaging. I cant say we want to be everything and like WeChat, but I do want to say that a bunch of use cases that it has tackled are the use cases that we would want our people to tackle on Messenger as well.

Of the different sort of advertising options that exist for marketers within Messenger from bots to running ads within the messenger inbox what has got the most traction?

From the standpoint of ads, Click to Message has been doing amazingly well.

When it comes down to tools, the simple ones are the best liked. For instance, click replies when you can set up automated replies.

The ability to switch from automated conversation to actual conversation that transition to a human being who can receive your payment, or close a deal.

Different insurance and auto firms use it very well for lead generation. You see a car, watch the video and with a couple of clicks, set up an appointment for a test drive. It works for you, the dealership and the manufacturer.

Its the same with insurance quotes. Our platform has been able to deliver on that quite well.

One of the simple solutions I find very compelling are business oriented stickers that could say things like no discounts; or I dont want to negotiate. They communicate what needs to be said so much faster because you just tap on it. Those are the solutions that I find compelling and they can drive a lot of upside for advertisers.

There are persistent stories and lots of anecdotal evidence about ads being served up on Facebook based on conversations people have been having leading to the feeling among lots of people that Facebook is listening in. Considering Messenger chats are typically a lot more personal, dont you think the suspicion is going to be far greater? How do you draw the line between relevant and contextual, to something where people are conscious rightly or wrongly of a violation of privacy?

That is one of the reasons we want to be end-to-end encrypted. Then, we wouldnt have the ability to do that even if we wanted to.

Right now, we are saying no we are not doing it. But we want to get to the stage where we can say: We couldnt even if we wanted to and heres why. And we can show that to anyone who has any questions, because of the way we have architected ourselves.

Its been a rough two or more years for Facebook. What sort of an impact does the conversation and criticism around the brand have on the people working within? Is this an issue you have to contend with as the leader of a product?

It is something we constantly need to talk about since Facebook has an open culture. And so criticism from outside or raising concerns, affects everyone who works in the company. We constantly sit down and have these conversations.

People ask how do we address those concerns? We have been very open and public about how we are thinking about these critiques. We are addressing some of it because it is valid; others we are disagreeing with and pushing back on.

We are having conversations on this both internally and externally. Our key is to have the exact same conversation externally as we do internally. I think weve been doing a better job on that.

You were an entrepreneur who has been a part of a string of successful startups social networking site Tickle that was acquired by Monster, Goodreads, Iron Pearl that was acquired by PayPal. How did you come to join Facebook? Were there any other options you were evaluating at the time?

You are right in the sense that people usually dont do a bunch of successful startups and end up in big companies its generally the other way round.

I wouldnt have gone to any company other than Facebook. It was either Facebook or not working for a while or working with my friends or some investing vehicle and things in that space. It was very special in the sense that I was interested in working on networks that affect businesses.

In addition, it was obvious to me even six or seven years ago that messaging is where the whole world was headed. Messaging being a fundamental human need is something that I had been thinking about for a while, and so when the opportunity presented itself to work on the next frontier of a company that Id admired from a distance, it was difficult to say no.

Considering you moved from the Soviet Union, how did advertising in the United States strike you?

We didnt have much advertising in the Soviet Union. When I arrived in 1994, it was a whole new world for me that I didnt understand very well.

Over time, you learn and the most simple things end up working. It is just very straightforward: explaining the different upsides and downsides of different things.

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With end-to-end encryption, we wouldn't be able to listen in even if we wanted to, says Facebook's Stan Chudnovsky - Mumbrella Asia

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Microsoft Jumps on the DoH Train Company to Introduce Encrypted DNS – Computer Business Review

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Providing encrypted DNS support without breaking existing Windows device admin configuration wont be easy

Microsoft is set to start offering encrypted DNS resolution services (DNS-over-HTTPS, or DoH) joining Cloudflare and Google in introducing the service, which has drawn public policy maker ire for obfuscating/securing end-user traffic.

DoH encrypts DNS traffic and requires authentication of the server. As the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) notes, this mitigates both passive surveillance and active attacks that attempt to divert DNS traffic to rogue servers.

We are making plans to adopt DNS over HTTPS (or DoH) in the Windows DNS client, Microsoft said on Sunday. As a platform, Windows Core Networking seeks to enable users to use whatever protocols they need, so were open to having other options such as DNS over TLS (DoT) in the future. For now, were prioritizing DoH support as the most likely to provide immediate value to everyone.

The company did not specify when the service will be available.

We believe Windows adoption of encrypted DNS will help make the overall Internet ecosystem healthier, the company added in a networking blog.

The move comes six months after the Sunday Times reported that British government figures were in crisis talks over plans for the broad rollout of the technology by the leading DNS resolution service providers, which problematises the bulk surveillance allowed by the 2016 Snoopers Charter, or Investigatory Powers Act, which requires ISPs to store their customers internet activity for 12 months.

Mozilla said in September that its Firefox browser would start defaulting to Cloudflares DoH service, although initially just in a small-scale pilot.

Currently, even if users are visiting a site using HTTPS, their DNS query is sent over an unencrypted connection: anyone listening to packets on the network knows which website an internet user is attempting visit.

In the UK, this includes all internet service providers (ISPs).

Microsoft said: Well start with a simple change: use DoH for DNS servers Windows is already configured to use. There are now several public DNS servers that support DoH, and if a Windows user or device admin configures one of them today, Windows will just use classic DNS (without encryption) to that server.

However, since these servers and their DoH configurations are well known, Windows can automatically upgrade to DoH while using the same server the companys Tommy Jensen, Ivan Pashov, and Gabriel Montenegro said in a blog.

Microsoft will not be making any changes to which DNS server Windows was configured to use by the user or network they added.

Paul Gagliardi, Director of Threat Intelligence at SecurityScorecard told Computer Business Review in an earlier comment in response to Mozillas move: On one hand I dont want ISPs selling my internet behavior or censoring it, on the other it is currently hard to implement basic censoring. Ultimately, content (DNS in this case) cannot be secured/monitored without having the ability to observe it.

Just as companies/organizations inspect their HTTPS traffic, the same needs to happen with encrypted DNS/DoH. Decrypting DoH would be the exact same mechanism as observing HTTPS traffic, using a Man in the Middle proxy to decrypt traffic on the fly and implement security mechanisms. There are no shortage of commercial solutions for this, however, things get more complicated in BYOD environments.

He added: DoH forces the privacy vs security defense debate to be more localized. A company or organization can balance those decisions in their network differently than a private individual. Unfortunately for those organizations/companies, the ability to censor traffic is now more technical and requires more investment on their part. In short I think well see more HTTPS MiTM and prohibition of BYoD.

Microsofts networking team noted: Providing encrypted DNS support without breaking existing Windows device admin configuration wont be easy.

However, at Microsoft we believe that we have to treat privacy as a human right. We have to have end-to-end cybersecurity built into technology.

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Microsoft Jumps on the DoH Train Company to Introduce Encrypted DNS - Computer Business Review

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Global Mobile Encryption Technology Market 2018 Manufacturers, Types and Application, Analysis History and Forecast 2025 – Galus Australis

Innovate Insights unravels its new study titled Mobile Encryption Technology Market Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2017-2023). Effective exploratory techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis have been used to discover accurate data.

The Mobile Encryption Technology Market was estimated to be worth USD XXX billion in 2017 and is projected to reach USD XXX billion by the end of 2023, growing at a CAGR of XX% over the forecast period of 2018-2023. The Mobile Encryption Technology industry is highly competitive, due to a large degree of fragmentation in the market. Despite the fragmentation, the market is largely tied by the regulatory requirements for establishment and operation.

The scope of the report is limited to the application of the type, and distribution channel. The regions considered in the scope of the report include North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World. This report presents the worldwide Mobile Encryption Technology market size (value, production and consumption), splits the breakdown (data status 20142019 and forecast to 2025), by manufacturers, region, type and application.

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The major manufacturers covered in this report: McAfee(Intel Corporation), Blackberry, T-Systems International, ESET, Sophos, Symantec Corp, Check Point Software Technologies, Dell, IBM, Mobileiron, BeiJing Zhiyou Wangan Tech. Co. Ltd, CSG,Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Proofpoint, Silent Circle, Adeya SA

The prime objective of this Mobile Encryption Technology research report is to define the size of the different segments and the geographies as well as to forecast the trends that are likely to gain traction in the following couple of years.

Regional Analysis in the Mobile Encryption Technology Market

The biggest demand for Mobile Encryption Technology from North America, Europe, and countries, like China. Asia-Pacific is home to the worlds fastest-growing market for Mobile Encryption Technology, which is reflected in the size of its industry and the rapid rate of expansion in output over recent years. Currently, different companies are aiming to produce Mobile Encryption Technology in many other countries, with current and new areas and projects that are undergoing continuous exploration and feasibility tests.

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Market segment by Type, can be split into: Disk Encryption, File/Folder Encryption, Communication Encryption, Cloud Encryption, Other

Market segment by Application, can be split into: BFSI, Healthcare & Retail, Government and Public Sector, Telecommunications and IT, Other

The Mobile Encryption Technology report highlights the most recent market trends. Mobile Encryption Technology report unveils vulnerabilities that may emerge because of changes in business activities or presentation of another item in the market. It is designed in such a way that it provides an evident understanding of industry. This Mobile Encryption Technology market report is generated with the combination of best industry insight, practical solutions, talent solutions and latest technology. It explains investigation of the existing scenario of the global market, which takes into account several market dynamics. Mobile Encryption Technology report also perceives the different drivers and limitations affecting the market amid the estimate time frame.

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For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2018 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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Global Mobile Encryption Technology Market 2018 Manufacturers, Types and Application, Analysis History and Forecast 2025 - Galus Australis

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Hardware Encryption Market Growth Forecast Analysis by Top Manufacturers, Regions, Product Types and Application (2019 – 2026) – News Obtain

The Hardware Encryption Market report study gives comprehensive knowledge and valuable insights into the current market prospect and emerging growth scenarios. The report on the Hardware Encryption market also emphasizes on market players as well as the new entrants in the market landscape. In short, this report comprises of all the necessary details of the global Hardware Encryption markets such as value/volume data, marketing strategies, and expert views.

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About Hardware Encryption Market

Hardware Encryption Marketwas valued at $52.45 billion in 2016, and is projected to reach $1,085 billion by 2024, having a CAGR of 46.3% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2024. The technology which encrypts the data stored in a hard drive using appropriate and specific mathematical functions is called as hardware encryption. Hardware encryption restricts the unauthorized entities from accessing the important data. The hardware encryption market is majorly driven by reduced cost of encryption and increasing complexity & volume of data breaches.

The global Hardware Encryption market report offers an overall outlook of the market in a systemic pattern after a thorough evaluation of the growth drivers, restrictive factors, and future scope. The estimates for all segments including component, technology, type, application, services, and end-user industries have been provided on a regional basis for the forecast period 2019 2026. Further, a list of key players along with their detailed business strategies can also be witnessed in the comprehensive report.

Market Segmentation

On the basis of types, the global Hardware Encryption market is primarily split into

By UsageStorage DeviceNetwork

Based on application, the global Hardware Encryption market is primarily split into

Healthcare SectorMilitary & AerospaceAutomotive & TransportationBFSIIT & TelecomOthers (Retail, Education, Individual User)

The report provides market size with 2018 as the base year in consideration and a yearly forecast until 2026 in terms of Revenue (USD Million). Our analysts have implemented a mix of top-down and bottom-up approaches for market sizing, analyzing the key regional markets, dynamics, and trends for various types and applications.

Competitive Landscape

Key players profiled in the report include:

Certes Networks Inc.IBM CorporationImation Corp.Kingston Technology Corporation Inc.Maxim Integrated Products Inc.Micron Technology Inc.NetApp Inc.Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.SanDisk CorporationSeagate Technology LLCToshiba Corporation

The prominent players operating in the market are profiled based on price, quality, brand, product differentiation, and product portfolio. They are extremely focusing on innovation in production technologies to enhance the efficiency and shelf life of the product and services.

The content of the study subjects includes a total of 8 chapters:

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Hardware Encryption Market Growth Forecast Analysis by Top Manufacturers, Regions, Product Types and Application (2019 - 2026) - News Obtain

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Parents of Beatriz Farmer-Maia raise over 30000 to fund her treatment to beat childhood cancer – Islington Gazette

PUBLISHED: 10:02 19 November 2019 | UPDATED: 10:28 19 November 2019

Emma Bartholomew

Beatriz Farmer-Maia whose family are fund raising for her cancer treatment.

Laura Farmer Maia

Parents of a toddler diagnosed with an aggressive childhood cancer are crowd funding to raise money for her treatment, and have already hit the 30,000 mark.

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Beatriz Farmer-Maia was just two-years-old when doctors found out last year that she had high-risk neuroblastoma, with a 40 to 50 per cent chance of long-term survival.

Neuroblastoma (NB) is a type of childhood cancer that forms in certain types of nerve tissue.

When it is classified in the high-risk category it means the tumour cells have already spread to other sites in the body.

Doctors initially thought Beatriz, or Bibi, had a recurring virus when she had a fever that lasted for four weeks - but then she refused to walk because her legs hurt. After weeks of trips to the doctors and A&E, her parents were sat down in a room at Archway's Whittington Hospital and given the news that would turn their lives upside down. Bibi had a lump that doctors suspected was childhood cancer.

Intensive chemotherapy began at Great Ormond Street Hospital the next day. Since then Beatriz has been in hospital for nearly half the past year, spending both her birthday and Christmas there.

Beatriz's family are now raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for further treatment through the specialist neuroblastoma charity Solving Kids' Cancer. The goal is to either get Bibi into remission or to keep the cancer away if treatment does go to plan.

"Having Solving Kids' Cancer to help us is comforting," said Bibi's mother Laura.

"They are an amazing charity who help families throughout treatment and beyond, and endlessly push for more research into this disease. Any money we don't use will be used for research - to help other children. And that's important to us."

She continued: "Bibi is weird, wonderful and amazing - she wants to be the tooth fairy when she grows up. And she is genuinely one of the funniest people we know."

Beatriz is currently enrolled in a six-month clinical trial at GOSH, as she has relapsed neuroblastoma.

The trial, jointly funded by Solving Kids' Cancer and Imagine for Margo, is the first study in Europe to combine chemotherapy with anti-GD2 antibody therapy.

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Parents of Beatriz Farmer-Maia raise over 30000 to fund her treatment to beat childhood cancer - Islington Gazette

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